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    高中英语Unit 3 The internet精品ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语Unit 3 The internet精品ppt课件,共46页。PPT课件主要包含了 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Aims:In this class, yu will►learn abut the Sarek Natinal Park and summarize the main idea;►draw a mind map t describe the beauty f Sarek Natinal Park by using different senses, the experience f the writer and the histry &traditins f the park;►share yur ideas n the significance f setting up natinal parks and live in harmny with nature.
    When yu think f natinal parks, what cmes t mind first?Beautiful scenery, wild plants, animals and s n.
    The Nrtheast Tiger and Lepard Natinal Park
    Three River Surce Natinal Park
    Xixi Natinal Wetland Park
    Lead in
    1. Skim the text. Match the subheadings with the paragraphs. Paragraph 1 A Land f Muntains and IceParagraph 2 Man at Peace with NatureParagraph 3 A Land f AdventureParagraph 4 A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps2. Summarize the main idea f the whle passage.
    Reading fr main ideas.
    The travel jurnal mainly tells us the beauty f Sarek Natinal Park thrugh the authr’s amazing experiences in the park.
    1.Hw many hurs a day des the sun shine in summer in Sarek?2.What steps has the Swedish gvernment taken t keep Sarek in its natural state?3.Hw has life changed fr the Sami? Why might s few Sami want t live in Sarek?
    Reading fr details — Facts
    24 hurs a day.
    It was made a natinal park. N ne except the Sami can live there,and new develpment is banned.
    They n lnger herd reindeer—they live a mdern life in villages near Sarek. They might nt want t live in Sarek because life there is quite hard.
    4.Why des the writer think the sweat and hard wrk is wrth it ?5.Wuld yu like t visit Sarek? Why r why nt?
    It is a beautiful and wild place,and the writer is enjying a great adventure.
    I wuld lve t visit there,because it lks wild and wnderful.
    Spreading ut befre me,branches f the Rapa River flw thrugh the valley the far side f the valley,an ancient Sami cttage is visible. Clse by,there are a few reindeer feeding n grass.
    Fr example,this mrning my breakfast is flat bread warmed ver a fire,dried reindeer meat,and sme sweet and sur berries that I fund grwing near my tent.
    Here I am, the fresh air,and enjying this great adventure.
    I wake up t the sund f the wind buffeting the clth f my tent.
    Since I must carry all f my fd and supplies with me,my bag weighs abut 30 kilgrams. If tday is anything like yesterday,it will be full f sweat and hard wrk as I hike ver this difficult land t my destinatin n the ther side f the valley.
    surprised, amazed, fascinated,tired, cmfrtable, enjyable,relaxed,satisfied,grateful
    Reading fr details —Feelings
    1. Hw d yu understand the subheading? 2.Is it wrth making a place like Sarek a natinal park? Give yur yu think setting up natinal parks is an effective way t balance develpment and the prtectin f nature? Why r why nt?
    ①remte places inaccessible t human beings②riginal & well- preserved ③a bless, a gift f nature
    Yes. Peple can g there and appreciate the beauty f nature,and therefre better understand the imprtance f nature prtectin.
    Yes,it is an effective way. Only a very small part f the wrld has been set aside fr natinal parks,s there are still plenty f places that can be develped withut havingt tuch the mst beautiful and interesting natural spts.
    Recite the text.
    Chunk recitatin.
    1. wake up 2. buffet the clth 3. the muntain edge4. flw thrugh the valley belw5. in the remte far nrth 6. be cvered by vast sheets f ice7. leave behind8. make this territry their hme9. apart frm10. keep the land in its natural state11. new develpment is banned within park bundaries12. an ancient cttage 13. clse by14. there are reindeer feeding n grass 15. pick up tents and accmpany them16. adpt their habits17. warm bread ver a fire18. set ut 19. be full f sweat 20. feel blessed t be alive 21. breath the fresh air
    1.睡醒 2.敲打篷布 3.山的边缘4.从谷底流过5.在遥远的北方6.被大片冰层覆盖7.留下8.在这片领域安家9.除了10.让这片土地保持自然状态11.新的开发项目禁止在公园范围内进行12.一个传统的小木屋 13.附近14.有驯鹿在吃草15.收起帐篷,跟随驯鹿16.采用他们的习惯17.在火上烤面包 18.出发 19.满身汗20.感觉活着很美好21.呼吸新鲜空气
    Language pints
    教材原句p.26I wake up t the sund f the wind buffeting the clth f my tent. 风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷布,我在这声响中醒来。
    1 wake up t 醒来;意识到,认识到(相当于realize)Nancy wke up t the sund f birds utside her windw.南希听到窗外鸟儿的鸣叫声醒来。He hasn’t yet wken up t the seriusness f the situatin.他还没有认识到形势的严重性。【归纳拓展】wake up 醒来   wake sb. up 唤醒某人;使活跃;使清醒This is the kind f mrning when yu wake up and feel alive.这是那种你醒来觉得充满活力的早晨。Try nt t wake the baby up. 尽量不要把孩子吵醒。A cld shwer will sn wake yu up. 你冲个凉水澡,很快就清醒了。
    完成句子(1)快点儿,快醒醒——早饭都准备好了。Cme n,_____________ —breakfast is ready.(2)政府终于开始意识到应该整治环境这个事实。Gvernments are finally __________________________the envirnment shuld be cleaned up.(3)再来一杯咖啡就会使我清醒。Anther cup f cffee will _____________.
    waking up t the fact that
    教材原句p.26I leave my tent and walk ver t the muntain edge. 我迈出帐篷,走向山边。2 edge n. 边;边缘;边线;刀刃 vt. & vi.(使)徐徐移动;给……加边搭配at/n the edge f 在……的边缘;处于……的边缘n the edge f ne’s seat 异常兴奋,极为激动Susan is sitting n the edge f her bed. 苏珊正坐在她的床边上。The game had the crwd n the edge f their seats.这场比赛使观众兴奋不已。a big huse n/at the edge f twn 城边的一栋大房子bring the cuntry t the edge f disaster使国家濒临灾难n the edge f extinctin濒临灭绝stand at the water’s edge站在水边push/drive sb. ver the edge(不愉快的事情)使……发狂the leading edge f medical technlgy医学技术的前沿
    单句语法填空(1)His cttage is lcated _____________ the edge f the frest.(2)I will have the cat _____________(edge)tmrrw.完成句子(3)这部电影会让你兴奋不已。______________________________________________________________
    This film will keep yu n the edge f yur seat.
    教材原句p.26Arund 9,000 years ag,this ice melted,leaving behind abut 100 glaciers. 大约九千年前,冰层消融,留下了约一百座冰川。3 leave behind 留下;遗留;丢下;把……抛在后面;超过He set ff fr Washingtn,leaving the children behind with theirmther. 他动身前往华盛顿,把孩子们留给了他们的母亲。I left my textbk behind. 我丢下了我的课本。Bb ran s fast that he left behind the thers.鲍勃跑得太快了,把其他人甩在了后面。【归纳拓展】leave alne 不管;别惹;让……一个人待着leave aside 搁置一旁;不考虑leave fr 动身去leave ff 停止;中断leave ut 省略;遗漏;被冷落
    单句语法填空(1)The plane is abut t leave,but I have left my ticket _____________.(2)[词汇复现]If yu dn’t wrk hard,yu will be left _____________ gradually.(3)Leave the by _____________,and he can make up his wn mind.(4)Mary,as well as her parents,is leaving_____________ Califrnia fr their hlidays.完成句子(5)I wnder why they __________(不考虑) such a significant questin.(6)Alice was s careless that she _________(遗漏) sme infrmatin.
    教材原句p.26 ne else can live here,and all new develpment is banned within park bundaries. ……其他人不能在此居住,而且公园边界内禁止一切开发活动。4 ban vt. & n.(1)vt. 明令禁止;取缔搭配ban(ding) sth. 禁止(做)某事ban sb. frm ding sth. 禁止某人做某事Endless assignments shuld be banned in all schls.应在所有学校禁止没完没了的作业。My uncle was banned frm driving fr six mnths.我叔叔被禁驾六个月。(2)n. 禁令搭配a ban n... 关于……的禁令impse/lift a ban(n...)颁布/ 取消(对……)的禁令The president supprts a ttal ban n cigarette advertising.总统支持彻底禁止香烟的广告。They prmised t lift the immigratin ban. 他们承诺取消移民禁令。
    【学法点拨】表示“禁止,阻止”常用“动词 + 宾语 +frm ding sth.”结构,而frbid 可用“动词 + 宾语 +t d sth.”结构。ban/prhibit/frbidstp/keep/preventfrbid+sb.+t d sth.
    +sb.+frm ding sth.
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]He has been banned _____________taking part in games fr half a year,which has a bad effect n his career.(2)Children under the age f eighteen _____________(ban) frm entering.(3)The ban _____________ driving after drinking alchl is being carried ut all ver the cuntry,which is helpful t reduce traffic accidents.完成句子(4)Many cuntries have passed laws ________________(禁止吸烟)in public places.(5)He ________________________________(被禁止离开家) because he was suspected f murder.(6)The hunters ______________________________ (已经被禁止猎杀) elephants in ur cuntry.一句多译老师不准我们离开座位。(7)_____________________________________________________________________(8)_____________________________________________________________________
    t ban smking
    was banned frm leaving hme
    have been banned frm hunting
    The teacher frbade us t leave ur seats. 
    The teacher banned us frm leaving ur seats.
    教材原句p.26Clse by,there are a few reindeer feeding n grass. 旁边有几只驯鹿正在吃草。5 feed n 以……为食;以……为能源Peple in the Suth feed mstly n rice. 南方人主要以大米为食。This pwer statin feeds n sunlight. 这个发电站以阳光为能源。【归纳拓展】feed back 反馈;反响feed up 给以充足的食物/ 饲料;不高兴;讨厌;腻了be fed up with 讨厌;厌烦The teacher fund that nthing was feeding back t him frm hisstudents. 那位老师发觉学生们对他毫无反应。I am fed up with the wet weather. 我讨厌这潮湿的天气。
    单句语法填空(1)Sheep mainly feed _____________ grass.(2)Our schl ften feeds _____________ infrmatin n students’ perfrmances at schl t theirparents.(3)Fed _____________ with the present jb,Tm has decided t switch it.完成句子(4)If yu cncentrate n the wrk,yu will nt be feeling __________________________    (厌烦) the jb anyway.
    fed up with
    教材原句p.26Since reindeer were always n the mve,the Sami wuld pick up their tents and accmpany them.由于驯鹿不断迁移,萨米人会收起帐篷,跟随而去。6 n the mve 在行进中;在移动中The whle grup are n the mve,s we can’t stp t rest.整个小组都在行动,所以我们不能停下来休息。【归纳拓展】n the air 广播;播出;正在播送n the basis f 在……的基础上n the jb 忙碌着;(专心)工作着;在上班时n the rise 在增加;在上涨n the run 跑着;奔跑着;在逃跑中;奔波;忙碌n the way(t)在(去)……的路上The basketball match is n the air nw. 篮球比赛现在正在播放中。Dn’t judge a persn n the basis f appearance.不要根据外表来判断一个人。
    用n 短语填空(1)Science is always __________________,s we must learn all the time.(2)The manager is _____________________nw. Culd yu ring him up later?(3)[词汇复现]Effective measures have been taken,as a cnsequence the number f the Tibetan antelpes is __________________.(4)[词汇复现]__________________ schl,I encuntered ne f my frmer teachers.完成句子(5)The yung sldier returned and reprted that the enemy were _____________ (在行进中).
    n the jb/n the run
    n the rise
    On the/my way t
    7 accmpany vt.(1)陪同,陪伴;与……同时发生,伴随 搭配accmpany sb. t sp. 陪某人去某地accmpany sb. t d sth. 陪伴某人做某事T thank him fr his favur,I accmpanied him t a cncert.为了感谢他帮我的忙,我陪他去看了一场音乐会。Need I accmpany yu t inspect the schl?需要我陪你去那所学校视察吗?The disease is accmpanied by sneezing and fever.这种病伴有打喷嚏和发烧症状。(2)(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏搭配:accmpany sb. at/n sth. 用某物为某人伴奏On the graduatin ceremny,I accmpanied her n the pian.在毕业典礼上,我用钢琴为她伴奏。【学法点拨】accmpany sb. =keep sb. cmpany 陪伴某人【词语积累】cmpanin n. 伙伴,同伴 cmpany n. 陪伴;公司fr cmpany 与……作伴 keep sb. cmpany 陪伴某人
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]I will accmpany my parents_____________(visit) Prfessr Lin tmrrw.(2)The president appeared,_____________(accmpany)by six strng bdyguards.完成句子(3)Believe it r nt,my perfrmance _______________________________________   (由钢琴伴奏) by the girl.(4)The ld man lives alne,with a dg _______________(陪伴).(5)[词汇复现]Susan lks upset,and hence I will ______________________________ (陪伴她)tnight.
    was accmpanied n the pian
    keep her cmpany/ accmpany her
    教材原句p.27I am nt a Sami,but in Sarek I’ve adpted sme f their habits. 我不是萨米人,但是在萨勒克,我养成了萨米人的一些生活习惯。8 adpt vt. 采用(某方法);采取(某态度);采纳(建议、政策等)vt. & vi. 领养 搭配:adpt an apprach/a plicy/an attitude 采用某种方法/ 政策/ 态度They adpted a new technique fr raising deer.他们采用了一种新的养鹿技术。He tends t adpt his wife’s idea. 他往往会采纳妻子的想法。T be accurate,the wman adpted 11 children in her life.准确地说,这个女人一生中收养了 11 个孩子。[词汇复现]
    【词语积累】(1)adpted adj. 收养的,领养的an adpted sn/daughter 养子/ 女adptin n. 收养,领养;采用(2)adapt v.(使)适应;改编adapt (neself)t... 适应……(t 为介词)adapt A frm B 根据B 改编或改写 把……改编成……He fund it hard t adapt t the pressure f wrk.他发现很难适应工作的压力。The hit TV series were adapted frm a remarkable nvel.这部热播电视连续剧是由一部著名小说改编而来的。[词汇复现]【一言辨异】The little girl they adpted frm the disaster area hasn’t adapted t the new surrundings. 他们从灾区收养的这个小女孩还没适应新的环境。
    辨析填空(adpt/adapt)并写出该词在句中的意思(1)T his parents’ satisfactin,he __________ a psitive attitude t study and life.(2)The yung cuple had n children f their wn and __________ an rphan.(3)[词汇复现]Frtunately,after a few mnths,the rphan gradually __________ t his newlife.(4)The film is __________ frm a bk written by a famus wman writer.完成句子(5)学校必须采用新的外语教学方法。 _____________________________________________________________________________ (6)他是个婴儿时就被收养了。因此,他从来不知道亲生父母。_____________________________________________________________________________
    The schl must adpt new methds f teaching freign languages. 
    He was adpted as a baby. As a cnsequence,he never knew his real parents.
    教材原句p.27After breakfast,I pack my bag and set ut again.早餐之后,我收拾行囊再次出发。9 set ut 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作When will yu set ut n yur trip t Lndn?你什么时候动身去伦敦旅行?【归纳拓展】set ut t d sth. 开始做某事 set abut ding sth. 着手做某事set ff 出发,动身;导致;使爆炸 set up 建立,创立;竖起set aside 留出(时间或钱);暂不考虑set ft in/n 进入,访问,参观(某地)He set ut t wrk n his new nvel. 他着手写他的新小说。My mther set ut t prepare dinner,while my father set abut cleaning the huse.我妈妈开始准备晚餐,而我爸爸开始打扫房屋。After graduating frm university,he set up his wn cmpany.大学毕业后他成立了自己的公司。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]When will yu set _____________t learn artificial intelligence(AI)?(2)During the Spring Festival,peple ften set_____________ firewrks.(3)Culd yu set _____________ yur wn feelings and get dwn t wrk with us?(4)Help yur sn set _____________ a quiet place t study and prtect his privacy.完成句子(5)在积累了足够的故事素材后不久,她开始了写作。Shrtly after she gathered enugh material fr her stry,she __________________________ .
    set ut t write/set abut writing
    教材原句p.27If tday is anything like yesterday,it will be full f sweat and hard wrk... 如果今天和昨天差不多,那将会充满汗水和艰辛……10 anything like 和……相像,与……相似(其后可接人或物,常用于疑问句和否定句)Is yur new cap anything like mine? 你的新帽子有点儿像我的吗?【归纳拓展】(1)smething like 大约;有点儿像(用于肯定句)I walked smething like ten miles. 我走了大约 10 英里。That is smething like a picture. 那好像是一幅画。(2)nthing like 完全不像,根本不像;完全不,根本没有It lks nthing like a hrse. 它看上去根本不像一匹马。This is nthing like what I wanted. 这完全不是我想要的。There is nthing like a hliday t make us feel relaxed.没有什么比休假更能使我们感到放松的了。
    单句语法填空(1)There’s nthing _____________ a lng ht bath after a day’s climbing.(2)— Have yu figured ut hw much the trip will cst?—$4,000,r _____________ like that.完成句子(3)Dn’t be afraid f challenge;________________________(没有什么比得上)it t bring ut the best in a persn.(4)My classmate Mary ______________________________________________(看上去一点儿也不像)her mther.
    there is nthing like
    lks nthing like/desn’t lk anything like
    教材原句p.27The Sami lived reindeer,mved with them,and accmpanied them fr hundreds f years.萨米人靠驯鹿生活,与它们一起迁徙,并陪伴它们数百年。11 live ff 依靠……生活;以吃……为生(=live n);靠……供应He lived ff fruit and nuts in the frest.他在森林里靠水果和坚果维持生命。She will nt be able t live ff her writing. 她是难以靠写作谋生的。He’s been living ff his brther fr nearly a year.近一年来他一直靠他兄弟接济。
    【归纳拓展】live n 以食……为生;靠……(钱)生活;继续活着,继续存在live by 靠……(手段、方式)为生live a(n) 过着……的生活live thrugh 经历(灾难或其他困境)而幸存live up t 符合(标准);不辜负(他人的期望)live with 忍受,忍耐(不快的事)They live a peaceful life in a small twn.他们在一个小镇上过着平静的生活。【一言辨异】In thse days,ld Tm lived by cllecting waste things and lived a hard life. Living with grwing despair,he finally managed t live thrugh the famine by living n tasteless fd. 那时候,老汤姆靠捡废品为生,过着艰苦的生活。绝望感日益增加,他就这样忍受着,最终他靠吃无味的食物熬过了那次饥荒。
    单句语法填空(1)These animals with lng necks live _____________leaves f tall trees.(2)Had she lived up _____________ her prmise,she wuld have made it t Yale University.(3)The scientist’s name will live _____________frm generatin t generatin fr his great cntributins t mdern science.(4)The cuple lived _____________ happy life after they settled int the life in Califrnia.(5)I was aware that I culd live ___________ selling prducts n the net.完成句子(6)出国留学时,你必须学会适应那个国家的风俗习惯,以便能够生活下去。Studying abrad,yu must learn t adapt t the custms f that cuntry t _____________.(7)我们多数人不喜欢新的规则,但我们必须学会忍受它们。Mst f us dn’t like the new regulatins,but we have t _____________them.
    教材原句p.26Even thugh the sun is brightly shining,telling whether it is mrning r night is impssible. 尽管外面艳阳高照,我也分不清是早上还是夜晚。【句式分析】本句是一个复合句。even thugh 引导让步状语从句,telling... 是动名词短语作主语。句中的 意为“是……还是……”,引导宾语从句。1 是……还是……I can’t distinguish whether he is right r nt.我无法区分他是否正确。(引导宾语从句)Whether yu like it r nt,yu must accept it.不管你喜不喜欢,你都必须接受它。(引导让步状语从句)【归纳拓展】连接并列结构的句式有: 既……又……nt als... 不但……而且…… 或者……或者…… 既不……也不…… 不是……而是……
    单句语法填空(1)Mrs. Green desn’t knw whether her daughter is in New Yrk _____________ in Lndn.(2)The bears live in utdr frest cages big enugh t let the animals decide whether t play tgether _____________ stay away frm each ther mst f the day.(3)[词汇复现]Apparently,neither Jacksn_____________ his parents were fnd f the idea.(4)Bb refused the jb ffer,nt because he didn’t like it,_____________ because the salary was lw.完成句子(5)________________ (不是你而是他)is t blame fr the accident.(6)_______________________________________(他哥哥和他都没被说服) t agree t the plan.
    Nt yu but he
    Neither his brther nr he has been persuaded
    教材原句p.26Sarek’s muntains used t be cvered by vast sheets f ice. 萨勒克的山脉过去被大片冰层覆盖。2 used t d sth. 过去常常做某事(暗含现在不做了)He used t verlk the small detail like that.他过去常忽略那样的小细节。【误区警示】be used t ding sth. 习惯于做某事(t 是介词)be used t d sth. 被用来做某事(被动语态)My grandfather is used t getting up early.我的爷爷习惯早起。This knife can be used t cut things.这把刀子能用来切东西。
    单句语法填空(1)Martin used _____________(g) fishing,but he is nt interested in it nw.(2)Are yu used t _____________(wrk) with Jacksn in the same ffice?(3)Bamb can be used _____________(build)bridges.(4)We used _____________(get)infrmatin frm newspapers,but nw we are used t _____________(search)fr it n the Internet.
    教材原句p.26Fllwing the reindeer were the Sami peple,wh made this territry their hme. 跟着驯鹿之后来的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户。【句式分析】本句是一个完全倒装句,把主语 the Sami peple后置,以便与后面的定语从句有更好的衔接。3 完全倒装(1)英语中为了保持句子平衡、前后衔接或强调表语部分时,常将作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语置于句首,并把句子的谓语提前构成全部倒装,其倒装结构为:形容词/ 现在分词/ 过去分词/ 介词短语+be + 主语。Happy are thse wh are cntented. 知足者常乐。( 2)以 here,there,nw,then 等副词开头的句子,谓语动词是cme,g 等不及物动词,且主语又是名词时,用完全倒装。Here cmes the librarian! 图书管理员来了![词汇复现]( 3)表示地点的介词短语放在句首,谓语是 be,stand,sit,lie 等动词的句子里,用完全倒装结构。Inside the parcel was a letter.包裹里是一封信。At the ft f the muntain lies a village,where peple still live a peaceful life. 山脚下有一个村庄,在那里人们仍旧过着平静的生活。
    单句语法填空(1)Jhn pened the dr. There _____________(stand)a girl he had never seen befre.(2)Gne _____________(be)the days when we had nthing t eat.(3)At the meeting place f the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _____________(lie) Chngqing,ne f the ten largest cities in China.(4)[词汇复现] There _____________(appear)t be an artificial persn in the distance.完成句子(巧用倒装句)(5)漫山遍野长满了野花。___________________________________________________(6)老师走了进来,然后开始上课。_________________________________________(7)她真幸运,被山东大学录取了。____________________________________________
    Grwing all ver the muntains and plains are wild flwers.
    In came the teacher and the class began. 
    Lucky is she wh has been admitted t Shandng University.

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