


名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Daddy Can班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选Daddy Can话题归类阅读难度词数父亲的力量五星785【文章梗概】父亲是一位非常睿智严谨的长者,所以每当女儿遇到生活的考验时,只要想着“爸爸做得到”,眼前问题就都能解决掉。然而,父亲最终离开了。痛失亲人的悲伤还未消散,这时女儿发现陪伴了她13年最亲近的狗狗也奄奄一息。之后女儿在梦中见到了自己的父亲,父亲像往常一样安慰她不用担心。当女儿醒来的时候,她发现狗狗正朝她摇晃着尾巴,奇迹般地恢复了健康。女儿流下了感激的眼泪,并记着“爸爸一定行”。 Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.~Dean KoontzThe end was nearing for Daddy. The brilliant mind, fastidious habits, acerbic wit — they’d all disappeared a few years earlier. He’d been a leader of men. Now he had trouble guiding his fork to his mouth.Gone were the days of erect posture and immaculategrooming, well-cut suits and blinding white dress shirts. It was easier now to keep him in pajamas. He was still terribly handsome for a man of his years, but shaving that cleft chin was a chore.He’d cursed us recently for installing a zoo in the back yard. It was “unsanitary.” It was “unthinkable.”It was the great-grandchildren’s inflatable toys bobbing in the pool.I had always relied on Daddy. No matter how big the problem to be solved, my first thought was, “Daddy can.” I didn’t know how to let him go.The time came when a gray hearse took him from us.When I saw him next, he looked plastic, made up. We, as a family, do not fear death as some do; we never skirt the subject in conversation. So it was no great surprise to anyone but the undertaker when I shooed him away and reapplied Daddy’s make-up myself. My father would never go out in public not looking his best. He didn’t “feel” right, his skin not responding as it would have in life, but I’d expected that.Mother had chosen his navy suit for burial because it made his eyes so very blue. It didn’t matter that nobody would see those clear blue eyes again.Arriving home from the service, my heart in shreds, I found my closest companion of thirteen years whimpering in her dog bed. The knots and lumps under her skin had reached critical mass, and she shivered with pain. Now? It couldn’t be. How could I give up my best friend today, of all days?My skin went clammy, and I felt faint. I lay on the floor and wrapped myself around her, murmuring soft words with a coppery taste in my mouth.Eventually, my husband pried my arms from her and lifted her, bed and all. “I’ll take her back to the vet and see if he can do anything for her. But if not . . .”I told her goodbye.Bereavement settled its weight on me. Moving through quicksand, I laid aside my black suit, now dappled with gray fur, and huddled between cold, white sheets to wait. God, how can I bear this? I could not judge the passage of time. I began to hear something, some mournful sound, low and guttural. The volume grew. I was alarmed by it, but the heaviness of despair held me fast, and I could not rise to investigate. It morphed into a wail, and I began to shake, as I realized the noise was coming from me.By the time he returned, arms empty, I had quieted. “He put her on an IV drip and will keep her overnight, but he doesn’t know of anything else to do. We’ll see how she is in the morning. Then we’ll decide.”You will decide. I cannot.When sleep finally overtook me, it was the heavy, drugged feeling of one who doesn’t care about ever waking. Daddy came to me in a dream.He wore the navy suit he was buried in, but he’d taken off the jacket and neatly rolled up his sleeves the way he had every evening after work when I was a girl. He was holding my dog. A balm of warmth permeated me, carried by his subtle spicy scent and the light that came from everywhere.“Don’t worry, child. I’ve brought her back to you.” His baritone voice was warming and silky, like his favorite single malt.I had so many questions, but he was gone, and I would never see him again. The warmth of his light receded.I squirmed back into the cocoon of my bedding. Many hours passed. I was unaware of the sun forcing its way around the edges of the drapes, trying to break in.Then a familiar sound dragged me out of the numbness — the clicking of thick toenails on hardwood. I pushed my hair out of my face and pulled myself upright as my husband lifted her onto the bed beside me, stubby tail wagging her entire rear end, wet nose nuzzling my neck. I held her tight and stared a silent question at my husband.“The vet said he came in early this morning to check on her and found her trying to claw her way out of the kennel. She seems fine. Tumors have shrunk. He can’t explain it.”Gratitude ran down my cheeks. “Daddy can.”~Kemala Tribe 【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.fastidious [fæˈstɪdiəs] adj.______________________________2.acerbic [əˈsɜːrbɪk] adj.______________________________3.erect [ɪˈrekt] adj.______________________________4.immaculate [ɪˈmækjələt] adj.______________________________5.grooming [ˈɡruːmɪŋ] n.______________________________6.pajamas [pəˈdʒæməz] n.______________________________7.shave [ʃeɪv] vt.______________________________8.cleft [kleft] n.______________________________9.install [ɪnˈstɔːl] vt.______________________________10.unsanitary [ʌnˈsænəteri] adj.______________________________11.inflatable [ɪnˈfleɪtəbl] adj.______________________________12.bob [bɒb] vt/vi.______________________________13.hearse [hɜ:rs] n.______________________________14.skirt [skɜːrt] vt. ______________________________15.shoo [ʃu:] vt/vi.______________________________16.shreds [ʃrɛd] n.______________________________17.whimper [ˈwɪmpɚ] vt/vi.______________________________18.knots [ˈnɒts] n.______________________________19.clammy [ˈklæmi] adj.______________________________20.coppery [ˈkɑːpəri] adj.______________________________21.pry [praɪ] v.______________________________22.bereavement [bɪˈrivmənt] n.______________________________23.dapple [ˈdæpl] n.______________________________24.huddle [ˈhʌdl] vt. ______________________________25.guttural [ˈɡʌtərəl] adj.______________________________26.morph [mɔːrf] vt.______________________________27.balm [bɑm] n.______________________________28.permeate [ˈpɜːrmieɪt] vt. ______________________________29.scent [bɑm] n.______________________________30.baritone [ˈbærɪtoʊn] adj. ______________________________31.malt [mɔlt] n.______________________________32.recede [rɪˈsiːd] vt/vi.______________________________33.squirm [skwɜ:rm] vi. ______________________________34.cocoon [kəˈkʊn] n.______________________________35.drape [dreɪp] n.______________________________36.numbness [ˈnʌmnɪs] n.______________________________37.stubby [ˈstʌbi] adj. ______________________________38.nuzzle [ˈnʌzl] vt. ______________________________39.kennel [ˈkɛnl] n.______________________________40.shrink [ʃrɪŋk] v. ______________________________【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. ____________________ home from the service, my heart in shreds, I ____________________ my closest companion of thirteen years ____________________ in her dog bed. 当我做完礼拜回到家时,我的心都碎了,我发现我13年来最亲密的伴侣在她的狗床上哭泣。 I ____________________ on the floor and ____________________ myself around her, ____________________ soft words.我躺在地板上,把自己裹在她身上,嘴里喃喃地说着柔和的话。 ____________________ through quicksand, I____________________ aside my black suit, now ____________________ with gray fur, and ____________________between cold, white sheets to wait.我穿过脚下的流沙,放下身上布满灰色皮毛的黑色西装,蜷缩在冰冷的白色被单中等待。(二)情绪描写1.____________________________________________________________. 丧亲之痛压在我的心头。 I was alarmed by it, but ________________________________________, and I could not rise to investigate. 我被它吓了一跳,但沉重的绝望感把我紧紧地围住,我无法站起来追究。 When ________________________________________, it was the heavy, drugged feeling of one who doesn’t care about ever waking. 当我终于入睡的时候,一种沉重的、被麻醉了的感觉包围着我,如同一个不愿醒来的人。(三)环境描写1. I was unaware of ____________________________________________________________.我还没有意识到:阳光正从窗帘的边缘挤进来,想要打破这一切。 Then ____________________________________________________________ — the clicking of thick toenails on hardwood. 然后,一个熟悉的声音把我从麻木中拉了出来——厚脚趾甲在硬木上发出的咔嗒声。拓展练习读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 11-year-old Sean lived with his single mother. When he was five years old, his father died while fighting for the country. Sean admired his father and wished to be as brave as him. Sean respected his heroism and courage as a soldier, and he did everything he could to make his father proud when he was still alive. However, Sean’s father was a strict man who never appreciated him. Sean longed to hear words of praise from his father, but that day never came.After his father’s death, Sean was heartbroken. He would miss his father, and more importantly, he would never get the chance to make his father proud. But life gave him that chance in the most unexpected way.One day, Sean was playing in his neighborhood when he saw a little girl sitting sadly on the pavement. He immediately recognized her as she lived a couple of houses away from him. Watching her, Sean wondered why she seemed so sad, He decided to talk to her.“Hi! I’m Sean. What’s wrong? You look upset,” he said, taking a seat beside her. “I’m Melanie,” said the girl, “My mommy passed away, and I miss her.”“So did my dad. I miss him too,” said Sean. “Would you like to play with me?” he offered.“Can I?” she smiled, and Sean nodded.That day marked the start of Sean and Melanie’s friendship. They would always play together after school.One day, before going to school, Sean saw Melanie sitting outside her house crying. Sean was worried, so he ran up to her.After talking, Sean learned that Melanie’s grandma Molly got sick and couldn’t take Melanie to school any longer. Her dad was in the army unit. “I miss my daddy and I want Daddy to be home,” Melanie said. “That’s okay, Melanie. He’ll be home soon. My dad was a soldier, too, and they work hard for our country. Aren’t you proud of your dad?” Melanie answered, “But…There’s no one to take me to school.”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右﹔2请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Sean offered to take Melanie to school.One day, when Sean and Melanie were approaching Melanie’s home from school, they saw a man in the doorway. 心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.fastidious [fæˈstɪdiəs] adj.严谨的2.acerbic [əˈsɜːrbɪk] adj.尖刻的3.erect [ɪˈrekt] adj.直立的4.immaculate [ɪˈmækjələt] adj.特别整洁的5.grooming [ˈɡruːmɪŋ] n.打扮; 装束6.pajamas [pəˈdʒæməz] n.睡衣7.shave [ʃeɪv] vt.刮胡子8.cleft [kleft] n.裂口9.install [ɪnˈstɔːl] vt.建立10.unsanitary [ʌnˈsænəteri] adj.脏的11.inflatable [ɪnˈfleɪtəbl] adj.充气的12.bob [bɒb] vt/vi.上下疾动13.hearse [hɜ:rs] n.柩车;灵车14.skirt [skɜːrt] vt. 回避(话题)15.shoo [ʃu:] vt/vi.发出嘘声赶走16.shreds [ʃrɛd] n.碎片17.whimper [ˈwɪmpɚ] vt/vi.啜泣18.knots [ˈnɒts] n.皮肤疙瘩19.clammy [ˈklæmi] adj.湿粘的20.coppery [ˈkɑːpəri] adj.含铜的21.pry [praɪ] v.撬开22.bereavement [bɪˈrivmənt] n.丧失(尤指亲友)23.dapple [ˈdæpl] n.斑纹24.huddle [ˈhʌdl] vt. 蜷缩25.guttural [ˈɡʌtərəl] adj.咽喉的26.morph [mɔːrf] vt.变形27.balm [bɑm] n.香油味28.permeate [ˈpɜːrmieɪt] vt. 渗透29.scent [bɑm] n.味道30.baritone [ˈbærɪtoʊn] adj. 男中音的31.malt [mɔlt] n.麦芽威士忌32.recede [rɪˈsiːd] vt/vi.逐渐远离33.squirm [skwɜ:rm] vi. 蠕动34.cocoon [kəˈkʊn] n.茧状物35.drape [dreɪp] n.窗帘36.numbness [ˈnʌmnɪs] n.麻木37.stubby [ˈstʌbi] adj. 短而粗硬的38.nuzzle [ˈnʌzl] vt. 用鼻紧挨39.kennel [ˈkɛnl] n.狗舍40.shrink [ʃrɪŋk] v. 收缩【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. Arriving home from the service, my heart in shreds, I found my closest companion of thirteen years whimpering in her dog bed. 当我做完礼拜回到家时,我的心都碎了,我发现我13年来最亲密的伴侣在她的狗床上哭泣。 I lay on the floor and wrapped myself around her, murmuring soft words.我躺在地板上,把自己裹在她身上,嘴里喃喃地说着柔和的话。 Moving through quicksand, I laid aside my black suit, now dappled with gray fur, and huddled between cold, white sheets to wait.我穿过脚下的流沙,放下身上布满灰色皮毛的黑色西装,蜷缩在冰冷的白色被单中等待。(二)情绪描写1. Bereavement settled its weight on me. 丧亲之痛压在我的心头。 I was alarmed by it, but the heaviness of despair held me fast, and I could not rise to investigate. 我被它吓了一跳,但沉重的绝望感把我紧紧地围住,我无法站起来追究。 When sleep finally overtook me, it was the heavy, drugged feeling of one who doesn’t care about ever waking. 当我终于入睡的时候,一种沉重的、被麻醉了的感觉包围着我,如同一个不愿醒来的人。(三)环境描写1. I was unaware of the sun forcing its way around the edges of the drapes, trying to break in.我还没有意识到:阳光正从窗帘的边缘挤进来,想要打破这一切。 Then a familiar sound dragged me out of the numbness — the clicking of thick toenails on hardwood. 然后,一个熟悉的声音把我从麻木中拉了出来——厚脚趾甲在硬木上发出的咔嗒声。 拓展练习读后续写参考范文 Sean offered to take Melanie to school. Sean went to Melanie’s house and told her grandma that he would take Melanie to school before heading to his own. From that day on, Sean took Melanie to school in the morning and managed to pick her up after school. Although Sean was just 11, he went out of the way to help Melanie with almost everything while her dad was away. He knew how bad it felt not to have your father around, so he did what he could to help her.One day, when Sean and Melanie were approaching Melanie’s home from school, they saw a man in the doorway. Sean and Melanie were confused and they didn’t know what happened. Soon after, Melanie recognized the man. “Daddy!” Melanie screamed and ran to him. Melanie introduced Sean to her dad and told him how Sean helped her. Knowing that Sean’s dad was also a soldier, he praised Sean as a hero, and told Sean that Sean’s father would be proud of him. At the mention of his father, Sean burst into tears. From then on, Melanie’s father treated Sean as nothing less than his own son.
