Unit8 Detective stories 短语总结课件 译林版英语九年级上册
这是一份Unit8 Detective stories 短语总结课件 译林版英语九年级上册,共20页。
Welcome to the unit1.侦探故事 detective stories2.你为什么装扮成那样? Why are dressed like that? 给某人穿衣服 dress sb. 打扮 dress up 穿—衣服 be dressed in 穿衣服 get dressed 某人自己穿衣服 dress oneself打扮成 be dressed like3.侦探就是寻找某些重要事情线索的人 A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important.4.发生了什么? What happened?5.这件事要严重的多 This is much more serious.6.我的食物不见了.My good has gone missing.7.举行一次写作比赛 hold a writing competition1.查出谁是凶手 find out who the murderer is 2.警方的报告 the police’s report3.上周六晚上 last Saturday night4.一个年轻人被杀害了A young man was murdered.5.都对他们做了笔录 make notes on all of them6.在一家医院工作 work in a hospital7.在一家餐馆工作 work at a restaurant 8.一个中等身材的办公职员 an office worker of medium height9.最可能是凶手 be most likely to be the murderer10.你认为谁没有说实话? Who do you think is not telling the truth?11.可能是凶手 may/might be the murderer12.看起来不整洁,神情紧张 look untidy and nervousReading1.昨天晚上,西城发生了一起谋杀案 Last night, there was a murder in West Town.2.今天一大早,在西城发现了一具25岁男子的尸体。 Early today, the body of a 25-year-old man was found in West Town.3. 警方已经证实受害者是一名电脑工程师。 The police have confirmed that the victim was a computer engineer.4.他最后一次被看见是在昨天晚上大约7点钟。He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday.5.他说他将去看望他的父母。 He said he was going to visit his parents.6.警方认为这起谋杀案发生在昨晚9点到今天凌晨1点之间。 The police believe that the murder took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning.7.他们仍在案发现场工作,以查明受害者是在其他地方遇害后被带到西城,还是在发现他尸体的地方被杀害的。 They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then (was) brought to West Town.8.我们正在呼吁昨天晚上在谷街附近看到可疑情况的任何人与我们联系。 We are asking anyone who saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night to contact us. 9.西城的首席侦探 West Town’s chief detective10.受害者是被一把刀刺伤,结果流血过多而死。 The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result.11.我们现在正在检查现场以获得更多线索来帮助破案。 We’re now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case.12.警方也想知道受害人是否有仇人。 The police are also wondering if the victim had any enemies .13.他有许多朋友和一份薪水丰厚的工作。 He has many friends and a well-paid job.14.根据记录 according to the record15.他过去有电脑犯罪记录 He was guilty of computer crimes in the past.16.去年他被指控曾闯入多个电脑系统。 He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.17.我们不确定是否这件事给他招致了一些敌人。 We are not sure whether this made him any enemies.18.我们猜想受害人认识凶手。 We suppose that the victim knew his murderer.19.到目前为止 so far(常用于现在完成时) 20.唯一的嫌疑犯是一个又矮又瘦的男人。 the only suspect is a short thin man21.一个目击者报道说,他气喘吁吁,且衬衫上有血。 A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt.22.然而,这个嫌疑人可以证明案发时他在其他地方,并且坚称他无罪。 However, the suspect could prove that he was somewhereelse at the time of the crime and insisted that the was not guilty.23.受害者的父母为导致凶手被捕的任何信息提供了5万元奖金The victim’s parents have offered a reward of ¥50,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.24.能提供有用信息的任何人应该联系警方。 Anyone who can provide useful information should contact the police.25.已经做错一些事 have done something wrong26.关心你 care about you27.为你打架 fight for you 28.言语反对你 speak and act against you29.做一些违法的事 do something against the law30.确信某事 be sure of/ about something31.今天一大早 early this morning32.这谋杀案发生在下午七点到凌晨一点之间The murder took place between 7 p.m. and 1 a.m..Grammar1.用形容词来描述某个人或某件事 use adjectives to describe someone or something2.写一些有关谋杀案的句子 write down some sentences about the murder case3.不值一提 be not worth mentioning4.下班后 after work5.年老的夫妇 the elderly couple 一对/几个 a couple of 6.听到他们唯一的儿子被谋杀掉很悲伤 be very sad to hear that their only son was murdered7.检查现场寻找能帮助破案的指纹和其他的线索。check the scene for fingerprints and other clues that may help solve the case.1.可能不止一个与这起谋杀案有关There was probably more than one person who had something to do with the murder.2.被用作为 be used as 3.第一个用英文写侦探故事的人 the man who/that fist wrote detective stories in English4. 需要读者检查每一个小细节来寻找犯罪案件的可能线索 require readers to check every tiny detail for possible clues to the criminal cases.5.被Arthur Conan 塑造的一个人物。 a character that was created by Arthur Conan6.一个破案高手 a master at solving crimes7.一个全世界青少年中受欢迎的卡通片里的一名侦探 a detective who appears in a cartoon series popular among teenagers all over the world1.被认为犯罪小说女王的一位女作家 a female writer who is considered the queen of crime novels2.在电视上正在采访一名警方官员关于西镇的谋杀案 be interviewing a police officer on TV about the murder in West Town.3.在一个垃圾箱找到了 be found in a rubbish bin4.—的画像 the drawing of 5.可能是这个年轻男人的凶手 might be the murderer of the young man6.取得—的进步 make progress in 7.做一些法律不允许的事 do something that is not allowed by the law8.向警察报告他的老板犯下的罪行 report the crime that his boss had committed to the police1.原来是 turn out2.与这起案件无关 have nothing to do with the case3.匆忙赶公交车 be in a hurry to catch a bus hurry to catch a bus/ catch a bus in a hurryI am sure she has something _______ you can borrow.1) 先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。that和which在指物的情况下一般都可互换, 但在下列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。that2) 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时。 I’ve read all the books _____ are not mine. 3) 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 This is the first book _____ he has read.4) 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。 This is the very book ____ belongs to him.thatthatthat5) 先行词即有人又有物时,只能用”that” They talked about the things and persons ______ they remember in the factory.6)以who或which引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,只用that. Who is the girl _____ is crying? 正在哭的那个女孩是谁?thatthat只能用which而不用that:1)先行词是that, those时What’s that which is under the desk?在桌子底下的是什么?2)关系代词前有介词,一般用which.This is the room in which he lives.这是他居住的房间。Integrated skills1.一个小孩已经被绑架了 A child has been kidnapped2.做了一些笔记 make/take some notes3.关大伟的儿子 the son of Guan Dawei4.富人 a man of great wealth5.一个四岁的男孩 a four-year-old boy6.1.1米高 1.1metres tall/ in height7.坐六个月牢 six months in prison在吃饭 at table 在桌旁 at the table住院 in hospital 在医院里 in the hospital从今往后 in future 在将来 in the future究竟 on earth 在地球上 on the earth 1.写了一篇有关绑架案的报告 write a report on the kidnapping case2.在12月28的早上 on the morning of 28 December/in the morning on 28December3.另一个嫌疑犯 the other suspect(one---the other 两者)(one—another 三者或三者以上)4.无犯罪记录 have no criminal record5.你们能想一些安全提示来保护自己免于受到犯罪活动的侵害吗? Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against Crime?6.我们离开家时应该记得锁门We should remember to lock the door when we leave home. 1.我们最好把所有的窗户也关上。 We’d better shut all the windows too.2.我们不应该随身带很多钱。 We shouldn’t carry a lot of money with us.3.我们最好也不要晚上单独出去。 We’d better not go out alone at night either.4.那可能危险 . It can be dangerous.5.我同意 Iagree.6.我认为我们需要提防我们周围任何可能的危险。 I think we need to guard against any possible danger around us.Task1.参加学校的写作比赛 enter the school writing competition2.看见有人跑进了布鲁斯大楼 see someone running into Bruce’s building3.计划第二天把项链交到警察局 plan to take the necklace to the police the next day4.在门外发现了一条金项链 find a gold necklace outside his door5.被指控盗窃 be charged with theft6.遗漏了几个单词 miss out a few words7.布鲁斯和他的邻居们相处的很好,除了住在他隔壁的那个男人Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours except the man who lives next door1.与—说话 speak to 2.没有人知道他以什么为生 No one knows what he does for a living3.下班回家 come home from work 4.就在那时 just then5.一些价值连城的珠宝 some valuable jewellery 6.我们最好报警 We’d better call the police.7开始寻找线索 start looking for clues8.因---而被逮捕 be under arrest for ---