1.(2022•杨浦区二模)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
A New Wave of Migration
As the sea extends steadily inland in countries such as Bangladesh and as decreasing rains put already marginal farmland out of play in Ethiopia and other places,a wave of migration caused by the changing climate is taking shape on the horizon.
But most "climate migrants" will not be heading abroad to start new lives;instead they will settle elsewhere in their home countries.A report released this week declares that if nothing is done to control global warming and factor migration into development planning,by mid﹣century this internal population shift could involve more than 140 million people in three regions examined:sub﹣Saharan Africa,south Asia and Latin America. "Climate change is already a driver of internal migration,and it will become more so in the future," says John Roome,senior director of Climate change at The World Bank Group.
The potential for such an increase in area consisting of 55 percent of the developing world's population raises questions of environmental justice because those who have contributed the least to global warming are forced to shoulder more of the burden.It is necessary for developed countries like the U.S.to step up,says Maria Cristina Garcia,a professor of American Studies at Cornell University.Developed countries can help by both working to limit greenhouse gas emissions and funding efforts to help developing nations plan for climate migration challenges.
The study of climate migration is still relatively new,and projections of just how many people might be driven from their homes as the world warms are hard to pin down.Some people will need to migrate despite any measures that might be taken ﹣but "this doesn't have to be a crisis" Roome says.Properly managed migration could even bring more economic opportunities to some poor communities.But planning needs to start now.
2.(2022•浙江模拟)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。
We probably know that smoking is bad for our health.But what about e﹣cigarettes?Introduced as a "less﹣harmful or safer" alternative to smoking,e﹣cigarettes or "vaping" has gained increasing popularity.However,the Chinese government released a notice to ban the online sales of e﹣cigarettes from Nov.1st and further reduce the young's access to the products.
This means that e﹣cigarette makers have to close their online stores and take down online advertisements for e﹣cigarettes.So far,some e﹣cigarette firms have closed sales links on their websites,and more than a dozen online stores have removed related products,Xinhua reported.This is not the first government measure to limit the use of e﹣cigarettes.In August 2018,e﹣cigarettes were banned from sale to people under the age of 18.
Research has shown that e﹣cigarette companies tend to target young people with their advertising campaigns,according to the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.It's found that many firms have been misleading young buyers with messages like, "E﹣cigarettes could help you quit smoking," and, "E﹣cigarettes are healthy and harmless." Some even claim that vaping symbolizes "young," "fashionable" and "trendy" to attract the young.Michael Blaha,a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease,also mentioned that a lower per﹣use cost than traditional cigarettes and a wide range of sweet flavors,like apple pie and watermelon,contribute to vaping's popularity among young people.
However,e﹣cigarettes contain nicotine(though not always),flavorings,and other chemicals,they are harmful to health.Taking in nicotine during youth can lead to addiction and cause long﹣term harm to brain development.Flavorings added to e﹣cigarettes can produce more harmful toxins after heating.Thus,it is advisable that the young should limit the exposure to e﹣cigarettes.
The art of storytelling is a respected skill. Over the course of history, community elders and their stories have been regarded as treasures of society's knowledge, history, and wisdom. Today, medical and social science researchers are interested in more than just the importance of storytelling as a means of teaching, but also overall health.
There have been lots of studies that have looked at the psychological and therapeutic effects of storytelling. Perhaps one of the most interesting things in the world of the research of long life, however, is the growing number of people with dementia (痴呆) who are benefiting from participating in group﹣based community storytelling. Studies of the use of reminiscence (怀旧) therapy with people suffering from dementia have looked at the impact the therapy has on both mental function and quality of life, which are positively influenced by the use of storytelling.
Experts say that storytelling also effectively fights against the initial denial that can arise when a patient learns of a new diagnosis, or is asked to change deeply fixed behaviors which are definitely influencing health in the long run. Patients may react to this news by thinking, "This is not directly related to me," or "My experience is somewhat different." Stories help break down that denial by engaging the listener, often through some degree of identification with the storyteller or one of the characters. The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they promote. This is why many stories in advertisements are being made full use of to reach the target customers.
Patients and doctors have understood the power of storytelling. Whether among patients in peer support groups or between doctors and patients in the exam rooms or even between doctors during consultations, storytelling is always playing the essential part.
4.(2021•宝山区二模)Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
What Makes an Ideal Friend?
To say what an ideal friend is is not the easiest thing to do. Each person has his or her own opinion of what one would be. However, speaking generally, these are certain features that most people consider characteristic of an ideal friend. Loyal, trustworthy, and open to show weakness are common qualities that the majority of people attach to ideal friends.
Loyalty is a usual quality given to ideal friends. According to Psychology Today, "Loyalty is valued early on in all of our relationships, from the time we make our first friendships. We need friends who won't spill our secrets to others, gossip about us, or allow others to criticize us". The worst action between friends is not keeping one's word.
Ideal friends are also usually referred as being trustworthy. In a statement by Psychology Today, they say that, "Trustworthiness is often the "make or break" element in any interpersonal relationship. Any unfaithful action, regardless of recognized degree, can destroy a relationship. Trustworthiness consists of several elements, including honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each is important to successful relationships, honesty and dependability have been identified as the most vital in the area of friendships". In light of this, a universal complaint of friends is a lack of honesty, and this is at the heart of being trustworthy.
In line with being honest is also the ability to show one's weaknesses. According to the Book of Life,"The ideal friend doesn't try to prove how powerful and successful they are; on the contrary,quite often they let us know awkward and potentially embarrassing things about themselves. They show how much they trust us by confessing failings and sorrows which would open them up to possible disgrace from the world beyond. They offer us the gift of their defenselessness." That openness is treasured, as to be close to an individual,one must be willing to share his or her true feelings and states.
5.(2021•金山区校级二模)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
When Everything Gets Smart
It still feels magical to light up your living room by saying "Alexa,turn on the lights." Tech companies are adding internet connections to just about everything you can imagine.Cars,door locks,toasters,refrigerators,toothbrushes,motorcycle helmets.More and more technology powers are taking part in this trend ﹣ known by "the internet of things."
There is no denying that smart technology will lead to conveniences.You can use voice commands to turn on the lights,coffee maker and music.You can get reminders from your toothbrush to brush and tips on how best to do it.Thanks to the internet of things,you could live like the Beast in the Disney movie,with animated objects around taking care of your every need.That's the appeal of smart homes for most people,and why they are supposed to be a ﹩27 billion market by 2021.
However,the facts are not always so rosy.The smart objects in your home can be a source of annoyance.Usually people have to download dozens of different apps to a smartphone to control everything,which means creating an account for each one of those apps.The fantasy of the smart home is that it will save us time and effort.But the trouble involved in getting various devices from different companies to work together means that many things may take longer to do.
Worse still,there may be security risks.Smart home systems are part of a larger suite (套) devices,apps,websites and spaces that collect and analyze personal data about users.To get the full benefits of smart home systems,users must share their locations,routines,tastes in music,shopping history and so forth.It might manage your digital life quite well.On the other hand,however,providing so much personal information benefits companies like Amazon.As they gain access to users' personal information,they may capitalize on (获利) it in the form of targeted advertisements.Perhaps that's why Wired magazine says, "Amazon's next big business is selling you."
Smartened everything comes with broader security concerns.Unsecured devices connected to the "internet of things" can be targets for hackers.Access to smart devices might provide hackers a well﹣spring of useful data,including information about when users are home ﹣ or not.
Considering the disadvantages,why not slow down a bit as we head toward an uncertain future?
6.(2021•闵行区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
These days, it's not unusual to see middle﹣aged men collecting Star Wars action figures, office workers wearing Hello Kitty accessories,or celebrities like David Beckham playing with Lego bricks. It's becoming more and more common to see adult taking an interest in toys, comic books and the activities that are traditionally associated with children. This phenomenon has given rise to a new word: kidult.
What lies behind the phenomenon? One is about adults' nostalgia (怀旧的) for the carefree days of childhood, and this is especially true with today's fast﹣paced, stressful lifestyles. Another is about a societal change in recent decades where people are starting families later. As a result, they have more time and money to spend on themselves. Some adults could only window﹣shop for their dream toys when they were kids, but now they can afford that radio﹣controlled car or high﹣priced doll they have always wanted.
Society traditionally disapproves of adults who refuse to put aside childhood interests,viewing the refusal as a sign of social immaturity(不成熟)and irresponsibility. Those who agree with this view sometimes claim that kidults are suffering from the pop﹣psychology concept known as Peter Pan Syndrome,an anomaly(异常) that people remain emotionally at the level of teenagers.
From the standpoint of kidults, though, this phenomenon is seen as nothing but harmless fun. Kidults insist that having youthful interests keeps them young, happy and creative, and their refusal to conform to society's acceptable tastes shows independent thinking. Besides, they argue that being part of the social trend of delayed adulthood is not purely a personal choice. The real causes include expensive housing, increased educational requirements for employment and poor work opportunities.
When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear "yes" but this whole period made it even stronger.
How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.
But in today's world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.
In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.
8.(2020•浦东新区一模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
How Supermarkets Are Changing Britain
The British love their supermarkets. And there are more and more of them every year. But is this a good thing?
Not necessarily. For a start, many small shops can't compete on price with superstores such as Tesco. And they don't have as many products either. As a result, 36% of the UK's small shops shut down between 1990 and 1996 while the number of supermarkets increased from 457 to 1,102. Supermarkets have even had a negative effect on the British pub. Beer and wine is much cheaper in a supermarket than in a pub. There are now over 55,000 supermarkets in the UK, but less than 55,000 pubs. A decade ago there were more than 61,000. These days, pubs are closing at the rate of 39 a week!
Supermarkets are also bad for animal welfare. The UK has high standards in this field, but some supermarkets get their meat from abroad. And in many cases, this meat is produced under conditions that would be illegal in the UK. But once they've got the meat, supermarkets put a British flag on the product as the meat is packed there. Dishonest? Not exactly, but it isn't entirely true either!
Supermarkets have a poor environmental record too. Many of them don't store food products themselves as storage space is expensive, so they get food producers to do it for them. This means that supermarket lorries have to make more trips to collect supplies. In turn, this increases the amount of petrol used, which leads to more pollution. Supermarkets also use a lot of plastic packaging, which isn't good for the environment either.
So, what can be done to help the "little guys"? Not much really. Supermarkets have a lot of power. Many political parties receive donations from supermarkets. And supermarkets often use their money to influence decisions. For example, just before the year 2000, one supermarket gave the government £12 million to help build the Millennium Dome in London. Later, plans to tax supermarket car parks were dropped.
Not all education can and should happen within the classroom. Sometimes, traveling is the best form of education, as students can get a number of personal and educational benefits from travel. From learning about other cultures first﹣hand to seeing where historical events took place with their own eyes, educational travel gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of art, science, history, and culture in many ways.
Educational becomes a whole new experience when students can see lots of tools and equipment for themselves by traveling to different places. The tools and equipment could be used by scientists decades or even centuries ago to make discoveries that make our modern world possible. Educational travel brings the materials off the pages and into reality, allowing students to connect themselves with them in a more meaningful way.
No matter where students go, it's almost guaranteed that they'll find some kind of food that is unique to that place or done better than anywhere else. If someone gets Chicago﹣style pizza in Chicago, they're going to have a different tasting experience than they would if they were getting the same type of thing in, say, Texas. At the same time, getting chili in Texas would be a whole different experience from getting chili in New York or Chicago. Students can learn a lot about a culture by what they eat on a daily basis and what they consider a special meal, so it's good to take a taste of the local food and learn through all of the senses.
Being away from family, home, and familiar ground is a courageous and independent adventure in its own right. Educational travel provides that opportunity to allow students to open their minds regarding how they choose to live life, which can be extraordinarily helpful in preparing students for college and adulthood. Traveling ﹣ with the combined social skills and perspectives(视角)it teaches ﹣ really allows students to better understand how they can operate on their own.
10.(2020•闵行区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Students who have used electronic cigarettes by the time they start ninth grade are more likely than others to start smoking traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products within the next year, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health. Electronic cigarettes, or e﹣cigarettes, deliver nicotine to the lungs by heating a liquid solution that contains nicotine and other chemicals to produce a spray that the user takes in.
As part of a survey of substance use and mental health among high school students in Los Angeles, the study compared the start of tobacco use among 222 students who had used e﹣ cigarettes, but not any other tobacco products, and 2,308 who had neither used e﹣cigarettes or any other tobacco products when initially surveyed at the start of ninth grade. The 2,530 students who initially reported never using tobacco underwent follow﹣up assessments after six and 12 months. Students were asked about lifetime and past six﹣month use of e﹣cigarettes or any other forms of tobacco products.
During the first six months after being surveyed, 30.7 percent of those who had used e﹣ cigarettes started using tobacco products, such as cigarettes, and cigars, compared to only 8.1 percent of those who had never used e﹣cigarettes. Over the following six months leading into the start of 10th grade, 25.2 percent of e﹣cigarette users had used tobacco products, compared to just 9.3 percent of nonusers.
"While teen tobacco use has fallen in recent years, this study confirms that we should continue to closely watch teen smoking patterns," said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. "Parents and teens should recognize that although e﹣cigarettes might not have the same harmful effects of regular cigarettes, they do carry a risk of addiction."
"Recreational e﹣cigarette use is becoming increasingly popular among teens who have never smoked tobacco," said Adam M. Leventhal, Ph.D., the first author on the study. "While we cannot conclude that e﹣cigarette use directly leads to smoking, this research raises concerns that recent increases in youth e﹣cigarette use could ultimately lead to the spread of smoking﹣ related illness."
What They Found Inside an Old Sofa Bought for ﹩20 Was Life﹣Changing
In 2021,SUNY students Reese Werkhoven,Lara Russo,and Cally Guasti were living together in a small apartment.They decided to furnish their apartment.
The three had gone to a Salvation Army store to buy a sofa,and were forced to settle for an old,rather smelly specimen that none of them really liked,but was the only one that was affordable and would fit in their living room.That day,as they were testing out their new purchase,they noticed that something was making a crinkling noise inside the cushions (垫子).Upon further investigation,they discovered a few bubble﹣wrapped envelopes inside the sofa.
When they opened the envelopes,they were in shock.A large amount of cash was inside.As they continued to pick apart the piece of furniture,they discovered more and more money.Guasti said,"Just when we thought we pulled out the last envelope,we'd find another ﹩1,000 a few minutes later."
After some time,the three roommates had unearthed a good ﹩40,000 in cash.The fantasies of what they could do with all this money started flowing immediately.
However,they were quickly brought back to reality when they saw that there was a woman's name on one of the envelopes.That was when the moral dilemma started﹣ what to do?Keep the money for themselves,or try to find the owner?
The three consulted their parents for advice,and the next day,Werkhoven got a call from his mom.She had tracked down the mystery woman and found a phone number.
Werkhoven called the number his mom had given him,and an elderly woman picked up.________
For 30 years,the money had remained safe inside the sofa.________
12.(2022•广东一模)On a Sunday afternoon,Kiana French was having fun fishing with her father and younger sister,not knowing the next minute,they would struggle not to sink in the freezing water.Their 12﹣foot boat was taking in water little by little,and the wind was picking up.Her father,Gary French,hurried to operate the engine,while Kiana,16,was in the middle with Cierrah,her sister,frightened but still able to keep calm.
Kiana asked Cierrah to take off one of her cowboy boots,with which she got some of the water out.Hard as she tried,that little effort would not help stop the boat sinking.Moments later,the unthinkable happened.The boat was full of water and then it flipped over.Kiana and her sister were dumped in the water.Their father,who had had a surgery six months ago,managed not to be thrown into the water but seemed to have great pain in the chest due to the sudden change.
Kiana quickly put on her life jacket and saw Cierrah's and her father's life jackets floating away.She reacted quickly to get them back and held her sister onto the boat.They were so far out in the middle of the lake that they could not see the shore clearly.What's worse.it was getting harder to stay above the waves.Their father swam over and hugged his two girls.Cierrah crying silently.Kiana heard her beloved sister murmur, "I can't feel my feet."
Kiana knew the only thing to do was to get to shore herself and find help.She looked up at her father,exchanging a concerned glance,turned round and swam as hard as she could towards the shore Fighting against the strong currents and cold wind,she screamed for help at the top of her lungs every three minutes or so.A strong wind blew,and she looked back only to see her sister's and father's heads bobbing(浮动)in the water.She burst into tears,thinking her sister and dad were dead,because she was taking too long.
With desperate tears,she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it_____
Once rescued,they were rushed to shore,where a concerned group waited for their arrival._____
True Happiness
I was with my little daughter Jenny in a toy store the other day.She was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls,with a roll of money in her little hand that she could use to buy a toy.When she came upon a Barbie she liked,she would turn and ask me if she had enough money to buy it.I always said,"Yes.Just buy what will make you happy."
As she was looking,a little boy wandered in and started sorting through the Pokemon toys.He was dressed neatly,but in clothes that were obviously rather worn.He was with his father as well,and had money in his hand,too,but it looked to be no more than five dollars or so at the most.
The little boy kept picking up the Pokemon video toys.Each time he picked one up and looked at his father,his father shook his head,"No." Rather disappointed,the boy had to give up on the video games and started walking to another part of the store.
Jenny saw what was happening.Without hesitation,she put her Barbie she had chosen back on the shelf,and ran over to the Pokemon toys.She excitedly picked one and raced toward the check﹣out.She wanted to give it to the boy anonymously(匿名地).So after the toy was paid for and bagged,Jenny handed it back to the cashier(收银员)and whispered something in her ear.The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter.
Then,much to Jenny's delight,the boy came to the check﹣out.______
However,with most of her money gone,Jenny didn't have enough now for a Barbie doll._______
Paula is a 55﹣year﹣old woman living in New Jersey.She lives a happy life without concern for financial or social problems and she constantly shares laughs with her family and friends.About ten years ago,her husband Michael gave her a gold ring with a diamond in it on their 20th wedding anniversary.She cherished it very much and wore it every day.
Having been married for almost 30 years,Paula had everything set for herself,and knew that her life in New Jersey was a thrilling one.One day,Paula was in the bathroom cleaning everything up,from the sink to the floor.She wanted to keep her house clean and beautiful.As soon as Paula finished washing the bathtub,she moved on to the part she feared most:the toilet.Wanting to get it out of the way,she quickly cleaned the inside of the toilet with a brush,and flushed (冲走) the soap away.After finishing,she felt there was something wrong,but she couldn't think of what it was.
Paula's heart skipped a beat when she noticed that her left ring finger felt a bit lighter.She slowly looked down at her ring finger,hoping that her treasured anniversary gift was still on it.She was frightened to see that it was lost.She didn't notice that she flushed it down the toilet.
Paula said, "I must have flushed it down.It had been a little big on my finger,because it was winter time and my hands were smaller.I felt so bad about it.Sad and embarrassed."
She couldn't believe that she just let thousands of dollars go down the drain (下水道),literally.She searched the bathroom and even the house,hoping that she just dropped it somewhere and forgot about it.She even took apart the toilet and searched the inside pipes with a flashlight,but in vain.Paula had no idea how to explain this to her husband.To buy the ring,Michael worked extra hard before the anniversary,so to tell him the bad news was unimaginable for Paula.
She softly knocked on the door to their bedroom.__________
After finishing her explanation,Paula wiped away her tears and waited for Michael to say something._____
15.(2022•鼓楼区校级模拟)This evening as I was leaving a supermarket where I had just bought many daily necessities and food,I noticed this man going through the garbage can outside of the store.As I walked to my car I watched him as he reached in the garbage can and pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown﹣away bags.He did this for several minutes.He would find a few fries in one bag and a bite or two of a hamburger in another.You can see the hamburger wrapper by his knee where he was placing the food items he'd found.
He never bothered anyone or tried to stop and beg for money as people entered and left the store.After he went through the entire trash can he neatly cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper.My heart literally hurt for him.I am not someone who just hands out money or even helps homeless people because so many are not truly homeless.I don't guess I've ever seen someone actually go through a garbage can to try to find food to eat.
I knew I had to help him.I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat.He told me he would appreciate anything I could get him.He was on a bike and I told him if he'd follow me,I'd buy him a meal at the fast food place around the block.He followed me and I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu.
When I brought him his food,he was so thankful.He told me his name was Steve and he'd been homeless ever since his sister died last September.He was trying to get off the streets,but it was so hard.
When I got back in my car,I drove off with such a heaviness in my heart for this man.________
He broke down crying.___________
16.(2022•江苏二模)As Christmas decorations appeared in town,our parents called my two younger brothers and me together.At first,I thought someone had died,because I had never seen my parents look so sad.My brothers and I stood waiting for the awful news.
Mom hugged me as she murmured, "Christmas is going to be different this year.We won't be having a tree or presents.We can barely afford food."Dad,resting on the couch,beckoned (招手示意) the boys into his arms."Things will change when I get back to work."
My family was poorer than dirt.Dad,the only bread﹣earner in our family,worked in a coal mine.However,soon after returning to work at the end of a long strike,Dad was hurt in a rock fall that broke bones in his foot.Lying on the couch with the swollen foot high on pillows,he didn't talk or smile much.There was little to smile about.No work,no income.
At nine years old,I mothered my younger brothers:Rodney,aged six,and Stevie,three.We shared a small bedroom.That night,after our parents' announcement,we talked.
Rodney began. "Em,did you see how sad Mommy and Daddy looked?I thought Mommy was gonna cry.
"Me,too.Daddy's foot's …this big" whispered Stevie,holding out his arms.
"Yeah..We're in hard times," I said."It makes Mommy and Daddy sad."
"But we don't have to be sad," I added,hoping to brighten the mood.
"Since there are still several weeks to go,maybe we can do something to cheer them up," I said with overdone enthusiasm.The boys proposed, "We can take the money from our piggy bank...earn some more..and surprise them with gifts!"
"I can run errands(跑腿) for Aunt Em and neighbors to earn money," I offered.
"Yeah," Rodney added, "I and Stevie can return bottles and save the deposit money...instead of buying candy!" He pushed Stevie gently with his elbow.
"Yeah!"Stevie clutched his hands together.
We had a plan!
Until they nodded off,I coached my little brothers (especially Stevie) in ways to guard our secret. "Don't talk about it during the day."
We awoke in the morning,transforming from sad children to the secret agents on an important mission!_________
On Christmas morning,we hurried into the living room and handed the gifts to Mommy and Daddy._______
17.(2022•丹东模拟)It was Hoppy's first day at his new school.He didn't know anyone yet,but he had seen some cool kids at the beach during the summer.
Billy,one of the cool kids,sat down next to Hoppy at break and started to have a talk.They discovered they shared the same interest,surfing,but Hobby went to the beach with his dad,instead of hanging out there with friends,which was laughed at by Billy.He invited Hoppy to the beach with his friends.Hoppy nodded,happy to have a new friend.
After school Hoppy met Billy and his three friends at the school gate,one of whom tried to punch Hoppy's stomach as a way of "greetings".While walking on the street,they met a boy,having trouble with his bike.Billy and his friends started to tease the boy.The boy looked up uneasily about this interest in him and his flat﹣tyre.
Billy nudged the boy so that he fell on the kerb(侧石)and broke his glasses.Billy and his friends ran off down the street,laughing.However,Hoppy just stood there
The boy,Gerald,sat on the kerb,crying now.He looked up at Hoppy and begged him not to hit him.Hoppy smiled and said,"I've never beaten anyone up.Only bullies(霸凌)and cowards do that.Really strong people keep their fists in their pockets.That's what my dad says. "Gerald seemed relieved.They walked to Gerald's house,talking about going to the beach together.Their friendship grew.
One Sunday,Hoppy went to the beach with his father.Billy and his friends were there.Billy called out to Hoppy,complaining about helping Gerald.He spoke in an unpleasant tone,saying his dad was his babysitter.Hoppy smiled and ignored him.
Gerald arrived to see Hoppy.When he saw the boys,his heart sank.Billy and his gang surrounded him. "Hoppy's tricked me," thought Gerald,and he started to walk away.Billy ran after Gerald and tripped him.Gerald fell onto the sand,but picked himself up and asked them to leave him alone.However,Billy didn't stop and tripped Gerald again.
Paragraph 1:
This time Gerald managed a brave smile as he got up and faced the boys.____________
Paragraph 2:
Hoppy and his dad came up beside Gerald,but Gerald said to them, "Why don't you go with your friends?" ______________
The class came to an end.John was delighted that he had created a very satisfying work.So he walked to the back of the classroom to put his work away carefully.There,lying on the carpet in front of the classroom bookcase,was a golden ticket!John picked it up.His heart beat faster when he saw that the name line was blank.He couldn't believe his luck!
The boys and girls in John's class could earn golden tickets by doing well in their study or by being extra helpful or kind.Once a week their teacher drew a ticket out of a box on her desk and let the winner choose a prize.
Today was the golden ticket drawing,and here was another ticket,just for him!John looked around.No one else was near the ticket.All his classmates were at their desks,laughing and talking with each other.Miss Smith was engaged in grading the papers collected earlier in the morning.
John decided to write his name on the blank line.Then he could put it into the prize box with the six tickets he'd already earned.With so many chances,one of his tickets would be most likely to be picked!Then he could choose the pink toy pig for his sister's birthday,just like he had been hoping.
He smiled and reached for the pencil in his pocket.Suddenly his fingers stopped.There was a strange feeling in his chest,and it wasn't his heartbeat. "Finders are keepers,right?",he wondered.He looked out of the window and tried to figure it out.On the one hand,he did find the ticket,but he hadn't earned it.Somebody must have lost it.But on the other hand,he did need this extra ticket for his great plan!
John stared at the blank name line for a moment.________________
"John,I intend to give you another ticket!"Miss Smith said.____________
I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands.I felt the string of the package softly and then,unable to contain my curiosity any longer,I tore it open.It was a bright,brand new laptop.I had scored straight as for my O level examination and this was my reward.I had always envied my friends who were exchanging news about 'chat rooms','instant messaging' and 'e﹣mailing',all of which I knew nothing about.Now I was going to find out.
It started out simply enough.I was searching for some information online when I came across a social networking site.Soon I became attracted to my new﹣found electronic friend.I began to spend more and more time on YouTube and became addicted to Facebook and Twitter.I had never imagined that the day would come when I would be controlled entirely by the glowing screen before me.Whenever I was not glued to these social networking sites,I would be going through gossip or fashion websites.
As time passed I realized that I was addicted to the Internet.During weekends,when I had more time on my hands,I could easily spend a few hours on my laptop.It came to a point where I chose to lock myself in my room,refusing to come out and take part in family discussions.I preferred to stay connected to the people I made friends with on the Internet although I had never met them.Soon I was spending the whole hours of the morning surfing on the Internet.Sleep was reduced to small naps and my grades at school also began getting from bad to worse.
It was about this time that my parents noticed my change.________
Then one day,my father took away my laptop.________
20.(2022•大洼区校级模拟)My job is just one of the essential jobs,a sanitation(卫生系统)engineer,not a glamorous one,but is considered the alternative.Of course,I never regard it as an ashamed task to be in my position.About the second week of the lockdown because of the Covid﹣19,I was having trouble finding a sanitizing spray (消毒喷雾)for my truck.The next morning on my way to work at 4 a.m.,I stopped at one of the few stores which were open that early,hoping to purchase some.However,it was only open for the police and medical personnel. "Look at my vest please," I begged to the clerk, "I'm not just buying it for myself." "I'm more than sorry,sir.But this is just the regulation,and I really can't help." replied the smiling girl.As I turned to head back to my car with disappointment,I nearly broke down.
Coming out of the store,my stomach began to call for energy support.I stopped at a 7/11 and ordered an everything bagel(硬面包)with cream cheese to satisfy my poor stomach and my empty heart.It was toasty warm,and I couldn't wait to dig in.But as I left the store with a little joy coming sweetly from the bagel,I noticed a scene that an old man was sitting at the bus stop,in rags.Knowing that it would probably be his only warm meal of the day,I gave him the bagel without any hesitation.Just when I was ready to turn around for another same bagel,something warming my heart came into being.Another customer,a gentle lady,from the 7/11 offered me half of her bagel. "We everyone should be taken care of at some certain moment." she said with a tender sweet voice as I smiled to thank her sincerely.I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another,we were all looked after.
So I decided to go back to the former store to try my luck again for the spray.___________
Just before I gave up,a local policeman was heading into the store._____________
1.(2022•杨浦区二模)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
A New Wave of Migration
As the sea extends steadily inland in countries such as Bangladesh and as decreasing rains put already marginal farmland out of play in Ethiopia and other places,a wave of migration caused by the changing climate is taking shape on the horizon.
But most "climate migrants" will not be heading abroad to start new lives;instead they will settle elsewhere in their home countries.A report released this week declares that if nothing is done to control global warming and factor migration into development planning,by mid﹣century this internal population shift could involve more than 140 million people in three regions examined:sub﹣Saharan Africa,south Asia and Latin America. "Climate change is already a driver of internal migration,and it will become more so in the future," says John Roome,senior director of Climate change at The World Bank Group.
The potential for such an increase in area consisting of 55 percent of the developing world's population raises questions of environmental justice because those who have contributed the least to global warming are forced to shoulder more of the burden.It is necessary for developed countries like the U.S.to step up,says Maria Cristina Garcia,a professor of American Studies at Cornell University.Developed countries can help by both working to limit greenhouse gas emissions and funding efforts to help developing nations plan for climate migration challenges.
The study of climate migration is still relatively new,and projections of just how many people might be driven from their homes as the world warms are hard to pin down.Some people will need to migrate despite any measures that might be taken ﹣but "this doesn't have to be a crisis" Roome says.Properly managed migration could even bring more economic opportunities to some poor communities.But planning needs to start now.
As the sea extends steadily inland,a wave of migration caused by the changing climate appear.
分析:句子里,As引导时间状语从句the sea extends steadily inland;过去粉刺短语caused by the changing climate作a wave of migration的定语。
It's unfair for the countries who have contributed the least to global warming to shoulder more of the burden.
分析:句子里,代指先行词the countries,who引导定语从句have contributed the least to global warming。
【解答】As the sea extends steadily inland,a wave of migration caused by the changing climate appear. 【高分句型一】(点明主题﹣﹣气候和移民)Most "climate migrants" will settle elsewhere in their home countries. (介绍气候移民概念)It's unfair for the countries who have contributed the least to global warming to shoulder more of the burden. 【高分句型二】(气候移民的会造成的问题)Though the climate migration is still relatively new,planning needs to start now.(应对的必要性)
2.(2022•浙江模拟)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。
We probably know that smoking is bad for our health.But what about e﹣cigarettes?Introduced as a "less﹣harmful or safer" alternative to smoking,e﹣cigarettes or "vaping" has gained increasing popularity.However,the Chinese government released a notice to ban the online sales of e﹣cigarettes from Nov.1st and further reduce the young's access to the products.
This means that e﹣cigarette makers have to close their online stores and take down online advertisements for e﹣cigarettes.So far,some e﹣cigarette firms have closed sales links on their websites,and more than a dozen online stores have removed related products,Xinhua reported.This is not the first government measure to limit the use of e﹣cigarettes.In August 2018,e﹣cigarettes were banned from sale to people under the age of 18.
Research has shown that e﹣cigarette companies tend to target young people with their advertising campaigns,according to the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.It's found that many firms have been misleading young buyers with messages like, "E﹣cigarettes could help you quit smoking," and, "E﹣cigarettes are healthy and harmless." Some even claim that vaping symbolizes "young," "fashionable" and "trendy" to attract the young.Michael Blaha,a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease,also mentioned that a lower per﹣use cost than traditional cigarettes and a wide range of sweet flavors,like apple pie and watermelon,contribute to vaping's popularity among young people.
However,e﹣cigarettes contain nicotine(though not always),flavorings,and other chemicals,they are harmful to health.Taking in nicotine during youth can lead to addiction and cause long﹣term harm to brain development.Flavorings added to e﹣cigarettes can produce more harmful toxins after heating.Thus,it is advisable that the young should limit the exposure to e﹣cigarettes.
高分句型一:The Chinese government banned e﹣cigarettes from selling online sales,which means that online stores and online advertisements for e﹣cigarettes are forbidden.
高分句型二:Therefore,what is advised is that teenagers should should not expose themselves to e﹣cigarettes.
【解答】The Chinese government banned e﹣cigarettes from selling online sales,which means that online stores and online advertisements for e﹣cigarettes are forbidden.【高分句型一】(点明主题)Research has shown that advertising campaigns of e﹣cigarette companies aim at young people.However,e﹣cigarettes contain sustances which are harmful to health.(介绍电子吸烟对健康的危害)Therefore,what is advised is that teenagers should should not expose themselves to e﹣cigarettes.【高分句型二】(最后点明文章主题:年轻人不应该接触电子吸烟)
The art of storytelling is a respected skill. Over the course of history, community elders and their stories have been regarded as treasures of society's knowledge, history, and wisdom. Today, medical and social science researchers are interested in more than just the importance of storytelling as a means of teaching, but also overall health.
There have been lots of studies that have looked at the psychological and therapeutic effects of storytelling. Perhaps one of the most interesting things in the world of the research of long life, however, is the growing number of people with dementia (痴呆) who are benefiting from participating in group﹣based community storytelling. Studies of the use of reminiscence (怀旧) therapy with people suffering from dementia have looked at the impact the therapy has on both mental function and quality of life, which are positively influenced by the use of storytelling.
Experts say that storytelling also effectively fights against the initial denial that can arise when a patient learns of a new diagnosis, or is asked to change deeply fixed behaviors which are definitely influencing health in the long run. Patients may react to this news by thinking, "This is not directly related to me," or "My experience is somewhat different." Stories help break down that denial by engaging the listener, often through some degree of identification with the storyteller or one of the characters. The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they promote. This is why many stories in advertisements are being made full use of to reach the target customers.
Patients and doctors have understood the power of storytelling. Whether among patients in peer support groups or between doctors and patients in the exam rooms or even between doctors during consultations, storytelling is always playing the essential part.
Studies show people suffering from dementia function better psychologically and that their life quality is improved through storytelling.
分析:句子里,宾语从句people suffering from dementia function better psychologically省略了引导词that;that引导并列的宾语从句their life quality is improved through storytelling.
And its effects have been recognized among patients and doctors.
分析:句子里的谓语动词have been recognized表示现在完成时态的被动。
【解答】Besides being educational, storytelling is found effective in promoting overall health.(点明主题﹣﹣讲故事能有效地促进整体健康) Studies show people suffering from dementia function better psychologically and that their life quality is improved through storytelling.【高分句型一】(讲故事对患有痴呆症的人的好处) Moreover, relatedness in storytelling can successfully help patients accept new diagnoses and change deep﹣rooted behaviors. (讲故事帮助患者接受新的诊断并改变根深蒂固的行为)And its effects have been recognized among patients and doctors.【高分句型二】 (讲故事的疗效已得到患者和医生的认可)
4.(2021•宝山区二模)Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
What Makes an Ideal Friend?
To say what an ideal friend is is not the easiest thing to do. Each person has his or her own opinion of what one would be. However, speaking generally, these are certain features that most people consider characteristic of an ideal friend. Loyal, trustworthy, and open to show weakness are common qualities that the majority of people attach to ideal friends.
Loyalty is a usual quality given to ideal friends. According to Psychology Today, "Loyalty is valued early on in all of our relationships, from the time we make our first friendships. We need friends who won't spill our secrets to others, gossip about us, or allow others to criticize us". The worst action between friends is not keeping one's word.
Ideal friends are also usually referred as being trustworthy. In a statement by Psychology Today, they say that, "Trustworthiness is often the "make or break" element in any interpersonal relationship. Any unfaithful action, regardless of recognized degree, can destroy a relationship. Trustworthiness consists of several elements, including honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each is important to successful relationships, honesty and dependability have been identified as the most vital in the area of friendships". In light of this, a universal complaint of friends is a lack of honesty, and this is at the heart of being trustworthy.
In line with being honest is also the ability to show one's weaknesses. According to the Book of Life,"The ideal friend doesn't try to prove how powerful and successful they are; on the contrary,quite often they let us know awkward and potentially embarrassing things about themselves. They show how much they trust us by confessing failings and sorrows which would open them up to possible disgrace from the world beyond. They offer us the gift of their defenselessness." That openness is treasured, as to be close to an individual,one must be willing to share his or her true feelings and states.
高分句型一:Being loyal, trustworthy, and open to show weakness are generally considered as shared qualities of an ideal friend.
高分句型二:Exactly speaking, an ideal friend should remain faithful first.
分析:这结婚使用exactly speaking意为"确切地说"。
【解答】Being loyal, trustworthy, and open to show weakness are generally considered as shared qualities of an ideal friend.【高分句型一】(忠诚、值得信赖、乐于示弱通常被认为是理想朋友的共同品质。) Exactly speaking, an ideal friend should remain faithful first.【高分句型二】(准确地说,一个理想的朋友首先应该保持忠诚。) Second, honest and dependable. (第二,诚实可靠。)Finally, she/he is open to share unpleasant and tricky things with friends.(最后,她/他乐于与朋友分享不愉快和棘手的事情)
5.(2021•金山区校级二模)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
When Everything Gets Smart
It still feels magical to light up your living room by saying "Alexa,turn on the lights." Tech companies are adding internet connections to just about everything you can imagine.Cars,door locks,toasters,refrigerators,toothbrushes,motorcycle helmets.More and more technology powers are taking part in this trend ﹣ known by "the internet of things."
There is no denying that smart technology will lead to conveniences.You can use voice commands to turn on the lights,coffee maker and music.You can get reminders from your toothbrush to brush and tips on how best to do it.Thanks to the internet of things,you could live like the Beast in the Disney movie,with animated objects around taking care of your every need.That's the appeal of smart homes for most people,and why they are supposed to be a ﹩27 billion market by 2021.
However,the facts are not always so rosy.The smart objects in your home can be a source of annoyance.Usually people have to download dozens of different apps to a smartphone to control everything,which means creating an account for each one of those apps.The fantasy of the smart home is that it will save us time and effort.But the trouble involved in getting various devices from different companies to work together means that many things may take longer to do.
Worse still,there may be security risks.Smart home systems are part of a larger suite (套) devices,apps,websites and spaces that collect and analyze personal data about users.To get the full benefits of smart home systems,users must share their locations,routines,tastes in music,shopping history and so forth.It might manage your digital life quite well.On the other hand,however,providing so much personal information benefits companies like Amazon.As they gain access to users' personal information,they may capitalize on (获利) it in the form of targeted advertisements.Perhaps that's why Wired magazine says, "Amazon's next big business is selling you."
Smartened everything comes with broader security concerns.Unsecured devices connected to the "internet of things" can be targets for hackers.Access to smart devices might provide hackers a well﹣spring of useful data,including information about when users are home ﹣ or not.
Considering the disadvantages,why not slow down a bit as we head toward an uncertain future?
高分句型一:Connecting everything to the internet brings people conveniences.
高分句型二:Thirdly,smartened everything makes it easy for hackers to target users.
分析:本句it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式to target users。
【解答】Connecting everything to the internet brings people conveniences.【高分句型一】(网络的便利)However,users can't ignore the disadvantages.(不能忽视缺点)Firstly,the seemingly smart home is time﹣consuming and troublesome.(智能家的缺点)Secondly,technology powers benefit from users' personal data.(个人数据)Thirdly,smartened everything makes it easy for hackers to target users.【高分句型二】(黑客袭击用户)Therefore,smart technology should be applied with caution.(小心使用)
6.(2021•闵行区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
These days, it's not unusual to see middle﹣aged men collecting Star Wars action figures, office workers wearing Hello Kitty accessories,or celebrities like David Beckham playing with Lego bricks. It's becoming more and more common to see adult taking an interest in toys, comic books and the activities that are traditionally associated with children. This phenomenon has given rise to a new word: kidult.
What lies behind the phenomenon? One is about adults' nostalgia (怀旧的) for the carefree days of childhood, and this is especially true with today's fast﹣paced, stressful lifestyles. Another is about a societal change in recent decades where people are starting families later. As a result, they have more time and money to spend on themselves. Some adults could only window﹣shop for their dream toys when they were kids, but now they can afford that radio﹣controlled car or high﹣priced doll they have always wanted.
Society traditionally disapproves of adults who refuse to put aside childhood interests,viewing the refusal as a sign of social immaturity(不成熟)and irresponsibility. Those who agree with this view sometimes claim that kidults are suffering from the pop﹣psychology concept known as Peter Pan Syndrome,an anomaly(异常) that people remain emotionally at the level of teenagers.
From the standpoint of kidults, though, this phenomenon is seen as nothing but harmless fun. Kidults insist that having youthful interests keeps them young, happy and creative, and their refusal to conform to society's acceptable tastes shows independent thinking. Besides, they argue that being part of the social trend of delayed adulthood is not purely a personal choice. The real causes include expensive housing, increased educational requirements for employment and poor work opportunities.
Kidults refer to adults who take up childhood interests.
Though traditionally considered immature and irresponsible, kidults believe this harmless behavior, which benefits the individuals and shows their independent thinking, is due largely to social factors.
【解答】Kidults refer to adults who take up childhood interests. 【高分句型一】(什么是Kidults)The growing phenomenon can be explained by their desire to recapture childhood pleasures and their ability to afford them because of delayed marriage. Though traditionally considered immature and irresponsible, kidults believe this harmless behavior, which benefits the individuals and shows their independent thinking, is due largely to social factors.【高分句型二】(Kidults行为的原因)
When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear "yes" but this whole period made it even stronger.
How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.
But in today's world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.
In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.
【分析】高分句型一:The increased use of the Internet and related services during the pandemic is unsurprising, as it is the sole tool that connects us together.
高分句型二: We can continue with our daily life, work and relationship thanks to the Internet.
分析:这句话使用thanks to意为"多亏了".
【解答】The increased use of the Internet and related services during the pandemic is unsurprising, as it is the sole tool that connects us together.【高分句型一】(疫情中网络的作用) We can continue with our daily life, work and relationship thanks to the Internet.【高分句型二】 (通过网络继续日常生活)That said, we might also be able to survive this period in a different way without the Internet.(在这个阶段还需要用不同的方法去生活)
8.(2020•浦东新区一模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
How Supermarkets Are Changing Britain
The British love their supermarkets. And there are more and more of them every year. But is this a good thing?
Not necessarily. For a start, many small shops can't compete on price with superstores such as Tesco. And they don't have as many products either. As a result, 36% of the UK's small shops shut down between 1990 and 1996 while the number of supermarkets increased from 457 to 1,102. Supermarkets have even had a negative effect on the British pub. Beer and wine is much cheaper in a supermarket than in a pub. There are now over 55,000 supermarkets in the UK, but less than 55,000 pubs. A decade ago there were more than 61,000. These days, pubs are closing at the rate of 39 a week!
Supermarkets are also bad for animal welfare. The UK has high standards in this field, but some supermarkets get their meat from abroad. And in many cases, this meat is produced under conditions that would be illegal in the UK. But once they've got the meat, supermarkets put a British flag on the product as the meat is packed there. Dishonest? Not exactly, but it isn't entirely true either!
Supermarkets have a poor environmental record too. Many of them don't store food products themselves as storage space is expensive, so they get food producers to do it for them. This means that supermarket lorries have to make more trips to collect supplies. In turn, this increases the amount of petrol used, which leads to more pollution. Supermarkets also use a lot of plastic packaging, which isn't good for the environment either.
So, what can be done to help the "little guys"? Not much really. Supermarkets have a lot of power. Many political parties receive donations from supermarkets. And supermarkets often use their money to influence decisions. For example, just before the year 2000, one supermarket gave the government £12 million to help build the Millennium Dome in London. Later, plans to tax supermarket car parks were dropped.
【分析】高分句型一:Supermarkets are also harmful to animals, which are killed for their meat for sale.
高分句型二:All this is because supermarkets have a lot of power.
【解答】The British are fond of their supermarkets. (英国人对超市的爱)But it is not necessarily a good thing. (未必是好事)Supermarkets have a negative effect on many small shops and the British pub.(超市对小商店和酒吧的影响)Supermarkets are also harmful to animals, which are killed for their meat for sale.【高分句型一】(超市对动物的影响) Supermarkets lead to a poor environmental record.(超市对环境的影响)All this is because supermarkets have a lot of power.【高分句型二】(原因)
A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长.因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字.摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字.
B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成.不要引用原文的句子.
C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序.这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实.
D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意.
Not all education can and should happen within the classroom. Sometimes, traveling is the best form of education, as students can get a number of personal and educational benefits from travel. From learning about other cultures first﹣hand to seeing where historical events took place with their own eyes, educational travel gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of art, science, history, and culture in many ways.
Educational becomes a whole new experience when students can see lots of tools and equipment for themselves by traveling to different places. The tools and equipment could be used by scientists decades or even centuries ago to make discoveries that make our modern world possible. Educational travel brings the materials off the pages and into reality, allowing students to connect themselves with them in a more meaningful way.
No matter where students go, it's almost guaranteed that they'll find some kind of food that is unique to that place or done better than anywhere else. If someone gets Chicago﹣style pizza in Chicago, they're going to have a different tasting experience than they would if they were getting the same type of thing in, say, Texas. At the same time, getting chili in Texas would be a whole different experience from getting chili in New York or Chicago. Students can learn a lot about a culture by what they eat on a daily basis and what they consider a special meal, so it's good to take a taste of the local food and learn through all of the senses.
Being away from family, home, and familiar ground is a courageous and independent adventure in its own right. Educational travel provides that opportunity to allow students to open their minds regarding how they choose to live life, which can be extraordinarily helpful in preparing students for college and adulthood. Traveling ﹣ with the combined social skills and perspectives(视角)it teaches ﹣ really allows students to better understand how they can operate on their own.
【分析】高分句型一:Educational travel brings learning beyond classroom and gives students insight into the subjects they study.
分析:这句话使用they study作定语从句修饰subjects.
高分句型二:Travelling on their own also helps students develop skills that are useful for their independent life.
【解答】Educational travel brings learning beyond classroom and gives students insight into the subjects they study.【高分句型一】(教育旅行的好处) Students will be able to see and experience realistic tools which helps them understand textbook knowledge.(帮助学生理解课本知识) They can also taste food from different cultures.(品尝文化)Travelling on their own also helps students develop skills that are useful for their independent life.【高分句型二】(有助于培养对未来有帮助的技能)
10.(2020•闵行区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Students who have used electronic cigarettes by the time they start ninth grade are more likely than others to start smoking traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products within the next year, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health. Electronic cigarettes, or e﹣cigarettes, deliver nicotine to the lungs by heating a liquid solution that contains nicotine and other chemicals to produce a spray that the user takes in.
As part of a survey of substance use and mental health among high school students in Los Angeles, the study compared the start of tobacco use among 222 students who had used e﹣ cigarettes, but not any other tobacco products, and 2,308 who had neither used e﹣cigarettes or any other tobacco products when initially surveyed at the start of ninth grade. The 2,530 students who initially reported never using tobacco underwent follow﹣up assessments after six and 12 months. Students were asked about lifetime and past six﹣month use of e﹣cigarettes or any other forms of tobacco products.
During the first six months after being surveyed, 30.7 percent of those who had used e﹣ cigarettes started using tobacco products, such as cigarettes, and cigars, compared to only 8.1 percent of those who had never used e﹣cigarettes. Over the following six months leading into the start of 10th grade, 25.2 percent of e﹣cigarette users had used tobacco products, compared to just 9.3 percent of nonusers.
"While teen tobacco use has fallen in recent years, this study confirms that we should continue to closely watch teen smoking patterns," said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. "Parents and teens should recognize that although e﹣cigarettes might not have the same harmful effects of regular cigarettes, they do carry a risk of addiction."
"Recreational e﹣cigarette use is becoming increasingly popular among teens who have never smoked tobacco," said Adam M. Leventhal, Ph.D., the first author on the study. "While we cannot conclude that e﹣cigarette use directly leads to smoking, this research raises concerns that recent increases in youth e﹣cigarette use could ultimately lead to the spread of smoking﹣ related illness."
【分析】高分句型一:As indicated in a new study, early exposure to e﹣cigarettes may trigger tobacco smoking in teens.
高分句型二:Comparison of tobacco use initiation between students with e﹣cigarettes experiences and those nonusers has been made, the result of which reveals a significant increase of smoking tendency in the former.
分析:这句话使用 the result of which 引导非限制性定语从句.
【解答】As indicated in a new study, early exposure to e﹣cigarettes may trigger tobacco smoking in teens.【高分句型一】(电子香烟对青少年的影响) Comparison of tobacco use initiation between students with e﹣cigarettes experiences and those nonusers has been made, the result of which reveals a significant increase of smoking tendency in the former.【高分句型二】 (研究结果) With the prevalence of e﹣cigarettes, it's worth paying attention to teens' smoking patterns and considering the detrimental effects possibly exerted by e﹣cigarettes. (值得关注这个问题)
What They Found Inside an Old Sofa Bought for ﹩20 Was Life﹣Changing
In 2021,SUNY students Reese Werkhoven,Lara Russo,and Cally Guasti were living together in a small apartment.They decided to furnish their apartment.
The three had gone to a Salvation Army store to buy a sofa,and were forced to settle for an old,rather smelly specimen that none of them really liked,but was the only one that was affordable and would fit in their living room.That day,as they were testing out their new purchase,they noticed that something was making a crinkling noise inside the cushions (垫子).Upon further investigation,they discovered a few bubble﹣wrapped envelopes inside the sofa.
When they opened the envelopes,they were in shock.A large amount of cash was inside.As they continued to pick apart the piece of furniture,they discovered more and more money.Guasti said,"Just when we thought we pulled out the last envelope,we'd find another ﹩1,000 a few minutes later."
After some time,the three roommates had unearthed a good ﹩40,000 in cash.The fantasies of what they could do with all this money started flowing immediately.
However,they were quickly brought back to reality when they saw that there was a woman's name on one of the envelopes.That was when the moral dilemma started﹣ what to do?Keep the money for themselves,or try to find the owner?
The three consulted their parents for advice,and the next day,Werkhoven got a call from his mom.She had tracked down the mystery woman and found a phone number.
Werkhoven called the number his mom had given him,and an elderly woman picked up.________
For 30 years,the money had remained safe inside the sofa.________
高分句型一:Werhoven asked politely whether it was Mrs.Smith speaking.
高分句型二:Then Werkhoven explained to her that she was the owner of her old sofa.
【解答】Werkhoven called the number his mom had given him,and an elderly woman picked up.Werhoven asked politely whether it was Mrs.Smith speaking.【高分句型一】She answered in a weak voice﹣Yes and aksed who it was.Then Werkhoven explained to her that she was the owner of her old sofa.【高分句型二】After she bought it,she found a large amount of money,so she wanted to find the owner and returned it back.Luckily,the name of the owner was on the envelope,so she could find her.The elderly woman was in such a surprise and showed her great thanks to her.(Werkhoven给沙发以前的主人打电话归还金钱)
For 30 years,the money had remained safe inside the sofa.She said she thought the money must have been used by someone else,because she had sold this sofa for many years.After selling the sofa for a few years,she noticed the money was kept in it,but she thought she couldn't find it back.So she was grateful for Werkhoven to give it back.And she would like to give her some money to thank her.(沙发以前的主人很感激Werkhoven的行为)
12.(2022•广东一模)On a Sunday afternoon,Kiana French was having fun fishing with her father and younger sister,not knowing the next minute,they would struggle not to sink in the freezing water.Their 12﹣foot boat was taking in water little by little,and the wind was picking up.Her father,Gary French,hurried to operate the engine,while Kiana,16,was in the middle with Cierrah,her sister,frightened but still able to keep calm.
Kiana asked Cierrah to take off one of her cowboy boots,with which she got some of the water out.Hard as she tried,that little effort would not help stop the boat sinking.Moments later,the unthinkable happened.The boat was full of water and then it flipped over.Kiana and her sister were dumped in the water.Their father,who had had a surgery six months ago,managed not to be thrown into the water but seemed to have great pain in the chest due to the sudden change.
Kiana quickly put on her life jacket and saw Cierrah's and her father's life jackets floating away.She reacted quickly to get them back and held her sister onto the boat.They were so far out in the middle of the lake that they could not see the shore clearly.What's worse.it was getting harder to stay above the waves.Their father swam over and hugged his two girls.Cierrah crying silently.Kiana heard her beloved sister murmur, "I can't feel my feet."
Kiana knew the only thing to do was to get to shore herself and find help.She looked up at her father,exchanging a concerned glance,turned round and swam as hard as she could towards the shore Fighting against the strong currents and cold wind,she screamed for help at the top of her lungs every three minutes or so.A strong wind blew,and she looked back only to see her sister's and father's heads bobbing(浮动)in the water.She burst into tears,thinking her sister and dad were dead,because she was taking too long.
With desperate tears,she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it_____
Once rescued,they were rushed to shore,where a concerned group waited for their arrival._____
高分句型一:As the boat was approaching,Kiana pointed to her father and sister and someone screamed, "They are in the water!Help!"
高分句型二:She was soon picked up and taken towards where her father and sister were.
【解答】With desperate tears,she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.She waved and cried for help with all her strength.It seemed like a century later when she heard someone yelling back to her.As the boat was approaching,Kiana pointed to her father and sister and someone screamed, "They are in the water!Help!"【高分句型一】She was soon picked up and taken towards where her father and sister were.【高分句型二】Fortunately,they didn't drown but her father seemed to be giving out,with one hand holding tight to the boat,the other holding Cierrah.(Kiana寻求帮助)
Once rescued,they were rushed to shore,where a concerned group waited for their arrival.They gave clothes and blankets to the three poor people,and then the ambulance arrived.Kiana,her sister and her father were cheeked on the spot and finally sent to the nearest hospital.Later,when asked what gave her the strength and perseverance to continue,both in the cold water and in great fear.Kiana thought it had to do with family. "I just wanted to save my family,and I didn't want anything bad to happen to them.So I couldn't spare a second to worry or fear." she said.(热心人来帮助他们,以及事后Kiana对自己的行为的感悟)
True Happiness
I was with my little daughter Jenny in a toy store the other day.She was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls,with a roll of money in her little hand that she could use to buy a toy.When she came upon a Barbie she liked,she would turn and ask me if she had enough money to buy it.I always said,"Yes.Just buy what will make you happy."
As she was looking,a little boy wandered in and started sorting through the Pokemon toys.He was dressed neatly,but in clothes that were obviously rather worn.He was with his father as well,and had money in his hand,too,but it looked to be no more than five dollars or so at the most.
The little boy kept picking up the Pokemon video toys.Each time he picked one up and looked at his father,his father shook his head,"No." Rather disappointed,the boy had to give up on the video games and started walking to another part of the store.
Jenny saw what was happening.Without hesitation,she put her Barbie she had chosen back on the shelf,and ran over to the Pokemon toys.She excitedly picked one and raced toward the check﹣out.She wanted to give it to the boy anonymously(匿名地).So after the toy was paid for and bagged,Jenny handed it back to the cashier(收银员)and whispered something in her ear.The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter.
Then,much to Jenny's delight,the boy came to the check﹣out.______
However,with most of her money gone,Jenny didn't have enough now for a Barbie doll._______
高分句型一:It was exactly what he had wanted!
高分句型二:I asked Jenny why she had done that.
【解答】Then,much to Jenny's delight,the boy came to the check﹣out.The cashier said to him, "Congratulations,you are my hundredth customer today,and you win a prize!" She handed the Pokemon toy to the little boy,but he could only stare in disbelief.It was exactly what he had wanted!【高分句型一】And meanwhile I witnessed the biggest and prettiest smile on my daughter.Then we walked out of the door. (收银员如何在女儿的要求下智慧的把玩具送给小男孩)
However,with most of her money gone,Jenny didn't have enough now for a Barbie doll.I asked Jenny why she had done that. 【高分句型二】"Didn't you want me to buy something that would make me happy?","Of course,I did,honey."Jenny added,"Well,I just did it with my pocket money!"I smiled and said,"Honey,what you did was right.Giving is the greatest joy."Hearing that,the girl started skipping toward their car happily.(女儿的回答了使故事得到了升华)
Paula is a 55﹣year﹣old woman living in New Jersey.She lives a happy life without concern for financial or social problems and she constantly shares laughs with her family and friends.About ten years ago,her husband Michael gave her a gold ring with a diamond in it on their 20th wedding anniversary.She cherished it very much and wore it every day.
Having been married for almost 30 years,Paula had everything set for herself,and knew that her life in New Jersey was a thrilling one.One day,Paula was in the bathroom cleaning everything up,from the sink to the floor.She wanted to keep her house clean and beautiful.As soon as Paula finished washing the bathtub,she moved on to the part she feared most:the toilet.Wanting to get it out of the way,she quickly cleaned the inside of the toilet with a brush,and flushed (冲走) the soap away.After finishing,she felt there was something wrong,but she couldn't think of what it was.
Paula's heart skipped a beat when she noticed that her left ring finger felt a bit lighter.She slowly looked down at her ring finger,hoping that her treasured anniversary gift was still on it.She was frightened to see that it was lost.She didn't notice that she flushed it down the toilet.
Paula said, "I must have flushed it down.It had been a little big on my finger,because it was winter time and my hands were smaller.I felt so bad about it.Sad and embarrassed."
She couldn't believe that she just let thousands of dollars go down the drain (下水道),literally.She searched the bathroom and even the house,hoping that she just dropped it somewhere and forgot about it.She even took apart the toilet and searched the inside pipes with a flashlight,but in vain.Paula had no idea how to explain this to her husband.To buy the ring,Michael worked extra hard before the anniversary,so to tell him the bad news was unimaginable for Paula.
She softly knocked on the door to their bedroom.__________
After finishing her explanation,Paula wiped away her tears and waited for Michael to say something._____
高分句型一:Paula had mentally prepared herself for what could possibly be the toughest conversation with her husband ever.
高分句型二:After all,she lost the ring he gave her to celebrate their anniversary.
分析:这句话使用he gave her to celebrate their anniversary作为定语从句修饰the ring。
【解答】She softly knocked on the door to their bedroom.When she came in,she saw Michael reading his favorite book on the bed.Visibly sweaty and nervous,Paula said that she had bad news to tell him.Michael was worried,but listened.With her eyes looking away from embarrassment,Paula cried and told her husband the ring was flushed down the toilet.Paula had mentally prepared herself for what could possibly be the toughest conversation with her husband ever. 【高分句型一】But Michael was quiet through the entire explanation,and this put Paula off.(Paula走进他们卧室,向丈夫解释她丢失戒指的经过)
After finishing her explanation,Paula wiped away her tears and waited for Michael to say something.She thought he would get mad at her.However,Michael's face didn't show any anger.Suddenly,he interrupted the silence by giving her a hug.Paula was completely shocked by Michael's reaction to the situation.After all,she lost the ring he gave her to celebrate their anniversary. 【高分句型二】Michael told Paula that he would buy her another ring,exactly like the one she lost.Paula felt greatly moved.(Michael对这件事情的反应)
15.(2022•鼓楼区校级模拟)This evening as I was leaving a supermarket where I had just bought many daily necessities and food,I noticed this man going through the garbage can outside of the store.As I walked to my car I watched him as he reached in the garbage can and pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown﹣away bags.He did this for several minutes.He would find a few fries in one bag and a bite or two of a hamburger in another.You can see the hamburger wrapper by his knee where he was placing the food items he'd found.
He never bothered anyone or tried to stop and beg for money as people entered and left the store.After he went through the entire trash can he neatly cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper.My heart literally hurt for him.I am not someone who just hands out money or even helps homeless people because so many are not truly homeless.I don't guess I've ever seen someone actually go through a garbage can to try to find food to eat.
I knew I had to help him.I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat.He told me he would appreciate anything I could get him.He was on a bike and I told him if he'd follow me,I'd buy him a meal at the fast food place around the block.He followed me and I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu.
When I brought him his food,he was so thankful.He told me his name was Steve and he'd been homeless ever since his sister died last September.He was trying to get off the streets,but it was so hard.
When I got back in my car,I drove off with such a heaviness in my heart for this man.________
He broke down crying.___________
高分句型一:When I came back he had finished his meal and was riding away.
高分句型二:I pulled up beside him and asked him if there was any way I could help him.
【解答】When I got back in my car,I drove off with such a heaviness in my heart for this man.I drove down the road and felt compelled to go back to help this man.When I came back he had finished his meal and was riding away.【高分句型一】I pulled up beside him and asked him if there was any way I could help him.【高分句型二】He told me not really.I asked him if I could buy him a few meals and put it on a gift card for him.(作者返回去想提供帮助)
He broke down crying.He told me he prayed for a hot meal and I came to his help!I was speechless!Come to think of it,that's not a prayer I've ever prayed!I always pray over my food,but I've never prayed for a meal...it's expected!I've never doubted that I wouldn't be able to eat...Tears began to fill my eyes!Oh my...how blessed I am...!It dawned on me that this man had helped me realize just how blessed I am and what I take for granted...(流浪汉对作者的感激)
16.(2022•江苏二模)As Christmas decorations appeared in town,our parents called my two younger brothers and me together.At first,I thought someone had died,because I had never seen my parents look so sad.My brothers and I stood waiting for the awful news.
Mom hugged me as she murmured, "Christmas is going to be different this year.We won't be having a tree or presents.We can barely afford food."Dad,resting on the couch,beckoned (招手示意) the boys into his arms."Things will change when I get back to work."
My family was poorer than dirt.Dad,the only bread﹣earner in our family,worked in a coal mine.However,soon after returning to work at the end of a long strike,Dad was hurt in a rock fall that broke bones in his foot.Lying on the couch with the swollen foot high on pillows,he didn't talk or smile much.There was little to smile about.No work,no income.
At nine years old,I mothered my younger brothers:Rodney,aged six,and Stevie,three.We shared a small bedroom.That night,after our parents' announcement,we talked.
Rodney began. "Em,did you see how sad Mommy and Daddy looked?I thought Mommy was gonna cry.
"Me,too.Daddy's foot's …this big" whispered Stevie,holding out his arms.
"Yeah..We're in hard times," I said."It makes Mommy and Daddy sad."
"But we don't have to be sad," I added,hoping to brighten the mood.
"Since there are still several weeks to go,maybe we can do something to cheer them up," I said with overdone enthusiasm.The boys proposed, "We can take the money from our piggy bank...earn some more..and surprise them with gifts!"
"I can run errands(跑腿) for Aunt Em and neighbors to earn money," I offered.
"Yeah," Rodney added, "I and Stevie can return bottles and save the deposit money...instead of buying candy!" He pushed Stevie gently with his elbow.
"Yeah!"Stevie clutched his hands together.
We had a plan!
Until they nodded off,I coached my little brothers (especially Stevie) in ways to guard our secret. "Don't talk about it during the day."
We awoke in the morning,transforming from sad children to the secret agents on an important mission!_________
On Christmas morning,we hurried into the living room and handed the gifts to Mommy and Daddy._______
高分句型一:Yelling silently"fifteen dollars",Rodney and Stevie waved their thin arms.
分析:使用了现在分词短语yelling silently"fifteen dollars"作伴随状语。
高分句型二:As we explained how we had planned,earned and saved our money,their faces relaxed into expressions of astonishment.
【解答】We awoke in the morning,transforming from sad children to the secret agents on an important mission!The following weeks we dashed home from school each day.After finishing homework,we went to earn money.At night,after hearing our parents' door close,we would quietly take out the box and add any new coins we earned.One night,after counting all the coins,I announced,"We have fifteen dollars now." Yelling silently"fifteen dollars",Rodney and Stevie waved their thin arms.【高分句型一】A few days before Christmas,we gladly went shopping.We bought Mom a beautiful statue,and for Dad,a pair of shoes.(我们每天悄悄地去赚钱,最后用这些钱给爸爸妈妈买了礼物)
On Christmas morning,we hurried into the living room and handed the gifts to Mommy and Daddy.A skinny,lighted pine tree with three gifts under it surprised us.Eagerly,we handed Mom and Dad their gifts.They were really shocked.Opening the boxes,they asked confusing questions,"How did you...?""Where did you ...?""Who gave you...?"As we explained how we had planned,earned and saved our money,their faces relaxed into expressions of astonishment.【高分句型二】Then,with tears glistening in the eyes,Mom and Dad hugged us tightly.(爸爸妈妈收到礼物很吃惊,了解真相后,他们很感动)
17.(2022•丹东模拟)It was Hoppy's first day at his new school.He didn't know anyone yet,but he had seen some cool kids at the beach during the summer.
Billy,one of the cool kids,sat down next to Hoppy at break and started to have a talk.They discovered they shared the same interest,surfing,but Hobby went to the beach with his dad,instead of hanging out there with friends,which was laughed at by Billy.He invited Hoppy to the beach with his friends.Hoppy nodded,happy to have a new friend.
After school Hoppy met Billy and his three friends at the school gate,one of whom tried to punch Hoppy's stomach as a way of "greetings".While walking on the street,they met a boy,having trouble with his bike.Billy and his friends started to tease the boy.The boy looked up uneasily about this interest in him and his flat﹣tyre.
Billy nudged the boy so that he fell on the kerb(侧石)and broke his glasses.Billy and his friends ran off down the street,laughing.However,Hoppy just stood there
The boy,Gerald,sat on the kerb,crying now.He looked up at Hoppy and begged him not to hit him.Hoppy smiled and said,"I've never beaten anyone up.Only bullies(霸凌)and cowards do that.Really strong people keep their fists in their pockets.That's what my dad says. "Gerald seemed relieved.They walked to Gerald's house,talking about going to the beach together.Their friendship grew.
One Sunday,Hoppy went to the beach with his father.Billy and his friends were there.Billy called out to Hoppy,complaining about helping Gerald.He spoke in an unpleasant tone,saying his dad was his babysitter.Hoppy smiled and ignored him.
Gerald arrived to see Hoppy.When he saw the boys,his heart sank.Billy and his gang surrounded him. "Hoppy's tricked me," thought Gerald,and he started to walk away.Billy ran after Gerald and tripped him.Gerald fell onto the sand,but picked himself up and asked them to leave him alone.However,Billy didn't stop and tripped Gerald again.
Paragraph 1:
This time Gerald managed a brave smile as he got up and faced the boys.____________
Paragraph 2:
Hoppy and his dad came up beside Gerald,but Gerald said to them, "Why don't you go with your friends?" ______________
高分句型一:Gerald said firmly as he clenched his fist and shook it in the boys' faces.
高分句型二:Hoppy and his father then took Gerald home,where they attended to his wounds.
【解答】Paragraph 1:
This time Gerald managed a brave smile as he got up and faced the boys.The boys were a little shocked to see Gerald smile. "It's wrong to bully me like this,and if you don't stop,I'm going to call the police," Gerald said firmly as he clenched his fist and shook it in the boys' faces.【高分句型一】At Gerald's words,Billy and his group of friends,resentful but fearful of the police,went away.Gerald,relieved to see them go,sat down on the ground,his hands on his injured knees,which had grazed against the ground when Billy tripped him.(Gerald如何勇敢的反抗霸凌)
Paragraph 2:
Hoppy and his dad came up beside Gerald,but Gerald said to them, "Why don't you go with your friends?" "I've never been friends with them," Hoppy explained. "They bully people.I despise that." He went on: "I'm sorry.I wasn't brave enough to come out and help you." Gerald forgave Hoppy.Hoppy and his father then took Gerald home,where they attended to his wounds.【高分句型二】Hoppy's mother made a delicious dinner for them,and she was glad that Hoppy had made such a brave and kind friend as Gerald.Gerald was proud of himself for standing up to the bullies.(Hoppy做出解释并向Gerald道歉)
The class came to an end.John was delighted that he had created a very satisfying work.So he walked to the back of the classroom to put his work away carefully.There,lying on the carpet in front of the classroom bookcase,was a golden ticket!John picked it up.His heart beat faster when he saw that the name line was blank.He couldn't believe his luck!
The boys and girls in John's class could earn golden tickets by doing well in their study or by being extra helpful or kind.Once a week their teacher drew a ticket out of a box on her desk and let the winner choose a prize.
Today was the golden ticket drawing,and here was another ticket,just for him!John looked around.No one else was near the ticket.All his classmates were at their desks,laughing and talking with each other.Miss Smith was engaged in grading the papers collected earlier in the morning.
John decided to write his name on the blank line.Then he could put it into the prize box with the six tickets he'd already earned.With so many chances,one of his tickets would be most likely to be picked!Then he could choose the pink toy pig for his sister's birthday,just like he had been hoping.
He smiled and reached for the pencil in his pocket.Suddenly his fingers stopped.There was a strange feeling in his chest,and it wasn't his heartbeat. "Finders are keepers,right?",he wondered.He looked out of the window and tried to figure it out.On the one hand,he did find the ticket,but he hadn't earned it.Somebody must have lost it.But on the other hand,he did need this extra ticket for his great plan!
John stared at the blank name line for a moment.________________
"John,I intend to give you another ticket!"Miss Smith said.____________
高分句型一:He knew his plan wouldn't be so great if he won with a ticket that didn't belong to him.
高分句型二:I think the one who lost it will look for it.
【解答】John stared at the blank name line for a moment.He knew his plan wouldn't be so great if he won with a ticket that didn't belong to him. 【高分句型一】So he walked up to his teacher."Miss Smith,I happened to find this ticket on the floor near the bookcase.I think the one who lost it will look for it. 【高分句型二】And these are mine." he said,dropping his six tickets into the box.When he turned around to leave,the teacher stopped him.(约翰对于这张券的去留犹豫不决)
"John,I intend to give you another ticket!" Miss Smith said.John was amazed and wondered why.Miss Smith smiled and signed to the class to quiet down,"John handed in the golden ticket he had just found.I think he is honest and deserves another one!" The class burst into loud applause.John happily went back to his seat,eagerly expecting the ticket drawing.He still wanted his name to be picked,but he would feel OK even if it wasn't.After all,making the right choice did make him feel great!(约翰这一做法赢得了大家的赞赏)
I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands.I felt the string of the package softly and then,unable to contain my curiosity any longer,I tore it open.It was a bright,brand new laptop.I had scored straight as for my O level examination and this was my reward.I had always envied my friends who were exchanging news about 'chat rooms','instant messaging' and 'e﹣mailing',all of which I knew nothing about.Now I was going to find out.
It started out simply enough.I was searching for some information online when I came across a social networking site.Soon I became attracted to my new﹣found electronic friend.I began to spend more and more time on YouTube and became addicted to Facebook and Twitter.I had never imagined that the day would come when I would be controlled entirely by the glowing screen before me.Whenever I was not glued to these social networking sites,I would be going through gossip or fashion websites.
As time passed I realized that I was addicted to the Internet.During weekends,when I had more time on my hands,I could easily spend a few hours on my laptop.It came to a point where I chose to lock myself in my room,refusing to come out and take part in family discussions.I preferred to stay connected to the people I made friends with on the Internet although I had never met them.Soon I was spending the whole hours of the morning surfing on the Internet.Sleep was reduced to small naps and my grades at school also began getting from bad to worse.
It was about this time that my parents noticed my change.________
Then one day,my father took away my laptop.________
It became obvious to them that I was spending too much time on the Internet.
I promised my parents that I would turn over a new leaf.
【解答】It was about this time that my parents noticed my change.They voiced their disapproval.It became obvious to them that I was spending too much time on the Internet.【高分句型一】I was asked to slow down my usage of the Internet.Yet,however hard I tried,I was unable to pull myself away,unable to end my chat sessions,and unable to concentrate on my lessons.I was desperate for just another click,just another look at my e﹣mail or message board.(父母对作者的要求和作者的表现)Then one day,my father took away my laptop.I cried and objected but in vain.Dad had made up his mind.Over time,I realized that Dad and Mum had always wanted the best for me.That was when I decided to take the big step—to conquer my internet addiction.Quitting was harder than I had expected.But with dogged determination,I knew that I would be able to do it.I promised my parents that I would turn over a new leaf.【高分句型二】(作者失去电脑的感受和感悟)
20.(2022•大洼区校级模拟)My job is just one of the essential jobs,a sanitation(卫生系统)engineer,not a glamorous one,but is considered the alternative.Of course,I never regard it as an ashamed task to be in my position.About the second week of the lockdown because of the Covid﹣19,I was having trouble finding a sanitizing spray (消毒喷雾)for my truck.The next morning on my way to work at 4 a.m.,I stopped at one of the few stores which were open that early,hoping to purchase some.However,it was only open for the police and medical personnel. "Look at my vest please," I begged to the clerk, "I'm not just buying it for myself." "I'm more than sorry,sir.But this is just the regulation,and I really can't help." replied the smiling girl.As I turned to head back to my car with disappointment,I nearly broke down.
Coming out of the store,my stomach began to call for energy support.I stopped at a 7/11 and ordered an everything bagel(硬面包)with cream cheese to satisfy my poor stomach and my empty heart.It was toasty warm,and I couldn't wait to dig in.But as I left the store with a little joy coming sweetly from the bagel,I noticed a scene that an old man was sitting at the bus stop,in rags.Knowing that it would probably be his only warm meal of the day,I gave him the bagel without any hesitation.Just when I was ready to turn around for another same bagel,something warming my heart came into being.Another customer,a gentle lady,from the 7/11 offered me half of her bagel. "We everyone should be taken care of at some certain moment." she said with a tender sweet voice as I smiled to thank her sincerely.I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another,we were all looked after.
So I decided to go back to the former store to try my luck again for the spray.___________
Just before I gave up,a local policeman was heading into the store._____________
Hoping for a miracle,I pulled up at the store and inched close to it.
分析:本句使用了现在分词Hoping for a miracle作状语。
But it was when I got the same reply as before that I was annoyed again by the strict rule.
【解答】So I decided to go back to the former store to try my luck again for the spray.The morning sunlight was bright but tender as I was driving back to the store.Hoping for a miracle,I pulled up at the store and inched close to it.【高分句型一】But it was when I got the same reply as before that I was annoyed again by the strict rule. 【高分句型二】"Please!There isn't an angel all the time around you." I whispered.But all hope was not lost for me.(作者在商店买喷壶被拒绝)
Just before I gave up,a local policeman was heading into the store.Instantly he came in,the policeman spotted my vest and asked me which company I worked for,then continued to thank me for being out there.I replied that it was the police who deserved thanks.When asked if I needed his help,I told him my trouble.He went into the store,purchased the spray and brought it out to me,driving away without taking any money.Again,I believed that we were all looked after in one way or another.(警察为作者买消毒喷壶)
1. 题型特点
Parents everywhere praise their kids. Jenn Berman, author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids, says, "We've gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict." By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they're building their children's confidence, when, in fact, it may be just the opposite. Too much praise can backfire and, when given in a way that's insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents' praise has put them.
Still, don't go too far in the other direction. Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and, as a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.
So what is the right amount of praise? Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward." We should especially recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal, "says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters. "One thing to remember is that it's the process not the end product that matters."
Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team. But if he's out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report. But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case﹣by﹣case basis and be proportionate(相称的)to the amount of effort your child has put into it.
【分析】高分句型一:Currently,contrary to what people did in the past, many parents think highly of their kids too often.
高分句型二:It is said that what matters is not the the quantity but the quality of praise.
分析:使用It is said that 据说,what引导主语从句.
【解答】Currently,contrary to what people did in the past, many parents think highly of their kids too often.【高分句型一】(要点一) It is not proper to praise children too much, but they can't do the opposite.(要点二)It is said that what matters is not the the quantity but the quality of praise.【高分句型二】(要点三) All in all,parents are supposed to praise their children in proportion to how much effort they make. (要点四)
【点评】这是一篇概要类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.
It's a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all start to look and sound the same. Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a college campus (校园) like visiting and seeing for yourself the dorms, classrooms and athletic equipment and, of course, the students. It seems a little crazy once senior year hits to find the time to visit college campuses, and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away. But keep in mind that you are making a decision about the next four years of your life, and do all the research you can to make sure you are making the right one.
There's no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area. In fact, a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus, and obviously, if you live across the country that won't be as much of a possibility, but if you live nearby, go check it out!
If campus visits aren't going to happen before you apply, at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools you'd like to attend. It can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out now the things that you don't like about certain campuses, things that you wouldn't know unless you actually visit.
Now, if time and money are making it impossible, then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeeklive. It's a chance to chat online with admissions officers, students, and college counselors (顾问), and it won't cost you a penny! You can register for its online college fair at collegeweeklive.com. While visiting an online college fair can't take the place of an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities you'd like to attend.
1.To decide wisely which college to attend, you are advised to pay a visit to colleges before you apply, especially the ones you live close to.
句子里,动词不定式To decide wisely which college to attend做目的状语;修饰先行词 the ones,定语从句 you live close to.省略了关系词.
2.If you can't go and check it out for lack of time and money, visit the online college fairs at Collegeweeklive, where you can get necessary information.
句子里,If 引导条件状语从句you can't go and check it out for lack of time and money; 修饰先行词the online college fairs at Collegeweeklive,关系词 where引导定语从句 you can get necessary information.
【解答】To decide wisely which college to attend, you are advised to pay a visit to colleges before you apply, especially the ones you live close to.【高分句型一】 (要点一:参观学校) At least you should visit the schools you want to go to. (要点二:参观要去的学校) If you can't go and check it out for lack of time and money, visit the online college fairs at Collegeweeklive, where you can get necessary information.【高分句型二】 (要点三:浏览网站)
【点评】高考作文的体裁有记叙文、应用文、说明文和议论文,尤以应用文独占鳌头.今年的高考书面表达处处体现了新课改对高考 "体现英语教学的交际性、实用性和应用性,提高考生的综合语言运用能力"的要 求.依然沿袭以往的风格,强调写作的目的性和实用性.
(2017•上海)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Shyness If you suffer from shyness, you are not alone, for shyness is a universal phenomenon. It is not surprising that social scientists are exploring its environmental causes.
The first environmental cause of shyness may be a child's home and family life. Today's children are growing up in smaller and smaller families, with fewer and fewer relatives living nearby. Growing up in homes in which both parents work full time, children may not have the socializing experience of frequent visits by neighbors and friends. Because of their lack of social skills, they may begin to feel shy when they start school.
A second environmental cause of shyness in an individual may be one's culture. In a large study conducted in Japan, 57 percent of participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Lynne Henderson and Philip Zimbardo say, "One explanation is that in Japan, an individual's performance success is credited externally to parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, and others, while failure is entirely blamed on the person." Therefore, Japanese learn not to take risks in public and rely instead on group﹣shared decisions.
Technology may also play a role. In the United States, the number of young people who report being shy has risen from 40 percent to 50 percent in recent years. Due to our huge advances in technology, watching television, playing video games, and surfing the Web have replaced recreational activities that involve social interaction for many young people. Adults, too, are becoming more isolated as a result of technology. Face﹣to﹣face interactions with bank clerks, gas station attendants, and shop assistants are no longer necessary because people can use machines to do their banking, fill their gas tanks, and order goods. In short, they become shy.
It appears that most people have experienced shyness at some time in their lives. Therefore, if you are shy, you have lots of company.
From the passage we know that it is normal to be shy. There are many environmental causes accounting for it.First, a child's home and family life may play a role in his shyness.Second, what kind of culture does a child grow up in is of vital importance.Last but not least, on account of the development of technology, people keep to themselves more, which made them shy.
In conclusion, it is not uncommon to be a shy person.
From the passage we know that it is normal to be shy. There are many environmental causes accounting for it.First, a child's home and family life may play a role in his shyness.Second, what kind of culture does a child grow up in is of vital importance.Last but not least, on account of the development of technology, people keep to themselves more, which made them shy.
In conclusion, it is not uncommon to be a shy person.
【分析】高分句型一:There are many environmental causes accounting for it.
分析:使用现在分词短语作定语修饰environmental causes.
高分句型二:Last but not least, on account of the development of technology, people keep to themselves more, which made them shy.
分析:使用on account of因为;keep to oneself保守;which引导非限制性定语从句.
【解答】From the passage we know that it is normal to be shy. There are many environmental causes accounting for it. (介绍论点) First, a child's home and family life may play a role in his shyness.(家庭的影响) Second, what kind of culture does a child grow up in is of vital importance. (文化的影响)Last but not least, on account of the development of technology, people keep to themselves more, which made them shy.【高分句型二】(科技的影响)
In conclusion, it is not uncommon to be a shy person.(总结)
记叙文:what / who / when / where/ why / how
议论文:opinion / idea + argument(supporting ideas / reasons)
说明文:phenomenon / problem +reason + solution (cause and effect), introduction of an object (how it is made, how it is used, how it may change, what makes it new or significant)
新闻: a focus on the first paragraph and the first and last sentences of the other paragraphs
1. 题型介绍
读后续写,简言之,就是阅读完一篇还未写完的文章之后, 根据要求和提示把这篇文章未写完部分补充完整,使之浑然﹣体.它一方面很好地考查考生对所学语言知识的实际运用能力,而另方面,它也培养学生的发散思维能力.根据《考试说明》该部分的规定,考生在续写文章时,要注意续写部分"与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度","内容的丰富性和对所标出关键词语的应用情况","应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性"以及"上下文的连贯性".根据这些规定,我们会发现读后续写有如下特点:(1)读后续写不是随心所欲,是要在引导语(开头语)和提示词的帮助下完成续写部分.如《考试说明》样题中规定"应使用5个以上短文中标有下划绨的关键词语(10处)".这些关键词语类似于传统写作中的要点提示,如人物、地点、事件,但是不同点在于这些关键词语并不是全用.这样考生可根据自己的理解有很大的自主权.另外,所续写部分不能脱离各自段落的首句开头语,即:不能另起炉灶.这些开头语与传统写作中的开头语类似,在某种程度E引导的思路向哪方面发展.
每篇文章都有各自独特的写作思路,通过精读文章,找到该篇文章的写作线索.如是以时间为线索还是以空间为线索等这样有利于 号生"顺藤摸瓜(结尾)".
(2018•浙江)It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.
We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad's friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.
His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. "The day starts at dawn on my farm," he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens,while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.
In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains."Don't be late for supper," Uncle Paul cried, "and keep to the track so that you don't get lost!" "Ok!"my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet anl the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.
Startled by the white fluffy rabbit, the horse almost threw me off its back. (高分句型一)句中Startled by the white fluffy rabbit为过去分词短语作状语
It was then that we enjoyed a symphony of nature﹣﹣﹣the warm breeze ruffling through the trees, the insects buzzing and other animals contributing their unique sounds…(高分句型二)句中使用了It is/was+强调部分+that+其他,这是强调句型
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Startled by the white fluffy rabbit, the horse almost threw me off its back. (高分句型一)I hurriedly tightened my grip and couldn't help letting out screams. But after we regained our calm, I was amused both by the thrill and the innocence of the little creature. Seeing it fleeing, cheerily, I turned to my dad, "Dad, can we follow it?" My dad nodded with a tolerant smile. Soon without consciousness, we were miles away up into the mountain and we lost track of the rabbit and of course, the track Uncle Paul had asked us to keep to.
We had no idea where we were and it got dark. We had to get off the horses and tried to figure out the way back, but after many attempts, we still failed﹣﹣﹣we got lost. I grew a bit anxious, but with dad around, I felt all right. As darkness thickened, dad believed it was safer to stay on the spot and waited for help. It was then that we enjoyed a symphony of nature﹣﹣﹣the warm breeze ruffling through the trees, the insects buzzing and other animals contributing their unique sounds…(高分句型二)This serenity ended as we heard shouts and torches came into our sight. At this time, I felt extremely grateful, to Paul and Tina, to this vacation with my dad, and to nature.
【点评】英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.
声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/4/28 14:56:42;用户:招远7;邮箱:zybzy7@xyh.com;学号:4029211
这是一份专题 07 中国节日、成就-冲刺2022年高考英语热点话题重点练(应用文、概要写作、读后续写),文件包含部分二冲刺2022年高考写作热点专训应用文概要写作读后续写01中国文化doc、部分二冲刺2022年高考写作热点专训应用文概要写作读后续写02中国节日成就参考答案doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共5页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份专题 06 运动健康、建筑、旅游-冲刺2022年高考英语热点话题重点练(应用文、概要写作、读后续写),文件包含部分二冲刺2022年高考写作热点专训应用文概要写作读后续写03健康运动旅行建筑doc、部分二冲刺2022年高考写作热点专训应用文概要写作读后续写03中国节日成就doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共6页, 欢迎下载使用。