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    1.What did the wman just d?
    A.She argued with the man.
    B.She shuted at anther wman.
    C.She left her wrk t smene else.
    2.What is the purpse f the wman’s call?
    A.T ask abut a bill.B.T pay the gas bill.C. T pen a new accunt.
    3.When will the speakers discuss the matter again?
    A.On Wednesday.B.On Friday.C. On Thursday.
    4.Why des the wman lk upset?
    A.Her purse was stlen.
    B.She was given a parking ticket.
    C.She culdn’t find a parking space.
    5.What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student.B.Father and daughter.C. Classmates.
    6.What des the man have t d this mrning?
    A. Finish reading a paper.
    B.Lk after his baby sister.
    C.Treat friends at hme.
    7.What will the man d?
    A.Brrw the wman’s cmputer.
    B.G t the library t finish his paper.
    C.Have the wman take care f his sister.
    8.What des Patrick think f the match?
    A. Just s-s.B. Fantastic.C. Disappinting.
    9.What has Jenny been ding recently?
    A. Watching live cncerts.
    B. Preparing fr her exams.
    C. Taking science classes.
    10.Where will the speakers prbably g next?
    A. T a cllege.B. T a stadium.C. T a cafe.
    11.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Fix the washing machine.
    B. Read the newspaper.
    C. Turn ff the light.
    12.Why did the wman g t Mr Smith’s?
    A.T ask fr help.B. T buy his huse.C. T take care f his kid.
    13.What did the man plan t d?
    A.Buy sme bks.B. Lk fr a gd jb.C. Repair the car.
    14.Hw lng has the man been in the hspital?
    A.Fr 2 years.B. Fr 6 years.C. Fr 7 years.
    15.What will the man serve as in Nigeria?
    A.An rganizer.B. A nurse.C. A dctr.
    16.What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A.The wman is against the man’s decisin.
    B.The man gt his new jb this mrning.
    C.The man wants t marry Rsie.
    17.Where are the listeners at the mment?
    A. On Green Island.B. In the water.C. On a bat.
    18.Hw many islands des the Great Barrier Reef have?
    A. 120.B.900.C.2,000.
    19.What makes Green Island different frm thers in the area?
    A. It has a rainfrest.
    B.It was frmed a lng time ag.
    C.It is hme t 8,000 species f fish.
    20.Wh has the mst knwledge abut life n the island?
    A. The captain.B. The park guide.C. The diving guides.
    If yu are lking fr mdern fairy tales, check ut sme f these stries written t appeal t tday’s teenages.
    21.Which is the best chice fr a 16-year-ld girl wh lves dancing?
    A. Entwined.B. Tiger’sCurse.
    C. Beauty.D. SnwWhiteandtheSevenDwarfs.
    22.Which authr has wn an award befre?
    A. Heather Dixn. B. Rbin McKinley. C. Clleen Huck.D. Tracy Lynn.
    23.What d Tiger’s Curse and Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs have in cmmn?
    A.They are full f rmance and adventure.
    B.They are recmmended fr girls f the same age.
    C.They are each ne in different series f bks.
    D.Their main characters are cursed.
    I wandered int an exhibitin abut JanuszKrczak in Rme, and was vercme by the herism f this rdinary man. I say rdinary —he was actually quite well-knwn as children’s authr and an educatr, but nthing can have prepared him fr the decisins he had t take.
    Trained as a medical dctr, Krczak became a children’s authr and teacher. He ran tw rphanages(孤儿院) in Warsaw—ne fr Jewish children,the ther fr Cathlics. As a liberal and prgressive thinker, he set up a children’s “republic” in the Jewish rphanage, with its wn parliament, curt and newspaper. He suffered deprivatin(损失) and danger fr the sake f the children in his care,and ultimately chse t die with them, despite being given the pprtunity t save himself. After the Germans created the Warsaw Ghett in 1940, Krczak’s Jewish rphanage was frced t mve int it. He went with the children, thugh he’d been ffered shelter elsewhere. He stayed with them until August 1942, when he was sent t Treblinka with sme 200 childrenand staff. They were never heard f again; it’s assumed that they all died in the gas chambers(毒气室).
    The mment he led the children t the train t Treblinka, described mvingly by eyewitnesses, his face lit up. The cmpser WladyslawSzpilman recalled that Krczak tld the rphans t be glad, because they were ging t the cuntryside and wuld be free f the city where they had suffered a lt. He wanted t spare them the terrr f death.
    Krczak shuld be remembered alngside peple such as Sir Nichlas Wintn, Raul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler. They managed t save lives, but Krczak sacrificed his, refusing t abandn his children n their final jurney. I culd never imagine being put t the same test. But I lve children, as he must have dne.
    24.What did Krczak d fr children?
    A. Give lectures.B. Write liberal articles.
    C. Set up a “republic” fr children.D. Offer medical care.
    25.What can be inferred in Paragraph 2?
    A.Krczak was nce in heavy debt.
    B.The Germans created shelters fr children.
    C.The Warsaw Ghett was unknwn until 1942.
    D.Krczak adpted Jewish and Cathlic children.
    26.Hw did Krczak spare the kids’ fright?
    A. By accmpanying them t Treblinka.
    B. By freeing them frm Germany.
    C. By being hnred as a her.
    D. By sacrificing his life.
    27.What kind f persn is Krczak?
    A. Wise and determined.B.Devted and selfless.
    C. Caring and ambitius.D.Prductive and passinate.
    A Swiss cmpany that develped technlgy t capture(捕获) carbn dixide () directly frm the air says it has launched the wrld’s largest plant t d s in Iceland. The cmpany said the plant began peratins n Wednesday.
    The cmpany partnered with Icelandic carbn strage prvider Carbfix n the prject. It says the new plant called Orca whse name is based n the Icelandic wrd fr energy, Oirka, is designed t capture up t 3,600 metric tns f per year. That is the same amunt f prduced by abut 790 autmbiles during a year.
    The Internatinal Energy Agency, IEA, estimates that this year, the amunt f emissins (排放) wrldwide will rise 1.5 billin metric tns t a ttal f 33 billin metric tns. Direct air capture is ne f the few technlgies that can remve carbn dixide directly frm the atmsphere. Many scientists see the prcess as critical t limiting harmful pllutant emissins. Such emissins are caused mainly by human activities. They can trap heat in the atmsphere and create higher temperatures. Many scientists blame this warming fr increased heatwaves, wildfires, flds and rising sea levels acrss the wrld.
    Orca uses eight large cntainers that lk like thse used in the shipping industry. A series f high-tech filters (过滤器) and blwers attached t the cntainers capture . The captured carbn is then mixed with water and depsited deep undergrund, where it slwly turns int rck. Bth technlgies are pwered by renewable energy frm a nearby gethermal(地热) plant.
    Direct air capture is still a new and cstly technlgy. But develpers hpe t bring dwn the price by increasing peratins as mre cmpanies and individuals seek the technlgy. Currently,there are 15 direct air capture plants perating wrldwide. The American il cmpany Occidental is currently develping the largest direct air capture center. It aims t pull 1 millin metric tns f carbn dixide frm the air arund sme f its Texas ilfields.
    28.What is Orca?
    A. A kind f energy.B.ASwiss cmpany.
    C.A high-tech factry.D.Adevelped technlgy.
    29.What d scientists think f direct air capture?
    A.It can stp glbal temperature rising.
    B.It is crucial t deal with air pllutin.
    C.It is f great use fr disaster predictin.
    D.It can limit the amunts f gases in the air.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “depsited” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Stred.B. Discvered.C. Recycled.D. Expsed.
    31.What can we infer abut direct air capture frm the last paragraph?
    A. It will increase il prductin.B.Ithas shwn little practicalvalue.
    C. It csts t much t imprveit.D.Itwuld have a bright future.
    Britain is launching the wrld’s largest ever clinical trial f the Galleri test, which picks up pieces f genetic cde frm DNA befre symptms such as lumps (肿块) appear. The test is a game-changer fr early cancer detectin, which can detect mre than 50 types f the disease in the very early stages. It has been develped by GRAIL, a healthcare cmpany fcusing n early cancer detectin.
    Natinal Health Service (NHS) chief executive Amanda Pritchard said, “This quick and simple bld test culd mark the beginning f a revlutin in cancer detectin and treatment here and arund the wrld. By finding cancer befre signs and symptms appear, we have the best chance f treating it and we can give peple the best chance f survival.
    NHS has sent ut invites acrss the cuntry ffering the test t 140,000 peple aged 50 t 77 with n cancer symptms. Anther 6,000 with suspected signs have been ffered t speed up their diagnsis (诊断). Bld samples will be taken at mbile clinics in retail parks and cmmunity lcatins. Labratry analysis prduces a result in a frtnight. Each test csts € 620 but NHS has negtiated a discunted price. Half the participants will have their bld screened with the Galleri test right away and samples frm the rest will be stred and tested in the future. This will allw scientists t cmpare the stage at which any tumurs (肿瘤) are detected between the tw grups.
    “The Galleri test can nt nly detect a wide range f cancer types but can als predict where the cancer is in the bdy with a high degree f accuracy. Earlier trial results shwed it can detect 68% f 12 deadly cancers,” Health Secretary SajidJavid said. In England 56% f cancers are diagnsed at stage ne r tw. NHS aims t increase that t three quarters by 2028. If fund early there are a brader range f treatment ptins available, which can be curative and are ften less aggressive.
    32.What can be learned abut the Galleri test?
    A. It can spt early-stage cancers.B. It has been develped by NHS.
    C. It is an effective cure fr diseases.D. It has been cmpleted in Britain.
    33.What can be inferred frm Paragraph 3?
    A.The test is carried ut free f charge.
    B.NHS has ffered the test t peple frm hme and abrad.
    C.Sme bld samples will be saved fr future use.
    D.The test results will cme ut the fllwing night.
    34.Why is SajidJavid’s wrds mentined in the last paragraph?
    A. T explain the purpse f NHS.B. T prve the necessity f the test.
    C. T shw the testing prcess.D. T stress the harm caused by cancer.
    35.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. GRAIL Develped the Galleri Test B. NHS Fund a Slutin t Cancer
    C. Britain Saved Mney in Curing Cancer D. A Bld Test Helps Save Cancer Patients
    Westerners usually dn’t think f China as having a rich traditin f making cmics, and discussins f Chinese cmics fcus n manhua,the Chinese cmics that were inspired by Japanese manga. It’s true that mst f the cmics being prduced nw are manhua. 36 Frm their beginnings in the 1920s until their ppularity bttmed ut in the 1990s,lianhuanhuawere sme f the mst widely read literature in the cuntry.
    Mst f the lianhuanhua that can still be fund in China were printed in the late 1970s and 1980s.37 The lianhuanhua industry began in Shanghai during the 1920s and 30s. Smeschlars even trace the rigins t Sng Dynasty scrlls(卷轴).
    Using newly imprted printing techniques,publishers began releasing peridicals(期刊)that cntained stries and illustratins. 38 There were varius reginal names, such as “bk f little peple”. Sme f these stries were text accmpanied by images while thers used speech bubbles r text inserted int the image. The mst ppular series frm the magazines were reprinted in palm-size paperbacks, and befre lng rental shps sprang up in alleyways thrughut the city. 39
    Many f these early cmics were multi-vlume(多卷的)adaptatins f martial arts epics r flk tales such as the classical Chinese nvel, Jurney t the West. 40 Adaptatins f freign- wrks frm Eurpe and the United States were als prduced. In the 1980s, new publicatins came t have a wider range f gals that included intellectual develpment and educatin in science and culture fr yung peple.
    A.Their histry reaches back much farther.
    B.Mst peple culdn’t affrd t rent ne t read.
    C.Fr a few cins,readers culd sit dwn and read.
    D.Others were adapted frm theater shws r ppular films such as King Kng.
    E.But this was nt the case fr much f the 20th century.
    F.But peple culd als enjy freign mvie stries n lianhuanhua.
    G.They named these wrks “lianhuanhua” (linked images).
    “I am leaving hme.” When Timmy,my 10-year-ld sn eagerly annunced that he culdn’t wait t 41, the feeling f guilt peaked as I tried t figure ut the 42.
    “S,I can get a dg,’’ he stressed.
    But I stayed 43—we didn’t need a dg t cmplete ur life—and he gave up. Until the day I 44Timmy, with his brther, discussing his mving plan. Suddenly, the situatin45:gain a dg r 46 a child, I felt my determinatin 47. “We can lk int it,” Ireplied dubtfully, but the kind f dg we wanted cst a 48$ 1,000! Yes, lve had a price.I 49 fr thught, again.
    I shared my present 50 with my friend whse lve fr dgs was quite sensible. He 51 me t his pet keeper friend wh gt a pregnant(怀孕的)dg and the baby dgs were due sn. A few days later, we tk a surprise trip t the cuntryside when the little dgs were 52. I wuld admit that all my previus 53reappeared after watching a grup f blind things, but it wast late. Amng screams f 554,we chse ne f the little dgs as urs.
    We attempt t 55 ur kids in a healthy way—I didn’t realize the added dimensin(方面) f lve and 56 that a dg wuld teach my kids. On a ht day, Timmy cut shrt his uting t 57 if Odie,the dg, had enugh water. When Odie was sick, my elder sn made fresh sup and 58 fed it t him.
    My children n lnger talk abut leaving hme 59 there is the trublesme issue f wh will take the dg. They quietly learn hw t give and receive lve. If having a dg means linking my children even clser tgether, it will be a mther’s prayer 60.
    41. A. get ffB. give upC. mve utD. step frward
    42. A. reasnB. prblemC. situatinD. fact
    43. A. cnfusedB. scaredC. stressedD. determined
    44. A. anticipatedB. verheardC. predictedD. suspected
    45. A. shiftedB. matteredC. endedD. settled
    46. A. blameB. lseC. teachD. punish
    47. A. strengtheningB. ccurringC. weakeningD. disappearing
    48. A. fairB. affrdableC. unreasnableD. ideal
    49. A. prmisedB. agreedC. refusedD. paused
    50. A. stateB. pininC. wishD. misfrtune
    51. A, assignedB. appintedC. cnnectedD. remembered
    52. A. hurtB. abandnedC. illD. brn
    53. A. excitementB. embarrassmentC. surpriseD. dubt
    54. A. delightB. reliefC. wrryD. shck
    55. A. treatB. parentC. praiseD. stp
    56. A. ability-B. respnsibilityC. wisdmD. truth
    57. A. prveB. testC. cnsiderD. check
    58. A. quicklyB. regularlyC. patientlyD. directly
    59. A. unlessB. becauseC. butD. thugh
    60. A. answeredB. saidC. deniedD. ffered
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Lcated in Nrthwest China’s Gansu Prvince, the Bingling Temple Wrld Heritage TuristArea 61.______ (cver) 150 square kilmeters. It is hme t the Stne Grttes (石窟)fBingling Temple (a cmpnent f the Wrld Heritage f the Silk Rad).
    With magnificent natural scenery civilizatin,the turist area lies alng 62.______may bethe mst charming sectin f the upper reaches (上游)f the Yellw River. Thanks t 63.______(it) places f interest integrating ancient and mdern culture, the Bingling TempleWrld Heritage Turist Area has becme 64.______gd place fr eclgical 65.______(turist), science educatin, and leisurely vacatins.
    66.______the largest stne grttes in Gansu Prvince, the Bingling Temple Grttes area wrld cultural heritage with a histry which stretches back mre than 1,600 years (particular),the earliest f China’s well-preserved statue inscriptin (题词)duringthe Western Qin State 68.______(discver) in the N. 169 grtt. This grttes inscriptin,statues, and murals (壁画)prvide 69.______(rely) evidence fr the cnfirmatin f thehistry f the Bingling Temple Grttes and the early stne statues in China.
    With the grtt murals and stne statues f different histrical perids, the Bingling Temple Grttes are believed 70.______(have) histrical, artistic and academic value.
    Gd afternn, everyne!
    The tpic f my speech tday was “Schl Safety”. It is n dubt that schl safety is directly relate t students’ healthy grwth and the happiness f millins f families. But what t guarantee schl safety?
    Firstly, t imprve schl safety, we shuld keep ur classrms, hallways and ther schlareas are rganized and free f hazards. Secndly, the last persn leave the classrm must keeplcks n all drs and windws. Thirdly, raise fire safety awareness. While fire drills can seem repetitive at times, practice them seriusly can cause the difference between safety and danger in the event f a fire emergency. Lastly, turn ff all electrical equipment as sn as we dn’t use them.
    Let’s take actin right nw but make ur wn cntributin t creating the safe campus!
    Thanks fr yur listening.
    1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C
    Text 1
    M: I’ve never seen yu shut at smene befre. Are yu all right?
    W: I’m srry, but that wman was being s rude! It’s been a lng day and I’ma little stressed ut frm wrk.
    Text 2
    W: I’m calling abut my gas bill fr last mnth because there are sme charges that I’m cncerned abut.
    M: can review it with yu. But first, what’s yur hme address and the last name n the accunt?
    Text 3
    M: I’ll attend a lecture n Wednesday. Let’s discuss this further at the Friday meeting.
    W: Unfrtunately, I’ll be leaving fr Lndn Thursday afternn. Maybe we can talk that mrning verbreakfast.
    M: Sunds great.
    Text 4
    M: Yu lk upset. What’s wrng?
    W: I’ll never take my car dwntwn again.
    M: Did yu get anther ticket r culdn’t yu find a parking space?
    W: I wish it were just that. My car was brken int.I lst my purse.
    Text 5
    M: I find that yu didn’t turn in yur hmewrktday.
    W: I’m srry, sir.
    M: Is everything OK? Yu dn’t lk very well. We’ve been in schl fr fur mnths nw, and this is the first time yu haven’t dne yurhmewrk.
    W: I’ve been a little stressed by my grandma’sdeath.
    Text 6
    W: Hi,Paul. Yu lk unhappy.
    M: My cmputer went wrng this mrning and Ihave t get a paper finished fr class n Mnday.
    W: Yu can always g t the library.
    M: The library isn’t pen n Saturday afternns and Sundays and I have t take care f my baby sister this mrning.
    W: That’s a prblem. My family is having friends ver this afternn s it wn’ be pssible fr yu t cme t my place. I can lend yu mycmputer.
    M: Ww,Sally,that’s great.
    Text 7
    W: What did yu watch n TV last night,Patrick?
    M: A ftball match,Jenny. What abut yu?
    W: I watched a cncert—Rbbie Williams, yu knw. I lve him! He was fantastic. Was the match gd?
    M: It was a bit slw but at least my team wn.
    W: I haven’t watched much TV in the past few weeks and I can’ affrd t g t a live match at the ftball stadium.
    M: What have yu been ding?
    W: I have had a lt f hmewrk. It is my exams next mnth and I want t pass s that I can g t cllege. I want t study science at cllege.
    M: That sunds really interesting,Jenny, but a lt f hard wrk. Listen, have yu gt time fr a cffee s we culd have a chat?
    W: Sure,why nt?
    Text 8
    W: Please turn ff the light, Harry.
    M: Why? What’s the matter? I want t read thepaper.
    W: If we turn n t many lights, all the electricity in the huse will g ff.
    M: Nw wh tld yu that?
    W: Our new neighbr Mr Smith.
    M: Mr Smith? When did he cme t ur hme?
    W: I had t g t his hme.
    M: What was wrng?
    W: When I turned n the washing machine, all the lights were ut.
    M: Well,did he take care f it fr yu?
    W: Yes,but he said it wuld take a ltmrewrk t d a really gd jb. He said we needed new electric wires thrughut the huse and a lt ftherthings.
    M: Did he tell yu hw much it wuld cst?
    W: Yes,abut a thusand dllars.
    M: A thusand dllars? That’s a lt f mney. And just what we need t get sme wrk dne n ur car,t.
    Text 9
    M: Rsie,I’ve gt smething t tell yu.
    W: What is it?
    M: Well, I’vemade a decisin I’m ging t leave the hspital.
    W: Leave? What d yu mean?
    M: I’m bred with it. I want t d smething different.
    W: I see. Hw lng have yu been in this hspital?
    Fr tw years?
    M: N, I’ve been here fr 6 years, and I’ve been in Brightn fr 7 years. I want a change.
    W: Yu’re leaving Brightn! But why? What are yu ging t d?
    M: I’m ging t Africa. I’ve gt a jb as a dctr with a vlunteer rganizatin. They want me tgt Nigeria.
    W: What?! Yu’re jking!
    M: Lk,I didn’t tell yu befre because nthing was certain. But I gt a frmal ffer this mrning. Rsie, I will miss yu very much,and I dn’t want t end ur relatinship. But I want t see the wrld. Yu d understand, dn’t yu?
    W: Oh,yes, I understand!
    M: I’m really srry,Rsie.
    Text 10
    M: Gd day, everyne. Nw that we’re all n the bat,I’ll give yu a brief explanatin f tday’s activities, as well as an intrductin t the Great Barrier Reef itself. As we leave the mainland here, we’re ging t pass by ne f the mst fascinating parts f it. The beautiful clred plants that yu see belw yu started frming 8,000 years ag. They are hme t ver 2,000 species f fish. Green Island is just ne f the 900 islands f the Great Barrier Reef, and it is the nly ne with a rainfrest. Sherri is ur park guide, and she will take yu thrugh the frest and tell yu all abut the 120 different plant species we have. If yu’ re interested in getting wet,I suggest yu fllw Damien and Marcus. They’re ur diving guides, and they have the mst knwledge abut life n the island. Anything t d with beer r bats, yu can ask me. Hwever,d nt g anywhere n yur wn withut infrming us first. We wuldn’t want anyne t get bitten by a shark r a pisnus spider. Just kidding, mates!
    21.A [细节理解题。通过第一方框中“Readerswill enjy the detailed dance scenes and...”和“Recmmended fr ages 12—16.”可知,Entwined适合喜欢舞蹈的16岁女孩。]
    22.B [细节理解题。根据第二方框中“This classic retelling f Beauty and the Beast by award-winning authrRbin McKinley…”可知,Rbin McKinley 是获过奖的作者。award-winning获过奖的。]
    23.C [细节理解题。根据第三方框中“... this sweet retelling f Beauty and the Beast is the first bk in the Tiger’s Curse series by Clleen Huck.”和第四方框中“Tracy Lynn’s retelling f Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs is ne f several bks in the ppular Once Upn a Time fairy tale series.”可知,它们都是各自系列丛书的一本。]
    24.C [细节理解题。根据第二段中“Asa liberal and prgressive thinker,he set up a children’s ‘republic’ in the Jewish rphanage,with its wn parliament,curt andnewspaper.”可知,他曾在孤儿院内设立了一个儿童“共和国”。]
    25.D [推理判断题。根据第二段中“ He ran tw rphanages(孤儿院)in Warsaw—ne fr Jewish children,the ther fr Cathlics.”可知,Krczak创建了两所孤儿院,收养了犹太儿童和天主教徒儿童。]
    26.A [细节理解题。根据第三段“The mment he led the children t the train t Treblinka,... Krczak tld the rphans t be glad... He wanted t spare them the terrr f death.”可知,Krczak通过陪孩子们乘火车去Treblinka,并且告诉他们乐观对待来消除孩子们的恐惧。]
    27.B [推理判断题。根据全文内容可推测出,Krczak是一个无私奉献的人,为保护儿重牺牲了自己的生命。]
    28.C [细节理解题。根据文章第一段首句和第二段中“... thenew plant called Orca whse name is based n the Icelandic wrd fr energy, Orka...”可知,Orca是一家新的高新技术工厂。]
    29.B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“Many scientists see the prcess as critical t limiting harmful pllutant emissins.”可知,科学家们认为该技术对于治理空气污染至关重要。]
    30.A [词义猜测题。根据文章第四段画线词所在句可知,捕获的碳之后与水混合,并被置于地下深处,在那里慢慢变成岩石,故可推知depsited是“存放”的意思。]
    31.D [推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Currently, there are 15 direct air capture plants perating wrldwide.”和“ currently develping the largest direct air capture center.”可知,这种技术将会有一个美好的前景。]
    32.A [细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句可知,这种检测可以发现早期癌症。]
    33. C [推理判断题。根据文章第三段中“... samples frm the rest will be stred and tested in the future.”可知,剩余的样本将留待未来研究使用。]
    34.B [推理判断题。根据文章最后一段SajidJavid所说的话可知,这种检测覆盖范围广、准确度高,因而是非常必要的。]
    35.D [主旨要义题。通读全文可知,本文重点介绍了一种新型的检测手段,它通过检测血液能够早早诊断出癌症,进而提高癌症的治愈率,挽救癌症病人的生命。]
    36.E [考查上下文逻辑。上文指出在中国普遍流行的是模仿日本式漫画,下文说中国连环画曾经的辉煌,故用转折。]
    37.A [根据上下文时间线可知,本句讨论连环画的历史。故A项逻辑正确。]
    38. G [由下文“There were varius reginal names…”可知,本题讨论连环画的命名。同时G项中“They”也呼应上句主语publishers。]
    39.C [上句提到连环画租赁行业如雨后春笋般涌现,可以体现出民众对连环画的热爱,故C项符合语境,干扰项B说民众租不起书读,错误。]
    40.D [本段讲述连环画对文化传播的作用,连环画有很多种类。上句是很多早期的多卷漫画是武术史诗或民间传说,例如:中国古典小说《西游记》。下一句应该填与之对应的其他漫画的来源,故选D项(也有的改编自戏曲表演或流行电影,例如《金刚》)。]
    41.C [根据第一句中的“leavinghme”可知,孩子迫不及待地想搬出去。]
    42.A [根据语境可知,这里是我想弄清楚孩子要求搬走的原因。]
    43.D [根据空后的“我们不需要一只狗来使我们的生活完美,于是孩子放弃了”可知,我的态度很坚决。determined坚定的,坚决的。]
    44.B [句意为:直到有一天,我无意中听到蒂米和他的兄弟在讨论他的搬家计划。verhear无意中听到。]
    45.A [根据上文可知,在无意中听到蒂米和他的兄弟讨论他的搬家计划之前,作者很坚决不需要买狗,而根据空后“gain a dg ra child”可知,作者犹豫了,由此可推知,这里表示情况发生了变化。]
    46.B [句意为:是得到一条狗还是失去一个孩子?此处表示作者需要做出选择。]
    47.C [根据上文作者需要在得到一条狗还是失去一个孩子之间做出选择,说明作者感到自己的决心减弱了。]
    48.C [根据下文中说的“爱是有代价的”可知,这个价格很高,作者觉得花这么多钱买狗是很不合情理的。]
    49.D [句意为:我停下来再次思考。表示作者犹豫不决。]
    50.A [句意为:我把我的目前的处境告诉了我的朋友,他对狗的热爱是非常理智的。state情况。]
    51.C [根据下文作者带孩子去乡下领养小狗可知,朋友帮我联系了他的宠物饲养员朋友。]
    52. D [根据上文“... his pet keeper friend wh gt a pregnant (怀孕的)dg and the babydgs were due sn.”和下文“Amng screams f,we chse ne f the little dgs as urs.”可知,这里指小狗出生了。]
    53.D [句意为:我承认,在看了一群尚未睁开眼睛的东西(狗)之后,我之前所有的疑虑都重新出现了,但已经太迟了。上文的“I replied dubtfully”是提示。]
    54.A [句意为:在一片欢声笑语中,我们选择了一只小狗作为我们的宠物。]
    55.B [句意为:我们试图以健康的方式养育我们的孩子。parent在这里作动词,表示“为人父母,养育”。]
    56. B [根据下文“When Odie was sick,my elder sn made fresh sup andfed it t him.”可知,这里指作者没有意识到一只狗可以教会她的孩子更多的爱和责任。]
    57.D [句意为:在一个炎热的日子里,Timmy缩短了他的外出时间,去查看小狗Odie是否有足够的水喝。]
    58.C [句意为:小狗Odie生病的时候,我的大儿子煮了新鲜的汤,耐心地喂它喝。]
    59.B [句意为:我的孩子们不再谈论离开家的事,因为他们有一个棘手的问题,那就是谁来养狗。上下文是因果关系。]
    60 A [句意为:如果养狗意味着让我的孩子们更紧密地联系在一起,这将是母亲的祈祷得到了回应。]
    61. cvers [考查动词时态和主谓一致。炳灵寺世界文化遗产旅游区占地面积为150平方公里,这是一个客观事实,所以使用一般现在时,且主语为单数概念,故填cvers。]
    62 what [考查名词性从句。alng是介词,后面跟宾语;空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,故填what。]
    63.its [考查代词。空处位于名词前,应用形容词性物主代词作定语,故填its。]
    64.a [考查冠词。这里表泛指,且gd首字母发辅音,用a修饰一个可数名词单数形式。]
    65.turism [考查词形转换。根据句意可知,此处表示“旅游业”,故填turism。]
    66.As [考查介词。as表示“作为”。注意首字母大写。]
    67. Particularly[考查副词。particularly 意为“尤其”,放在句首,修饰整个句子。注意首字母大写。]
    68.was discvered [考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此句表示过去发生的动作,discver与主语之间为被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。且主语为单数概念,故填was discvered。]
    69.reliable [考查形容词。此处用形容词修饰名词,reliableevidence是指“可靠的”证据。]
    70. t have[考查非谓语动词。bebelieved td sth.被认为做了某事,本句是说炳灵寺石窟被认为具有历史、艺术和学术价值。]
    Gd afternn,everyne!
    The tpic f my speech tdaywas“Schl Safety”.Itis n dubt that schl safety is directly
    relatet students’ healthy grwth and the happiness f millins f families. But what tguarantee schl safety?
    Firstly, t imprve schl safety, we shuld keep ur classrms, hallways and ther schl areas are rganized and free f hazards. Secndly,the last persn∧leave the classrm must keep
    lcks n all drs and windws. Thirdly, raise firesafety awareness. While fire drills can seem
    repetitive at times,practicethem seriusly can
    cause the difference between safety and danger in the event f a fire emergency. Lastly, turn ff allelectrical equipment as sn as we dn’t usethem.
    Let’s take actin right nw but make ur wncntributin t creatingthesafe campus!
    Thanks fr yur listening.
    In rder t recrd the beauty f ur campus, a shrt vide cntest is t be held next Friday.
    The shrt vide shuld be related t ur campus and schl life. Besides, subtitles and music can be added t make it mre clrful. All the shrt vides must be made within three minutes and in MP4 frm, which shuld be upladed t the campus website by this Sunday. The tp ten with the mst likes will be rewarded afterwards.
    We hld the belief that yu Ml display yur wnderful talents thrugh this cntest. Lking frward t yur participatin.
    The Students’ Cuncil
    Based n the fairy tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses, readers will be swept away int this fantasy wrld f dance, lve, mystery and curses (魔咒) created by authr Heather Dixn. Readers will enjy the detailed dance scenes and be pleasantly surprised t learn the duble meaning f the wrd entwine. Recmmended fr ages 12—16.
    This classic retelling f Beauty and the Beast by award-winning authr Rbin McKinley is a mre detailed versin f the riginal stry abut a girl wh is knwn mre fr her intelligence than her beauty. Fllwing the traditinal tale, Beauty and her sisters must mve t the cuntry when their father encunters financial ruin. Her relatinship with the Beast is a slw unflding f friendship that turns t lve. Recmmended fr ages 12—15.
    Tiger’s Curse
    Fr 300 years the her has been cursed t live as a Tiger, but when the herine wishes fr his freedm, the curse begins t break. Full f rmance and adventure, this sweet retelling f Beauty and the Beast is the first bk in the Tiger’s Curse series by Clleen Huck. Recmmended fr ages 12—18.
    Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs
    Althugh her mther died when she was a baby, Lady Jessica enjyed a peaceful and fun childhd until her father decides t remarry a wman wh is jealus f Jessica’ s beauty. T escape her evil stepmther, Jessica runs away t Lndn where she meets a band f utcasts (被驱逐者) and changes her name t Snw. Tracy Lynn’s retelling f Snw White and the Seven Dwarfs is ne f several bks in the ppular Once Upn a Time fairy tale series. Recmmended fr ages 12—14.

    山西省晋中市2023届高三英语下学期5月三模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份山西省晋中市2023届高三英语下学期5月三模试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山西省晋中市2023届高三英语二模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份山西省晋中市2023届高三英语二模试题(Word版附解析),共24页。

    2023届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月三模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届山西省晋中市高三下学期5月三模英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,其他应用文,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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