冀教版(三起)英语七年级下册 Unit 1 Trip to the Silk Road_5(教案)
这是一份冀教版(三起)英语七年级下册 Unit 1 Trip to the Silk Road_5(教案),共3页。
Unit 1 Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 5【教学目标】1.知识目标:掌握本课单词,短语及重点句型,理解对话并会翻译.2.语言技能:能熟练的运用本课所学的知识点;能用简单的英语语言谈论生活中游览的话题.3.情感态度:通过多种教学形式激发学生的学习兴趣;采取小组合作形式,加强学生的合作意识;课上及时鼓励表扬学生,使他们有成绩感以培养自信.【教学重难点】1.词汇: another, amazing, main, sand, cave, believe, camel, sir, safe, fall onto.2.短语及句型.(1)be famous as(2)be famous for(3)It' s + adj. +for /of sb. to do sth.(4)arrive in/at +place(5)the same as(6)on one's way to(7)take a tour(8)fall off(9)one of【教学过程】Ⅰ.Class opening (1 minute)T: Good morning, class. Did you hear of Dunhuang? What do you know about it? (1minute to discuss) OK! Today we will know another stop along the Silk Road and learn more about Dunhuang. 让学生观看文中图片,初步认识敦煌.Ⅱ.Learn new words: (5 minutes)T: We see the group again, where do they arrive?S: The group arrives in Dunhuang.T: So great! This is an amazing city. It's one of the main stops on the Silk Road. Let's visit some places with the group. Firstly, let's learn the new words老师展示本课新单词页并带读新单词,每个单词连读3遍;然后找学生带读单词;检查几组学生的单词掌握情况,b表扬并鼓励学生.Ⅲ.Listening. (5minutes)T: After we visit Dunhuang, let's listen what Li Ming, Jenny and Danny did in details in Dunhuang? Then you will answer questions. Listen and tell true (T) or false (F).先让学生自己看课后题1,再播放录音,各小组讨论问题后再做出回答.1.Dunhuang is famous as the City of Sands. (T)2.Marco Polo Came to Dunhuang a long time ago. (T)3.The camel is not safe and Danny falls off. (F)Ⅳ.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. (5 minutes)学生通过读课文,自己总结重难点,再小组合作根据课文内容填空,本环节能锻炼学生自主能力,提升合作意识.Ⅴ.Read again, find out the language points! (5minutes)学生再次读课文,找出知识点,学生从自身出发寻找知识点有助于更好的理解课文;再小组讨论知识点,在合作的氛围中学习.Ⅵ.Analyze the dialogue in detail together with the class. (8minutes)找学生分角色朗读课文,再找学生逐句翻译,另找学生总结知识点,老师起指导作用.Ⅶ.Let's practice. (5minutes)自主回答问题;小组合作讨论;最后回答问题并让其它组学生来评价.Ⅷ.Work in pairs. (6minutes)1.Continue the dialogue in this lesson. What happens after Jenny and Danny get on the camels?2.Example:A: I want to have a picture taken on the camel. Can you help me?B: Of course. Look here and say, "Cheese!" Great!A: Thanks. Now I'll take a picture of you. Smile!通过小组活动,让学生在自主、合作的氛围中实现任务练习,同时提高学生的英语语言运用能力.【作业布置】1.抄写课文并逐句翻译成汉语;2.总结本课知识点,用每个短语造一个句子;3.完成练习册相关练习题.【教学反思】该班学生较文静,气氛太沉闷,教学准备也不充分,没能调动学生的积极性,教学的各个环节本该学生起主导作用,但整堂课下来还是老师的讲解较多,尤其是第八步"继续对话"没学生参与,这与学生的基础差有直接关系.在以后的教学中,要设计一些简单的活动,让学生有能力完成各项任务,这样效果应该会更好一些.