展开高考英语读后续写语句汇总一、时间表达By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “...”A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead.As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.It was daybreak when Jane woke up.At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska.After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight.It was time to say goodbye for now at least.It didn’t take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box.At that very moment, the helicopter arrived.It was only when I tried to remove my head that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in. 二、句法结构Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. (形容词作状语)Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.Never in her life had she tasted anything better. (部分倒装)Lying awake in the dark, Jame wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.(非谓语作状语)He looked at me as though I weren't there. 虚拟语气I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably cause his grade-point average to take a nosedive. 三、环境描写She could hear water trickling somewhere at a distance.My dad and I spent the night in the guest room of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby.It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there. 死寂 四、情绪心理想法To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes.After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake.A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head.He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.I had terrible pictures in my mind: “Honey, where are the kids?”After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea:.....To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea.I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses.He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control.The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.They even let her sit on the sofa, but the old girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self.My excitement was short-lived.I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.When my teammate and I met to discuss our project, I was uneasy.I was outmatched. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point, but stopped short because I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out.(stop short 中途停下;chickenout 临阵退缩) 五、动作描写As Mac pedaled along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughter at home.With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf.So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and, through the fence, sprayed him in the face.Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag.He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase.Mac waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down.Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcase, books, games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off.So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains.(动作链)He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye.The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and flashed a bright smile.His parents nodded, and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents.Her tail began wagging ever so slowly, the faster as she caught the smell.As Elli and I cooked dinner, a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread.He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.Not this polar bear though---he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws.I radioed the camp manager for help.With the pumpkin resting on the table, hole uppermost, I bent over and pressed my head against the opening.At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task, unwilling to quit, my nose briefly prevented entry.I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders.When I pulled hard, my nose got in the way. 六、衔接词It was tiring work, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasn’t sure how much it amount to.Above all, I hoped he wouldn't assign me to work with the intense, fiercely competitive, singularly serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match.As fate would have it, Dr. Gullickson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid. (像是命运的安排)Needless to say, I didn't look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didn’t say anything, lest I make things worse.