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    UNIT 3 Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)01
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)02
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)03
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)04
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)05
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)06
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)07
    UNIT 3  Developing ideas & Presenting ideas(课件PPT)08
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    英语必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move优秀课件ppt

    这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move优秀课件ppt,共38页。

    Develping ideas
    Lk at the chart and answer the questins. Marathn participants in China
    1 What key infrmatin is shwn in this chart? 2 What reasns lie behind the phenmenn?
    □ Learning t learn When learning abut a new tpic,it is imprtant t cllect facts and figures. These are ften represented thrugh charts r graphs,because they can make infrmatin quicker and easier t interpret. Bar charts are used t shw hw smething changes ver time,r can be used t cmpare data. It’s imprtant t read its title t knw what the facts and figures represent,t read the labels alng the vertical and hrizntal sides,and t lk at and understand the key infrmatin.
    1 What key infrmatin is shwn in this chart? The number f marathn participants in China is increasing. 2 What reasns lie behind the phenmenn? Mre and mre peple are pursuing a healthier lifestyle and challenging themselves. Mrever,marathns can stimulate ecnmic grwth and prmte the develpment f the sprts industry. Last but nt least,marathns can increase peple’s enthusiasm fr participatin in sprts and imprve their physical fitness.
    Read the passage and talk abut yur understanding f the title.
    Running int a Better Life This glbal site is a place fr runners t share their stries abut running. S,if yu are a runner with a stry t tell,get in tuch—we’d lve t hear frm yu!
    Li Yue,16,Beijing I was brn with asthma and I never thught I’d be a runner! I nly jined my lcal athletics club because my dctr tld me that in my particular case exercise culd imprve hw my lungs wrk. But befre I knew it, I was taking part in lcal races. As my fitness and my running imprved, I started running in natinal cmpetitins. This year I wn silver in the under 18’s 10,000 metres! And wh knws,next year I culd win gld!
    Sarah,36,Mntreal Nt s lng ag,I didn’t d any exercise—nt even any jgging! Then I discvered an app called Running Pwer. It lists yur perfrmance against ther runners in yur scial netwrk. At first,I kept running just t see my name in the tp five. Sn,I fund that I was nt alne—I came acrss ther runners in the same area running fr the same purpse! Nw I n lnger use the app,but I’ve fallen in lve with running,and still d it with my running friends.
    David,52,New Yrk As a cmputer engineer,there’s always a new challenge just arund the crner! It can be quite stressful at times,thugh,which in turn makes me feel anxius. T help deal with this,I g running as ften as I pssibly can. Whether I’m at the gym r n the rad,my nervus energy pushes me thrugh mile ne. By mile tw,the tensin has mved frm my mind t my legs. By the end f the run,all my stress has disappeared and I’m ready t face the next day at wrk!
    Grace,25,Manchester This year I entered the Great Grilla Run in Lndn. This is a prgramme run by The Grilla Organizatin t raise mney t save the wrld’s last remaining grillas frm dying ut. Each runner receives a grilla suit and ff they g! It’s a bit ht and sweaty inside the suit, and my legs ache,but it’s a lt f fun. The funniest mment was when smene watching the race ffered me a banana—a real treat fr a running grilla! I had a great day ut in Lndn,as well as helping t save grillas!
    Running can bring a lt f benefits t us,bth physically and mentally. It may imprve ur physical cnditin,bring us cnfidence,help us make new friends and reduce stress frm wrk.
    Cmplete the table with expressins frm the passage.
    hw his lungs wrk
    imprved his fitness
    listed peple’s perfrmance
    ther runners in the same area
    is quite stressful
    all his stress disappears
    raise mney
    helping t save grillas
    1 Which f these running stries impresses yu mst? Why? The first ne. Because althugh he has sme disease,he is strng-willed,and he gt ver the difficulty and achieved what he had never knwn befre. 2 What can yu learn frm these peple? Running can benefit peple bth physically and mentally. 3 In what ways d yu think apps and scial media can help us d sprts? They can list yur perfrmance against ther runners in yur scial netwrk and make yu knw ther runners in the same area running fr the same purpse. 4 D yu knw f any running events in China? Have yu ever participated in any f them? Shrt distance race,lng distance race,relay race,hurdle and s n. I’ve participated in shrt and lng distance races.
    Think & Share
    Wrk in grups. Give a talk abut a runner yu knw. 1 Use the ntes t help plan yur talk. Runner’s name:__________________________________________________________      Age:__________________________________________________________           When he/she started running:__________________________________________________________              What he/she thinks abut running: _______________________________________________________                2 Organise yur talk fllwing the steps belw. · Give details abut the runner. · Talk abut his/her experience f running. · End by saying why he/she inspires yu. 3 Give yur talk t the class.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Why did Li Yue start t run?A. He fund that running can drive away his pressure.B. He wanted t win in the natinal running cmpetitins.C. His dctr thught running culd be gd fr his lung.D. His mther tld him exercise culd imprve his health.2. What can the app called Running Pwer used fr?A. Its users can use it t treat their diseases.B. Its users can use it t raise mney fr charity.C. Its users can use it t stay in the tp five n the list.D. Its users can use it t cmpete against each ther in running.
    3. Wh thinks running can ease his/her pressure?Li Yue. B. David. C. Sarah. D. Grace.4. What’s the name f the prgramme Grace tk part in?A. Running Pwer. B. The Great Grilla Run.C. The Grilla Organizatin. D. Running int a Better Life.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   There are sme stries abut running n the site. Li Yue was brn with asthma and he 1________     (jin) the lcal athletics club because his dctr tld him that exercise culd imprve 2      his lungs wrk. Befre he knew it,he started running in natinal 3      (cmpetitin) and even wn silver this year. Sarah did d any exercise until she discvered 4      app called Running Pwer. At first,she kept running just 5      (see) her name in the tp five. But nw she has fallen in lve with running,and still des it with her running friends. David is a cmputer engineer. His jb can be quite 6      (stress) at times,which in turn makes him feel anxius. T help deal with this,he ges running as ften as he 7     (pssible) can. By the end f the run,he feels all his stress 8      (disappear) and he is ready t face the next day at wrk. Grace entered the Great Grilla Run in Lndn. It’s a bit ht and sweaty inside the grilla suit,9      it’s a lt f fun. The funniest mment was when smene watching the race ffered her a banana. She had a great day ut in Lndn, as well as 10       (help) t save grillas.
    has disappeared 
    Read the ntice and pst and answer the questins.
    Writing a sprts stry
    Stries wanted! This new glbal site is a place fr sprts lvers t share their stries. We are lking fr stries t inspire ur readers. D yu want t share yur stry? Send it t us right nw!
    I was s prud when my team wn the ice hckey cmpetitin. It made me feel like I culd achieve anything. Only three years ag,I was terrified f sprts like skiing and skating. T deal with this,I decided t jin a skating club. I really envied the ther club members,wh were s cnfident and dynamic n the ice. But my teacher was great and befre I knew it,I was able t skate. He then persuaded me t try ice hckey. I lved it and was sn practising with my lcal team almst every evening. We’re nw training fr natinal cmpetitins and hpe t be champins ne day,but my ultimate gal is t be an ice hckey teacher and help peple learn t play this game.
    1 What kind f stries des the website want? The website wants sprts lvers’ stries frm all ver the wrld. 2 Why is the website lking fr stries? Because it wants t inspire its readers. 3 What infrmatin is included in Nick’s stry? The infrmatin included in Nick’s stry is:what kind f sprt Nick plays,hw he gt started with the sprt,hw he felt abut the sprt,what he has dne t imprve,and what he hpes t achieve in the future.
    Think f yur wn sprts stry and make ntes. Sprt: Hw yu gt started with the sprt: Hw yu feel abut the sprt: What yu’ve dne t imprve: What yu hpe t achieve in the future:
    □ Useful expressins ·When I was yunger,... ·I never thught... ·The first time... ·Befre I knew it,... ·Sn I fund...
    Nw write yur wn sprts stry. Use the expressins in the bx t help yu.
    Share yur stry with the class.
    One pssible versin:I’ve been a sprts nut since I was ld enugh t hld a ball. That’s why when my PE teacher    presented me with the idea f jining the swimming team I decided t give it a sht and challenge myself a bit mre. S I started ging t swimming practice last June. At first I nly regarded swimming as a hbby t enhance my physical fitness. But sn I fund I fell in lve with it. Then,last week,I had my first swimming cmpetitin,in the 100m breaststrke. Standing tall at the head f the lane made me feel bth nervus and excited. After the sund f the whistle,I dived in and began t swim with all my strength! Finally,I came in third place. I was s happy fr my achievement,and it prved that hard wrk pays ff. I will keep n swimming,perhaps fr the rest f my life. Nt nly because it makes me healthier and strnger,but als fr the cnfidence and sense f achievement it has brught.
    Presenting ideas
    Wrk in grups. Recmmend a sprt fr yur PE class and cmplete the table.
    Sprt:relay race Rules fr the sprt:Members f the race take turns t cmplete parts f race track r perfrm a certain actin. Reasns fr recmmendatin:It requi-res the members t team up with thers, which is als useful in ur study and wrk.
    Talk abut yur recmmendatin fllwing the steps belw. 1 Say what sprt yu wuld like t recmmend. 2 Talk abut its rules. 3 State why yu wuld like t recmmend it. The sprt is called the 4×100m relay race. The rules are as fllws: firstly,it needs fur members and each member must run 100 meters as fast as he can. Then,at the end f his race, he must pass his running stick t the next teammate. The team wh uses the least time is the winner. It is a sprt which needs teamwrk. That is t say,they must team up with each ther. It can benefit us a lt. Fr example,the teamwrk we learn frm it can als be useful in ur study and wrk.
    Present yur sprt t the class. Use the expressins in the bx t help yu.
    □ Useful expressins ·The sprt is called... ·The rules are as fllws:... ·It’s a sprt which needs... ·It can bring us such benefits as...
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句 Then I discvered an app called Running Pwer. 后来我发现了一款名为“跑步的力量”的应用软件。1 pwer n. 力量;权力;政权;能力;动力;电力搭配:cme t pwer 上台(强调动作) be in pwer 掌权(强调状态) in/within ne’s pwer(t d sth.)某人有权/ 能力(做某事) beynd ne’s pwer(t d sth.)某人无权/ 能力(做某事)
    完成句子(1)Nt that I dn’t want t help yu,but that it’s             (超出我的能力) t d s. (2)The party           (执政)fr eight years. 选词填空(pwer/frce/strength/energy) (3)[词汇复现]The sldiers tk the prisners away by     . (4)It may take a few weeks fr yu t build up yur       again. (5)[词汇复现]In ne stry,lanterns were lit t celebrate the      f light ver darkness. (6)Yu shuld spend yur time and       n smething mre useful. 单句语法填空(7)Bdy language is ne f the mst      (pwer)means f cmmunicatin. (8)I wish it were within my pwer      (change)the decisin.
    beynd my pwer  
    has been in pwer  
    教材原句 It can be quite stressful at times,thugh,which in turn makes me feel anxius. 然而,有时压力是非常大的,这也相应地会让我感到焦虑。2 in turn 相应地,转而;依次地,轮流地Increased prductin will,in turn,lead t increased prfits. 增加生产会继而增加利润。We will examine each f these methds in turn. 我们将依次分析这些方法。【归纳拓展】 in return(fr sth.)作为(某事物的)报酬;作为(某事物的)回报by turns 轮流地,交替地take turns t d sth.=take turns(in)ding sth. 轮流做某事It’s ne’s turn t d sth. 轮到某人做某事了。Can I buy yu lunch in return fr yur help? 感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗? We take turns t answer the questins. 我们轮流回答问题。
    单句语法填空(1)Thery is based n practice and,     turn,serves practice. (2)Each f us      turn described hw pllutin had been caused. (3)Sam and I tk turns      (carry)the luggage while hiking. (4)When it’s yur turn      (speak),talk ludly and clearly,but dn’t shut. 选词填空(in turn/in return) (5)[2017·天津卷]We ffer an excellent educatin t ur students.       ,we expect students t wrk hard.(6)Turism brings in a lt f mney t the lcals, which,       brings abut mre than ne prblem.
    In return  
    教材原句By the end f the run,all my stress has disappeared... 等我跑完全程,我所有的压力都消失了…… 3 disappear v. 消失,不见搭配:disappear frm view/sight 从视线中消失disappear behind/int 消失在……后/ 中 Lisa watched until the train disappeared frm view/sight. 莉萨一直看着火车从视线中消失。The plane disappeared behind a clud. 飞机消失在云层里。【误区警示】 disappear 是非延续性动词,不与表示一段时间的状语连用,也没有被动语态。【单词积累】 disappear v. 消失→ disappearance n. 消失appear v. 出现→ appearance n. 出现;外表
    单句语法填空(1)The train disappeared     view and I knew my best friend wuld never cme back. (2)This bk gives a detailed descriptin abut the      (disappear)f this species. (3)Their misunderstanding      (disappear) after a lng talk. 完成句子(4)She was amazed that the creature suddenly             (从视线中消失了). (5)Suddenly,a tall man driving a glden carriage seized the girl and tk her away,              (消失在黑暗中).
    disappeared frm view/sight   
    disappearing int darkness  
    教材原句 This is a prgramme run by The Grilla Organizatin t raise mney t save the wrld’s last remaining grillas frm dying ut. 这是一个由大猩猩保护组织举办的活动,目的是募集资金保护世界上仅存的大猩猩免于灭绝。4 die ut 消失,绝迹,灭绝Many ld custms have died ut because they are ut f date. 因为已经过时,许多旧的习俗已经消失。Dinsaurs died ut millins f years ag.数百万年前恐龙就灭绝了。 【归纳拓展】die away(声音、风或光)慢慢变弱,渐渐消失die dwn 减弱,平息die ff 相继死去,先后死去die frm/f 因……而死be dying fr/t d sth. 极想要某物/ 渴望做某事
    单句语法填空(1)This species has nearly died     because its habitat is being destryed. (2)Her vice died     as she saw the lk n David’s face. (3)After the excitement f the audience died     ,the speaker started his speech. (4)She was dying     (ask)where he’d gt it. 完成句子(5)The wild ppulatin f kalas is              (濒临灭绝的危险). (6)The children         (渴望)a chance t g t the recreatin center.
    in danger f dying ut  
    are dying fr  
    教材原句 It’s a bit ht and sweaty inside the suit,and my legs ache,but it’s a lt f fun. 穿着这套衣服跑步感觉有点热,我出了很多汗,腿也跑得酸痛,但我还是觉得很开心。5 ache v.(持续而隐隐地)作痛  n.(持续的)隐痛搭配:ache frm 因……而疼痛Her eyes ached frm lack f sleep. 她的眼睛因睡眠不足而隐隐作痛。 As yu get lder,yu have all srts f aches and pains. 人上了年纪,就会有各种各样的病痛。[词汇复现] 【词语辨析】ache 与pain ache 指身体某一部位持续的隐痛,而不指一时的痛,多用于构成复合词,如headache,tthache 和backache。pain 泛指“疼痛”,也可指精神上的痛苦。
    单句语法填空(1)Her feet were aching      standing s lng. (2)My leg is giving me much less pain but still     (ache)when I sit dwn. (3)Apart frm the usual     (ache)and pains,she felt all right. 选词填空(ache/pain) (4)A brken leg can cause a lt f     . (5)[词汇复现]I felt a(n)      in my back after decrating all day.(6)She hated t say the wrds,fr fear f causing     .
    教材原句 End by saying why he/she inspires yu. 最后说说他/ 她为什么会激励你。6 inspire v. 鼓舞,激励;使产生(某种感情或反应),激起搭配:inspire sb. t d sth. 激励某人做某事inspire sb. with sth.=inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人的某种情感 She seldm inspires me t write nvels. 她很少鼓励我去写小说。 The small success inspired us with curage. =The small success inspired curage in us. 这小小的成功激发了我们的勇气。【单词积累】 inspiratin n. 鼓舞;灵感inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的单句语法填空(1)His speech inspired us     (wrk) harder than ever befre. (2)     (inspire)by the sunny weather, I decided t explre the wds. (3)The captain’s heric effrt inspired them      determinatin. = The captain’s heric effrt inspired determinatin      them. (4)His speech was      (inspire)and tuched my heart.
    教材原句 He then persuaded me t try ice hckey. 后来,他说服我尝试打冰球。7 persuade v. 说服,劝服;使相信,使信服搭配: persuade sb. t d sth./int ding sth. 说服某人做某事persuade sb. nt t d sth./ut f ding sth. 说服某人不做某事persuade sb. f sth. 使某人相信某事persuade sb. that... 使某人相信…… Try t persuade him t cme. 尽量劝他来。 I allwed myself t be persuaded int entering the cmpetitin. 我经不住别人的劝说,参加了比赛。[词汇复现] He must persuade his cmpanin f his hnesty. 他得让他的同伴相信他是诚实的。It’s n use trying t persuade him that yu’re inncent. 试图让他相信你无辜是徒劳的。【误区警示】 persuade sb. t d sth./int ding sth. 表示“说服某人做某事”,强调结果。advise sb. t d sth./try t persuade sb. t d sth. 表示“劝说/ 试图说服某人做某事”,强调动作,不一定说服。I advised him t leave Lndn,but he didn’t listen. 我劝他离开伦敦,但是他不听。
    单句语法填空(1)An advertisement uses wrds and pictures t persuade peple     (buy)a prduct r service,r t believe in an idea. (2)While shpping,peple smetimes can’t help      (persuade)int buying smething they dn’t really need. (3)The number f deaths frm heart disease will be reduced greatly if peple ________________     (persuade)t eat mre fruit and vegetables. 完成句子(4)He persuaded me                (不去参加)t the party. (5)It will be difficult t             (使他们相信)there’s n ther chice. (6)The directr            (试图说服) her t play a part in his new film, but she rejected.
    being persuaded  
    are persuaded  
    nt t g/ut f ging  
    persuade them that  
    tried t persuade  
    重点句式 教材原句 But befre I knew it,I was taking part in lcal races. 但没过多久,我就开始参加本地的比赛了。befre 引导时间状语从句befre 引导时间状语从句常用于以下结构中: befre sb. can d sth. 某人还没来得及做某事It was + 时间段+ befre... 过了多长时间才…… It will be + 时间段+ befre... 要过多长时间才…… Befre I culd say anything,Hlmes had rushed ff twards the statin. 我还没来得及说什么,福尔摩斯已经向车站跑去了。It wasn’t lng befre we started. 没过多久我们就动身了。It will be half a year befre I graduated. 半年后我才毕业。 【学法点拨】 befre 在不同的情况下含义不同,可译为“……之后才”“在…… 之前就”“还没来得及……就”等。无论如何翻译,befre 本质上还是“在……之前”的含义。
    单句语法填空(1)      I knew it,the water was rushing and tk my car with it. (2)The yung cuple,wh returned my lst wallet, left      I culd ask fr their names. (3)We need t get t the rt f the prblem      we can slve it. (4)If yu miss this chance,it may be years      yu get anther ne.完成句子(5)               (要过两年) he cmes back frm abrad. (6)             (过了四天) they fund the lst child.
    It will be tw years befre  
    It was fur days befre  

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