展开2021 —2022学年下学期期末测评试卷
1. What does the man want to do?
A. Take photos. B. Buy a camera. C. Help the woman.
2. What are the speakers talking about?
A.A noisy night. B. Their life in town. C. A place to live.
3. Where is the man now?
A. On his way. B. In a restaurant. C. At home.
4. What will Celia do?
A. Find a player. B. Watch a game. C. Play basketball.
5. What day is it when the conversation takes place?
A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.
6. What is Sara going to do?
A. Buy John a gift. B. Invite John to France. C. Give John a surprise.
7. What does the man think of Sarah’s plan?
A. Funny. B. Exciting. C. Strange.
8. Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?
A. She has to give up her travel plan.
B. She wants to visit another city.
C. She needs to put off her test.
9.What does Diana want Peter to do? ;
A. Help her with her study.
B. Take a book to her friend,
C. Change the plane ticket.
10.Why does the man call the woman?
A. To tell her about her new job. B. To ask about her job program,
C. To plan a meeting with her.
11. Who needs a new flat?
A. Alex. B. Andrea. C. Miranda.
12. Where is the woman now?
A. In Baltimore B. In New York. C. In Avon.
13. What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?
A. Where the restaurant is. B. Whether the prices are low.
C. How well the food is prepared.
14. When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?
A. After he came back to Sweden.
B. Before he went to the United States.
C. As soon as he got his first job in 1982.
15. What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?
A. Talk to people in the street. B. Speak to taxi drivers.
C. Ask hotel clerks.
16. What do we know about Jan?
A. He cooks for a restaurant. B. He travels a lot for his work.
C. He prefers American food.
17. What do we know about the Plaza Leon?
A. It’s a new building. B. It’s a small town. C. It’s a public place.
18. When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?
A. Saturday nights. B. Sunday afternoon. C. Fridays and Saturdays.
19. Which street is known for its food shops and markets?
A. Via Del Mar Street. B. Fernando Street. C. Hernandes Street.
20. Why does the speaker like HewisK1 Street best?
A. It has an old stone surface. B. It is named after a writer.
C. It has a famous university.
80% of the pupils who take our courses are adults. But courses at Westley Business School (WBS) required knowledge of various skills, so you need some preparation courses before your professional courses. Look below and see if any of our preparation courses meet your needs. All courses take place in August and for registered pupils, the courses listed below are free.
. Statistics
A grounding in statistics is a must for any would-be business student. This one-week course consists of one lecturer every night. The tutor will ensure that you have a basic understanding of all the statistical skills you need to start your course at WBS. Each lecture runs from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Essay Writing
This self-study pack contains guidance, practice and tests. After 10 hours of elf-study , you will receive a one-hour tutorial ( at every weekend in this month) with the essay writing tutor who will go over your work with you.
Basic Math
This is an unrepeatable lecture of 3 hours aiming at -reviewing the basic math you vaguely remember from school! This course runs on a first come, first served basis and there are only 20 seats (the first Monday in August from 5:45 pm to8:45 pm,) , .so don't be late
This two-week course ( Mon. – Fri. from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) will give pupils all the basic computer skill needed for their courses at WBS. There are two courses running at the same time with only 10 seats in each, so book early! Unless otherwise stated, you must book in advance for these courses at the WBS reception.
21. What do we know about the preparation courses at WBS?
A. They require good knowledge of various skills^
B. They can be attended all year around.
C. They are mainly designed for grown-ups.
D. They are lor any pupils who are willing to learn.
22. What is special about Basic Math?
A. It needs 10 hours of self study.
B. It involves some fresh basic math.
C. If you come first, you will start first.
D. You can join it anytime when you are free.
23.If you always work late.at weekdays, which course can you take?
A. Statistics. B. Essay Writing. C. Basic Math. D. Computing.
As a little girl growing up in Colombia, Diana longed to explore the universe and gain more understanding of it. Her dad thought that being able to speak a second language would give her an advantage. He suggested she live with her aunt in Miami while going to school. Only 17 years old at the timer she accepted his suggestion.
With just $ 300 in her pocket, Diana took a series of housekeeping jobs to put herself through community college and later the University of Florida. In addition to learning English, she studied aerospace engineering. Sometimes she had to take six buses just to get to class. Other days she was cleaning bathrooms to continue her studies . But Diana saw everything coming her way as an opportunity.
Diana applied to the NASA Academy in her-senior year of college, and was the first immigrant Latina in the academy. NASA hired her that year, and in 2009, she became a telecom system engineer for the Curiosity Rover(探测器)What landed successfully on Mars in 2012,During this mission,she developed a dust removal tool to help,scientists better explore Mars surface,which earned her recognition as one of the 20 most influential Latinas in the technology industry. Since then, Diana has only kept setting the bar higher. In her second mission; it took her team two years to create the robotic arm for the Perseverance Rover that would bring back soil samples from the Red Planet to learn if there once was life there.
Right now, her mission is to help more Latinas realize they can be also successful in the exploration of science and technology. Last week,she hosted NASA’s first-ever Spanish-language live broadcast for Perseverance’s arrival on Mars and it gained more than 2. 5 million views online.
24. What did Diana do after 17 years old?
A. She got $ 300 from her father.
B. She began to learn a second language.
C. She supported herself through college.
D. She helped her aunt to do housekeeping jobs.
25. What was her contribution to the Curiosity Rover?
A. She directed the telecom system. B. She explored the surface of Mars.
C. She was the leader of the campaign. D. She designed a tool to remove the dust.
26. What is her latest mission?
A. To fight for the women9 equal rights.
B. To host a broadcast to attract more viewers.
C. To create the robotic arm for the Perseverance Rover.
D. To encourage more Latinas study science and technology/
27. What can we know from Diana’s story?
A. It is never too old to learn.
B. Behind bad luck comes good luck,
C. Nothing is impossible1 to a willing heart. f
D. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
How can you recognize a British, a German, and a Frenchman, apart from their accents and names?
There are ways people dress, but they are very complex and would take a lot of time to explain. Some items of clothing are just more popular in some countries than in others. For example, Germans often wear sandals(凉鞋)with their socks op,which is something a Frenchman would normally never do. In Berlin, where I live, people don’t really dress as smart as they would in Paris or London. The Germans have a reputation for not caring so much about their outward appearance — as long as the clothes are comfortable, they’re happy! They also seem to love sportswear more than people anywhere else.
The French cannot queue while the British just seem to love it. French people are always late, British people are always .on time and the Germans are always early.
French people use their hands a lot more when they speak, and take a lot more time to;say something. French people care k lot how things are done or said. The British do care how things are done and said, but only in a context of politeness. The Germans just care how things are done. The French and the British seem to care more how things look. for example, food products and packaging.
When it comes to food, for example in a restaurant, a Frenchman would never think of ordering beer with a meal, which is something totally normal for a German^r a'British.
I find the Germans the cleanest and most disciplined in public spaces. The French1 are the worst and the British somehow in between. -'>; . i
28 A ,, ,
A Rv u ^ ^assa^e, how'can we tell the'three kinds of'people apart?
* °y tneir behaviour. u n ,
C Rv tk i by their nicknames.
29.1f a 7 ,e<^1〇Ur 〇f.theirSkinJ」 ^D. By their facial expressions.
is ressed in casual clothes ,v where does he* probably! come from? ’
* rance. B. Germany. * C. ^Britain. D. India.
■ What can youilearn from the passage? ’
German people care more how things look;
B. Frenchmen are strictly,in order; when'queuing’ for food.:,、
C. Britishi people are always likely-to care how'things are done and said/ 〇ftthe>three kindsrof people, the Germans are^the most self-controlled in public.
31. How does author explain his* ideas? r
* A;,(Byj giving numbers^ itBirBy giving logical>reasoning. ■ -■
C. By making a comparison. J-D.-vBy making a detailed description,
Remembering things is an important function tof 'our brain r—af we can9t recall-how to do something, we can?t survive. If you think; about it, there is .so much we have to remember. It5s no surprise that sometimes we" are forgetful. ^
Memory allows the brain to Store and recall j information when required. Our short-term .memory can hold a small amount of information for a short time,while our long-term memory* can)hold1 an
unlimited amount of information for a lohg.time.VOur memory is amazing, but why do we still forget
things? ! 、.……'
ItJs possible we don^ always store information in our memory effectively , maybe because we are in a,;rush or we consider it:;OTekvant^atf;the;.time.;(iWhen fwe store information, we ofteni make connections with other, things, whiph( helps us .recall it later. , If lyoudon^t have these connections, then it can 1be] easier to/orgeUqWriting^fo^the Science Focus , Luis^Villazon^ays, " It is also possible that memories become, ydim,. oyer time^. As .they have, not i been .revisited, their biological 4 traced becomes lost. V.J^s true that if you don^ perform a task for a long period of time, it can be difficult to recall how(.to do it.(i
But sometimes even our short-term(lmemoryj can let [us down. ,This is,called H The Doorway Effect". Writing for the Future website, psychologist Tom Stafford explains that this " occurs because we change both the physical and:mental environments, moving to a different room and thinking about different things". Put simply, we are trying to spin too many plates at the same time. So, if you forget thingsteasily , it could be because you have too much in your mind.」
But we do need to keep our memory sharp by continually using it. Especially when we beyond our 50s, our brains tend to shrink in volume. That’s when we’re at more risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.
However, as Luis Villazon says, "Forgetting is notj alwaysta bad thing! It would i, waste resources if we remembered every detail of the world around us." .
32. What is the function of memory?
A. To memorize things only.
B. To use and exercise our brain.
C. To store information in computers.
* D. To store information and recall it when necessary.
33. What does the underlined word 11 diihM in'Paragraph^ mean?, ;
A. Unclear^ : B-Strong. C. Hard: D: Simple;1
34. Which action maybe belongs to ,! The'Doorway Effect11 ^
A. You find it hard to recite all (the teacher said.
■B. You forget the money you hid under the bed 10 years ago..
C. You don t know What to order when you are fih,thef restaurantJ
i D. You suddenly cant xem^mbef what;toi(lo as soon as you ^et hom^i- 35- What is the best title of the passage? ' ; t
A. How our brain works? 1 B; Why we forget? ^
C. Memory and diseases ^1 J ' D] Long-term memory and short-term memoiy
I据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填火空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。
We all see and^hear about extraordinaiy jpeople around :us and wonder why we can^t ^be more like them? 36 I dont think so. It?s not the big things that make someone extraordinary. frIt is the small things. Here are some smallrthings that extraordinary people do every day:
37 My friends boss made a huge mistake. However,' he bravely apologized^to the team for not including'Uherrii in the decision t-making^ Eventuallyv j he ■ not oiily gained the respect of his teammates, also gained credit.
They apologize when needed.; We all make mistakes^ but*what makes a person big is when he is ready to apologize. Don’t try to'hide behirid excuses: "rdidn’t mean to say it. 11 "38 ^They-are open to criticism(批评).That you’rei the boss doesn’t mean you aie right every time."It doesii’t mean you have the best idea. Learn toJback-up your decisionsvwith reason. 39 t By doing this your decisions might invite criticism, but you will also get an opportunity to improve.
They are expressive. They don^ bottle up their emotionsi > 40 Then they ^will : criticize someone for not working hard or congratulate someone on their twonderful performance.r
A. Don9t try to shift blame. 1
B. They admit their mistakes1
C. They don’t ignore their mistakes.:I '
D. They feel something and they express it.
E. Use logic to explain things, not authority,
F. Try to move, others with your life experience.
G. Sometimes we think that absurd and unachievable
第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 曰
佳选项 :1 1 •
WeVe all heard the stories of an actor's struggles before a career breakthrough.' ^
star of "A DogVWay Home-,' has a hard-luck tale that could top them-all Before her ^41_, she
was living in a landfill, - 42 -through'garbage for^ ! •
Shelby, 43 .〇;n^pril2〇17, ^en-a^al-cont^
Cheatham Cou^uhler saw and Approachedi what■ she recalled as a _45_ scared P PPy-
2021-2022学年下学期期末测评试卷高二英语$ 6瓦(共8瓦)
knelt down and just said, ' Oh, come here, baby,' " ,said Buhler. " She was so 46J but she came right up,to me, and I was able ,to put her in my truck. " The pair headed to the county animal 47 , where the staff began calling the new resident Baby Girl..
3,200 kilometers away, Hollywood was 48 a dog tdlPlay Bella in a.film, The find-a-Bella job went to trainer Miller. Her 49 wassto search shelters'for a dog that could play Bella; (One day, Miller」0 Baby GirPs adoption photo. " 51 ;, it was a really good picture, and she
was flat-out smiling," Miller said., Then she met Baby Girl,and,assessed her,on, ,52 ] and
through tests further evaluate her multiple abilities to 53 „ to simple commands. After all these and overall 54 her, she adopted Baby Girl from the shelter, 55 her Shelby and took her
for training. Miller and Shelby trained for just over three months before 56 began. Theritthey
were together each day on the set. ....
Most' 57' about the film have'praised Shelby JThey made'the. 58 * "an amazing'dog" ! Shelby has come a long way from the garbage. But Buhler said when she saw Shelby recendy she just needed only a second to ;59 -»the movie star tofthe dog she found from'piles of trash. " She's .60 the same," Buhler said. I
41. A. age .B.r-year . C.,(time .D. life,,-:
42. A. surviving • iB. i obtaining C.'researching ? D,; digging"
43. A. trouble lB, challenge 丨 C. transformation ;D. sympathy
44. A. driving B. walking C. riding D, hiking
45. A. secretly, noticeably Ci Completely.. D. positively
46. A. frightened excited l C.- disappointed D, happy :
47. A. government B. shop- C. clinic u D. shelter
48; A, paying for L B•丨 thinking of C* looking-for . 'talking about
49. A. plan B. advice ^ C./ dream1 D. mission
50. A, spotted collected Cl'J recognized ^ D:; selected
51. A. Fortunately lB. Honesdy C- (Eventually D. Naturally
52. A. expression B. colour C. price D. personality
53. A. stick B. respond C, contribute ^ ■?. D. «tie
54. A. assessing B. chatting C* checking : D. teaching
55. A. recommended B. voted C. renamed D. suggested
56. A. shooting B. leaving adopting D.t playing
57. A. suggestions B. advice C. reports i D_ prediction
58. A. decision B. conclusion C. wish i D, comment
59. A. remember B. recall ;C:; relate . D. comfort -
60. A, hardly B. exactly C." naturally D. gradually lk
第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)'.W 、 '
The Chinese team 61 (total) won 18 gold medals, 20,silvers and 23 bronzes at Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Garn^s, ■ 62 (rank),first in both the gold count and the overall medal count at the Games. It is the first time in the history that the Chinese team _63_ ( achieve); such a good result in the Gaines. 64 among the 96 Chinese-athletes, 85 participants whose average age is 25 took part in the Games for the first time, they made history. Given the fact that China won
its first Winter Paralympic gold medal at the 2018 Winter Games , rthe nation has surprised the world. * i; • 1 ;
If Beijing 2018 started a new chapter, of growth for the Paralympics, then Beijing 2022 has marked a new dawn for the Paralympic WinterjGames,according 65 International Paralympic Committee Andrew Parsons at the closing ceremony.
n We hope the great 66 ( perform ) of the Chinese athletes at the (,,Beijing,丨Winter
Paralympics will encourage more people with disabilities …67 ■,( get) out of their homes and do sports. And through sports, they can ^ 68 (involve) iin our society>said Chairman Xi;
Chairman Xi added, To host a.successful Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics is a solemn (庄严的)comrriitment of China. China will organize a safe and splendid Olympic Games 69 offers a stage for winter sport athletes from around the world to pursue sporting^excellence; This will not only help achievei ,70 goal^of building a healthy China, buHalso inject confidence and strength into the GOVID-19-plagued world. n 1
第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) G
第一节短文改错(共10小题,每小题+分,满分10分} v :假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。‘文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词纟 删除:把多余的词用斜线(V)划掉。
注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词〇 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,
Two years ago, I became^crazy about ^computer gamesJ^Pplayed it all day long not' only on weekends and also on weekdays,' I lost'interest1 in my study and'I was often1 absent of schools'My parents got extreme worried. They tried to' persuade me into1 quitting play games, but I wouldri^ give up my bad Habit. Later my English teacher1 gave me usome advice on how to 3get rid of bad habit/ After listed the disadvantages of playing computer games on a piece of paper ,11 stuck it on my bed and tried to remember them. Beside the list were my effective schedule what I followed strictly. Since I put my heart into studying^ I had taken the lead in*our school.1"
第二节书面表达(满分25分)_ 1 :
1 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Tom来信说近些年来新冠疫情肆虐全球,想向你咨询二下
你是如何有效地预防它的。 '
内容包括:1.预防新冠肺炎的具体措施;2. /类对疫情的1反思。’
注意:1•词数100左右; '
^ 2•可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯?
Dear Tom,
Yours, Li Hua
2022-2023学年河南省郑州市巩义市巩义市市直高级中学高二上学期11月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省郑州市巩义市巩义市市直高级中学高二上学期11月期中英语试题含答案,文件包含河南省郑州市巩义市巩义市市直高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题原卷版docx、河南省郑州市巩义市巩义市市直高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。
2023-2024学年河南省郑州市中牟县高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年河南省郑州市中牟县高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含河南省郑州市中牟县2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、河南省郑州市中牟县2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。
2023-2024学年河南省郑州市中牟县高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年河南省郑州市中牟县高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含河南省郑州市中牟县2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、河南省郑州市中牟县2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题答案版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。