词汇晨读08- 江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测
dad(=daddy) n.爸爸,爹爹:
My dad promised to buy me a new car.爸爸答应给我买辆新车。
Daddy, would you please buy me an iPhone 5?爸爸,你能给我买一部iPhone 5吗?
daily adj.每日的,日常的:
This job doesn’t pay well, but it’ll roughly cover your daily expenses.
adv.每天:I’m in the habit of brushing my teeth twice daily.我习惯每天刷两次牙。
n.日报:China Daily中国日报
dam n.水坝,堰堤:The government is planning to build a dam there.政府打算在那里建一座水坝。
damage n.①损害,损失,损坏:
In the past twenty years, a huge amount of environmental damage has been caused by air pollution.
The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。
②(用复数)赔偿费:He paid $500 in damages for the accident.他付了500美元的事故赔偿费。
v.损害,损坏:It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only slightly damaged.
damp adj.潮湿的:The boy is having a fever. You’d better damp a towel and lay it across his forehead.
n.湿气,潮湿:There is still damp in these clothes.这些衣服还有点湿。
v.使潮湿:Damp the shirt before you iron it.在烫衬衣之前,先把它喷湿。
dance n.跳舞,舞会:
The doctor told me to stay in bed, but I’m going to the dance anyhow.
v.跳舞:I like to dance to the music on the radio.我喜欢随着广播里的音乐起舞。
danger n.危险,危害,威胁:
As more and more forests were destroyed, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.
【拓展】①in danger在危险中:
The situation was dangerous. People were in danger.情况很危险。人们处于危险之中。
②in danger of有……的危险,out of danger脱离危险:
Once one is in danger of his life, he will instinctively find every possible way out of danger.
A few years ago, it was an endangered species, but now the population is on the increase.
dangerous adj.危险的,有危险性的,引起危险的:
Why did you put the wood near the fire? It’s dangerous!你为什么把木头放在火旁边?是很危险的!
dare v.(用作实义动词)敢,敢于:
Warned of danger in the street at night, the girl doesn’t dare to go out without someone accompanying her.
The problem was that he didn’t know what had hurt her and he didn’t dare(to)ask her.
modal v.(用作情态动词)敢:Dare you tell her the truth?你敢告诉她事实真相吗?
【拓展】①I dare say我想,大概,很可能:I dare say (that) it’ll rain tomorrow.明天可能下雨。
②How dare you…?你竟敢……:
How dare you talk to me like that?你竟敢那样对我说话?
dark n.①(连用the)黑暗,暗处:She was afraid of the dark.她害怕黑暗。
②黄昏,傍晚,黑夜:We turn the light on at dark.我们在黄昏时开灯。
adj.黑暗的:It began to grow dark.天开始黑了起来。
①两者都可表示“黑暗”,都是不可数名词dark 前通常用定冠词,而 darkness 前通常不用冠词:
Darkness was falling fast. 黑暗很快来临。
Children are usually afraid of the dark. 小孩通常都害怕黑暗。
②表示“在黑暗中”,用 in the dark 或 in the darkness 均可:
Cats can see in the dark(ness). 猫在黑暗中能够看见。
The light went out and left us in the dark(ness). 灯熄了,我们面前一片漆黑。
但是 (be) in the dark (about) 用于引申义表示“对……一无所知或被蒙在鼓里”时,通常不用 darkness:
A good government never keeps the people in the dark about important matters.
We are still in the dark about the cause of the fire. 我们还不清楚起火的原因。
③dark 还可以表示“黄昏”、“傍晚”、“黑夜”等,此时不用 darkness。注意此时 dark 前通常不用冠词:
They turn the light on at dark. 他们在黄昏时开灯。
Try to get home before dark. 尽量在天黑以前回家。
I’m afraid to go out after dark in the city. 在城里我害怕天黑后出门。
darling n.(用作称呼)亲爱的,心爱的人,倍受宠爱的人,亲切友好的的人:
Darling, hand me the new suit.亲爱的,把那套新西装递给我。
“My darling girl. You and your husband shall have this part of my kingdom with all its rivers and forests and mountains.” said King Lear.李尔王说:“我亲爱的女儿,你和你的丈夫将拥有我的王国的一部分,有河流、森林和高山”。
dash v.①急奔,猛冲:The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.
②猛撞,冲撞:The boat was dashed against the rocks.那船猛地撞到礁石上。
n.①(连用a)急奔,猛冲:He made a dash for the bus.他急忙冲向公共汽车。
②短跑:Five athletes competed for the gold medal with each other in the 100-meter dash.
data n.资料,数据:So data of this kind can be valuable.因此这样的资料可能很有价值。
He copied the data into a notebook.他将数据抄在一个笔记本上。
database n.资料库,数据库:
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.
date n.①日期,年月日:What’s the date today? =What date is it today?今天是几号?
②约会,会晤:I have a date with her.我同她有个约会。
v.①写日期:Don’t forget to date your check.不要忘记在支票上写上日期。
②回溯:The needle treatment dating from the ancient times has cured many diseases.
A major fire broke out at Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris, of which the construction dates
back to the year 1163.巴黎市中心的圣母院发生大火,这建筑可以追溯到1163年。
【拓展】①out of date过时的,不再用的:These words have gone out of date.这些词已经不再用了。
②to date到目前为止:
We haven’t got any further information to date.到目前为止我们尚未获得进一步的消息。
③up to date至今,到目前为止,拥有(或包含)最新信息的,最新式的,现代化的:
The book is up to date.这本书载有最新资料。
daughter n.女儿:Mary has an 18-year-old daughter who has a gift for singing.
dawn n.黎明,拂晓:
It was not yet dawn when he got to the school.当他到达学校的时候,天还没有亮。
The volunteers for the Shanghai World Expo are busy from dawn till/to dusk/night but they feel very proud of it.上海世博会的志愿者们从早忙到晚,但他们对此感到非常自豪。
The darkest hour is nearest the dawn.黎明前的黑暗。
day n.①日,一天:
When day dawned, the stars faded out of sight.天亮时,星星渐渐淡出视线。
Don’t bother to look for my dictionary; it will turn up some day.
Things are getting worse day by day.情况一天天变糟。
②白天,昼:The machines kept running day and night /night and day.机器日夜不停地运转。
③(特定)日子,节日:Mother’s Day 母亲节 Teachers’ Day 教师节 National Day 国庆节
【拓展】the other day几天前,早几天:
The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.
I lost my watch the other day.早几天我把表丢了。
dead adj.①死的,无生命的:He has been dead for years.他死了好几年了。
②失灵的:The television’s been dead since the storm.暴风雨过后那台电视机就坏了。
adv.全然地:He was dead asleep.他睡得很死。
When he rushed there, he found a man lying on the road, dead.
②deadly adj.极端的,非常的,致命的;adv.极其,非常:
As is well known, many deadly accidents result from carelessness and irresponsibility.
Politics is a deadly serious business.政治是件极其严肃的事情。
deadline n.最后期限,截止日期:
Thank Goodness! We have completed our task before the deadline.
I think you can get through the first five chapters before the deadline.
deaf adj.聋的:He is deaf in [of] one ear.他一只耳朵聋了。
He was deaf to all advice.他不听一切劝告。
【拓展】turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻,置若罔闻:
Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, even though they knew it to be valuable.
We are so disappointed that he always turns a deaf ear to our warnings every time we remind
him not to drive after getting drunk.我们非常失望,每次我们提醒他不要酒后驾车时,他总是
deal(dealt, dealt) n.
She spends a great deal of money on new clothes every year.她每年花很多钱买新衣服。
They wrapped up the business deal in less than an hour.他们在不到一个小时的时间里达成了这笔生意。
v.①分发,分配:The money was dealt out fairly and justly.钱分配的公平合理。
②交易,买卖,经营:The shop deals in goods of all kinds.这家商店经营各种货物。
【拓展】①deal with处理,对付,对待,论述,做买卖,与……打交道:
I think he’s just going to deal with this problem another day.我想他改天会处理这个问题的。
School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous situations.
The next chapter deals with verbs.下一章论述动词。
We often deal with that shop.我们经常在那家商店买东西。
②a good/great deal of(许多)后接不可数名词,不接可数名词。
③a great/good deal(许多,大量,经常,……得多)可用作主语、宾语、状语(修饰动词或形容词,尤其是比较级):
At the end of the year there was a great deal to do.年底有很多事要做。
I’ve heard a great deal about him.关于他的情况我听说了很多。
He was a good deal surprised.他非常吃惊。
She’s a great deal better today.她今天好多了。
④make a deal成交,达成交易,It is a deal.成交:
You’re not going to get out of here unless we make a deal.
—$300, and that’s my last offer.
—OK. It is a deal.
dear adj.①亲爱的:Dear Sir (Madam, John) 亲爱的先生(夫人,约翰)
②珍贵的:Life is very dear to him.生命对他来说十分珍贵。
③贵的:Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了。
n.亲爱的人:What would you have done in my place, my dear? 亲爱的,你如果处在我的位置会怎么做?
death n.死,死亡,致死:
Life for life, he will be sentence to death.以命偿命,他将被判处死刑。
What I learn about this violence is that it has caused at least three deaths.
Upon arriving home, they found their dog, was starving to death.
Drinking will be the death of him.他会被酒醉死的。
That defeat meant the death of all my hopes.那次失败毁灭了我所有的希望。
debate v.讨论,争论,辩论:The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.真理愈辩愈明。
The debate here will be limited in two main respects,in view of the limited time.
debt n.债务,欠款:It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.借债容易还债难。
【拓展】①in debt欠债,out of debt不负债,还清债务(两者都强调状态):
In China people believe in the saying “out of debt, out of pressure”.
He has been out of debt since he stopped gambling.他戒赌博后,不再欠债了。
②get into debt欠债,get out of debt不欠债(两者都强调动作):
It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again!负债容易还债难!
decade n.十年:Switzerland joined UN after having been neutral for decades.瑞士在中立几十年后加入了联合国。
decide v.①决定,下决心:
In order to help the poor, he decided to donate money to them.为了帮助穷人,他决定捐钱给他们。
I decide I will not attend her birthday party unless invited.我决定不受到邀请就不参加她的生日聚会。
②裁决,判决:The judge decided the case.审判员判决了案件。
【拓展】表示决定做某事,后接不定式,不能接动名词,但可接on doing sth:
He decided to go abroad.=He decided on going abroad.他决定出国。
decision n.决定,决心:
You can’t be too careful to make a decision at such a critical point.
His decision to become an actor surprised us.他决定要当演员让我们大吃一惊。
declare v.①声明,断言:
She declared (that) she knew nothing about the robbery.她声称她对这个抢劫案一无所知。
Something extraordinarily happened in that hospital. A man, declared clinically dead, suddenly came to
You are subject to punishment if you fail to declare to the customs when carrying the prohibited
articles listed above.如果你携带上述违禁物品未向海关申报的,将受到处罚。
【拓展】①announce与declare(宣布):announce主要指宣布大家期待的或与大家有关的事情,所涉及的情况通常是别人原来不知道的事,含有预告的意思;declare 含有庄严宣告或交代清楚的意思,所涉及的事情不一定是别人不知道的。
②declaration n.宣言,布告,公告,声明:
A declaration will be issued at the end of the aforementioned UN conference.
They will sign the declaration tomorrow.他们明天将签署这份公告。
decline v.①婉拒,拒绝:
She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn’t feeling well.
Sales of CDs have declined dramatically since the early 2010s, when people began to enjoy music
downloaded from the internet.
The Mp3 intended for young people has gone into a bit of decline recently with the appearance of the Mp4.
decorate v.装饰,修饰:She had her cell phone decorated with gold and jewels.她的手机上装饰着黄金和珠宝。
decoration n.装饰,修饰,装饰品,装饰物:
The design of the modern architecture concentrates on usefulness rather than decoration.
The decorations were absolutely beautiful and what’s more, the children had made them themselves.
decrease n.减少,降低:There could be a slight decrease in his weight but he eats too much.
v.减少,降低:The scientists are trying to make full use of natural energy to decrease air pollution.
deduce v.演绎,推论,推断:
The subject is adopted the research approach of deduce.课题采用归纳演绎的研究方法。
Sometimes even when you have the facts, you can’t always deduce an outcome.
She hoped he hadn’t deduced the reason for her visit. 她希望他还没有推断出她此次来访的原因。
deed n.行为,事迹:
Deeds are better than words.行动胜于言论。
His deeds do not answer to his words.他言行不一致。
Affected by their good deeds, I was eager to join them in helping the old.
【拓展】in deed事实上,真正地,在行动上:
A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。
deep adj.①深的:There were deep cuts in his face.他脸上的伤口很深。
I have a deep affection for the city where I spent my childhood.
adv.深(厚)地:I sat deep in the crowd.我坐在人群深处。
He was deeply moved by the story and read deep into the night.
The ship sank deep into the sea.船深深地沉入了海底.
He cares for her deeply.他深深地爱著她.
deer n.鹿:Some farmers have turned to keeping deer, and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.
【拓展】单复数同形:a deer一只鹿 many deer许多鹿
defeat n.失败,击败:The football team suffered a defeat.该足球队被击败了。
v.①击败,战胜:He refused to acknowledge being defeated in the match, but in vain.
②使落空,使受挫:Our hopes were defeated.我们的希望破灭了。
defence (Am defense) n.
①防御,保卫,防护:The defense of the country is everyone’s affair.保卫祖国,人人有责。
The government has announced plans to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year.
【拓展】in defence of为……辩护,保护,保卫,捍卫:
Mrs. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he shouldn’t have been
They fought to the last breath in defence of freedom and of the benefits of the people.
defend v. ①防守,保卫,保护:
In nature some animals actively defend the area on which they depend for the resources.
The safety devices defend workers from/against harm.这些安全装置保护工人免遭伤害。
②辩护,辩解:Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he on purpose destroyed the fence of the garden.别再为他辩护了。很明显,他是故意毁坏花园的篱笆的。
define v. 给……下定义,解释:
Guangdong province rolled out new guidelines, defining offensive nicknames and online violence as
school bullying. 广东省出台了新的规定,将攻击性绰号和网络暴力定义为校园欺凌。
Can you define the word project?你能解释project这个词的意义吗?
definite adj.明确的,肯定的:
You must give a definite answer to the question. There’s no getting round it.
It’s definite that he’ll come=He is sure to come.他肯定会来。
definition n.定义,限定:
There is no exact definition of the word “happiness”. People are happy for all sorts of reasons.
degree n.①度数:Average temperatures in July range from 15 to 25 degrees.七月平均气温在15到25度之间。
②程度:The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some degree.
③学位:a bachelor’s degree学士学位 a master’s degree硕士位学 a doctor’s degree博士学位
I hear Joe has gone to MIT for his master degree.我听说乔去了麻省理工学院攻读硕士学位。
delay n. 耽搁,拖延,推迟,延期:
You must return the book to me today. There will be no excuse for any further delay.
v. 耽搁,拖延,推迟,延期:
We completed one third of the project, and the loan not arranged in place, we had to delay the rest till the
next month.我们完成了工程的三分之一,由于贷款还没有到位,我们不得不把剩下的延期到下个月。
They delayed leaving.他们推迟动身。
②用作名词时,其后可接 in doing sth.,但一般不能接of doing sth.或to do sth.:
Excuse me for my delay in answering your letter.迟复为歉。
③without delay立刻,及时,不拖延:
Problems, if any, should be solved without delay.有问题要及时解决。
delete v.删去,删除:
I suggest you delete the useless files on the computer which take up too much space.
deliberate adj.①故意的,蓄意的:
Looking you straight in the eye does not mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars
often do this in a deliberate way, playing on people believing the myth.直视你并不意味着这个人
She spoke in a slow and deliberate way.她说话慢条斯理不慌不忙。
delicate adj.①易损的,易破碎的:
Be careful, for the delicate glass breaks easily.小心,因为易碎的玻璃很容易损坏。
The international situation is quite delicate at present. Any move towards a country’s own interest
may cause immediate conflicts.目前国际形势相当微妙。任何为了一个国家的利益而采取的行动
delicious adj.美味的,可口的:
Apart from the delicious food here, why not enjoy yourself shopping for handsome jewelry?
Ms. Smith, thank you for inviting us. The food you cooked is very delicious.
delight n.快乐,乐事:
To my delight my novel was accepted for publication.使我高兴的是我的小说被接受出版了。
Raising flowers is a great delight.养花是件很快乐的事。
I am delighted to hear the delightful news that my brother has passed the driving test.
②to one’s delight让/使某人高兴的是:
Much to my delight, my vocabulary has expanded a great deal.
To the delight of Mr. Thomas, he managed to finish the task on time, which was the hardest
job that he’d ever undertaken.使托马斯先生高兴的是,他设法按时完成了任务,这是他曾
③take delight in sth./doing sth.喜欢做某事:
Mary takes great delight in learning pop music.玛丽喜欢学习流行音乐。
deliver v.投递,递送,传送,发表:
Would you deliver my message to her?请你帮我把口信传给她好吗?
He will deliver an address on the subject of war and peace.他将就战争与和平问题发表演说。
Who do you guess the head teacher would like to have deliver the speech at the school meeting next week?你猜校长会让谁在下周的校园会议上发表讲话?
The news of the earthquake had hardly spread when a large quantity of relief supplies were delivered to the disaster-stricken area.地震的消息一传开,大量的救灾物资被递送到灾区。
demand n.①要求,请求:The authorities showed no signs of giving up to the kidnapper’s demands.
②需要,需求:There is a great demand/much demand for teachers in this town.这个城镇急需教师。
v.要求,需要:The workers are demanding more money.工人要求增加工资。
The teacher demanded that the books(should)be returned to the school library in five days.这位老师要求这些书要在五天之内归还图书馆。
②一般不接不定式的复合结构,即不用于demand sb to do sth,遇此情况可改用从句或在sb之前加介词of:
He demanded of us to tell him everything.=He demanded that we(should)tell him
③in demand有需求:Oil is in great demand these days.现今对石油的需求量很大。
demanding adj.要求高的,费力的,苛求/刻的,难满足的:
Teaching is often viewed as a hard and demanding job.
He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job
Her boss was very demanding but appreciative of Christina’s talents.
dentist n.牙科医生:
The little girl was afraid of having her bad tooth pulled out. The dentist tried hard to put her at ease.
deny v.否认,否定,拒绝(给予、承认或接受),节制,克制:
The stepmother denied attempting to murder the little boy, but there was no denying the fact that she had
always been cruel to him.这位继母否认她意图谋杀这个小男孩,但是事实不可否认,她一直虐待这个
Someone has witnessed the accident, so don’t waste time trying to deny it’s your fault.
①(政府机构的)部,司,局,科:the Department of Defense国防部
the women’s clothing department女子服装部 the X-ray department放射科
the physics department物理系 the department of English teaching and research英语教研室(所)
④department store百货商场,百货公司:
Harrods is a famous department store in London.哈罗德公司是伦敦著名的百货公司。
departure n.①出发,离开,启程:
Not having been told the exact time departure time, he missed his train.
We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.糟糕的天气耽搁了我们启程。
The approach was condemned by many as a departure from normal scientific method.
I appreciated your calling back and greeting that afternoon after our departure.
depend v.①依靠,依赖,指望:
He’s quite reliable. You can depend on him to help you out.他很可靠。你可以指望他帮你摆脱困境。
Yon may depend on it that they will support you.你相信好了,他们会支持你的。
②取决于:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.球赛是否进行要看天气而定。
So whether life will continue to live on the earth depend on whether this problem can be solved.
【拓展】①交际用语:It(all)depends./ That depends那要看情况而定:
—David, when will you pay a visit to California?
—I can’t decide at present. It just depends.
②dependent adj.可依靠的/依赖的,其反义词为independent:
Human beings should not be dependent on computers too much.人类不应该太依赖电脑。
Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents’ opinion unless he wants their support.
③dependence n.依靠/依赖,其反义词为independence n.独立:
Despite modern society’s heavy dependence on fossil fuels for energy, most people are aware that the supply of these fuels is limited.尽管现代社会极度依赖化石燃料作为能源,但大部分人意识到这些燃料的供应是有限的。
This is our contribution to the world of the 21st century,a world of independence and
mutual understanding.这是我们对21世纪的世界的贡献,一个独立的、互相理解的世界。
deposit v.放下,寄存,存放,储蓄:
Deposit the box here.把箱子放在这儿。
You’d better deposit the package of food at the service counter before entering the bookstore.
His mother insisted that he should deposit the money in the bank.他母亲坚持要他把钱存入银行。
n.①存款,储蓄:It is not the first time that the one-year deposit rate has been cut by the central bank this year.一年期存款利率已不是第一次被下调了。
②定金,押金:She refused to hand over the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit.
depression n.萧条,郁闷,压抑,沮丧:
Millions of people have been thrown out of work due to the global economic depression.
Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems.
Stella was disappointed to find her new plan turned down and fell into great depression.
depth n.深,深度,深奥:
If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety.
We will discuss these three areas in depth.我们将深入探讨这三个领域。
describe v.①描写,描述:
I think what impresses me most about Gavin’s new book is the characters he describes.
②作图,画:He described a circle with a pair of compasses.他用圆规画了一个圆圈。
③叫做,称做:He described himself as a doctor.他自称是医师。
Can you describe what you saw to for] me?你能将你所见到的情况描述给我听听吗?
description n.描述,描写,形容:
Mary’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt as if I had been there.
【拓展】beyond description无法形容,难以形容:
The scenery along Chengfeng Lake is beautiful beyond description.
desert1 v. 抛弃,舍弃,遗弃:
Peter was a heart breaker. He deserted his wife the moment his business began to take off.
On no account should we desert our ship.我们无论如何都不能弃船而逃走。
desert2 n.沙漠,不毛之地:
Going camping in the desert will not be enjoyable unless you are well prepared.
deserve v.值得,应受,应该得到:
Several people deserve mentioning for their assistance in providing information for this report.
After all that hard work, you really deserve a holiday.
【用法】①在现代英语中通常只用作及物动词,且不用于进行时态。注意,现在分词 deserving (值得的)在现代英语中已转化为形容词,be deserving of是一个常用结构,与用作动词的 deserve同义:
She deserves death.=She is deserving of death.她该死。
What is worth doing deserves doing/to be done with great efforts.
design v.设计,绘制,计划,策划:She designs for a famous shop.她为一家名店搞设计。
The architect designed over forty projects home and abroad, of which twenty were award winners.
n.①设计,布局:The site in Beijing is an outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese garden design.北京的网站是中国园林设计创意艺术的杰出表现。
②设计图,图样:We studied the design for the new house.我们研究了这所新房子的设计图。
③谋划,计划,企图,阴谋,野心:They have designs on your money.他们对你的钱有企图。
【拓展】①designers n.设计者,构思者:
The designers of supermarkets can make customers buy one product rather than another.超市的设计者们可以使顾客们买一种产品而不是另一种。
②by design=on purpose有意/故意地:
Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.
Do you think the house was burnt down by accident or by design?
desire v.期望,要求,请求:
Nowadays it is typical of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meet whatever they desire.今天,年轻一代认为父母应该满足他们的所有愿望是理所当然的,这是他们的一个典型特征。
I am filled with desire to go back there.我心中充满了回去的欲望。
The more famous the school is, the great desire the parents have to send their children there.
We desire that immediate help be given to the local people who were in trouble.
desk n①课/书桌,写字台,柜台,服务台:
The desk and seat can be adjusted to the height of any child.课桌和座位可以根据孩子的身高进行调整。
Ask at the information desk.到问讯处询问。
despair n.绝望,使人绝望的人(或事物):He gave up the attempt in despair.他在绝望中放弃了这种尝试。
desperate adj.①不顾一切的,铤而走险的,令人绝望的:
Not seeing any land, the man struggling in the sea was desperate completely.
As the only bread-winner of the family, the father is desperate to get a job.
It is not until in a desperate situation that the best quality of a person will come out.
despite prep.尽管,不管:
The professor works as hard as a young man despite his old age and poor health.
Despite what others say, I think the film is very good.不管别人怎么说,我认为这部电影很好看。
dessert n.甜点,(一道)点心:What kind of desserts do you serve?你们供应哪些甜食?
destination n.目的地,目的:
Usually the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.
Obviously, a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations.
destroy v.破坏,毁坏:
The flood having destroyed everything, the victims became homeless and could only live temporarily in
detail n.细节:Since time is limited, let’s cut out the unimportant details.
【拓展】in detail详细地:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaker explained what was happening in Hongkong in detail, which clearly showed China’s firm attitude.外交部发言人详细地解释了香港所发生的事,坚定 地表明中国的态度。
detective n.侦探:He employed a private detective.他雇用了一名私人侦探。
Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.故事中的福尔摩斯是著名的侦探。
determine v.决定,决心,确定,坚定:
Determined to give his mother a surprise , Tom arrived home ahead of time.
The little girl was determined to become a doctor and her persistence eventually paid off.
Before starting the race, he gave me a determined look.比赛开始前,他给了我一个坚定的眼神。
Testing needs to be done to determine the long-term effects on humans
【拓展】①其后可接不定式或on doing sth.,但不直接跟动名词:
He determined to start/on starting early.他决定早些动身。
She determined that she (should) go abroad.她决定到国外去。
The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.法庭判这个人有威胁罪。
③determination n.决心,决定,决断:
She has shown great determination to succeed.她表现出了争取成功的决心。
His determination to marry her is now much stronger than ever.
develop v.①发展,成长:
Around this point develops the story, which is humorous and full of a strong local flavor.
Plants develop from seeds.植物从种子长大。
②培养,发扬:We must provide good materials for developing the students’ reading skills.
③开发:Opposed to developing the nature reserve, the local people prevented the construction workers
From entering their villages.当地人反对开发自然保护区,阻止建筑工人进入他们的村庄。
④养成:He developed the habit of making notes.他养成了做笔记的习惯。
⑤患(病):Sure enough, most of the plants developed the disease.果然大部分植物染上了这种病。
I was eager to have these photos developed because I wanted to send them to my mother.
Though its GDP ranks second in the world, China remains a developing country with its
average family income far below one of Western developed countries.虽然中国的GDP世界排
development n.发展,进展,发达,发育:
We should learn to adjust to social development, or we will be abandoned by our society.
He showed great interest in my work. He asked me to keep him informed of the latest development.
device n. ①设置,装置,设备:
Tech-free tourism refers to traveling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places
which block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals.远离电子产品的旅游指的是不带手机或者
The device is not designed to transmit to satellites.该设备不是为向卫星发送信号而设计的。
Sending advertising by mail is very successful as a marketing device.
The report was a device used to hide rather than revealed problems.
【拓展】speak of the devil说曹操,曹操到:
Speak of the devil! Some of the girls were just talking about you.
devil n.魔鬼,家伙,淘气鬼,冒失鬼:
The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil’s horns and tail.
I felt sorry for Blake, poor devil.我替布莱克感到难过,这个可怜的家伙。
devote v.把……奉献(给),致力于,把……专用于:
They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station.
If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.
Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could to helping the poor people in the flooded area.
This magazine is devoted to science.这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。
【拓展】①在devote oneself to(献身于,致力于),be devoted to(献身于,专用于)等结构中,to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词:
The cause he had devoted himself to proved a perfect success.
This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage.这本词典是解释词的用法的。
②devotion n.奉献,献身,热爱,专心,投入:
It is on account of his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by
all his students.是这个老教师极大的热情和奉献精神使他赢得了他所有学生的尊重。
Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time.他对工作的投入让他没有空闲时间。
diagram n.图表,图样:
I made a diagram to show how to get to my house.我画了这张示意图,说明到我家怎么走。
dial v.拨(电话号码):—Is Mr. Smith in?
—There isn’t any Mr. Smith here. You must have dialed the wrong number.
To get the police, dial 110.报警,(请)拨110。
dialogue(Am dialog) n.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues.
That book has a good plot and much clever dialogue.
②交换意见:More dialogue between world leaders is needed.世界各国领导人之间需要多交换意见。
diamond n.钻石,金刚石:The ring has a large diamond in it.这枚戒指上镶着个大钻石。
diary n.日记,日记簿,记事簿:
I keep a diary of my work.我记工作日记。
If you can’t remember your number, write it in code in a diary.
dictation n.听写:We’ll have a dictation today.我们今天要听写了。
dictionary n.词典,字典:an English-Chinese dictionary英汉词典
a dictionary of place names地名词典
You can look the word up in the dictionary.你可以在词典里查这个词。
【拓展】汉语说“查字典”,英语一般用look up a word in the dictionary或consult a dictionary。
die v.①死:People, animals and plants will die if they don’t have water.人和动植物没有水就会死亡。
②渴望,巴不得马上:He is dying for something to eat.他极想弄点东西吃。
【拓展】①die away(声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱:
Until the noise of the bus died away, we were able to hear the program again.
②die down(慢慢)熄灭,平静下来:The fire died down.火慢慢熄了。
③die out(家族、习俗、观念等)灭绝,绝迹:
Many of the plants in this area would die out if the government didn’t take measures to protect
If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from sickness or even small wounds in World War Ⅱ.如果没有青霉素,很多人在二战中就会死于疾病或小的伤口。
Her grandfather died of cancer.她祖父死于癌症。
diet n. ①饮食,食物:The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes.爱尔兰人过去以吃马铃薯为主。
Mrs. Brown really ought to go on a diet. She has put on so much weight since she gave up jogging.
v.节食,吃限定食物:You ought to diet and take more exercise.你应该节食并多做运动。
differ v.①相异,有区别:
Tastes differ.人各有所好。
The other two areas which British English and American English differ in are spelling and pronunciation.英式英语和美式英语的另外两个不同之处是拼写和发音。
Can you think of a situation in which the two differ from each othe?
I’m sorry to differ from you about/on/over this question.对不起,关于这个问题我与你的看法不同。
difference n.①不同,差别,差异:
—What difference will it make if we shall go to the concert on Tuesday or Saturday?
—They offer a discount on weekdays.
The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。
【拓展】make a(no)difference有(没有)差别,有(没有)影响,起(不起)重要作用:
As a father you must believe that you make a difference to the lives of your children.
—Who do you think will be in charge of our class during Mr. Wang’s absence?
—I don’t know. It makes no difference. I am not particular about teachers.
different adj.不同的,有差异的:
It is reported that the housing prices in some big cities fall in different degrees.
The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from that in England.
She is quite different from to what we thought.=She is quite different than we thought.
differentiate v.区分,区别,辨别,表明……间的差别,构成……间差别的特征:
A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。
It’s difficult to differentiate between the two varieties.这两个品种很难辨别。
difficult adj.困难的:
It is so difficult a problem that none of us can work it out.这道题如此困难,我们谁也解不出来。
He is difficult to work with.他很难共事。
Mary is in a difficult situation where we should help her.玛丽处于一个我们应该帮助她的艰难困境。
difficulty n.困难:The difficulty lies in the fact that we have no money.困难在于我们没有钱。
Do you have any difficulty with in English?你对(学习)英语有困难吗?
We have much difficulty(in)understanding what he says.
dig(dug, dug)v.挖,掘:
The villagers dug many tunnels through which they could fight against the enemies.
The well was found being dug when we got there.我们到那儿时发现人们正在挖那口井。
By carefully questioning, they managed to dig out the information they were looking for.
It must have taken a long time to dig out all the facts of these old books.
Two-thirds of the coins dug up on the island date from the year 275AD to 221BC.
digest v.消化,领会:This food digests well.这食品易消化。
The doctor suggested that I keep away from oily food, because it doesn’t digest easily.
Have you digested the report yet?这个报告你吃透了吗?
A good teacher should encourage his students to digest the knowledge by themselves instead of just copying and memorizing what the teacher said in class.好的老师应该鼓励学生自己领会吸收知识而不是只模仿和记忆老师所说的内容。
This book contains a digest of several articles in nuclear physics so you can read it before you read the book in detail.这本书里有一些关于核物理的摘要,所以在你详细阅读这些书之前,你可以阅读这些摘要。
Digestion is a physiological process.消化是一种生理上的过程。
digital adj.数字的,数码的:
Please call me before you buy a new digital camera so I can go with you.
dignity n.①高尚,高贵,体面:
Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.
The purpose of the newly-invented robots which can help bathe people is to preserve the dignity and
privacy of patients.新发明的机器人能够帮助人们洗澡,其目的就是维护病人的尊严和隐私。
dilemma n.进退两难,左右为难:
The doctor’s dilemma was whether he should tell the patient the truth.
She was in a dilemma whether to continue to stay at school or get a job.
dimension n.维度,尺寸,容积,内容,范围,方面:
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.时间有时被称为第四维度。
What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?这个语言实验室的有多大?
There is another dimension to this problem which you haven’t mentioned.
dinner n. ①正餐:They are at dinner.他们正在用餐。
②宴会:They are to give a dinner in honor of Mr. Smith.他们准备设宴招待史密斯先生。
dinosaur n.恐龙:How long ago did the dinosaur live?恐龙生活在多久以前?
dioxide n.二氧化物:copper dioxide二氧化铜
dip v.浸,蘸,把……放入又取出:
The finger I dipped into the cup was not the one I put into my mouth.
【拓展】dip into
Every time I take him out, I have to dip into my pocket for ice-creams and toys.
She dipped into her purse and took out some coins.她从钱包里取出一些硬币。
I have only had time to dip into the report.这份报告我来不及细看,只是草草浏览了一遍。
We took out a loan for the car because we didn’t want to dip into our savings.
diploma n.毕业文凭,学位证书:
To qualify for the job, you need a high school diploma.得有高中文凭,你才有获得这份工作的资格。
direct adj.直接的,直达的,直截了当的:
The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.正确的做法是直接按压伤口。
He gave a direct answer to my question.他直截了当的回答了我的问题。
v.①指挥,指导:Who is directing the work?谁在指导这项工作?
Who directed that movie on television last night?昨晚电视里的影片是谁导演的?
③指点,指方向:Will you direct me to the station?请问车站往哪走?
direction n.①方向,方位:
All that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.
Crowds of people poured into the square from all directions.人群从四面八方涌进广场。
②指导,指挥:The singing is under the direction of Mr Blair.歌唱团由布莱尔先生指挥。
③(用复数)说明书,指引:Full directions inside.内有详细说明书。
Only when taken according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.
director n.①管理者,所长,处长,局长,主任:
I hate to trouble the director.我不想去麻烦主任。
He is one of the directors of the company.他是这个公司的董事之一。
To draw the young into cinemas, the director selected superstars for leading roles in the film.
directory n.姓名地址录:
Subject directories are built by humans. Someone has combed through pages and links and selected all
those that are in the directory.主题目录是由人建立的。有人把页面和链接整个搜索一遍,选择所有
Her name is listed in the telephone directory.她的名字被列在电话簿上。
dirty adj.脏的:She is so annoying! She is always leaving her dirty dishes in the sink.
The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.
【拓展】①dirty looks白眼,充满敌意:
I don’t know why he’s giving me such dirty looks.我不知道他为何这样充满敌意地看着我。
②dirt n.污物,脏物,泥土:
Wash the dirt off.把污垢洗掉。
The children came in from the garden covered in dirt.孩子们从花园进来,满身是泥。
disability n.①残疾,伤残:I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.
②无能,无力:He knew his disability in this direction.他知道自己在这方面无能。
【拓展】disabled adj.残废的,残疾的:
Those studying there are mostly disabled children.在那里学习的多数是残疾儿童。
The disabled will receive more money.残疾人将得到更多钱。
disadvantage n.不利,弱点,缺点,劣势:
The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage.
disagree v.①意见不一致:
You are saying that women should stay at home rather than going out to work, and this is where I
②不一致,不相符:What he says disagrees with the fact.他说的与事实不符。
③不适合:The food disagrees with my taste.这食物不合我口味。
【拓展】disagreement n.分歧,争论:
Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground.
We have been having a few disagreements lately.近来我们有些争执。
disappear v.消失:The sun disappeared behind the clouds.太阳消失在云层中。
The worried expression has disappeared from his face.他脸上的愁容消失了。
【拓展】disappearance n.消失,失踪:
The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.
The man is being questioned because he is said to have something to do with the girl’s
disappoint v.①使失望:I was much disappointed at his absence.他不在,我很失望。
②使受挫:I’m sorry to disappoint your plans.对不起,我阻碍了你的计划。
a disappointed look失望的表情 a disappointing look令人失望的表情
His sudden disappearance from the party made all of us disappointed.
He was very disappointing.他很令人失望。
He was very disappointed.他感到很失望。
②disappointment n.失望,沮丧,令人失望的人(物)::
He left the station in with great disappointment.他非常失望的离开了火车站。
The child is a disappointment to his parents.这孩子真叫他父母失望。
to one’s disappointment令人失望的是:
To his disappointment, she didn’t come.令他失望的是,她没有来。
disaster n.灾难,祸患:
Should such a disaster occur, the damage would be incalculable.
Although we suffer from many serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.
discipline n.纪律,自律,训练,行为准则,自制力:
The discipline at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.
It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters.
The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.
discount n.折扣:All the goods on show are sold there at a forty percent discount?
discourage v.①(使)气馁/灰心,(使)沮丧:
All the students felt discouraged because the exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.
Jenny’s parents tried to discourage her from leaving school.珍妮的父母想办法让她别退学。
【拓展】discourage sb. from doing sth.劝阻某人不做,阻止某人做:
To discourage the young man from quitting the job, the manager held out many promises
like salary increase and quick promotion.为了阻止那个年轻人辞职,经理提出了许多
discover v.发现,发觉,了解:
The Chinese scientists claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.
It was never discovered how he had died.始终没有弄明白他是怎么死的。
Franklin discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.
discovery n.发现,被发现的事物:
The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught.新证据的发现使得小偷被捉拿归案。
discrimination n.①歧视:
Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this identity out of the long-existing
Parents’ top priority is to help their kids develop the ability to show discrimination in their
choices of friends.父母的首要任务是帮助他们的孩子发展在选择朋友时的识别能力。
discuss v.讨论,议论,谈论:
The old professor insisted that the problem requiring paying attention to be discussed.
discussion n.讨论,辩论:
We have to wait until the discussion between them comes to an end.
disease n.病,疾病:
Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
disgusting adj.令人厌恶的,令人作呕的:
What a disgusting smell! How long was it since you last cleaned the house?
dish n.①盘,碟,盘形物:Can I give you a hand with the dishes?我帮你洗碟子好吗?
②一道菜:a cold dish冷盘
disk=disc n.磁盘,圆盘:a computer dish软盘
dislike v.不喜爱,厌恶:I like cats but dislike dogs.我喜欢猫但不喜欢狗。
He is a dislike to me! I don’t care about what happened to him!
I dislike it when you whistle.我不爱听你吹口哨。
dismiss v.①让……离开,解雇:
The employee might have been dismissed by the employer last month.
②遣散,解散:The teacher dismissed the class ahead of time.老师提前让学生下课。
③消除,不理:Dismiss such thoughts from your mind.要从心理上消除这样的思想。
display v.①陈列,展出,展示:
It’s said that this is the first time the painting has been displayed to the public, which attracts many
China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, displaying its
military power on an unprecedented scale.中国在北京举行了盛大的阅兵式来纪念在二战中战胜日
These statistics display a definite trend.这些数据表现出一种明显的趋势。
The screen will display the user name in the top right-hand corner.屏幕将在右上角显示用户名称。
③炫耀:Victor Henry knew that Roosevelt liked to display his memory, but it still surprised and impressed
His pictures are on display at the art gallery.他的绘画现陈列在美术馆中。
A fireworks display was organized to mark the Queen’s birthday.
However, for a few people, keeping pets is only a display of their wealth.
distance n.①距离:His strength ran out after he covered that long distance.他跑完那么远的距离后,体力耗尽了。
②远方,远处:Not until the bus disappeared in the distance did Tina find her school bag was gone.
【拓展】①at a(some)distance隔开一些距离,疏远:
The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画远些看更好些。
He no longer keeps his neighbors at a distance.他不再疏远邻居了。
②from a distance从远处(方):Many guests came from a distance.许多客人从远方而来。
distant adj.①远的,遥远的:
She has good eyesight. She can see as far as the distant island in the sea.
②不相近的,不密切的:A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor.远亲不如近邻。
distinction n.①不同,区别:
These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have built up a memory capacity to make
distinctions between human voices.这些显著的发现表明大象已经建立了记忆能力,能够区分人
She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic.
Try to set aside half an hour each day for keeping a diary, and you’ll achieve distinction in writing.
distinguish v.①辨认,看清,听出:I can distinguish them at a distance.从远处我能认出他们。
②区别,区分:People who are color-blind often can’t distinguish red from green.
Now’s your chance to distinguish yourself.你大显身手的时机到啦!
In order to get high marks and distinguish yourself in any examination, there are some things you must do.为了获得高分,在考试中脱颖而出,有些事你必须要做。
distribute v.①分发:To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute
②分布,散布:This kind of tree is widely distributed in our country.这种树在我们国家里广泛分布。
③分配,分送:In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to take care of it.
【拓展】distribution n.分配,分布:
Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.
district n.区,地区,区域:
The vegetables grown in this district are much better than those in that district.
disturb v.①扰乱,打扰:Don’t run up and down in the classroom. It may disturb other students.
②弄乱:A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.微风吹皱了水面。
Don’t disturb the papers on desk.不要乱动我桌上的文件。
【拓展】disturbance n.干扰,打扰:
You mustn’t use your cell phone here in our hospital because of the disturbance to the electronic equipments! It’s forbidden.由于电子设备受到干扰,你不能在我们医院使用手机!这是禁止的。
disturbing adj.令人不安的:
The noise was so disturbing that he was so disturbed that he stayed awake the whole night.
dive(dived, dove或dived) v.
He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child.他从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。
②俯冲:The eagle dived down on the rabbit.那只雄鹰向兔子猛扑下来。
③潜心研究:He dived into the history of China.他潜心研究中国历史。
diverse adj.各种各样的,不同的,形形色色的:
There are diverse approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our
Chinese students.教英语的方法有很多种,但不是所有的方法都一样对我们中国学生有效。
Living in the city will surely put you in touch with people from diverse cultures.
divide v. ①分,划分:The house is so large that we can divide it into flats.房子太大了,我们可以把它分成几套。
②隔开,分开:The English Channel divides England from France.英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。③(算术用语)除:15 divided by 3 is 5. 15除以3等于5。
division n.①(算术用语)除,除法:Have you learnt division?你学会除法了吗?
The river forms the division between the old and new parts of the city.这条河把新城和旧城分开。
③部分,部门:Which division of the company do you work in?你在这个公司的哪个部门工作?
divorce n.离婚:The couple has their own reason for keeping their divorce a secret for the moment.
v.①使离婚,与(丈夫或妻子)离婚:She divorced her husband.她和丈夫离了婚。
She divorced her husband three years ago, and soon married a man with a lot of money.
②分离,分割:Never be divorced from real life.千万不要脱离现实生活。
dizzy adj.①(使)头昏眼花的,(使)头晕目眩的,头晕:
All of a sudden, I felt dizzy as though my room started to spin.
②被弄糊涂的,愚蠢的:He was dizzy with shame.他羞愧得变糊涂了。
do(did, done)v.①做,干,办,为:Do as you please.你愿意怎么做就怎么做。
All that needs to be done has been done.该干的都干完了。
②有益,产生效果:That won’t do you any harm.那不会对你有害的。
③尽(力):He did his best to help us.他尽力帮助我们。
④处理,收拾,洗刷,整理:do one’s teeth刷牙 do the dishes洗碗碟
⑤(对)适合,行,可以:That would do me very well.那对我很适合。
v. aux.①构成疑问、附加疑问或否定):
He doesn’t think so, does he?他不那么想,是吗?
②(用于加强语气或倒装语序中):I do like him! 我真的喜欢他!
Never did I see such a thing.我从来没有见过那样一种东西。
③(用以代替重复词语):You saw him and so did I.你看见了他,我也看见了他。
【拓展】①do away with废除,除去:
The company did away with private offices.公司取消了私人办公室。
②do up扣,结,系,包,扎,梳妆,整理:
This skirt does up at the back.这条裙子从后面系扣子。
He told me to do up the package.他叫我把包裹捆好。
Mary did herself up for the party.玛丽为参加聚会而打扮。
③do with处置,放置,利用,想要,忍受,将就:
What shall I do with it=How shall I deal with it?怎样处置它好呢?
What have you done with my umbrella?你把我的雨伞放到哪里去了?
doctor n.①医生:You should see a doctor.你得看看医生。
②博士:Doctor of Science (Medicine)理(医)学博士
document n.文件,文献,证件:
Copying this documents took up the whole morning.复制这些文件占用了整整一个上午。
Show me your documents, please.请出示您的证件。
dog n.狗,犬:While walking the dog, I was so careless that it got loose and was hit by a car.
doll n.①玩偶,玩具娃娃:play with dolls 玩洋娃娃
②漂亮女子:She is quite a doll!她真是个美人!
dollar n.美元:How is the U.S. dollar today?今天美元市价多少?
He took out a five-dollar bill.他拿出一张五美元的钞票。
domestic adj.①本国的,国内的:
My uncle now teaches French in a famous domestic university, who lived in Paris for 6 years.
Our international conference is about the children exposed to domestic violence.
Domestic animals are even more important to men.驯养的动物对人类作用更大。
I’m not a very domestic sort of person.我不是那种很喜欢待在家里的人。
donate v.捐赠,捐献:
Many Chinese people donate money to help those students in need of financial aid.
【拓展】donation n.捐款,捐赠,赠送,捐赠物:
The Chief Manager made a donation of one million to the City Museum.
door n.①门(口),出入口::the fire door防火门
I knocked at the front door, but there was no answer.我敲了敲前门,没有人应。
Will you show him to the door?你送他到门口?
Three arcades were before them, and the middle one was used as a door.
On Halloween, Children in costumes ask for candies from door to door shouting “ Trick or Treat”.
③途径:They refused to negotiate, so closing the door on any chance of settlement.
【拓展】①show/see sb. to the door送某人到门口:
Whenever a guest leaves, my father will show him to the door.
②show sb. the door驱赶某人,把某人撵走,把某人赶走,下逐客令,轰出门:
Alice rudely showed me the door.爱丽斯无礼地把我轰出了门。
dormitory(dorm) n.学生宿舍,大寝室:
Children sleep in dormitories when they live at school.孩子们住在学校时,在宿舍睡觉。
dot n.点,小点,圆点:
On the map towns were marked by a red dot.在地图上,城镇是用小红点标出的。
Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。
double adj.①双的,两个的,双人的,双重的,两用的:
Thanks to the good weather, the production of wheat this year will be double as much as that of last year.由于天气好,今年的小麦产量将是去年的两倍。
A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller.
The word has a double meaning.这个词有双重意思。
n.①两倍(的数或量),加倍:Ten is the double of five.10为5的两倍。
②两倍之物,酷似的人或物:He is the double of his father.他酷似他父亲。
③(用复数)双打:mixed doubles混合双打
【拓展】adv.①双倍地:We can pay double.我们可以加倍付钱。
②两人一道地:The two children sleep double.这两个小孩合睡一床。
The 2013 population investigation shows one in four people in Jiangsu will be over 65 and
the number of over-85 people will have doubled by 2030.2013年人口调查表明在江苏省
doubt n.怀疑,疑惑:There is no doubt that he will win.毫无疑问,他会赢的。
People doubt whether the rising house prices will be under control.
There is no doubt that what he said at yesterday’s meeting was true.
Whether the authorities will allow inspection is highly doubtful.当局是否允许检查还是个大问号。
Rose was doubtful about the whole idea. 罗斯对整个设想持怀疑态度。
It is doubtful whether it is true or not.这件事的真假值得怀疑。
down prep.①(表动态)往……的下方,沿着……往下(往远处):He fell down the stairs.他从楼梯上摔下来。
②(表静态)在……下面,在……的下方:The bathroom is down those stairs.浴室在那楼梯下面。
adv.①向下:The sun went down.太阳落了。
②抑制,减缓:The wind died down.风势渐渐弱了。
His passion has gone down.他的情绪平静了下来。
download n.& v. (计算机用语)下载:
It’s worth downloading, because it’s free and doesn’t take up a lot of disk space.
You can also use the interface to download, copy, or delete objects.
downstairs adv.在(到)楼下:
We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.我们最好马上下楼去吃午饭。
Boy students, could you come downstairs to help me carry those books?
I have been cleaning my storeroom downstairs.我一直在楼下打扫我的储藏室。
downtown adv.住(在)城市的商业区(或中心区、闹市区):
Let’s go downtown.我们去市商业区吧。
We worked out a system for getting electricity to the downtown.
But judging by all the traffic, we are probably in the downtown area.
He lives in downtown New York.他住在纽约闹市区。
dozen n.①十二个,一打:
Shortly after the accident, two dozen police went to the spot to keep order.
He bought a dozen red roses.他买了一打红玫瑰。
Mr. Smith asked me to buy several dozen eggs for the dinner party.
Though you have dozens of eggs here, I just want two dozen of these eggs.
②与a few, several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时,其复数带不带复数词尾-s均可,但是注意:若不带复数词-s,其后的介词of可以省略;若带复数词尾-s,则其后介词of不宜省略:several dozen(of)pencils= several dozens of pencils几打铅笔
Dr.=doctor n.医生,大夫,博士:
Dr. Smith is assigned to take charge of the department.史密斯大夫受命分管这个部门。
Dr. Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning.基恩博士是星期天早上7点左右抵达的。
draft n.①草稿,初稿,底稿:
It is not until May, 2013 when the online consultation comes to an end that the draft will be officially in
②汇票,支票:Ten days later Carmen received a bank draft for a plane ticket.
v.①起草:Can you draft out a plan for us?你能替我们起草一个计划吗?
②征兵,征召:They were drafted into the army.他们应征入伍。
drag v. ①拖,拽,:He couldn’t lift the sack, so he dragged it out of the of the shop.
②拖延:There’s no telling how long the talks could drag on.谁也说不准谈判还会拖多久。
drama n.戏剧,剧本, 戏剧性:
He knew nothing of Greek drama.他对希腊戏剧一无所知。
The witness’ unexpected disclosure was filled with drama.证人的出人意料的揭发充满了戏剧性。
draw(drew, drawn) v.
①绘画,绘制:He drew a straight line.他画了一条直线。
The writer has won the hearts of millions of children with the rich stories drawn from her childhood memories.凭借着她从她的童年记忆中获取的故事,那个作家赢得了很多小孩子的心。
The draft regulation has drawn wide public concern.未成年人保护条例草案引起了公众关注
The football coach tried his best to draw every player’s attention to improving their skills.
【拓展】①draw back移开,后退:
The trapped car could hardly make any advance and neither could it draw back in the mud.
②draw back from退缩,撤回:
We drew back from taking our neighbours to court.我们撤回了对邻居的起诉。
③draw…into(into doing)sth.使……卷入,使……参与:
Youngsters drawn into a life of crime身不由己卷入犯罪活动的年轻人
④draw sb. in吸引:
The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in.
⑤draw up草拟:He is drawing up a contract/list.他正在草拟一份合同/名单。
⑥drawing n.图画,素描(画),绘画,制图
She had done a drawing of her mother.她给他母亲画了像。
Drawing is my favorite lesson.画图画是我最喜欢的课程。
drawback n.缺点,不足,毛病:
The only drawback of the voyage was the rough sea, which made me very seasick.
Everything has its drawback.凡事皆有不足之处。
drawer n.抽屉:Shut a drawer.关上抽屉。
dream n.梦,梦想,空想:
We have entered into an age when dreams have the best chance of coming true.
v. (dreamt, dreamt或dreamed, dreamed)做梦,梦见,梦想,向往:
Last night I dreamed you.我昨晚梦见你。
Ever since my childhood, I have dreamed about there being a beautiful lake in my hometown.
As is often the case, a man who can dream will try hard to overcome any difficulties and live his dream.
【拓展】Don’t dream away your time不要虚度光阴。
dress n.①女服,连衣裙:
I like this silk dress and it feels so soft and comfortable.我喜欢这件丝绸连衣裙,感觉又软又舒服。
②(统指)服装,礼服:He doesn’t care much about dress.他不太注意衣着。
Dressed in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party.
Are you dressed yet?你穿好衣了吗?
Dressing before going to work is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine.
【拓展】①dress up打扮,穿上特殊服装,(使)装扮成另一种样子:
In order to go to the palace ball, the pretty girl is dressing herself up carefully.
As it turned out to be a small house party, we needn’t have dressed up so formally.
②(be)dressed in穿着……衣服:
Dressed in a red dress, she was easy to pick out in the big crowd at the airport.
③dress down训斥,责骂,斥责:
Campbell dressed them down in public. 坎贝尔当众训斥了他们。
④get dressed穿衣服:
Get dressed quickly, or you’ll be late for school.快点穿好衣服,否则你上学要迟到了。
drill n.①钻头:The drill must be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole.钻头得缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。
Just a month before the earthquake the school practiced an emergency drill showing the children how to
calmly find their “safe place”.就在地震前一个月,学校进行了紧急演练教孩子如何冷静的找到安全
v.①钻(孔),在……上钻孔:The thief drilled a hole in the iron box.这个小偷在铁箱子上钻了一个孔。
②(反复)训练:Let’s drill them in English pronunciation.我们来教他们练习英语发音吧。
drink(drank, drunk)
v.①喝,饮:What do you want to drink?您要喝什么?
②喝酒:He never drinks.他从不喝酒。
n.饮料,酒:She took a drink from the glass and then put it down.她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。
Too much drink is bad for your health.酗酒有害健康。
drive(drove, driven )
Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the train?
②驱赶,迫使:He drove off away the dog.他把狗赶走了。
driver n.司机:Many drivers stopped to offer help because our car broke down on the road.
drop n.滴,一滴:He emptied the glass to the last drop.他干了一杯,一滴不留。
I dropped my watch and it broke.我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。
He felt a sudden compulsion to drop the bucket and run.他突然有一种想扔掉水桶撒腿就跑的冲动。
②滴下,掉下,落下:The glass dropped from her hands.玻璃杯从她手中掉下来。
Please drop me a line.请寄封便信给我。
You must officially drop any course you are not attending.你必须正式放弃你没有参加的课程。
④变低,变少:Prices dropped in the first half of the year.上半年物价下降了。
【拓展】①drop in探望,串门:
Drop in to see me the next time you are in London.你下次来伦敦顺便到我这来坐坐。
②drop in on sb./at some place拜访某人/某地:
He will drop in on you next week if he is free.如果下个星期他有空,他会来拜访你的。
Now and then they would drop in at our house and have a talk with us.
③drop off让……下车:
Buses have routes. They pick up and drop off people at different places on the routes.
④drop out退出,退学,辍学:
She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。
Do you really plan to drop out of the football team?你真的打算退出球队么?
When I was twenty, I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help
support my family.
⑤drop back回落,减少,落在后面:
The runners kept together for a while and then a few started to drop back.
⑥drop down落下,掉下:The fruit has begun to drop down.水果开始落地。
drown v.溺死,淹没:
The boy might have drowned but for the fact that his father was standing beside him on the deck at that
Cheers drowned his voice.欢呼声淹没了他的声音。
drug n.药,药物;毒品:
His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth.他的药可以注射或口服。
They were arrested for drug offences.他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。
drum n.鼓,鼓声:He plays the drum in a band.他在乐队中打鼓。
drunk adj.醉的:If you drink too much of that wine, you will get drunk.那种酒喝多了你会醉的。
They are currently drunk with success.他们现在正陶醉于成功之中。
dry v.擦干,弄干,变干:Dry your hands.把你的手擦干。
Don’t use this door until the paint is dry.油漆未干,别走这个门。
The river has gone dry.河干了。
duck n.①鸭子:He shot at a wild duck, but missed it.他朝着一只野鸭射击,但没射中。
②鸭肉:Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner?正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?
due adj.①到期的,应付(给)的,到期应付的:
The bill is due.这张票据已到期。
②预定的,约定的:When are you due to go home?你准备什么时候回家?
③适当的,合适的,应得的:He has his due reward.他得到了应得的报酬。
【拓展】due to由于,应给与,应属于,due to跟动词原形连用表示将来:
Our team’s success was due to the efforts of Mr. Mark, who is due to arrive here in ten minutes.
Our grateful thanks are due to you.我们衷心感谢你。
dull adj. ①阴暗的:It’s a dull day; it’ll probably rain.天气阴沉,很可能要下雨。
Tired of the dull story, he left the hall without telling anyone.
③迟钝的,呆滞的:Her eyes were dull.她目光呆滞。
dumpling n.饺子,汤圆:dumpling with meat and vegetable菜肉馅饺子
during prep.在……期间,在……时候:
The sun gives us light during the day.太阳在白天给我们光明。
He fell asleep during the lesson.他在上课时睡着了。
dusk n.黄昏:The street lights go on at dusk.黄昏时分街灯就亮了。
The park is close to the public at dusk.公园每天黄昏时刻停止开放。
dust n.灰尘,尘土:He became ill after breathing coal dust for many years.他因多年吸入煤灰而生病了。
dustbin n.垃圾箱:
She tore up the letter angrily and threw it into the dustbin.她气愤地撕毁了那封信,把它扔进了垃圾箱。
dusty adj.尘土般的,尘土多的:The furniture was very dusty.家具上的灰尘很多。
duty n.①责任,义务:
The job will be offered to whoever the employers believe has previous experience as well as a strong sense of duty.这项工作将提供给雇主认为有经验和强烈责任感的人。
②职责,工作:It’s my duty to help you.帮你忙,是我份内该做的事。
【拓展】on(off)duty 上(下)班,当(不当)班:
He is very tired, so he needs some time off duty for relaxation and rest.
The policeman is on(off)duty now.这个警察正在值班(下班了)。
DVD=digital versatile disk n.数码影碟
dynamic adj.①精力旺盛的,有活力的:
We need an dynamic team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.
There is a dynamic ball in the computer.在电脑里有个动态的球。
This is a dynamic world.这是一个不断变化的世界。
dynasty n.朝代,王朝:
The old temple damaged in the earthquake dates from the Qing Dynasty.
The Seljuk Dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094. 叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝始建于1094年。
dad(=daddy) n.爸爸,爹爹:
My dad promised to buy me a new car.爸爸答应给我买辆新车。
Daddy, would you please buy me an iPhone 5?爸爸,你能给我买一部iPhone 5吗?
daily adj.每日的,日常的:
This job doesn’t pay well, but it’ll roughly cover your daily expenses.
adv.每天:I’m in the habit of brushing my teeth twice daily.我习惯每天刷两次牙。
n.日报:China Daily中国日报
dam n.水坝,堰堤:The government is planning to build a dam there.政府打算在那里建一座水坝。
damage n.①损害,损失,损坏:
In the past twenty years, a huge amount of environmental damage has been caused by air pollution.
The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。
②(用复数)赔偿费:He paid $500 in damages for the accident.他付了500美元的事故赔偿费。
v.损害,损坏:It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only slightly damaged.
damp adj.潮湿的:The boy is having a fever. You’d better damp a towel and lay it across his forehead.
n.湿气,潮湿:There is still damp in these clothes.这些衣服还有点湿。
v.使潮湿:Damp the shirt before you iron it.在烫衬衣之前,先把它喷湿。
dance n.跳舞,舞会:
The doctor told me to stay in bed, but I’m going to the dance anyhow.
v.跳舞:I like to dance to the music on the radio.我喜欢随着广播里的音乐起舞。
danger n.危险,危害,威胁:
As more and more forests were destroyed, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.
【拓展】①in danger在危险中:
The situation was dangerous. People were in danger.情况很危险。人们处于危险之中。
②in danger of有……的危险,out of danger脱离危险:
Once one is in danger of his life, he will instinctively find every possible way out of danger.
A few years ago, it was an endangered species, but now the population is on the increase.
dangerous adj.危险的,有危险性的,引起危险的:
Why did you put the wood near the fire? It’s dangerous!你为什么把木头放在火旁边?是很危险的!
dare v.(用作实义动词)敢,敢于:
Warned of danger in the street at night, the girl doesn’t dare to go out without someone accompanying her.
The problem was that he didn’t know what had hurt her and he didn’t dare(to)ask her.
modal v.(用作情态动词)敢:Dare you tell her the truth?你敢告诉她事实真相吗?
【拓展】①I dare say我想,大概,很可能:I dare say (that) it’ll rain tomorrow.明天可能下雨。
②How dare you…?你竟敢……:
How dare you talk to me like that?你竟敢那样对我说话?
dark n.①(连用the)黑暗,暗处:She was afraid of the dark.她害怕黑暗。
②黄昏,傍晚,黑夜:We turn the light on at dark.我们在黄昏时开灯。
adj.黑暗的:It began to grow dark.天开始黑了起来。
①两者都可表示“黑暗”,都是不可数名词dark 前通常用定冠词,而 darkness 前通常不用冠词:
Darkness was falling fast. 黑暗很快来临。
Children are usually afraid of the dark. 小孩通常都害怕黑暗。
②表示“在黑暗中”,用 in the dark 或 in the darkness 均可:
Cats can see in the dark(ness). 猫在黑暗中能够看见。
The light went out and left us in the dark(ness). 灯熄了,我们面前一片漆黑。
但是 (be) in the dark (about) 用于引申义表示“对……一无所知或被蒙在鼓里”时,通常不用 darkness:
A good government never keeps the people in the dark about important matters.
We are still in the dark about the cause of the fire. 我们还不清楚起火的原因。
③dark 还可以表示“黄昏”、“傍晚”、“黑夜”等,此时不用 darkness。注意此时 dark 前通常不用冠词:
They turn the light on at dark. 他们在黄昏时开灯。
Try to get home before dark. 尽量在天黑以前回家。
I’m afraid to go out after dark in the city. 在城里我害怕天黑后出门。
darling n.(用作称呼)亲爱的,心爱的人,倍受宠爱的人,亲切友好的的人:
Darling, hand me the new suit.亲爱的,把那套新西装递给我。
“My darling girl. You and your husband shall have this part of my kingdom with all its rivers and forests and mountains.” said King Lear.李尔王说:“我亲爱的女儿,你和你的丈夫将拥有我的王国的一部分,有河流、森林和高山”。
dash v.①急奔,猛冲:The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.
②猛撞,冲撞:The boat was dashed against the rocks.那船猛地撞到礁石上。
n.①(连用a)急奔,猛冲:He made a dash for the bus.他急忙冲向公共汽车。
②短跑:Five athletes competed for the gold medal with each other in the 100-meter dash.
data n.资料,数据:So data of this kind can be valuable.因此这样的资料可能很有价值。
He copied the data into a notebook.他将数据抄在一个笔记本上。
database n.资料库,数据库:
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.
date n.①日期,年月日:What’s the date today? =What date is it today?今天是几号?
②约会,会晤:I have a date with her.我同她有个约会。
v.①写日期:Don’t forget to date your check.不要忘记在支票上写上日期。
②回溯:The needle treatment dating from the ancient times has cured many diseases.
A major fire broke out at Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris, of which the construction dates
back to the year 1163.巴黎市中心的圣母院发生大火,这建筑可以追溯到1163年。
【拓展】①out of date过时的,不再用的:These words have gone out of date.这些词已经不再用了。
②to date到目前为止:
We haven’t got any further information to date.到目前为止我们尚未获得进一步的消息。
③up to date至今,到目前为止,拥有(或包含)最新信息的,最新式的,现代化的:
The book is up to date.这本书载有最新资料。
daughter n.女儿:Mary has an 18-year-old daughter who has a gift for singing.
dawn n.黎明,拂晓:
It was not yet dawn when he got to the school.当他到达学校的时候,天还没有亮。
The volunteers for the Shanghai World Expo are busy from dawn till/to dusk/night but they feel very proud of it.上海世博会的志愿者们从早忙到晚,但他们对此感到非常自豪。
The darkest hour is nearest the dawn.黎明前的黑暗。
day n.①日,一天:
When day dawned, the stars faded out of sight.天亮时,星星渐渐淡出视线。
Don’t bother to look for my dictionary; it will turn up some day.
Things are getting worse day by day.情况一天天变糟。
②白天,昼:The machines kept running day and night /night and day.机器日夜不停地运转。
③(特定)日子,节日:Mother’s Day 母亲节 Teachers’ Day 教师节 National Day 国庆节
【拓展】the other day几天前,早几天:
The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.
I lost my watch the other day.早几天我把表丢了。
dead adj.①死的,无生命的:He has been dead for years.他死了好几年了。
②失灵的:The television’s been dead since the storm.暴风雨过后那台电视机就坏了。
adv.全然地:He was dead asleep.他睡得很死。
When he rushed there, he found a man lying on the road, dead.
②deadly adj.极端的,非常的,致命的;adv.极其,非常:
As is well known, many deadly accidents result from carelessness and irresponsibility.
Politics is a deadly serious business.政治是件极其严肃的事情。
deadline n.最后期限,截止日期:
Thank Goodness! We have completed our task before the deadline.
I think you can get through the first five chapters before the deadline.
deaf adj.聋的:He is deaf in [of] one ear.他一只耳朵聋了。
He was deaf to all advice.他不听一切劝告。
【拓展】turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻,置若罔闻:
Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, even though they knew it to be valuable.
We are so disappointed that he always turns a deaf ear to our warnings every time we remind
him not to drive after getting drunk.我们非常失望,每次我们提醒他不要酒后驾车时,他总是
deal(dealt, dealt) n.
She spends a great deal of money on new clothes every year.她每年花很多钱买新衣服。
They wrapped up the business deal in less than an hour.他们在不到一个小时的时间里达成了这笔生意。
v.①分发,分配:The money was dealt out fairly and justly.钱分配的公平合理。
②交易,买卖,经营:The shop deals in goods of all kinds.这家商店经营各种货物。
【拓展】①deal with处理,对付,对待,论述,做买卖,与……打交道:
I think he’s just going to deal with this problem another day.我想他改天会处理这个问题的。
School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous situations.
The next chapter deals with verbs.下一章论述动词。
We often deal with that shop.我们经常在那家商店买东西。
②a good/great deal of(许多)后接不可数名词,不接可数名词。
③a great/good deal(许多,大量,经常,……得多)可用作主语、宾语、状语(修饰动词或形容词,尤其是比较级):
At the end of the year there was a great deal to do.年底有很多事要做。
I’ve heard a great deal about him.关于他的情况我听说了很多。
He was a good deal surprised.他非常吃惊。
She’s a great deal better today.她今天好多了。
④make a deal成交,达成交易,It is a deal.成交:
You’re not going to get out of here unless we make a deal.
—$300, and that’s my last offer.
—OK. It is a deal.
dear adj.①亲爱的:Dear Sir (Madam, John) 亲爱的先生(夫人,约翰)
②珍贵的:Life is very dear to him.生命对他来说十分珍贵。
③贵的:Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了。
n.亲爱的人:What would you have done in my place, my dear? 亲爱的,你如果处在我的位置会怎么做?
death n.死,死亡,致死:
Life for life, he will be sentence to death.以命偿命,他将被判处死刑。
What I learn about this violence is that it has caused at least three deaths.
Upon arriving home, they found their dog, was starving to death.
Drinking will be the death of him.他会被酒醉死的。
That defeat meant the death of all my hopes.那次失败毁灭了我所有的希望。
debate v.讨论,争论,辩论:The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.真理愈辩愈明。
The debate here will be limited in two main respects,in view of the limited time.
debt n.债务,欠款:It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.借债容易还债难。
【拓展】①in debt欠债,out of debt不负债,还清债务(两者都强调状态):
In China people believe in the saying “out of debt, out of pressure”.
He has been out of debt since he stopped gambling.他戒赌博后,不再欠债了。
②get into debt欠债,get out of debt不欠债(两者都强调动作):
It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again!负债容易还债难!
decade n.十年:Switzerland joined UN after having been neutral for decades.瑞士在中立几十年后加入了联合国。
decide v.①决定,下决心:
In order to help the poor, he decided to donate money to them.为了帮助穷人,他决定捐钱给他们。
I decide I will not attend her birthday party unless invited.我决定不受到邀请就不参加她的生日聚会。
②裁决,判决:The judge decided the case.审判员判决了案件。
【拓展】表示决定做某事,后接不定式,不能接动名词,但可接on doing sth:
He decided to go abroad.=He decided on going abroad.他决定出国。
decision n.决定,决心:
You can’t be too careful to make a decision at such a critical point.
His decision to become an actor surprised us.他决定要当演员让我们大吃一惊。
declare v.①声明,断言:
She declared (that) she knew nothing about the robbery.她声称她对这个抢劫案一无所知。
Something extraordinarily happened in that hospital. A man, declared clinically dead, suddenly came to
You are subject to punishment if you fail to declare to the customs when carrying the prohibited
articles listed above.如果你携带上述违禁物品未向海关申报的,将受到处罚。
【拓展】①announce与declare(宣布):announce主要指宣布大家期待的或与大家有关的事情,所涉及的情况通常是别人原来不知道的事,含有预告的意思;declare 含有庄严宣告或交代清楚的意思,所涉及的事情不一定是别人不知道的。
②declaration n.宣言,布告,公告,声明:
A declaration will be issued at the end of the aforementioned UN conference.
They will sign the declaration tomorrow.他们明天将签署这份公告。
decline v.①婉拒,拒绝:
She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn’t feeling well.
Sales of CDs have declined dramatically since the early 2010s, when people began to enjoy music
downloaded from the internet.
The Mp3 intended for young people has gone into a bit of decline recently with the appearance of the Mp4.
decorate v.装饰,修饰:She had her cell phone decorated with gold and jewels.她的手机上装饰着黄金和珠宝。
decoration n.装饰,修饰,装饰品,装饰物:
The design of the modern architecture concentrates on usefulness rather than decoration.
The decorations were absolutely beautiful and what’s more, the children had made them themselves.
decrease n.减少,降低:There could be a slight decrease in his weight but he eats too much.
v.减少,降低:The scientists are trying to make full use of natural energy to decrease air pollution.
deduce v.演绎,推论,推断:
The subject is adopted the research approach of deduce.课题采用归纳演绎的研究方法。
Sometimes even when you have the facts, you can’t always deduce an outcome.
She hoped he hadn’t deduced the reason for her visit. 她希望他还没有推断出她此次来访的原因。
deed n.行为,事迹:
Deeds are better than words.行动胜于言论。
His deeds do not answer to his words.他言行不一致。
Affected by their good deeds, I was eager to join them in helping the old.
【拓展】in deed事实上,真正地,在行动上:
A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。
deep adj.①深的:There were deep cuts in his face.他脸上的伤口很深。
I have a deep affection for the city where I spent my childhood.
adv.深(厚)地:I sat deep in the crowd.我坐在人群深处。
He was deeply moved by the story and read deep into the night.
The ship sank deep into the sea.船深深地沉入了海底.
He cares for her deeply.他深深地爱著她.
deer n.鹿:Some farmers have turned to keeping deer, and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.
【拓展】单复数同形:a deer一只鹿 many deer许多鹿
defeat n.失败,击败:The football team suffered a defeat.该足球队被击败了。
v.①击败,战胜:He refused to acknowledge being defeated in the match, but in vain.
②使落空,使受挫:Our hopes were defeated.我们的希望破灭了。
defence (Am defense) n.
①防御,保卫,防护:The defense of the country is everyone’s affair.保卫祖国,人人有责。
The government has announced plans to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year.
【拓展】in defence of为……辩护,保护,保卫,捍卫:
Mrs. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he shouldn’t have been
They fought to the last breath in defence of freedom and of the benefits of the people.
defend v. ①防守,保卫,保护:
In nature some animals actively defend the area on which they depend for the resources.
The safety devices defend workers from/against harm.这些安全装置保护工人免遭伤害。
②辩护,辩解:Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he on purpose destroyed the fence of the garden.别再为他辩护了。很明显,他是故意毁坏花园的篱笆的。
define v. 给……下定义,解释:
Guangdong province rolled out new guidelines, defining offensive nicknames and online violence as
school bullying. 广东省出台了新的规定,将攻击性绰号和网络暴力定义为校园欺凌。
Can you define the word project?你能解释project这个词的意义吗?
definite adj.明确的,肯定的:
You must give a definite answer to the question. There’s no getting round it.
It’s definite that he’ll come=He is sure to come.他肯定会来。
definition n.定义,限定:
There is no exact definition of the word “happiness”. People are happy for all sorts of reasons.
degree n.①度数:Average temperatures in July range from 15 to 25 degrees.七月平均气温在15到25度之间。
②程度:The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some degree.
③学位:a bachelor’s degree学士学位 a master’s degree硕士位学 a doctor’s degree博士学位
I hear Joe has gone to MIT for his master degree.我听说乔去了麻省理工学院攻读硕士学位。
delay n. 耽搁,拖延,推迟,延期:
You must return the book to me today. There will be no excuse for any further delay.
v. 耽搁,拖延,推迟,延期:
We completed one third of the project, and the loan not arranged in place, we had to delay the rest till the
next month.我们完成了工程的三分之一,由于贷款还没有到位,我们不得不把剩下的延期到下个月。
They delayed leaving.他们推迟动身。
②用作名词时,其后可接 in doing sth.,但一般不能接of doing sth.或to do sth.:
Excuse me for my delay in answering your letter.迟复为歉。
③without delay立刻,及时,不拖延:
Problems, if any, should be solved without delay.有问题要及时解决。
delete v.删去,删除:
I suggest you delete the useless files on the computer which take up too much space.
deliberate adj.①故意的,蓄意的:
Looking you straight in the eye does not mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars
often do this in a deliberate way, playing on people believing the myth.直视你并不意味着这个人
She spoke in a slow and deliberate way.她说话慢条斯理不慌不忙。
delicate adj.①易损的,易破碎的:
Be careful, for the delicate glass breaks easily.小心,因为易碎的玻璃很容易损坏。
The international situation is quite delicate at present. Any move towards a country’s own interest
may cause immediate conflicts.目前国际形势相当微妙。任何为了一个国家的利益而采取的行动
delicious adj.美味的,可口的:
Apart from the delicious food here, why not enjoy yourself shopping for handsome jewelry?
Ms. Smith, thank you for inviting us. The food you cooked is very delicious.
delight n.快乐,乐事:
To my delight my novel was accepted for publication.使我高兴的是我的小说被接受出版了。
Raising flowers is a great delight.养花是件很快乐的事。
I am delighted to hear the delightful news that my brother has passed the driving test.
②to one’s delight让/使某人高兴的是:
Much to my delight, my vocabulary has expanded a great deal.
To the delight of Mr. Thomas, he managed to finish the task on time, which was the hardest
job that he’d ever undertaken.使托马斯先生高兴的是,他设法按时完成了任务,这是他曾
③take delight in sth./doing sth.喜欢做某事:
Mary takes great delight in learning pop music.玛丽喜欢学习流行音乐。
deliver v.投递,递送,传送,发表:
Would you deliver my message to her?请你帮我把口信传给她好吗?
He will deliver an address on the subject of war and peace.他将就战争与和平问题发表演说。
Who do you guess the head teacher would like to have deliver the speech at the school meeting next week?你猜校长会让谁在下周的校园会议上发表讲话?
The news of the earthquake had hardly spread when a large quantity of relief supplies were delivered to the disaster-stricken area.地震的消息一传开,大量的救灾物资被递送到灾区。
demand n.①要求,请求:The authorities showed no signs of giving up to the kidnapper’s demands.
②需要,需求:There is a great demand/much demand for teachers in this town.这个城镇急需教师。
v.要求,需要:The workers are demanding more money.工人要求增加工资。
The teacher demanded that the books(should)be returned to the school library in five days.这位老师要求这些书要在五天之内归还图书馆。
②一般不接不定式的复合结构,即不用于demand sb to do sth,遇此情况可改用从句或在sb之前加介词of:
He demanded of us to tell him everything.=He demanded that we(should)tell him
③in demand有需求:Oil is in great demand these days.现今对石油的需求量很大。
demanding adj.要求高的,费力的,苛求/刻的,难满足的:
Teaching is often viewed as a hard and demanding job.
He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job
Her boss was very demanding but appreciative of Christina’s talents.
dentist n.牙科医生:
The little girl was afraid of having her bad tooth pulled out. The dentist tried hard to put her at ease.
deny v.否认,否定,拒绝(给予、承认或接受),节制,克制:
The stepmother denied attempting to murder the little boy, but there was no denying the fact that she had
always been cruel to him.这位继母否认她意图谋杀这个小男孩,但是事实不可否认,她一直虐待这个
Someone has witnessed the accident, so don’t waste time trying to deny it’s your fault.
①(政府机构的)部,司,局,科:the Department of Defense国防部
the women’s clothing department女子服装部 the X-ray department放射科
the physics department物理系 the department of English teaching and research英语教研室(所)
④department store百货商场,百货公司:
Harrods is a famous department store in London.哈罗德公司是伦敦著名的百货公司。
departure n.①出发,离开,启程:
Not having been told the exact time departure time, he missed his train.
We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.糟糕的天气耽搁了我们启程。
The approach was condemned by many as a departure from normal scientific method.
I appreciated your calling back and greeting that afternoon after our departure.
depend v.①依靠,依赖,指望:
He’s quite reliable. You can depend on him to help you out.他很可靠。你可以指望他帮你摆脱困境。
Yon may depend on it that they will support you.你相信好了,他们会支持你的。
②取决于:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.球赛是否进行要看天气而定。
So whether life will continue to live on the earth depend on whether this problem can be solved.
【拓展】①交际用语:It(all)depends./ That depends那要看情况而定:
—David, when will you pay a visit to California?
—I can’t decide at present. It just depends.
②dependent adj.可依靠的/依赖的,其反义词为independent:
Human beings should not be dependent on computers too much.人类不应该太依赖电脑。
Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents’ opinion unless he wants their support.
③dependence n.依靠/依赖,其反义词为independence n.独立:
Despite modern society’s heavy dependence on fossil fuels for energy, most people are aware that the supply of these fuels is limited.尽管现代社会极度依赖化石燃料作为能源,但大部分人意识到这些燃料的供应是有限的。
This is our contribution to the world of the 21st century,a world of independence and
mutual understanding.这是我们对21世纪的世界的贡献,一个独立的、互相理解的世界。
deposit v.放下,寄存,存放,储蓄:
Deposit the box here.把箱子放在这儿。
You’d better deposit the package of food at the service counter before entering the bookstore.
His mother insisted that he should deposit the money in the bank.他母亲坚持要他把钱存入银行。
n.①存款,储蓄:It is not the first time that the one-year deposit rate has been cut by the central bank this year.一年期存款利率已不是第一次被下调了。
②定金,押金:She refused to hand over the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit.
depression n.萧条,郁闷,压抑,沮丧:
Millions of people have been thrown out of work due to the global economic depression.
Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems.
Stella was disappointed to find her new plan turned down and fell into great depression.
depth n.深,深度,深奥:
If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety.
We will discuss these three areas in depth.我们将深入探讨这三个领域。
describe v.①描写,描述:
I think what impresses me most about Gavin’s new book is the characters he describes.
②作图,画:He described a circle with a pair of compasses.他用圆规画了一个圆圈。
③叫做,称做:He described himself as a doctor.他自称是医师。
Can you describe what you saw to for] me?你能将你所见到的情况描述给我听听吗?
description n.描述,描写,形容:
Mary’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt as if I had been there.
【拓展】beyond description无法形容,难以形容:
The scenery along Chengfeng Lake is beautiful beyond description.
desert1 v. 抛弃,舍弃,遗弃:
Peter was a heart breaker. He deserted his wife the moment his business began to take off.
On no account should we desert our ship.我们无论如何都不能弃船而逃走。
desert2 n.沙漠,不毛之地:
Going camping in the desert will not be enjoyable unless you are well prepared.
deserve v.值得,应受,应该得到:
Several people deserve mentioning for their assistance in providing information for this report.
After all that hard work, you really deserve a holiday.
【用法】①在现代英语中通常只用作及物动词,且不用于进行时态。注意,现在分词 deserving (值得的)在现代英语中已转化为形容词,be deserving of是一个常用结构,与用作动词的 deserve同义:
She deserves death.=She is deserving of death.她该死。
What is worth doing deserves doing/to be done with great efforts.
design v.设计,绘制,计划,策划:She designs for a famous shop.她为一家名店搞设计。
The architect designed over forty projects home and abroad, of which twenty were award winners.
n.①设计,布局:The site in Beijing is an outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese garden design.北京的网站是中国园林设计创意艺术的杰出表现。
②设计图,图样:We studied the design for the new house.我们研究了这所新房子的设计图。
③谋划,计划,企图,阴谋,野心:They have designs on your money.他们对你的钱有企图。
【拓展】①designers n.设计者,构思者:
The designers of supermarkets can make customers buy one product rather than another.超市的设计者们可以使顾客们买一种产品而不是另一种。
②by design=on purpose有意/故意地:
Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.
Do you think the house was burnt down by accident or by design?
desire v.期望,要求,请求:
Nowadays it is typical of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meet whatever they desire.今天,年轻一代认为父母应该满足他们的所有愿望是理所当然的,这是他们的一个典型特征。
I am filled with desire to go back there.我心中充满了回去的欲望。
The more famous the school is, the great desire the parents have to send their children there.
We desire that immediate help be given to the local people who were in trouble.
desk n①课/书桌,写字台,柜台,服务台:
The desk and seat can be adjusted to the height of any child.课桌和座位可以根据孩子的身高进行调整。
Ask at the information desk.到问讯处询问。
despair n.绝望,使人绝望的人(或事物):He gave up the attempt in despair.他在绝望中放弃了这种尝试。
desperate adj.①不顾一切的,铤而走险的,令人绝望的:
Not seeing any land, the man struggling in the sea was desperate completely.
As the only bread-winner of the family, the father is desperate to get a job.
It is not until in a desperate situation that the best quality of a person will come out.
despite prep.尽管,不管:
The professor works as hard as a young man despite his old age and poor health.
Despite what others say, I think the film is very good.不管别人怎么说,我认为这部电影很好看。
dessert n.甜点,(一道)点心:What kind of desserts do you serve?你们供应哪些甜食?
destination n.目的地,目的:
Usually the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.
Obviously, a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations.
destroy v.破坏,毁坏:
The flood having destroyed everything, the victims became homeless and could only live temporarily in
detail n.细节:Since time is limited, let’s cut out the unimportant details.
【拓展】in detail详细地:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaker explained what was happening in Hongkong in detail, which clearly showed China’s firm attitude.外交部发言人详细地解释了香港所发生的事,坚定 地表明中国的态度。
detective n.侦探:He employed a private detective.他雇用了一名私人侦探。
Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.故事中的福尔摩斯是著名的侦探。
determine v.决定,决心,确定,坚定:
Determined to give his mother a surprise , Tom arrived home ahead of time.
The little girl was determined to become a doctor and her persistence eventually paid off.
Before starting the race, he gave me a determined look.比赛开始前,他给了我一个坚定的眼神。
Testing needs to be done to determine the long-term effects on humans
【拓展】①其后可接不定式或on doing sth.,但不直接跟动名词:
He determined to start/on starting early.他决定早些动身。
She determined that she (should) go abroad.她决定到国外去。
The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.法庭判这个人有威胁罪。
③determination n.决心,决定,决断:
She has shown great determination to succeed.她表现出了争取成功的决心。
His determination to marry her is now much stronger than ever.
develop v.①发展,成长:
Around this point develops the story, which is humorous and full of a strong local flavor.
Plants develop from seeds.植物从种子长大。
②培养,发扬:We must provide good materials for developing the students’ reading skills.
③开发:Opposed to developing the nature reserve, the local people prevented the construction workers
From entering their villages.当地人反对开发自然保护区,阻止建筑工人进入他们的村庄。
④养成:He developed the habit of making notes.他养成了做笔记的习惯。
⑤患(病):Sure enough, most of the plants developed the disease.果然大部分植物染上了这种病。
I was eager to have these photos developed because I wanted to send them to my mother.
Though its GDP ranks second in the world, China remains a developing country with its
average family income far below one of Western developed countries.虽然中国的GDP世界排
development n.发展,进展,发达,发育:
We should learn to adjust to social development, or we will be abandoned by our society.
He showed great interest in my work. He asked me to keep him informed of the latest development.
device n. ①设置,装置,设备:
Tech-free tourism refers to traveling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places
which block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals.远离电子产品的旅游指的是不带手机或者
The device is not designed to transmit to satellites.该设备不是为向卫星发送信号而设计的。
Sending advertising by mail is very successful as a marketing device.
The report was a device used to hide rather than revealed problems.
【拓展】speak of the devil说曹操,曹操到:
Speak of the devil! Some of the girls were just talking about you.
devil n.魔鬼,家伙,淘气鬼,冒失鬼:
The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil’s horns and tail.
I felt sorry for Blake, poor devil.我替布莱克感到难过,这个可怜的家伙。
devote v.把……奉献(给),致力于,把……专用于:
They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station.
If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.
Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could to helping the poor people in the flooded area.
This magazine is devoted to science.这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。
【拓展】①在devote oneself to(献身于,致力于),be devoted to(献身于,专用于)等结构中,to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词:
The cause he had devoted himself to proved a perfect success.
This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage.这本词典是解释词的用法的。
②devotion n.奉献,献身,热爱,专心,投入:
It is on account of his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by
all his students.是这个老教师极大的热情和奉献精神使他赢得了他所有学生的尊重。
Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time.他对工作的投入让他没有空闲时间。
diagram n.图表,图样:
I made a diagram to show how to get to my house.我画了这张示意图,说明到我家怎么走。
dial v.拨(电话号码):—Is Mr. Smith in?
—There isn’t any Mr. Smith here. You must have dialed the wrong number.
To get the police, dial 110.报警,(请)拨110。
dialogue(Am dialog) n.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues.
That book has a good plot and much clever dialogue.
②交换意见:More dialogue between world leaders is needed.世界各国领导人之间需要多交换意见。
diamond n.钻石,金刚石:The ring has a large diamond in it.这枚戒指上镶着个大钻石。
diary n.日记,日记簿,记事簿:
I keep a diary of my work.我记工作日记。
If you can’t remember your number, write it in code in a diary.
dictation n.听写:We’ll have a dictation today.我们今天要听写了。
dictionary n.词典,字典:an English-Chinese dictionary英汉词典
a dictionary of place names地名词典
You can look the word up in the dictionary.你可以在词典里查这个词。
【拓展】汉语说“查字典”,英语一般用look up a word in the dictionary或consult a dictionary。
die v.①死:People, animals and plants will die if they don’t have water.人和动植物没有水就会死亡。
②渴望,巴不得马上:He is dying for something to eat.他极想弄点东西吃。
【拓展】①die away(声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱:
Until the noise of the bus died away, we were able to hear the program again.
②die down(慢慢)熄灭,平静下来:The fire died down.火慢慢熄了。
③die out(家族、习俗、观念等)灭绝,绝迹:
Many of the plants in this area would die out if the government didn’t take measures to protect
If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from sickness or even small wounds in World War Ⅱ.如果没有青霉素,很多人在二战中就会死于疾病或小的伤口。
Her grandfather died of cancer.她祖父死于癌症。
diet n. ①饮食,食物:The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes.爱尔兰人过去以吃马铃薯为主。
Mrs. Brown really ought to go on a diet. She has put on so much weight since she gave up jogging.
v.节食,吃限定食物:You ought to diet and take more exercise.你应该节食并多做运动。
differ v.①相异,有区别:
Tastes differ.人各有所好。
The other two areas which British English and American English differ in are spelling and pronunciation.英式英语和美式英语的另外两个不同之处是拼写和发音。
Can you think of a situation in which the two differ from each othe?
I’m sorry to differ from you about/on/over this question.对不起,关于这个问题我与你的看法不同。
difference n.①不同,差别,差异:
—What difference will it make if we shall go to the concert on Tuesday or Saturday?
—They offer a discount on weekdays.
The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。
【拓展】make a(no)difference有(没有)差别,有(没有)影响,起(不起)重要作用:
As a father you must believe that you make a difference to the lives of your children.
—Who do you think will be in charge of our class during Mr. Wang’s absence?
—I don’t know. It makes no difference. I am not particular about teachers.
different adj.不同的,有差异的:
It is reported that the housing prices in some big cities fall in different degrees.
The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from that in England.
She is quite different from to what we thought.=She is quite different than we thought.
differentiate v.区分,区别,辨别,表明……间的差别,构成……间差别的特征:
A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。
It’s difficult to differentiate between the two varieties.这两个品种很难辨别。
difficult adj.困难的:
It is so difficult a problem that none of us can work it out.这道题如此困难,我们谁也解不出来。
He is difficult to work with.他很难共事。
Mary is in a difficult situation where we should help her.玛丽处于一个我们应该帮助她的艰难困境。
difficulty n.困难:The difficulty lies in the fact that we have no money.困难在于我们没有钱。
Do you have any difficulty with in English?你对(学习)英语有困难吗?
We have much difficulty(in)understanding what he says.
dig(dug, dug)v.挖,掘:
The villagers dug many tunnels through which they could fight against the enemies.
The well was found being dug when we got there.我们到那儿时发现人们正在挖那口井。
By carefully questioning, they managed to dig out the information they were looking for.
It must have taken a long time to dig out all the facts of these old books.
Two-thirds of the coins dug up on the island date from the year 275AD to 221BC.
digest v.消化,领会:This food digests well.这食品易消化。
The doctor suggested that I keep away from oily food, because it doesn’t digest easily.
Have you digested the report yet?这个报告你吃透了吗?
A good teacher should encourage his students to digest the knowledge by themselves instead of just copying and memorizing what the teacher said in class.好的老师应该鼓励学生自己领会吸收知识而不是只模仿和记忆老师所说的内容。
This book contains a digest of several articles in nuclear physics so you can read it before you read the book in detail.这本书里有一些关于核物理的摘要,所以在你详细阅读这些书之前,你可以阅读这些摘要。
Digestion is a physiological process.消化是一种生理上的过程。
digital adj.数字的,数码的:
Please call me before you buy a new digital camera so I can go with you.
dignity n.①高尚,高贵,体面:
Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.
The purpose of the newly-invented robots which can help bathe people is to preserve the dignity and
privacy of patients.新发明的机器人能够帮助人们洗澡,其目的就是维护病人的尊严和隐私。
dilemma n.进退两难,左右为难:
The doctor’s dilemma was whether he should tell the patient the truth.
She was in a dilemma whether to continue to stay at school or get a job.
dimension n.维度,尺寸,容积,内容,范围,方面:
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.时间有时被称为第四维度。
What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?这个语言实验室的有多大?
There is another dimension to this problem which you haven’t mentioned.
dinner n. ①正餐:They are at dinner.他们正在用餐。
②宴会:They are to give a dinner in honor of Mr. Smith.他们准备设宴招待史密斯先生。
dinosaur n.恐龙:How long ago did the dinosaur live?恐龙生活在多久以前?
dioxide n.二氧化物:copper dioxide二氧化铜
dip v.浸,蘸,把……放入又取出:
The finger I dipped into the cup was not the one I put into my mouth.
【拓展】dip into
Every time I take him out, I have to dip into my pocket for ice-creams and toys.
She dipped into her purse and took out some coins.她从钱包里取出一些硬币。
I have only had time to dip into the report.这份报告我来不及细看,只是草草浏览了一遍。
We took out a loan for the car because we didn’t want to dip into our savings.
diploma n.毕业文凭,学位证书:
To qualify for the job, you need a high school diploma.得有高中文凭,你才有获得这份工作的资格。
direct adj.直接的,直达的,直截了当的:
The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.正确的做法是直接按压伤口。
He gave a direct answer to my question.他直截了当的回答了我的问题。
v.①指挥,指导:Who is directing the work?谁在指导这项工作?
Who directed that movie on television last night?昨晚电视里的影片是谁导演的?
③指点,指方向:Will you direct me to the station?请问车站往哪走?
direction n.①方向,方位:
All that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.
Crowds of people poured into the square from all directions.人群从四面八方涌进广场。
②指导,指挥:The singing is under the direction of Mr Blair.歌唱团由布莱尔先生指挥。
③(用复数)说明书,指引:Full directions inside.内有详细说明书。
Only when taken according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective.
director n.①管理者,所长,处长,局长,主任:
I hate to trouble the director.我不想去麻烦主任。
He is one of the directors of the company.他是这个公司的董事之一。
To draw the young into cinemas, the director selected superstars for leading roles in the film.
directory n.姓名地址录:
Subject directories are built by humans. Someone has combed through pages and links and selected all
those that are in the directory.主题目录是由人建立的。有人把页面和链接整个搜索一遍,选择所有
Her name is listed in the telephone directory.她的名字被列在电话簿上。
dirty adj.脏的:She is so annoying! She is always leaving her dirty dishes in the sink.
The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.
【拓展】①dirty looks白眼,充满敌意:
I don’t know why he’s giving me such dirty looks.我不知道他为何这样充满敌意地看着我。
②dirt n.污物,脏物,泥土:
Wash the dirt off.把污垢洗掉。
The children came in from the garden covered in dirt.孩子们从花园进来,满身是泥。
disability n.①残疾,伤残:I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.
②无能,无力:He knew his disability in this direction.他知道自己在这方面无能。
【拓展】disabled adj.残废的,残疾的:
Those studying there are mostly disabled children.在那里学习的多数是残疾儿童。
The disabled will receive more money.残疾人将得到更多钱。
disadvantage n.不利,弱点,缺点,劣势:
The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage.
disagree v.①意见不一致:
You are saying that women should stay at home rather than going out to work, and this is where I
②不一致,不相符:What he says disagrees with the fact.他说的与事实不符。
③不适合:The food disagrees with my taste.这食物不合我口味。
【拓展】disagreement n.分歧,争论:
Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground.
We have been having a few disagreements lately.近来我们有些争执。
disappear v.消失:The sun disappeared behind the clouds.太阳消失在云层中。
The worried expression has disappeared from his face.他脸上的愁容消失了。
【拓展】disappearance n.消失,失踪:
The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.
The man is being questioned because he is said to have something to do with the girl’s
disappoint v.①使失望:I was much disappointed at his absence.他不在,我很失望。
②使受挫:I’m sorry to disappoint your plans.对不起,我阻碍了你的计划。
a disappointed look失望的表情 a disappointing look令人失望的表情
His sudden disappearance from the party made all of us disappointed.
He was very disappointing.他很令人失望。
He was very disappointed.他感到很失望。
②disappointment n.失望,沮丧,令人失望的人(物)::
He left the station in with great disappointment.他非常失望的离开了火车站。
The child is a disappointment to his parents.这孩子真叫他父母失望。
to one’s disappointment令人失望的是:
To his disappointment, she didn’t come.令他失望的是,她没有来。
disaster n.灾难,祸患:
Should such a disaster occur, the damage would be incalculable.
Although we suffer from many serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.
discipline n.纪律,自律,训练,行为准则,自制力:
The discipline at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.
It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters.
The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.
discount n.折扣:All the goods on show are sold there at a forty percent discount?
discourage v.①(使)气馁/灰心,(使)沮丧:
All the students felt discouraged because the exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.
Jenny’s parents tried to discourage her from leaving school.珍妮的父母想办法让她别退学。
【拓展】discourage sb. from doing sth.劝阻某人不做,阻止某人做:
To discourage the young man from quitting the job, the manager held out many promises
like salary increase and quick promotion.为了阻止那个年轻人辞职,经理提出了许多
discover v.发现,发觉,了解:
The Chinese scientists claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.
It was never discovered how he had died.始终没有弄明白他是怎么死的。
Franklin discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.
discovery n.发现,被发现的事物:
The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught.新证据的发现使得小偷被捉拿归案。
discrimination n.①歧视:
Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this identity out of the long-existing
Parents’ top priority is to help their kids develop the ability to show discrimination in their
choices of friends.父母的首要任务是帮助他们的孩子发展在选择朋友时的识别能力。
discuss v.讨论,议论,谈论:
The old professor insisted that the problem requiring paying attention to be discussed.
discussion n.讨论,辩论:
We have to wait until the discussion between them comes to an end.
disease n.病,疾病:
Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
disgusting adj.令人厌恶的,令人作呕的:
What a disgusting smell! How long was it since you last cleaned the house?
dish n.①盘,碟,盘形物:Can I give you a hand with the dishes?我帮你洗碟子好吗?
②一道菜:a cold dish冷盘
disk=disc n.磁盘,圆盘:a computer dish软盘
dislike v.不喜爱,厌恶:I like cats but dislike dogs.我喜欢猫但不喜欢狗。
He is a dislike to me! I don’t care about what happened to him!
I dislike it when you whistle.我不爱听你吹口哨。
dismiss v.①让……离开,解雇:
The employee might have been dismissed by the employer last month.
②遣散,解散:The teacher dismissed the class ahead of time.老师提前让学生下课。
③消除,不理:Dismiss such thoughts from your mind.要从心理上消除这样的思想。
display v.①陈列,展出,展示:
It’s said that this is the first time the painting has been displayed to the public, which attracts many
China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, displaying its
military power on an unprecedented scale.中国在北京举行了盛大的阅兵式来纪念在二战中战胜日
These statistics display a definite trend.这些数据表现出一种明显的趋势。
The screen will display the user name in the top right-hand corner.屏幕将在右上角显示用户名称。
③炫耀:Victor Henry knew that Roosevelt liked to display his memory, but it still surprised and impressed
His pictures are on display at the art gallery.他的绘画现陈列在美术馆中。
A fireworks display was organized to mark the Queen’s birthday.
However, for a few people, keeping pets is only a display of their wealth.
distance n.①距离:His strength ran out after he covered that long distance.他跑完那么远的距离后,体力耗尽了。
②远方,远处:Not until the bus disappeared in the distance did Tina find her school bag was gone.
【拓展】①at a(some)distance隔开一些距离,疏远:
The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画远些看更好些。
He no longer keeps his neighbors at a distance.他不再疏远邻居了。
②from a distance从远处(方):Many guests came from a distance.许多客人从远方而来。
distant adj.①远的,遥远的:
She has good eyesight. She can see as far as the distant island in the sea.
②不相近的,不密切的:A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor.远亲不如近邻。
distinction n.①不同,区别:
These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have built up a memory capacity to make
distinctions between human voices.这些显著的发现表明大象已经建立了记忆能力,能够区分人
She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic.
Try to set aside half an hour each day for keeping a diary, and you’ll achieve distinction in writing.
distinguish v.①辨认,看清,听出:I can distinguish them at a distance.从远处我能认出他们。
②区别,区分:People who are color-blind often can’t distinguish red from green.
Now’s your chance to distinguish yourself.你大显身手的时机到啦!
In order to get high marks and distinguish yourself in any examination, there are some things you must do.为了获得高分,在考试中脱颖而出,有些事你必须要做。
distribute v.①分发:To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute
②分布,散布:This kind of tree is widely distributed in our country.这种树在我们国家里广泛分布。
③分配,分送:In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to take care of it.
【拓展】distribution n.分配,分布:
Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.
district n.区,地区,区域:
The vegetables grown in this district are much better than those in that district.
disturb v.①扰乱,打扰:Don’t run up and down in the classroom. It may disturb other students.
②弄乱:A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.微风吹皱了水面。
Don’t disturb the papers on desk.不要乱动我桌上的文件。
【拓展】disturbance n.干扰,打扰:
You mustn’t use your cell phone here in our hospital because of the disturbance to the electronic equipments! It’s forbidden.由于电子设备受到干扰,你不能在我们医院使用手机!这是禁止的。
disturbing adj.令人不安的:
The noise was so disturbing that he was so disturbed that he stayed awake the whole night.
dive(dived, dove
He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child.他从桥上跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。
②俯冲:The eagle dived down on the rabbit.那只雄鹰向兔子猛扑下来。
③潜心研究:He dived into the history of China.他潜心研究中国历史。
diverse adj.各种各样的,不同的,形形色色的:
There are diverse approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our
Chinese students.教英语的方法有很多种,但不是所有的方法都一样对我们中国学生有效。
Living in the city will surely put you in touch with people from diverse cultures.
divide v. ①分,划分:The house is so large that we can divide it into flats.房子太大了,我们可以把它分成几套。
②隔开,分开:The English Channel divides England from France.英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。③(算术用语)除:15 divided by 3 is 5. 15除以3等于5。
division n.①(算术用语)除,除法:Have you learnt division?你学会除法了吗?
The river forms the division between the old and new parts of the city.这条河把新城和旧城分开。
③部分,部门:Which division of the company do you work in?你在这个公司的哪个部门工作?
divorce n.离婚:The couple has their own reason for keeping their divorce a secret for the moment.
v.①使离婚,与(丈夫或妻子)离婚:She divorced her husband.她和丈夫离了婚。
She divorced her husband three years ago, and soon married a man with a lot of money.
②分离,分割:Never be divorced from real life.千万不要脱离现实生活。
dizzy adj.①(使)头昏眼花的,(使)头晕目眩的,头晕:
All of a sudden, I felt dizzy as though my room started to spin.
②被弄糊涂的,愚蠢的:He was dizzy with shame.他羞愧得变糊涂了。
do(did, done)v.①做,干,办,为:Do as you please.你愿意怎么做就怎么做。
All that needs to be done has been done.该干的都干完了。
②有益,产生效果:That won’t do you any harm.那不会对你有害的。
③尽(力):He did his best to help us.他尽力帮助我们。
④处理,收拾,洗刷,整理:do one’s teeth刷牙 do the dishes洗碗碟
⑤(对)适合,行,可以:That would do me very well.那对我很适合。
v. aux.①构成疑问、附加疑问或否定):
He doesn’t think so, does he?他不那么想,是吗?
②(用于加强语气或倒装语序中):I do like him! 我真的喜欢他!
Never did I see such a thing.我从来没有见过那样一种东西。
③(用以代替重复词语):You saw him and so did I.你看见了他,我也看见了他。
【拓展】①do away with废除,除去:
The company did away with private offices.公司取消了私人办公室。
②do up扣,结,系,包,扎,梳妆,整理:
This skirt does up at the back.这条裙子从后面系扣子。
He told me to do up the package.他叫我把包裹捆好。
Mary did herself up for the party.玛丽为参加聚会而打扮。
③do with处置,放置,利用,想要,忍受,将就:
What shall I do with it=How shall I deal with it?怎样处置它好呢?
What have you done with my umbrella?你把我的雨伞放到哪里去了?
doctor n.①医生:You should see a doctor.你得看看医生。
②博士:Doctor of Science (Medicine)理(医)学博士
document n.文件,文献,证件:
Copying this documents took up the whole morning.复制这些文件占用了整整一个上午。
Show me your documents, please.请出示您的证件。
dog n.狗,犬:While walking the dog, I was so careless that it got loose and was hit by a car.
doll n.①玩偶,玩具娃娃:play with dolls 玩洋娃娃
②漂亮女子:She is quite a doll!她真是个美人!
dollar n.美元:How is the U.S. dollar today?今天美元市价多少?
He took out a five-dollar bill.他拿出一张五美元的钞票。
domestic adj.①本国的,国内的:
My uncle now teaches French in a famous domestic university, who lived in Paris for 6 years.
Our international conference is about the children exposed to domestic violence.
Domestic animals are even more important to men.驯养的动物对人类作用更大。
I’m not a very domestic sort of person.我不是那种很喜欢待在家里的人。
donate v.捐赠,捐献:
Many Chinese people donate money to help those students in need of financial aid.
【拓展】donation n.捐款,捐赠,赠送,捐赠物:
The Chief Manager made a donation of one million to the City Museum.
door n.①门(口),出入口::the fire door防火门
I knocked at the front door, but there was no answer.我敲了敲前门,没有人应。
Will you show him to the door?你送他到门口?
Three arcades were before them, and the middle one was used as a door.
On Halloween, Children in costumes ask for candies from door to door shouting “ Trick or Treat”.
③途径:They refused to negotiate, so closing the door on any chance of settlement.
【拓展】①show/see sb. to the door送某人到门口:
Whenever a guest leaves, my father will show him to the door.
②show sb. the door驱赶某人,把某人撵走,把某人赶走,下逐客令,轰出门:
Alice rudely showed me the door.爱丽斯无礼地把我轰出了门。
dormitory(dorm) n.学生宿舍,大寝室:
Children sleep in dormitories when they live at school.孩子们住在学校时,在宿舍睡觉。
dot n.点,小点,圆点:
On the map towns were marked by a red dot.在地图上,城镇是用小红点标出的。
Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。
double adj.①双的,两个的,双人的,双重的,两用的:
Thanks to the good weather, the production of wheat this year will be double as much as that of last year.由于天气好,今年的小麦产量将是去年的两倍。
A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller.
The word has a double meaning.这个词有双重意思。
n.①两倍(的数或量),加倍:Ten is the double of five.10为5的两倍。
②两倍之物,酷似的人或物:He is the double of his father.他酷似他父亲。
③(用复数)双打:mixed doubles混合双打
【拓展】adv.①双倍地:We can pay double.我们可以加倍付钱。
②两人一道地:The two children sleep double.这两个小孩合睡一床。
The 2013 population investigation shows one in four people in Jiangsu will be over 65 and
the number of over-85 people will have doubled by 2030.2013年人口调查表明在江苏省
doubt n.怀疑,疑惑:There is no doubt that he will win.毫无疑问,他会赢的。
People doubt whether the rising house prices will be under control.
There is no doubt that what he said at yesterday’s meeting was true.
Whether the authorities will allow inspection is highly doubtful.当局是否允许检查还是个大问号。
Rose was doubtful about the whole idea. 罗斯对整个设想持怀疑态度。
It is doubtful whether it is true or not.这件事的真假值得怀疑。
down prep.①(表动态)往……的下方,沿着……往下(往远处):He fell down the stairs.他从楼梯上摔下来。
②(表静态)在……下面,在……的下方:The bathroom is down those stairs.浴室在那楼梯下面。
adv.①向下:The sun went down.太阳落了。
②抑制,减缓:The wind died down.风势渐渐弱了。
His passion has gone down.他的情绪平静了下来。
download n.& v. (计算机用语)下载:
It’s worth downloading, because it’s free and doesn’t take up a lot of disk space.
You can also use the interface to download, copy, or delete objects.
downstairs adv.在(到)楼下:
We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.我们最好马上下楼去吃午饭。
Boy students, could you come downstairs to help me carry those books?
I have been cleaning my storeroom downstairs.我一直在楼下打扫我的储藏室。
downtown adv.住(在)城市的商业区(或中心区、闹市区):
Let’s go downtown.我们去市商业区吧。
We worked out a system for getting electricity to the downtown.
But judging by all the traffic, we are probably in the downtown area.
He lives in downtown New York.他住在纽约闹市区。
dozen n.①十二个,一打:
Shortly after the accident, two dozen police went to the spot to keep order.
He bought a dozen red roses.他买了一打红玫瑰。
Mr. Smith asked me to buy several dozen eggs for the dinner party.
Though you have dozens of eggs here, I just want two dozen of these eggs.
②与a few, several, many等数目不很具体的词连用时,其复数带不带复数词尾-s均可,但是注意:若不带复数词-s,其后的介词of可以省略;若带复数词尾-s,则其后介词of不宜省略:several dozen(of)pencils= several dozens of pencils几打铅笔
Dr.=doctor n.医生,大夫,博士:
Dr. Smith is assigned to take charge of the department.史密斯大夫受命分管这个部门。
Dr. Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning.基恩博士是星期天早上7点左右抵达的。
draft n.①草稿,初稿,底稿:
It is not until May, 2013 when the online consultation comes to an end that the draft will be officially in
②汇票,支票:Ten days later Carmen received a bank draft for a plane ticket.
v.①起草:Can you draft out a plan for us?你能替我们起草一个计划吗?
②征兵,征召:They were drafted into the army.他们应征入伍。
drag v. ①拖,拽,:He couldn’t lift the sack, so he dragged it out of the of the shop.
②拖延:There’s no telling how long the talks could drag on.谁也说不准谈判还会拖多久。
drama n.戏剧,剧本, 戏剧性:
He knew nothing of Greek drama.他对希腊戏剧一无所知。
The witness’ unexpected disclosure was filled with drama.证人的出人意料的揭发充满了戏剧性。
draw(drew, drawn) v.
①绘画,绘制:He drew a straight line.他画了一条直线。
The writer has won the hearts of millions of children with the rich stories drawn from her childhood memories.凭借着她从她的童年记忆中获取的故事,那个作家赢得了很多小孩子的心。
The draft regulation has drawn wide public concern.未成年人保护条例草案引起了公众关注
The football coach tried his best to draw every player’s attention to improving their skills.
【拓展】①draw back移开,后退:
The trapped car could hardly make any advance and neither could it draw back in the mud.
②draw back from退缩,撤回:
We drew back from taking our neighbours to court.我们撤回了对邻居的起诉。
③draw…into(into doing)sth.使……卷入,使……参与:
Youngsters drawn into a life of crime身不由己卷入犯罪活动的年轻人
④draw sb. in吸引:
The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in.
⑤draw up草拟:He is drawing up a contract/list.他正在草拟一份合同/名单。
⑥drawing n.图画,素描(画),绘画,制图
She had done a drawing of her mother.她给他母亲画了像。
Drawing is my favorite lesson.画图画是我最喜欢的课程。
drawback n.缺点,不足,毛病:
The only drawback of the voyage was the rough sea, which made me very seasick.
Everything has its drawback.凡事皆有不足之处。
drawer n.抽屉:Shut a drawer.关上抽屉。
dream n.梦,梦想,空想:
We have entered into an age when dreams have the best chance of coming true.
v. (dreamt, dreamt或dreamed, dreamed)做梦,梦见,梦想,向往:
Last night I dreamed you.我昨晚梦见你。
Ever since my childhood, I have dreamed about there being a beautiful lake in my hometown.
As is often the case, a man who can dream will try hard to overcome any difficulties and live his dream.
【拓展】Don’t dream away your time不要虚度光阴。
dress n.①女服,连衣裙:
I like this silk dress and it feels so soft and comfortable.我喜欢这件丝绸连衣裙,感觉又软又舒服。
②(统指)服装,礼服:He doesn’t care much about dress.他不太注意衣着。
Dressed in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party.
Are you dressed yet?你穿好衣了吗?
Dressing before going to work is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine.
【拓展】①dress up打扮,穿上特殊服装,(使)装扮成另一种样子:
In order to go to the palace ball, the pretty girl is dressing herself up carefully.
As it turned out to be a small house party, we needn’t have dressed up so formally.
②(be)dressed in穿着……衣服:
Dressed in a red dress, she was easy to pick out in the big crowd at the airport.
③dress down训斥,责骂,斥责:
Campbell dressed them down in public. 坎贝尔当众训斥了他们。
④get dressed穿衣服:
Get dressed quickly, or you’ll be late for school.快点穿好衣服,否则你上学要迟到了。
drill n.①钻头:The drill must be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole.钻头得缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。
Just a month before the earthquake the school practiced an emergency drill showing the children how to
calmly find their “safe place”.就在地震前一个月,学校进行了紧急演练教孩子如何冷静的找到安全
v.①钻(孔),在……上钻孔:The thief drilled a hole in the iron box.这个小偷在铁箱子上钻了一个孔。
②(反复)训练:Let’s drill them in English pronunciation.我们来教他们练习英语发音吧。
drink(drank, drunk)
v.①喝,饮:What do you want to drink?您要喝什么?
②喝酒:He never drinks.他从不喝酒。
n.饮料,酒:She took a drink from the glass and then put it down.她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。
Too much drink is bad for your health.酗酒有害健康。
drive(drove, driven )
Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the train?
②驱赶,迫使:He drove off away the dog.他把狗赶走了。
driver n.司机:Many drivers stopped to offer help because our car broke down on the road.
drop n.滴,一滴:He emptied the glass to the last drop.他干了一杯,一滴不留。
I dropped my watch and it broke.我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。
He felt a sudden compulsion to drop the bucket and run.他突然有一种想扔掉水桶撒腿就跑的冲动。
②滴下,掉下,落下:The glass dropped from her hands.玻璃杯从她手中掉下来。
Please drop me a line.请寄封便信给我。
You must officially drop any course you are not attending.你必须正式放弃你没有参加的课程。
④变低,变少:Prices dropped in the first half of the year.上半年物价下降了。
【拓展】①drop in探望,串门:
Drop in to see me the next time you are in London.你下次来伦敦顺便到我这来坐坐。
②drop in on sb./at some place拜访某人/某地:
He will drop in on you next week if he is free.如果下个星期他有空,他会来拜访你的。
Now and then they would drop in at our house and have a talk with us.
③drop off让……下车:
Buses have routes. They pick up and drop off people at different places on the routes.
④drop out退出,退学,辍学:
She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。
Do you really plan to drop out of the football team?你真的打算退出球队么?
When I was twenty, I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help
support my family.
⑤drop back回落,减少,落在后面:
The runners kept together for a while and then a few started to drop back.
⑥drop down落下,掉下:The fruit has begun to drop down.水果开始落地。
drown v.溺死,淹没:
The boy might have drowned but for the fact that his father was standing beside him on the deck at that
Cheers drowned his voice.欢呼声淹没了他的声音。
drug n.药,药物;毒品:
His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth.他的药可以注射或口服。
They were arrested for drug offences.他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。
drum n.鼓,鼓声:He plays the drum in a band.他在乐队中打鼓。
drunk adj.醉的:If you drink too much of that wine, you will get drunk.那种酒喝多了你会醉的。
They are currently drunk with success.他们现在正陶醉于成功之中。
dry v.擦干,弄干,变干:Dry your hands.把你的手擦干。
Don’t use this door until the paint is dry.油漆未干,别走这个门。
The river has gone dry.河干了。
duck n.①鸭子:He shot at a wild duck, but missed it.他朝着一只野鸭射击,但没射中。
②鸭肉:Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner?正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?
due adj.①到期的,应付(给)的,到期应付的:
The bill is due.这张票据已到期。
②预定的,约定的:When are you due to go home?你准备什么时候回家?
③适当的,合适的,应得的:He has his due reward.他得到了应得的报酬。
【拓展】due to由于,应给与,应属于,due to跟动词原形连用表示将来:
Our team’s success was due to the efforts of Mr. Mark, who is due to arrive here in ten minutes.
Our grateful thanks are due to you.我们衷心感谢你。
dull adj. ①阴暗的:It’s a dull day; it’ll probably rain.天气阴沉,很可能要下雨。
Tired of the dull story, he left the hall without telling anyone.
③迟钝的,呆滞的:Her eyes were dull.她目光呆滞。
dumpling n.饺子,汤圆:dumpling with meat and vegetable菜肉馅饺子
during prep.在……期间,在……时候:
The sun gives us light during the day.太阳在白天给我们光明。
He fell asleep during the lesson.他在上课时睡着了。
dusk n.黄昏:The street lights go on at dusk.黄昏时分街灯就亮了。
The park is close to the public at dusk.公园每天黄昏时刻停止开放。
dust n.灰尘,尘土:He became ill after breathing coal dust for many years.他因多年吸入煤灰而生病了。
dustbin n.垃圾箱:
She tore up the letter angrily and threw it into the dustbin.她气愤地撕毁了那封信,把它扔进了垃圾箱。
dusty adj.尘土般的,尘土多的:The furniture was very dusty.家具上的灰尘很多。
duty n.①责任,义务:
The job will be offered to whoever the employers believe has previous experience as well as a strong sense of duty.这项工作将提供给雇主认为有经验和强烈责任感的人。
②职责,工作:It’s my duty to help you.帮你忙,是我份内该做的事。
【拓展】on(off)duty 上(下)班,当(不当)班:
He is very tired, so he needs some time off duty for relaxation and rest.
The policeman is on(off)duty now.这个警察正在值班(下班了)。
DVD=digital versatile disk n.数码影碟
dynamic adj.①精力旺盛的,有活力的:
We need an dynamic team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.
There is a dynamic ball in the computer.在电脑里有个动态的球。
This is a dynamic world.这是一个不断变化的世界。
dynasty n.朝代,王朝:
The old temple damaged in the earthquake dates from the Qing Dynasty.
The Seljuk Dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094. 叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝始建于1094年。