小学英语北师大版 (三年级起点)三年级上册unit 3 Playing Together教案
展开这是一份小学英语北师大版 (三年级起点)三年级上册unit 3 Playing Together教案,共16页。
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 1 Pass the ball | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 |
教学重难点 | pass, catch, kick和throw的读音与意义。 |
教学准备 | Word cards |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1. Warm-up 1. Practice greetings. 2. Review the structures This is … and This isn’t … Use the masks. Step 2. Presentation 1.猜谜游戏。 What’s this? Can you guess? It’s round. It’s black and white. Step 3. Learn the story 1.观察图片。 Look at this picture. Who are they? Can you see a football? Who has the football? Can you come here and point? 2.整体输入。 Let's enjoy a story and then please answer my question. Does Mocky want to play football? They are happy to play football. Can you say the sentence happily? | |
教 学 过 程 | |
3.了解细节。 How do they play football? Let’s watch the story again. Look! You can use my ball to answer the question. 4.逐图讲解。 (1) This is Picture 2. Mocky says, “Pass the ball!” What does Ken say? Can you read it? In the story, what does Mocky do? They pass the ball with feet. We can pass the ball with hands, too. Let’s see a video about “pass the ball”. We can pass the ball with hands and feet. Stand up, children. Let’s do it. (2) In this picture, Ann says, “Catch the ball, Mocky!” I’m Ann. Who can be Mocky and do the action? Can you work in pairs? (3) This is Picture 4, what does Mocky want to do? Ken says, “Come on, Mocky. Kick the ball!” With our feet, we can kick the ball. Stand up, children. You’re Mocky. I’m Ken. 5.默读理解。 It's time to read the story silently and think about one question. What will happen then? Can you think about it? 6.指读正音。 Let's listen and read. Please use your finger to point to the words.
It’s time for us to read and show. Let’s do it in groups of 8. Choose a picture. You read the sentences. The others please act it out. 9.分角色朗读。 You know the story very well. Do you want to read it in roles? 10.评价反馈 You can listen and read the story very well. A happy face for you. Great! Step 4. Homework: Read the story after class.
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 2 Who’s that? | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 |
3. 鼓励学生在课堂上大胆发言,乐于思考,初步培养学生预测故事的策略。 |
教学重难点 | 教学重点: 理解故事内容,听懂、会用 Who's that/this? This is/ That is...的句式提问,介绍他人。 教学难点: 在理解故事的基础上初步模仿表演故事。理解cousin的意义。 |
教学准备 | Pictures,cards, PPT |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1. Warming-up 1.复习故事 T: In lesson one, Ken, Ann and Mocky play football at the playground. Let’s review the story. PPT呈现第一课时的图片,把部分语言涂白,引导学生补充。 Step 2. Learn the story 1.预测故事。 幻灯片呈现Pass the ball。第5幅图(Mocky踢球,球飞向窗户)。 T: Look! Mocky is____? T: Yes, he is kicking the ball. Where will be the ball?球会被踢到哪呢? T: The ball will_____. 2.整体看第一遍故事,确定预测。 T:谁的猜测对呢? Who's right? Let's enjoy the story. T: You are great! Who is great in picture 6? Who catches the ball? Who’s that? 呈现第7幅图: T: Mocky doesn’t know Tommy. So he asks Ken, T: How does Ken answer? What does cousin mean? 呈现《喜羊羊和灰太狼》动画中的角色。 3.整体看第二遍故事,处理细节。 教师指Cathy的面具,提问Who’s this? Is she Ken’s cousin? PPT呈现第8幅图 。 T: Mocky doesn't know Cathy. What does Mocky say? What does Ken say? 4.语言整合。 T: Are you happy to know them? S: Yes! T: What do you want to say to them? PPT呈现第9幅图。 T: You are happy to know Cathy and Tommy. Mocky is happy, too. What will they say? |
教 学 过 程 |
5.模仿表演。 动画呈现Mocky摔倒的画面(第10幅图)。 T: Mocky falls down. He says,"___". T: Ken says,"___”. 6.模仿认读。 T: Let’s read after the tape. Please use your fingers to point to the sentences. Step 3. Talk together Step 4. Sing a song. Step 5. Homework: Read the story after the class. |
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 3 Have Fun. | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 | 1.能够在询问人物的情境中,熟练使用Who’s this? /Who’s that? That’s…进行交际问答,运用She’s my …/ He’s my …句型介绍自己的亲朋好友。 2.能够听懂、说出、认读kick the ball, throw the ball, pass the ball, catch the ball词组。 3.能够看故事插图说句子、分角色朗读或表演Pass the ball. / Who’s that? 故事。 |
教学重难点 | 1. 运用重点句型询问人物,介绍自己亲朋好友,能够听懂、认读重点句型。 2.分角色表演故事。 |
教学准备 | Word cards |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1.Warming-up 1.头脑风暴,联想词组。 出示ball图片: Look! What’s this? What can you do with the ball? 2.完成Listen and Number练习。 (1)出示Tommy人物图片 Look, who’s that? Tommy is Ken’s cousin, right? How about the other children? Who are they? (2)播放听力 (3)核对答案 Step 2. Game Time 1.通过联想猜词的游戏,复习throw the ball, catch the ball, pass the ball…词组 T: Now, I have some pictures. Please look at them and brainstorm a phrase about them. T: We can kick the ball with our feet. T: We can catch the ball or throw the ball with our hands. We also can pass the ball with our hands. T: We can pass the ball with our feet and hands. 2.教师引导学生玩Simon Says的游戏。 T: We can do many things. We can catch the ball, throw the ball, pass the ball and kick the ball. Now, let’s play a game, “Simon says”. If you can hear “Simon says…” please do this. If you can’t hear “Simon says”, please don’t do that and say, “No, no, no!” 每个男生有一张纸,(单数行为男生,双数行为女生) 男生用纸制作一个纸球。 T: Children, show me your paper. Let’s make a paper ball. |
教 学 过 程 |
Step 3.Show Time 1.通过3步复习故事 First: 整体看图及文字跟读故事。 Second: 出示故事10幅图片及数字,请学生选择自己喜欢的数字,看图片说句子。 Third:看图读句子,选择正确的句子。 2.重点句型重新组合、词图搭配。 T: Children, do you know these words? You can make some sentences with these words. 3.学生重组句子后,将句子与插图搭配。 4.四人Ken, Ann, Mocky, Cathy and Tommy小组练习(3种方式)。 读出主题的四幅图。 分角色读故事。 分角色表演故事。
Step 4.Summary 1.总结归纳重点句型 2.Homework |
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 4 Get it Right. | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 |
教学重难点 | 教学重点:
教学准备 | Pictures cards |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1.Presentation 1.传字母 Let’s play a game. “Pass the letter.” 教师给每组最后一名学生一张字母卡片,并指明是大写或是小写。
教师拿出学过的字母卡片Aa—Ii,让学生按顺序贴在黑板上。 Can you put them on the blackboard? Can you put them in order? Step 2.New Lesson
(1) 教师将J, K, L, M, N大写字母贴在黑板上。 Do you know these letters? Can you read these letters? Now, please listen to me carefully. 教师指着黑板上的字母,按顺序读出字母。 (2) 教师出示J, K, L, M, N这几个字母的小写卡片。 Do you know these small letters? Can you match them?请学生将小写字母与黑板上的大写字母进行配对。
(在读的过程中,请教师关注字母Jj, Mm, Nn的发音,提醒学生注意字母Jj和字母Gg发音很相似,Jj字母尾音是a,而字母Gg的尾音是e;字母Mm要闭嘴,而字母Nn不闭嘴。注意引导学生观察教师口型。)3. 教师播放录音,学生跟读。 Ok, let’s read the letters after the tape, please read loudly.
Look, what’s this? (教师指着吉普车)Let’s look what’s in the jeep? (通过课件的演示,吉普车门打开,一件一件东西飞出) |
教 学 过 程 |
What’s this? (出现kite图片) Look, the kite is up in the sky. (风筝飞上天的图片,有太阳和月亮) Where’s the kite? It’s up in the tree. It’s a lemon tree. (教师指着jeep, kite, lemon, moon的图片及字母卡片) Can you match them? Oh, we miss a word. (出示面条的图片) noodles Do you like noodles? (1)跟读单词 播放录音,学生跟读单词。 (2)听指令、找单词 教师说首字母或首字母发音,让学生找出相应的单词。 Step 3.Color Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn Step 4 . Trace and Copy Step 5 Home work 1. 将Color Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn部分涂完 2. 临摹Trace and copy 3. 描写Listen for J, K, L, M and N单词中的虚线字母 |
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 5 Have a try. | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 | 1.能够有节奏地说歌谣; 2.能够认读、理解句子的意思。 |
教学重难点 | Chant fluently. |
教学准备 | Word cards |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1. Warming-up
Hello, boys and girl. Let’s review the letters and the words begin with these letters. For example: A-apple, B-bag. (老师示范后,学生进行字母和单词的操练。) T: OK. Now, let’s begin our game. 教师讲解游戏规则:老师出示一张字母卡片,学生立即读出该字母,并说出一个以该字母为首字母的单词,接着由这名学生前一名学生说出这个字母的前一个字母和一个以该字母为首字母的单词,然后后一名学生说出这个字母的下一个字母及以该字母为首字母的单词。如:B-bag, 前面的学生A-apple, 后面的学生C-cat. 说对一个,就记一颗星,最高得三颗星;说错或接不上的,则不给星。
教师出示本单元所学字母和单词。 Can you read these letters and words? 教师将复习到的单词贴到黑板上。 | |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 2. Let’s chant.
Look at this picture, what can you see in this picture? Can you see a kangaroo? Where is it? What is he doing?--sleeping What can a kangaroo do? Jump.
(1) 教师播放歌谣Today, we’ll learn a chant about the kangaroo. (2) 听完之后,教师请学生到黑板前将小袋鼠跳过的物品挑出来。 (3) 教师手里拿着小袋鼠的玩偶,边跳过这些玩偶,边说:Jump over the ladder, Jump over the jacket, Jump into a jeep, To have a good sleep.
教师播放录音。Can you act out the chant? 教师也可鼓励学生替换单词来表演歌谣。 Can you make a new chant? Step 3. Read and check.
I have some pictures of our students, can you guess who they are? 教师出示提前准备的一些学生的图像,遮住图像的一部分。
教师出示Read and check 部分第一幅图。 Look at the first picture, and read the sentences. Can you tell me which one is right? 让学生说说他们在选择时主要依据句子的那部分单词。
Now, let’s check the answer together.
教师将Read and check部分的12句话配以12幅图进行小组练习,每个小组三幅图,三句话,请同学将图与句子相匹配。 Step 4. Homework: Make a new chant. |
Unit 3 Playing together Lesson 6 Round Up. | |
课时安排 | 1课时 |
教学目标 |
教学重难点 | 教学重点: 本单元重点学习内容的回顾和梳理 教学难点: Uncle Booky’s Story time小故事的学习和理解 |
教学准备 | Word cards |
教 学 过 程 | |
Step 1. Warming-up
Let’s say the rhyme. 教师播放上一课学习的歌谣 。 Can you say a new rhyme? 检查上节课布置的作业。
(教师带领学生玩猜字母的游戏。教师事先确定一个字母。) Let’s play a guessing game. Who can come here and have a try? OK. Come here. I tell you a letter. (老师悄悄地告诉他字母M。) Step 2. Introduce them. 1. 教师出示Tommy的图片。 Who’s this? Tommy wants to introduce some friends to us. Let’s see who they are. 教师出示此部分经过处理的模糊六幅图。 What’s the matter? Oh, Tommy forgot his glasses. He can’t see them clearly, who can help him? (提示学生近处与远处的人物、男孩与女孩的区别。) 当学生介绍正确后,教师点击将该图设置清晰,一轮过后变换位置继续介绍。 Can you be Tommy and introduce the friends to us? (教师带一个眼镜框给学生。) Step 3. Trace the letters and read the words aloud. Do you know this word: adder I don’t know either, but I know this word. (教师在这个单词前加一个字母l) Do you know this word? Yes, you are right. I have some words just like that, can you add a letter to make a word? Step 4. Match the letters.
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教 学 过 程 | |
教师指着同学们刚刚描写的字母j, k, l, m, n。 Can you read them? Can you give me their big letters? Now, you can match the letter on P36. Step 5. Learn “Uncle Booky’s Story time.”
Do you know this sign? It belongs to the superman. Do you like the superman? Why? Do you know what we are learning today? Yes, you are right. We are going to learn a story about a little superman.
Let’s read the story: Who are in the story and what happened? Let’s watch the video. (教师播放故事动画。) Is he a good boy? Is he a superman? We should learn from him. What can we learn from him and what can we do in our daily life?
Self-assessment Step 6. Homework |
这是一份小学英语Section A教案设计,共2页。教案主要包含了第三课时,教学目标,教学重难点,教学准备,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份湘鲁版四年级下册Section A教学设计,共2页。教案主要包含了第二课时,教学目标,教学重难点,教学准备,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份小学英语北师大版 (三年级起点)三年级上册unit 3 Playing Together优质教案,共3页。