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    Unit 2 Looking into the Future Using Language 课件
    Unit 2 Looking into the Future  Using Language 课件01
    Unit 2 Looking into the Future  Using Language 课件02
    Unit 2 Looking into the Future  Using Language 课件03
    Unit 2 Looking into the Future  Using Language 课件04
    Unit 2 Looking into the Future  Using Language 课件05
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Signposts等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Aims:In this class, yu will▶wrk ut the cntent, structure and language features f the reading passage;▶write yur pinin in an essay abut the changes caused by new technlgy.
    Lead-in Activity: Think and share.
    Welcme r reject future changes
    What’s yur pint f view n new technlgy?What new devices r apps have yu been using recently? Are they helpful r nt?
    “Passenger Dies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mde”
    Lead-in Activity: Discuss the news.
    Shuld We Fight New Technlgy?
    What is the passage mainly abut? It’s abut the advantages and disadvantages f new technlgy and the authr’s wn pinin.
    Reading Activity: Read fr main idea.
    Reading Activity: Read and decide whether the statements are true (T) r false (F).
    1.A persn died in an accident while driving a car. Passenger dies when car crashes in driverless mde (Para 1)2.The Amish avid new technlgy because they d nt want t have gd lives. The Amish think a simple life is better. (Para 2)
    3.Many disasters have been prevented by weather-tracking cmputer prgrammes. The latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrammes give peple lts f warnings abut ptential natural disasters. (Para 3)4.Building large netwrks thrugh scial media helps us find new pprtunities. 5.The authr uses a health mnitr t knw hw much exercise he/she needs.
    In which paragraphs des the authr:▶ describe the issue? ________________ ▶ give an pinin? ________________ ▶ discuss the advantages? ________________ ▶ discuss the disadvantages? ________________
    Reading Activity: Read and find ut the structure.
    The authr describes the issue in Paragraph 1.
    …“Passenger Dies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mde”. …varius peple said that the public shuld ppse the idea f develping driverless cars. …the cmpany still claimed that mst peple wuld be travelling in driverless cars ne day sn.
    The authr discusses the disadvantages in Paragraph 2.
    On the ne hand, there are many different grups f peple arund the wrld wh live happily in the absence f new technlgy. Prbably the mst well knwn are the Amish… They d nt wn r drive cars, watch TV, r use the Internet... They advcate a simple life…
    The authr discusses the advantages in Paragraph 3.
    On the ther hand, new technlgy has prvided peple everywhere with many benefits ver the years. Fr example, the latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrammes… Mrever, the Internet has made it pssible fr friends and family t keep in tuch easily... It has als made finding pprtunities in life much easier…
    The authr gives an pinin in Paragraph 4.
    Persnally, I have benefited quite a lt frm technlgical advances. I fund my career as an AI designer thrugh a scial media netwrk. My health mnitr…has als helped me get int the best shape f my life. … it can be a scary prspect. Nevertheless, I will always lk n the psitive side…
    Reading Activity: Read and find ut the signpsts
    Sme wrds and phrases are used as signpsts t help shw a paragraph’s purpse. These usually cme at the beginning r end f a paragraph.
    Paragraph 1
    They said that sme advances in technlgy were unnecessary and culd even be dangerus. Hence, we shuld cease accepting technlgy just because it is new. … Nevertheless, the cmpany still claimed that…
    Paragraph 2
    On the ne hand, there are many different grups f peple arund the wrld wh live happily in the absence f new technlgy. Prbably the mst well knwn are the Amish, a grup f Christians living in rural America…They advcate…
    Paragraph 3
    On the ther hand, new technlgy has prvided peple everywhere with many benefits ver the years. Fr example, the latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrammes…Mrever, the Internet has made it pssible fr friends and family t keep in tuch…
    Paragraph 4
    Persnally, I have benefited quite a lt frm technlgical advances. I fund my My health mnitr…Of curse, when new technlgy changes the way we live, it can be a scary prspect. Nevertheless, I will always lk n the psitive side…
    Intrduce tw cntrasting pints r facts: n the ne hand…; n the ther hand…;Add mre infrmatin: mrever…; Explain r supprt a pint: fr example…;State a cnclusin: hence...;Say smething that cntrasts with what has just been said: nevertheless...;Give yur wn pinin: persnally…;
    They are used t intrduce the prs and cns,and t intrduce the authr’s wn pinin.
    Why did the authr decide t write abut this tpic?Because the authr read a newspaper article and wanted t reflect n it.
    varius peple
    the family f the deceased
    the car cmpany
    … public shuld ppse the idea……were unnecessary and culd …
    …it was nt enugh…
    …still claimed that mst peple wuld be travelling in driverless cars…
    Reading Activity: Summary.
    …many different grups f peple… live happily in the absence f new technlgy.
    Prbably the mst well knwn are the Amish…They advcate a simple life with… …The Amish’s quality f life is better since…
    The latest weather-tracking cmputer prgrammes…The Internet has made it pssible fr…It has als made finding pprtunities …much easier…
    New technlgy has prvided peple everywhere with many benefits ver the years.
    I fund my career as…thrugh a scial media netwrk.My health mnitr…get int the best shape f my life. I will always lk n the psitive side…
    I have benefited quite a lt frm technlgical advances.
    Brainstrm sme future advances in technlgy, and their pssible advantages and disadvantages.
    Artificial intelligence (AI)
    We will be well served by rbts.
    Peple will lse jbs and becme lazy.
    Pre-writing Activity: Brainstrm.
    cure serius illnesses
    mral prblems
    Pre-writing Activity: Decide the cntent.
    Sample Writing The ther day,I read abut a cmpany develping cmpanin rbts. These are rbts that are suppsed t be friends fr peple wh live alne. Sme f these cmpanin rbts are actually like small pets that a persn can talk t and interact with. But unlike real pets,they d nt have t feed them r take them fr a walk. Hwever,this cmpany is als develping a cmpanin rbt that is exactly like a human being. It can walk and talk just like a persn des. This all gt me t think. On the ne hand,sme peple culd say that a cmpanin rbt like this is gd fr us. Fr example,if smene ld lives alne and seldm ges ut, a cmpanin rbt culd prvide him r her with a lt f cmfrt and enrich his r her life. Further,the rbt culd help mnitr the health cnditin f that persn. Fr example,if the persn falls dwn and gets injured at hme,the rbt can call the dctr immediately t cme and help.
    On the ther hand,sme peple als use this technlgy t avid scial cntact. Fr example,there was a yung man wh recently gt “married” t an anime character. What if it became cmmn fr peple t get married t rbts rather than human beings in the future? The gap between peple culd further widen due t the develpment f realistic rbts. Persnally,I d nt see cmpanin rbts as an answer t peple’s prblems. We shuld be prviding each ther with true cmpanins and true friendship rather than cld machines.
    Pst-writing Activity: Use the checklist t review yur draft.Des the essay say what the writer thinks abut the tpic?Des the bdy discuss the advantages and disadvantages f the advance?Are signpsts used t help the reader understand the purpse f each paragraph?Des the cnclusin state the writer’s psitin?
    Language pints
    教材原句p.18Wrds such as predict ,predictin ,and frecast ,are als used quite ften when making predictins.像predict,predictin 和frecast 这样的词在进行预测时也经常使用。
    1 predict vt. 预测;预言;预料搭配It is predicted that... 据预测……be predicted t d sth. 预测做某事In cnclusin,n ne can predict hw much damage the radiatin leak will cause t the envirnment.总之,没有人能预测这次辐射泄漏将会对环境带来多大危害。It was predicted that the temperature f the next mnth wuld cntinue t fall. 据预报,下个月的气温将继续下降。The hurricane is predicted t reach the cast tmrrw mrning.飓风预计将于明天早晨登陆。
    单句语法填空(1)Sales were five percent lwer than _____________(predict).(2)N matter hw carefully yu plan yur finances,n ne can predict _____________the unexpected will happen.(3)It’s ridiculus f yu t believe in her _____________(predict)abut yur future.(4)In summer,the weather is much less_____________(predict).完成句子(5)据预报会有地震。_____________________________________________________________
    It is predicted that there will be an earthquake
    2 frecast vt. (frecasted,frecasted 或frecast,frecast)预测;预报 n. 预测;预报Experts are frecasting a recvery in the ecnmy. 专家预测经济将复苏。A thunderstrm is frecast fr tmrrw. 预报明天有雷暴。The scientists frecast that after several mre years f envirnmental prtectin effrts the zne layer will recver t its riginal extent. 科学家预测,再经过几年在环境保护方面的努力,臭氧层会恢复到原来的程度。[词汇复现]a weather frecast 天气预报【学法点拨】frecast 中的fre- 是前缀,表示“在前部,预先”。前缀fre- 构成的其他单词还有:frehead 前额,fresee 预见,fretell 预言。
    单句语法填空(1)With tday’s technlgy,scientists still have difficulty _____________(frecast) earthquakes.完成句子(2)Nwadays __________________________ (天气预报) brings lts f cnvenience t ur life.(3)We can hardly _______________________________________ (预测结果如何).
    a weather frecast
    frecast what the result will be
    教材原句p.19Name Occupatin Predictin名字  职业     预测3 ccupatin n.[C]工作,职业;[U]侵占,占领;居住,占用Please give yur name,age and ccupatin.请填写你的姓名、年龄和职业。The area is under ccupatin. 这一地区已被占领。Under such circumstances,the ffices will be ready fr ccupatin in June. 在这种情况下,办公室将于 6 月交付使用。【词语积累】(1)ccupy vt. 占用;占据;使忙于ccupy neself(in)ding sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事Farmers are ccupying themselves with the crps in the fields.农民正在地里忙着收割庄稼。(2)ccupied adj. 忙于……的be ccupied(in)ding sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事
    单句语法填空(1)— Why dn’t yu chse engineer as yur_____________(ccupy)?— I dn’t want t devte myself t lifeless machines.(2)On lng jurneys I ccupy _____________(I)with maths puzzles.(3)Please state yur name,address and _____________(ccupy)in the bx belw.(4)He’s fully ccupied _____________(lk) after three small children.
    教材原句p.20In the article,varius peple said that the public shuld ppse the idea f develping driverless cars. 在这篇报道中,多位人士表示公众应该反对发展无人驾驶汽车这一想法。4 ppse vt. 反对(计划、政策等);抵制,阻挠ppse ding sth. 反对做某事搭配ppse sb. ding sth. 反对某人做某事be ppsed t(ding)sth. 反对(做)某事(t 为介词)I wuld ppse abusing the law. 我将反对滥用法律。Mary’s dad strngly ppsed her ging there alne.玛丽的爸爸极力反对她单独去那儿。At that time,the upper classes were very ppsed t the plitical changes prpsed by the refrmers. 那时候,上流社会非常反对维新派提出的政治变革。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)Many lcal peple ppsed _____________(build) the new airprt.(2)My mther was very much ppsed t my_____________(g) abrad.(3)The statesman,_____________(ppse)t carrying ut the prject,made sme cmmentin the reprt.(4)They expressed strng _____________(ppse)t the plans.
    be ppsed t 中 t 为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
    此处用过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句wh was ppsed t carrying...。
    名词在句中作动词expressed 的宾语。
    教材原句p.20Hence,we shuld cease accepting technlgy just because it is new. 所以,我们应停止仅仅因为技术是新的就接受它。5 cease vi. & vt. 使停止;终止 n. 停止搭配cease t d sth. /cease ding sth. 停止做某事withut cease 不停地,持续地Yu never cease t amaze me! 你总能让我感到惊奇!I must ask yu t cease speaking ill f yur friends.我必须要求你停止说你朋友的坏话。We wrked withut cease t get the prject finished n time.为了按时完成计划,我们不停地工作。
    单句语法填空(1)In 1981,she _____________(cease) being a player and mved int management. I hadceased t care what happened t her.完成句子(2)The dctrs are wrking __________________________(不停地) t find cures fr the newdiseases.
    withut cease
    教材原句p.20 are many different grups f peple arund the wrld wh live happily in the absence f new technlgy. ……世界上有许多不同群体的人,在没有新技术的情况下依然过着幸福的生活。6 absence n. 不存在;缺乏;缺席,不在in the absence f 因缺乏……搭配in/during ne’s absence 某人不在/ 缺席的时候absence f mind 心不在焉absence frm wrk/schl 缺勤/ 缺课The absence f financial resurces makes these small cmpanies helpless. 财力的缺乏让这些小公司回天无力。[词汇复现]They decided n the date and place f the party during my absence.他们在我不在时确定了聚会的日期和地点。His repeated absences frm schl are wrrying. 他的一再缺课令人担忧。
    【一言辨异】Shrtage f skilled wrkers is ur main difficulty at present,and the lack f sense f respnsibility ften leads t sme wrkers’ absence frm wrk. 缺乏熟练工人是我们目前的主要困难,而且没有责任感经常使得一些工人旷工。——shrtage 数量短缺;lack 不足或没有;absence 缺席或不存在。He has been absent frm his desk fr tw weeks. 他已经两周没来了。There were 200 peple present at the meeting.有200 人出席会议。
    单句语法填空(1)Curage is nt the _____________(absent) f fear but rather the judgment that smething else is mre imprtant than fear.(2) The campaign had begun _____________ his absence.(3)There were s many peple absent _____________the meeting that it had t be put ff.完成句子(4)The receptin was held __________________________(她不在时).(5)_____________________(因为没有)visas,they were frced t leave America.(6)The manager _________________(缺席)the imprtant meeting last week.(7)I’ll _______________(出席)yur firm’s receptin next week.
    during/in her absence
    In the absence f
    was absent frm
    be present at
    教材原句p.20They advcate a simple life with an emphasis n hard wrk,family,and cmmunity. 他们提倡简朴的生活,强调实干、家庭和社区。7 advcate vt. 提倡;支持;拥护 n. 提倡者;支持者;拥护者We advcate quitting smking in rder t keep fit.= We advcate that we(shuld)quit smking t keep fit.为了保持健康,我们提倡戒烟。Nt yu but I am a staunch advcate f free speech.言论自由的坚定拥护者是我而不是你。He is an advcate fr mre planes and fewer warships. His ideas are a little shallw. 他是一个提倡多造飞机,少造军舰的人。他的想法有点儿肤浅。[词汇复现]
    【误区警示】advcate 后跟动名词作宾语,而不接动词不定式。另外,句型“It is advcated that...(shuld)d...”意为“有人主张/ 提倡……(应该)做……”。It is advcated that smking shuld be banned in the building.有人提倡大楼内禁止吸烟。单句语法填空(1)D yu advcate _____________(ban)cars in the city centre?(2)The reprt advcated that all buildings___________________(fit)with smke detectrs.(3)There is n advcate _____________ the new plicy.完成句子(4)有人主张对于这次的恶劣后果应向公众发表声明。____________________________________________________________________
    (shuld)be fitted
    It is advcated that this bad cnsequence shuld be stated t the public.
    教材原句p.20 live in and appreciate the natural envirnment rather than living in large,plluted cities. ……他们生活在自然的环境中,怡然自得,而不是生活在污染严重的大城市里。8 rather than 而不是;与其,宁愿I’ll have a cld drink rather than cffee.我要喝冷饮,而不是咖啡。They were shuting rather than talking.他们不是在谈话,而是在叫喊。Rather than cause truble,he left.不愿意惹麻烦,他离开了。【学法点拨】(1)rather than 用于连接两个并列成分。(2)rather than 连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词应与 rather than 前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。具有相同用法的词语还有 as well as,tgether with,with 等。(3)rather than 连接两个不定式时,后一个不定式常省略 t。当rather than 位于句首时,后常跟不带 t 的不定式。
    【归纳拓展】prefer t than d... 宁愿做……而不愿做……wuld than d...wuld rather by prefers t take the ty apart rather than thrw it away.=The by wuld take the ty apart rather than thrw it away.=The by wuld rather take the ty apart than thrw it away.这个男孩宁愿把玩具拆开而不愿扔掉。
    完成句子(1)We can achieve a lt when we learn t let ur differences unite,_____________(而不是)divide us.(2)I ________________________________________________________________________(宁愿去工作而不愿)watch TV at hme.单句语法填空(3)Peter rather than I _____________(dubt)whether the prblem is wrth thinking abut.(4)They answered vilence with vilence rather than _____________(accept)they were less imprtant.(5)Facing up t yur prblems rather than_____________(run) away frm them is the best apprach t wrking things ut.
    rather than 
    prefer t g t wrk rather than/wuld g t wrk rather than/wuld rather g t wrk than
     考查主谓一致,谓语动词与 rather than 前的成分一致。
    rather than 连接并列谓语动词,前后时态要一致。
    rather than 连接两个并列的动名词短语。
    教材原句p.20 Internet has made it pssible fr friends and family t keep in tuch easily even if they are n ppsite sides f the wrld. ……互联网使朋友和家人即使天各一方也能轻松保持联系。9 keep in tuch(with...)(与……)保持联系;了解(某课题或领域的情况)Yu must keep yur eyes n the target alertly,and keep in tuch with us at any time. 你必须警觉地盯着目标,并随时与我们保持联系。【归纳拓展】stay/be in tuch(with)(与……)保持联系lse tuch(with)/be ut f tuch( with )(与……)失去联系get in tuch(with)(与……)取得联系As a matter f fact,we have been ut f tuch with him fr years nw. S he’s nt necessarily ging t help us. 实际上,我们至今已有数年没和他联系了,所以他不一定会帮我们。[词汇复现]
    完成句子(1)We _________________________(一直与……保持联系) each ther by email since then.(2)Glad t meet yu and here is my card. Let’s__________________________ (保持联系).(3) T my regret,I _________________ (与……失去了联系)my clse friend.(4) T make it easier t ________________________(与……取得联系) us,yu’d better keep this card at hand.
    have been in tuch with
    此处强调状态持续,since then 提示应用现在完成时。
    keep/stay in tuch
    lst tuch with
    get in tuch with
    10 even if/thugh 即使,虽然Even if he suffered frm a lt f difficulties,he never gave in.尽管经历许多困难,但他从不屈服。【学法点拨】even if/thugh 引导让步状语从句,主句如果用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。Even if I fail this time,I will try again.即使这次失败了,我还要再试试。【误区警示】as if/thugh“好像,仿佛”,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。当说话人认为所说的情况是事实时,就用陈述语气;当说话人认为所说的情况可能不是事实时,则用虚拟语气。He spke as if he had been t space.他说得就好像他去过太空似的。
    辨析填空:even if/as if(1)My grandfather still plays tennis nw and then,_____________ he’s in his nineties.(2)It was Jhn wh brke the windw. Why are yu talking t me _____________ I haddne it?完成句子(3)___________________(即使)everyne is ppsed t my plan,I’ll stick t it.(4)The freigner talks abut Chinese culture_____________ ( 好像)he were mrefamiliar with it than his wn.
    Even if/thugh
    教材原句p.20Nevertheless,I will always lk n the psitive side f change and accept it rather than resist it. 然而,我将始终着眼于变革的积极一面,接受变革,而不是抗拒变革。11 resist v. 抵制;反抗;抵挡resist sb./sth. 抵抗/ 抵制某人/ 某物搭配resist(ding) sth. 抵制(做)某事can’t resist ding sth.(=can’t help ding sth.)忍不住做某事The villagers resist the mining cmpany perating in their village.村民们反对那个采矿公司在他们村作业。[词汇复现]The bank strngly resisted cutting interest rates.这家银行强烈反对降低利率。He was charged with trying t resist arrest. 他被控企图拒捕。ne’s ability t resist infectin 某人抗感染的能力
    单句语法填空(1)She culd hardly resist _____________(cry)when she heard that she hadn’t passed thetest.(2)Fr mnths the cmpany has resisted_____________(change) its accunts system.(3)The n-smking plicy was intrduced with little _____________(resist)frm staff.(4)They cntain mre vitamins and will be mre resistant _____________ pests.完成句子(5)这对年轻夫妇忍不住炫耀他们的新车。The yung cuple culdn’t __________________________ their new car.
    resist shwing ff
    教材原句p.22It’s difficult t make accurate predictins abut the effects n the envirnment. 对环境的影响很难做出准确的预测。12 accurate adj. 精确的;准确的搭配be accurate in 在……方面准确t be accurate 精确地说We haven’t yet had an accurate timetable t publish these bks.出版这些书,我们还没有准确的时间表。As it turned ut,their analysis was accurate in data.结果证明,他们的分析在数据方面是很准确的。[词汇复现]
    完成句子(1)_______________(精确地说),210 jurnalists attended the meeting.单句语法填空(2)The lss has nt yet been calculated _____________(accurate),but it is believed t be well beynd a hundred millin dllars.(3)They questined the _____________(accurate)f the infrmatin in the file.(4)We hpe t becme mre accurate _____________predicting earthquakes.辨析填空:accurate/exact(5)The ___________ year which Angela and her family spent tgether in China was 2016.(6)As his best friend,I can make ___________ guesses abut hw he will react t yur idea.
    T be accurate
    位于定冠词the 后,介词f前,要用名词形式。
    教材原句p.20On the ne hand,there are many different grups f peple arund the wrld wh live happily in the absence f new technlgy. 一方面,世界上有许多不同群体的人,在没有新技术的情况下依然过着幸福的生活。1 n the ne hand“一方面”,常与 n the ther hand 并列使用,意为“一方面……,另一方面……”。The jb wasn’t very interesting,but n the ther hand,it was well-paid.那份工作没多大意思,但另一方面,工资很高。On the ne hand,I need t switch t anther jb,but n the ther hand,I still like my present ne. 一方面,我需要换份工作;但是另一方面,我还喜欢现在的工作。【误区警示】(1)n the ther hand用来说明问题的另一方面或对方的观点、思想等。n the ther hand 中的hand 可以省略,该结构也可以单独使用,用于说明问题的另一方面。(2)n the cntrary(正相反)用来表示相反的另一种情况。
    (3)fr ne anther...(一则……,再则……)常用于列举原因或理由,陈述的两方面情况通常一致。It wasn’t a gd thing;n the cntrary,it was a huge mistake.那不是件好事,恰恰相反,那是个巨大的错误。Fr ne thing,I have n mney;fr anther,I’m t busy.一则我没有钱,再则我太忙。
    单句语法填空(1)I’d like t eat ut,but n _____________ ther hand I shuld be trying t save mney.(2)— Why wn’t yu cme t New Yrk with me?— Fr ne thing,I dn’t like flying,and_____________ anther,I can’t affrd it.完成句子(3)_____________ (一方面)he wants t wrk abrad,but ________________(另一方面),he desn’t want t leave his parents.(4)He seems t be giving the impressin that he didn’t enjy himself in Paris. _________________ (正相反),he had a wnderful time.(5)Starting yur wn business culd be a way t achieve financial independence. _____________(另一方面),it culd just put yu in debt.
    On the ne hand
    n the ther hand
    On the cntrary
    On the ther hand
    教材原句p.20Mrever,the Internet has made it pssible fr friends and family t keep in tuch easily even if they are n ppsite sides f the wrld. 此外,互联网使朋友和家人即使天各一方也能轻松保持联系。【句式分析】在该结构中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式结构。本句中it 后的形容词pssible 为宾语补足语,fr 后的friends and family 是不定式的逻辑主语。2 make + it+adj. +(fr sb./sth.) t d sth.(1)能用于上述结构的动词还有 cnsider,think,find,believe,feel,judge 等。(2)该结构中的宾语补足语除了可以用形容词外,还可以用名词(词组)。(3)真正的宾语除了可以用不定式结构之外,还可以用that 引导的从句。Des this disability make it difficult fr them t d sme things?这种残疾会不会使他们在做一些事情时有困难呢?He made it clear that he wanted me t stay fr anther week.他清楚地表示他希望我能再待一周。
    单句语法填空(1)The heavy rain makes it impssible fr me_____________(g)there.(2)We all thught it a pity _____________ the cnference shuld have been cancelled.完成句子(3)He__________________________ (已经弄清楚) the meeting will nt be pstpned.(4)I __________________________(认为是一种荣幸)t g there with my belved friends.(5)I __________________________(认为是必要的)that we drink plenty f water every day.(6)All these wrries __________________________(使…… 不可能)fr her t cncentrate nher wrk.
    has made it clear that
    cnsider it an hnr
    think it necessary
    made it impssible

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