展开巴蜀中学2020届高考适应性月考卷(五)英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)1~5 BCABA 6~10 CAABC 11~15 BCAAC 16~20 ACCAB第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21~25 DACCD 26~30 ABCBD 31~35 BCDBD 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)36~40 BGEDF第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41~45 ABCDC 46~50 DABAC 51~55 BDDBC 56~60 ABDAC第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61.comes 62.Its 63.while/and 64.earliest 65.and/when66.preparing 67.were offered 68.for 69.a 70.shapes第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Peter,I am glad to know that through the media you got to know the great changes China∧experienced ①hassince her establishment,which makes you,a British middle school student,very interesting. ②interestedAnd you are eagerly to make a Chinese pen pal to better understand Chinese culture.But I am writing ③eager ④Soto say I am the very friend you are looking for. I will try my best to write as often as possible to introduce Chinese culture for you.Besides, ⑤towhen you have an opportunity to come to China,I would teach you to speak Chinese and show ⑥willyou around famous historical place of interest.Further,I have plenty of the books on Chinese ⑦places ⑧culture,some of them are in English.Believing that they will be of great help,I am too willing to ⑨whichpost any to you. ⑩someLooking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua第二节 书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear Jack,How are you doing?Time goes by fast and New Year is coming.I’m writing to extend my best wishes to you and your family.Happy New Year! Everybody has a new plan for the coming year.And I’m dying to make better my studies,especially the English subject.First of all,you have been helping with my English learning for the past months,offering me advice and practicing speaking and writing with me.Second,the college entrance exam is approaching and I hope to score higher so that I will have a greater chance.I’m sure our efforts will pay off.How about yours? I’m expecting your response,where you will share with me your plan for the new year.Yours,Li Hua【解析】第二部分 阅读理解第一节A【语篇导读】应用文:宣传广告及活动介绍。21.D 根据第一段最后一句“Please scroll down to the bottom to listen to your free replay.”可 知,四个选项只有“网页”可以滚动页面向下,并且可以收听音频。故选D。22.A 根据全文内容可知答案A正确。B项David Furlong并非制作乐器。C项根据文章 最后一段可知Sandra Ingerman认为我们可理解疾病的根源并从精神层面治疗,并 非能治好所有的疾病。D项由第二段最后一句“His world tours included Australia, New Zealand,South Africa,Italy,Germany,France,United Kingdom,U.S.A.,Canada and Japan.”可知其中不含South America。因此B、C、D均为错误选项。故选A。23.C 根据全文内容,尤其是第一人物“Driven by a powerful desire for spiritual growth,”第 二人物“Healing…”及文章最后一句“to heal those imbalances at a spiritual level.”等 可得知,通过他们的作品,听众可以收获心灵上的成长。故选C。B【语篇导读】记叙文:介绍科学家关于一具古尸的发现。24.C 根据第一段第二句中“The police investigation soon became a scientific one.Carbon dating indicated that the man died 5,300 years ago.(警方的调查很快变成了科学研究,然后通 过carbon dating(碳定年法)人们得知此人死于5300年前。)”可得知,要调查这起 案件,科学研究必不可少。警方并非因为这起案件发生时间久远或找不出死亡原因 而停止调查。故选C。25.D 根据第一段最后一句“His body has the oldest blood cells ever found and they are well preserved...”可得知A正确;根据第二段第一句中“Ötzi was an important person in his society”和第三句中“he was a wealthy man”可得知B正确;根据第二段最 后一句可得知C正确。第三段中提到最新科学检测表明Ötzi死于从后面射来的弓 箭造成的箭伤,文中虽然提到他身上有其他四人的血迹,但“This may mean there had been a fight,but it happened much earlier.”却表明这场打斗发生在此以前,他并未 立即死去。故选D。26.A while表示两者的对比,有轻微的转折含义。因此“opening the door to”与 “proving....false” 应为反义词,allowing for the possibility of“使…成为可能”;removing the chance of“消 除…的可能性”;disproving the idea of“不赞成…的想法”;providing a reason for“为… 提供理由”。句意:随着调查继续,一些推测被证明是错误的,而其他的推测成为了可 能。故选A。27.B 文章第一段主要讲科学家发现了一具保存完好的5300年前的古尸;第二段介绍了 科学家对死者身份、地位的推测;第三段介绍了对其死因的推测;第四段提到研究 还在继续,对这起死亡,我们还能挖掘出更多信息。综上,文章主要介绍了科学家 对一起古代死亡事件的发现。故选B。C【语篇导读】说明文:介绍“双十一”购物狂欢节。28. C 根据第四段第二句“The 2019 Singles’ Day was especially notable in that it’s the first without Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma,who stepped aside in September after 20 years in which the e-commerce company helped release the power of Chinese consumer spending.” 可知,A、B选项并非今年双十一特别之处,而D选项本身为错误选项,因为原文 所说为2019年是双十一成为购物节的第11年,Singles’ Day这个节日创立于1993 年。故选C。29.B 结合下文“... many spending the day as a reminder to make self-care a priority.(许多年 轻人用这一天来提醒自己照顾自己是最重要的事情。)”可知年轻人们对于保持单身 和快乐的想法是支持的。故选B。30.D 根据原文倒数第三段“…young people,many spending the day as a reminder to make self-care a priority.”可知A选项偷换了主语且说法太过绝对;根据文章最后一句“Faced with digitally native consumers who expect far more than the usual shopping experience, Chinese retailers understand the importance of engaging customers around more than just the transaction.(面对顾客们对购物体验的高要求,中国零售商们不只是懂交易,也 明白吸引顾客的重要性。)”B选项说零售商们比起赚钱更喜欢吸引顾客,理解错误, 故B错误;根据倒数第二段最后一句可知消费者是观看明星表演而非自己表演,故C 错误;根据全文内容,阿里巴巴公司借单身节首创了这一购物狂欢节,并获利多多。 故选D。31.B 本文主要介绍了传统单身节(Singles’ Day,又称Double Elevens)逐渐成为购物狂欢 节,实现了很多“retailing deals”。 B选项“Double Deals”高度概括了这一含义。A 选项Singles’ Day着眼于节日而显得太过宽泛,不能体现文章重点介绍的贸易盛况, 针对性不够; C和D选项都过于片面,不能概括本文。故选B。D【语篇导读】议论文:分析了有效的学习方法。32.C 第二段作者通过分析闭门苦学的低效,提出“we can learn from doing,or from study techniques that interest us”,故选C。33.D 作者通过video games的例子,说明前一句提到的观点“it’s also a good idea to avoid company of people involved in activities where you would rather be playing than studying.”。 故选D。34.B 第四段作者分析在周围嘈杂时,你可以戴上耳机,因为“They also act as a psychological barrier,so that people think twice before interrupting you.”所以在嘈杂的环境中戴上耳 机可以示意其他人你不想被打扰。故选B。35.D 本文第一段通过设问,对闭门苦学的学习方法提出了质疑。第二段具体分析了这种 传统方法的低效,并指出我们应当用能够激发兴趣的方法学习。第三四段作者指出 在人群的陪伴下学习能提高学习效率,并就具体实施中可能面对的问题进行了讨论。 因此可知,作者的写作目的在于向读者介绍有效的学习方法。故选D。 第二节【语篇导读】说明文:关于方便面的介绍。36.B 转承句。本句以及前两句皆为对首句“Instant noodles”定义的展开。前一句介绍一 些方便面可以再加热或直接食用,本句介绍了另一种干面条块需要烹煮或在沸水里 浸泡。故选B。37.G 注释句。本句是对前一句的呈递,前一句介绍方便面作为20世纪最棒的发明之一大 受欢迎,本句进一步介绍方便面现在的流行和发展。句意:现在方便面作为一种家 庭食品销往世界各地,其口味也在不断变化以适应当地口味。故选G。38.E 结论句。本句位于段首,是对整段的总起。句意:以小麦为原料的面条有三种主要 成分:面粉、水和盐。本段最后四句分别介绍了这三种成分。故选E。39.D 转承句。本句位于段中,承上启下。前面讲了三种原料中的“flours”,本句意为:水 是制作面条的第二重要原料,仅次于面粉,下面再讲“salt”。故选D。40.F 结论句。本句位于段首,承上启下。前文介绍了方便面的流行,本段介绍了方便面 对健康的危害。句意:尽管方便面在全世界都很受欢迎,但它却经常被批评为不健 康或垃圾食品。故选F。第三部分 语言知识运用第一节【语篇导读】记叙文:讲述了扳道工在救儿子和救火车上的众人之间选择了后者的故事。41.A 根据后文可知,这座大桥平时与河的两岸平行,只有当有火车经过时才会转向横跨 河流。故选A。 42.B 平时大桥并未横跨河流,因此船只可以无障碍地通行。故选B。43.C 当有火车经过时,大桥会从与两岸平行转向到对接两岸,后文中也反复提及扳道工 “turn the bridge”。故选C。44.D control(机器或车辆的)操纵装置。扳道工操作操纵装置使得桥梁转向,下文也谈到 了“the locking control didn’t work”。故选D。45.C 根据后文可得知,桥梁转向后必须要锁定到位,后文“the locking control didn’t work” 也做出了暗示。故选C。46.D 句意:当天最后一班火车正在靠近,near在此用做v.,意为靠近、接近。故选D。47.A 句意:他把桥转到适当的位置,上文有“place”这个暗示。position位置;action 行动;practice练习;实践;situation情况。故选A。48.B 句意:锁定装置失灵了。work vi.表示(机器、装置)运转、运行。故选B。49.A 句意:如果桥没有安全地锁定……。securely安全地;牢固地;eventually最后;hardly 几乎不;carefully小心地。故选A。50.C 情势紧急,扳道工快速地从桥上跑到对面锁紧桥梁。race(n.)活用做v。故选C。51.B 句意:他得把它紧紧地拉住,在火车通过时用全身的重量把它压住。join sth. to sth. 连接;apply sth. to sth.使用,应用:stick to sth.坚持。故选B。52.D 句意:许多生命都取决于他的力气大小。strength体力,力气。前句“weight”是铺 垫。故选D。 53.D make his blood run cold“让他毛骨悚然”。故选D。54.B dive for扑向;look for寻找;stand for代表;支持;wait for等待。根据“Daddy, where are you?”可知他的儿子在寻找他。故选B。55.C 句意:但是火车已十分接近,小孩儿靠着他的小细腿根本不可能及时走掉。故选C。 56.A 他想要把儿子带到安全地带。故选A。57.B 他意识到如果他去救了儿子,就无法再及时回来抓紧联锁杆。as usual像往常一样; in time及时;for sure确实;on purpose故意地。故选B。58.D 由于扳道工靠自己的力气死死地锁住了桥,火车得以安全地飞驰而过。故选D。59.A 虽然一车人得救了,但扳道工的儿子却被疾驰的火车碾过,无情地被抛入河中。 mercilessly残忍地;intentionally故意地;deeply深深地;openly公开地。故选A。60.C 在火车过去很久后,扳道工仍然牢牢地抓住联锁杆。故选C。第二节【语篇导读】说明文:介绍了中国传统节日冬至。61.comes 考查谓语动词的时态和语态。“冬至总是在阳历12月22号到来”,是有时间规 律发生的事件,用一般现在时。故填comes。62.Its 考查代词。“冬至的起源”用物主代词,故填Its。63.while/and 考查连词。前一句讲过了冬至白天变长且阳气增加,后一句讲黑夜变短且 阴气减少,前后两句含有对比的意思,故填“while”;也可当作一个话题的并列的两个方 面,可填and。故填while/and。64.earliest 考查形容词的比较级和最高级。它是人类最早设定的节气。故填earliest。65.and/when 考查连词。前后两句可以是并列关系,后句也可以看作是定语从句,修饰 “Han Dynasty”。故填and/when。66.preparing 考查非谓语动词。普通人花一整天和亲人在一起准备美食,现在分词做伴随 状语,故填preparing。67.were offered 考查动词时态和语态。祭品被奉献给天和祖先,因此用被动语态。时间是 在唐朝和宋朝,因此用过去时态。故填were offered。68.for 考查介词。“for”表示目的,故填for。69.a 考查冠词。在同位语中,若使用不定冠词,则表示人们对该人或物不熟悉,其中的 不定冠词表不确指。若用定冠词,则表示人们对该人或物比较有名或有影响,其中的定 冠词表特指。在该句中,作者在向读者介绍汤圆,应当用不定冠词。故填a。70.shapes 考查名词单复数。蛋糕有多种形状,因此用复数。故填shapes。第四部分 写作第一节 短文改错【语篇导读】应用文:写信给外国友人申请成为笔友。①experienced前加has 考查时态和语态,时间为“since her establishment”,时态用现在完成时。②interesting改为interested “使某人感兴趣”make sb.interested。③eagerly改为eager 考查副词和形容词。be eager to do sth.“渴望做某事”。④But改为So 考查并列连词,此处应为因果关系。⑤for改为to 考查介词。introduce A to B为固定搭配。⑥would改为will 考查时态(一致性)。表示将来的时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。⑦ place改为places 考查名词的单复数。多个历史名胜古迹,用复数。⑧the books前中的the去掉 考查冠词。表示泛指的复数名词前不加冠词。⑨them改为which 此为定语从句,故将人称代词them改为引导(非)限制性定语从句的关系代词which。⑩any改为some 考查不定代词。“some”一般用于肯定句,而“any”多用于否定句和疑问句。听力原文Text 1M:How many people will be coming to the meeting?W:We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of fifty.Text 2W:Will you go to see The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey this Sunday,Bob?M:I’m afraid I can’t.I’ll have my music lessons then.W:I didn’t mean morning or afternoon. I mean evening.M:Oh,that’s quite a different thing.Text 3M:Can you do me a favor?W:Sure. What is it?M:Can you keep an eye on my bag,please? Nature calls.W:Sure. Go ahead. It’ll be safe with me.Text 4W:Wang Ping,are you going to the party tonight? M:Where is it going to be? W:At Xiao Mei’s. Our English teacher will be there,too.M:OK. I’ll go. But how can I get there?W:It’s about half an hour’s drive. I’ll take you there.Text 5W:Chris,did you know about Gemma Hudson? Have you heard that she’s leaving?M:Really?How do you know that?W:She told me. She’s leaving next month.M:Actually,I’m not surprised. I don’t think she was very happy working here.Text 6M:Excuse me,Madam. Can you tell me the way to the Huanghai Hotel?W:The Huanghai Hotel?It is in the south of the city,just off Tenth Avenue.M:How can I get there?W:Well,you can take the No.12 bus or take a taxi.M:Thank you very much. By the way,do you know how much the bus fare is?W:Six dollars. And a taxi runs from fifteen to twenty dollars.M:Wow,the bus is much cheaper.W:Yes,but it’s getting dark. I think you’d better take a taxi.Text 7W:Can I help you,sir?M:Yes. I’m here to see the cars. What a world of cars!W:Thank you. We have many brands,including domestic and imported ones. Do you have any particular brand in mind?M:Yes. I want to have a Ford. I need it badly for my work. It must be very expensive,isn’t it?W:Yes. Look,this model is newly developed and began to appear in the market just several weeks ago in America. It costs 43,800 dollars. But considering the high quality,it’s worth it.M:That’s why I shall choose it. But I’m afraid that I can’t afford to pay in cash now. Can you sell it on installment basis?W:Oh,yes. You can pay in 12 monthly installments. For the first time,13,888 dollars,and you must pay the remaining part in 12 months,2,500 dollars for each month.M:Thank you. I’ll come back tomorrow.W:Bye!Text 8M:So,Sally,we should probably start thinking about our winter vacation plans.W:Yeah,I think we should fly down to Florida for a couple of weeks.M:Uh,I’d really prefer not to. Those holiday travel packages cost way too much.W:Well,how about skiing up at Sky Valley Resort for a week or so?M:I’d rather not. We did it last year. Remember?W:And we had a really good time. Do you have any suggestions?M:Umm… you know,I never have any good ideas.W:OK. Here’s something different. How about going to the New Year’s Eve party in New York City?We’ve always wanted to do that.M:But I don’t really like big parties. They’re always crowded.W:You’re driving me crazy,Tom!All right. Let’s just stay home for two weeks!M:No way!That sounds too boring!Can’t you think of anything else?Text 9W:Did you like the movie?M:Mmm … to be frank,I didn’t think it was as good as the former ones,even though the scenery is brilliant. How about you?W:I think the special effects were amazing. But I was a little bit confused,for the plot was too complicated for me. I tried hard to keep track of all the characters and figure out what was going on.M:Did you read the books before watching the movie?W:No. Did you?M:Yes,I have read them all. I think it’s easier to follow for people who are already familiar with the characters. By the way,do you often go to the movies?W: Yeah. I am a movie-goer and enjoy killing time in the theatre.Text 10This is the day for our graduation. Today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. We’re supposed to feel happy on such a day as this,and we are supposed to be full of hope for the future. We all do feel these things,but we feel much more,too. There is a great feeling of sadness among us today,as we realize that this is the last time for us to be together as members of this school. However,the thing we feel most,I think,is thankfulness. We have an idea of what you,our parents,have done for us,and we have an idea of all the effort that you,our teachers,have made for us. No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. We will always remember this day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
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