1. 我妈妈瞪着我,这是在我有一个重组家庭之前她从未做过的事。“你可以捡起来的。”她说。“那才对。”(本可以,虚拟语气)
My mother glanced at me. Something she never did before I had a stepfamily. “You could have picked it up. ” she said. “That would have been the kind thing to do.”
He folded his fist angrily, but his younger brother waved his hands excitedly.
Jackson kept saying something, but so angry was Carter that he couldn’t even hear a word .
1. 我意识到我裙子上的蝴蝶结打得很不好。我本应该请妈妈帮忙的。
I realized how poorly I tied the string on my skirt which was over leggings. I should have asked mom for help.
Thinking about what I had done to him, regret and guilt overwhelmed me like endless tides.
Whenever I thought of Henry’s wet book, my face turned red.
Watching Shirley’s smile fading away, Peter frowned.看着雪莉的微笑渐渐消失,彼得皱起了眉头。(2020-2021年汕头市高三第一学期质量监测)
Amanda felt as gray as the sky outside when she looked across the table at her three-year-old sister.
1.To cover his terrible action(为了掩盖他糟糕的行为,不定式作状语), the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.
2.Fearing punishment(害怕惩罚,现在分词作状语), the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbour’s cat jumped in from the window and he couldn’t drive it away no matter how hard he tried.
3.Glancing at the chocolates with hesitation,(犹豫地看着着巧克力,非谓语), the boy timidly raised his head before his mother.
“I’m so sorry.”he said, gently petting Jackson’s head.
2.他放下手,小心翼翼的看了Carter 一眼,然后低下了头。(动作链)He put down his hand, glanced cautiously at Carter and lowered his head.
3.To her surprise, she smiled at me and expressed her apology for ignoring my loneliness (为她忽略我的孤独道歉)as well as my difficulty with English communication.
1. 他妈妈把手指放在他嘴唇让他停止说话,在他额头上吻了一下,然后走出了书房。(动作链)
His mother silenced him by gently putting her finger on his lips,gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.
1. “我想给你一个惊喜!”他指向一个包装精美的盒子,眼里闪烁着光芒。(with结构)
“I wanted to surprise you!” he pointed at a neatly wrapped box with his eyes gleaming.
Seeing his families sitting together and staying together harmoniously, Cater felt a surge of happiness.
Cheerful singing floating in the room, the two sisters immersed themselves in the beauty of the music.
1. 如果没有亨利的帮助,我就不会顺利地完成我的演出了。
But for Henry’s help, I wouldn’t have finished my performance smoothly.
2. I looked at her, tears of love and gratitude welling(well) up in my eyes.(独立主格结构)
3. Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which I expressed my sincere gratitude to my mom and friends, bowing(bow) to them several times. (定语从句,非谓语)
1. 在这时,毫无预料地,Carter突然想起Billy躺在地上哭的回忆,一直在他脑海回旋,提醒着他一些事情。(无灵主语句;doing非谓语;and连接两个同时进行的动作)
At that moment, unexpectedly, the memory of the sight of Billy crying on the ground occurred to Carter, hovering in his mind and reminding him something .
Looking at Jackson, Carter couldn’t help imagining his little brother spending the whole day carefully painting the car.
3. “I just wish I knew how to help her,” Amanda said to herself, thinking of Li’s frightened eyes(想到Li害怕的双眼).
1. From then on, the three chocolates rang the alarm in his heart every time he intended to lie, reminding him to be honest提醒他要诚实(非谓语).
2. I nodded firmly, knowing a flower of kindness and friendship began to blossom(善良和友谊之花开放) in both of our hearts.
3.This experience transformed my attitude towards Henry and our relationship has also been harmonious(我们的关系变得和谐) since then.
4. 正是亨利的善良让我感受到了我们家庭的温暖。我会用心珍惜它的
It was Henry’s kindness that made me feel the warmth from our family. I will treasure it with all my heart.