热点题型10 书信之慰问信和倡议书-备战2023年高考英语满分作文万能模板
这是一份热点题型10 书信之慰问信和倡议书-备战2023年高考英语满分作文万能模板,共6页。
备战2023高考英语满分作文万能模板(十) 书信之慰问信和倡议书 慰问信 【题型分析与写作方法】题型分析: 慰问信是向对方(一般是同级单位、下级单位、个人)表示关怀、慰问的信函。它是有关机构或者个人以组织或个人的名义在他人处于特殊的情况下(如失意、生病或者遇到困难),或在节假日,向对方表示问候、关心的应用文。慰问信主要包括两种:一种是表示同情安慰,另一种是在节日表示问候。高考英语书面表达的慰问信,多以第一种形式出现。写作方法:写慰问信时,一般要求情感真挚、措辞贴切、行文简洁,且态度诚恳,真切。除对遭遇不幸的对象表示同情外,还要表达祝福,表明自己希望对方一切安好的深切愿望。第一步,表达惋惜或同情;第二步,安慰或鼓励对方;第三步,表达愿望和祝福。【万能模板---书信之慰问信】Dear______,I am sorry to hear that you 简单陈述对方的遭遇.I know you 描述对方处境. Don't worry about 给予对方安慰和鼓励. I do hope that 表达祝愿.If there is anything I can do, just let me know. We all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.Yours truly,__________ 【模板范文】 John因严重流感住院,现请写一封慰问信,表达关心、鼓励及祝福。Dear John, I am sorry to hear that you have got severe flu and now are in hospital.I know you have been absent for half a month from the classes. Don't worry about your lessons and I am willing to help you catch up with others when you return. We are best friends so I will never allow you to fall behind. I do hope that I can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.If there is anything I can do, just let me know. We all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.Yours truly,Li Ming【高分素材之单词和短语】difficulty, hardship, concerned, regret, sorrow, pray for, recovery, courage, overcome, confidence, be shocked at, sympathy【高分素材之句式】★首段模板句式1. I am sorry to hear that……2. I just can't tell you how sorry I was to learn of your...3. I was deeply shocked at the news that...4. I read about the recent events in the newspaper and I am writing to express my condolences.5. I feel very sorry to know that there was... ★篇中模板句式1. Still you have many more chances to try.2. So I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to have a try again.3. I quite understand how you feel now.4. I do hope that I can see you soon.★结尾段模板句式1. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.2. Please convey our deep sympathy to your family.3.If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 倡议书 【题型分析与写作方法】题型分析:倡议书又称倡议信,是就某些事情或问题,向有关方面、部门或群体发出倡议、提出建议所使用的日常应用文,相当于单位、集体或个人公开倡导举办某项活动、开展某项工作所用的书信。它可以被张贴或邮寄给有关单位,也可以在报刊上发表。倡议书一般由标题、称谓、正文、落款等构成。在正文之后一般不写“Yours sincerely”一类的敬辞,而是写发出倡议者的姓名和发出倡议的日期。写倡议书要注意:一、所倡议的事情必须有一定的社会意义;二、能够引起有关方面的人士的关注;三、所倡议的事情要切实可行,能够让人们附议。写作方法: 第一步,说明为什么要发出倡议,即发出倡议的背景和目的;第二步,说清楚倡议什么事情,即倡议的具体内容及所倡议事情的益处:第三步,表明倡议者的决心和希望。 【万能模板---书信之倡议书】_______标题______Dear____,As 简述发出倡议的事情/原因,more and more people are concerned about 当前形势下,人们关心的热点,以此引出所发的倡议. Now we are appealing to you 提出倡议的内容.There are some benefits. For one thing, 所倡议的事情的好处. For another, 所倡议的事情的好处. More importantly, 所倡议的事情的好处.It is everyone's responsibility to 再次发出倡议. If we can make a big difference. Let's take action from now on! ___发出倡议者的姓名_____ 写倡议书的日期____ 【模板范文】 “绿色出行”已深入到日常生活中,作为学生的我们更应该紧跟环保先行者的步伐,把绿色出行铲车到我们的学习生活中,请给学校学生写一封倡议书,倡议大家骑自行车上学。The Initiative on CyclingDear fellow students,As the haze frequently hits our city, more and more people are concerned about air pollution. Now we are appealing to you to ride to school as a way to fight air pollution.There are some benefits of riding to school. For one thing, it is so environmentally friendly that we can protect the environment. For another, we can improve our health by riding. More importantly, we can relieve the traffic pressure near our school, thus allowing the streams of traffic to flow more smoothly. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. If we change our way of life, we can make a big difference to the Earth. Let's take action from now on! Li HuaJune 8th【万能模板之高分素材】【高分素材之单词、短语】more and more ,as, be concerned about, appeal to, more importantly, responsibility to, the habit of, make a big difference, take action, had better 【高分素材之句式】★首段模板句式 1. As everybody can see. . .2. As. . .hits our city, more and more people are concerned about. . .3. I am here to call on all of you to...4. Now we are appealing to you to. . . as a way to. . .★篇中模板句式1. I think it is high time that we should stop doing things like the followings.2. There are some benefits of. . .3. We should form the habit of. . .★结尾段模板句式1. If we take action now, we can make a big difference to the world.2. It's everybody's responsibility to take action.3. Let's take action from now on!
这是一份热点题型11 书信之咨询信和约稿信-备战2023年高考英语满分作文万能模板,共6页。