小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part C教学设计
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Unit 4 What can you do? Part C Story time
【Teaching aims】
1. 语言知识和语言技能目标
(1) 学生能准确朗读故事。
(2) 学生能复述故事经过。
2. 学习策略目标
(1) 学生能在自主阅读中提炼并整合关键信息。
(2) 学生能逐步养成良好的阅读习惯。
3. 情感态度目标
(1) 学生能通过小组活动,学会与他人合作。
(2) 学生能将老鼠蛇口脱险的故事向现实生活迁移,时刻关注生命安全,对陌生人保持警惕。遇险时能冷静自处,积极自救。日常生活中能加强锻炼,学习更多的自救技能。
【Important points】
1. 学生能大声朗读故事、提炼关键信息,理解故事。
2. 学生能根据思维导图及关键词提示,组织语言复述故事,并表演故事。
【Difficult points】
1. 学生能根据关键信息提示,转述故事。
2. 学生能将故事迁移到实际生活中,总结自救方法。
【Teaching procedures】
Part I Ice-breaking
1. Warm- up. 教师通过游戏“Catch”与学生互动,激活课堂。学生右手平放,左手食指朝上,与左右两旁的同学相互连接,听到老师指令“catch”之后,右手尝试抓住同学的左手食指,左手食指尝试躲避同学右手的抓捕。教师可通过动作示范来辅助描述游戏规则。游戏中被抓住的同学将与老师进行对话互动。
T:Before our class, let’s play a game named catch. Put your hands like this, and try to connect with your classmates. When I say one, two, three, catch, the right hand tries to catch, and the left finger tries to go. Got it?
Ss: Yes.
T:One, two, three, catch! Who’s been caught?
Ss: Me.
T: What’s your name?
Ss: …
Part II Brainstorming
1. Lead-in. 承接“catch”游戏,通过与学生交流总结,借助课件动画展示,导入新课。如下:
T: Is the catch game funny?
Ss: Yes, it’s funny.
T: So, catch is a good word or a bad word?
Ss: Good word.
T: Yeah, I think so. If you are beautiful, you will catch people’s eyes. If you work hard, you will catch up with your classmates. But not all the catch is that good or funny, especially when an evil snake catches a little rat. Look! Will the rat die? Or, will the rat win? That’s our story today The Snake and the Rat.
2. Evaluation system. 学生通过课堂表现获取“锦囊妙计”——学生在课堂“密室逃脱”环节中会使用到的工具卡片。
正面 | 反面 |
T: For the following class, try to raise up your hands and share your ideas. Every time you share, you will get a bursa. And here are tips in it. Believe me, the tips are very useful!
3. Free talk. 教师提出问题What can a rat do? What will happen? 围绕故事主角rat和snake展开讨论。
T: Look, here comes a rat. What can a rat do?
Ss: A rat can make a hole.
T: Yes. A rat can make a hole and hide in it, right?
Ss: …
T: And here comes a snake. A rat and a snake, what will happen?
Ss: They will make friends…
4. Picture talk. 教师借助课件,呈现部分故事中的图片,引导学生观察图片中的景物,故事主人公的动作、神态,分析该动作产生的原因,引导学生展开想象,自行组织语言,说图编故事。
T: What can you see in the picture?
Ss: I can see the snake catches the rat.
T: Is the snake happy?
Ss: Yes, he is very happy.
T: Why the snake is happy?
Ss: Because the snake can eat the rat. The rat is delicious.
Part III Constructing
1. Hand puppets show. 教师利用课件创设故事情景,以故事讲述者的身份,对故事文本内容进行扩充,将单一的对话串连起来并融入到情景中去,同时借助蛇与鼠的手偶来演绎故事,使故事更加饱满生动。学生带着问题“Did the snake eat the rat? What can the rat do?”初步感知故事。
T: Now you’re gonna see a short hand puppets show. Before the show, I have two questions. Did the snake eat the rat? What can the rat do?
2. Find the key words. 学生自主阅读故事,并划出关键词。
T: Read the story loudly, when you are reading, you can use your pen to underline the key words, they will help you to understand and memorize the story.
3. Check the key words and explain the difficult parts. 教师利用TPR教学帮助学生理解记忆关键词,并引导学生对关键词进行整合,提炼关键词所对应的故事情节,构建思维导图。
T: Look at this page, what are the key words?
Ss: Hungry.
T: Yes. Who is hungry in the story?
Ss: The snake is hungry.
T: So he wants to eat some…?
Ss: Tasty food.
4. Game: I say you do. 教师大声朗读关键词,学生表演相应动作。然后部分学生大声朗读关键词,其余学生表演相应动作。
T: I’ll say the key words and you do the actions. / I ‘ll ask two students come to the front, you say the keywords and they do the actions.
Part IV Producing
1. Retell the story. 根据板书导图和关键词提示,复述故事。
T: Look, we have all the key words on the blackboard, and we have the whole story on the blackboard too. Let’s try to retell.
2. Let’s chant. 教师将学生提炼出的关键信息,编成朗朗上口的chant, 然后师生一起有节奏地打响指读chant(三遍,逐次加快)。
T: We have the whole story as a chant here, let’s read together and let’s chant together.
3. Group work: Read the story and act out. 学生以小组为单位,朗读故事,编排表演故事,并融入自己的创意。
T: Now, you’re gonna read the story carefully and then act out. You’re gonna read like a snake, and you’re gonna move like a snake. You can be a story teller, or you can be a beautiful sun flower. You can be whatever you imagine, so just add some creative things in your play.
T: It’s time for you to show your play, and to show yourself.
4. Free talk: What do you think of the rat? 学生自由发言,帮助学生分析、挖掘故事中老鼠的特质,引导学生学习老鼠的机智,聪慧,勇敢,冷静。
T: What do you think of the rat? When he was caught by the snake, did he cry?
Ss: No, he didn’t. He is brave.
T: Did he scream?
Ss: …
Part V Evaluating and Consolidating
1. Room breaking. 教师借助课件,设置学生被坏人抓住的情景,让学生结合自己已获取的“锦囊妙计”,在小组内讨论密室逃脱的方法,并进行汇报。
T: Imagine you’ve been caught by a bad man, and locked in a dark room with your hands tied. How can you get out? You can find tips in your bursa. Discuss it with your group members.
2. Free talk: What did you learn? 学生自由发言,谈谈本节课的收获。
T: What can you learn from this class?
Ss: We can learn to swim.
T: Yes, we can learn to swim, learn to use a GPS, we need to learn more skills in our daily life.
3. Homework: Tell the story to your friends.
Read more picture books like The Door Bell Rang.
Learn more self-rescue skills.
【Blackboard design】
小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教案: 这是一份小学英语人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教案,共5页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重点,教学准备,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
2021学年Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教案及反思: 这是一份2021学年Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教案及反思,共3页。
英语Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教学设计: 这是一份英语Unit 4 What can you do? Part B教学设计,共19页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学安排,第一课时,教学准备,教学过程,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。