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    高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题

    高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题第1页
    高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题第2页
    高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题第3页
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    高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题


    这是一份高中英语高考考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题,共22页。试卷主要包含了结尾完形方法1,结尾完形方法2,结尾完形方法3,结尾完形方法4,结尾完形方法5等内容,欢迎下载使用。
    考向39 读后续写之如何巧妙设置结尾
    ▲第一段首句:衔接第一段段首语A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp.
    思路:此时的北极熊肯定被激怒了,所以会更猛烈地袭击围栏。所以,衔接第一段的段首语可以从描写北极熊开始,用非谓语动词开头,如Angered by the spray, the bear greeted us with a howl of rage.
    ▲第一段尾句:衔接第二段段首语At that very moment, the helicopter arrived.
    思考:that very moment是什么时刻?
    思路:在第一段的结尾,可设计一个最危险的时刻,此时北极熊马上要破栏而入,呼应that very moment,这样衔接最流畅。可借助拟人化的手法,如Suddenly, the bear had torn a narrow opening in the fence which would collapse soon and witness the bear tear us into pieces.
    ▲第二段首句:衔接第二段段首语At that very moment, the helicopter arrived.
    思路:他们应该会马上跑回营地,联系飞行员。可利用动作细节进行描写,如Hearing the helicopter, we ran back to the camp swiftly, and radioed our savior in a trembling voice.
    思路:故事的结局是二人获救了,但关于是否成功拿到北极熊的照片,可以有不同的设计:也许在直升机用噪音吓走北极熊的时候,夫妇拍下了终生难忘的珍贵照片;也许在与北极熊周旋的过程中冒险拍下。如利用非谓语动词作状语,进行描写并回扣原文主题。Grabbing the camera, I dashed out and snapped valuable pictures of the escaping bear, making the trip unforgettable for the whole life.
    Madame Forestier had halted.
    “You say you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?”
    “Yes. You hadn't noticed it? They were very much alike.”
    And she smiled in proud and innocent happiness.
    Madame Forestier, deeply moved, took her two hands.
    “Oh, my poor Mathilde! But mine was imitation. It was worth at the very most five hundred francs!...”
    《最后一片叶子》(The Last Leaf)是欧·亨利短篇小说作品中具有代表性的一篇,亦采用小人物作为主角,歌颂伟大的人性关怀。小说中,青年画家琼珊得了肺炎,她消极地认为当窗外墙上最后一片常春藤叶被吹落时,她的生命就会消逝。当楼下穷困而不得志的老“画家”贝尔曼听到这件事后,冒着暴雨在墙上画出了一片永远不会凋落的常春藤叶,让琼珊重新燃起了生命的希望,自己却因此染病去世。作者通过描写萍水相逢的普通人之间的关怀,刻画了一个舍己为人的画家形象。在作者心中,美好心灵造就的作品才是不朽的杰作。
    “I have something to tell you, white mouse,” she said. “Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. He was ill only two days. The janitor found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain. His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. They couldn't imagine where he had been on such a dreadful night. And then they found a lantern, still lighted, and a ladder that had been dragged from its place, and some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it, and — look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it's Behrman's masterpiece — he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”
    “That may be a bit flowery, as the sayin' is — but I know myself he was sittin' over his boots day and night, to the very last. You see I used to watch him. Never gave 'imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All went in rent and leather. How he lived so long I don't know. He regular let his fire go out. He was a character. But he made good boots.”
    “Yes,” I said, “he made good boots.”
    And I turned and went out quickly, for I did not want that youth to know that I could hardly see.
    《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)这一则文学作品继承了王尔德童话题材故事中的“牺牲”主题。王尔德擅长以最唯美的方式表达毁灭与死亡。他首先在故事中创造了两个人间芳物:美丽的小燕子与满身黄金、身嵌宝石的快乐王子。这两个角色本来生活在无忧无虑的温柔乡中,觉得人间处处是阳光,却无意中发现真实的世界实际上充满了痛苦与不堪。在这样的落差之下,这两个生命决定牺牲自己的美好,以解除芸芸众生的痛楚。最终,曾经最美丽华贵的生命残损破败,在垃圾堆中结束了自己的一生。作者通过描写快乐王子身上颜色从金黄到灰色,地位从市中心广场高大的塑像到垃圾堆里的废物这一反差,描绘了一幅凄凉的场景。而在童话末尾,作者笔锋一转,从人间上升到了上帝层面,以上帝的口吻赞颂了这两个外表丑陋,而内在伟大的生命个体,反映了作者认为精神美高于形式美的价值观。《快乐王子》的情节颇具佛教精神特色,与乔达摩·悉达多王子到世间去体验苦难,最终成佛的故事异曲同工,均深刻探讨了毁灭与重生的相互关系。该作品在童话题材的包装下触及了人性与哲学问题,体现了作者深刻的文学思想。
    “What a strange thing!” said the overseer of the workmen at the foundry. “This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace. We must throw it away.” So they threw it on a dust-heap where the dead Swallow was also lying.
    “Bring me the two most precious things in the city,” said God to one of His Angels; and the Angel brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird.
    “You have rightly chosen,” said God, “for in my garden of Paradise this little bird shall sing for evermore, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me.”
    《小女孩》(The Little Girl)是一则讲述父女情的故事。在小女孩凯齐娅的心中,爸爸是个威严、高大的人,她因此很怕他,与他说话的时候支支吾吾。一次,她在奶奶的鼓励下为爸爸缝制生日礼物,无意中剪碎了他重要的演讲稿,让爸爸勃然大怒。凯齐娅很伤心,想到隔壁麦克唐纳家慈祥的父亲,心中就隐隐作痛。直到有一天妈妈生病,家中只留下了凯齐娅和爸爸,她因为害怕黑暗,做了噩梦,没想到平时不苟言笑的爸爸将她抱进了怀中,安慰她入睡。《小女孩》是一篇典型的曼斯菲尔德作品,它截取日常的生活片段,刻画出其中细腻丰富的感情,读来令人心醉。
    Then the dark did not matter; she lay still. “Here, rub your feet against my legs and get them warm,” said father.
    Tired out, he slept before the little girl. A funny feeling came over her. Poor father! Not so big, after all — and with no one to look after him.... He was harder than the grandmother, but it was a nice hardness.... And every day he had to work and was too tired to be a Mr. Macdonald.... She had torn up all his beautiful writing.... She stirred suddenly, and sighed.
    “What's the matter?” asked father. “Another dream?”
    “Oh,” said the little girl, “my head's on your heart; I can hear it going. What a big heart you've got, father dear.”
    在小说《画册的一页》(Feuille d'Album)中,作者大量地使用了象征手法,勾勒出了一幅恬淡隽永的初恋水彩画卷,使小说充满了现代主义的气息。作者熟练地运用意识流的手法描写少年的情窦初开:“他的心也从画室的侧窗跌了出去,落到了对面房子的阳台上——埋在了那盆花苞半开、绿叶似矛的水仙花花盆里了”,也让主人公想象两人在一起的时光:“她脾气暴躁,他们有时吵得很厉害”,当他第一次要去见她时,感觉到“一切都笼罩在那可爱的粉红色的光晕中”。在作者的笔下,少年青涩的模样生动活泼、跃然纸上。
    But now she was on her way home and he was as far off as ever....She suddenly turned into the dairy and he saw her through the window buying an egg. She picked it out of the basket with such care — a brown one, a beautifully shaped one, the one he would have chosen. And when she came out of the dairy he went in after her. In a moment he was out again, and following her past his house across the flower market, dodging among the huge umbrellas and treading on the fallen flowers and the round marks where the pots had stood....Through her door he crept, and up the stairs after, taking care to tread in time with her so that she should not notice. Finally, she stopped on the landing, and took the key out of her purse. As she put it into the door he ran up and faced her.
    Blushing more crimson than ever, but looking at her severely he said, almost angrily: “Excuse me, Mademoiselle, you dropped this.”
    And he handed her an egg.
    小说《最后一课》(The Last Lesson)在表现普法战争这一主题时,并未正面描写战争的残酷场面,也没有突出普鲁士侵略者的骄横暴戾和法国人民的英勇无畏,而是将视线聚焦到了阿尔萨斯省一个小镇的一堂普普通通的法语课上,以一个学龄孩子的感触,反映了法国最普通的民众对自己国家深厚的情感。故事的主角并不是个出色的学生,他爱去田野里玩耍不爱去学校,上课也经常开小差,觉得外面的世界比课堂有趣。但在普鲁士人的政令公布之后,这个调皮学生的心态在一点点地发生变化——他发现老师教的内容竟然很容易听懂,并且还希望自己能有更多的时间学习得更加深入,他甚至还开始体贴地察言观色,理解老师的良苦用心。文章在详细描述主人公的转变时,也带出了其他学生、甚至小镇居民们的转变——满教室只听见笔在纸上沙沙作响,不识字的老居民也摊开课本认真地学习拼写。作者通过截取主人公、学生和那些居民面对国家危难的这一小片段,以小见大,展示了爱国精神在一个普通人心中引起的强烈化学反应,深刻地反映了法国上上下下的民众在国难之际的面貌。
    Suddenly the church clock struck twelve. Then the Angelus. At the same moment the trumpets of the Prussians, returning from drill, sounded under our windows. M. Hamel stood up, very pale, in his chair. I never saw him look so tall. “My friends,” said he, “my friends,... I... I...”
    But something choked him; he could not finish the sentence. He returned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letters, “VIVE LA FRANCE.”
    Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak. He signed to us with his hand. “The lesson is over. You are dismissed.”
    《空中骑士》(A Horseman in the Sky)讲述了美国南北战争时期发生的一个震撼人心的故事。主人公卡特·德鲁斯出生于弗吉尼亚,父亲是富裕的农场主,他却因为与父亲政治观点不同而加入了北方联盟军。在一次值勤中,卡特发现一名南方军队的骑兵前来刺探军情,此人竟然就是他的父亲,卡特在强烈的心理斗争之后,决定履行自己的职责,扣动了扳机,将父亲的坐骑打落山崖。作者详细地描绘了复杂、险要的战争地形,运用内心独白和悬念设置等手法,剖析了主人公在职责与亲情之间的痛苦抉择,使该故事具有独特的艺术和思想魅力。卡特失去父亲后的冷静在读者的心中造成了强烈的震撼。作者没有正面描写主人公的悲痛,只是寥寥几笔就勾勒出了在军人职责抑制之下那呼之欲出的丧亲之痛,使故事具有强烈的艺术性和巨大的感染力。
    “A horse. It was standing on yonder rock — pretty far out. You see it is no longer there. It went over the cliff.”
    The man's face was white, but he showed no other sign of emotion. Having answered, he turned away his eyes and said no more. The sergeant did not understand.
    “See here, Druse,” he said, after a moment's silence, “it's no use making a mystery. I order you to report. Was there anybody on the horse?”
    “My father.”
    The sergeant rose to his feet and walked away. “Good God!” he said.
    1. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My dad's life seemed typical of his generation. He graduated from high school during the Depression and worked for a large company. He enlisted (入伍) in 1941, served in the Pacific and Europe.
    On returning, he met my mother, married and had three children. Because of the job, he needed to continue his education. With his full-time job and attending to his family, he attended college in the evening and obtained his degree.
    As kids, we knew what Dad told us. During cold winters he sympathized with unfortunate kids in just T-shirt and shorts. He was saddened by children with nothing under the Christmas tree. He loved kids and schools and he wanted to spread kindness to everyone in need of help, so he was always ready to give a hand to people he met.
    With us three kids on our own. Dad and Mom retired and came to Florida. Two years later Mom died, in 1980. From that time. Dad got into the habit of walking around his house. He also tried golf but failed to become addicted to it. Although it was hard time for Dad, he didn't give up the hope of life. He decided to do something meaningful to society.
    Then he saw an ad requesting literacy (读写能力) volunteers. Dad helped some children, who were homeless learn to read and write. He also helped an old man learn to read because his literate wife was going blind. He told us he even wanted to be a teacher to help more people.
    As time passed, Dad had some health problems. His legs became weak and he started to have trouble in sleeping. My brother, my younger sister and I came to look after him, telling him to stop doing the volunteer work and have a rest at home. However, he was so stubborn that he disagreed with us and insisted on his decision.
    Before long, Dad made his dream come true.
    One year later, something surprising happened.
    Before long, Dad made his dream come true. As it happened, a teacher who lived near Dad's home resigned. The school needed someone to help teach students. Dad realized it was time to take action. He began work as a teacher's assistant in a third grade class, helping children with spelling and grading papers. He spent a lot of time with the students, playing games and singing songs with them. As a result, all the students like getting along with him.
    One year later, something surprising happened. Dad's physical condition turned better. He explained to me that the students kept him healthy. He said every time he stayed with the children, he moved and smiled a lot, which made him feel energetic and happy. Seeing Dad was satisfied with life, I learned a lesson: Our value shouldn't be limited by the face and age, but it should depend on what we can do for others.
    ①发生:happen/ occur/ take place
    ②辞职:resign/ quit one’s job
    ③感动:move/ touch
    ①满意的:satisfied/ content
    ②高兴的:happy/ delighted
    As it happened, a teacher who lived near Dad's home resigned.(句中as引导方式状语从句,who引导定语从句)
    He began work as a teacher's assistant in a third grade class, helping children with spelling and grading papers.(句中运用现在分词作状语)
    Our value shouldn't be limited by the face and age, but it should depend on what we can do for others.(句中what引导宾语从句)
    2. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段.使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Wilsons were having dinner. The food was left from their Thanksgiving dinner two days before: turkey soup and turkey meat mixed with potatoes. Eleven-year-old Angelina asked, “Are we having turkey ice cream, too?” Her father replied, “Angelina, have you forgotten that I had no job for a whole year? Now I have work again. You should be very thankful.” “I’m sorry I said that about the turkey! But unless I get a new dress, I will not look good for the Christmas Festival.” Angelina murmured.
    The Festival was the winter holiday celebration of a group she belonged to: the Avalon Girls’ Service Club. They wrote cheerful cards for hospital patients. They cooked meals for the homeless. But the Christmas Festival was different. The girls wore party clothes and many people came to see them perform. Angelina had only a plain gray dress that she had worn to the event last year. And now it was a little too short. Angelina appealed to her parents to buy one for her, a beautiful red dress in Forbes’ Store. Her mother sighed, “Well, we cannot buy it. We have to be careful. You never know when I might lose my job.”
    All hope was not gone. There was a sign in the Forbes store window that said “layaway (分期付款)” . Angelina pulled ten worn dollar bills from her coat pocket. She ran to the store and begged the salesperson, Mrs. Harding, to hold ‘her’ dress for her. “Ok. But you must come back in two weeks to pay the rest.” Angelina felt like jumping into the air. She was so happy that she told Mrs. Harding about the Avalon Service Club’s work and its Christmas party.
    Then, Angelina shook and suffered in the cold wind looking for work. Finally, Angelina got a job making new clothing for dolls. Angelina was excellent at sewing. Sure enough, the dolls’ dresses turned out beautiful. She got twenty dollars. Still, she was far from having enough money for her dress. She felt helpless as the final payment date arrived.
    She returned sadly to Forbes’ Store, “I don’t have enough money for the dress.” Then she saw Mrs. Harding’s eyes were red. She looked like she had been crying. She said the store was closing and she was losing her job.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly, Mrs. Harding said she would pay the rest of the money so Angelina could have it.
    Paragraph 2:
    Outside, Angelina saw a man who looked like Santa Claus was asking people for money to help poor people.
    Suddenly, Mrs. Harding said she would pay the rest of the money so Angelina could have it. “Your club always does good work. I would like you to have this dress for your Festival.” Angelina thought how much she wanted the red dress. But she remembered how sad her father had felt during that long year when he had no work. She chose her words carefully, “That is very good of you, Mrs. Harding. But you will need all your money until you get another job.” Angelina expressed thanks and closed her hand around the worn dollar bills Mrs. Harding returned to her. With that, she said goodbye and ran out of the store into the cold street.
    Outside, Angelina saw a man who looked like Santa Claus was asking people for money to help poor people. Angelina stood still for a moment on the snowy sidewalk. Then, quite suddenly, she gave the man dressed as Santa Claus several dollars. “Mrs. Harding is not the only one who wants to help other people.” Just as suddenly she decided that maybe she would buy some material to add length to her old gray wool dress. And she started to plan how she would sew bright red ribbons along the neckline. Who knew, maybe she could look good at the Festival after all. But, in any event, she would have fun. After all, it was Christmas time.
    ①愿意付剩下的钱:would pay the rest of the money/willing to pay the rest
    ②拒绝:decline/refuse politely/shake her head
    ③捐钱:gave the man money/donate money to the man
    ①感谢:express thanks/show her gratitude/be grateful
    ②开心:have fun/be delighted/have a good time
    [高分句型1] But she remembered how sad her father had felt during that long year when he had no work.(由连接词how引导的宾语从句作remembered的宾语)
    [高分句型2] Mrs. Harding is not the only one who wants to help other people. (由关系代词who引导定语从句)
    3. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    18-year-old Sadiya was born in Deora, a small village in eastern India, but moved to the city of Mumbai when she was 3. In 2020, when the pandemic(疫情)broke out, her father’s small business was forced to close temporarily and the family returned to her ancestral village to wait out the pandemic.
    However, it greatly shocked her when she found that attending school was uncommon in Deora,where almost half of the villagers couldn’t read. Unable to afford textbooks, many families often withdrew their children from schools. They didn’t wish to educate their children,many of whom had to work in the fields with parents though some had the desire to read.
    Sadiya, the college girl with a strong sense of social responsibility, has been trying to seize opportunities to open doors for others. Fluent in Hindi, Urdu, and English, she often speaks at inter-college events on the right to education and enjoys a high reputation among college students.
    Used to taking on challenges, Sadiya was determined to do something for the children. One day last July, Sadiya sat down with her family elders and proposed the idea of setting up a library”. Many shook their heads in disagreement—this wasn’t how a young girl should spend her time.
    After many discussions, Sadiya finally convinced them and gained access to her relative’s guesthouse,mending it with $67 that she’d won in public-speaking awards. She took the help of her uncle, Akbar, and cousin, Nawaz, and got to work. Walls were repainted,the bamboo roof was repaired and lights and bookshelves were fixed, and the room was filled with chairs and a long table. Vivid charts stuck on the walls—from anatomy(解剖)to transportation, lightened the space. Looking at the newly-decorated“library”, Sadiya couldn’t hold back her excitement while imagining the children reading books here by light.
    All was ready except books. So what Sadiya was desperate to do next was fill the shelves with books. She drew on all her savings and purchased many books suitable for children online.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    But these books were far from enough.
    With everything ready,the library finally opened.
    But these books were far from enough. To ensure children get access to more books, Sadiya took pictures of the library and uploaded them online, calling on students to donate books to the children library. Before long, hundreds of new and secondhand books poured in, but they needed checking, classifying and arranging in order on the shelves, which took Sadiya, her uncle and cousin a whole week. Tired as Sadiya was, a smile lit up her face when she pictured the scene where children were buried in reading by the book-filled shelves.
    With everything ready, the library finally opened. Several children stepped in curiously, asking Sadiya, “Can we read the books?” “Sure. Welcome!” Sadiya encouraged them. Some chose what they liked, while others hesitated. Realizing they had trouble reading, Sadiya gathered them in a corner, teaching them from the very beginning. Soon more children joined in. Every night Sadiya spared some time to give lessons so that more children could gain knowledge from the books. Sadiya’s efforts opened the wisdom door for them, which would surely make a great difference to their lives.
    ①参加:join in/take part in
    ②花费一些时间:spare some time/spend some time
    ③有困难:have trouble doing/have difficulty doing
    ①犹豫:hesitate/hang back
    [高分句型1]. Before long, hundreds of new and secondhand books poured in, but they needed checking, classifying and arranging in order on the shelves, which took Sadiya, her uncle and cousin a whole week.(由which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Tired as Sadiya was, a smile lit up her face when she pictured the scene where children were buried in reading by the book-filled shelves.(运用了过去分词作状语;由when引导的时间状语从句;由关系副词where引导的定语从句)
    4. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was August. We were on vacation, just my six-year-old son Kevin and I, for my husband was always busy. Having driven from our home in the city to a remote and peaceful place, we wouldn’t see friends or family—it would be a nice, safe, socially distanced week away. We had hiked about half mile to an attractive spot called Diana’s Baths, which afforded visitors an expanse of transparent water. The water flows and then falls off a series of big flat stones, making itself a small waterfall, about 7 inches high.
    Several couples and their kids in swimsuits were playing to their heart’s content in the water. We joined them. I watched as some younger parents nervously drove their babies away from the stones edges. Fast-moving water made standing there quite dangerous, for I saw a certain kid with curly hair missed a step and almost fell down. The air was full of shouts and laughter. I felt so lucky that I didn’t always need to fix my eyes on my son. Kevin could navigate his physical space with more confidence and care. But I was still terrified when I saw Kevin jump between the slippery rocks.
    But with the passing of time, I soon relaxed, and we were both having fun, my kid splashing and kicking in the cool water, laughing heartily as I put my head under the cold running water.
    Then seconds later, every fear I’d ever had rose to the surface. I lifted my head, turned and saw Kevin sitting between two stones, with the rushing water flowing around him. I could see he was shaking sometimes because of the water rapids. I yelled at him to get out. He yelled back something that I couldn’t hear.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Suddenly he disappeared in front of my eyes.
    When Kevin returned to normal. I learned the woman was a nurse.
    Suddenly he disappeared in front of my eyes. Jumping to my feet, I let out screams, “Somebody help my son!” Hardly had I yelled when a woman rushed to the stones’ edge and jumped down. Following her with unsteady steps, I went down too, seeing her scooping up my son. His eyes remained closed. Having laid my son on his back, she checked his pulse and began to perform first aid. Suddenly, I saw my son opened his eyes. Indescribable delight filled my heart.
    When Kevin returned to normal, I learned the woman was a nurse. “Your son just suffered a minor back injury. Don’t worry,” she comforted me. “It was you that saved my son,” I said, tears flooding down my cheeks. She held my hands, a big smile shining from her face, and said that anyone would have done the same. We had a very pleasant chat, and I knew her name was Lisa. Her random kindness indeed made a big difference and I would follow her example.
    安慰,使舒适:comfort /relieve
    叫喊:yell /shout
    实施,执行:perform /carry out
    高兴的:pleasant /pleasing/delighted
    难以置信的:indescribable /unbelievable
    [高分句型1] Following her with unsteady steps, I went down too, seeing her scooping up my son. (句中现在分词作方式状语和伴随状语)
    [高分句型2] It was you that saved my son.(句中使用强调句型)
    [高分句型3] She held my hands, a big smile shining from her face, and said that anyone would have done the same.(句中使用并列谓语和宾语从句)
    5. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It has been three months since Ms. Sue joined a primary school to teach English. She was gradually learning to understand all her students but one, Bob. He was the only boy who came to school dressed untidily and sat in the class completely lost in his own world. His performance had been getting steadily worse with every single day.
    It was yet another day when all the students in the class laughed at Bob because he was unable to answer even the simplest questions Sue asked him. At the end of the lesson when all the students left, Ms. Sue searched through the progress reports on Bob in his previous classes. She was shocked to see that Bob used to be the top of his class. She looked over every page of the report and found out that Bob’s performance had begun to slowly decline when his mother fell ill. A few months down the line, Bob was doing badly in each and every subject. Later, his mother died on Mother’s Day, leaving him alone with his father, who was a businessman and had to travel frequently.
    Apart from his performance worsening steadily, Bob’s nature began to change, too. The reports clearly said he had forgotten to laugh and showed no interest in any activity. He began to stay alone. All his friends had abandoned him. Tears filled Ms. Sue’s eyes.
    The next day, while all the students were leaving the classroom, she asked Bob to stay behind. Bob sat on his chair quietly. After the classroom was empty, Ms. Sue went up to him. She began to ask him if he had any problem understanding the lessons. Gradually, she began to make him feel more comfortable so that he could talk and share. After three weeks, she found Bob gradually improving. He was able to answer the questions he had previously failed to answer. Every day after all the students left the classroom, Ms. Sue spent some time with Bob and gave personal attention to him.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1
    Bob improved a lot over the next semester.
    Paragraph 2
    On Sunday morning, curious, Ms. Sue opened the box and saw half a bottle of perfume and a letter.
    Para. 1:
    Bob improved a lot over the next semester. He began to come to school on time, properly dressed and responding positively in class. His classmates gradually became friendly towards him and he showed signs of progress in his performance. One day, when all the students had left after class, Bob went to Ms. Sue and handed her a box, requesting that she open the box on Sunday.
    Para. 2:
    On Sunday morning, curious, Ms. Sue opened the box and saw half a bottle of perfume and a letter. The letter said that the perfume used to be his mother’s and that he hoped Ms. Sue would wear it so that every time she was around, he could feel his mother near him. After reading the letter, Ms. Sue took the perfume in her hand and saw a tag attached to it, which said: “Happy Mother’s Day!” Ms. Sue suddenly realized that it was not she who had made a difference to Bob’s life but it was Bob who made her understand what true humanity is!
    【写作分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Sue 老师发现Bob是学校里唯一一个穿着不整洁的男孩,他坐在教室里,完全沉浸在自己的世界里,表现一天比一天差。Sue老师发现他曾经是班上的第一名,他的表现在他母亲生病时才开始慢慢下降的。此后Sue老师开始关心Bob,Bob有了很大进步,Bob还把自己母亲的香水送给了Sue。
    ②由第二段首句内容“星期天早上,Sue 老师好奇地打开盒子,看到了半瓶香水和一封信。”可知,第二段可描写Bob送Sue老师香水的原因和老师的感悟。
    开始:begin to / start to
    递给:hand/ pass on
    看见:see / spot
    友好:friendly /be kind
    真实:true / real
    [高分句型1] One day, when all the students had left after class, Bob went to Ms. Sue and handed her a box, requesting that she open the box on Sunday. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] The letter said that the perfume used to be his mother’s and that he hoped Ms. Sue would wear it so that every time she was around, he could feel his mother near him. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    6. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Everything about moving day was a puzzle. I didn't know anything about our new building on a new street. Our old life was broken into pieces and packed up in piled boxes. I wondered if it would ever fit back together again.
    Mom introduced me to our new neighbours, the Chens. Mrs Chen worked with Mom at the job she'd just started. Mr Chen was a famous craftsman(匠人) from China.
    Mom said it was a fresh start, but it felt broken to me. I just wanted things to go back to how they had been before.
    After the first day at my new school, I walked home alone. Mom had told me she had to work. I was still hoping she'd meet me after the bell. I had to open the door myself with the new key. I felt a bit hungry and went straight into the kitchen, ripping tape from the packed boxes while I searched for a clean plate. My fingers slipped, and something went crashing to the ground.
    “Benjamin” cried Mom from the doorway. I didn't hear her come in. “What just broke?” she asked, kneeling to pick up the pieces. In her hands, I recognized the shattered pieces. It was Grandma's bowl. “I can't believe you broke this,” she said.
    “Well, I can't believe we have to live here now! I can't believe I have to switch schools, and I can't believe you didn't even meet me after my first day” I ran into my room, slamming the door behind me.
    The broom swept across the kitchen floor. Then the click of Mom's bedroom door closed behind her. I sneaked out into the kitchen and found the fragments in the dustbin. There were so many pieces in here, but maybe I could put them back together. Turning the pieces, I tried to match them,but this bowl would never look the same again.
    “I'm sorry I yelled,” said Mom, as she opened her door. “Please just throw out the pieces. We can't make a fresh start with broken things.”
    As I wandered down the hall, Mr Chen was emptying his garbage.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    “Are you sure you want to throw that out?” he asked.
    Paragraph 2:
    I brought the repaired bowl into her room.
    Paragraph 1:
    “Are you sure you want to throw that out?” he asked. My throat twisted into a knot. “It's broken,” I murmured. “That's a simple repair. Come.” In their apartment, Mr Chen spread the broken pieces out like a jigsaw puzzle. After finding each match, he taught me to delicately rebuild the bowl, filling in the crack lines with a special paint. Finally, the bowl was together again. I held it gently in the palm of my hand and admired it for long. Slightly different, it was as beautiful as before. I couldn't wait to show it to Mom and rushed back home.
    Paragraph 2:
    I brought the repaired bowl into her room. Obviously, she was more than surprised to see the bowl again. “It's amazing” she marveled, running her fingertip over the fixed cracks. “Mr Chen helped me mend it. He is a superb craftsman,” I said with a grin. “Definitely. After being repaired, it looks much stronger than before” said Mom, smiling radiantly. I sat on the edge of her bed, and Mom reached out to me. Our hands joined with crisscrossed fingers, we both knew this was a new beginning.
    ①.散开:spread out/fan out/scatter
    [高分句型1]. She marveled, running her fingertip over the fixed cracks.(由running现在分词短语作状语)
    [高分句型2]. Slightly different, it was as beautiful as before.(由形容词different作状语)
    [高分句型3]. Our hands joined with crisscrossed fingers, we both knew this was a new beginning.(名词hands+过去分词joined构成的独立主格结构)


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    高中英语高考考向36 读后续写之如何续写故事开头(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题:

    这是一份高中英语高考考向36 读后续写之如何续写故事开头(解析版)-备战2022年高考英语一轮复习考点微专题,共19页。试卷主要包含了开端布局方法1,开端布局方法2,开端布局方法3,开端布局方法4,开端布局方法5,开端布局方法9,开端布局方法10等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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