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冀教版(三起)英语七年级上册 Unit 4 Food and restaurants_2(教案)
展开Unit 4 Food and restaurants
Lesson 20
教学思路 |
这节课以丹尼和丹尼的妈妈去超市购物为线索展开对话,课文中涵盖了一些食物名词,主要是对购物前的计划,购物中的物品进行谈论,同时引导学生做事情要有计划.所以除了常规的教学之外,进行了有意的拓展. 课程标准指出:学生通过英语课程能开阔视野,认识世界的多样性.应注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触,体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言.鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验,实践,参与,探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力.同时对学生进行大量的语言输入,提供丰富的课程资源,创造性地开发和利用英语学习资源,拓展学生学习和运用英语的渠道. 本课将以图片等形式引入生词,通过学习对话,引导学生编写关于去超市购物的对话,然后进行拓展听力练习. |
学情分析 |
学生对购物不陌生,但是谈论要买的物品不是件容易的事,所以我会创造机会鼓励学生来说英语,用英语,降低学习难度,使他们体会成功的喜悦,提高学生的综合语用能力,在面向不同层次的学生提问,完成任务,作业方面注意层次性. |
教学目标 |
1.能使用本课的词汇及句式谈论购物. 2.能根据需要列出购物清单. 3.有学好英语的信心,敢于用英语表达. |
教学重点 |
1.本课生词,短语的用法,关于购物的交际用语. 2.学生能根据自己的需要列购物清单,并就此进行交流. |
教学难点 |
购物的交际用语. |
教学过程 |
1.出示学习目标 设计意图:做到有的放矢,清楚本节课要完成的任务和途经. 2.Warm up Have a free talk with the students, ask them if they need some food, how they will do, where they will go? 设计意图:通过聊天使学生以愉快,放松的心情投入本节课的英语学习,吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的好奇心. 3.学习生词 通过图片及句子引出生词及重点短语. (1)full[ful] adj. 满的;充足的 be full of=be filled with The shopping cart is full. Let's pay the bill. The cart is full of products. (2)cookie['kʊki] n. 饼干 (3)chocolate [ˈtʃɒklət] n. 巧克力 This cookie is neither sweet nor soft. Chocolates are small sweets or nuts covered with a layer of chocolate. They are usually sold in a box. (4)everything [ˈevriθiŋ] pron. 一切事物 Everything is possible. Everything is ready. Let's start. (5)meat [mi:t] n. 肉 Don't eat too much meat. Meat is flesh taken from a dead animal that people cook and eat. (6)job [dʒɔb] n. 工作 I need a new job. It gives me more chances to communicate with others. Thousands of people lost their jobs these years. 设计意图:这样有助于学生理解生词的含义,知道在具体语境中如何运用,提高学生的语用能力.而且话题是学生关心的,感兴趣的话题,学生很容易轻松地进入到本课的学习中. 4.听课文,填空 Mrs. Dinosaur has to go to the _________. Danny likes it. He thinks it's _______ of food. Mrs. Dinosaur makes a list, but there aren't any donuts. Danny writes it down. In the supermarket, they have eggs, milk, bread, chicken, fish, ______, apples and bananas, donuts, ________ and __________. They do a good _______. 设计意图:通过听课文填空,让学生趁热打铁,了解生词的用法,利于学生记忆单词. 5.阅读,判断正误 Read the lesson and write true(T) or false(F): (1)Danny doesn't want to go to the supermarket. ( ) (2)Danny writes donuts, cookies and chocolate on the list. ( ) (3)Danny and his mum have everything on their list. ( ) 设计意图:通过阅读,培养学生读的能力,进行细节理解. 6.Read the text, ask and answer questions. Group work: Read the text first, then ask at least 3 questions. After a while, you can ask anyone in our class to answer your questions. 7.Strike while the iron is hot. (趁热打铁) (1)My mother ______ cut her hair because it's too long. (2)___________________________? (你想跟我一起去吗?)---Sure. (3)The glass _______(充满……) green tea. (4)would, what, like, to, you, buy(连词成句) ________________________? (5)Can you _______________(写下) these names on a piece of paper? (6) __________(一切事情) is possible. (7)Eating too much __________(巧克力) makes you fat. (8)you, can, get, for, it, me ___________________________? (9)it, of, is, delicious, full, food __________________________? 设计意图:通过中考题型练习,巩固新知. 8.Work in pairs. What would you like to buy at the supermarket? Make a shopping list, then make up a dialogue. Example: A: I have to go to the supermarket. Do you want to come with me? B: Sure. What would you like to buy? A: I'd like to buy… Here is my list. 设计意图:通过编对话,进行语言输出,培养学生利用英语来做事情的能力. 9.Dig in (1)美语三级跳之购物单元. (2)Shopping的短文阅读. 设计意图:通过拓展听力,使学生接触地道的英语,开阔视野. 10.主题升华 Try to be a helpful child to help parents. Try to be a person who likes making a list before doing something. 设计意图:了解本课的作者意图,做一个帮助家人的,懂得计划的孩子. 作业布置 (1)Remember the words and phrases in this lesson. Make up a dialogue about going shopping. (2)Finish exercises 2-4 on book. (3)Make a list of things you want to buy and go to the supermarket. (4)Preview Lesson 21. |
教学反思 |
适当的拓展对学生是有好处的,可以开拓学生的视野,让学生接触地道的英语,练习听力,关注正确的语音,语调. 创设问题情境是激发学生学习动机的有效方法和手段,成功的教学情境应不断创设问题情境,激起学生的好奇心,求知欲,激发学习的内部动机.这种方法要求教师要熟悉教材,掌握新旧知识的联系,还要充分了解学生.也就是我们常说的要"备教材,还要备学生". |