


(满分:150分;考试时间:120 分钟)
2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写;必须在题号对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写无效;保持答卷清洁、完整。
听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What will Jane do this Friday?
A .Go out of town. B .Watch her sister’s dog. C.Have dinner with her classmates.
2.How long will the man stay if his wife comes?
A.4nights. B .6 nights. C .8 nights.
3 .Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.Atthe border. B .At the airport. C .At a travel agency.
4.What time will the meeting begin?
A.At 11:00 am. B .At 1:00 pm. C .At 3:00 pm.
5.What language does Mr. Black speak best?
A .Chinese. B .French. C .Spanish.
请听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标注在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟。听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答6、7题。
6.What does the woman’s backpack look like?
A.Itis made of leather. B .There is a pattern on it. C .A handkerchief is tied to it.
7 .How does the woman probably feel in the end?
A.Disappointed. B .Relieved. C .Worried.
听下面一段对话,回答8 至10 题。
8.What is John doing?
A .Doing a fun project. B .Emptying the cupboard.
9 .What is “freecycling”?
A.A way of recycling. B .A kind of old junk.
10 .What does John want now?
A.A gorilla arm. B .A microphone.
听下面一段对话,回答11至13 题。
11.How did Helen contact the company?
A.Byemail. B .By phone.
12.What is the duty of the job in the ad?
A.Tolook after children. B .To work for a newspaper.
13 .On what conditions would Helen accept the job?
A.The place is fun. B .The pay is good.
听下面一段对话,回答14 至16 题。
14.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Colleagues. B .Father and daughter.
15.What is Mr. Jones’ suggestion?
A.Forming good habits.
B.Canceling the research project.
C.Saving all the work for the final week.
16 .What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.The research paper.
B.The changes to the schedule.
C.The plans for the end of the term.
听下面一段独白,回答17 至20 题。
17 .Who is the speaker talking to?
A .Shop customers. B .Cafe employees.
18.Why does the speaker give the talk?
A .To tell the listeners the move of the cafe.
B.To announce the opening of a new shop.
C.To apologize for the wrong decisions.
19 .When is a new place expected to be found?
A.By September. B .By November.
20.What is the speaker’s attitude toward the matter in general?
A.Positive. B.Nervous.
C.Donating unwanted things.
C.A travel website.
C .A bicycle.
C .By letter.
C.Toserve in a phone company.
C.The work is easy.
C.Teacher and student.
C.House agents.
C.By December.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B 、C 和D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
For people who struggle to read text,technology can be a lifeline. Actually,assistive technology (AT)toolsforreadingcanalsobeuseful tostudentswho just needsomeextraassistancetoaidreading fluencyor comprehension. These toolsare inexpensive and easytofind.Theyopenupthewonderful world of reading,making text accessible to students of all abilities.Butwithsomanytools outthere, it’snotalways easy to know which ones to use.
Tohelp,here’s a guide to some best ones.
Theyare visual representations,like diagrams and mind maps,of ideas and concepts. You can use graphicorganizerstohelpwithcomprehensionwhilereading.Graphicorganizerscanbe digital or pen andpaper.
They let you takenotesandwritecommentswhile reading.This canmakeiteasiertokeepinformation. Annotation aids can be part of software or apps, ortheycanbetraditionalpens, markers, andstickynotes.
Itallowsyoutocontrolhowtext is displayed. When reading on a screen, you can change the font (字体),fontsize,andspacingoftext. Youcanalsocover partsof thescreen to lessendistractions while reading.
It letsyousee text andhear itread aloud atthe same time.To use this tool,you click on words,andyou’ll hear thewordsreadbycomputer-generatedvoices.You can even read after it and record yourownvoice.TTScanalso be used to change any digital text files into audio files.
Itcanreadaloudtextfromimages and pictures. You can use OCR by taking photos ofworksheets,paperdocuments,andevenobjectslikestreetsigns. Like TTS,OCR uses computer-generated voices.
Keep inmind that usingATreading toolswon’t prevent peoplefrom learningto read.For example,expertssay audiobooks can actually help kids become better readers.
21 .If a reader prefers taking his feelings down while reading,he’d better use _________.
A.graphicorganizers B. annotation aids
C.displaycontrol D. text-to-speech
22.What feature makes OCR unique?
A.Changingfiletypes. B. Editing photos of documents.
C.Readingwordsinpictures. D. Using computer-generated voices.
23 .According to the author,AT reading tools are _________.
A. accessibleandbeneficialB.expensivebutworthwhile
C.helpfulandenergy-efficient D. innovative but complicated
LouiseMallardhasheart trouble,so she must be informed carefully about her husband’s death.Louise’s husband’sfriend,Richards,learned about a railroad disasterwhen he wasin the newspaperofficeandsawLouise’shusband,Brently,on the listofthose killed.Louise begins sobbingwhen Josephine,her sister,tells her of Brently’s death and goes upstairs to be alone in her room.
Louise sitsdownandlooksoutofanopen window.Sheseestrees,smellsapproachingrain,andhearsapeddleryellingout what he’sselling. Shehears someone singingas wellas the sounds ofsparrows,and there are white clouds in the sky. She is young,with lines aroundhereyes.Stillcrying, she gazes into the distance. She feels sad and tries to hold down the building emotionswithinher, but can’t. Shebeginsrepeatingtheword“Free”toherself over andover again.Her heartbeats quickly, andshefeels very warm.
Louiseknowsshe’ll cryagainwhensheseesBrently’sbody.His hands weretender,andhealways looked at her lovingly. Butthensheimaginestheyearsahead,whichbelongonlytohernow,and spreads her arms outjoyfully with anticipation. She will be free,on her own without anyone tooppressher. She thinks that all women and men oppress one another even if they do it out of kindness. Louiseknows that sheoften felt love forBrently buttells herselfthat none ofthatmatters any more. Shefeelsthrilled with her newfound sense of independence.
Josephine comes to her door,begging Louisetocomeout,warningherthatshe’llgetsickifshedoesn’t. Louise tellsher togoaway. She imaginesall thedays andyears aheadandhopes that shelives a long life. Then she opens the door,and she and Josephine start walking down the stairs, where Richardsiswaiting.
The frontdoorunexpectedlyopens, andBrentlycomesin.Hehadn’tbeeninthetrainaccidentor evenawarethatonehadhappened. Josephinescreams,andRichards triesunsuccessfully toblockLouise from seeing him. Doctors arrive and announcethatLouisediedofaheartattackbroughtonby happiness.
24.How did Louise learn about Brently’s death?
A. She sawitinthenews.B.Richardsinformedher.
C. She found out through Josephine. D. The railroad company notified her.
25 .Which words can describe Louise after she heard the news?
A.Excitedandhappy. B. Sad but relieved.
C.Desperateandlonely. D. Joyful but terrified.
26.What does the underlined word “oppress” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. Fight. B. Suspect. C.Control.D.Fool.
27.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Brently played a trick on Louise on purpose.
C.Josephine’sscreamresultedinLouise’s sudden death.
D.Brently’s survival was the last thing Louise had expected.
Whetherhuntingorcompetingfor limited spaceand resources,humans aretheplanet’s superpredator (捕食者). As thehumanpopulation expands,it’s gettingharderforother creatures tofind
somewhere tohideduring theday. Nownewfindings indicate animals around the world have come
up with another strategy: Theyarebecomingnocturnal(夜间活动的).
Inapaperpublished inScience,researchers analyzed 76 previous scientific studies about human
impact on animal activity. Theycomparedanimals’activityduringthedayandnightinareasofhighhumandisturbance (fromhunting orfarming to hiking and other outdoorrecreation)and low humandisturbance (relatively natural conditions). The analysisshowed animals are becoming an average of 1.36times more nocturnal due to high human disturbance.
For example,inPoland wildboarsgofrom 48% nocturnalinnaturalforeststo90% nocturnalinurban areas. Evenactivitiespeopleconsiderrelativelyinnocuous, suchashikingandwildlifeviewing, stronglyaffectedanimals’dailyrhythms.“We think that we’re leavingno traceoftenwhenwe’reoutdoors,but wecanbehavinglastingconsequencesonanimalbehavior,”says Kaitlyn Gaynor,lead researcherforthestudy.
This isnot the first timeanimalshavehad to liveat night;duringthetimeofdinosaurs,theywerealsonocturnal. “Dinosaurswere this ubiquitous(无处不在的),scary force,and only aftertheirextinction did mammals (哺乳动物)emerge into the daylight,” Gaynor says. “And now humanshave taken over and are pushing other animals backintothenight.”
Scientistssuspect becomingnocturnalmayhurtthose species highly adaptedtothe sun.Theymight not beable to livewell at night,whichwouldultimatelyhurttheir chances of survivalandreproduction. Perhapsevenmorealarmingeffects couldbe inthe wider ecosystem.InCalifornia’sSantaCruzMountains,coyoteshavebeenmorenocturnalinresponse tohikers andhave startedtoalter their diets fromdaytimeprey,suchassquirrelsandbirds,tonocturnalprey,such as rats andrabbits.
Exactlyhowecological communitieswill change,andwhether itwillbe for better or worse,requires further study. Somenighttime shifts maybenefitboth animals andhumans,Gaynornotes.Forinstance,tigersinNepalareavoidingpotentiallydeadlyconflictswithpeopleas theybecome morenocturnal.
Studies like thisonewill eventuallyhelpconservationmanagersmakebetter decisionsabouthow toprotect ecosystems. “We’llneedtounderstandlocaldynamics toreallyunderstandhowweshouldbechangingmanagement ofwildlifepopulations or humanactivities,”Gaynor notes,“Onepotential approachmight be tomanage the timingofhuman activities sothatwe leave some ofthe
28.How do animals respond to increasing human disturbance?
A.Bylimitingfoodintake. B. By leaving their habitat.
C.Bycontrollingpopulation. D. By adjusting daily routine.
29.What does the underlined word “innocuous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A. Harmless.B.Recreational.C.Organized.D.Irregular.
30.Why does the author mention dinosaurs?
C. To illustratemammals’adaptability.D.Todemonstratedinosaurs’power.
31.What can we learn about animals’ becoming nocturnal?
A. It has led to a newecologicalbalance.B.Itdemandsmoreconservationareas.
C.Itmayencouragebio-diversity.D.It might be double-edged.
China’shistoric23-dayChang’e-5missionhasnot only obtained precious rocks and soil samples from themoon,but hasalsobroughtback a groupof seeds thattraveledthe furthestinthe nation’sagricultural and forestryhistories.Morethan 30 kinds ofseeds,including rice,oatsetc.,were placed insidethemulti-moduleChang’e-5 spacecraft and orbited around the moon for about 15 days.
Scientists wished to check what would happen to theseedsafterbeingexposedtoextraterrestrial (地球外的)forces inlunar orbitand also hoped thatthey could develop beneficialmutations(突变).Thismissionofferedgoodopportunities to scientists,which enabled themto deepen their studies on theeffectofcosmic rays on the growth and evolution of life on Earth.
Space-basedmutation breeding refersto the process of exposing seedsto forcessuch asmicrogravity,vacuums and cosmicradiationduringaspaceflightandthensendingthembacktoEarth for further observationandplanting. Researchersobserve and examine several generations of plantsgrown from space-bred seeds and investigatetheir mutations—somearepositiveanddesirable whileothersarenegative. Thosewith positive mutations will be kept and analyzed,and will be introduced tofarmers after their certification and approval.
Spacebreedingcangeneratemutationsfaster and more conveniently than ground-based experimentsandcanbring about some desirable traits that are otherwise hard to introduce.
Comparedwithnatural orconventionallybredtypes of plants,space-developedversions withpositivemutationsusuallyfeaturehighernutritionalcontent,greater annualyields,shorter growth periodsandbetterresistanceto diseases and insect pests.
China conducted its first spacebreedingexperimentin1987,usingasatellitetocarryseedsintospace. Sincethen,hundredsofkindsofseedsandseedlingshave traveledwithdozensof Chinesespaceships. Spacebreedinghashelped toproducemore than200new typesofmutatedplantsinChina that havebeenapprovedforlarge-scalecultivation, rangingfromgrainstovegetablesandfruits. TheChang’e-5 roboticmission returned1,731grams oflunarrockand soiltoEarth,markinga
historicaccomplishment44years after the last lunar substances were taken back.
32.Why were the seeds placed inside Chang’e-5?
A. To pick out the fittestformutations.B.Tounderstandextraterrestrialforces.
C. Tostudytheintensityofcosmicrays.D.Toexposethemtoaspecialenvironment.
33.What do we know about space-based mutation breeding?
A. It isnotatime-consumingprocess.B.Mutationsdevelopinarandomway.
C.Itoftenbringsaboutdesirableeffects. D. Approval will be granted to mutated plants.
34 .What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.It is a custom to put seedlings on a spacecraft.
B.Chinawasthe first to do the space breeding experiment.
C.Itissometime since seeds were last taken into space.
D.Spacebreedinghasbroughtus commercial benefits.
35.What is the best title of the passage?
A.Space-bredSeedsOfferGreatChances B. Chang’e-5 Returns with a Big Package
C. Plant Mutations ResultinaBetterLifeD.SeedsFromSpaceMarkaNewHistory
Self-esteem isaperson’ssubjectiveassessmentofhis orherworthtohimselforherself.Self-esteemcovers various beliefs about oneself (such as “I’m a failure” and “I’m beautiful”)aswell asphysiological states,including sadness,joy,and shame.The more we believe thatwe are worthy ofhappinessandgood things in life,the more self-fulfilledwe willbe.Whenwe don’tbelieve thatwe areworthyofthesethings, our ability to enjoy them can suffer. 36
Healthy self-esteem as an adult can be a gift given in your childhood.Itis a blessing thatmostpeople overlook.Therearesomanywaysadultswithhighself-esteemweresupportedaschildrenthat resultedinthem having high self-esteem. For instance,they were praised for what they had achieved. 37They likelyexperiencedaffectionandweregivenenoughattention.Itis also possible thattheyexcelledin studies or in sports and were admired for it by peers.
38As children,manyof these people were criticized,yelled at,or abused in one wayoranother. There isalsoahighchance that theyweregivennoattentionby theadultswhoweresupposed to care for them. In some cases,adults with poor self-esteem were often laughed at fortheir shortcomingsorbulliedbypeers.
It is common that these adults alsobelievethatinordertobeappreciatedtheyneedtobeperfect. 39There are people who are obsessedwiththeircareers or hobbies becausein theirmindthey need to tie their worthiness to something concrete. Oftentimes thesepeoplehavetopretendtobe somethingtheyare not just to get approval.
How you feel about yourself impacts how you live your life. People with high self-esteem tend to havebetter relationships thanthosewithlow self-esteem. 40 So if you struggle to reach outfor assistance, it could be rooted in your low self-esteem.
A.Thereis also a good chance that they were spoken to respectfully.
B. When we start to doubt what’s important in life, we tend to do less of it.
C. Since self-esteem is connected to how we perform,it is important to work on it.
D.People with poor self-esteem,on the other hand,often experienced the opposite.
E.Thiscreates an image in their mind that without accomplishment they are worthless.
F. They face failure too,but they understand that failure or success doesn’t define them.
G. Highself-esteemenablesyoutoask for helpand support fromthepeoplearoundyouwhen you need it.
I am currently cycling trails around Australia,and am about to cycle the Nullarbor to raisefunds forMS(多发性硬化症). IhaveMSmyselfand the journey41 takes timeandenergy,butcycling is a(n)42 for me.However,while travelling,Iwas 43 to find thatI had mybike stolen by a not-so-kindperson.
The human kindness I have been shown since this happened has been 44 short ofamazing.Awarm-heartedladydonatedmea mountain bike in case I had to 45 my scheduledplan. Due to MS,I am very short,whichmakesitalmost46tofindabikeinmysize.Evenso, my hometown 47 me up,managing to help buy anextrasmallsizedbike,whichIeventuallyfoundwasjustmy 48 .
So far,peoplehave49 toput meup,selflesslyprovidedmewithdaily50 forriding longdistancesandput moneyinto myhandstolet megotowardsthecause,asthey 51 me fromanewspaperreport.
My52isthatthereare somanykindpeopleoutthere.NevercanIlettheunkind 53of so few ruin the fact that theworldconsistsof morekindpeople thanunkindpeople.That,initself,is 54 . It won’t be longbeforeIhit that longstretchofroadanddomybit to
55 society.
41 .A .hardly B .undoubtedly C.
42.A.challenge B .fame C.
43 .A .discouraged B .scared C.
44 .A .everything B .something C.
45.A.cancel B .continue C.
46 .A .effortless B .impossible C.
47.A .brought B .dressed C.
48 .A .design B .mission C.
49.A.offered B .agreed C.
50 .A .messages B .necessities C.
51 .A .recognize B .search C.
52.A.advice B .point C.
53 .A .remarks B .criticisms C.
54 .A .difference B .punishment C.
55 .A .fit in with B .give back to C.
As thecountdown to the2022BeijingWinterOlympics continues,the new high-speed railway
line56(connect)thecapital withOlympichost cityZhangjiakou has just entered service. Itcuts thetraveltimebetweenthetwo fromthreehours 5747minutes.But this isn’t justanother bullet train. Thisbeauty,whichcan run up to 350 kilometers per hourwithout a driver,hasbrought 58 is called“thesmarthigh-speedrailwayage”.
So what makes them “smart”?Well,thecarriages59(equip)with5G signalscandetectany operational abnormalities withreal-timedatacollected withsensors. Meanwhile,eachindividualseathas 60 (it)owntouch-screen controlpanel and wirelesscharging docks. Thetrainscan 61 (automatic)start,stop and adjust to the different speedlimitswhenin62(operate). Backat thestation,robotsandfacial recognition technologies canhelppassengers withdirections, luggageand paperless check-ins.
Today,China is home to theworld’s largest high-speed rail network,and the 63 (fast)commerciallyoperating train—theShanghaimaglev.AccordingtotheChinaStateRailwayGroup,1,036Fuxingbullettrains startedtheir missionin2017,64the serieswere firstlaunched.Overthepast4years,they 65 (send)over 100 million passengers across the country.
假如你是李华,近日你校举办了主题为“中国传统文化之美”的校园文化节。请你写一封信,告知对此感兴趣的美国笔友Jerry 有关文化节的相关情况。内容包括:
1.词数80 左右;
Yours, LiHua
At theendof theclass,Mr. Smithannouncedour assignmentforthe nextMondaywas totalkabout someone we were grateful to instead ofabookreport.Uponhearingit, Icouldn’thelp complainingtoMareyathatI was so nervous about having to talk in front of the whole class.
“You’vebeen inat least threeplays,”Mareyapointed out. “If you don’t get stage frightin frontof those big audiences,why are you botheredbyafewkidsinourclass?”
It was true,but inaplayyouwerepartof a group.I shookmyhead.Plus,there were somanypeopleIwasgrateful to. TherewasnowayIcouldpossibly pick just one.Plus,even if I picked oneI’dhaveno ideawhat tosay. Plus,even if I figuredoutwhatto say,Iwas a million-percent positiveI’d mess up if I tried to say it out loud! I’dbestandingthere witheveryonestaringat me,waitingforwords tocomeout of mymouth. “Oh,mygoodness!” Ipulledmy sweatshirthood(兜帽)overmyface,put my hands over my ears and said,“I don’twanttotalkaboutit!”
But one thing about really good friendswhoknewyoureallywellwasthattheydidn’talwaysdo exactly what you asked them to. Mareya could be pretty pushy talking of beinghelpful.Shescribbled (潦草地写)something on a piece of paper,lifted my hood,and smiled. She’d drawnafunnyelephant withthewordBREATHEcomingoutofitstrunk.
“This isFranky,theEverything’s-Going-to-Be-All-Right elephant.” Mareya giggled.She held thepicture up to her ear and asked,“What’s that you say,Franky? You think my friend Arizona should come over to my house this weekend so we can workonourtalkstogether?”
Andthatwasexactlywhat happened. _______________________________________________
On Mondaymorning,however,Idecidedtotalkabout Mareya. __________________________
41-45 BCACA46-50BDDAB51-55ABDCB
56. collecting57. to58. what 59. equipped 60.its
61. automatically 62. operation 63.fastest64. when65.havesent应用文:
Dear Jerry,
Gladtoknowyou’reinterestedinthe firstCampusCultureFestivalwiththethemeof “TheBeautyof ChineseTraditional Culture”held last week. I’mwriting togiveyou some relevantInformation.
The festival consistedof variousactivities,suchasanancientpoetryrecitation contestonTuesdayafternoonandaweek-longexhibition,wherehundredsof students’ traditionalChinesepaintingandcalligraphyworkswereondisplay.Additionally,severalcelebratedactors wereinvitedtoperformBeijingOpera intheauditoriumonFridayevening.
Alltheteachersandstudents thought highlyof it andregarded it asagoldenchance togainadeeper insight intoChinesetraditionalculture.
Lookingforwardtoyour early reply.
Andthatwasexactlywhathappened.Mareyaand I sat at thedeskat thestudyinherhouseonSaturdayafternoon. I askedher curiouslywhoshewouldpicktotalkabout.“Mygrandma.”Sheblurtedout.She toldmeshewasgrateful toher grandma,who tookgreat pains tobringherupdespiteher poor health.Fromher excited lookandgentle tone,I couldfeelherdeepgratitude andlove forhergrandma. I wassoimmersedinher talk that Ididn’t noticeshehadfinished it until shepattedmyshoulder. She thensuggestedI talkabout mymum. Ifollowedher adviceas I hadnoother goodideas.Shealsohelpedmeorganizemyideasandgavemepatient guidanceonmygestures,emotionsandeyecontact whenpractising thepresentation inherpresence. Shewassohelpful that Igotprepared
for my talkvery smoothly.
OnMondaymorning,however,IdecidedtotalkaboutMareya.Though it was true that thereweremanypeopleIwasgratefulto,IthoughtitwasMareya that I shouldexpressmygratitude tohereandnow.Whenmy turncame,I musteredupcourageandsteppedonto theplatform.Icouldn’thelplookingat Mareyaand foundher smilingandcheeringforme.Clearingmythroat,I started,“Today,I’dliketotalkaboutMareya,a friend I willalwaysbegratefulto.”Hearingmywords,Mareyawidenedher eyesandlookedatmeinsurprise.Then I recalledgoodtimesspent withMareyaandhowshemanaged tohelpmeout wheneverIwas in trouble. Uponfinishing thetalk,I trottedtowardsMareyaandgaveherabearhug. Meanwhile,thunderousapplausebrokeoutintheclassroom.
2022届重庆市西南大学附属中学高三上学期第四次月考英语试题含解析: 这是一份2022届重庆市西南大学附属中学高三上学期第四次月考英语试题含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。
2022重庆市西南大学附中高三上学期第四次月考试题英语含答案: 这是一份2022重庆市西南大学附中高三上学期第四次月考试题英语含答案,共16页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回, cllecting57等内容,欢迎下载使用。
重庆市西南大学附属中学校2021-2022学年高三上学期第四次月考英语试题: 这是一份重庆市西南大学附属中学校2021-2022学年高三上学期第四次月考英语试题,共26页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。