高中英语高考“读后续写” 细节描写素材汇总(共两大类)
展开高考英语读后续写细节描写素材汇总一、情感心理描写喜悦1.He is very happy and sweet.他又高兴又甜蜜。2.They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy.他们高兴得不知道怎么办好。3.He jumped for fun.他高兴得跳了起来。4.Her face brightened up.她喜形于色。【More examples】1.The smile on her face shone like a diamond.2.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.3.I was wild with joy.4.I was pleased beyond description.5.She wore a shining smile on her face.6.Her smile lit up the whole room.7.She shed tears of joy.8.She was overflowing with happiness.9.Her flushed face was shining with excitement.10.I was floating on air.满意1.The result is satisfactory.结果令人满意。2.It is difficult to please everybody.众口难调。3.There is always a smile of contentment on her face.她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。4.She belongs to those who are very difficult to satisfy.她属于那种极难讨好的人。5.Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction.看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。惊讶1.I’m surprised to find you here.在这里看到你我很奇怪。2.It’s nothing to be surprised about.这不值得大惊小怪。3.To my surprise, he didn’t come yesterday.令我吃惊的是他昨天没有来。4.She looked at me in amazement.她惊奇的看着我。5.Her appearance fairly took my breath away.她的美貌令我神魂颠倒。6.Everyone looked at her in astonishment.大家都惊讶地看着她。悲伤1.He looks so sad.他看起来很悲伤。2.He is no stranger to sorrow.他生活在悲伤中。3.His sad story makes her feel pity.他的悲惨经历使她深表同情。4.His wife’s disease took away his appetite.妻子的病令他茶饭不思。5.The news depresses her.这个消息让她愁苦。【More examples】1.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.2.I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.3.Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.4.She burst into tears and ran out of the room.5.She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.6.I tried to fight back tears. 7.My eyes were filled with tears.8.A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face.9.These days he was in low spirits.愤怒1.She was burning with anger.她怒火中烧。2.He easily loses his temper.他很容易发脾气。3.He was in a rage.他大发雷霆。4.She was red with anger.她因为发怒脸涨得通红。【More examples】1.I was seized by anger.2.His anger boiled over.3.He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage.4.His voice trembled with anger.5.He gave me a look of burning anger.6.He glared at me with burning eyes.7.His face clouded with anger.感动1.Touched deeply/immensely, we…2.Tears filling her eyes, she offered her heartfelt gratitude.3.With tears streaming down her face, she...害怕①He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror.③She was struck with horror when...④She was choked by fear.⑤Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.⑥Fear flooded over him.⑦Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated(窒息).⑧She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.二、动作描写表达说话的动词:speak:说,讲,说话,演说。着重开口发音。say:说,说话。意义非常广泛,是一般用语。着重内容,指连贯的说话。talk:讲,说话。着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的话。它多指两个人或多个人在一起讲话。tell:说,告诉,讲。指把一件事情传达给别人或讲述一个故事等。有连续叙述的意思。chat:闲谈,聊天。多指非正式的,轻松的,愉快的,没有中心地、没有特殊目的地谈话或聊天。含有亲热的意味。1.gossip:只在后面说人是非,闲谈他人的事情。2.Can you child speak yet? 你的孩子会说话了吗?3.He said he wanted to go to town.他说他想去城里。4.I want to talk to you about an urgent matter.我想和你谈一件紧急的事。5.Tell me what happened.告诉我发生了什么事。6.They dropped in for a chat last night.他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。7.You shouldn’t listen to gossip.你不应该听流言蜚语。表示笑的动词:smile:“微笑”。通常指好意的微笑,无声的微笑,如表示亲切、愉快等。laugh:“笑”,“发笑”。指一般的笑。beam:“笑”。指面露喜色,带有笑容的意思。1.She smiled when she saw me.她看见我时露出微笑。2.We all laughed loudly when she made a joke.她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。3.He beamed on his visitors.他对着客人们微笑。表示哭我们可以说:cry:“哭泣”、“流泪”。意义及用法最广泛。多强调声音,指呼号和叫喊地哭,一般由于痛苦,悲哀,恐惧,也可能是欢呼引起的。weep:“哭泣”、“流泪”。指不出声的哭,着重在由于悲伤而流泪。sob:“哽咽”,“呜咽”,“啜泣”。指尽力抑制自己的感情时发出抽泣的声音。也可以指哭诉。1.She started to cry when she heard the sad news.当她听到这个悲痛的消息时,她开始哭了。2.She wept the death of the child.她哀悼孩子的死亡。3.The child sobbed loudly.这个孩子大声地哭泣。表示走的动词:go:“走”,意义范围较广,是一般用语。表示向一定的地点运动。walk:“步行”,“走”。表示有目的或无目的的步行、散步、游玩。pace:“走过”,“踱步”。尤指以普通的步子走。wander:“徘徊”,“到处走”,“漫游”。侧重无确定路线。1.We went by plane.我们是乘飞机去的。2.I can’t walk about in this heat.在这种大热天我简直无法走动。3.The fence is only ten paces from the house.围墙离屋子只有十步远。4.The children wandered in the woods.孩子们在森林里漫步。动作描写美句欣赏1.The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second began walking towards him trembling with cold.第一位演员在雪地里拖着脚步艰难移动,这时候第二位演员朝他走去,身子在寒气中不仅颤抖。2.I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall.我仍然记得当时惊呆了,靠在墙上,一动不动。3.The pounding in my ears drowned out the rest of the words, only a word here and there filtered through.我的耳朵里嗡嗡作响,听不见他们后来讲的话,只是东一点西一点渗入的只言片语。4.I stared at him in shock and a small sound of dismay escaped my throat.我惊愕地盯着他,不禁发出轻轻的沮丧声。5.Standing with all the dignity I could muster, I said nothing.带着所有的尊严,我站在那里一句话都没说。6.I clasped my hands behind my back so he wouldn’t see them shaking.我紧握着双手藏在背后,这样他就看不见我的手在发抖。7.The last words came out in an eager rush.最后几个字是急切地蹦出来的。8.He went back to hoeing the weeds that sprang up between the delicate little bean plants.他又去锄生在在青嫩的豆苗间的杂草了。9.The next day, it was a very sad and withdrawn girl who dragged into the principal's office.第二天,我沉默不语,一副十分伤心的小女孩的模样,拖着脚步走近校长办公室。10.He looked out of the window, biting his lips, as if thinking.他一边看着窗外,一边咬着嘴唇,仿佛在思考。