词汇晨读10- 江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测
face n.①脸,脸色,面部表情:
Susan has been working hard day and night, which accounts for her pale face.
It was apparent from her face that she was really hopeless and upset.
She was fired, but she saved face by telling everyone she’d resigned.
England doesn’t want a war but it doesn’t want to lose face.英格兰不要战争,但也不想丢面子。
v.①朝向,面向:Our house faces(to the)south.我们的房子朝南。
②面对,对付,面临:He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢的面对困难。
Many Chinese brands, having developed their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges from
he modern market.很多中国品牌历经几个世纪,树立了声誉,它们正面临着当代市场面临的新挑战。
【拓展】①face to face (with)(与……)面对面,面临:
Although I often send emails to Tom, I haven’t seen him face to face.
It was the first face-to-face meeting between the two men.这是两人首次面对面的会晤。
②make a face/make faces(at)(对)皱眉头,做鬼脸:
The children made faces at one another.孩子们相互做鬼脸。
③in(the)face of面对着,在(危险困难的)情况下:
He showed great bravery in face of danger.在危险面前他表现得非常勇敢。
④(be) faced with面临:
They are all faced with the same problem.他们都面临同样的问题。
Faced with such an awkward moment, she could do nothing but give a smile.
⑤face the music承担后果,接受惩罚:
Don’t escape, you should face the music when you did something wrong.
When the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.
After failing a math test, Tom had to go home and face the music.
Mr. Smith betrayed1 a top secret, and had to face the music.
facial adj.面部的,面部用的:
A bottle of facial cream is her daily necessity.一瓶面霜是她日常生活中的必需品。
In communication, misunderstanding of gestures or facial expressions tends to cause embarrassment.
Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on
facility n.①设备:This facility is open to both new and existing borrowers.这套设备向新老借用者开放。
Smell is a very basic sense but humans have lost much of the facility to use it properly.
I have learned to use with more and more facility the pencil, brush, and graver.
fact n.事实,现实,真实性,确实性:
This book throws light on the facts of global climate change.这本书揭示了全球气候变化的事实。
【拓展】in fact=as a matter of fact事实上,实际上:
Mike was little known before this award, but in fact he was a campus star in ball games and
running even when he was in high school.迈克在获奖以前鲜为人知,但实际上高中的时候他就
As a matter of fact, getting rid of a bad habit is as much an effort as forming a good one.
factor n.因素:The recent survey shows that lack of parents’ love is the leading factor that results in a teenager
being lost in computer games.最近的调查显示,缺乏父母的爱是导致青少年在电脑游戏中迷失
factory n.工厂:Great changes have taken place since then in the factory where we are working.
fade v.(使)褪色,枯萎:
All color fades, especially under the impact of direct sunlight.
Cut flowers soon fade.剪下来的花朵容易枯萎。
【拓展】①fade out淡出,(使)渐隐,(使)渐弱:
When day dawned, the stars faded out of sight.天亮时,星星渐渐淡出视线。
He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case.
②fade away消退,消失,衰弱,消歇:
And all our problems seem to fade away. 我们所有的问题好像都烟消云散了。
fail v.①失败:We won’t give up even if we should fail ten times.即使失败十次,我们也不会放弃。
He failed in the competition, which made him upset.他在竞赛中失败了,这使他感到很难过。
②(使)不及格:He failed(in)the exams.他考试不及格。
The teacher failed half the students.老师给了班上半数的学生不及格。
③未能,不能,忘记:Never fail to write to me.别忘了给我写信。
The reason why he failed to make himself understood was that he was not good at speech.
④使失望:He failed the trust of the people.他辜负了人们的信任。
⑤(健康,视力的)衰退:Her eyesight is failing.她的视力日渐衰退。
n.用于惯用语without fail必定,一定,务必:He attended every meeting without fail.他逢会必到。
failure n.①失败:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。
I know he feels upset about his failure, and I can relate to that.
②没做到,怠慢:His failure to help us was disappointing.他未能帮助我们真是令人失望。
③失败者,失败:As a writer, he was a failure.他作为作家是个失败者。
④衰竭:The doctor warned my grandfather that the disease would lead to kidney failure if he put off the proper treatment.医生警告我爷爷说如果他推迟适当的治疗的话,这种疾病就会导致肾衰竭。
The art show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.
We don’t think the experiment is a failure.我们认为这次实验并没有失败。
fair1 adj.①公平的,合理的:
We must stop the act of cheating to create a fair competition system.
Her suggestion is fair and just.她的建议合情合理。
To be fair, the team is young and not yet settled.说句公道话,这个队还年轻,还没有成型。
②尚好的,相当的:His knowledge of the language is fair.他对这种语言的了解相当不错。
③晴朗的:It will be fair tomorrow.明天会天晴。
④(肤色)白皙的,(头发)金色的:English people usually have fair skin.英国人通常是白皮肤。
【拓展】①fairness n.公平,公正:
In all fairness, she works quite hard.平心而论,她工作还是比较努力的。
②参看词条unfair adj.不公平的,不合理的:
At no time did they actually cheat in the exam. It was unfair to punish them.
fair2 n.集市,庙会,展销会:
The village has a fair once a month.那村庄每月有一次集市。
The Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year.
They are preparing a book fair.他们正在筹备书籍展销会。
faith n.①信仰,信念,信任:He kept(broke)faith with us.他对我们守信(不守信)。
②宗教信仰:Faith is stronger than reason.宗教信仰比推理劝说更具威力。
【拓展】①lose faith in对……丧失/失去信心
Never losing faith in himself, the scientist went on with it.
②faithful adj.忠实的,忠诚的:
We must be honest and faithful to the people.我们对人民必须忠诚老实。
fall1(fell, fallen) v.
A number of roads have been blocked by fallen trees.有几条路被倒下的树给堵住了。
We heard the crash of falling trees.我们听到树倒下的轰隆声。
The man whose face was sun-burnt saved the girl from falling into the river.
②减少,降低:It is reported that the housing prices in some big cities fall in different degrees.
【拓展】①fall behind落后,拖欠:
Mike used to be a top student, but he has fallen behind since he lost himself in playing computer
He fell behind with his payment for the car.他未能按时偿付买汽车的钱。
②fall back退却,后退,fall back on求助于,依赖,转而依靠:
The enemy troop could hardly make any advance, and neither could they fall back.
If these new measures don’t work, we’ll have to fall back on our old system.
③fall down倒塌,跌倒,失败,栽倒:
There’s nothing to be afraid of. The sky won’t fall down. 没有什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。
Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.小儿学步时常会跌跤。
Look out! That tree is going to fall down.小心!那棵树快要倒了。
④fall in with与……一致,符合,同意,赞成,支持:
I am quite willing to fall in with anything you suggest.不管你建议什么,我都愿意支持。
I had to fall in with her wishes as much as possible.我不得不尽量顺从她的意愿。
⑤fall in love with爱上……,倾心……:
Did you fall in love with him?你是不是爱上他了?
注意:be in love with(延续性)
They two have been in love with each other for a year.他们两个人彼此相爱有一年了。
⑥fallen into a bad/good habit养成了一个坏/好习惯
I know I have fallen into a bad habit and that it is causing me to do something wrong.
⑦fall off从……掉下来:
Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn.秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。
One slip and you could fall off the building.脚下一滑就可能就从建筑物上跌下去。
⑧fall out掉/脱落,(与……)闹翻,争吵:
—Show me your permit, please.
—Oh, it’s not in my pocket. It must have fallen out.
Your baby teeth will fall out in two years.再过两年你的乳牙就会全部脱落了。
Mum and I used to fall out a lot.我和妈妈过去经常争吵。
⑨fall through落空,失败, 破产,泡汤:
I hope our plans won’t fall through.我希望我们的计划不会失败。
Our plan for a picnic may fall through.我们的野餐计划可能要泡汤。
⑩fall asleep睡着:The boy pretended to have fallen asleep when his father came back.
—I must have been sitting in the same position too long. My legs have fallen asleep.
—Shake it a little before you get up.
⑪Don’t fall for it!不要上当!
—How do you like the advertisement of the way to losing weight?
—Don’t fall for it. In the beginning, that may do, but after a while you will end up back where
you started.“你觉得这个减肥方法的广告怎么样?”“不要上当。开始的时候,可能会这样,
fall2 n.(Am)=autumn秋季:We’ve had a beautiful fall this year.今年我们的秋季晴朗宜人。
false adj.①不正确的,假的,捏造的,不真实的:
While counting the money, he found a false note.在数钱的时候,他发现了一张假币。
She gave false information to the insurance company.她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。
②虚伪的,虚假的:Better an open enemy than a false friend.公开的敌人要比虚伪的朋友好。
③假的,人造的:My grandfather needs a new set of false teeth.我爷爷需要一副新假牙。
familiar adj.①熟悉的:His native town has changed beyond recognition, so he can hardly find a familiar building.
②某人熟悉的:Are you familiar with the rules of football?你熟悉足球规则吗?
③为某人所熟悉的:His name is familiar to many people.他的名字为许多人所熟悉。
④亲密的,随便的:He’s familiar with his boss.他与他的老板关系很友好。
family n.家庭,家族,家属成员,子女,亲属,(动物所属的)科:
The army and the people are of one family.军民一家。
This is one of the branches of the Roosevelt family.这是罗斯福家族的一个支系。
I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family.我欠家人一个人情。
My family are all well.我全家人都好。
All our family came to Grandfather’s eightieth birthday party.
Lions belong to the cat family.狮属于猫科。
famous adj.出名的,著名的:
The woman doctor will marry the famous singer next year.这位女医生明年将嫁给那位著名的歌手。
【拓展】①fame n.名声,名望:
Fame and wealth can be attractive, but at no time will they give you permanent happiness.
②be famous for因……出名或著称;be famous as作为……出名或著称:
Picasso was famous for his work in Cubism.毕加索以立体派作品而闻名。
He is rather famous as a poet.作为一位诗人,他是相当有名的。
fan n.①(电影、运动等的)迷,热心的爱好者(支持者),粉丝:
Not only did the fans copy the style of the singer, but they also followed him everywhere.
②风扇:It’s so hot—please turn the fan on.这么热,请把电扇打开。
fancy n.①幻想,空想:
I think he would come but it’s only a fancy of mine.我想他会来的,不过这仅是我的设想罢了。
②想法,爱好,偏爱:He took a fancy to the house as soon as he saw it.他一看到这房子就非常喜欢它。
v.①想,认为:I fancy that it’s going to rain today.我看今天会下雨。
Fancy letting go of a god chance like that ,the silly girl!想象一下放走了这么好的机会,傻丫头!
③想要,渴望:Do you fancy going to the cinema with me now? 现在想和我去看电影吗?
④喜欢,喜爱:I fancy that girl.我喜欢那个女孩。
⑤(用于祈使句表惊奇):Fancy you having noticed! 没想到你注意到了!
He used fancy comparisons in his book.书中,他使用了许多奇特的比喻。
Considering fashion in preference to practical use, many women would rather spend on some fancy
fantastic adj.①极好的,美妙的,很棒的:
How could you turn down such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?
He told us fantastic stories about his adventures.他给我们讲了一些他亲身经历的怪事。
fantasy n.①空想,幻想,梦想:
Tom is into sports. When young ,he had a fantasy about becoming a famous football player.
—Do you believe a person will be alive forever?“你相信一个人会永远活着吗?”
— Not really. It’s just a fantasy.“不是的,这只是个幻想而已。”
far(farther, farthest/further, furthest)
adj.①远的,遥远的:The farther away the stars are, the smaller they look.
②(两者中)远的,另外的:They live on the far side of town.他们住在城的另一边。
adv.①远,远地:You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a little farther?
②非常,……得多:The shoes are far more expensive than I expected.这双鞋比我预想的贵得多。
【拓展】①as far as 与……一样远,一直到;后面跟句子,就……而言,从……来看,尽……所能:
We walked as far as the river.我们一直走到河边。
We didn’t go as so far as the others.我们走得不如其他人远。
As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil.据我所知,他经常挑灯夜战。
We will help you as far as possible.我们会尽可能帮你。
As far as I know, he never comes late to class.据我所知,他从不迟到的。
②by far……得多;修饰最高级:
He is cleverer by far than her.他比她聪明得多。
He is by far the tallest among us.他是我们当中最高的。
③far from离……远;远非,不但不:
Our school is far from the railway station.我们学校离火车站很远。
He is far from a fool.他决不是笨蛋。
While his Chinese was far from perfect, the students were willing to communicate with him.
His work is far from (being) satisfactory.他的工作丝毫不令人满意。
④so far到目前为止;到这种程度或范围:
So far he has not pleaded the guilty.到目前为止,他还没有认罪。
I can only help him so far.我只能帮他到这种程度。
⑤farther, further与farthest, furthest:
I can throw much farther further than you.我可以比你扔得更远。
What’s the farthest furthest distance you’ve ever run?你跑过最远的距离是多少?
We’ll further discuss it.我们会进一步讨论它。
Are there any further questions?还有问题吗?
His support furthered my career.他的支持促进了我的事业。
fare n.(乘交通工具的)费用,票(价):
It’s so convenient to use cell phones to pay the subway fare.用手机付地铁的费用真是很方便。
What’s the difference between a single fare and a round tip ticket? 单程票和往返票有什么区别吗?
farm n.农场;农庄:We work on the farm.我们在农场工作。
v.务农,耕作:My friend is farming in Wales.我的朋友在威尔士种地。
farmer n.农民:That farmer employs many farm laborers.那位农民雇用很多农场工人。
fascinating adj.迷人的,有极大吸引力的,使人神魂颠倒的:
Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.
The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating.这部小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜。
She is fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer.
【拓展】①fascinated adj.入迷的,极感兴趣的:
As the film star began to appear, the children watched fascinated.
②fascinate v.(使)着迷,(使)神魂颠倒:
It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy.这是他自幼就着迷的问题。
fashion n.时装,时尚,风尚:
All the staff in our company are considering going to the city centre for the fashion show.
【拓展】①fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的,符合时尚的:
To everyone’s surprise, the fashionable young lady turned out to be a thief.
②out of fashion不兴,不流行:
This clothes style is out of fashion.这种衣服式样已经不兴了。
The skate-board caught on for a few months, but then dropped out of fashion.
fast adj. ①快的,迅速的,(钟表)走得快的:He is a fast runner.他是跑得很快的运动员。
②紧密的,紧的:He is a fast friend of mine.他是我的一位可靠的朋友。
adv.①快地,迅速地:They drive very fast.他们开车开得很快。
②紧密地,紧地:The door was fast shut.门紧闭着。
fasten v.①系牢,扣住:The driver could have survived, but he didn’t fasten the seat belt.
She fastened her eyes on him.她的眼睛紧盯着他。
My mind attempted to calm itself by fastening on this detail.
fat n.脂肪,肥肉:Cut the fat off the meat.把这块肉上的膘切掉。
adj.胖的,肥的:She’s growing fat.她越来越胖了。
【拓展】用于谚语kill the fatted calf热情款待/设宴欢迎/接风洗尘:
He killed the fatted calf when Mary, his former classmate, visited him last week.
Let me kill the fatted calf for you.我要为你接风洗尘。
fate n.命运,宿命:Many animals suffered the same fate as the large extinct elephant because of the environment.
She has resigned herself to fate.她已经听天由命了。
Those who tend to submit to their fate are sure not to make any achievements.
father n.父亲:The wish is father to the thought.希望是思想之父(有希望就有想法)。
fault n.①缺点,毛病:The only way to live happily with others is to overlook their faults and admire their virtues.
②错误:It’s not my fault she didn’t come!她没来不是我的错!
③过失,过错,责任:The fault lies with me.过失在我身上,责任应由我负。
【拓展】①find fault(with)挑(……的)毛病,找茬/岔,跟……过不去:
He is always finding fault with me.他老是挑我的毛病。
He loved best to find fault with me.他最喜欢找我的岔了。
②faulty adj.不完美的,有错误的,有缺陷的,错误的:
Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
favour(Am favor) n.
①恩惠,帮助:Will you do me a favour?你愿意给我帮帮忙吗?
②好感,喜欢:He did all he could to win her favour.他尽其所能去赢得她的好感。
v.①赞同,支持:Of the two possible plans I favor the first.在这两个可行方案中我赞成前者。
②帮助,促进:Darkness favored his escape.黑夜有助于他的逃亡。
③喜欢,青睐:The civil service jobs are still favored by the Chinese.公务员职位仍然受到中国人的青睐。
【拓展】in favor of 赞成,支持:
I am in favor of leaving now.我赞成现在离开。
—What was the result of the local election last week?
—Luckily, the majority in the election came down in favor of Mr. Parker.
favourite(Am favorite)
adj.最喜爱的:He is enjoying his favourite album.他正在欣赏他最喜爱的专辑。
n.最喜爱的人(物):He is a general favorite.他是受众人欢迎的人。
—Would you like some chicken?你来份鸡肉吗?
—Yes, please. It’s my favourite.是的。这是我的最爱。
fax n.①传真,传真系统:It was sent to you by fax.它是由传真发给你的。
②传真件:I’ve just sent a fax to them.我刚刚发给他们一份传真。
The drawings were faxed from New York.这些图是从纽约传过来的。
—Can I fax this paper?我能发个传真吗?
—Sorry, but our fax is being repaired at the moment.“对不起,我们传真机正在修理。
fear n.害怕,恐惧,担忧:
Behind the US-China trade war lies a growing fear that China is trying to end the American era.
v.害怕,担心,恐怕:She has always feared mice.她一向怕老鼠
【拓展】①for fear of由于怕……,以防……:
Sometimes, people don’t like asking questions for fear of appearing stupid and ignorant.
He left an hour early for fear of missing the train.他提前一小时离开,以免错过火车。
②for fear that…恐怕,以免:
Shut the window for fear (that) it may rain.恐怕下雨把窗户关上。
He worked hard for fear that he might be fired by the boss.他拼命地干活唯恐被老板解雇。
③in fear of害怕……,担心……:
The family that lived here fled in fear of the enemy.住在这里的一家人因害怕敌人而逃走了。
We’re in fear of more snow.我们担心会再下雪。
④fearful adj.胆怯的,害怕的,担心的,吓人的,可怕的:
There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.没有比孤身奋战更可怕的了。
We’re fearful that the patient might get worse.我们担心病人的病情恶化。
feather n.羽毛:The feather floated lightly in the air.羽毛轻盈地飘在空中。
Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.
Fine feathers make fine birds.佛靠金装,人靠衣装。
Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。
Many people think it a feather in my cap to be appointed chairman of the department at
such a young age.许多人认为在我这样年轻的时候能被指定为系主任是一件值得骄
feature n.特征,特点:
The police recognized the criminal from his typical facial feature—a scar on the forehead.
The movie features many well-known actors.这部电影以强大的明星阵容作为主打。
He featured a lot in our teamwork.他在我们的团队合作中起了重要作用。
federal adj.中央的(政府等),联邦的:
He proposes that businesses should pay taxes to the federal government.
fee n.费,费用:The lawyer’s fee was £200.律师费是200英镑。
How much What is the membership fee?会员费是多少?
feed(fed, fed) v.
Please feed some grass to the cow= Please feed the cow on/with some grass.请给奶牛喂些草。
I just wonder how he can feed a family of eight on such a low income.
②(动物或婴儿)吃:It is known that tigers belonging to meat-eating animals feed on meat.
feel(felt, felt) v.
He felt somebody touch his arm.他觉得有人摸他的胳膊。
You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.你好好睡一觉就会觉得好些。
I like this silk dress and it feels so soft and comfortable.我喜欢这件丝绸连衣裙,摸起来又软软又舒服。
Her hand feels cold.她的手冰凉的。
I feel it my duty to do so.我认为这样做是我的责任。
I wonder how you feel about the ending of the movie.
【拓展】①feel as if觉得:I felt as if my leg had been broken.我觉得仿佛我的一条腿断了。
②feel like想,想要,摸起来像,觉得:
I don’t feel like taking a walk.我不想散步。
The material feels like velvet.这料子摸起来像丝绒。
It feels like rain.像是要下雨。
Now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t
respect us.既然他对我们如此粗鲁,我感觉我们必须惩罚他,否则他不会尊重我们的。
We all felt the house shake shaking.我们都感觉这房子在震动。
注意其中的不定式不带to,不过,当不定式为to be时,则应带to:
They felt the plan to be unwise.他们认为这个计划不明智。
feeling n.①感觉,感触,知觉:I have a feeling that he is still alive.我觉得他还活着。
I am grateful to you for the chance to express my feelings.我很感激你给我机会表达我的感情。
I’m a new comer to the city, so I have no friends to share my feelings with.
Let the negative feelings go that we might have to tolerate otherwise.
fellow n.同伴,伙伴,人,老兄,家伙:
Jack’s fellow workers often turn to him for help when trapped in trouble because he is a fountain of ideas.
The fellow we spoke to made no comment at first.和我们说话的那个人一开始没有发表评论。
He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he can be quite charming when he wishes.
female adj.女的,女性的,雌性的:This rose is female.这种玫瑰是雌性的。
fence n.栅栏,围栏,篱笆:They were talking across the garden fence.他们隔着篱笆说话。
ferry n.渡船,渡口:It was not yet midnight when a stranger asked for a ferry service and promised an extra fare.
We had to wait three hours at the ferry.我们不得不在渡口等了3小时。
【拓展】v.用船运/送:He ferried us across the river.他用船送我们过河。
festival adj.节日的,喜庆的
The moving scene remind me of my childhood when we set off the fireworks on the spring festival.
②文化活动,……节:Our school holds a music festival every year.我们学校每年举办音乐节。
fetch v.①(去)取来/拿来/叫来:
Gary, please do me a favor—fetch my laptop for me.加里,请帮我一个忙——给我拿台笔记本电脑来。
Fetch me the dictionary./Fetch the dictionary for me.给我把那本字典拿来。
Please fetch the children from school.请到学校把孩子接回来。
These carpets are decorated with beautiful traditional patterns and can fetch a high price on the international market.这些地毯装饰着美丽的传统图案,在国际市场上可以卖到很高的价格。
fever n.发烧,发热:If you have a high fever, you should drink a lot of boiled water.
They have made medicine from a new plant used as a cure for fever.
few pron.①(与a连用)不多,少数:I met a few of my friends there.我在那里遇见了几个朋友。
②几乎没有,很少数:Few were at the seaside because it rained.海边人很少因为下雨了。
adj.①几乎没有的,少数的:He is a man of few words.他是个沉默寡言的人。
A few months after he had arrived in China, Mr. Smith fell in love with the people and culture there.
【拓展】few与a few:两者均用于表示数量,连用或代替可数名词(复数),前者表示数量很少甚至几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意味;后者表示数量虽不多,但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意味:
He has few friends here, does he?他在这儿几乎没什么朋友,是吗?
He has a few friends here, doesn’t he?他在这儿有几个朋友,是吗?
fibre(Am fiber) n.①纤维质,纤维质料:
Eating cereals and fruit will give you plenty of fiber in your diet.
②纤维:Cotton is a natural fibre; nylon is a man-made fibre.棉花是天然纤维,尼龙是人造纤维。
fiction n.①小说,创作:It gives us great delight that Chinese science fictions are becoming increasingly popular.
②杜撰,虚构:The newspaper’s account of what happened was a complete fiction.
field n.①田地,牧场,场地:
They must be very tired now, for they have been working in the field the whole morning.
Our school library is next to the sports field.我们学校的图书馆在运动场的隔壁。
I don’t know exactly what they are working on, but I’ve got a rough idea of the field of their research.
fierce adj.①强烈的,激烈的,猛烈的,:
Under the environment of fierce competition, the only way John could imagine to handle stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts.在激烈的竞争环境下,约翰想到的能够应对压力的唯一方法就是通过更加努力让自己更强大起来。
That tiger looks very fierce!那只老虎看起来很凶!
He threw a fierce look at me, so I wondered what I had done wrong.
fight n.①争论:We had quite a fight on the subject.在这个问题上我们争论颇为激烈。
There was a fight outside the restaurant last night.昨天晚上饭馆外面有人打起来了。
He was honoured for his bravery in his fight with the robber.
v.(fought, fought)
①打仗,战斗:England fought with France against Germany.英国曾同法国肩并肩对德国作战。
We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。
②打架:What are the boys fighting about/for?这些男孩儿们为什么打架?
He fought against the illness for two years.他跟疾病斗争了两年。
It’s high time that we fought against spreading false information on the Internet.
④争论:He and his wife are always fighting.他和妻子老是争论不休。
⑤抵抗,力图阻止:The most effective way to fight a hydrogen fire is to shut off the flow of gas.
【拓展】fighter n.
Mandela, devoted all his life to the freedom of South African Blacks, is a real fighter for us to
look up to.曼德拉为了南美洲的黑人的自由奉献了自己的一生,他是一个值得我们尊敬的
The jet fighters were waiting at the airfield, with radar searching the sky.
figure n. ①数字,数目:He has an income of six figures.他有六位数字的收入。
②图,图形:A square is a figure with four equal sides and four right angles.
③(人的) 身材:She works out every morning to keep her figure.她每天早上锻炼以保持身材。
Steve Jobs is a key figure in the computer world in that he has had a great influence on modern life
and technology.史蒂夫·乔布斯是计算机世界的关键人物,因为他对现代生活和技术产生了巨大
v.①认为,判断,(在心里)想像:I figured (that) you’d want to go out.我猜你想出去。
②描绘,计算:They figured it would be two years to finish the project.
【拓展】figure out弄明白,搞清楚,计算出,得出:
We cannot figure out why quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.
file n. ①公文柜,文件箱,文件夹:Put the papers in the file there.请把文件放进那边的公文箱里。
②(计算机)文档,档案:Here’s our file on the Middle East.这是我们有关中东的资料。
fill v.装满,填满,充满:
He filled his pockets with chestnuts.他在口袋里装满栗子。
The rainforest is an amazing place, filled with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world.热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。
She gave me a form and told me to fill it in.她给我一份表格让我填写。
If you leave this application form and go to another website, you will lose whatever you have already filled out on this form.如果你留下这个申请表去另一个网站,你将会丢失你已经填好的表格。
The room soon filled up with people.房里不久挤满了人。
film n.①电影,影片:What’s your favorite film?你最喜欢那部电影?
②胶卷,底片:I bought a roll of black and white film.我买了一卷黑白胶卷。
His early comedies were filmed in black and white.他的早期喜剧被拍成了黑白电影。
final adj.①最后的,终极的:
We’ll make the final decision on our scheme. Should change your mind, please inform us as soon as
②决定的:the final round 决赛 / The judge’s ruling is final.法官的判决是不可改变的。
finance n.①财政,金融,财政学:People who work in banks know about finance.在银行工作的人懂金融。
②(用复数)资金,财力,经费:Are the firm’s finances sound?这家公司的财力可靠吗?
Some analysts suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by a western country.
【拓展】financial adj.金融的,财务的,财政的:
This financial crisis had a much greater impact on the country.
The company is in financial difficulties.公司目前财政困难。
find(found, found) v.①找到,发现:
Lucy rushed to the school, only to find that it was Saturday.
Johnson was shocked to find out that his boss had given him the wrong information.
―What should I do with this passage?我应该如何处理这篇文章?
―Find out the main idea of each paragraph.找出每段大意
②感到,发觉:They found her a sensible woman.他们发觉她是个明理的女人。
fine1 adj.①细的:He has very fine hair.他的头发很细。
②晴朗的:The weather turned out fine again.天气又转晴朗了。
③美好的:—How about going to the movies tonight?
—That sounds fine. We can see the film American Dreams in China.
④(身体)健康的:“How are you?” “I’m fine, thank you!”“你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢你。”
fine2 n.罚款,罚金:You’ll get a fine if you park your car there.要是把汽车停放在那儿就得罚款。
v.罚款:The man was fined $50.这个人被罚款50美元。
finger n.手指:She sliced her finger by accident when cutting vegetables.她切蔬菜时不小心割破了手指。
【拓展】用在谚语中:His fingers are all thumbs.他笨手笨脚的。
I’ll cross my fingers for you.我会为你祝福/祈祷好运的。
finish v.①结束,做完:With all the work finished, they hurried back home for lunch.
②吃光,吃完:He finished the cake in a few bites.他几口就把蛋糕吃完了。
③结束,停止:What time does the concert finish?音乐会什么时候结束?
fire n. ①火:Keep away from fire!切勿近火!
②火炉:Cook the meat over the fire.把肉放在炉子上炖着。
③火灾:A big fire broke out last night. Luckily, no one was killed or injured.
v. ①开火,开(枪,炮等),射击:The guns were firing all night.一夜枪声不断。
②开除,解雇:—This week I got fired, hurt my leg, and had my wallet stolen.
—It never rains but it pours.
【拓展】①catch/take fire(表示动作)着火,开始燃烧:Cotton catches fire easily.棉花容易着火。
②(be)on fire(表示状态)着火:The house is on fire.房子着火了。
③set fire to sth./set sth. on fire使……燃烧,放火烧……:
He set fire to the house.=He set the house on fire.他放火烧了那栋房子。
④firefighter n.消防人员:
Firefighters have to wear special uniforms.消防队员必须穿特别的制服。
fireworks n.烟火,烟火表演:
We set off a few fireworks.我们放了几个烟火。
On the night of the fireworks we had a really good spot.
firm1 n.公司,企业:His father works in a printing firm.他父亲在一家印刷公司工作。
My father works for a building firm.我父亲在建筑公司工作。
firm2 adj.坚强的,坚固的,坚定的:
His firm character accounted in part for his success.他坚强的性格是他成功的部分原因。
He is firm in the view that he will succeed.他坚信他会成功。
fish n.①鱼:Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。
②鱼肉:Fish was served after the first course.第一道菜之后就上了鱼。
v.钓鱼:I often fish/go fishing at weekends.我常在周末去钓鱼。
fisherman n.渔民,渔夫:
A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.渔网对于渔夫的重要性正如枪对猎人的重要性一样。
fit adj.①适合的,恰当的:
He isn’t fit for his work.他不适合做这项工作。
The food isn’t fit to eat.这食物不好吃。
Though he is over 70 years old, he feels fit.尽管他70多岁,但精神头极好。
She tries to keep fit by jogging every day.她每天慢跑以保持健康。
【拓展】①be fit后接不定式时,可用主动式表示被动,也可直接用被动式:
The water is not fit to drink/to be drunk.这水不适合饮用。
②be fit for合,胜任于……:
We should employ people who are fit for the job.
Try the new key and see if it fits.试试新配的钥匙看看是否合适。
Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to fit in, so she left.
You can’t expect a baby to fit in with your existing routine.你不能指望一个婴儿符合你的常规要求。
The shoes doesn’t fit well.这鞋不合脚。
Jonah was a little worried because he was to do a new job the next day and he wasn’t sure whether he
would be fit for it.乔纳有点担心,因为他第二天要做一份新工作,他不确定自己是否能胜任。
Some training will fit them for the job.经过一些训练他们就会胜任工作。
This coat doesn’t fit me.这件大衣我穿不合身。
Can I fit this suit on?我可以试穿这件衣服吗?
The ship has been newly fitted out.这船最近刚装备好。
We’re having new locks fitted on all the doors.我们在给所有的门装上新锁。
This dress doesn’t fit me. Have you got a larger size?
This dress doesn’t suit me. Have you got another style?
fix v.①修理;安装:Whom would you rather have fixed the car? 你愿让谁来修理这台车?
②确定,决定,安排:We’re fixed the date for the wedding.我们已决定结婚的日子。
③决定,决择,安排:Have you fixed up your holiday yet?你度假的事安排好了吗?
【拓展】①fix one’s eyes on/upon(keep one’s eyes fixed on/upon)注视,专注,盯住,把注意力聚焦在……:
The old man stood by the window, his eyes fixed on the people playing in the park.
The programme was so exciting that the children kept their eyes fixed on the screen.
It’s bad for your eyes if you keep them fixed on the screen for a long time.
②fix one’s mind/attention on/upon(keep one’s mind/attention fixed on/upon)集中注意力于……:
In the reading room, we found her seated at a desk, her attention fixed on a novel.
I can’t fix my mind on my study, with the children playing so noisily outside my window.
③fix one’s thoughts on把思想集中在某事上……,全神贯注于……:
He is fixing his thoughts on what he is doing.他正在全神贯注地工作。
flag n.旗,标志:In less than one minute, the national flag rose up to the top of flagpole.
A red flag was placed there as a sign of danger.那里插了一面红旗,表示有危险。
flame n.火焰,光辉,火炬:
The whole city was in flames.整个城市成了一片火海。
The moon began to show her silver flame.月儿开始发出银色的光辉。
Do you think you could successfully light the flame at the opening ceremony?
v.①燃烧,发出火焰:The fire flamed intensely.火烧得很旺(熊熊燃烧)
②激起,激怒,面红:Her face flamed(red)with excitement.她激动得满脸绯红。
flash n.①闪,闪光:
There were flashes of lightning and much thunder.电光闪闪,雷声隆隆。
As long as there is a flash of hope, I will not give up.只要还有一线希望,我就不会放弃努力。
②转瞬间:The world seemed as if it was in the end. In a flash everything was destroyed.
v.①发出信号:Red lights flashed a warning at them.红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。
He flashed his pass at the security officer.他向保安员亮了一下通行证。
His name was flashed up on the screen.屏幕上显示出了他的名字。
A red light will start continuously flashing when the batteries are getting low.
The countryside flashed past the train windows.乡村景色从火车窗外飞掠而过。
A look of terror flashed across his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。
④突然想到,猛然想起 :
A terrible thought flashed through my mind.一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。
She tried to sleep, but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind.
News of their triumph was flashed around the world.他们胜利的消息迅速传遍了全世界。
⑥突然显露(强烈情感):Her eyes flashed with anger.她眼中闪出怒火。
flashlight n.手电筒:Shine your flashlight over here.把你的手电筒往这里照。
flat1 n.楼中一套房间,公寓:
They’re renting a furnished flat on the third floor.他们租了三楼的一套带家具的房间。
flat2 adj.平的,平坦的:The dress measures easily if spread on a flat place.这件衣服放在平坦的地方很容易测量。
flee(fled, fled ) v.逃走,逃离:
The thief was caught by the police in the railway station before he was able to flee.
They all fled(from)the burning house.他们全从着火的房子逃出。
During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。
flesh n.肉:Tigers are flesh-eating animals.虎是肉食动物。
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足。
【拓展】①in the flesh活生生的,本人,亲自:
He is more handsome in the flesh than in his photographs.他本人比在照片上更帅。
②flesh and blood骨肉,亲人,血肉之躯:
The kid, after all, was his own flesh and blood. He deserved a second chance.
It is known that there are certain things which flesh and blood cannot bear.
He is flesh and blood, and has weaknesses like everyone else.
flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的:
My time is flexible, so you can make the meeting at any time.
flight n.①飞,飞行:The bird had been shot down in flight.这只鸟是在飞行中打下来的。
Their flight has been delayed due to bad weather. They would like to know when the flight will take off.
Did you have a good flight?你这次飞行愉快吗?
③楼梯的一段:My bedroom is two flights up.我的卧室要上两段楼梯。
float v.漂浮,浮流:There are lots of plastic bags floating in the river, making it very dirty.
flood n.①洪水:When the Nile is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the fields.
There is a flood in the next valley.旁边的山谷被水淹了。
②大量:A flood of corrupt officials have been punished in China.在中国,大量的贪官得以被惩罚。
Forty percent of the land in the village has been flooded and the majority of the villagers have moved to safe places.整个村庄40%的土地被洪水淹没,大部分村民已经转移到安全的地方。
Someone must have left the tap on, for the water was running over and flooding the bathroom.
Every spring the river floods(the valley).每年春季河水泛滥(淹没山谷)。
Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications.
Donations began flooding in from hundreds of people. 数以百计的人开始捐款。
floor n.①地面,地板:They moved into their library and slept on the floor.他们搬进了图书馆睡在了地板上。
②(楼房的)层:I live in a tall building and I live on the twelfth floor.我住在一栋高楼的12层。
flour n.面粉,粉:Bread is made from flour.面包是用面粉做的。
flow v.流动:Blood was flowing from his wound.血从他的伤口往外流。
Rivers flow into the sea.江河流入海。
The present flow of refugees was manageable.目前难民的流动尚可控制。
Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for judging the other person’s response.眼神交流对于保持谈话的流畅和判断对方的反应也很重要。
Instead, they would rather go with the flow.相反,他们宁愿随大流。
flower n.花:The flowers are all out/open.花都开了。
flu n.流行性感冒:He has (the) flu.他得了流感。
fluent adj.流利的,流畅的:He is fluent in five languages.他能流利地说五种语言。
【拓展】fluency n.流畅,流利:
He speaks English with great fluency.他的英语说得非常流畅。
Mark’s fluency in English gave him a big advantage over the other applicants for the job.
fly1(flew, flown) v.
①飞,飞奔:In autumn some birds fly to warmer countries.秋天有些鸟飞到暖和的地方去。
②(人乘飞机)飞行:We flew from Beijing to Guangzhou.我们从北京飞到了广州。
③(旗子等)飘动:A flag flies in the wind.旗在风中飘扬。
Look! The kids are having much fun flying kites in the park. 看!孩子们在公园里放风筝玩得很开心。
He’s flying his car to Europe.他把车空运到欧洲。
—What happened? Your boss seems to fly off the handle.
—Didn’t you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press?
—I was informed that you won the lottery?
—Are you kidding? Maybe I will win a lottery when pigs fly.
fly2 n.①飞行:Did you have a good fly?你这次飞行愉快吗?
②苍蝇:Flies buzz.苍蝇嗡嗡叫。
focus n.焦点,中心点,重点:
With Syria’s conflict entering the 6th year, there is an increasing focus on when it will end.
Changes in the urban environment are once again the focus of public interest and discussion.
In order to satisfy the needs of the market, the electric company has switched its focus to tablet computers
and smart mobile phones.为了满足市场的需求,这家电子公司已将业务重点转向平板电脑和智能手机。
v.①能看得清楚:Gradually his eyes focused.他渐渐看清楚了。
②调焦距:I focused on the person in the middle of the group.我把焦点对准站在人群中央的那个人。
Cellphones are prohibited to help students focus on their study.
All eyes were focused on the speaker.大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。
【拓展】in focus清晰,out of focus不清晰:
Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.
For me, your explanation is a bit out of focus.对我来说,你的解释还不太清楚。
fog n.雾:The fog will clear by late morning.快到中午的时候大雾就会消失。
The fog was so thick that I could not see my way.雾很大,我都看不见路了。
foggy adj.①多雾的:We hurried all the way to the airport , only to be told that the flight had been called off because of the foggy weather.我们匆忙赶到机场,结果被告知因有雾,航班被取消。
②模糊的:I have only a foggy idea of the matter.我对那件事情只有一个模糊的概念。
fold v.①折叠:When I came back, I found my clothes folded, lying on the bed.
Fold the paper in half to form a triangle. Unfold the paper.把纸对折形成一个三角形,再展开。
②合拢:The bird folds its wings.鸟收拢翅膀。
③倒闭,彻底失败:If a business folds, it closes because it is not able to make enough money.
【拓展】fold up的意思较多,请看下列例句:
I prefer a table that can be folded up when not used so that it may save a lot of space.
The table folded up under the heavy weight.这张桌子因上面放的东西太重而倒塌了。
The team folded up in the last part of the season.
The business finally folded up last week.这家企业终于在上个星期倒闭了/垮掉了。
He folded up with laughter.他笑弯了腰。
From the moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up in their seats.
The pain in her stomach was so sharp that she folded up.她的胃疼得她连腰都直不起来了。
Would you fold up the garden chairs and put them in the storeroom?
folk n.①人们:Some folk seem unable to spend money.有些人似乎不会花钱。
②(用one’s folks)家人,父母:I’d like you to meet my folks.我要你见见我的父母。
adj.民间的:As far as I know, this is a type of music popular in the 1950s, a mixture of jazz and folk music.
follow v.①跟随,跟着:
The professor entered the lab, followed by a group of his students.
The lecture having been given, a lively question-and answer session followed.
If he had followed my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his job.如果他听了我的劝告,他就不会失业了。The villages still follow the customs of their grandfathers.村民仍然遵循他们祖先的习俗。
③顺着,沿着:Follow this road to the bridge.沿着这条路到桥头去。
【拓展】①as follows如下:The results were as follows.结果如下。
②following adj.接着的;adj.以下的;n.(连用the)下面的人或物;prep.在……后:
I came back from holiday on Sunday and went to work on the following day.
Answer the following questions.回答下列问题。
The following are chosen as the candidates of the competition.
Following the lecture, a discussion was held.讲座之后开了讨论会。
③follow up把……贯彻到底,对……采取进一步行动,跟踪:
We will continue to follow up and find the source of these goods and where they are
coming from.我们会继续跟进,发现这些商品的来源和他们来自哪里。
④follow one’s track/follow in one’s footsteps追随某人的足迹,效仿某人,步某人的后尘:
Although both of Yao Ming’s parents were professional basketball players, they did not
expect their son to follow in their footsteps.虽然他的父母都是职业篮球员,但他们并不希
fond adj.喜爱的,爱好的:
Not all of my friend are fond of chatting on the net.并非我所有的朋友都喜欢网上聊天。
food n.食物,食品:Milk is the natural food for young babies.乳(奶)是婴儿的天然食品。
fool n.傻,傻子:He is no fool at all; in fact,he is the smartest boy I have ever seen.
v.愚弄,欺骗:He fooled me into giving him money.他欺骗我,要我给他钱。
【拓展】make a fool of愚弄,捉弄,欺骗,耍弄:
Don’t have any more to do with him, he’s trying to make a fool of you.
If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair.如果你想让自己出丑,那是你自己的事。
Who does she think she is? Trying to make a fool of me like that.
foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的:It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could walk there in five minutes.
Someone might say he is penny wise and pound foolish.
foot(pl feet)n.①足,脚:It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot
②英尺:The building is 40 feet high.这栋大厦四十英尺高。
【拓展】①at the foot of在……的底部:
They camped at the foot of the mountain.他们在山脚下露营。
②on foot步行:Will you go there by bus or on foot?你们是坐车去还是步行去?
football n.①(英式)足球,(美式)橄榄球②足球运动:Football is a team game.足球是一项集体运动。
for prep. ①为了:That’s what we’re here for.这正是我们来的目的。
②给(某人),供(某人)用:Here is a letter for you.这是你的信。
③用于,用来:This knife is for cutting bread.这把小刀是用于切面包的。
④因为,由于:You can’t see the wood for the trees.你只见树木,不见森林。
⑤去:They set off for the shops.他们买东西去了。
⑥达,计:I’m going away for a few days.我要走开几天。
⑦对,对于:Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.躺在床上看书对你的眼睛不好。
⑧适于,适合:Do you have any books for children?你有适合小孩子看的书吗?
⑨换,以……作交换:He gave her some magazines for her dictionary.他用几本杂志换她的字典。
⑩作为,当作:He mistook a rope for a snake.他把一条绳子误认为是蛇。
⑪支持,赞成:Are you for or against the plan?你是支持还是反对这个计划?
⑫就……来说,以……而言:He’s done well for a beginner.作为新手,他干得很好。
⑬代表,代替:Red is for danger.红色代表危险。
⑭(表安排的时间)在,于:The appointment is for 10:30.约会定在十点半。
⑮尽管,虽然:For all his money, he’s a very lonely man.他虽然富有,可是非常寂寞。
⑯(与不定式连用引出逻辑上的主语):He spoke too fast for her to follow.他说得太快,她跟不上。
conj.因为,由于:We can’t go for it is raining.我们不能走,因为正在下雨。
【拓展】①for all尽管,虽然:
He has great power and wealth, but is still happy for all that.
②because, since, as与for:
forbid(forbade, forbidden) v.
①禁止,不许:It is strongly suggested that measures be taken to forbid factories to pour waste into rivers. 人们强烈建议要采取措施禁止工厂把废物倒进河里。
②妨碍,阻止:High walls forbid all approach.高墙遮断,难以接近。
【拓展】forbid doing;forbid sb. to do sth.,它的被动结构是sb. be forbidden to do:
The boss forbids smoking during working hours and all the workers are forbidden to smoke in
that company.老板禁止工作时间吸烟,所有的工人被禁在那家公司吸烟。
force v.①强迫,迫使:The government will force companies to adopt any possible measure to reduce air pollution. 政府将强迫公司采取任何可能的措施来减少空气污染。
②强行,强加:You mustn’t try and force people into doing things they don’t want to.不要强人所难。
If you use too much force, you’ll twist the key, bending it out of shape.
We should find peaceful ways to settle international disputes rather than depend on military force.
②暴力:The thief took the money from the old man by force.那盗贼用暴力抢走了老人的钱。
【拓展】①forceful adj.强有力的,有说服力的,有效的:
To deal with the global financial crisis, China has made out a string of forceful measures
over the past months.为了应对全球金融危机,中国在过去几个月里制定了一系列强有力
②in force生效,采取,实施:
The contract will be in force next month. 本合同将于下月生效。
Strict security measures are in force in the capital.首都采取了严密的安全措施。
③by force靠武力, 强行:
The army took control of the region by force.军队用武力控制了这一地区。
The invading troops tore down the people’s houses by force.侵略军强行拆毁民房。
n.预告,预测:The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.天气预报说明天是晴天。
v. 预报,预测:
The weatherman is forecasting the weather of the coming week on TV.
The teacher forecast that 90% of his pupils would pass the examination.
forehead n.前额:I knew he was having a high fever by the feel of his forehead.
foreign adj.外国的,外来的:
The children have learned ten foreign songs in all.孩子们总共学了十首外国歌曲。
No more taxes on foreign tea should be paid.对外来的茶叶不应再赋税。
foreigner n.外国人:
Last December China acknowledged 100 Chinese and 10 foreigners for their outstanding contributions
to the country’s reform and opening-up.去年12月,中国表彰了对国家改革开放作出杰出贡献的100
foresee(foresaw, foreseen) v.预见,预知:
William was badly injured. It is impossible to foresee whether he’ll be well enough to come home from hospital next month.威廉受了重伤,不可能预见他下个月是否可以出院。
【拓展】unforeseen adj.无法预见的:
However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen
forest n.森林:Very little forest is left unexplored nowadays.如今未经勘测的森林已是少之又少。
They can’t see the forest for the trees.他们见树不见林(一叶障目)。
forever adv.①永远,永恒:
September 18 is a date worth remembering forever by our Chinese people.
②不断,总是:She’s forever complaining.她总是发牢骚。
forget(forgot, forgot/forgotten) v.
①忘记,忘掉:Don’t forget the past while we are living a happy life.
②忘记带:I forgot my umbrella.我忘记带伞了。
【拓展】①forget about忘记,不把……放在心上:
He forgot about the meeting.他忘了去开会。
I forgot to pay him.我忘记付给他钱了。(钱未付)
I forgot paying him.我忘记曾给他付过钱了。(钱已付)
③表示忘记带某物时,通常不与具体的地点连用,遇此情况可改为动词leave等:He left his wallet in the office.他把钱包忘在办公室了。
④forgetful adj. forgetfulness n.
健忘的:It’s incredible that you made a mistake alike for a third time. How can you be so
不留心的,疏忽的:He was forgetful of sleep and meals.他废寝忘食。
Too much pressure from study leads to sleeplessness, which in turn increases the risk of
She has become very forgetful in recent years.近年来她变得十分健忘。
Reaching the top of Mountain Tai was an unforgettable experience.
⑥交际用语:Forget it.没关系,算了吧,别想了,不必在意:
“I am sorry I broke your teapot.” “Forget it. ” “对不起,我打破了你的茶壶。”“没关系。”
Oh, forget it! Don’t say any more about it. It’s time for a break.算了吧,别说了,该休息了。
If you ever cross him, forget it, you’re finished.
—David, I lost your book. I suppose I pay for it.
—Oh. Forget it. It was just an old book anyway.
forgive(forgave, forgiven) v.原谅,宽恕:
Were he still a child, we could forgive him for his mistakes!
They forgave his being rude.=They forgave (him) his rudeness.=They forgave him for being rude.
Please forgive me for interrupting/my interrupting.对不起,打搅了。
【拓展】①forgive and forget 既往不咎,不念旧恶:
Would they forgive and forget—or show him the door?
②forgiveness n.原谅:
She apologized to beg his forgiveness. After all, they had been doing business for many years.
fork n.叉,餐叉:There is a knife and fork on the table.桌上有一副刀叉。
form n.①表格:Please fill out this form, giving your name, age, and address.
②形式,结构:It’s merely a matter of form.这不过是形式问题。
v.形成,构成:Bad habits, once formed, are difficult to give up.坏习惯,一旦形成,就很难改掉。
Never form the habit of smoking because it is harmful to human beings.
【拓展】①in the form of以……形式:
The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account.
②formation n.形成,构成:
My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain a good knowledge of basic word
formal adj.形式的,正式的,正规的,刻板的,拘谨的:
He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas.他给道格拉斯写了一封非常正式的道歉信。
Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was fond of reading
Sometimes formal English and informal English must be carefully distinguished.
If you are too formal, people around you won’t be at ease.如果你太拘谨,周围的人们就不会自在。
format n.①(书刊的)开本,版式:They’ve brought out the magazine in a new format.他们用新的版式出版这杂志。
②格式:The format of the figure is very tasteful. 该图表的格式很雅致。
former adj. ①以前的,从前的:
They were talking about the persons and things that they could remember in their former school.
The former option would be much more sensible.前一种选择更为明智。
They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.
formula n.公式,准则,客套话:
He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.
“How do you do” is a social formula.“你好”是社交中的客套话。
fortnight n.十四日,两星期:I’m going on holiday for a fortnight.我要休假两星期。
fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的:
He not only helped his own family, but he also gave out a helping hand to many other men less
fortunate than himself.他不仅帮助自己的家庭,而且还伸出援助之手帮助许多比他不幸的人。
She’s fortunate enough to have very good health.她真幸运,有个健康的身体。
He is fortunate to have escaped unharmed.他真幸运,毫发未伤地逃了出来。
【拓展】参看词条 unfortunate :
It was unfortunate that she had erased the message.不幸的是她已经删除了那条短信。
fortune n.①运气,机会:I had the good fortunate to get the job.我得到了这份工作,真有运气。
②财产,巨款:He made a fortune by selling houses.他靠卖房子发了财。
③命运:Fortune shows her power when there is no wise preparation for resisting her.
【拓展】①seek one’s fortune碰运气,发财,寻出路,寻找发迹的机会:
As there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown, many young men now tried to seek their fortune in cities.因为在家乡没有很多机会找到好的工作,很多年轻人现在努力去城市碰碰运气。
②make a fortune发财,赚大钱:
The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune was to be made.
Jack always dreams of his song catching on, so that he can make a fortune overnight.
forward adv.①将来,今后:They never met again from that day forward.从那天以后,他们就没见过面。
②向前,前进:Move forward carefully, or you’ll slip.小心地往前走,不然会滑倒。
adj. ①向前的,前进的:
The door opened, blocking his forward movement.门开了,挡住了他前进的路。
A little forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense.
A bolt may have fallen off the plane’s forward door.飞机前部的一个门闩可能脱落。
I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward.我希望你不要认为我太冒失。
He’s hoping to forward his career by this move.他希望能通过这一步骤促进自己的事业。
He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career.他把这项任务看作事业发展的途径。
We will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week.
Could you forward any mail to us in New York?你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们?
found v.成立,建立,创建:
The Communist Party of China was founded on July 1, 1921.中国共产党成立于1921年7月1日。
Alice found in a book that the city she lives in was founded one hundred years ago.
foundation n.基础,根基,地基:
If only I had laid a solid foundation in senior one! I wouldn’t be struggling in English now.
The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community.
fountain n.喷泉,喷水池:The children played in the fountain in the park.小孩子在公园的喷水池里玩耍。
fox n.狐狸:The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning.狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的。
fragile adj.①易碎的,易坏的:
Glasses are flexible and must be handled with great care.玻璃易碎,必须小心轻放。
There’s now a consensus nearly all over the world that we’re facing a fragile world peace.
Her parents are worried about her because of her fragile health.她父母总是很担心她虚弱的体质。
I’m feeling rather fragile after all that beer last night.昨晚喝了啤酒,现在我感到软弱无力。
fragrant adj.香的,芬芳的:The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。
framework n.①骨架,框架,结构:This bridge over the river has a steel framework.这座跨江大桥是钢骨结构。②方案,蓝图:The plan may be changed but it will provide a framework on which we can build.
free adj.①自由的,无约束的:You are free to go or stay.去留随你便。
②(时间或空间)空闲的:Have you any rooms free?你有空房间吗?
③免费的:Children under five travel free on trains.五岁以下的儿童可免费乘坐火车。
【拓展】①set free释放,使获得自由:
The boy insisted that he had done nothing wrong and that he be set free at once
②be free from摆脱,免于,没有:
At last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers.
No human being can be free from mistakes.是人总要犯错误。
③for free免费:
All students can use computers for free.所有的学生都可以免费使用电脑。
Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.亚伯拉罕·林肯解放了奴隶。
It took ten hours to free the victims from the collapsed building.
freedom n.自由,放任:
Do you like the hero in the book who fights for freedom all the time?
They gave their children too much freedom.他们对孩子太放任了。
freeze(froze, frozen) v. 结冰,冻结,冻:
Salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water.盐水结冰的温度比淡水低。
Scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death?
freezing adj.冻结的,极冷的:
The explorer could not even strike a match, frozen after the long journey on the freezing day.
Two men were frozen to death on the mountain because it was freezing.
frequent adj.不时的,经常的,频繁的:
Mom’s frequent encouragement determined me to face the challenge bravely in life.
Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast.海岸地区经常有骤来的暴风雨。
Due to frequent layoffs, there is anxiety among the employees that they may one day be out of work. 由于频繁的裁员,员工们担心有一天会失业。
【拓展】frequency n.频繁性,频率:
Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies.只有数量有限的广播频率。
fresh adj.新的,新鲜的,清新的:
My cousin came to see me from the country, bringing me a full basket of fresh fruits.
He is a fresh hand in running the machine.开机器他是个新手。
It’s healthy to spend time in the fresh air.在清新空气中活动对健康有好处。
friction n.①摩擦,摩擦力:
Friction generates heat. 摩擦生热。
But for friction, people could neither walk, nor even stand up.
The constant friction between the young couple finally caused divorce.
It’s likely to cause friction between them.这可能在他们中间引起不和。
fridge(=refrigerator) n.冰箱:Is there any milk in the fridge?冰箱里还有牛奶吗?
friend n.朋友:He has no girl friends.他没有女朋友。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。
He’s made friends with her.他已跟她交上朋友了。
friendly adj.友好的,和蔼可亲的:
The only problem was that we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly and helpful.
friendship n.友谊,友情:True friendship is worth more than money.真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵。
frighten v.使惊恐,吓唬:
He frightened the old lady into signing the paper.他吓唬老太太,让她在文件上签字。
He was frightened of losing power.他害怕失去权力。
The man was frightened.这个人很害怕(即被吓住了)。
The man was frightening.这个人很令人害怕(好像要伤人似的)。
She felt rather frightened that he should drive the car at such a frightening speed.
frog n.青蛙:A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。
from prep.①从:They flew from Paris to Rome.他们坐飞机从巴黎到罗马。
②出自,来自,从……来:There’s a man from the bank to see you.银行有人来找你。
③由于,因为:Last week she fell ill from cold.上星期她着凉生病了。
④距离:The house is five miles from the town.这房子离市镇有5英里路。
⑤用,由:Steel is made from iron.钢是铁炼成的。
⑥避免,防止,以免:She saved the child from drowning.她救了那个孩子,使他免于淹死。
⑦(表区别、差异)由,与(……不同):I can’t tell one twin from the other.我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁。⑧由(……来看),根据(……判断):I’m speaking from experience.我是在凭经验说。
front adj.前面的,前部的:Write your name on the front cover of the book.在书的封面上写上你的名字。
n.①前面;前部:The front of the postcard shows a picture of our hotel.明信片正面的照片就是我们的旅馆。②前线:Both of them have been to the front.他们两人都到过前线。
【拓展】①at the front(of)在(……的)前部(前面):
This dress fastens at the front.这件衣服在前面扣钮扣。
②in front of在……前面:The bus stops right in front of our house.公共汽车正停在我们房前。
③in the front of在……的前部或前面:
The introduction is always in the front of the book.书的前言总是在书(里)的前面。
frontier n.①前沿,边界,前线:They were shot trying to cross the frontier.他们企图越过边境时被射杀。
②(科学文化等)新领域:the frontiers of medicine医学新领域
frost n.霜,严寒:There was a frost last night.昨天夜里结了霜。
Young plants are often killed by frost.植物的幼苗常因严寒而冻死。
fruit n.①水果:He doesn’t eat much fruit.他不大吃水果。
Some fruits have thick thins.有些水果皮很厚。
The old man enjoyed the fruits of his life’s work.这老人享受他一生辛勤劳动的成果。
fry v.用油煎,用油炸:Mother was frying chicken and it smelled so nice that I couldn’t wait to eat it.
【拓展】fried adj.油煎(炸)的:fried noodles(rice)炒面(饭)/fried cake油煎饼/fried chicken炸鸡
fuel n.(一种)燃料:That is to add fuel to the fire.那是火上加油。
Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel.汽油不再是廉价的燃料。
full adj.①(充)满的:The streets were full of people on May Day in spite of the rainy weather.
Her eyes were full of tears.她的眼里充满泪水。
②完全的:The train is running at full speed.列车在飞速前进。
【拓展】in full完全地,完整地:Please write your name in full.请您把姓名写全。
fun n.①有趣的事:What fun it was to go there and have a party with my past classmates!
②娱乐,玩笑:Have fun at the party tonight.今晚的晚会上玩得很开心。
She’s really fun to be with.和她在一起真开心。
There are lots of fun things for young people to do here.这里有许多供年轻人玩乐的东西。
【拓展】①for fun出于/为了/乐趣,高兴,好玩:
That is not a match. We’re playing chess just for fun.
②in fun闹着玩的/地,开玩笑的/地:
I’m not saying it in fun.我说这话不是开玩笑的。
③make fun of拿……开玩笑,取笑:
Your friend is good fun. Does he often make fun of you?
People made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.人们取笑她穿那样奇怪的衣服。
function n.①职能,功能,作用:
During the war time, underground stations can function as bomb shelters.
I’m amazed at the functions of smart phones.对于智能手机的功能我很惊讶。
I attended many social functions while working abroad.我在国外工作时参加过许多社会活动。
v.活动,运行,发挥作用:My pen does not function very well.我的笔书写得不太流利。
fund n.基金,储备,现款,特别基金管理机构(基金会):
That program meant to raise funds for farmers in the west of China proves to be an effective approach to
solving the problem of poverty.这个旨在为中国西部农民筹集资金的项目被证明是解决贫困问题的有
Some business owners are keen on public welfare. This is how local services have been funded.
The airport is being privately funded by a construction group.该机场是由一个建筑集团私人出资兴建的。
fundamental adj.①基础的,基本的,根本的:
A fundamental element of the rule of law was certainty.法治的一个根本元素就是确定性。
There is a fundamental difference between your opinion and mine.你我的意见有重大的分歧。
③必要的:Fresh air is fundamental to good health.空气新鲜是身体健康之必需。
funeral n.葬礼:When is his funeral?他的葬礼何时举行?
Many friends attended the old lady’s funeral.很多朋友参加了这位老妇人的葬礼。
funny adj.①有趣的,滑稽可笑的:
It was funny that he should have told such a funny story as made everyone present burst into laughter.
②古怪的,料想不到的:They laughed at his funny idea.他们嘲笑他的古怪想法。
fur n.①毛:The puppies haven’t got much fur yet.小狗还没有长出多少毛。
②毛皮,皮子:She is wearing a coat made of fur.她穿着一件毛皮大衣。
furnished adj.配备了家具的:I live in a furnished flat.我住在备有家具的公寓里。
【拓展】furnish v.配备(家具等),布置(房间):
—Have you moved into your new house?你搬进新家了吗?
—Not yet. I’ve no time to get it furnished.没呢。我没时间置办家具。
furniture n.(总称)家具:The flat is good value for money because not only did they sell it to me at a cheap price,
but they threw in some old furniture for good measure.这套公寓物有所值,因为他们不
future n.将来,未来,前途:
We are all optimistic about the future and believe our life will get better.
adj.将来的,未来的:Have you met John’s future wife?你看见过约翰未来的妻子了吗?