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    英语北师大版 (2019)Lesson 1 The Underdog教学设计

    这是一份英语北师大版 (2019)Lesson 1 The Underdog教学设计,共15页。

    1.athlete n.运动员→athletic adj.运动的→athletics n.田径运动
    2. frequency n.发生的频率,发生率→frequent adj.经常的 → frequently adv.频繁地;经常
    3.prefer vt. 较喜欢,更喜欢→preference n.偏好,喜好→preferable adj. 更可取的,更合适的
    5.bwling n.保龄球→ bwl n.碗 v.(草地滚球戏或保龄球运动中)滚球,投球
    6.balance n.[U,sing.]均衡,平衡;[U]平衡能力→balanced adj.保持(或显示)平衡的
    8.regularly adv.经常;定期地→regular adj.规律的;规则的→regulatin n.规则→regulatevt.约束;控制;管理
    Lessn 1
    1.inspiratinn.激励;灵感→inspirevt.鼓励;激励→inspiringadj. 令人鼓舞的→inspired adj. 感到鼓舞的
    2.replacement n.替换的人(物)→ replace vt.代替
    3.sharply adv.严厉地,毫不客气地;猛烈地→sharp adj.急剧的,猛烈的;尖的,锋利的;adv.(时间)整点→sharpen vi.&vt.(使)变得锋利→sharpener n.[C] 磨具,削具
    4.energy n.精力,活力→energetic adj.有活力的
    6.clap vt.&vi.鼓掌,拍手→ clapping [现在分词] → clapped[过去式] → clapped[过去分词]
    ★课标词 ▲高频词
    ▲★1. prefer vt. 更喜欢,喜欢……多于…… (preferred , preferred , preferring)
    prefer ding sth./t d sth. 更喜欢做某事
    prefer sb. t d sth. 希望某人做某事
    prefer A t B 与B相比更喜欢A(t为介词)
    prefer ding A t ding B 与做B相比更喜欢做A
    prefer t d A rather than (t) d B (=wuld rather d A than d B/
    wuld d A rather than d B)宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
    prefer + that从句 希望/更喜欢……(从句谓语常用“shuld +动词原形”,shuld可以省略)
    ▶We can eat ut if yu like, but I wuld prefer staying/ t stay in.
    ▶I prefer t walk there rather than g by car. =I wuld rather walk there than g by car.
    ▶They preferred the mney (shuld) be used fr building schls and hspitals.
    1. prefer意为“更喜欢”,相当于 like better,因此不能再与比较级连用
    2. prefer不能用于进行时
    3. 要注意区分 prefer的搭配中t为不定式符号还是介词
    preferable adj. 更可取的,更合适的
    preference n. [C,U]偏好,喜好;[C]偏爱的事物,最喜爱的东西
    have a preference fr sth. 偏爱某物 in preference t 而不是
    [语境串记]I prefer the preferable suggestin yu mentined in the bk in preference t the wrds yu tld me yesterday. 我更喜欢你在书中提到的那个更可取的建议,而不是你昨天告诉我的那些话。
    ①(浙江高考单项填空改编) We mst prefer saying/t say (say) yes t the requests f smene we knw and like.
    ②They prefer t put (put) ff the birthday party till next Sunday rather than (t) hld (hld)it withut the presencef their manager.
    ③(浙江高考单项填空改编) Pepledevelp a preference fr a particular style f learning at an early age and these preferences affect learning. (prefer)
    ④I am busy preparing fr the finalexaminatin. I prefer that yu(shuld) cme (cme)tmrrw rather than tday.
    ⑤I prefer the schl unifrm t the traditinal Chinese dress at the welcmeceremny next mnth.
    ⑥I can’t say which type f tea tastes better. It’s just a matter f persnal preference prefer.
    ⑦(2018·江苏阅读理解改编) Time ismney, but that principle means differentthings fr different types f restaurants. Unlike fast-fd places, fine dining shpsprefer custmers t stay (stay)lngerand spend.
    2. rather than
    【用法归纳】rather than意为“而不是……”,常用于连接平行结构,它连接的并列成分可以是动词、动词不定式、名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、v-ing或句子等。
    ▶He is a sailr rather than an explrer.他是一个海员,而不是一个探险者。(连接两个名词)
    ▶He is kind- hearted rather than flish.他是好心,而不是傻。(连接两个形容词)
    ▶He asked me hw I fund the hle rather than hw I escaped.
    l. rather than连接两个不定式时,后一个不定式常省略t,但rather than位于句首时,跟不带t的动词不定式。
    ▶He wanted t swim rather than play vlleyball.他想去游泳,而不是打排球。
    ▶Rather than stay here, I prefer t leave.我宁愿离开也不愿待在这里。
    2. rather than连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词应与 rather than前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致,即“就远原则”。具有相同用法的词语还有aswell as,with, besides等。
    ▶Yurather than I are ging t g camping.要去野营的是你,而不是我。
    ▶The father rather than the brthers is respnsible fr the accident.为这起事故负责的是那个父亲,而不是那些兄弟。
    1.(浙江高考单项填空改编) Facing up tyur prblems rather than running (run) away frm them is the bestapprach t wrking things ut.
    2.(2020·四川省南充高级中学月考)Iprefer t stay at hme all night t make upthe lst time rather than watch (watch) TV prgrams.
    3. Yu rather than yur sister are (be) t run the shp after yur parents retire.
    4.(安徼高考单项填空改编) What weexpect frm yu is wrking hard ratherthan hardly wrking (wrk).
    ▲★3. diet
    a balanced/ healthy diet一种均衡/健康的饮食
    be n a diet节食(表状态)
    g n a diet节食(表动作)
    ▶T keep healthy, we must have a balanced diet.为了保持健康,我们必须有一个均衡的饮食。
    ▶My sister is n a diet, but she can’t resist the temptatin f sweet fd.我的姐姐在节食,但她抵制不住甜食的诱惑。
    ▶Many peple have cme t realize that they shuld g n a diet and spare sme time frexercise in their daily life.
    ▶She’s always dieting but she never seems t lse any weight.她总是在节食,但体重好像从未减少。
    1.(2020·黑龙江哈三中期末) He must ben a diet (节食). He lksmuch thinner than he used t be.
    2. Plants need water and sunlight t grwwell. Similarly, healthy bdy requiresa balanced diet(均衡的饮食).
    3. As a matter f fact, yu can’t expect tlseweight simply byging n a diet/ dieting.(节食)
    4. make it
    ▶The little by tried mre than nce and made it at last.小男孩试了不止一次,终于成功了。
    ▶Nice t see yu.I’m glad yu culd make it.见到你真好。我很高兴你能来。
    ▶I’m afraid I can’t make it t the meeting tmrrw.恐怕我明天不能出席会议了。
    ▶The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we will never make it.再过二十分钟飞机就起飞了,我们无论如何也赶不上了。
    ▶Fr many wh made it t Dawsn, hwever, the rewards were wrth the difficult trip.
    【练习】判断下列句子中 make it的含义
    ①What a strng wind I dn’t think we will make it t the airprt n time. 准时到达
    ②After s many years f hard wrk in the field f music, she finally made it. 获得成功
    ③I’m really srry that I wn’t be able t make it n Sunday after all. 能够出席(或到场)
    5. try ut fr参加……选拔(或试演)
    ▶These teams are ging t try ut fr the Olympic Games这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。
    ▶She is trying ut fr the schl play.她正在参加学校戏剧演员甄选。
    try n试穿 try fr力争赢得 try ut(nsb.)测试,试验,试用(某人)
    try ne’s best尽某人最大的努力
    ①While hetried ut frthe freshmanbasketball team in highschl, Michael didn’t make it as a member.
    ②The by’s dream was t have his wn labratry ttry ut sme f his wn ideas.
    ③Why nttry nthat suit t see if itmatches yur shirt?
    ▲★5. desire
    (1)n. 愿望,渴望,欲望
    have a desire fr/ t d sth. 渴望得到某物/做某事
    ▶He has a strng desire t jin the army. 他非常渴望参军。
    ▶His desire is that he (shuld) visit the Great Wall smeday.他的愿望是有一天能参观长城。
    (2)v. 渴望,期望,想望
    desire t d sth. 渴望做某事
    desire sb. t d sth. 渴望某人做某事
    desire + that从句希望……
    ▶We always desire t live in peace with ur neighbrs.我们一直希望能与我们的邻居和睦相处。
    ▶She desires that he (shuld) cme at nce. She desires him t cme at nce. 他想让他马上过来。
    【注意】当 desire (意为“渴望,期望”)作动词后接宾语从句,以及 desire作名词后接同位语从句或表语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语用“shuld+动词原形”,shuld可以省略。
    ▶He desires that his bk (shuld) reach as many peple as pssible.他期望他的书能引起尽可能多的人的注意。
    [语境串记] My daughter is nw a senir high schl student. She desires/has a desire that she (shuld) be admitted t a famus university. Besides, she has a strng desire t majr in English while I desire her t study medicine in the future. But nw she desires t have a gd time in the cming summer hliday. 我的女儿现在是一名高中生。她渴望被一所著名的大学录取。此外,她非常渴望主修英语,而我希望她将来学医。但是现在她渴望在即将到来的暑假中过得愉快。
    ①(2020·厦门福建校级月考)Even s, she impressed the wrld with her curage and strng desire t succeed (succeed).
    ②Fashin is a cmpetitive and hard business where peple’s desire fr new ideas is hard t satisfy.
    ③Actually, all f us desire t achieve (achieve) success, but smetimes ur actins dn’t crrespnd with(与……一致) what we desire.
    ④We desire that immediate help (shuld) be given (give) t the lcal villagers wh have been suffering frm the rising fldwater.
    The ld wman desires her daughter t cme and see her frm time t time. 或 The ld wman desires that her daughter
    (shuld)visit her nw and then.
    6. pay ff
    ▶With the help f a lt f peple, ur plan paid ff.在很多人的帮助下,我们的计划成功了。
    ▶All his effrts have paid ff and his dream has cme true.他所有的努力都得到了回报,他的梦想实现了。
    ▶The pr cuple wrked hard day and night in rder t pay ff their debts. 这对可怜的夫妇日夜努力工作以偿清债务。
    pay back还钱;报复 pay fr...支付……的钱;为……付出代价
    ①Our teachers ften tell us that every minute we spend n studying will finally pay ff in the near future.
    ②J.K. Rwling spent many hurs in a warm cafe because she had n mney t pay fr the heating at hme.
    [高频短语]7. keep up with
    ▶I had t walk fast t keep up with him. 我要快走才能跟上他。
    ▶Jack is having truble keeping up with the rest f the class. 杰克很难跟上班里的其他同学。
    ▶She still kept up with her classmates after graduatin. 毕业后她仍然与她的同班同学保持联系。
    keep ff (sb./sth.)让开,不接近;使……不接近
    keep away (frm) 远离……,避免接近……
    keep n (ding sth.) 继续(做某事)
    keep sth. back抑制(或阻止)感情等的流露
    ①Tday the students in the cuntryside shuld have easy access t cmputers t keep up with the mdern times.
    ②Prper physical exercise enables the yuth t wrk effectively and t keep away frm disease.
    ③Deeply mved by the play, she culd hardly keep back her tears.
    ▲★8. earn
    (1)vt. 赢得,博得
    earn sb. sth.为某人赢得某物
    earn a reputatin赢得声誉
    earn the respect/ trust f sb. 赢得某人的尊敬/信任
    ▶His utstanding ability earned him a place n the team. 他非凡的能力为他在队中赢得了一席之地。
    earn ne’s/a living短语中的ne’s和a不能换成the,且 living只能用单数形式。
    ▶Yur effrts will earn yu a gd reputatin.你的努力将会为你赢得佳誉。
    ▶As a teacher, she had earned the respect f the students.
    (2)vt.&vi. 挣得,赚得
    earn mney(= make mney)赚钱,挣钱
    earn/ne’s living(= make a/ne’s living)谋生
    ▶My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lt by selling the fish.
    ▶The by wanted t earn sme pcket mney by selling newspapers. 这个男孩想通过卖报纸赚一些零花钱。
    ▶She earns her living by teaching at a language schl. 她靠在语言学校教书维持生计。
    ①他决定通过买卖东西来赚钱。He decided t earn mney by buying and selling things.
    ②他现在靠写小说谋生。He nw earns his/a living by writing nvels.
    1. Bgues was nly1.6 metres tall, which made him the shrtest player ever in the NBA.
    Bgues was nly 1.6 metres tall, which made him the shrtest player ever in the NBA.
    主句 which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句
    (2) which引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词既可以是指物的单个的名词或代词,也可以是整个句子或其中的一部分。
    (3) which引导非限制性定语从句时在从句中作主语、宾语或表语等成分,且不能省略。
    (4) which引导非限制性定语从句时,不能换成 that。
    ▶Last night I saw a very gd film, which was abut the Secnd Wrld War.
    昨晚我看了一部非常好的电影,它是关于第二次世界大战的。(which指代的是 a very gd film, 且在从句中作主语)
    ▶The manager said nthing, which made him tenser still.
    经理什么也没说,这使他更加紧张。( which指代的是前面的整个句子,且在从句中作主语)
    ▶These apple trees, which I planted three years ag, have nt brne any fruit.
    这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。( which指代的是apple trees,且在从句中作宾语)
    ▶She is an artist, which I am nt.她是一位艺术家,而我不是。(which指代的是an artist,且在从句中作表语)
    ①(2019·全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解改编)During the rsy years f elementary schl (小学), I enjyed sharing my dlls and jkes,
    which allwed me t keep my high scial status.
    ②(2018·北京单项填空改编) She and her family bicycle t wrk, which helps them keep fit.
    ③(2017·全国Ⅱ卷短文改错改编)In their spare time, they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, which is n the rftp f their huse.
    2. The last quarter was abut t begin, and my team was behind by10 pints. 最后一节即将开始,我们队还落后10分。
    【考点提炼】 be abut t d sth.
    be abut t d sth. 表示“将要做某事”,一般不与具体的表示将来的时间状语连用。常用于“be abut t ”结构,意为“正要做……,这时(突然)……”。
    ▶The train is abut t leave.火车就要开走了。
    ▶She was abut t leave when the teacher came in.她刚要离开,这时老师进来了。
    ①As I was abut t give (give) up hpe, a man driving a dirty ld car came t my aid.
    ②We were abut t climb up t the tp f the muntain when it began t rain heavily.
    3. “I dn’t think I can play anymre, cach,”I said quietly as the dctr put an ice pack n my knee.
    “I dn’t think I can play anymre, cach,” I said quietly as the dctr put an ice pack n my knee.
    省略that的宾语从句,此处用了否定转移 as引导的时间状语从句
    ▶As she grew lder, she gained cnfidence.随着年龄的增长她的信心增强了。
    ▶We all cheered as we watched the natinal flag rising in the Olympic Games n TV.
    ▶As time ges by, his memry seems t get wrse.
    ▶With time ging by, his memry seems t get wrse.
    As China develps, Chinese is becming mre and mre imprtant. 或With the develpment f China, Chinese is becming mre and mre imprtant.
    4. “Well,”said the cach as he hit Paul n the shulder, “yu’ve just earned yur place n the team, big guy!”
    【句式剖析】本句中的as引导时间状语从句,hit Paul n the shulder属于“动词+sb. +介词+the+表示身体部位的名词”结构,该结构用来表示接触某人身体的某一部位。
    +sb. +
    拍,打:pat, strike,hit,beat
    抓:catch, seize, grasp, hld
    n+the+坚硬的部位(如head, shulder,back等)
    by+the+可牵拉的部位(如 hand,arm,ear等)
    ▶Dn’t hit him in the face.不要打他的脸。
    ▶The angry father caught his sn by the arm.那个生气的父亲拽住了儿子的胳膊。
    ▶The naughty by hit the man n the nse.那个淘气的男孩儿打中了那个人的鼻子。
    The little by tk his grandma by the arm and walked her acrss the street.
    An apple fell frm the tree and hit him n the head.
    In Thailand, yu mustn’t tuch smene n the head , even by accident.
    5. What d yu think the cach might have learnt frm his experiences with Paul?
    【句式剖析】本句为特殊疑问句,句中“might have learnt”为“情态动词+have dne”结构。
    【考点提炼】“情态动词+ have dne”结构
    (1) shuld/ ught t have dne表示“本来应该做(但实际上未做)”,含有责备或遗憾的语气;其否定形式 shuld nt/ught nt t have dne表示某种行为本不该发生却发生了。
    ▶Yu are late again. Yu shuld have cme earlier.你又迟到了,你本应该早点来的。
    ▶Yu shuld have gne t the cncert with us yesterday. What a pity!你昨天本该和我们一起去听音乐会的。太遗憾了!
    (2) must have dne表示对过去情况的肯定推测,意为“一定做过”,只用于肯定句。
    ▶It must have rained last night, fr the grund is wet.昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。
    (3)can/ culd have dne用于表示对过去情况的推测,意为“可能做了某事”,一般用于疑问句和否定句(culd have dne还可用于肯定句,表示“本可以做而未做”);其否定形式 can’t/culdn’t have dne sth.表示“过去不可能做了某事”,表示一种非常有把握的推测。
    ▶There is n light in the rm. Can they have gne ut?屋里没有灯光,他们可能出去了吗?
    ▶Mr Smith can’t have gne t Beijing, fr I saw him in the library just nw.
    ▶He culd have passed the exam, but he was t careless.本来他能够通过考试的,但是他太粗心了。
    (4)may/ might have dne表示对过去情况不肯定的推测,意为“过去可能做了某事”。
    ▶Yu may have read abut it in the newspapers.你可能已经在报上看过这个消息了。
    (5) needn’t have dne表示“本不必做某事(而实际上做了)”,一般不用 need have dne的形式。
    ▶Yu needn’t have tld me the news. I have already knwn it.你本不必告诉我这个消息的。我已经知道了。
    ①—Oh, I just missed the last bus back hme.
    —That’s really bad. I’m sure yu culd have caught (catch) it, but yu just didn’t hurry up.
    ②(2019·江苏阅读理解改编) At sme time in the past Yellwstne must have blwn (blw) up with a vilence far beynd the scale (规模) f anything knwn t humans.
    ③—Is it Mr Smith?
    —There isn’t any Mr Smith here. Yu must have dialed the wrng number.
    Mr White shuld/ught t have arrived at 8:30 am fr the meeting, but he didn’t shw up.
    Gerge can’t/culdn’t have gne t far. His cffee is still warm.
    I have taken an umbrella, s yu needn’t have taken anther ne.
    1. When we weren’t playing n the curtwhich/thatwas next t urbuilding, we were watching a game n TV.
    2. Paul’s favurite player was Tyrne Bgues, a guywh/thatplayed fr the Charltte Hrnets, althugh we actually agree thatthey are bth champins.
    3. Everyne knew Paul had real skills, and was smenewhwrked really hard and had a strng desire t play fr the team.
    4. This week, The Lins were playing ur main cmpetitrs,TheBears, a teamwhserecrd this seasn had beenperfect.
    5. Paul didn’t knw he’d sn get the chancewhich/that he’d beenwaiting fr.
    6. And clearly, all the extra hursthathe’d spent practisingalne paid ff.
    限制性定语从句( I )——关系代词
    ①关系代词:that, which, wh, whm, whse, as(本单元讲前五个的用法);②关系副词:when, where, why。
    ▶Here cmes the girl wh wants t see yu.想见你的那个女孩过来了。(wh在从句中作主语)
    ▶He is the man wh I saw yesterday.他就是我昨天见到的人。(wh在从句中作宾语)
    ▶Rse is the persn (whm/wh) yu shuld lk after. 罗丝是你应该照顾的人。
    ▶When I have truble, he is the nly ne t whm I can g fr help.当我有困难时,他是我唯一可以求助的人。
    3. whse指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。
    ▶They rushed ver t help the man whse car had brken dwn. 那个人的车坏了,他们冲过去帮忙。
    4. which一般指物,在定语从句中作主谙或宾语。作宾语时一般可省略。
    ▶China is a cuntry which has a lng histry.中国是一个历史悠久的国家。(which在从句中作主语)
    ▶The package (which) yu are carrying is abut t fall.你拿的包快掉了。( which在从句中作宾语)
    5.that既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时一般可省略。指人时一般可用wh替代,指物时一般可用 which替代。
    ▶The number f peple that/ wh cme t visit this city each year reaches ne millin.
    ▶The chair (that/which) yu brke yesterday is nw being repaired.
    1.宜用that不用 which的情况
    (1)当先行词是all, much, anything, smething, everything, nthing, little, nne等不定代词时。
    ▶She tld me everything that she knew.她把她所知道的一切都告诉了我。
    (2)当先行词被all, n, few, any, little, sme, much, last, nly, very等修饰时。
    ▶I’ve read all the bks that were brrwed frm thers. 我已经读了从别人那儿借来的所有的书。
    ▶Mr Smith is the nly freigner that she knws.史密斯先生是她唯一认识的外国人。
    ▶This is the mst exciting ftball game that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最激动人心的足球比赛。
    ▶The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill. 在桂林他们参观的第一个地方是象鼻山。
    ▶I can remember well the persns and sme pictures that I saw in the rm.
    ▶The freign visitrs spke highly f the yung pineers and their perfrmances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.
    ▶He is n lnger the star that he was.他不再是过去的那位明星了。
    ▶Our schl is n lnger the place that it used t be.我们的学校不再是以前的那所学校了。
    ▶The bkstre prvides us with all the bks we need, which makes us mved.
    ▶I’m lking fr a cntainer in which I can put all these peaches. 我正在找一个能放下所有这些桃子的容器。
    ▶Let me shw yu the nvel that I brrwed frm the library which was newly pened.
    (1)先行词是指人的不定代词时,如ne, anyne, n ne, all, nbdy, anybdy, nne等,或先行词为 thse或被 thse修饰且指人时。
    ▶The student yu shuld learn frm is the ne wh wrks hard and studies well.
    ▶The by that yu met last night is the grup leader wh studiesvery hard.
    ▶The bks that were sld ut in tw weeks were all written byTm. 两周内卖光的那些书都是汤姆写的。
    ▶I’m fnd f the piece f music which was played by Jenny.我喜欢珍妮演奏的那首曲子。
    【注意】“ne f the+可数名词复数+定语从句”结构中,定语从句的谓语动词用复数形式;而“the nly/very/ right ne fthe+可数名词复数+定语从句”结构中,定语从句的谓语动词用单数形式。
    ▶ He is ne f the players wh were presented with themedal.他是被授予了奖章的运动员之一。
    ▶He is the nly ne f the players wh was presented with themedal.他是唯一一位被授予了奖章的运动员。
    Tpic Talk
    1.(2020·广东佛山期末) Nrmally, anathlete (运动员) in sprts like track and field and ball sprts retires in his r her 30s.
    2. It’s imprtant t frm a gd habit f taking exerciseregularly(经常地).
    3. The elevatr brke dwn. That’s why I chse t climb thestairs(楼梯) instead.
    4. Thegym(健身房) is under cnstructin. It wn’t pen t the public until the end f this year.
    5. Wuld yu like t play tennis with me in the schlcurt(球场) this weekend?
    1. I must say I have a strngpreference(prefer) fr classical architecture(建筑).
    2. In sunny days, he prefers t d/ ding(d) sme utdr activities and enjys the warm sunshine.
    3.(2017·天津单项填空改编) Nwadays,cycling(cycle), alng withjgging(jg) and swimming(swim), is regarded as ne f the best all-arund frms f exercise.
    4. I prefer ding sprts with thers tchatting(chat) nline in the rm.
    5. Tm, rather than Jackie, is (be) ging t speak n behalf f ur class in tmrrw’s meeting.
    1.A balanced diet (均衡的饮食) with prper amunt f physical exercise cntributes t a healthy life.
    2. My mther is ntin gd shape (健康状况良好), and has taken up tennis t get fit.
    3. The dctr suggested that I take mre exercise rather thang n a diet(节食) t imprve my pr health.
    1. (2020·江苏盐城期末)Thecrwd(人群) cheered widely at the sight f thechampin(冠军), wh was reprted t have brken the wrld recrd.
    2. It wn’t be easy tdefeat(战胜) the COVID-19(新型冠状病毒肺炎), but if we hang n, we will succeed in the end.
    3. Running a cmpany(公司) is nt a simple matter f hiring peple—they als need t be trained.
    4. Histric sites impress writers with their amazing beauty, which are a great surce finspiratin(灵感).
    5. Wepacked(打包) all the bks in wden bxes s that they wuldn’t get damaged.
    6. Bring anextra(额外的) pencil with yu in case smething ges wrng with this ne during the exam.
    7. He is always full fenergy(活力) as thught he never knew tiredness.
    8. The majrity f the wrkers find it hard t live n the amuntearn(赚得).
    9. The yung by always reprts t his mther hw many hme runs(本垒打) he hits and she always claps(鼓掌)and cheers fr him.
    1.(2020·黑龙江哈三中期末) I have a strng desire t visit (visit) the ld castle whse dr is painted red.
    2. It’s her great desire fr imprvement and willingness t try ut new ideas that have given Drew Faust success in a wrld cntrlled by men.
    3.(2017·北京单项填空改编) The little prblems that we meet in ur daily lives may be inspiratins (inspire) fr great inventins.
    4. Several passers-by came t rescue the passengers immediately when the car crashed int the tree n the radside.
    5. Keep in mind that yur effrt will pay ff. Dn’t let ne r tw failures get yu dwn.
    6. Charles is an expert in repairing bikes. He will nt let yu dwn .
    7. In my pinin, the key t air pllutin is t inspire peple t take (take) public transprt in big cities.
    1.我找不到我的钱包了。我可能昨天把它忘在超市了,但我不确定。(“情态动词+ have dne”结构)
    I can’t find my purse. I can/may/culd/might have left it in the supermarket yesterday, but I’m nt sure.
    I need t lse weight. My clthes dn’t fit anymre
    I was walking in the street when smene patted me n the shulder, which frightened me
    4.我正要做晚饭,这时突然停电了。(be abut t d sth.)
    I was abut t ck my dinner when the pwer was cut ff.
    Tina ften takes ntes as she listens t the teacher in class, which helps her a lt when she ges ver her lessns.
    1.(2020·天津河北区模考) Hw medicine wrks in a humanbdy is a questin that/which nt everyne can understandfully.
    2.(江苏省扬州中学月考) He was the nly ne f the bys wh was late fr class. [注:先行词是ne指人,宜用wh]
    3.(北京四中期末) Please g thrugh the text and underline the wrds whse meanings yu dn’t knw.
    4. —D yu knw everybdy wh came t the party?
    —N. I dn’t knw the ne wh/whm yu had a lng talk with.
    5.(2020·黑龙江哈三中期末) I have seen mst f the greatest buildings in the wrld that are famus n the Internet.
    6.(重庆高考单项填空改编) We’ll reach the sales targets in a mnth that/which we set at the beginning f the year.
    7. The writer and his nvel that yu have just talked abut are really well-knwn.
    8.(2020·上海金山区期末) This nvel is ppular with thse wh were brn in the 1980s.
    9. There is n success withut hard wrk; success is smething that is nly earned after much labr.
    10. She is the teacher frm whm I have brrwed this dictinary.
    11. Accrding t the new plan, students can chse the teacher whse class they wish t take.
    12. He spent his Sunday afternn in the library that/which was built f stne.
    13.(2020·上海金山区期末) The thught f ging back hme was all that kept him happy while he was wrking abrad.
    14. The bk tells stries f the earthquake thrugh the eyes f thse whse lives were affected.
    15. Luckily we’d brught a map withut which we wuld have lst ur way.
    1.I have a friend. He likes listening t classical music.
    I have a friend that/wh likes listening t classical music.
    2. Last week Mary wre the dress. I gave it t her.
    Last week Mary wre the dress that/which I gave t her.
    3. They live in a rm. Its windw faces suth.
    They live in a rm whse windw faces suth.
    4. She wants t visit the village. Her mther likes it best.
    She wants t visit the village that/which her mther likes best.
    5. The ld man likes reading the newspaper every day. Itcntains imprtant infrmatin.
    The ld man likes reading the newspaper that/which cntains imprtantinfrmatin every day.
    Paul and I were n the schl basketball team. Paul’sfavurite player was Tyrne Bgues, a guy (1)wh/that played fr theCharltte Hrnets. Guess why? Paul was nly 1.6 metres high, as tall as Bgues. Being (2) shrter (shrt)than ther players meant he had t practise mre and he used Bgues as his (3) inspiratin (inspire). He said if Bgues culd make it, he culd t. Althugh he had a strng desire (4) t play(play) fr theteam, he was still usually n the bench. That’s (5) really (real) tugh n him. This week, he gt the chance he had been waiting fr. I gt (6)injured (injure) in the cmpetitin. Thecach agreed t give him (7) a sht. We were behind by 10pints then and it was nly 15 minutes befre the cmpetitin ended. The extra hurs Paul spent (8) practising (practise) paid ff and he made sht after sht. We (9) wn (win) by 2 pints with Paul’s help. The cach hit him (10) n the shulder and said
    he had earned his place.

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    高中北师大版 (2019)Lesson 3 Your Life Is What You Make It教案设计: 这是一份高中北师大版 (2019)Lesson 3 Your Life Is What You Make It教案设计,共5页。

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