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Unit 5 Writing Workshop A Picture Description 课件-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册
这是一份Unit 5 Writing Workshop A Picture Description 课件-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册,共27页。
Unit 5 Education Writing WorkshopA Picture DescriptionTo read and talk about a picture descriptionTo read for writingTo summarise information To write an essay about a pictureYou are going to write an essay to describe a picture. Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner.What do you see in the picture?How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right?What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us?I see two boys: one is focused on the loss and the other is focused on what is left. People always hold different attitude towards things. It is us who decide our attitude and the result. Which attitude is better to have? Why?Give examples in your life when this happened.Look at the picture B and read the essay.What is the weather like?What is the man doing?Why is this an odd thing to do?Read the essay and underline the topic sentence in each paragraph and the supporting details.What is the man’s personality?The man loves routines and doing without thinking.Read the essay again and discuss the questions.n. 惯例,常规;例行公事What lesson is the picture trying to teach?The picture is trying to teach us that it is important to have routines and timetables, but sometimes routines can control us. It is important not to become too obsessed with routines and schedules. Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.n. 时间表,日程表Complete the structure of the text by putting different parts in the correct order.Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4General introductionDescription of the pictureAnalysis of the picture/person(s)Lessons from the pictureUnderline all the linkers in the text that are used to explain reasons. Write 2–3 sentences about picture A on page 40. Use the Sentence Builder to help you.Reason LinkersbecauseA man … is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily.It is important not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules, because they can make us blind to what is in front of us.forWe can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can.as… it is important to have routines and timetables, as they can help us stay organised.One boy is sad because he is focused on the loss, the other boy is pleased, for he is focused on what is left.1. The drawing is entitled “It’s Time to Water the Flowers”. entitle vt. to give a title to a book, film, etc 名为…… be entitled sth e.g. a documentary entitled “The Price of Perfection” 一部名为《完美的代价》的纪录片to give someone the official right to do or have something 使有权利be entitled to (do) sthentitle sb to sthe.g. Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance. 全职雇员都有资格享受医疗保险。 Membership entitles you to the monthly journal. 凭会员身份可以领取月刊。2. This implies that this man obviously loves routines… imply vt. if a fact, event etc implies something, it shows that it is likely to be true 意味着…… imply (that) e.g. The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin. 这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。Complete the outline of your essay based on Activity 3.OutliningUse your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.Draft: is the first version of a piece of writing and that it is also called a rough draft because it is not “smooth” or finished. DraftingWriting about a PictureIt’s important to:describe what is shown in the picture firstly;analyse its meaning and give your comments;use the present tense when describing and commenting on the picture;not only describe what it shows, but also tell what lessons are taught.Edit your essay in pairs. Then share what you have written in class.Editing看图作文,顾名思义,就是通过看图画或漫画来写文章。它主要以图画为载体,附带少量文字提示或说明。根据所提供的一幅或几幅图画的信息叙述一个故事,或在叙述图画所包含的信息之后加以评论,或者通过几幅相关的图画来说明某个问题或得出某个结论。看图作文的审题看图作文和其它作文形式一样,审题是开篇之举,主要包括以下六个方面:1. 审要求:包括作文类型、写作篇章结构和篇幅长短等。2. 审图画:仔细观察画面,细心揣摩,认真判断图画中人或物的外貌、表情特征和背景,确定人物之间、人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便准确掌握图画所传达的信息,正确把握试题的立意角度。3. 审主题:看图作文的主题是隐含在画面信息中的,分析时切忌就图论图、就事论事。要“以小见大”,“透过现象看本质”,把隐含的主题显现化。此时一定要注意把握图画的中心思想,写出图画要反映的内容。4. 审文体:看图作文是一种特殊的提示性作文。看图作文的体裁主要有记叙文、议论文和说明文。如果是记叙文类的写作素材,要注意故事的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、过程、结果这六个要素;如果是说明文或议论文,则首先要对图画的内容进行描述,然后围绕图画的信息进行说明或议论。5. 审人称和时态:看图作文的人称一般采用第一人称或第三人称。如果题目要求中有“假定你是图中……”等字眼,要以第一人称“我”来写。看图作文的时态可根据文章要求而定:如果是一篇日记或故事,宜采用一般过去时;如果是人或事的简介或谈论自身看法时宜采用一般现在时。6. 审提示语:一般的看图作文都会附有提示语。提示语既是限制又是启发,既是提示又是暗示。要注意这些提示语中透露出来的信息并加以充分利用。请你观察下面这幅图,结合你身边的事例,以“Dream and reality”为题写一篇120词左右的英语短文投给某国外英文杂志,谈谈你对培养孩子成才的看法。Dream and reality Nowadays, parents tend to design the future for their children regardless of their own interest. Some parents want their children to attend all kinds of art classes after school, laying a heavy burden on their shoulders. As a result, the children almost have no time to play. My neighbors want their child to be an artist. They choose a music class and a painting class for the child in his spare time. In fact, the child has no interest at all. After a few years their efforts are in vain. I think parents should let their children choose what they want to learn and help them turn their dream of enjoying the beauty of nature into reality. Only in this way can children have a happy and enjoyable life.
Unit 5 Education Writing WorkshopA Picture DescriptionTo read and talk about a picture descriptionTo read for writingTo summarise information To write an essay about a pictureYou are going to write an essay to describe a picture. Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner.What do you see in the picture?How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right?What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us?I see two boys: one is focused on the loss and the other is focused on what is left. People always hold different attitude towards things. It is us who decide our attitude and the result. Which attitude is better to have? Why?Give examples in your life when this happened.Look at the picture B and read the essay.What is the weather like?What is the man doing?Why is this an odd thing to do?Read the essay and underline the topic sentence in each paragraph and the supporting details.What is the man’s personality?The man loves routines and doing without thinking.Read the essay again and discuss the questions.n. 惯例,常规;例行公事What lesson is the picture trying to teach?The picture is trying to teach us that it is important to have routines and timetables, but sometimes routines can control us. It is important not to become too obsessed with routines and schedules. Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.n. 时间表,日程表Complete the structure of the text by putting different parts in the correct order.Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4General introductionDescription of the pictureAnalysis of the picture/person(s)Lessons from the pictureUnderline all the linkers in the text that are used to explain reasons. Write 2–3 sentences about picture A on page 40. Use the Sentence Builder to help you.Reason LinkersbecauseA man … is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily.It is important not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules, because they can make us blind to what is in front of us.forWe can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can.as… it is important to have routines and timetables, as they can help us stay organised.One boy is sad because he is focused on the loss, the other boy is pleased, for he is focused on what is left.1. The drawing is entitled “It’s Time to Water the Flowers”. entitle vt. to give a title to a book, film, etc 名为…… be entitled sth e.g. a documentary entitled “The Price of Perfection” 一部名为《完美的代价》的纪录片to give someone the official right to do or have something 使有权利be entitled to (do) sthentitle sb to sthe.g. Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance. 全职雇员都有资格享受医疗保险。 Membership entitles you to the monthly journal. 凭会员身份可以领取月刊。2. This implies that this man obviously loves routines… imply vt. if a fact, event etc implies something, it shows that it is likely to be true 意味着…… imply (that) e.g. The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin. 这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。Complete the outline of your essay based on Activity 3.OutliningUse your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.Draft: is the first version of a piece of writing and that it is also called a rough draft because it is not “smooth” or finished. DraftingWriting about a PictureIt’s important to:describe what is shown in the picture firstly;analyse its meaning and give your comments;use the present tense when describing and commenting on the picture;not only describe what it shows, but also tell what lessons are taught.Edit your essay in pairs. Then share what you have written in class.Editing看图作文,顾名思义,就是通过看图画或漫画来写文章。它主要以图画为载体,附带少量文字提示或说明。根据所提供的一幅或几幅图画的信息叙述一个故事,或在叙述图画所包含的信息之后加以评论,或者通过几幅相关的图画来说明某个问题或得出某个结论。看图作文的审题看图作文和其它作文形式一样,审题是开篇之举,主要包括以下六个方面:1. 审要求:包括作文类型、写作篇章结构和篇幅长短等。2. 审图画:仔细观察画面,细心揣摩,认真判断图画中人或物的外貌、表情特征和背景,确定人物之间、人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便准确掌握图画所传达的信息,正确把握试题的立意角度。3. 审主题:看图作文的主题是隐含在画面信息中的,分析时切忌就图论图、就事论事。要“以小见大”,“透过现象看本质”,把隐含的主题显现化。此时一定要注意把握图画的中心思想,写出图画要反映的内容。4. 审文体:看图作文是一种特殊的提示性作文。看图作文的体裁主要有记叙文、议论文和说明文。如果是记叙文类的写作素材,要注意故事的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、过程、结果这六个要素;如果是说明文或议论文,则首先要对图画的内容进行描述,然后围绕图画的信息进行说明或议论。5. 审人称和时态:看图作文的人称一般采用第一人称或第三人称。如果题目要求中有“假定你是图中……”等字眼,要以第一人称“我”来写。看图作文的时态可根据文章要求而定:如果是一篇日记或故事,宜采用一般过去时;如果是人或事的简介或谈论自身看法时宜采用一般现在时。6. 审提示语:一般的看图作文都会附有提示语。提示语既是限制又是启发,既是提示又是暗示。要注意这些提示语中透露出来的信息并加以充分利用。请你观察下面这幅图,结合你身边的事例,以“Dream and reality”为题写一篇120词左右的英语短文投给某国外英文杂志,谈谈你对培养孩子成才的看法。Dream and reality Nowadays, parents tend to design the future for their children regardless of their own interest. Some parents want their children to attend all kinds of art classes after school, laying a heavy burden on their shoulders. As a result, the children almost have no time to play. My neighbors want their child to be an artist. They choose a music class and a painting class for the child in his spare time. In fact, the child has no interest at all. After a few years their efforts are in vain. I think parents should let their children choose what they want to learn and help them turn their dream of enjoying the beauty of nature into reality. Only in this way can children have a happy and enjoyable life.