2021-2022学年高中英语新北师大版必修第三Unit7 Review 教案(1)
展开UNIT-7 Art
Lesson-4 Review教学设计
本节课是高中英语第三册Unit 7 Art的第四课,课型是复习课,包括了写作、阅读和口语表达,写作课主要任务是写一封较为正式的咨询信。阅读课有两篇文章,一篇主要向学生们介绍了我国画家张大千及西班牙画家毕加索的故事;另一篇主要向学生介绍了街头艺术文化涂鸦。口语表达在主要是运用本单元所学词汇、语法表达出对艺术的介绍、理解及赏析。通过本节课的学习,学生将在英语听、说、读、写综合方面的能力得到提高。
- 语言技能目标
- 语言知识目标
(2)能正确认知并且运用以下词汇和短语:range from, portrait, expressive, landscape, sibling, extensively, mural, sculptor, diverse, imitation, in common, mutual, incredibly, prolific, spray, controversy, property, permission, territory, decay, vandal等。
- 文化意识目标
- 情感态度目标
- 重点
2. 难点
教学步骤 | 教学活动 | 设计意图 | 时间 |
Step-1 Warming Up for Writing | The teacher will give a situation, saying that students will write a formal email. 1. Look at the advertisement on a school website. Choose one activity that you’d like to know more about and write an email to ask for more information. Decide whether it is going to be formal or informal. | 任务型活动:课题引入采取代入情景的方式,使学生能更好地融入到写作情景中。锻炼学生材料收集、整理能力,同时也激发同学们热情和参与课堂的积极性。 | 3分钟 |
Step-2 Lead-in | This step is to lead the students to learn how to write a formal email. Read the email on Page 19 in your textbook and answer the following questions: 1) Why does Liu Ze write this email? 2) How does Liu Ze address the receiver of the email? 3) What information does Liu Ze want to know? 4) Is the style of the email formal or informal? Can you find some examples? | 紧扣上一环节的讨论,通过阅读一篇摘要范文,通过回答几个问题以引导学生模仿文章书写结构、语言和上下文间的逻辑衔接,以激发学生的兴趣,导入写作课意图。 | 5分钟 |
Step-3 Pre-writing | This step is to focus on text structure and language that will be used in the formal email. Read the email again and identify its structure and useful language. Complete the table. | 该教学过程主要是帮助学生梳理需要表达的要点,再根据要点进行写作。
| 7分钟 |
Step-4 While-writing | This step is to instruct students to compose their writing.
| 该教学过程主要帮助学生构思写作大纲,以完成写作目的。 | 20分钟 |
Step-5 Post-writing | When the students finish the email, edit it in pairs. Then share what you have written in class. | 完成后的草稿,同桌间进行交换批改,主要看摘要描述结构,句式结构以及是否信息是全面的。 | 10分钟 |
教学步骤 | 教学活动 | 设计意图 | 时间 |
Step-1 Warming Up | Teacher shows the titles of the two passages on the screen and lets students choose which topic they are interested in. Choose the passage that most students are interested in to introduce and the other passage will be left for after-class reading. | 任务型活动:课题引入采取图片导入,激发学生积极性和主动思考的能力。并按照大部分学生感兴趣的话题进行教学。如课堂时间有限,余下的文章可作为课后练习。 | 3分钟 |
Step-2 Lead-in | (1) If the topic is East Meet West: Teacher will let students say some east or west artists they know. (2) If the topic is Graffiti-From Vandalism to Street Art: Teacher will ask students if they know what the graffiti is. If yes, let them say something about it; if no, then teacher will introduce it to students shortly. | 紧扣上一环节的讨论,教师引导学生从不同方面对文本进行思考,有助于发散思维训练以及更好进行文本阅读。 | 5分钟 |
Step-3 Pre-reading | (1) If the topic is East Meet West: Teacher will show pictures of Zhangdaqian and Picasso and their masterpieces on the screen and ask students if they know who they are and their masterpieces. (2) If the topic is Graffiti-From Vandalism to Street Art: Teacher will show a picture about graffiti and let students say where they can see this kind of art. | 该教学过程主要是帮助学生更好地了解文章内容。通过文章相关配图,能够大致了解文章所讲述的内容,有助于学生把握文章大意和部分细节。 | 7分钟 |
Step-4 While-reading | (1) If the topic is East Meet West: Read the text and answer the following questions: ① How did the two painters learn to paint? Who taught then? What influenced them? What were their painting styles? ② What was their personal and professional relationship? (2) If the topic is Graffiti-From Vandalism to Street Art: ① What is a graffiti “tag” and what is its purpose? ② According to the text, how did most people in New York view graffiti until the 1970s? Why? ③ In the 1980s, what particular development does the text suggest helped further spread graffiti culture? | 该教学过程主要是帮助学生对文章进行深度剖析,通过几个细节问题,让学生学会如何提取、整理有效信息,并建立起文章的整体构架。 | 20分钟 |
Step-5 Post-reading | (1) If the topic East Meet West: What is your understanding of the title “East Meets West”? Discuss in pairs. (2) If the topic is Graffiti-From Vandalism to Street Art: ① Do you believe that graffiti has a positive or negative effect on society? Why? ② Are there any other forms of expression among young people that you think will become more popular and accepted in the future? ③ Search online and find out how graffiti has developed. Make a diagram to show your organised information. | 该教学过程主要是让学生读完文章后,能够结合实际情况或自身情况对文章进行的更层次的思考,从而帮助学生更好理解文本内容和语言、文化差异。 | 5分钟 |
Step-6 Homework |
| 该过程主要帮助学生总结和运用本单元所有,使学生更好地将理论与实践结合。 | 5分钟 |