


- 市中心不允许汽车穿过。
Cars are not allowed to _________ ________ the city center.
- 那个牌子上写着“禁止入内”
It says“_________ _________”on that sign.
- 地面向下延伸, 退落到下面的一条河里。
The ground__________ _________ and down to a river.
- 莎士比亚的戏剧对我们来说仍然很有意义。
Shakespear’s plays still____________ a lot of____________ to us today.
- 白求恩医生为中国人民而牺牲。
Dr. Bethune _______ ______ the Chinese people.
- 我叫醒了大明,让他早点起床。
I _______ _______Daming and asked him to get up early.
- 下星期我要出差几天。
I will be away_______ _________ for a few days next week.
- 如果你不做家庭作业而是做所有这些事情,你就没有时间学习了。
If you do all these other things ________ ________ your homework, you won’t have time to study.
- 夏天至少每周割草一次。
Cut the grass _______ _______once a week in summer.
- 她有坚强的意志,从不轻易放弃。
She has a strong will and never_______ _______ easily.
- 每年超过40万的鸟儿来到七里海。
________ ________400,000 birds come to Qilihai every year.
- 我不想扔掉这些旧衣服。
I don't want to _______ _______ these old clothes.
- 你可以参加他们的日常生活活动。
You can take part in their_______ ______.
- 难怪这个地方是空的。
_______ _______ the place in empty.
- 不要那样做!你会为此时付出代价的。
Don’t do that! You will have to ________ _______ what you have done.
- 不要让Mary 靠近那只大狗。
Please ________ Mary________ from the big dog.
- 大峡谷如此之巨大,让我大吃一惊。
I am__________ _________ how huge the Grand Canyon is.
- Amy长大了,不再是一个孩子了。
Amy has grown up and she is_________ ________child.
- 这家店铺里所有的鞋子都是手工制作的。
All shoes in the shop are made________ ________.
- 那时,他正在宣读获胜者的姓名。
He was_________ _________ the name of the winner at that moment.
- 农民生产亿万吨谷物养活全国人名。
Farmers produce millions of _______ ______corn to feed the nation.
- --你想吃这块馅饼吗?
--Would you like this piece of pie?
--_________ _________.
- 你不能再逃避了,要学会面对问题。
You’ve got to shop_______ _______ , and learn to face your problem.
- 把面团分为四部分,然后把第一部分弄成球。
__________ the dough _________ four parts and make each into a ball.
- --妈妈,我可以爬树吗?
--Mum, can I climb the tree?
--________ ________. It’s too dangerous.
- 让那些鸡远离这些玉米。
________ the chickens ________ from the corn.
- 那时,他的健康因工作过度而受到损害。
His health __________ _________ overwork then.
- 他不怕取笑自己。
He is not afraid to ________ ________ himself.
- 现在是回到学校的时候了。
It’s time to________ _______ to school now.
- 我很长时间没有收到Nancy的信了。
I haven’t _________ _________ Nancy for a long time.
- 如果你遇到麻烦,请给我打电话。
Please call me when you are ________ _________.
- 根据这一情况,我有下面的建议。
I have following suggestions ________ _________ this situation.
- 他们把这些照片发布在了学校的网站上。
They have ________ ________ the photos and the school website.
- 她没有伞,浑身都湿了。
She didn’t have an umbrella, so she was wet all over.
- 快过来,喝点茶,休息一下。
________ ________, have some tea and have a rest.
- 关于需要再建一个书店的事,他同意了我的意见。
He _______ _______ me about the need for another bookshop.
- 我们上周去老城区观光了。
We________ _________ in the old past of the city last weekend.
- 字典被我的同学拿走了
The dictionary was _________ _________ by my classmate.
- 警方花费一整夜搜寻那个失踪的孩子。
The police spent the whole night_________ __________ the missing child.
- 在为新服务寻求客户方面他们没有任何回答。
They had ________ ________fishing customers for this new service.
- 在我们出发之前,我要给你们讲几条规定和建议
Before we_______ _______, there are a few rules and suggestions for you.
- 请大点声儿,我听不见你说话。
________ _______,please; I can’t hear you.
- 他走进教室,脱去外套开始讲课。
He went into the classroom, ________ ________his coat and began to have class.
- 没有老师的允许,我们不准离开
We mustn’t ________ ________ without our teacher’s permission.
- 我不像过去那样常游泳了。
I don’t swim so often as I ________ _______.
- 很多人喜欢外出。
Many people like________ ________.
- 花瓶碎片散落在地上。
The vase lay________ ________on the floor.
- 今天上午的课是关于急救的。
This morning’s class is about________ _______.
- 钢琴占据了房间的一半以上。
The piano ________ ________over half of the room.
- 我正在写作业,请把电视关掉。
I am doing my homework, so ________ the TV ________,please.
- 这个词的意思很多人要查字典才直到。
Many people have to_______ ________ the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
- 我希望每个人都能加入这个游戏中。
I hope that everyone will be able to ________ ________ the game.
- 每当我要离开父母几天时,都会有点儿伤感。
I often feel_________ _________sad when I leave my parents for a few days.
- 几百只动物在这场可怕的森林大火中丧生。
__________ ________ animals were killed in this terrible forest fire.
- 周日,我终于在动物园里见到了大熊猫。
I saw the pandas _________ _______in the zoo in Sunday.
- 萨姆找到了扫帚,然后扫走了窗下的碎玻璃。
Sam found a broom and he _________ _________ the broken glass under the window.
- 现在安妮很活泼, 喜欢结交朋友。
Now Annie is lively and enjoys ________ ________.
- 来访者们由其中一名学生领着参观了学校。
The visitors were ________ ________ the school by one of the students.
- 他们在寻找他们的手机、相机、手表、电脑和许多其他的东西。
They are ________ ________ their phones, camera, watches, computers and many other things.
- 她现在身体很好。
She is in_____________ ____________.
- 他住的离学校最远,所以他乘坐地铁。
He lives the __________ _________school, so he takes the underground.
- 简看上去就像她母亲。
Jane looks__________ _________her mother.
- 买鞋之前要先试穿。
_________ _________the shoes before you buy them.
- 我妈妈由5条丝巾,10条连衣裙和许多双鞋。
My mother ________ _______ 5 silk scarves, 10 dresses and a lot of shoes.
- 王老师正在做慢跑前的准备活动.
Miss Wang is ________ ________ before jogging.
- 老师刚才耐心地指出我的错误并让我改正。
My teacher ________ _______my mistake patiently just now and asked me to correct it.
- 我喜欢熊猫,也喜欢大象。
I like pandas, and I like elephants_______ _______.
- 我很抱歉,但那是我地最终决定。
I’m sorry, but that’s my________ _______.
- 我感觉好像他们不是在和听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。
It seemed that they were speaking not to listeners but to me_______ ________.
- 他们搬到新家地时候,很多没用地东西都被扔掉了。
Many useless things were_________ __________when they moved to a new house.
- 尽管他遭受脚伤折磨,但他没有放弃。
Although he _________ ________his foot problem, he didn’t give up.
- 他虽然经验最少,却是最出色地老师。
He’s the best teacher, ________ _______he has the least experience.
- 那时候很多人都逃到了那座岛上去寻找食物。
At that time, many people ________ ________ to the island to look for food.
- 当我们中国人遇见朋友时,我们经常握手和微笑,
We Chinese often ________ _________and smile when we meet friends.
- 他们大声地为我们加油,我们对赢得比赛感到更有信心。
They _________ us__________loudly and we felt more confident to win the game.
- 从那时起人们就庆祝国庆节了。
People have celebrated the National Day _________ ________.
- 他仍然在2012年世界110米栏比赛中获得第一名。
He still returned to ________ _________in the world 110m hurdles race in 2012.
- 老师要我交作业,但是我交不出来。
The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not ________it________.
- 你可以在小组或者大组工作,这取决于你的个人选择。
You can work in small or large groups; it_________ _________your personal choice.
- 同学们正在和他们地朋友聊天,只有Tom 安静地坐着。
My classmates were talking with their friends, but Tom sat ________ ________.
- 我妈妈经常在校门口等我。
My mum often________ ________me at the school back to sleep.
- 请大家确认一下是否都有飞机票。
Please ________ ________you’ve got the air tickets.
- 我已经把你的电话号码记下来了。
I’ve already_________ ________ your phone number.
- 事实上,英语并不难。
_______ _______, it’s not very difficult to learn English.
- 她问妈妈是否可以打开收音机。
She asked her mum if she could ________ ________the radio.
- 色拉中奶酪太多。
There is ________ ________ cheese in the salad.
- 我正在忙着填写有关那个项目地报表。
I was busy __________ _______forms about the project.
- 大卫非常热心,他总是先想到别人。
David was very warm-hearted and he always ________ _______other people first.
- 去年康辉地第一本书出版了。
Kang Hui’s first book_______ _______last year.
- 现在越来越多的人喜欢在周末去攀岩。
More and more people like going________ ________at weekends.
- 昨天我感到浑身难受。
I ________ _______ all over yesterday.
- 我会代替他来完成这项工作。
I will do the work __________ __________ him.
- 她正在打扫屋子并且收拾东西。
She’s cleaning the house and_________ things_________.
- 在我学骑自行车时,常常从车上摔下来。
When I learned to ride a bike, I often________ ________.
- 我希望你能及时赶来参加这个会议。
I hope you will arrive ________ _______ to attend the meeting.
- 他已经取消了下个月的欧洲之行。
He has ________ ________ the trip of Europe next month.
- 那就是你胃痛的原因。
That is why you have got a_________ __________.
- 昨晚和妈妈交谈后,我认真地考虑了她地建议。
I __________ _______my mother’s advice after talking to her last night.
- 托尼地爸爸早上因为交通堵塞而迟到了。
Tony’s father was late because of the _________ ________this morning.
- 我最喜欢的节目要播出了,我真的很开心。
I’m very happy because my favourite program will be_______ _______.
- 上周末她也参加了我们的训练。
She also _________ _________ the training with us last weekend.
- 我们得把车子抬起,才能救她出来。
We’ll have to ________ ________ the car to get her out.
- 他们互相看了看便笑了起来。
They looked at ________ ________and laughed.
- 玲玲坐在大明旁边。
Lingling sits________ _______Daming.
- 芳芳每天阅读大量的书和杂志。
Fangfang reads ________ _______ books and magazines every day.
- 请回到你的座位上,
Please ________ _______to your seat.
- 去年我们全家游览了伦敦。
My family _________ _________in London last year.
- 在某种程度上,我们可以将造纸术和印刷术的发明比作20世纪互联网的引入。
In a way, we can ________ the invention of paper and printing _______ the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.
- 通常我在家度过暑假
Usually I spend the__________ __________at home.
- 我必须少吃多运动,因为我不想变胖。
I must eat less and exercise more, because I don’t want to _________ __________.
- 同学聚会之前我摆了桌子。
I ________ the________before the classmate gathering.
- 我们由重组的时间来完成这份工作。
We have _________ ________time to finish the work.
- 露西把她的偶像的海报贴在了墙上。
Lucy has_________ _________a poster of her idol on the wall.
- 她一拿到试卷就开始浏览。
She__________ __________the paper as soon as she got it.
- 那里人山人海。
There were_________ _______people there.
- 什么也不能组织我实现我的梦想。
Nothing can stop me from making my dream __________ _________.
- 别担心我的安全。在路上我会小心的。
Don’t__________ _________my safety. I will be careful on the road.
- 我们昨天四点半回家的。
We_______ ________at half past four yesterday.
- 这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。
This kind of toy car is ________ ________in the shop.
- 下一战我得下车了。
I have to ________ ________the bus at the next stop.
- 我们这次旅行在倒计时,快要结束了。
We are __________ ________ the days to the end of this tour.
- 金凤花姑娘独自一人在森林里摘了一些花。
_________ _________in the forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.
- 晚饭后我经常复习功课。
I often ________ _______ lessons after supper.
- 我爸爸此刻还在工作。
My father is still________ _______at the meeting.
- 我们可以在那边种些花。
We can grow some flowers ________ ________.
- 劳驾,这是去车站的路吗?
_________ _________, is this the way to the station?
- 让我们整理房间吧。
Let’s _________ _________the room.
- 遇到麻烦时,艾伦经常请求帮助。
Alan often _________ _________help when he is in trouble.
2022年外研版天津中考英语完成句子80道(无答案): 这是一份2022年外研版天津中考英语完成句子80道(无答案),共5页。试卷主要包含了难怪这个地方没有人,与之前相比,我们收到更多的照片,他们不得不出差几天,老师让我交作业,但是我交不上来,他们没有嘲笑我,而是教我说汉语,记住要远离危险的动物,那位老人不再住这里了等内容,欢迎下载使用。
2022年外研版中考英语一轮复习六册书完成句子练习题分类汇编(有答案): 这是一份2022年外研版中考英语一轮复习六册书完成句子练习题分类汇编(有答案),共7页。试卷主要包含了 在教学楼的右面是饭厅, 让我们去买些食物和饮料吧, 我们有很多苹果, 吃太多的巧克力对你不好, 可乐和冰激凌不是健康的饮食等内容,欢迎下载使用。
2022年外研版中考英语一轮复习--完成句子专项讲解(有答案): 这是一份2022年外研版中考英语一轮复习--完成句子专项讲解(有答案),共7页。试卷主要包含了找准范围 夯实基础,技巧解题 事半功倍,反复练习 加深记忆等内容,欢迎下载使用。
