展开1、天天不发愁,活到百出头。Don\'t worry every day, live to the top of a hundred.2、知足者长乐,善笑者长寿。A contented person enjoys a long life, but a smiling person enjoys a long life.3、人怕无脸,树怕无皮。A man is afraid of no face, but a tree is afraid of no skin.4、笑像香水一样,能把烦恼抛掉。Laughter, like perfume, can throw away worries.5、一年哈哈笑出头,阎王判官愁上愁。One year, when he laughed and began to laugh, Judge Yan was sad.6、开口丧元气,闲口养精神。Open your mouth and lose your vitality.7、快乐是人生的主旋律。Happiness is the main theme of life.8、天天打哈哈,活到九十八。Every day we fight and live to ninety-eight.9、好的心情更加让人多彩。Good mood makes people more colorful.10、病从惰中生,人从愁闷老。Disease arises from inertia, and man grows old from depression.11、喜不大笑,怒不大声。No laughter, no anger.12、宽田宽地不如宽心。Wide field is better than wide field.13、要享福,常知足。Enjoy happiness and be content.14、愤怒是人们发泄的不公平。Anger is the injustice that people vent.15、她只是寂寞。如果有过幸福。She\'s just lonely. If you have ever had happiness.16、留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。Keep the green hills, not afraid of no firewood.17、情绪一本书,让人回味。Emotion is a book that makes people think back.18、心有疙瘩饭不香。It\'s not fragrant to eat a meal with a knot in your heart.19、生活上适度,精神上大度。Moderate in life and generous in spirit.20、悲哀是乌黑的废水。Sorrow is black waste water.21、神不静,心不安。心猿意马必乱神。God is not quiet, heart is disturbed. Horses will be confused.22、心胸宽畅胃口开,多疑多忌病魔来。Be open-minded and open-minded. Be suspicious and avoid illness.23、有愁皆苦海,无病即神仙。Every sorrow is a sea of anguish, and no disease is a god.24、养生之道,眉开眼笑。The way to keep in good health, eyebrows and smiles.25、哭是一种内心的发泄。Crying is a kind of inner vent.26、没有单纯、善良和真实,就没有伟大。Without simplicity, kindness and truth, there can be no greatness.27、看人看心,听话听音。Look at people, listen and listen.28、肝火大,寿命短。Liver fire is high and life expectancy is short.29、食多伤胃,忧多伤脾。More food hurts the stomach, more sorrow hurts the spleen.30、常乐常笑,益寿之道。Changle always laughs, the way to live longer.31、情急百病生,情舒百病除。Emergency causes all illnesses, but comfort eliminates all illnesses.32、无事叹长气,必是怄瞎气。If you sigh at nothing, you will be disappointed and blind.33、悲伤是我们心中的一根针。Sadness is a needle in our heart.34、苦愁何须叹,前面自有岸。Why do you sigh when you are sad?35、遇事不恼,百岁不老。Don\'t worry about things, never grow old.36、心宽意乐,五体灵活。Willingness, flexibility.37、无事哼一声,头发掉三根。With a hum of nothing, three hairs fell out.38、人心不知足,得陇复望蜀。Longfu visited Shu because people were not satisfied.39、人有名,树有影。People are famous, trees have shadows.40、心平气和,五体安宁。Peace of mind and tranquility of the five bodies.41、活在别人的掌声中,是禁不起考验的人。Live in the applause of others, is unable to withstand the test.42、笑一笑,十年少;恼一恼,要病倒。Laugh, ten years; worry, fall ill.43、不气不愁,活到白头。No worries, no worries, live to the white end.44、树靠根,人靠心。Trees depend on their roots and people depend on their hearts.45、遇怒不要恼,遇难莫急躁。Don\'t be upset when you are angry, don\'t be impatient when you are in trouble.46、横财不富穷命人,妙药难医心上病。Wealth is not rich and life is poor, but medicine is hard to cure.47、笑是一切快乐之源。Laughter is the source of all happiness.48、情绪像天气一样变幻莫测。Emotions are as changeable as the weather.49、有泪尽情流,疾病自然愈。Tears flow freely, and disease heals naturally.50、人遇不顺时,喝水也塞牙。When people are not in good time, they also stuff their teeth with water.51、变幻莫测的天气是心情。The changeable weather is mood.52、火怕耖,人怕恼。People are afraid of annoyance because they are afraid of fire.53、树大作根,气大伤身。A tree roots heavily, and its anger hurts its body.54、经常笑一笑,八十还年少。Laugh often, eighty years old.55、药补食补,莫忘心补。Don\'t forget to fill your heart with medicines and supplements.56、笑口常开,青春常在。Laughter is always open, youth is always there.57、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things.58、气恼成病,欢乐长命。Anger sickens, and joy lasts a long time.59、笑是一切快乐的源头。Laughter is the source of all happiness.60、笑能使人心花怒放。Laughter can make people happy.61、时间是一味能治百病的良药。Time is a good medicine for all diseases.62、心为一身之主。The heart is the master of one body.63、高兴就像初升的太阳。Happiness is like the rising sun.64、开心就像雨后的彩虹。Happiness is like a rainbow after rain.65、平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。In life, do not feel guilty, knocking at the door at midnight is not alarmed.66、快乐要与别人分享。Share happiness with others.