高考英语读后续写精读精炼(八)一:原文重现“What a crabby-looking lady(怨妇),” the cashier at my local convenience store whispered to her coworker. I was grabbing something off the shelf. I had a half dozen kids waiting for me outside in the van, and here's the thing: they were all my own children. No time for polite. No casual conversation with the checkout lady, no nod of approval toward the stock boy, no breathing. Just get the toilet paper, two gallons of milk and some Frosted Flakes and get back to my children!But my interest was aroused by the crabby-looking lady. Which one was she? Taking a family pack of toilet paper under my arm, I scanned the tiny store for the crabby lady. Let's see, there's a middle-aged guy checking on pork, an older gentleman at the checkout purchasing an egg salad sandwich and a coffee, and... just then I saw her, the crabby-looking lady.Her eyes were small; her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail so tight that it looked like her forehead would drop. Her mouth was shut serious. This lady looked like she had smelled something really bad. Then, I turned away from my own reflection in the convex security mirror(安全反射镜)at the back of the store. The crabby-looking lady... was me!That night, I cried. I was the crabby-looking lady! Me! The girl once voted nicest smile by her high school class! Things must get changed! Right then and there I resolved to do one thing over the next year. One simple resolution: to smile. I didn't need to wait for January 1st--I would start right now. I resolved to smile at anyone and anything, even though they would let me down. And I also resolved to make a conscious effort to smile, at least ten times a day. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。On the first day of “Mission Smile” I practiced smiling as planned. _______________________________________________________________________________. A month later, something different happened. _______________________________________________________________________________. 二:文本解析1.故事大意:一个六个孩子的妈妈在便利店购物时,被收银员评价为“怨妇”后受到很大触动,决心每天微笑10次来改变自己。2. 第一段续写:根据第一段首句On the first day of “Mission Smile” I practiced smiling as planned,续写第一段的情节发展方向应为:我第一天按照计划练习了微笑10次,对任何人,任何事,哪怕是一些原本会让我失望的人或事。此处要点为“practice” 和“as planned”。续写的情节可以是对小猫小狗练习微笑,可以是对邻居练习微笑,也可以对花草树木练习微笑,也可以对镜子练习微笑,对自己的孩子等一切人与事练习微笑;不必一一列举,但是要说明练习了10次。这样写已经基本符合要求,如果能提及自己对原本会失望的事情也刻意微笑了会更好;可以写的情节有,看到家里一片狼藉,提醒自己微笑;小孩子打破了碗,提醒自己微笑;丈夫下班迟回家,提醒自己微笑;邻居家的孩子球打碎了自家的窗户玻璃,提醒自己微笑。此处不一而足。3.第二段续写:首句One month later, something different happened起承上启下作用。续写第二段的情节发展方向应为:我在练习微笑一个月之后,情况发生了改变。此处要突出与第一段的对比,强调different;一个月之后的不同可能表现在以下几个方面,自己的情绪上、外貌上、对待他人的态度上以及他人对我的评价上。这几个方面不需要全部提及,但是自己情绪上的改变是重点。续写的内容要突出我不再需要刻意练习微笑,相反,遇到所有人所有事我会自然而然地露出微笑。情节部分可以是第一段续写内容的情景再现,不同的是,以前是忍住怒火刻意微笑,现在是由内而外地微笑面对,生活也变得惬意起来。结尾最好要与文章开头首尾照应,写出别人对我的评价的改变。可以是回到便利店购物,得到同一个收银员的赞美;也可以是在其它场合得到别人的赞美;或者是家人、邻居等发现了我的改变后对我的赞美。三:续写单句训练“使命微笑”的第一天,我按计划练习微笑。 我对一只奇怪的狗微笑,它在我女儿的新鞋子里,门口的推销员,我六个孩子中的三个,图书管理员问我是否知道全球人口过剩的问题,还有我的浴缸。 当我丈夫打电话说他会迟到时,我甚至对他笑了笑。 我在镜子里对自己笑了两次,只是为了提醒自己一个微笑是什么样子。 在练习了一个月后,出乎意料地,发生了一些不同的事情。 我甚至没有试图找到可以微笑的东西,我仍然会注意到微笑占据了我的脸。 当我女儿给洗碗机装上袜子时,我笑了。 当我们去教堂真的很晚的时候,我笑了。 有一天,我在当地的一家咖啡店遇到了几个朋友。 我无意中听到出纳员对她的同事说:“一个多么快乐的女士啊!”我甚至不用环顾四周就能知道她在说谁。 这是我的理解! 四:佳作展现On the first day of “Mission Smile” I practiced smiling as planned. _______________________________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A month later, something different happened. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 五:课后练笔One evening I was resting in a cafe. I wore a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.He was in an unfit shirt, looking pale and about eleven. At sight of my new leather shoes, his big eyes were bright with hope. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the box in his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He quickly bent down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them.He was busy doing his work when heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the café for shelter from the rain. More and more people crowded in and gradually separated the boy from me before I realized it. Hours passed, and it turned dark. I had no shoes on my feet and wondered where the boy had been. I thought he would not return my expensive shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.When it was near midnight the rain ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the café. The café was to be closed. I had to move slowly to the door, head lowered. Just as I went to the gate, I was surprised to find that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the door with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being bare. He was holding a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms.注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1. I shook him slightly and woke him up. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2. I felt it necessary to do something for the boy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 六:单句训练我轻轻摇了摇他,把他叫醒了。 他跳起来揉了一会儿眼睛,才终于认出我是谁。 然后他小心地打开怀里的包裹,把皮鞋给了我,害羞地一次又一次地向我道歉。 我付了他钱,把他冰冷的小家伙包裹起来 他的不合适的衬衫,包裹了我的皮鞋。 在回家的路上,我脑海里浮现着那个小男孩的形象。 我觉得有必要为这男孩做点什么。 第二天,我又去了咖啡馆,看到这个男孩在那里并不感到惊讶,他在顾客中间寻找生意。 我让他坐下来,我们聊了聊喝了一杯咖啡。 我知道他想赚些钱来帮助他生病的父亲和回到学校。 “你知道吗?”我只需要有人给我的员工擦鞋,因为他们太忙了,不能这样做,”我微笑着说。 参考答案三:单句训练The first day of “Mission Smile” I practiced smiling as planned. I smiled at a strange dog who peed on my daughter’s new school shoes while she was in them, the salesman to the door, three of my six children, a librarian who asked me if I was aware of the global overpopulation problem, and my bathtub. I even smiled at my husband over the phone when he called to say he’d be late from work.And I smiled at myself in the mirror twice, just to remind myself what a smile looked like. After practicing a month, unexpectedly, something different happened. I didn't even try to find things to smile at and I'd still notice smile take over my face. When my daughter loaded the dishwasher with her socks, I smiled. When we were really late for church, I smiled. One day I was meeting a couple of friends at a local coffee shop. I overheard the cashier remark to her co-worker, “What a happy-looking lady!" And I didn't even have to look around to know who she was talking about. It was me!六:单句训练I shook him slightly and woke him up. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes for quite a while before he finally recognized who I was. Then he opened the package in his arms with caution, gave me my leather shoes, and apologized again and again to me shyly. I paid him and wrapped his cold littlebody with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the image of the little boy stayed in my mind.I felt it necessary to do something for the boy. The next day I went to the café again and was not surprised to see the boy there, making his way among customers looking for some business. I asked him to sit down and we talked over a cup of coffee. I learnt that he was trying to make some money to help his sick father and to get back to school.“You know what? I just need someone to polish shoes for my employees as they are too busy to do that,” I said, smiling.四:佳作展现(一)The first day of “Mission Smile” I practiced smiling as planned. I smiled at a strange dog who peed on my daughter’s new school shoes while she was in them, the salesman to the door, three of my six children, a librarian who asked me if I was aware of the global overpopulation problem, and my bathtub. I even smiled at my husband over the phone when he called to say he’d be late from work. And I smiled at myself in the mirror twice, just to remind myself what a smile looked like. After practicing a month, unexpectedly, something different happened. I didn't even try to find things to smile at and I'd still notice smile take over my face. When my daughter loaded the dishwasher with her socks, I smiled. When we were really late for church, I smiled. One day I was meeting a couple of friends at a local coffee shop. I overheard the cashier remark to her co-worker, “What a happy-looking lady!" And I didn't even have to look around to know who she was talking about. It was me!(二)Paragraph 1. I shook him slightly and woke him up. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes for quite a while before he finally recognized who I was. Then he opened the package in his arms with caution, gave me my leather shoes, and apologized again and again to me shyly. I paid him and wrapped his cold littlebody with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the image of the little boy stayed in my mind.Paragraph 2. I felt it necessary to do something for the boy. The next day I went to the café again and was not surprised to see the boy there, making his way among customers looking for some business. I asked him to sit down and we talked over a cup of coffee. I learnt that he was trying to make some money to help his sick father and to get back to school. “You know what? I just need someone to polish shoes for my employees as they are too busy to do that,” I said, smiling.