展开高考英语外刊词汇短语一、名词n.vinda 维达rouge [ruːʒ]胭脂,口红forebear [ˈfɔːbɛː]祖先calamity 灾难colonist殖民者enslaver 征服者broth [brɒθ]肉汤wet nurse 奶妈caregiver 照顾者lute [luːt] 诗琴trepidation 恐惧preoccupation 全神贯注SGT.=sergt=sergeant警长police chief警长sheriff警长俺太累了,还没来得及搜他们的区别turbo charger涡轮增压器Mt.(= Mount)→ Mt. Fuji 富士山meta-analysis 元分析make-believe 虚构;编造;孩子玩的假扮游戏; a.虚构的ballpark 棒球场gastroenterologist 胃肠病学家gastrointestinal tract胃肠病gastric胃部的 →gastrosis胃病intestinal肠的 →intestine肠gastro-colic reflex胃结肠反射colic(尤指婴儿的)急性腹痛,腹绞痛wind n.胀气bowel[ˈbaʊəl]肠 →bowel cancer 肠癌 →bowel wall 肠壁、diverticulosis憩室病haemorrhoids ['hemərɔidz] 痔疮constipation 便秘anus [ˈeɪnəs] 肛门 → anal [ˈeɪnl]肛门的stool 凳子 v/n粪便 = void v排放大小便gourd 葫芦rictus 龇牙咧嘴cactus仙人掌badge 奖章Connecticut (美)康涅狄格州Delaware(美)特拉华州二、动词v. 1.pelt 向(某人)连续投掷;pelt down(雨、冰雹或雪)下得很大 The rain was pelting down.雨又大又急。2.rant 夸夸其谈3.pull away(from sth)车辆开 They waved as the bus pulled away.4.rekindle[riːˈkɪnd(ə)l] 恢复5.fizzle 发出微弱的嘶嘶声(或爆裂声);(顺利开始)结果失败 如:fizzle out Our relationship fizzled into nothing.我们的关系无果而终了6.archive [ˈɑːkaɪv] n档案(室);v存档7.disseminate传播(尤指信息) To generate, disseminate and preserve knowledge, and work with others, to bring to bear on the world's great challenges.创造,传播和保护知识,与他人协作尽全力去挑战世界的极限。8.contend斗争,争夺;声称 He contends that the judge was wrong.他声称法官是错的。 9.poo v/n (解)大便10.prolapse v/n(身体部位、器官)脱垂 lapse n失误11.heed=pay attention to 注意12.bloat [bləʊt]v使膨胀 boast [bəʊst] v/n 自吹自擂 bluff[blʌf] v以假象欺骗,蒙骗13.snoop 窥探(隐私等)≠stoop俯身≠ stool 凳子 v/n粪便三、形容词a. platonic [pləˈtɒnɪk] 柏拉图的 →Plato [ˈpleɪtəʊ]柏拉图nonchalant [ˈnɒnʃ(ə)l(ə)nt]漠不关心的judicious [dʒuˈdɪʃəs]有见地的hefty (人)粗壮的;(数目)相当大的squishy湿软的;粘糊糊的twitchy烦躁不安的 → twitch n/v抽动,痉挛;急扯intrusive侵入的;打扰的 → intrude v对… 造成破坏性/负面影响;闯入,侵入Politics quickly intrude into the booklet.政治很快进入并影响了这本小书。nightmarish ['naɪtˌmeərɪʃ] 噩梦般的 → nightmare [ˈnaɪtmeə]bottle-fed ≠ breast-fed母乳喂养的四、短语phr. 专有名词proper noun普通名词common nounhead count岗位名额Outsourcing外包peer review同行审查SSC:Share Service Center共享服务中心COE :Center of Expertise 或Center of Excellence专家团队HRBP:HR BUSINESS PARTNER人力资源业务合作伙伴child-rearing a/n育儿opening address开幕词drowned rat落汤鸡pathetic fallacy感情误置(in art and literature):the act of describing animals and things as having human feelingshigh fever [ˈfiːvə]高烧quantum leap重大突破quantum 量子egg freezing卵子冷冻foam roller泡沫轴sweet spot(球棒或球拍上的)最有效击球Tsinghua Tongfang清华同方the State Council’s Anti-monopoly Committee国务院反垄断委员会the Wuhan University School of Law武汉大学法学院Zhongnan University of Economics and Law中南财经政法大学China University of Political Science and Law中国政法大学Brigham Young University美国杨百翰大学the University of Kansas美国堪萨斯大学University College London伦敦大学学院bang for your buck 钱花得合算;所作的努力值得Rome, like London, is rarely "cheap", but a good time to go to get more bang for your buck is September.罗马就像伦敦,很少有便宜的时候。但是在九月的罗马,你可以玩得更划算些。pique one's curiosity/interest 激发好奇心make one's debut [ˈdeɪbjuː] 首次亮相persist in (doing)sth = persist with sth执著地做She persisted in her search for the truth.她执著地追求真理。resonate (with sb/sth) 引起共鸣;和…的想法(或观念)类似These issues resonated with the voters.这些问题引起了投票者的共鸣。carry a torch for sb爱上(尤指单相思)He has always carried a torch for Barbara.他一直单恋芭芭拉。[ˈbɑ:bərə]carry sth off赢得;成功地对付(大多数人认为难以应付的事)She's had her hair cut really short, but she can carry it off .她的头发剪得太短了,不过她还是若无其事的样子。carry on with sb(与…)有不正当的男女关系His wife found out he'd been carrying on with another woman.他的妻子发现他和另一个女人勾勾搭搭。get/have cold feet临阵胆怯,退缩shoot for努力获得(难)We've been shooting for a pay raise for months.几个月来,我们一直在争取加薪。hand in hand手拉手;密切关联Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.贫困和健康不良常有连带关系。wreak havoc on [ˈhævək]给…造成混乱(或破坏)wreak [riːk] vt造成(巨大的破坏或伤害)crack the whip 极度役使to use your authority or power to make sb work very hard, usually by treating them in a strict waywhip v鞭打/n鞭子keep (close) tabs on监视;密切注视It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.监视每个人的行动并不总是能办得到的。tab标签;账单;药片loafn(通常需在食前切成片的)大面包v闲逛;虚度光阴loaf about=idle one's time awaybarge [bɑːdʒ]n大型平底货船;驳船 v闯barge in (on sb/sth)闯入;插嘴barge into(vt)we can't just barge into a private garden.我们不能硬冲进私人花园。He barged in on us while we were having a meeting.我们正在开会,他闯了进来。五、熟词僻意 competence 权限,管辖权上次推文已说过)scholarship 学问offensive可以当名词哦 军事进攻;(尤指政治、社会)运动shower阵雨revolutionary n(支持)改革者inside 肠胃,内脏fast n. act/period 斋戒绝食;斋戒期safe n.保险柜;安全套=condom[ˈkɒndɒm]formula(以牛奶或大豆蛋白为主料的)婴儿配方奶粉glare [+av](太阳,电灯)发出强光The sun glared out of a clear blue sky.蔚蓝的天空里太阳白花花地刺眼。drain +金钱,精力 耗费forth (away from a place)离去;外出They set forth at dawn.他们在黎明时出发。steal v.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动A chill stole over her body.她突然感到浑身发冷。parent≠patent专利factor vt factor sth↔infactor sth↔into sth把…因素包括进去Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project.规划该项目时,记住要把雇人费用这个因素考虑进去present ~ itself (to sb) ( 机会、答案等) 突然出现;显露;产One major problem did present itself, though.不过,确实出现了一个重大问题。fail vt时❶someone fails you 辜负;使失望We waited twenty-one years, don't fail us now.我们等了 21 年了,如今不要让我们失望。❷a quality or ability that you have fails you (品质或能力)有负于;(使)不如愿;不够For once, the artist's fertile imagination failed him...这位画家丰富的想象力曾一度枯竭。❸someone fails a test, examination, or course 不及格I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.我总是担心期末考试不及格。significant意味深长的a significant look/smile 意味深长的眼神 / 微笑visible=obviouspleasant 宜人的 ~climate/placebadly很,非常I miss her badly.feel ambivalent about sb(忧喜参半、好坏参半等)矛盾情绪的六、无法归类的 In The Wee Small Hours凌晨时分(Frank Sinatra唱片)identify as 认出identify 物with 物:等同You should not identify wealth with happiness.你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。doubt/suspect+句子 前者疑无,后者疑有advice n./s/ ≠ advise v./z/practice ≠practise 同上hide过去式hid,过分hid/hidden