英语五年级上册unit 1 My familyLesson 5 Having Fun Together教学设计
这是一份英语五年级上册unit 1 My familyLesson 5 Having Fun Together教学设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教材分析,教学对象分析,教学目标,教学重,教学准备,教学流程图,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Lesson 5 Having Fun together一、教材分析:本课是冀教版小学英语三年级起始版五年级上册第一单元第五课。本课围绕“我的家庭一起娱乐以及喜欢干什么”为主题展开,是本单元大话题“My Family”的重要组成部分。有了本单元前四课的学习作为铺垫,学生学习本课时有发挥想象用英语进行交流的空间,为培养学生的综合语言运用能力打下基础。二、教学对象分析:本课的授课对象为五年级的小学生,他们活泼可爱,已经有了一定的语言基础,再通过前4课关于家庭这个大话题的学习,学生学习本课应该比较容易。但是,五年级是小学英语的转折点,他们开始接触比较长的篇章学习和英语写作,所以本课在进行写作渗透时会是一个难点。三、教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:A、学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:we, family, film, watch a filmB、学生能认读、理解并运用这些基本的句型结构:My family likes to...We like to...C、学生能熟悉字母组合ay, ai及字母a在单词中的发音及其规则。2、情感态度目标:A、教育学生关心家人的喜好并经常和家人一起运动。B、培养学生通过合作、体验、创设情境等途径乐于学习,敢于开口的情感。3、学习策略目标:培养学生通过勇于用英语进行口语表达来奠定写作基础的学习策略。四、教学重、难点:重点:学生能认读、理解并灵活运用这些基本的句型结构:My family likes to...We like to...难点:能综合所学进行一段话的口语表述并为写作打好基础。五、教学准备:多媒体课件、手偶六、教学流程图:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm-up Greetings.T:Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?T: How’s the weather today? Ss: Hello, Miss Yu. I’m fine, thanks. And you?Ss: It’s… 与学生用进行简单地交流,营造英语氛围。Let’s sing a song.I Love My FamilySing I Love My Family通过唱英语歌的活动让每个学生都参与进来,并且复习前几课关于家庭的重点单词,创造和谐轻松的教学氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。 Step 2Lead inPuppets:Danny: What does your family like to do?Li Ming: My family likes to have fun together.(板书:Having Fun Together)The students answer what Li Ming’s family like to do. Read the title after the teacher.手偶对话导入能极大地调动学生的学习兴趣,注意力高度集中,学习效率高。 Step 3Learn Part1 1.Let’s play a game. Look at the pictures and guess the phrase.Look at the pictures and guess the phrase.五年级的孩子喜欢挑战自己的智慧,积极开动脑筋应用所学知识猜短语。2.What does your family like to do?My family likes to…经过上面的猜短语环节再来回答这个问题就显得很简单。3.Read the text quickly and answer Danny’s questions. Now you are Li Ming, try to answer the question.What do you like to do at the zoo?What do you like to do in the park?初读课文,回答问题,培养跳读能力和快速阅读的能力。4.Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. What do you like to do at the cinema?2. What do you like to do on the farm?再读课文,加深对文本的理解和熟练度。 5Ask and answer. What do you like to do? We like to…The students try to write down on Part2. Pairwork 是对以上所学语言的有效训练。6.Read the text after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Read the text after the tape. 三读课文,有声模仿,培养良好的语音语调,并对文本有完整的理解。 7. Talk about what your family likes to do.Talk about my family likes to do.此环节是本课重要的拓展练习和输出的过程,体现了学生的综合语言运用能力。 Step4 Learn Part 3 Teach the sounds of “ay, ai, a” in the same way. First ,show the word day, and ask the students guess the sounds of “ay”, then teach it.The students guess the sounds of “ay, ai, a”. And they try to read the new words according to the rules of the sounds.学生掌握字母组合的发音规则,有利于他们认读更多的单词,从而提高学习效率。Step5 class closingWatch an advertisement Family.The students watch the advertisement and try to answer that what every letter means in family.感情升华,学生深刻理解家庭的重要意义并更加爱父母、爱家人、了解家人的爱好! Step 6 Homework Try to recite the text.Try to write down a passage about your family.Remember the homework.作业是课堂教学的延伸,合理的恰当的作业是有效复习消化语言的途径。七、板书设计:Lessson5 Having Fun Together have fun togetherMy family likes to watch a film We like to watch the animals Plant vegetables at/on/in… Fly kites
这是一份英语五年级上册Lesson 5 Having Fun Together公开课教案,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学用具,教学步骤和建议,HmewrkPPT18等内容,欢迎下载使用。
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这是一份鲁科版 (五四制)五年级上册Lesson 2 They are having a basketball match.精品教案,共2页。教案主要包含了教学目标,课文情景简介,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。