Unit 4 Friends forever 第五课时 Developing ideas课件
After Twenty YearsUnit 4 Friends Forever第五课时 Developing ideasLearning Objectives1.理解课文内容,明确故事中的人物形象和特点,评价人物的行为;2 初步掌握小说类文体的基本特征和常见的阅读方法,了解 O. Henry 小说的主题和“欧·亨利式”结尾的特点,和小说结尾的写法;3 联系自身实际,进一步深入理解友谊的意义和内涵,辩证地思考情与法之间的关系,树立正确的友情观。Pre-reading William Sydney Porter (1862-1910) ,whose pen name was O. Henry, was a world-famous American short story writer. In his stories, he often focused on the everyday life of ordinary people in New York City atthat time. His stories are best known for their surprise endings.adj. 每日的 daily普通人Let’s read the excerpts (节选)from “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry, and get a deeper understanding of his works and the surprise endings to his stories. While-readingSetting Plot( Using dialogue)Character Three key elements of a storyPlace: outside a in New YorkTime: on a cold, dark . a ; a who has a scar on his facesettingscharactersplotsshopnightpoliceman Fast readingRead the setting part quickly and fill in the blanks. Climax Beginning Development Ending ?man1.Why did the man go to the west? A. To travel in the west. B. To let Jimmy leave New York. C. To make his fortune. 2.What promise(承诺) did they make before they parted(分开)?A. Make a fortune together. B. Leave New York together. C. Meet again at the same place twenty years later.3.Why is the man standing outside the shop now?A.Because he is waiting for his friend Jimmy. B. Because he is going for a walk.C. Because he is going on a patrol.(巡逻) Read Para 1. and choose your answer appointment约定;约会Careful readingA. The trust (信任)in friendship.B. Jimmy is loyal (忠诚的)to his friend.C.The man kept his promise.D. All of the above.坚定的,忠诚的 Read Para 2--3 , and answer the questions 1.What happened after one or two years? They couldn’t get in touch with each other.2.What can we learn from these sentences? 联系遵守诺言Read the passage again, tell your partner in the man’s eyes, how is his friend.paragraph 1/3 the storylineWhile-reading?Made an appointmentLeft for the westLost contactCame back to meet the old friendThe ending?✗after 20 years20 years agoNow, it’s time to see what O. Henry has prepared for us!Post-readingBob, I was at the appointed place on time. When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. Somehow I couldn’t do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.Now read the note from the original ending and find out what actually happened.警方通缉划火柴便衣警察约定的,指定的Post-reading ( )1.Jimmy didn’t come to the appointed place at last. ( )2.Jimmy was the policeman.( )3.Bob was arrested(逮捕).FTT theme of the storyWhile Reading friendship justicevsfaced with the dilemmaJIMMY进退两难what dilemma?Jimmy had mixed feelings. He knew what his duty was, he also cherished (珍惜)their friendship. However, this doesn’t mean covering for his mistakes,but helping him to recognize and correct them.Post-reading14Understand the meaning of true friendshipSummaryGet to know the themeLearn about the storyline Thank You !