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中职英语外研版 (2021)基础模块2Unit 6 Let's Go Shopping优秀表格教学设计
展开单元名称Unit 6 Let’s Go Shopping.课型Reading and Writing教学目标1. 能听懂并谈论促销相关的话题;能够总结促销海报的文体特征和基本要素,并自主设计促销海报。2. 能够从自己实际出发,有逻辑地说出自己认为最具吸引力的促销手段及原因,实现知识和思维能力的迁移。3. 能够了解促销海报在商品宣传中的作用,了解各种促销手段的英语翻译,能够在生活和工作中运用相关知识。4. 能够通过设计促销海报,培养学习英语的兴趣,主动参加语言实践活动;能够有合作学习的意识,愿意和他人分享学习资源教学重点1. 能快速获取促销海报的主要内容,找出细节信息,掌握常见促销表达方式,如buy one get one free, free delivery, 30%off, three years’ warranty 等。2. 能观察和总结促销海报的文体特征、构成要素和框架结构。教学难点能够谈论自己感兴趣的促销手段,设计一款产品的促销海报。教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法教学手段PPT课件、多媒体设备、海报纸、彩笔或颜料、笑脸卡、音视频素材等教学过程教学环节与时间分配教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点PreparationSs work in groups of four (leader, note-taker, designer and reporter) and finish the tasks together.明确小组合作的角色分配,利于课堂活动的有效开展。根据小组成员的学习风格,分配角色,协作完成课堂任务。Warm-up5’Ss look at some promotional posters and answer the following questions. (1) What are they?(2) What information can you get from them?通过促销海报自然切入主题,促进学生参与讨论,总结促销方式,学习本课的新单词,为本课的顺利开展做好铺垫。根据促销海报内容,找出其中的促销方式的英文表达。Pre-reading2’Ss discuss what promotional tactics may be included in a poster.读前预测。能够预测常见应用语篇的主要信息。While-reading10’1. Ss read the poster and tick the promotional tactics that are mentioned. 通过寻找海报的细节信息,培养学生扫读的阅读策略。准确选出促销手段。2. Ss work in groups to write down other types of promotional tactics.结合实际生活,列举更多的促销手段,培养学生的发散思维,提供各种不同的答案。能够准确说出其他促销手段英语表达。3. Ss write down the most attractive promotional tactic and give reasons.引导学生辩证思考促销手段的好处。说出最具吸引力的促销手段,并说出理由。4. Ss underline the key phrases in the poster and make some sentences with them . next purchase, free delivery, buy one get one free, three Years’ warranty…通过学习海报的核心信息,总结重点表达,培养学生分析、归纳的语言能力,做替换练习,为后续的海报制作奠定语言基础。用下画线划出海报中的词组,分析其语言结构,能够运用。Post-reading25’1. Ss have a discussion:What other informational might be included in a promotional poster?(the products; the store; the discount; the date or time of the sale; contact information)培养学生观察、分析、比较的阅读意识,帮助学生总结促销海报的构成要素。总结海报中的构成要素。2. Ss brainstorm what makes posters attractive, for example:(1) beautiful pictures(2) outstanding headlines(3) short sentences(4) creative design通过头脑风暴,发挥学生的思辨能力,帮助学生总结促销海报的文体特征,为后续的海报制作奠定风格基础。比较三张海报内容与结构的异同,思考与总结促销海报的文体特征。3. Ss in each group discuss the detailed information in their own posters. The note-takers take down the notes, for examples: item: _______price: ______ brand: ______sales promotion:_____________leader: ____ note-taker: ____designer: ____ reporter: ____ 通过小组讨论海报的细节信息,协作设计海报,激发学生的参与意识,促使学生在真实的语言实践中将输入的知识转化为输出的语言能力。小组活动将个人任务与小组讨论结合,将分层教学与合作学习结合,检验所学,合作互助,共同进步。小组讨论要设计的促销海报的具体内容,并由记录员记录相关信息。4. Ss make their groups’ promotional posters according to the notes taken down before and show the posters to the whole class. Ss in other groups choose the most attractive poster and put their smile cards on it. 根据记录的信息,小组协作设计海报,并在班级范围内展示,接受其他组成员的点评,选出最佳促销海报。5. Ss choose the most attractive poster and write down the reasons. Ss could use the following patterns, for example:I like the promotion poster in Group____ best, because it’s ________. Besides, as a _______. 搭建语言支架,鼓励学生结合自身情况,通过仿写自主表达观点,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。根据设计的海报,结合自身,谈论自己喜欢的促销海报及原因。Summary&Homework3’Summary: With T’s help, Ss try to sort out the knowledge points. Homework: Ss write an introduction of the promotional poster designed by themselves. 通过学生自评和他评,梳理本课所学,回顾语言知识中的重难点,引导学生学会反思和改进学习策略。回顾本课所学,通过评价,学会反思和改进。板书设计Unit 6 Let’s Go Shopping.Sales Promotion 1. A big discount 2. Special prices3. Free gifts/giveaways 4. Buy one get one free5. Reward points 6. Free shipping/delivery7. Coupons
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