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外研版 (2021)基础模块2Unit 8 There Is No Easy Path to Success公开课表格教学设计
展开单元名称Unit 8 There Is No Easy Path to Success. 课型Reading and Writing教学目标1. 能够读懂关于工匠纪录片的观后感;能够熟练运用所给句型转述别人的读后感,并运用所学词句写出工匠纪录片的观后感。2. 能够分析有关工匠纪录片观后感的逻辑结构;能够客观理解和分析不同的观点,学会从不同角度思考问题。3. 能够了解更多大国工匠的感人事迹,学习他们的优秀品质。4. 能够通过观看纪录片,做笔记,小组讨论等学习方法,提升信息提取与总结归纳的能力。相互分享,共同进步。教学重点能够根据所给句型,撰写文章中的观后感。教学难点能够看懂工匠纪录片,写观后感。教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法教学手段PPT课件、多媒体设备、微视频等教学过程教学环节与时间分配教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点Warm-up5’Invite some students to share their reports about Tu Youyou, which they were asked to do after class last time. Write down the words about the spirit of craftsmanship. 对接上一节课的课后作业,激活和检验工匠精神相关知识,为接下来的阅读作铺垫。重复工匠精神相关内涵英文表达。Pre-reading5’Show the students’ pictures of Zhou Bo, Lyn and Li Ming, and three expressions of craftsmanship. Ask the Ss to listen to the recording and do the match work.培养学生在不看书的情况下,听懂文章大意,找出关键信息的能力。做出正确的匹配。While-reading15’ 1. Read the three passages and fill in the blanks (underlined words) in the following form.通过填空完成表格,帮助学生梳理文本关键信息,培养学生总结归纳能力。问题的设置参考活动5,为接下来的写观后感活动作准备。根据文本信息,准确填写补充表格中空白信息。A documentary aboutWhat impressed him/her most?Zhou Boa senior railway engineerMore than 20 yearsNot work but his life.Lyn an old building restorerShe created a new method, which combined the ancient skills and modern technologies.Li MingA craftsman ofwooden furnitureTotally different from the mass-produced tables and chairsIt took him hours and hours to perfect just one chair.2. Write complete sentences, according to the information in the above form, using the following sentence patterns:_____ watched the documentary about ______________. What impressed him/her most was __________________________.将表格中碎片化信息转换为完整的句子,提高学生的书面表达能力,为活动五作铺垫。根据句型模版,学生能正确转述周波等三人的观后感。Post-reading13’1. Assignment:Divide the students into groups of four.明确任务,以便学生有的放矢。小组合作,明确任务。2. Play three short videos of the documentary about craftsmen and ask the students to take some notes while watching. 通过有效的记笔记策略,提升学生信息判断和关键信息的提取能力。灵活采用适合自己的记笔记策略,扩充思维导图内容。Discuss in a group and come to an agreement about which craftsman and write down their review ,using the sentence patterns:I watched the documentary about___________. What impressed me most was ___________________________.4. share their writings.小组合作,交流、筛选信息,形成观点。相互分享,共同进步。有效交流,形成观点,完成任务。Summary&Homework2’Summary: Summarize the expressions of the spirit of craftsmanship.Summarize the sentence pattern of writing a review.Homework: Preview for Better Performance and surf the internet for information about more craftsmen. 回顾本课所学,加深对读后感写作句型的印象。预习新课,提前上网搜索关于更多大国工匠的信息,为新课学习做好准备。能够掌握本课所学句型,写读后感。能够上网查找更多关于大国工匠的信息。板书设计Sentence patterns for review:I watched the documentary about _______.What impressed me most was ____________________________________________.Rewriting:(1) Zhou Bo watched the documentary about _______.What impressed him most was __________________________________.(2) Lyn watched the documentary about _______.What impressed her most was __________________________________.(3) Li Ming watched the documentary about _______.What impressed him most was __________________________________.Unit 8 There Is No Easy Path to SuccessThe spirit of craftsmanshipInnovationLove for workDevote himself to the jobStriving for perfection......
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