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展开英语美文1: 美好生活从学会感激开始 If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. When we are stressed, depressed, upset, or otherwise in a negative state of mind because we perceive that "bad things" keep happening to us, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. If we don't, we will only attract more "bad things."如果你感觉生活对你来说实在是糟糕之极,你可以挑战着想些积极的东西。当我们不堪重负、沮丧、失落,抑或因为我们认为倒霉的事总是光临我们而处于消极状态时,将这些消极的思想转变为积极的至关重要。如果我们不这么做,只会招致更多的霉运。It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but I can assure you that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. We can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.有如此之多消极因素还要想些积极的东西,通常情况下这很难,但我可以保证,在某个地方有人比你情况还糟。我们可以换种方式,一步一步细细思考那些消极的东西。If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.从一件积极的小事情开始,并且一整天就一直重复想着,你将进入一个更加积极的状态:积极的思想、情感、机遇、人们开始装扮你的人生。这样练下去,很快你会发现你将改变你的观点,选择快乐的生活,而不在意周围那些琐事。Here are a few examples for you to practice. Say them out loud and with feeling!下面有一些方法供你选择练习。要有感情的把它们大声说出来。1. Begin and end each day with a "Thank you for this wonderful, glorious day!"在每一天开始和结束的时候,说一句“感谢这么一个愉快的一天”。2. When you see the gas prices hiking, say "I am so glad that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around."燃气价格高涨的时候,说“我很高兴我至少还有着这辆车可以到处兜风。” 3. When you are late for work, say "I am so happy and grateful for my job as I know that many don't have one."上班迟到时,说“我很幸福并感激我的工作,因为我知道很多人还没有工作。”4. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: "I really do appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks." The possibilities here are endless: insert what does work for you and feel good about it!如果你的健康出了问题,对目前所拥有的要心存感激:“我真的感激我的眼睛还能看,我的耳朵还能听,我的嘴还能品味,我的双腿还能行走,我的双臂还能抬起,我的双手还能写字,我还能思考,我的双膝还能弯曲,我还能说话”。这儿有无穷尽的种种可能:珍惜你所拥有的,并善待它们!5. Write down what you're grateful for each day. In moments when you're feeling really down, read what you wrote previously. This will help uplift your spirits. If you practice this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer.记下每天让你感激的事,每当你失落的时候,读一读你曾经写下的心情,这会让你从新振作起来。经常这样练习去,你会发现你所感激的东西越来越多。The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of blissful peace. The more you practice, the happier you'll be.转为积极情绪并长久保持着这种状态的关键在于为自己创造幸福、宁静的一刻。练的越多,你就越幸福。 2:成长的孤独We’re like the cream. When the cream rises to the top, it separates itself from the milk. Perhaps that is what the New Age Movement is really all about. We find ourselves lonely at the top. Yes, it is.我们就像奶油。当奶油浮到顶部的时候,它会和牛奶分离。也许这种现象正像是新世纪运动的写照。我们发现自己飞得越高,就会越感孤独。是的,这就是现实。It is no different with political enlightenment, spiritual enlightenment, or even becoming enlightened about relating to each other. The more mentally healthy you become, the more spiritual, the more balanced, the wealthier, the more global you become… the more alone you may feel.不论是政治或精神修养的造诣有多深,或者甚至是与他人之间有一种默契的关系,就孤独这一点而言,是没有区别的。你越是拥有健康有理智,精神修养的造诣越深,生活越平衡,越富有,或你的名气传播得越广,你也会感觉越孤独。Often, we find ourselves unable to find those other rare individuals who are choosing the same path as ours. The path of sloppy and lazy is full of other people to meet and talk to. The path of whiners is full. The path of being safe, generic, and boring is so crowded you almost cannot even move forward. Isn’t that why you left that path? You had a need to move forward, a need for some elbowroom, a need to spread your arms wide, a need to be seen as special, unique, different. The masses may admire you, but they are not going to be able to really relate to you. You will be alone much of the time.经常,我们很难找到那些选择我们和我们同路的人们。那条潮湿,慵懒的道路挤满了可以相遇并聊天的人。那条满是牢骚者的道路上也拥挤不堪。那条所谓安全,普通以及枯燥的道路是如此拥挤以至于你无法向前挪步。难道这不正是你离开那条道路的原因吗?你需要向前挪步,需要活动的空间,需要展开你的双臂,需要被认知为特别,有个性,与众不同。万千大众仰慕你,但他们却不可能真正地融入你。大部分的时间里,你将是孤独的。Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment. Do not force others to agree with you. Simply give your heart and know that you are growing and that they are free to grow or not. It is the nature of the game. We are all free to choose our paths.不要害怕因造诣深而产生的孤独感。不必要勉强别人赞识你。做你自己,坚定着你自己的成长,别人是否愿意成长就由他们自己去决定吧。这就是自然界的规则。我们都有选择自己道路的自由。 3:在逆境中学到了人生最重要的一课 Everybody has to face bad days in their life. Some face ailments, some face fears, some face poverty, some face helplessness etc etc. No one can escape from it. It is a rule of life. Two things always combines together like joy and sadness, laugh and cry, health and illness, profit and loss, morning and night, confidence and inferiority complex, victory and failure likewise good days and bad days.每个人都会有不如意的时候,有人身体欠佳,有人面临恐惧,有人贫困不堪,有人迷惘无助,等等,没有人能够一帆风顺,直至终老。如影随形,此消彼长的事物,比如,高兴与悲伤,欢笑与哭泣,健康与疾病,获得与失去,早晨和晚上,自信与自卑,成功与失败,顺境和逆境也是如此。You know what is the biggest advantage of bad days? You come to know GOD. What is God? What he can do? He is so friendly, understanding, loving and moreover God is the Superman he can do anything in a second. Yes true he can do anything. He is the only light in darkness. God is so merciful he always forgives and never complaint whether you ignore him many times that is why according to me God is the only best and faithful friend who never cheats.你知道不顺的日子带给你最大的感悟是什么?就是你开始信奉神明。上帝是谁?他能够帮我做些什么?他是那么的亲切和蔼,善解人意,胸怀广博,不仅如此他就像超人瞬间排除一切障碍。是的上帝无所不能,他是黑暗中的一丝曙光。之所以上帝是人类完美的朋友,是因为他是如此坦诚布公,慈悲为怀,予取予求,不图回报,原谅世人的无数次薄情。When bad days come a person first of all cannot understand what is going on, why me? But after sometimes he realises his strength and start doing every single thing to come out of it. And he comes out though that journey is very painful, when you once crossed it you will find your journey very meaningful, you will feel like as your rebirth. You have totally changed your thoughts, your perception, and you can understand life better. You get the meaning of your life. In short you start becoming wise.当不幸降临,一开始我们总会怨天尤人。但是为了摆脱困境,我们竭尽所能。当一切过去,回头来看,这段经历对你来说非比寻常,如同凤凰涅槃。而且你的思想观念都会发生翻天覆地的变化,对人生也会有更加深刻的领悟,简而言之,你会变得更加睿智。The biggest lesson of life during bad days according to me is that a person becomes spritual and a giver which he wasn't before. Life means to creat it. First think what you want in your life then start giving the same think. This is one of the most important thing I have learnt in my life. You want love then start spreading it, you want money then start giving to needy, you want happiness then start doing all things which give happiness. Everything is in your hand you only need to give first. If don't have everything then give or share what you have. Still you feel you have nothing to share then give smile. You can't imagine that your smile can do wonder for someone. So start smiling from today onwards.逆境给我最深的领悟是,变得更加注重精神层面,懂得给予。生命的真谛在于,遵循你的内心先去履行赋予它的意义,这是我的感悟。比如,你想要得到爱你先要懂得如何传播爱,你想要钱,你先要懂得施舍,你想要快乐,那就先做让别人快乐的事情。你想要得到就必须先付出。如果你一无所有,那么你至少可以面对他人,面带微笑。微笑的魔力超乎想象,那让我们从今天开始就坚持面带微笑吧。The most beautiful lesson I have learnt in my life is that If you are in pain then remember one thing: time is though hard but it would be the best time of your life. You know why we have to face hard days? Did you think about it? No!!!! Ok I will tell you. We always forget two unforgettable things. First is God and second is family. Nowadays money is everything. Money is important, in fact very important but it is not a life so why to spend whole life in earning money. When will we live? What you can do now you can't do it tomorrow so don't let the day pass without enjoying.逆境中让我感到的最美好的是,体会到上帝和家庭的重要性,这两样东西是我们平常最容易忽略的。每日碌碌只为功名利禄,钱财物质固然重要,但不是生活的唯一,活在当下,感受生活的美好安逸,不要让这些轻易的溜走。One thing I must share with you is that if you want to grow and learn more than you know, then do whatever you want to do but beyond your comfort zone. Always try to think that I can, then nothing is impossible for you. Difficulty is in the mind not in work.You know one thing when we accept life as it comes or we accept that everything happens for a reason or for our betterment. Believe me you will find your hard days as an adventure but you need to trust God and at the end you will find yourself a winner.如果你们想要很好的学习成长,那么我倒有条建议,就是在你们的舒适区之外尝试任何你们想做的事情。困难只是心魔,克服它便没有什么可以阻挡你。坦然面对并接受人生的起落,不管是什么原因,亦或是让我们成为很好的自己。我保证当你回忆起这段不顺,你会发现就像经历了一场冒险,但你依然要相信上苍,最后你会发现,你自己也能成为救世主。I hope you like it. Love you all and God bless you all with healthy wealthy long life and good destiny. 4:请原谅自己,善待自己 I hope you find it in you to forgive yourself for not having known how to cope with the world better.我希望你从心底原谅自己,如果你曾经面对困难穷于应付,手足无措。For being selfish, for hurting others while you were hurting.如果你曾做出自私的举动,自己受伤时也伤害了别人。For making rash decisions because of temporary feelings that left permanent consequences.如果你曾因为一时的强烈情绪而做出草率的决定,却导致了不可挽回的后果。For subconsciously putting yourself through hard times because you thought you deserved it.如果你曾让自己备受折磨,因为潜意识里你判定自己罪有应得。For not giving your 100% in everything you did. For not having reached your full potential because of external and internal problems you had to deal with that led to disrupting your growth.如果你曾对自己应该做的事不尽全力。如果你不得不处理外在或内心的问题,以至于无法顺利成长,无法发挥自己的全部潜能。For having to rely on self destructive ways to either suppress or release your pain.如果你曾用摧残自己的方式来抑制或发泄痛苦。Maybe it’s time to let yourself heal and believe that you deserve better, despite how you sometimes still feel otherwise.或许现在你应该让自己好起来了,现在你应该相信自己值得拥有更好的人生,即便有时你会误入歧途,产生错误的想法。You have learnt from those trying times and the only way to stop sabotaging your own life is to let go of all the parts you think deserved the misery you used to put yourself in.从那些艰难的日子中你已经学会,如若你不想再毁灭自己的人生,你就要放弃那些负面的念头,是它们让你相信,你应该给自己找些苦头,你罪有应得。Don’t punish yourself forever for the way you protected yourself the only way you knew how.如果你只是想保护自己,可是你只知道一种方法,不要总是为此惩罚自己。You were the person you had to be; and afterall that person was the one that got you through til this day.无需把自己变成别的模样,你就是自己的成长目标;那个为你一路披荆斩棘直至今日的人难道不是你自己吗?I hope you let that person grow into someone you’d actually learn to love and like – i hope you let them be the the best version of themself.愿你心中的自我能够成长,愿你能学会真心爱他,欣赏他。愿你内心的自我成长成他们最好的模样。You deserve the love you deprived yourself of.你曾剥夺了自己接收爱的权利,你值得获得那些爱。