冀教版八年级下册Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language教学设计
展开教学设计 Lesson 40 Body Language
本课取自冀教版八年级下册英语第七单元Know Our World。本单元主要从地理、语言和文化方面向学生简要介绍了我们的世界。要求学生在了解世界地理和语言文化的同时,掌握相关的词汇和句型,掌握被动语态和现在完成时的用法。
1.掌握课标要求的四会词汇:European, kiss, nod, polite;
⑴ But body language is not the same in all cultures.
⑵ In India, when people nod their heads, they mean “no”.
⑶ In most places, people point to things with their fingers.
3. 复习并进一步掌握不定式的用法。
过程与方法目标 通过阅读了不同解肢体语言在不同文化下的不同内涵,为今后的应用做准备。
情感态度与价值观目标 让学生了解有声语言和肢体语言的对应关系,明确肢体语言在人际交往中在了解对方情感、态度、思想等时所起的作用。
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you know about body language?
T:Do you use body language?
T:Where do you use body language?
S1:At home.
S2:At school.
Discuss the questions in groups.The teacher shows some pictures about body language.Ask the students to talk for three minutes.Then let them present their talk in class.
[设计意图] 利用学生学过的内容,从询问肢体语言开始,轻松进入语境,进而介绍生词,图片的使用使学习更加形象直观,自然地进入谈论肢体语言的新话题。
Leading in 【情景2】
[Body language is a kind of communication without using words.
Body language is the movements of our body that show other people what we are thinking or feeling.
Eye contact(目光接触), facial expression(面部表情), gesture (手势)and posture(姿势) are different kinds of body language.
[设计意图] 运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的入手进入新内容的学习,运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词,直观、感性、形象。
Step1. Presentation
1. words:
greet v. 欢迎,迎接
greeting n. 招呼,问候 greet each other 互相问候
greeting card 贺卡
She greeted her baby with a loving kiss
- thumbs-up n.翘拇指
A thumps-up means “okay” or “ well done” in most cultures. In Australia, it is not polite.
In Japan, it means “five”.
rude adj. 粗鲁的
They think it’s rude to point with a finger.
It is not polite to ask a woman her age
If some students feel the passage is too long,the teacher can divide it into two or three parts.Then ask them to read them in groups.After a while,ask them to read them one by one.
(1)In most places,people point to things with their fingers.
(2)But body language is not the same in all cultures.
(3)In India,when people nod their heads,they mean “no”.
(4)They think it’s rude to point with a finger.
(5)One body language is the same all around the world:a smile.
Please pay attention to the long words.
Step 2. Listening
Listen to the tape carfully and find the main idea of the passage.
Body Language is not _______ in all cultures. But one body language is the same _____________.That is :______,try it, and you’ll see .
【Keys】 1.the same 2.all around the world 3.A smile
[设计意图] 加深同学们对整篇课文的掌握,学生们带着问题有目的地倾听,容易把握内容填空,同时训练听力能力。
Step 3 Fast Reading Look through (快速浏览) the text and find out more body languages mentioned (提到) in the text.
亲吻脸颊 用手指指着 挥手再见 微笑
Step 4.Careful-reading( 精读)
Read Paragraph carefully and fininsh the following tasks and translate.
1.In some European countries, people like to kiss each other to show friendship and love. ( T / F)
2. What do people think of (认为) “ pointing with a finger” in some places?
When __________ wave goodbye, it may look like “Come here!” to Americans.
One body language is the same all around the world : a smile. Try it, and you’ll see! (Translate).
Point.1.body language 2.shake hands
3.greet each other 4.kiss each other on both cheeks
5.nod heads 6.shake heads
7.a thumbs–up 8.point to
9.wave goodbye 10.mean the opposite
11.It’s polite /rude to do sth.
[设计意图] 小组合作阅读课文,利用多媒体展示肢体语言,创设情景,使同学们身临其境,激发说的欲望。在练习中巩固本课需要掌握的知识点和句型。以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,利用已知的信息,让学生补充,让他们得到充分的训练。
Step 5. Post-listening Activities
After listening to the passage,get the class to read it aloud.
Ss read aloud.Focus on the stressed words,pronunciation and intonation.
[设计意图] 学生训练听力之后,朗读巩固,训练学生的语音语调,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。
Step 6.Complete Let’s Do It!
Ask the students to read the passage until the students can answer the questions by themselves in No.2.and No.3.
[设计意图] Let’s Do It! 部分中的,No.2重点是阅读教学,让学生反复朗读课文,直到回答出所有问题,训练学生的阅读能力,同时巩固了文中内容。No.3针对本课的重点单词,加以巩固练习。
Step 7. Listen to the song. Sing it together and do the body Language.f you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it never be afraid to show it
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet..\幸福拍手歌:If You’re Happy 迪斯尼.mp3
If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet
If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it
If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet
If you're happy and you know it wink your eyes
If you're happy and you know it wink your eyes
If you're happy and you know it never be afraid to show it
If you're happy and you know it wink your eyes
Step 8. Summary
What can you learn from this passage?
Body language is very important in our daily life, and it has different meanings in different cultures . When we are visiting other countries, we should follow their customs. That is to say, When in Rome, do as the Roman(入乡随俗)
Step 9.Homework
1. Read the text as fluently (流利地) as you can.
2. Choose one of the body languages to write about.
3. Try to find out more body languages on the Internet and introduce (介绍) them to your classmates.
4. Preview (预习) tasks:
Practice reading the new words &phrases.
[设计意图] 口头练习和单词记忆相结合,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累。
Lesson 40 Body Language
Phrases:shake hands,point to,all around the world,leave for
Sentences:But body language is not the same in all cultures.
In India,when people nod their heads,they mean “no”.
In most places,people point to things with their fingers.
In China and abroad,people sometimes communicate without speaking.
It’s another way to show friendship and love.
They think it’s rude to point with a finger.
One body language is the same all around the world:a smile.
⑴. 个人的口语表达语速过快,不利于学生理解。
⑵. 课堂上没有充分考虑到学生的个别差异,未能真正为水平参差不齐的学生创造适合不同层次的成功体验的机会。
初中英语冀教版八年级下册Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language教学设计及反思: 这是一份初中英语冀教版八年级下册Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language教学设计及反思,共4页。
冀教版八年级下册Lesson 40 Body Language教案: 这是一份冀教版八年级下册Lesson 40 Body Language教案,共4页。
冀教版八年级下册Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language教案及反思: 这是一份冀教版八年级下册Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language教案及反思,共4页。