( )1.depart A.加强,增强
( )2.financial B.不足,短缺
( )3.captain C.装上,装入;负载;承载量;大量
( )4.breadth D.证据,证明
( )5.load E.不予考虑,对……不屑一提;
( )6.strengthen F.宽度;广泛
( )7.dismiss G.随后的,后来的
( )8.proof H.船长,机长;上校;队长
( )9.shortage I.connected with money and finance
( )10.subsequent J.to leave a place,especially to start a trip
[答案] 1—5 JIHFC 6—10 AEDBG
( )1.set sail A.有助于
( )2.on behalf of B.坚持
( )3.as far as C.在远处
( )4.pass on D.不管,不顾
( )5.be loaded with E.启航;开船
( )6.insist on F.远到……
( )7.in panic G.代表(或代替);为了帮助;为了
( )8.in the distance H.传递
( )9.contribute to I.被装满
( )10.regardless of J.惊慌;恐慌
[答案] 1—5 EGFHI 6—10 BJCAD
1.convince vt. 使确信,使相信;说服,劝说
2.chart vt. 绘制区域地图;记录,跟踪
n. 图表;(the charts)排行榜;海图
3.harmonious adj. 友好和睦的;协调的,和谐的
4.acknowledge vt. 承认(权威、地位);承认(属实);
5.influential adj. 有很大影响力的,有支配力的
6.route n. 路线,路径;途径,渠道
7.regardless adv. 不顾,不加理会
8.shore n. 岸,滨
9.leak vi. 漏,渗漏;渗入
vt. 漏,渗露;泄露
n. 漏洞
10.insist vi.& vt. 坚决要求,坚持;坚持说
1.An earthquake hit the capital,causing panic among the population.
2.Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.
3.We insist on the highest standards at all times.
4.I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
5.These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.
6.He was so irresponsible that I decide to dismiss him.
7.The women came down the hill with their loads of firewood.
8.She estimated the breadth of the lake to be 500 metres.
9.Each colour on the chart represents a different department.
10.A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.
1.The exercises are designed to strengthen(strength) your stomach muscles.
2.It is a harmonious(harmony) community where pupils are happy and industrious.
3.She is one of the most influential(influence) figures in local politics.
4.Quite apart from all the work,he had financial(finance) problems.
5.There is no shortage(short)of things to do in the town.
6.A kingdom(king)is a country ruled by a king or queen.
1.A fleet of over 200 ships navigated the blue seas,with almost 28,000 people on board,which was a splendid scene.
一支由200多艘船只组成的船队在蓝色的海上航行,船上有28 000人,场面十分壮观。
2.According to some records,the largest ships were over 140 metres in length,demonstrating the advanced technology and special skills used in constructing ships.
3.Zheng He's efforts helped develop and strengthen harmonious relations with these countries and regions,exposing foreign people to Chinese culture,and allowing the Chinese to better understand overseas lands.
4.Those who make great discoveries must often overcome many challenges along the way—as was the case with the explorer Christopher Columbus.
5.His voyages opened a new chapter of the Age of Exploration,a period which witnessed many important geographical findings.
①set sail 启航;开船
②fleet n.舰队;捕鱼船队;车队
③navigate vt.航行;导航
④splendid adj.壮丽的;极佳的;极好的
⑤scene n.场面,场景;现场
⑥in length在长度上
⑦demonstrate vt.证明,论证;表露,显露
⑧advanced adj.高级的;先进的
⑨construct vt.建造;修造
⑩on behalf of 代表(或代替);为帮助;为了
⑪load vt.& vi.装上,装入n.负载;承载量;大量
⑫china n.瓷器
⑬pay visits to 拜访……
⑭as far as远到……;就……而言
⑮compass n.罗盘,指南针;圆规
⑯log n.航海日志,正式记录;原木vi.& vt.伐木
⑰chart vt.绘制区域地图;记录,跟踪n.图表;(the charts)排行榜;海图
⑱detailed adj.详细的,详尽的
⑲have an impact on对……产生影响
⑳set foot踏足;踏进
legend n.传说;传奇人物
pass on 传递;流传
strengthen vt.& vi.加强;增强
harmonious adj.友好和睦的;协调的,和谐的
historian n.历史学家
dismiss vt.不予考虑,对……不屑一提;去除,摒除;解雇;解散
proof n.证据,证明
enormous adj.巨大的;庞大的
shipyard n.船坞;造船厂
acknowledge vt.承认(权威、地位);承认(属实);(公开)感谢
influential adj.有很大影响力的,有支配力的
overcome vt.克服;战胜
insist vi.& vt.坚决要求,坚持;坚持说
route n.路线,路径;途径,渠道
continuous adj.连续的,不断的
attempt n.试图;企图
financial adj.财政的,金融的;财务的
depart vi.& vt.离开,起程
shortage n.不足,短缺
leak vi.漏,渗漏;渗入 vt.漏,渗露;泄露n.漏洞
grave adj.严重的;重大的
panic n.惊恐,恐慌vi.& vt.(使)惊慌,(使)惊慌失措
regardless of不管;不顾
bravery n.勇敢;勇气
spot v.发现 n.斑点;污点;现场
in the distance在远处;在远方
shore n.岸,滨
subsequent adj.随后的,后来的
contribution n.贡献
witness vt.目睹;见证
geographical adj.地理的;地理上的
Zheng He
In the summer of 1405,Zheng He,one of China's greatest explorers,set sail① from Taicang on his first voyage.A fleet② of over 200 ships navigated③ the blue seas,with almost 28,000 people on board,which was a splendid④ scene⑤.[1] It would take 500 years before a larger fleet sailed the seas.According to some records,the largest ships were over 140 metres in length⑥,demonstrating⑦ the advanced⑧ technology and special skills used in constructing⑨ ships.[2]
[2] demonstrating...是现在分词短语作状语。
Between 1405 and 1433,on behalf of⑩ the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He made a total of seven voyages.His ships were loaded⑪ with china⑫,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts to foreign rulers,and the fleet paid friendly visits to⑬ more than 30 countries and regions.He even sailed as far as⑭ the east coast of Africa.As they sailed,the navigators took compass⑮ readings,kept logs⑯ of their voyages and charted⑰ the coast.[3] Later the detailed⑱ maps became Zheng He's Navigation Map.
[3]as they sailed是as引导的时间状语从句。
Zheng He's seven voyages had a farreaching impact on⑲ China and its neighbours.In the countries and regions where Zheng He set foot⑳,[4] legends㉑ have been passed on㉒ about this great explorer.Zheng He's efforts helped develop and strengthen㉓ harmonious㉔ relations with these countries and regions,exposing foreign people to Chinese culture,and allowing the Chinese to better understand overseas lands.[5]
[4]where引导定语从句,修饰countries and regions。
For many years,some historians㉕ dismissed㉖ the records of these voyages as legends.The final proof㉗ came when an enormous㉘ shipyard㉙ was discovered in Nanjing,where the fleet had been built.[6] Zheng He's accomplishments are now widely acknowledged㉚,and he is remembered as one of China's most influential㉛ explorers.
Christopher Columbus
Those who make great discoveries must often overcome㉜ many challenges along the way—as was the case with the explorer Christopher Columbus.Columbus was born in a port city of Italy in 1451.As a teenager,he loved sailing,and he showed great interest in geography,which inspired him to begin his career as a seaman.
Columbus insisted㉝ on searching for a direct sea route㉞ to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.After continuous㉟ attempts㊱,he received financial㊲ support from the King and Queen of Spain.On 3 August 1492,he departed㊳ from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen.The journey was full of challenges:it took longer than expected,they faced a shortage㊴ of food,and one of the ships was leaking㊵ badly,which put everyone on this ship in grave㊶ danger.[7] The men on board were in panic㊷.Regardless of㊸ all the challenges,Columbus managed to keep everyone out of danger with his knowledge and bravery㊹ across the ocean.Finally,on 12 October,the crew spotted㊺ land in the distance㊻.Columbus called the natives living on the islands Indians because he was convinced㊼ that he was in the East Indies.However,the shores㊽ they had reached were of the Caribbean,not the East Indies.
Between 1493 and 1504,Columbus found more land over the course of his three subsequent㊾ voyages.The major contribution㊿ of this great explorer is that he “discovered” the New World.His discovery inspired explorers such as Captain James Cook to explore and discover more vast areas of the world.His voyages opened a new chapter of the Age of Exploration,a period which witnessed many important geographical findings.This period also allowed for an international exchange of ideas and cultures.
1405年夏天,中国最伟大的探险家之一郑和从太仓启航,开始了他的第一次航行。一支由200多艘船只组成的船队在蓝色的海上航行,船上有28 000人,场面十分壮观。要花500年才能有一支更大的舰队出海航行。根据一些记录可知,船队中最大的船只长度超过140米,显示了建造船只的先进技术和特殊技能。