UNIT 5 Education Writing Workshop翻译+ 讲解 课件北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册
这是一份UNIT 5 Education Writing Workshop翻译+ 讲解 课件北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册,共37页。
UNIT 5 Education Writing WorkshopWriting Workshop课文1 Pair Work You are going to write an essay to describe a picture. 你将写一篇描述一幅图片的文章。Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner.看图A,和你的同伴讨论。What do you see in the picture?你在图片中看到了什么?How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right?你如何描述左边的男孩和右边的男孩?What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us?你认为这幅画想告诉我们什么?I see two boys: one is focused on the loss and the other is focused on what is left. 我看到两个男孩:一个专注于失去,另一个专注于剩下的。People always hold different attitude towards things. 人们对事物总是持有不同的态度。It is us who decide our attitude and the result.是我们自己决定我们的态度和结果。2 Look at picture B below and read the essay. 看下面的图片B,阅读文章。From the writer's point of view, what is the man's personality? 从作者的角度来看,这个人的个性是什么?What lesson is the picture trying to teach?这幅图想告诉我们什么?A PICTURE DESCRIPTION图片描述When I first look at this picture, it seems to be just a pretty simple drawing of a man in a garden. 当我第一次看到这幅画的时候,它似乎只是一幅非常简单的画,一个人在花园里。However, when looking at it more closely, I see something interesting.然而,当我仔细观察它时,我发现了一些有趣的事情。In the picture, a man is wearing a hat and an apron, and is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily. 在这幅画中,一个男人戴着帽子,穿着围裙,带着一把伞,因为雨下得很大。He has his back turned to us. 他背对着我们。We can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can. 我们可以看到他在花园里,因为他正在用喷壶给花浇水。The drawing is entitled "It's Time to Water the Flowers".这幅画被命名为“该给花浇水了”。This implies [that this man obviously loves routines] (and his flowers), and probably waters his flowers every day at the same time. 这意味着[这个男人显然喜欢例行公事](和他的花),他可能每天都在同一时间给他的花浇水。He is doing this even though it is raining heavily. 尽管雨下得很大,他还是在做这件事。However, the plants don't need the extra water he is providing. 然而,这些植物并不需要他提供的额外水。He is not seeing the obvious, but is just going through the motions without thinking.他并没有看到明显的东西,只是在走过场,没有思考。The overall message [we can take from this picture] is [that it is important to have routines and timetables], as they can help us stay organised, [从这幅图中我们可以得到的]总体信息是,[有惯例和时间表是很重要的],因为它们可以帮助我们保持条理,but sometimes routines can control us, rather than us controlling the routines但有时惯例可以控制我们,而不是我们控制惯例。It is important not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules, because they can make us blind to [what is in front of us]. 重要的是不要过于专注于常规和日程安排,因为它们会让我们看不到[眼前的东西]。Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.有时我们需要灵活,以适应不断变化的环境。it是形式主语,真正的主语是:not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules3 Complete the structure of the text by putting the different parts in the correct order.将不同的部分按正确的顺序排列,完成文章的结构。a Analysis of the picture/ person分析图片/人物b Description of the picture 图片说明c Lessons from the picture 图片给我们的启示d General introduction 总体介绍dbac4 Underline all the linking words in the text [that are used to give reasons]. 在文章中所有[用于解释原因的]连系词下面画线。Write 2-3 sentences about picture A on page 40. 写2-3个关于第40页的图片A句子。Use the Sentence Builder to help you.使用Sentence Builder来帮助你。Linking Words: Reasons 连接词:原因becauseA man ...is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily.forWe can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can.as… it is important to have routines and timetables, as they can help us stay organised.5 Outlining Complete the outline of your essay based on Activity 3.根据活动3完成文章的提纲。6 Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.利用你的大纲和写作帮助来写你的第一稿。Writing about a Picture It's important to:describe [what is shown in the picture] firstly;首先描述[图中所示的东西];analyse its meaning and give your comments; 分析它的意义并给出你的意见;Writing about a Picture It's important to:use the present tense when describing and commenting on the picture;描述和评论图片时使用现在时;not only describe [what it shows], but also tell [what lessons are taught].不仅要描述[它所展示的东西],还要说明[它教给我们什么教训]。漫画作文写作指导第一步:对漫画内容进行简单描述。 第二步:分析漫画所揭示的道理、问题或现象。 第三步:提出自己的观点或建议。 【三段结构】第一步:描述漫画From the picture, we may clearly see that… 从图画中,我们可以清楚地看到……As we can see clearly from the picture, … 正如我们从图画中清楚地看到的,……【常用句型】第二步:分析漫画所揭示的问题、道理或现象The author is trying to get it across that… 作者试图使人们理解……The artist of the picture tries to let us keep in mind that… 这幅画的作者试图让我们记住……【常用句型】第三步:提出自己的建议或观点As far as I am concerned, …… 就我而言,......In my opinion, we should try our best to …… 在我看来,我们应该尽力......【常用句型】漫画作文模拟写作请根据这幅漫画写一篇英语短文,词数120词左右。定体裁定人称定时态定结构夹叙夹议文第三人称为主一般现在时为主第一段:介绍漫画内容第二段:对该事件的分析第三段:获得的教训或启示 It seems to be an ordinary picture, but it will leave us deep in thought. In this picture, a bottle is knocked down on the floor, with some liquid spilling out. However, the two persons show different attitudes towards the fallen bottle.这似乎是一幅普通的画,但它会给我们留下深刻的思考。在这幅图中,一个瓶子被打翻在地板上,一些液体洒了出来。然而,两个人对掉下来的瓶子表现出不同的态度。The negative person sees nothing left in the bottle, which makes him rather upset. However, the positive person thinks some is left at least.消极的人看到瓶子里什么都没有了,这让他很沮丧。然而,积极的人认为至少还剩下一些。 This implies that different people with different attitudes hold different views on the same thing. A positive attitude leads to happiness while a negative attitude results in sadness.这意味着不同的人,不同的态度,对同一件事有不同的看法。积极的态度带来快乐,消极的态度导致悲伤。The lesson I take from the picture is that we should have a positive attitude and always see the bright side of things. Only in this way can we lead a happier life.我从这幅画中得到的教训是,我们应该有积极的态度,总是看到事物光明的一面。只有这样,我们才能过上更幸福的生活。A Picture Description图片描述It seems to be an ordinary picture, but it will leave us deep in thought. In this picture, a bottle is knocked down on the floor, with some liquid spilling out. However, the two persons show different attitudes towards the fallen bottle. The negative person sees nothing left in the bottle, which makes him rather upset. However, the positive person thinks some is left at least.This implies that different people with different attitudes hold different views on the same thing. A positive attitude leads to happiness while a negative attitude results in sadness.The lesson I take from the picture is that we should have a positive attitude and always see the bright side of things. Only in this way can we lead a happier life.
UNIT 5 Education Writing WorkshopWriting Workshop课文1 Pair Work You are going to write an essay to describe a picture. 你将写一篇描述一幅图片的文章。Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner.看图A,和你的同伴讨论。What do you see in the picture?你在图片中看到了什么?How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right?你如何描述左边的男孩和右边的男孩?What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us?你认为这幅画想告诉我们什么?I see two boys: one is focused on the loss and the other is focused on what is left. 我看到两个男孩:一个专注于失去,另一个专注于剩下的。People always hold different attitude towards things. 人们对事物总是持有不同的态度。It is us who decide our attitude and the result.是我们自己决定我们的态度和结果。2 Look at picture B below and read the essay. 看下面的图片B,阅读文章。From the writer's point of view, what is the man's personality? 从作者的角度来看,这个人的个性是什么?What lesson is the picture trying to teach?这幅图想告诉我们什么?A PICTURE DESCRIPTION图片描述When I first look at this picture, it seems to be just a pretty simple drawing of a man in a garden. 当我第一次看到这幅画的时候,它似乎只是一幅非常简单的画,一个人在花园里。However, when looking at it more closely, I see something interesting.然而,当我仔细观察它时,我发现了一些有趣的事情。In the picture, a man is wearing a hat and an apron, and is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily. 在这幅画中,一个男人戴着帽子,穿着围裙,带着一把伞,因为雨下得很大。He has his back turned to us. 他背对着我们。We can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can. 我们可以看到他在花园里,因为他正在用喷壶给花浇水。The drawing is entitled "It's Time to Water the Flowers".这幅画被命名为“该给花浇水了”。This implies [that this man obviously loves routines] (and his flowers), and probably waters his flowers every day at the same time. 这意味着[这个男人显然喜欢例行公事](和他的花),他可能每天都在同一时间给他的花浇水。He is doing this even though it is raining heavily. 尽管雨下得很大,他还是在做这件事。However, the plants don't need the extra water he is providing. 然而,这些植物并不需要他提供的额外水。He is not seeing the obvious, but is just going through the motions without thinking.他并没有看到明显的东西,只是在走过场,没有思考。The overall message [we can take from this picture] is [that it is important to have routines and timetables], as they can help us stay organised, [从这幅图中我们可以得到的]总体信息是,[有惯例和时间表是很重要的],因为它们可以帮助我们保持条理,but sometimes routines can control us, rather than us controlling the routines但有时惯例可以控制我们,而不是我们控制惯例。It is important not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules, because they can make us blind to [what is in front of us]. 重要的是不要过于专注于常规和日程安排,因为它们会让我们看不到[眼前的东西]。Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.有时我们需要灵活,以适应不断变化的环境。it是形式主语,真正的主语是:not to become too preoccupied with routines and schedules3 Complete the structure of the text by putting the different parts in the correct order.将不同的部分按正确的顺序排列,完成文章的结构。a Analysis of the picture/ person分析图片/人物b Description of the picture 图片说明c Lessons from the picture 图片给我们的启示d General introduction 总体介绍dbac4 Underline all the linking words in the text [that are used to give reasons]. 在文章中所有[用于解释原因的]连系词下面画线。Write 2-3 sentences about picture A on page 40. 写2-3个关于第40页的图片A句子。Use the Sentence Builder to help you.使用Sentence Builder来帮助你。Linking Words: Reasons 连接词:原因becauseA man ...is carrying an umbrella because it is raining heavily.forWe can see he is in his garden, for he is watering the flowers with a watering can.as… it is important to have routines and timetables, as they can help us stay organised.5 Outlining Complete the outline of your essay based on Activity 3.根据活动3完成文章的提纲。6 Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft.利用你的大纲和写作帮助来写你的第一稿。Writing about a Picture It's important to:describe [what is shown in the picture] firstly;首先描述[图中所示的东西];analyse its meaning and give your comments; 分析它的意义并给出你的意见;Writing about a Picture It's important to:use the present tense when describing and commenting on the picture;描述和评论图片时使用现在时;not only describe [what it shows], but also tell [what lessons are taught].不仅要描述[它所展示的东西],还要说明[它教给我们什么教训]。漫画作文写作指导第一步:对漫画内容进行简单描述。 第二步:分析漫画所揭示的道理、问题或现象。 第三步:提出自己的观点或建议。 【三段结构】第一步:描述漫画From the picture, we may clearly see that… 从图画中,我们可以清楚地看到……As we can see clearly from the picture, … 正如我们从图画中清楚地看到的,……【常用句型】第二步:分析漫画所揭示的问题、道理或现象The author is trying to get it across that… 作者试图使人们理解……The artist of the picture tries to let us keep in mind that… 这幅画的作者试图让我们记住……【常用句型】第三步:提出自己的建议或观点As far as I am concerned, …… 就我而言,......In my opinion, we should try our best to …… 在我看来,我们应该尽力......【常用句型】漫画作文模拟写作请根据这幅漫画写一篇英语短文,词数120词左右。定体裁定人称定时态定结构夹叙夹议文第三人称为主一般现在时为主第一段:介绍漫画内容第二段:对该事件的分析第三段:获得的教训或启示 It seems to be an ordinary picture, but it will leave us deep in thought. In this picture, a bottle is knocked down on the floor, with some liquid spilling out. However, the two persons show different attitudes towards the fallen bottle.这似乎是一幅普通的画,但它会给我们留下深刻的思考。在这幅图中,一个瓶子被打翻在地板上,一些液体洒了出来。然而,两个人对掉下来的瓶子表现出不同的态度。The negative person sees nothing left in the bottle, which makes him rather upset. However, the positive person thinks some is left at least.消极的人看到瓶子里什么都没有了,这让他很沮丧。然而,积极的人认为至少还剩下一些。 This implies that different people with different attitudes hold different views on the same thing. A positive attitude leads to happiness while a negative attitude results in sadness.这意味着不同的人,不同的态度,对同一件事有不同的看法。积极的态度带来快乐,消极的态度导致悲伤。The lesson I take from the picture is that we should have a positive attitude and always see the bright side of things. Only in this way can we lead a happier life.我从这幅画中得到的教训是,我们应该有积极的态度,总是看到事物光明的一面。只有这样,我们才能过上更幸福的生活。A Picture Description图片描述It seems to be an ordinary picture, but it will leave us deep in thought. In this picture, a bottle is knocked down on the floor, with some liquid spilling out. However, the two persons show different attitudes towards the fallen bottle. The negative person sees nothing left in the bottle, which makes him rather upset. However, the positive person thinks some is left at least.This implies that different people with different attitudes hold different views on the same thing. A positive attitude leads to happiness while a negative attitude results in sadness.The lesson I take from the picture is that we should have a positive attitude and always see the bright side of things. Only in this way can we lead a happier life.