Group 1
(1)Fear gripped her heart.她心中充满恐惧 。(grip抓住)
(2)Jealousy seized her.她妒火中烧。(seize抓住)
(3)A wild joy took hold of her.她十分快乐。
(4)A feeling of panic seized her.她突然惊慌失措。
(5)Anxiety tore her into pieces.她焦虑不安身心憔悴。(tore是tear的过去式,表“撕扯”)
(6) Anger and bitterness covered upon me for weeks.我好几周都沉浸在愤怒和痛苦中。(bitterness是bitter“痛苦的”名词形式)
Group 2
(1)Worrying deprived him of sleep.他焦虑万分,难以入睡。
(2)Excitement deprived me of all power of speech.我激动得什么话都说不出来。
(3)Astonishment and horror oppressed her.她惊恐不安。( oppress 压迫)
(4)Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually.我感到愤怒和痛苦。(prey本意是“捕猎”,在这里引申为“折磨”。
(5)Happiness crawls up to the tips of his brows.他喜上眉梢。(字面意思是“幸福爬到他的眉毛尖”)
(6)A slight feeling of fear slowly crept on him.他慢慢感到一丝恐惧。(crept是creep过去式,意思是“爬”)
(7)Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.自我怀疑正在蚕食她的自信心。
(8)Fear swallowed her.她非常惊恐。(字面意思是“恐惧吞掉了我”,是不是很形象?)
Group 3
(1)Joy shone from his brow.他喜上眉梢。
(2)Happiness radiates from her face.荣光换发。(radiate发散,发光)
(3)Smile spread across his face.他满脸笑容。当然还有用“人或物”作主语的
(4)She has been in a dark mood this week.她这周心情一直不好。
(5)His face clouded over when he heard the news.听了这个消息,他满脸愁云。
Group 4
(1)Panic surged up within him .他惶恐不安。(surge涌起,字面的意思是“恐惧在他身体里涌起”)
(2)The terrible scene filled her with fear.恐怖的场景使她十分害怕。
(3)A wave of panic swept over her.一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。
(4)The loneliness and grief comes in waves.阵阵孤独与痛苦袭上心头。
(5)Grief bears heavily on her.她承受着悲伤的巨大压力。
(一)What is “无灵主语句”
例如:Rome witnessed many great historic events.(在罗马发生过许多重大历史事件)
普通句:She had a good idea.
无灵主语句:A good idea came across her mind.
(二)“无灵主语句” 分类
①Fear gripped the village.(整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中)
②Courage deserted him.(他失去了勇气)
③Anger choked my words.(我气的说不出话)
④A wave of nervousness washed over him.(一阵紧张的情绪涌上他的心头)
⑤A chill of horror suddenly swept over him.(他突然感到不寒而栗)
⑥Excitement seized him.(他好兴奋)
happiness, joy, delight 开心快乐;
surprise, astonishment 惊奇惊讶;
shame 羞耻羞愧;
anger 愤怒;
despair 绝望
regret 遗憾后悔
sorrow 悲伤
horror 惊恐
anxiety 焦虑
disappointment 失望沮丧
satisfaction 满意满足
puzzlement 困惑不解;。
seize 侵袭
choke 噎住堵住
flood 充满
creep 不知不觉产生
grip 紧抓
give way to 被xx代替
wash over 洗涤侵袭
deserted 丢弃遗弃;等等。
①The sight of the scene filled me with horror.(看到这个情景我心中充满了恐惧)
②A terrible thought suddenly struck me.(我突然想到一个可怕的想法)
③A ten minutes’ walk brought us to the hotel.(我们步行十分钟就到了旅馆)
④The thought of seeing her son very soon filled her heart with great happiness.(想到不久就要见到她的儿子,她心中感到十分快乐)
①Smile crumpled his face.(他笑得一脸皱纹)
②Her face brightened when I gave her the present.(我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩)
③His words sent me a quiver through my body.(他的话让我全身不寒而栗)
④Laughter lingered around the room.(笑声在房间里萦绕)
⑤Tears welled up in Anni's eyes.(泪水从安妮的眼中涌出)
①A hush fell upon the classroom.(教室一片寂静)
②Beijing has witnessed great changes in recent years. (北京见证了最近几年的的巨大变化)
③Dusk found the child crying in the street.(黄昏时,孩子在街上哭)
④That chilly afternoon witnessed him trudging in the snow.(那个寒冷的下午,他在雪地里跋涉)
⑤Night has fallen over the country.(夜幕已经笼罩着乡间)
①A sudden shower killed the wind.(突然下了一阵雨,风停了)
②A heavy rain visited the city.(这个城市刚下过一场大雨)
③The sun has come out.(太阳出来了)
④The thick fog blanketed the field. (浓雾笼罩着整个大地)