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高中Lesson 3 Internet and Friendships教学设计
展开Internet and Friendships | ||||||||||||||
一、教学内容分析 | ||||||||||||||
本课内容是北师大英语必修四的第四单元第三课阅读课,是本单元教学的核心部分。首先,本课延续本单元探讨信息技术这一话题,探讨网络与人的关系,即网络对友谊的影响;其次,本课文章选材新颖,通过两篇博客帖子的形式去吸引学生阅读,且两篇文章分别论述网络对友谊是积极影响还是消极影响,不仅话题贴近学生生活,更容易引发学生的思考和讨论;最后,本课话题选择上引导学生讨论过程中能够发人深省,鼓励学生去正确认识网络的利弊,更好地利用网络加强人与人之间的友谊和联系。 | ||||||||||||||
二、教学目标 | ||||||||||||||
Students can master the key words and expressions about the Internet and Friendships.
(1) Students get to know how to get the main idea of a passage and the topic sentences of each arguments; (1) Students can develop the reading skills about argumentation as well as the ability to develop their own arguments.
(1)Students can critically view the question that the Internet helps or harms friendships; (2)Students can realize how important of friendships are to people’s lives, as well as how great influence the Internet has on friendships; (3)Students can realize how important of friendships are to people’s lives, as well as how great influence the Internet has on friendships; (4)Students may feel patriotic and will be inspired to use the Internet smartly and properly. | ||||||||||||||
三、学习者分析 | ||||||||||||||
高一下学期的学生在学习英语由初中到高中的过渡阶段即将完成,智力发展趋于成熟,认知能力有了进一步发展,逐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,逐渐形成用英语思维和表达的能力; 学生学习英语的方法上也从死记硬背开始转向理解应用到实际中来,通过任务型课堂活动,学生在自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,更愿意主动地参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体。 | ||||||||||||||
四、教学策略选择与设计 | ||||||||||||||
针对本课主要是英语阅读教学,采用的基本教学策略是任务型教学和多媒体辅助教学。本课时教学设计上以学生为中心,充分调动发挥学生的积极性和参与性,通过多媒体创设情境,让学生自己讨论、交流、思考,培养学生在阅读论述性文章中读取论点论据的能力,同时培养塑造学生正确的情感取向和价值观,充分将德育渗透在学科教学中。 | ||||||||||||||
五、教学重点及难点 | ||||||||||||||
教学重点: (1) Students have a better understanding of the effect the Internet have on relationships, especially on friendships; (2) Students can realize the importance of not only the Internet but also friendships in their life. 教学难点:
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六、教学过程 | ||||||||||||||
教师活动 | 学生活动 | 设计意图 | ||||||||||||
warm-up: Share a video about the question“what is Internet” | Students watch the video and then answer the question“what is Internet and why is it a big part of our lives” | 观看英语原声视频,不仅激发学生兴趣,也更直观地帮助导入话题,容易让学生开始沉浸入英语学习的氛围。 | ||||||||||||
Ask students what they usually use the Internet for. Have students look at some pictures about talk about it. | Students look at the apps and talk about what they are used for. | 通过学生谈论常用的网络应用,将网络与生活联系起来,自然过渡引起学生共鸣,使这一话题充满趣味性和话题性,方便进一步引发学生思考和讨论。 | ||||||||||||
Ask students to discuss about their opinion on the topic “Does the Internet help or harm friendships” | Students have a brief discussion and volunteer to talk about their opinions. | 分组讨论利于培养学生语言交际能力和自主思考学习能力,充分调动学生积极性和创造性; 阅读前引导学生思考讨论,便于阅读文章时对比自己的表达思路; 有利于引导学生辩论性看待这一话题。 | ||||||||||||
Give students 3 minutes to read the first blog with tasks to find main idea of the passage as well as the topic sentences for each argument; Check volunteers’ answers, correct them if necessary.
| Students scan the first blog and find the topic sentences for each argument and their supporting details; Volunteers report their answers one by one.
| 任务型阅读理解,通过让学生读取文章大意、查找论点主题句和支撑信息,锻炼学生的获取信息能力; 在学生主动报告题目的阅读信息时通过多媒体图文去引导学生思考该论点,为读后的辩论环节做好铺垫。 | ||||||||||||
Ask students if they agree with Robert's opinion in the first blog. | Students express their approval or disapproval. | 激发学生阅读兴趣去阅读第二篇博客,同时也启发学生辩证性思考问题。 | ||||||||||||
Give students 3 minutes to read the second blog with tasks to find main idea of the passage as well as the topic sentences for each argument;Check volunteers’ answers, correct them if necessary.
| Students scan the second blog and find the topic sentences for each argument and their supporting details; Volunteers report their answers one by one.
| 通过任务型阅读理解,让学生读取文章大意、查找论点主题句和支撑信息,锻炼学生的获取信息能力; 引导学生去发现两篇文章论述观点的文章发展结构; 通过多媒体图文去引导学生思考该论点,为读后的辩论环节做好铺垫。 | ||||||||||||
Draw a picture and compare the way of developing such an essay to the structure of a house, with main idea as its roof, arguments as pillars and the conclusion as the bottom.
| Students look at the picture and figure out the pattern that can be used to develop an essay of argumentation. | 通过图形总结文章结构更直观,有利于学生形象地理解并掌握论述性文章的发展顺序,为学生表达和写作奠定基础。 | ||||||||||||
List a question “It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships. What does these refer to? Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not.” Have students discuss in groups; Have volunteers answer the question and give their reasons. | Students have to go back to the first blog and find the target sentences, after which a discussion about whether they agree with the statement.; Volunteers report their opinions and give reasons. | 对文章中句意理解提出问题,锻炼学生阅读理解中信息处理能力和细节阅读能力; 让学生讨论是否同意该论述,不仅启发学生的辩证性思维,也引导学生进行英语表达,让学生形成自主学习能力,调动学生对英语表达的兴趣。 | ||||||||||||
Have students discuss about whether the Internet helps or harms friendships; Have students go on a debate to express their opinions freely and finally ask representatives to conclude their opinions. | Students are divided into two groups to have a debate on whether the Internet helps or harms friendships. Students from each group give a brief conclusion of their debate. Winners of the debate should be announced.
| 通过组织学生分组辩论,最后由双方代表给出总结,可以充分调动学生参与讨论的积极性和热情,充分发挥学生学习英语的主观能动性,让学生成为课堂的主角。 | ||||||||||||
Comment on the performance of the students’ debate; Lead students to draw a conclusion of the topic and encourage students to use the Internet properly.
| Students draw a conclusion of the topic and decide to use the Internet properly and smartly.
| 表扬学生的辩论表现,增强学生课堂参与的信心和积极性;引导学生辩证思考这一问题,鼓励学生树立正确的价值观,启发学生认识到该如何正确利用好网络。 | ||||||||||||
Show students the homework. | Students have to write a composition about the advantages or disadvantages of online friendship after class.
| 通过课后写话题作文,不仅让学生对课堂讨论内容进行思考和总结,也在课堂上锻炼了学生的口语能力、阅读能力之后,加强了学生的写作能力。 | ||||||||||||
七、教学评价设计 | ||||||||||||||
评价内容 | 学生自评 | 学生互评 | 教师评价 | |||||||||||
优 | 良 | 中 | 差 | 优 | 良 | 中 | 差 | 优 | 良 | 中 | 差 | |||
课堂内容呈现 |
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学生参与课堂表现 |
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作业态度 |
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知识掌握 |
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综合评价 |
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八、板书设计 | ||||||||||||||
Internet and Friendships
Positive Aspects Negative aspects | ||||||||||||||
九、教学反思 | ||||||||||||||
本课时充分利用了多媒体和网络资源,调动了学生的自主学习积极性,使课堂活跃起来,让学生的阅读能力、口语能力都得到充分的锻炼;在处理文章多个论点,两篇文章时,运用多媒体让枯燥的论述充满趣味性,同时又兼顾知识性和思想性,启发激起学生的探讨兴趣;最后对于网络这一双刃剑话题的辩论,引导学生辩证性思考和看待问题,启发学生要正确运用网络,树立正确的价值观和人生观,以知识为载体渗透德育和思想教育。 | ||||||||||||||
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