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    人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT5 Part III Using Language(同步练习含答案)
    人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT5 Part III  Using Language(同步练习含答案)01
    人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT5 Part III  Using Language(同步练习含答案)02
    人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT5 Part III  Using Language(同步练习含答案)03
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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Care精品课堂检测

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Care精品课堂检测,共7页。

    Ⅰ. 单词拼写
    1. As is well knwn,the c (骆驼)als ges under the name f “the ship f the desert”.
    2. In rder t prmte water transprtatin,the cuncil decided t dig a c (运河).
    3. As she laid the purse n the table,her eyes fell upn a nte in Grace’s h (笔迹).
    4. After parking his car in the parking lt,the supervisr gt ut with a d (磁盘)in ne hand and a bag f tw fried eggs in the ther.
    5. My mm tld me that she needed tw mre balls f w (毛线)t knit a scarf.
    6. The cuncil shuld pay special attentin t African prblems and give them the p (优先)n its agenda.
    7. The receptinist fund a beautiful p (钱包) in the parking lt.
    8. This is a c (证明)frm yur emplyer which tells yu hw much mney yu have earned.
    9. In the big c (笼子)was a baby camel with a cllar arund its neck.
    10. As Jhn has a certificate,he can help handle tur finances and r (收据).
    Ⅱ. 用所给短语的适当形式填空
    1. The manager suggested giving the accuntant a rise because he had mre respnsibilities at wrk.
    2. Actually,the receptinist is an hnest and reliable persn, whm yu can .
    3. If yu dn’t knw what this kind f graphic stands fr,yu may it n the Internet.
    4. All f us believe that ur dedicated emplyer can make his dream .
    5. I suggest that yu Peking University, where yu can acquire knwledge and get access t the best Chinese culture.
    6. This play which yung peple is an adaptatin f a detective nvel.
    7. My emplyer can’t g ut with yu tnight because he has an urgent thing t .
    8. We have t set dwn rules t that the camels are taken gd care f.
    Ⅲ . 单句语法填空
    1. Starting yur wn business culd be a way t achieving (finance)independence. On the ther hand,it culd just put yu in debt.
    2. (wrk)hard right nw will prepare yu well n yur way t being an entrepreneur.
    3. It desn’t matter r nt yu will be an accuntant after graduatin.
    4. They are wrking hard t turn the desert green land that is able t prduce crps.
    5. The club’s (prir)is t win the turnament.
    6. It tk him a lng time (acquire)the skills he needed t becme a gd lawyer.
    Ⅳ . 微写作
    1. 当我们要申请一份工作时,下面的一些建议是非常重要的。(apply fr;essential)
    2. 我们应该在我们感兴趣的领域工作,不要想当然地认为你会热爱一份你讨厌的工作。(take up; granted)
    3. 我们的工作应该可以提供给我们个人满足感。(ffer)
    4. 它应该对个人兴趣有极大的影响。(have a prfund effect n)
    5. 一旦找到工作,我们要努力,尤其是要尊重同事,并向他们学习。(in particular;respect)
    My name is Kelly Xu,aged 17,1. high schl student. In 2016,I wrked at a lcal library,
    2. (assist)librarians in3. (rganise) children’s library sectin.I als helped rganise city tur fr visiting students4. Canada and manage tur finances and receipts. In 2017,I visited UK n a high schl exchange prgramme,during 5. time I experienced British culture and demnstrated
    6. (China)culture. Between 2018 and 2019,I wrked during hlidays at a lcal pet shp. I cleaned cages,7. (check)and changed flea cllars and als helped custmers. As mnitr f 8. (we)class,I ften design classrm 9. (activity)fr my classmates. Since I am gd at classical calligraphy,I culd cnduct classes 10. (help)the visitrs learn mre abut Chinese calligraphy.
    Tips fr Writing a Cver Letter
    If yu are applying fr an internship,yu will likely have t submit a cver letter as part f yur applicatin. Read belw fr tips n writing an internship cver letter.
    Use Business Letter Frmat
    Use prper business letter frmat when sending a cver letter by mail. Include yur cntact infrmatin at the tp,the date,and the cntact infrmatin fr the emplyer. Be sure t prvide a prper salutatin,and sign yur name at the bttm.
    Individualize Yur Cver Letter
    Make sure t write a unique cver letter fr each internship fr which yu apply. Highlight skills and abilities yu have that relate t the specific internship listing. The main emphasis f yur cver letter shuld be cnvincing the reader that yu will be a qualified intern.
    Emphasize Yur Academic Experience
    In the letter,yu can mentin academic experience,if applicable. Especially if yu have limited wrk experience,yu might use examples frm schl t demnstrate that yu have particular skills. Fr example,if the internship requires yu t wrk as part f a team,prvide an example f an assistant at the library r a successful team prject yu wrked n during ne f yur cllege curses.
    Include Extra Classrm Experiences
    Yu can als include details abut yur relevant experience frm extra classrm activities r vlunteer wrk. Fr example,a reprter fr a cllege newspaper can pint t interviewing and writing skills;a histry f vlunteering at a shelter can prvide an example f strng interpersnal and rganizatinal skills.
    Prfread and Edit
    Be sure t thrughly prfread yur cver letter fr spelling and grammar errrs. Many internships are very cmpetitive,and any errr can hurt yur chances f getting an interview. Als,avid using t many wrds t cnvey yur infrmatin and intentin.
    1. What can yu d t persnalize yur internship cver letter?
    A. Use prper business letter frmat.
    B. Emply mre cnvincing expressins.
    C. Prmise a gd perfrmance in the internship.
    D. Stress my wn abilities related t the requirements.
    2. What is the functin f the academic experience included in the cver letter?
    A. It can make up fr the lack f wrk experience.
    B. It can prve yu’ll be an utstanding rganizer.
    C. It can shw yu have a gd academic perfrmance.
    D. It can multiply the chance f wrking n a team prject.
    3. Which f the fllwing can best describe a cver letter accrding t the text?
    A. Emtinal and simplified.B. Infrmal and detailed.
    C. Brief and targeted.D. Academic and qualified.
    They asked Katherine Jhnsn fr the mn,and she gave it t them. With little mre than a pencil,a slide rule and ne f the finest mathematical minds in the cuntry,Mrs. Jhnsn,wh died at 101 n Mnday,calculated the precise trajectries(轨道) that wuld let Apll 11 land n the mn in 1969 and,after Neil Armstrng’s histry—making mnwalk,let it return t Earth.
    Yet thrughut Mrs. Jhnsn’s 33 years in NASA and fr decades afterward,almst n ne knew her name.
    Mrs. Jhnsn was ne f several hundred strictly educated,supremely capable yet largely unrecgnized wmen wh,well befre the mdern feminist mvement,wrked as NASA mathematicians. But it was nt nly her sex that kept her lng unsung. Fr sme years in the middle f the last century,the black wmen were subjected t duble segregatin(隔离):they were kept separate frm the much large grup f white wmen wh in turn were segregated frm the agency’s male mathematicians and engineers.
    Mrs. Jhnsn brke barriers at NASA. In ld age,Mrs. Jhnsn became ne f the mst celebrated black wmen wh served as mathematicians fr the space agency. Their stries were tld in the 2016 Hllywd film Hidden Figures,which was nminated fr three Oscars,including Best Picture.
    In 2017,NASA dedicated a building in her hnr. That year,The Washingtn Pst described her as“ the mst high-prfile f the cmputers”—“cmputers” being the term riginally used t describe Mrs. Jhnsn and her clleagues,much as“typewriters”were used in the 19th century t represent prfessinal typists.
    “She helped ur natin enlarge the frntiers f space,”NASA’s administratr,Jim Brid-enstine,said in a statement n Mnday,“even as she made huge steps that als pened drs fr wmen and peple f clr in the universal human quest t explre space.”
    As Mrs. Jhnsn herself was fnd f saying,her tenure(任期)at Langley—frm 1953 until her retirement in 1986—was “a time when cmputers wre skirts”.
    4. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T present the Apll mn missin.B. T stress Mrs. Jhnsn’s cntributins.
    C. T hnur Neil Armstrng’s mnwalk.D. T murn a great wman—Mrs. Jhnsn.
    5. What des the underlined wrd“barriers”in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Gender inequality and clr line.
    B. Mrs. Jhnsn’s unrecgnized talents.
    C. The agency’s male mathematicians and engineers.
    D. The hardships befre the mdern feminist mvement.
    6. Why were Mrs. Jhnsn and her clleagues described as“cmputers”?
    A. They used cmputers t keep their wrk secret.
    B. They were the agency’s human calculatrs.
    C. Cmputer systems engaged them deeply.
    D. They pened a dr t uter space.
    7. What can we learn frm Mrs. Jhnsn’s experience?
    A. Try things that may nt wrk.
    B. The wrld awaits ur discvery.
    C. Use knwledge t wipe ut ignrance.
    D. Never be limited by the labels attached by thers.
    Want t Be Happy at Wrk? Care Less Abut It
    A friend recently tld me that she was ready t quit her jb,explaining t me that there were big changes at her wrkplace and n way she culd perfrm all her tasks n time. 1
    Fr many f us intrverts(内向的人),ur prfessinal effrts and results are a reflectinf urselves and ur dedicatin t ur emplyer. Because we aren’t the scial butterflies f the ffice,we feel a need t prve t ur superirs that we are smart,hard-wrking,and dependable. Fr peple like me and my clse-t-quitting friend,the cncept f giving anything less than ur best desn’t crss ur mind.
    2 We are disappinted and frustrated when we can’t always achieve thse standards.
    It’s great t make a difference at wrk,but yu have t take care f yurself first. Putting in slightly less effrt in times f high stress desn’t mean yu dn’t care abut yur jb. 3 Cnsider this saying:The perfect is the enemy f the gd. When yu reduce the pressure n yurself t attain perfectin,yu can flw mre quickly and easily thrugh yur tasks. 4
    Here is my advice fr yu when yu find yurself in the midst f panic.
    First,ask yurself:What’s the wrst that will happen if I miss a deadline by ne day?
    5 Write dwn the specific tasks that are causing the feeling f stress. Talk it ut with a friend r family member. Yu might discver that the situatin isn’t as hrrible as yu thught. By appraching yur tasks ne at a time yu can make real prgress.
    A. We set high standards fr urselves.
    B. It means yu care abut yurself mre.
    C. The pressure n yurself shuldn’t be ignred.
    D. Yu might achieve mre when yu care less.
    E. As her friend wh’d been in a similar situatin,I wanted t help her.
    F. Next,slw dwn and analyze what exactly is stressing yu ut.
    G. Freedm frm the weight f perfectin can be creatively liberated.
    Part III Using Language
    Ⅰ. 1. camel 2. canal 3. handwriting 4. disk 5. wl 6. pririty 7. purse 8. certificate 9. cage
    10. receipts
    Ⅱ . 1. taken n 2. depend n 3. refer t 4. cme true 5.(shuld)apply fr 6. is ppular with
    7. attend t 8. make sure
    Ⅲ . 1. financial 句意:开创自己的事业可能是实现经济独立的一种方式。另一方面,它也可能只会让你负债。financial independence 经济独立。
    2. Wrking 句意:现在努力工作将为你成为一名企业家做好准备。此处为动名词短语作主语,所以用动词-ing 形式。
    3. whether 句意:你毕业后当不当会计都没关系。根据句意可知,所填的词引导主语从句,含有“是否”的意思,且与r nt 直接连用,所以用whether。
    4. int 句意:他们正在努力把沙漠变成能够生产农作物的绿地。 把……变成……
    5. pririty 句意:该俱乐部首先要考虑的是要赢得联赛。pririty,名词,优先事项,首要的事。
    6. t acquire 句意:他花了很长时间才掌握了成为一名优秀律师所需的技能。句中it 为形式主语,此处需要用动词不定式作真正主语,故填t acquire。
    Ⅳ . One pssible versin:
    When we g t apply fr a jb,we’d better read the fllwing suggestins,which are essential. First f all,we shuld take up a jb in a field which interests us. Dn’t take it fr granted that yu’ll lve a jb that yu hate. Secndly,ur jb shuld ffer us a sense f persnal satisfactin,which shuld have a prfund effect n persnal interests. Once we get a jb,we shuld wrk hard. In particular,we shuld respect and learn frm ur wrkmates.
    V. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章的作者介绍了自己的经历。
    1. a 考查冠词。此处泛指“一名高中生”,所以填a。
    2. assisting 考查非谓语动词。此处作伴随状语,由于I和assist之间为主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式。
    3. rganising 考查非谓语动词。由空前的in可知,此处要填动词-ing形式。
    4. frm 考查介词。此处表示“来自……”,所以填frm。
    5. which 考查定语从句。本句是“介词+关系代词+名词”结构,表示“在那段时间”,所以填which。
    6. Chinese 考查形容词。修饰名词要用形容词形式。
    7. checked 考查时态。所填的词和cleaned,changed并列作谓语,所以也要用过去式。
    8. ur 考查代词。修饰名词要用形容词性物主代词。
    9. activities 考查名词复数。activity是可数名词,前面没有表示单数的修饰语,所以用复数形式。
    10. t help 考查非谓语动词。此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故填t help。
    VI. A【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了求职信的五个写作技巧。
    1. D 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,强调自己与要求相关的能力,才能让你的实习求职信更个性化。
    2. A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句可知,求职信中包含的学术经验可以弥补工作经验的不足。
    3. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,求职信应该简洁而有针对性。
    4. B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“ Neil Armstrng’s histry—making mnwalk,let it return t Earth.”可知,第一段的作用是强调约翰逊夫人所作出的重要贡献。
    5. A 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“Fr sme years in the middle f the last century,the black wmen were subjected t duble segregatin:they were kept separate frm the much large grup f white wmen wh in turn were segregated frm the agency’s male mathematicians and engineers.”可知,画线单词指的是“性别不平等和种族界限”两重障碍。
    6. B 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“That year,The Wash-ingtn Pst described her as‘the mst high-prfile f the cm-puters’—‘cmputers’being the term riginally used t describeMrs. Jhnsn and her clleagues,much as‘typewriters’were used in the 19th century t represent prfessinal typists.”可知,他们都是美国国家航空航天局的人类计算器。
    7. D 主旨大意题。根据第六段内容可知,约翰逊夫人的经历告诉我们不要止步于别人给我们所贴的标签。
    VII. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。作者劝解要辞职的朋友,工作中要想快乐,就要少一些担心,不要考虑太多,不要过于追求工作中的完美。
    1. E 文章首段叙述作者的一个朋友准备辞职和辞职的原因,故E项“作为她有过类似情况的朋友,我想帮助她”符合语境。
    2. A 下文写到“当我们不能总是达到那些标准时,我们感到失望和沮丧”。A项“我们为自己设定了很高的标准”符合语境。
    3. B 上句表示在压力很大的时候,减少一点儿努力并不意味着你不在意你的工作,故B项“这意味着你更在意自己”符合语境。
    4. G 根据上文中的信息词 perfect以及 perfectin可知,G项符合语境。
    5. F 上文介绍了作者的第一条建议,故F项“下一步,放慢速度,分析一下究竟是什么使你非常焦虑”符合行文逻辑。
    cme true,take n,apply fr,attend t,depend n,refer t,make sure,be ppular with

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        人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册·UNIT5 Part III Using Language(同步练习含答案)
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