江苏高考3500词汇综合练精品系列01(晨读材料) Word版含解析
a(n) art. (泛指)一个
abandon vt.①抛弃,放弃,戒除:The enemy abandoned the city and fled.敌军弃城逃跑了。
②离弃,背弃:The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。
【搭配】abandon oneself to 沉溺于,纵情于
He abandoned himself to grief.他极度悲伤。
able adj.有能力的,能够,能干的:
He is an able teacher.他是位有能力的老师。
【搭配】be able to do sth能够做某事
He was able to solve the problem quickly.他很快把问题解决了。
ability n.①能力:She has the ability to speak English fluently.她能够流利地说英语。
②才能,才智:a man of ability(many abilities)有才能(多才能)的人
abnormal adj.反常的,不正常的,变态的
abnormal behavior反常的行为。
This warm weather is abnormal for February.2月份,如此温暖的天气不正常。
aboard adv.& prep.上船(飞机、车),在船(飞机、车)上
Welcome aboard this flight to London.欢迎搭乘本班开往伦敦的飞机。
He has gone aboard (the plane).他上了飞机。
【注意】board n.木板 v.上船(车、飞机)
abolish vt.终止,废除
It was Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery in the United States.
Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。
abortion n.流产,堕胎,夭折
His attempt proved to be an abortion.他的企图没能得逞。
about prep. ①在……各处,到处:He traveled about the world.他周游了全世界。
②在……附近(周围):He looked about him now and then.他不时地环顾四周。
③关于,涉及:He talked about his family.他谈到了他的家人。
④在……身上(边):Do you have a lighter about you?你身上带有打火机吗?
⑤从事于:What are you about?你在干什么?
adv. ①大约,差不多:She is about fifty.她大约50岁。
②在周围,到处:I am used to going about alone.我习惯于独来独往。
③在附近:There was nobody about.附近没有人。
【搭配】①How/What about………怎么样:How about having a cup of tea?喝杯茶怎么样?
What about that matter the other day?早几天的那件事怎么样了?
②be about to do sth即将要做某事(不与具体的时间状语连用)
They are about to start.他们就要动身了。
above prep. ①高于,高出,在……上方
I saw the moon above the roof.我看见月亮在屋顶上。
We were flying above the clouds.我们在云层上面飞行。
Health is above wealth.健康胜过财富。
The temperature has been above the average recently.近来的气温一直比平均温度高。
He is above doing such things.他不至于做出这样的事情来。
adv.在上面,在前面:the plan mentioned above上述计划。
adj.上面的:the above statement如上所述(= the statement above)
【搭配】above all 首先,尤其是
above oneself自高自大,自命不凡
above sea level海拔
above the average一般以上,平均水平以上
abroad adv.到(在)国外:He just came back from abroad.他刚从国外回来。
He has been abroad many times.他多次出国。
【搭配】at home and abroad在国内外
The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad
【注意】broad adj.宽阔的
abrupt adj. ①突然的,意外的:The train came to an abrupt stop.火车突然地停了下来。
②(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的:He has an abrupt manner.他举止粗鲁。
③陡峭的,险峻的:an abrupt peak一处险峰
absence n.①不在,缺席
Her absence was noticed by the teacher.老师注意到了她缺席。
In the absence of the manager I shall be in charge.经理不在的时候,我将负责。
The police were delayed by the absence of information about the crime.
After an absence of seven years I went home.外出7年后我返回故乡。
【搭配】absence of mind心不在焉
in the absence of(某人)不在时,(某物)缺乏时
absent adj. ①缺席的,不在场的:Nobody is absent today.今天没人缺席。
②(作定语)心不在焉的,出神的:He looked at me in an absent way.他茫然地看着我。
③缺乏的:This idiom is absent in that dictionary.那本词典里没有这个习语
【搭配】be absent from不在某处
absolute adj.①十足的,地道的:an absolute fool十足的傻瓜
②绝对的,完全的:That’s absolute nonsense!那完全是胡说。
③确实的,肯定的,无疑的:We have absolute proof.我们有确凿的证据。
④无条件的:make an absolute promise无条件答应
absorb vt. ①吸收:Dry sand absorbs water.干沙吸水。
②汲取,理解(知识等):I have no time to absorb what he said.我没有时间弄懂他所说的话。
③吸引……的注意,使全神贯注:He is absorbed in study.他专心学习。
Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses.大多数小店已被并入大公司。
【搭配】be absorbed in...全神贯注于……
abstract adj. ①抽象的:We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
②抽象派的:an abstract painter抽象派画家
n. ①抽象派艺术作品
②摘要,梗概:Please write an abstract of this scientific article.请写一份这篇科学论文的摘要。
absurd adj.荒谬的,愚蠢的,可笑的:
It’s absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.这么冷的天气不穿外衣,真是荒唐。
It is absurd to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.相信数字13会带来恶运是荒诞不经的。
abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的:an abundant harvest大丰收
Our country is abundant in natural resources.我国自然资源丰富。
abuse v.①滥用,指控:He was accused of abusing his position for personal gain.有人指控他以权谋私。
②辱骂,虐待:It’s said that he abused his wife.据说他虐待他妻子。
【搭配】the abuse of drugs滥用药物 personal abuse人身攻击
academic adj. ①(学院或大学)教学的,学术的:academic research学术研究 an academic degree学位
②纯理论的;不切实际的:an academic point一个纯理论的观点。
academy n. ①(高等)专科院校:an academy of music音乐院校 a military academy军事院校
②研究院,学会:the Academy of Sciences of China中国科学院
accelerate v.(使)加速,促进,增加:I accelerated and left the other cars behind.
I decided to accelerate our advertising.我决定增加广告量。
accent n. ①口音,腔调:He speaks with a strong Shanghai accent.他说话带有很重的上海口音。
②重音:The word “lady” has its accent on the first syllable. Lady.这个词的重音在第一个音节。
③强调,重点:In all our products the accent is on quality.
accept v. ①接受:She offered him a lift and he accepted (it).她请他坐她的车,他就领情了。
②同意,录取:The news that he had been accepted to Beijing University spread quickly.
③认为,承认:accept sth as true 信以为真
access n.①接近,进入:You can easily get access to him.你很容易见他。
②通道,入口(后接介词to):the access to a building进入大楼的通路。
③(接近、进入或享用)的机会:Only high officials had access to the Emperor.
vt.存取(计算机文件):I accessed three different files to find the correct information.
【搭配】have/gain access to可以获得/接近
accessible adj.①可到达的,可接近的,可进入的:These documents are not accessible to the public.
②容易理解的,易懂的:His poems are always very accessible.他的诗总是通俗易懂。
accident n. ①事故,意外事件:Two people were injured in the accident.这次事故中有两人受伤。
②意外;偶然:It is quite an accident.这是一件很偶然的事。
The police found the lost kid by accident.警察无意中找到了那个失踪的孩子。
【搭配】by accident (=by chance)偶然地,无意中
by accident of因为……的机会,由于……的运气
without accident平安无事地
accommodation n.住处,住宿,膳宿:Can we find accommodation(s) at a hotel for tonight?
This hospital has accommodation(s) for 500 patients.
accompany v. ①伴随,陪同:She accompanied her friend to the concert.她陪同朋友去听音乐会。
②为……伴奏:Her mother accompanied her on the piano.她的母亲用钢琴为她伴奏。
accomplish vt.做成功,完成,达成:accomplish one’s purpose达到目的
We tried to settle the argument but accomplished nothing.
according to prep.按照,根据:Everything went according to plan.一切按计划进行。
According to the weather forecast, we’ll have rain tomorrow.
account n. ①账目,账户:open an account at [with] a bank在银行开户
Put it on my account.= Add it to my account.记在我的账上。
②描述,说明,报导:I believe that is a very good account of what happened.
③原因,理由:He is angry on this account.由于这个原因他很生气。
④考虑:Never leave this point out of account.绝不可将这一点不列入考虑。
【搭配】account for解释,说明
by [from] all accounts据说,据报道,据各方面
on account of因为,由于
on no account绝不
take sth into account考虑,注意
accountant n. 会计师,会计:He signed the accountant to enter.他示意叫会计进去。
accumulate v.积累,收集,积储: Dust soon accumulates in the room.房间里很快积满了灰尘。
He accumulated a good library.他积累了丰富的藏书。
accuracy n.准确,精确:There is no need to check the accuracy of the report.
accurate adj.准确的,正确无误的:Is that clock accurate?那钟准吗?
He is accurate in his judgment.他的判断正确无误。
accuse vt.指责,控告,指控:He accused her of cheating.他指责她作弊。
He was accused as an accomplice.他被指控为同犯。
accustomed adj. 习惯的,经常的:He is accustomed to hard work.他习惯于苦干。
She was accustomed to getting up early.她习惯于早起。
ache n.疼痛:I have an ache in the stomach.我胃痛。
vi. 痛:Her head ached all night.她的头整夜都疼。
achieve vt. ①达到,取得:He achieved good results.他取得了好成绩。
She achieved no success.她没有获得成功。
②完成,实现:I’ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do.我仅完成了我所希望完成的一半。
achievement n.①完成:Such a goal was impossible of achievement.那样的目标不可能实现。
②成就,功绩:Landing on the moon was a remarkable achievement.登上月球是一大伟绩。