展开高考英语读后续写外貌描写句子一、牙齿、下巴和胸膛tooth牙齿1. Her lips parted, revealing a flash of white teeth.她嘴唇轻启,露出一口洁白的牙齿。2.His sparkling white teeth showed through his beautiful smile.在迷人的笑容中,他露出了洁白的牙齿。3.She had very pretty straight teeth. 她有一口漂亮、整齐的牙齿。Chin 下巴1.He had clear blue eyes and a jutting chin. 他有一双清激的蓝眼睛和一个突出的下巴2.Both of their chins were dotted with beads of sweat.他们两人的下巴上尽是汗珠。3.Jack jutted (使突出,伸出)his chin forward and did not answer the teacher.Jack 下巴扬得高高的,没有回答老师的问题。4.There he stood: hair in wild tangles, dark stubble (胡子茬) shadowing his chin.他站在那儿,头发乱成一团,下巴上一片黑胡茬。Chest胸膛1. He fell back into the water, his breath rasping (发出刺耳的声音)in his heaving (强烈而有节奏地)他仰面跌进了水中,胸部起伏,呼吸急促。2. His athletic chest expanded, taking in a lungful of much needed oxygen.他健壮的胸部向外扩大,吸进一大口急需的氧气。3.His chest heaves with every breath. 他的胸脯随着呼吸起伏。4. His chest swelled (使凸出,鼓起) with pride as he accepted the award.他领奖时骄傲地挺起胸脯。 二、嘴巴、脸颊、鼻子Mouth嘴巴1.A smile played around his mouth. 他嘴上挂着微笑。2. A tight mouth was the only sign of her nerves. 紧闭的嘴是她紧张的唯一迹象。3. Chris looked over at her, his mouth grinning with satisfaction.Chris 看着她,满意的咧嘴笑了。4. He wiped his greasy(多油的)mouth on his sleeve. 他用袖子擦了擦油膩的嘴。5.Her mouth curved into a smile。 她嘴角一弯,微笑了。6.Her mouth suddenly set in a determined line. 她的嘴突然绷成一条坚定的线。7.My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.闻到食物的味道,我就流口水了。8. The corners of her mouth turned up in a slight smile. 她嘴角上扬,微微一笑。9.There was blood trickling (滴,淌) from the corner of his mouth.鲜血从他的嘴角流了出来。10. From one corner of her mouth flowed a stream of fresh blood.从她的一个嘴角流下一道鲜血。Cheeks脸烦1.Georgina softly rubbed the newborn's cherubic (天使般纯真的)cheeks.Georgina 轻轻地摸了摸新生儿那娇嫩的脸颊。2. He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow( 凹陷的)cheeks.他看起米很年轻,肤色勁黑,五官分明,双烦四陷。3. He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath他鼓起胖乎乎的腮糖子,呼出了一大口热气。4. She had bright, rosy cheeks. 她的脸庞红润、有光泽。5.The children had glowing cheeks after race.孩子们跑完步后脸蛋儿红通通的。6.When she thought of this, she felt her cheeks burning hot as if the effect of the wine were still upon her.她想到这点就两颊绯红,好像酒力未消一样。Nose鼻子1. His bleeding nose dripped all over the kitchen floor.他的鼻血滴得厨房地板上哪儿都是。2.My nose is bunged (鼻塞的)up with a cold.我因伤风而鼻子不通。3. She was weeping quite loudly and her nose was running.她很大声地哭着,流着鼻涕。 三、眼睛、眉毛、嘴唇Eye 眼睛1. When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive.她抬起眼来的时候,眼睛很大、很特别、很动人,2. Dark circles lay round her eyes. 她眼睛周围有黑眼圈。3.Her big eyes were shaded by long black lashes(睫毛),curving backward in a most peculiar way.她那黑黑的长睫毛非常别致地朝上弯曲着,掩映着一双大眼睛。4. Her arched(拱形的)brows accentuate(强调,使突出)the beauty of her eyes.她那弯弯的眉毛使她的眼睛显得更加美丽。5. The object was a blur(模糊形状)to her sleeping eyes.在她的惺忪睡眼看来,那个东西一片模糊。6. Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds. 她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光。Eyebrow眉毛1. His eyebrows bushed together. 他的眉毛浓密。2. She had attractive angular(有楼角的)eyebrows which framed (给...做框 ) her deep blue eyes.她有一双迷人的有棱有角的眉毛,衬托出她深蓝色的眼睛。3. Helen raised her brows in surprise at his boldness.Helen抬了抬眉毛,对他的大胆感到惊讶。4.Luke's dark eyebrows lowered questioningly. Luke 疑恐地垂下他的黑眉毛。5. Her lips are all pale. 她的嘴唇惨白。6. Ryan had a bloodied lip which he explained he got from a scuffle (小扭打,冲突) with Tom.Ryan 的嘴唇在流血,他解释说是和 Tom 扭打的结果。7.There was a slight smile on her lips. 她嘴唇上泛起一抹徽笑,8.Her lips parted with a cry of fear. 她恐惧地张嘴喊叫。 四、前额脸和面容Forehead 额头1. A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint.她的额头上冒出一串汗珠,她以为自己可能会晕过去。2. Blood rained down from a deep gash in his forehead.他额头上一道深深的伤口血流如注。3.His forehead was dripping with perspiration(汗).他额头在淌汗。4.It was a hot July morning, and perspiration glistened on his forehead.那是一个炎热的七月的早晨,汗珠在他的额上闪闪发光。5.The sweat stood in beads(液体的小珠,小滴)upon his forehead. 他额上冒着汗珠。6. Linda had a strongly defined chin, a high forehead, and light grey eyes.Linda 有着轮廊分明的下巴、高高的额头和一双浅灰色的眼睛。7.Looking at her, Jack's forehead knotted in a frown. Jack 注视着她,眉头紧锁。8.Her stomach gurgled(发汩汩声)and little beads of perspiration formed on her forehead.她的胃咯咯作响,小汗珠涌现在她的前额。9.She stepped into the room trembling, cold perspiration on her forehead.她走进房间,颤抖不已,额头冒出冷汗。10. She fell against our table and got a large bump on her forehead.她倒地时撞到我们的桌子上,额头起了个大包。11. Some deep wrinkles furrow (使起皱纹 ) his lower forehead.他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。Face & Features 脸和面容1.He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and checkbones.他有一张大大的方脸,眉毛很重,颧骨突出。2.His face was blue from the cold. 他的脸冻得发紫。3. Her face is already lined with the cares of domestic life.她因家事操劳,脸上已经起了皱纹。4.It was still possible to see in her face something of the freshness and prettiness of her youth.在她脸上仍能看到一点她年轻时的娇艳和美貌。5.His sunburnt face was the picture of health.他那张晒黑的脸表明他很健康。6. She had lost much of the roundness of her face, her skin had lost its youth, and her hair was thinner.她往日丰润的脸庞消瘦多了,皮肤失去了青春的光泽,头发也不那么浓密了。7.She was fine and very pretty, with a face full of expression.她生得清秀,非常美,有一张表情丰富的脸。 五、人体部位Hair & Beard1.A light wind passed his brow, fanning softly his uncombed hair and stirring silver points of anxiety in his eyes.微风掠过他的额头,轻拂着他那未经梳理的头发,使焦灼不安的银光在他的眼睛里晃动。2.As she bent forward, her fine black hair fell over her cheek.她身子前倾时,秀美的黑发倾泻到她的脸颊上。3.Blond hair runs in her family.她全家人都长着金发。4.Dad looked so handsome, his black hair combed back like Elvis Presley's, a huge grin across his face.爸爸看起来很英俊。他的黑发像 Elvis Presley(貓王)那样梳成大背头,脸上挂着大大的笑容。5.He had a crop of blond hair and radiant green eyes.他留着金色的平头短发,有一双明亮的绿色眼睛。6. He had a high forehead and wore spectacles (眼镜)and a slight beard.他额头很高,戴眼镜,留了一些胡子。7.He had brilliant blue eyes, short blonde hair, and a well-defined jaw that made her spellbound.他有着明亮的蓝眼睛、金色短发和棱角分明的下巴,这一切都让她入迷。8.He is a short fat man with no hair on his head. 他是一个矮胖的光头男人。9.He was a man of small stature, with hair blanched rather by suffering and sorrow than by age.他是个身材瘦小的人,头发已经灰白------那大概是受苦和忧虑的结果,而不是年龄的原因。10. Her hair flows down her back. 她的头发垂在背后。微信公众号:教导队11.Her hair ripples in the spring breeze. 她的头发在春风中像波浪般飘动。12.Her hair was gray, her clothes ragged. 她头发花白,衣服破烂。13.Her light brown hair was hanging loose about her neck.她那淡棕色的头发披散在脖子上。14. Her long fair hair fell untidily over her shoulders.她那长长的浅色色头发凌乱地披在肩上。15.Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.她秀美的长发在脑后梳成了马尾辫。16.Her shoulder-length hair spilled over her face. 她的齐肩长发散落在脸上。17.Her thick curly black hair was twisted into a knot on her neck.她那浓密的黑色卷发在后脑勺上盘成一个髻。18. Her waist was small, her hair full and jet-black,her eyes liquid and her eyebrows drawnout toward her temples(太阳穴,鬓角)。她腰肢纤细,头发浓密、漆黑,两眼如秋水般明丽,双眉画入两鬓。19.His black hair was going gray. 他的黑发开始变白了。20. His face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head. his hair was wildly rumpled( 弄乱).他的脸涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。21.His hair is thick, and black as a raven. 他的头发乌黑浓密。22. Lily caught a lock of her hair and twirled(使旋转,缠绕)it around her finger.Lily抓住一绺头发,绕着手指转圈。22.Little curls clustered round her forehead.她额前留着小卷发。23. She came, her hair streaming behind her. 她来了,头发在背后飘荡着。24. She had a fine head of chestnut (粟色的,红棕色的)hair.她有一头栗色的秀发。微信公众号:教导队25.She has a long golden ponytail that bobs up and down when she walks.她扎着一个走起路来上下摆动的金色长马尾辫。26. She has a row of curls round her head. 她长着一头卷发。27. She is a shy young girl and her hair was cut in a short crop.她是个害羞的年轻姑娘,头发剪成很短的平头。教导队28. She was a young and lovely girl, with a profusion(大量)of light brown hair, and eyes that seemed to float in liquid crystal.她是一个年轻、可爱的姑娘,长着浓密的淡棕色头发,水灵灵的眼睛如珍珠般闪亮。29.She was wearing bangs (刘海)on her forehead which gave her a girlish appearance when shelaughed, and there was a curious liquid luster (光泽,光彩) in her eyes.她的额前留着刘海儿,这让她笑时有种少女的神态,而且她的眼睛里有一股水汪汪的奇妙光彩。30.The curly red hair was tied up in a neat little bun(圆发髻)卷曲的红头发扎成一个整齐的小发髻。31.The girl’s hair was silky.这姑娘的头发像丝绸一样光滑。32.Mother was no getting old and her hair was almost entirely white,although she was still under fifty.母亲一天天见老,虽然不到五十岁,但她的头发已几乎全白了。33.The tresses were tossed about her tender throat and were quivering in the sunlight.披拂在她娇嫩的脖子上的发绺,在阳光下轻轻飘动。34.Their hair was tied up into broad bands on top of their heads.她们的头发编成粗大的辫子盘在头顶。35.He was a tall,lanky(瘦长的) one with spiked(尖的) hair and a small goatee(山羊胡子).他个子高高、瘦瘦的,头发粗短呈刺状,留着小山羊胡子。36.He wears a dense beard.他留着浓密的胡须。37.His chin is covered by a thick and short beard.他下巴上长满浓密而短的胡子。