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     延庆区 20222023学年第一学期期末试卷高一英语本试卷共9页,三大部分(共100分),考试时间   90分钟。第一部分知识运用(共三节,43分)第一节选词填空(共12小题;1-6每小题17-12每小题2分,共18分)阅读下面句子,根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词组填空,不用改变形式。suffer fromin casedue togather aroundtend tograduate from1. Families in China usually ________ on this day to celebrate the festival.2. A lot of students ________ exam nerves.3. Women ________ live longer than men.4. I hope that I can get a satisfying job with a good salary after I________ college.5. Please remind me of my promise________ I forget.6. The flight has been delayed one hour ________ the heavy snow.阅读下面句子,根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词组并用其正确形式填空。be responsible forbe fed up withget aheadtake advantage ofscare awaycatch ones eye7. He ________ all his spare time to study English in the past few years.8. ________in English, he kept on practicing speaking English.9. The monster Nian ________ when people let off fireworks.10. The driver________ the accident, and he paid for the damage.11. Most Internet users ________ advertising.12. A beautiful statue immediately ________ when I entered the hall of the museum.第二节(共  10小题;每小题    1分,共    10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写   1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。高一英语第 1页共    9
    APaul jumped up and 13________  (rush) onto the court. And clearly all the  extra hoursthat he  had spent practising  alone paid  off. The other  team just couldn't  keep up  with hisenergy  and  speed.  He  made shot  after  shot  and  the  crowd  couldn't  stop  clapping  and14________ (cheer).When the game ended, our team 15________ (win) by two points.“Well,” said  the coach as he  hit Paul on  the shoulder, “you've  just earned your  placeon the team, big guy!”BA few weeks  after that  Christmas, Granny passed  away. I  think of  her often though,16________  (especial) of  Christmas. Each  year,  I take  out  the music  box  she gave  me.Inside I  keep Granny's paper  hat and the  letter she  helped me write  that Christmas. Mumgave the  letter back 17________  me some years  ago when I  no longer believed  in FatherChristmas. When I think  about 18________ makes Christmas so  magical, it's not just  giftsand Father Christmas that  come to mind. It's also my memory  of Granny. Now I'm the onewho makes sugar 19________ (biscuit) each year, and I always make one in a G-shapeG for Granny.CThe   G20    summit   is    an    annual   gathering    of   the    leaders   of    the   world's20_________(large) and  fastest-growing  economies, 21__________  represent 60  percentof the  world population, 80  percent of global  GDP and 75  percent of global  exports. Thesummit is the  largest gathering of  leaders since 2019. Russian  President Vladimir Putin isthe only G20 leader who hasn’t presented  22_________(he).第三节完形填空(共   10小题;每小题  1.5分,共  15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的  ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。I'm  not  someone  who  likes  to  play  games.  But  last  April,   I  heard  some  of  myclassmates talking about the Rubik's Cube(魔方).I saw  a friend  solve this puzzle  very 23______,  which really surprised  me. Before  Ihad even made  my first 24______  , he had aligned(对齐)all    the colors. At the  time, Ithought my classmate must be using some 25______ technique.At home  I  searched online  for 26______.  I found  out  about an  Australian teenagerwho can 27______ the third order cube in 4. 73 seconds. I was shocked. Fascinated(着迷)by his skill , I began to study the Rubik's Cube myself.Without  a teacher  to  help me,  it  was a  big  challenge. The  first  thing I  did  was to28______the formulas(公式)for  the cube. 29______, that turned out to be an ineffectiveway of solving the problem.高一英语第 2页共    9 

    I began to take  another approach to the cube,  called "muscle memory”. It  depends onpracticing a specific  mechanical movement into memory through  30______. As time wenton, I  became more  and more  skillful. Meanwhile,  I found  that it  was a  31______way toimprove my logical skills and memory.I’m so glad that I was 32______to the Rubik's Cube. All in all,   to    take   on   a   newthing is always a good idea, a way into a new world.23. A. luckily24. A. moveB. quicklyC. clearlyC. choiceC. fantasticC. articleD.normallyD.wayB.  decisionB.  traditionalB.  words25. A. realistic26. A. pictures27. A. stopD.popularD.adviceB.  destroyB.  checkC. chooseC. correctC. HoweverC. questionC. simpleC. addictedD.completeD.memorizeD.Besides28. A. write29. A. Therefore30. A. preparation31. A. pleasant32. A. usedB.  MeanwhileB. repetitionB. cleverD. organizationD. usefulB. introducedD. recommended第二部分阅读理解(共两节,34分)第一节(共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AMargaret Ann Bulkley was born around 1789,  in Ireland. She had big dreams. “I wantto be  a doctor!”  But two  hundred  years ago  a girl  couldn’t become  a doctor.  Her uncle,James Barry, was  a great painter. And  his friend General Miranda  had a library with morethan 6,000 books. Margaret loved reading there. Her intelligence impressed him. Years later,her uncle James Barry died, leaving her some money. It was enough to study to be a doctor.“But a girl can’t become a doctor,” said Margaret sadly.“Yes, you  can!” said General  Miranda. “All  you have to  do is to  disguise as  a boy.”Margaret really wanted to  be a doctor. So she cut  off her long hair, practiced  speaking in adeep voice, and put on boy’s clothes. She also named herself James Barry.From  then  on,  Margaret  Ann  Bulkley disappeared.  She  became  James  Barry  andentered  Edinburgh University.  He  took 13  subjects  and worked  all  through the  summerwhen the other students went on holiday.高一英语第 3页共    9
    Barry graduated  in 1812 and  decided to join  the British  Army. In his  life, Dr. JamesBarry travelled all over the world, helping to save many lives. Before retirement, Barry hadrisen  to  the  second  highest  medical  officer  in  the  British   Army.  Barry  improved  theconditions for not only  wounded soldiers but also the  local people, and performed the  firstrecorded successful caesarean section  (剖宫产) in Africa. The secret  Dr. James Barry keptfor over fifty years was only known after his death in 1865.33What left a deep impression on General Miranda?AMargaret’s intelligence.CMargaret’s dream.BMargaret’s love for painting.DMargaret’s love for reading.34What does the underlined word “disguise” in paragraph 2 mean?AChange one’s clothes.CDress like a gentleman.BDress like a doctor.DChange one’s  appearance.35Which was Dr. James Barry’s achievement in her job?ABecoming the highest officer in the British Army.BImproving medical conditions for the wounded soldiers.CGraduating from the most famous medical university.DDoing the world’s first recorded caesarean section successfully.36What was the secret Dr. James Barry kept for over fifty years?AJames Barry left much money.CDr. James Barry was a woman.BMargaret died in her twenties.DGeneral Miranda helped Margaret a lot.BDo Dogs  Dream?Unlike cartoon  images,  real dogs  don’t speak  and describe  their sleep.  So you  maywonder: do dogs dream like their owners?A scientific research conducted at  MIT found that during sleep,  brains of humans anddogs function in a  similar manner. When you or your dog  first falls asleep, you experienceSWSslow wave sleepwhen the brain waves are slow but muscles are still  active. Later,a deeper stage of sleep occurs. This stage is called REM sleeprapid eye movements sleep.During REM,  muscles are  more  relaxed but  the mind  is more  active. It  was proved  thatboth humans and  dogs experience these two  stages of the sleep cycle.  Since we know thathumans dream, it is safe to conclude that dogs dream too.Scientists found  that  as a  dog  falls asleep,  his breathing  becomes  deeper and  moreregular.After  about  20 minutes  in  REM  sleep,  dreams  usually begin  for  average  dogs.While dreaming, the dog’s breathing may become shallow and irregular, and  his eyes moveabout behind  the  closed lids(眼睑)  as if  the dog  is  looking at  something. By  comparing高一英语第 4页共    9
    brain wave  patterns, researchers  suggested that  during REM,  dogs are  visualizing (呈现)dream images much like humans do during this stage of sleep.Besides, it’s  also  found that  during REM,  the sleeping  brain  functions much  like itdoes  when awake,  so  both  man  and dogs  dream  about  things that  happen  during  theirwaking hours. Information gathered during the day is processed at night and may be  relivedin dreams. So your dog may “sleep run” as he runs after a cat or fetches a ball.Studies  also show  that  some dogs  dream  more than  others,  and  the frequency  andlength  of  dreams are  different  according  to  the  age and  sizes  of  dogs.  Young  puppiesusually  experience  more  dreams  than  adult  dogs.  One  possible  reason  is  that  puppiesacquire huge amounts of new information  daily and have much to process at night. Amongdogs of the same age, smaller dogs seem to have more dreams  than their bigger friends, buttheir dreams may last shorter. Dream length and frequency are also related to the amount ofsleep required. A dog that has an active day outside may sleep more soundly than usual andexperience longer periods of REM sleep, giving him more time to dream.37. What happens to dogs during REM sleep?A. Their dreams take place.C. Their muscles stay active.B. Their brain waves are slow.D. Their mind is more relaxed.38. While dreaming, the dog ___________________ .A. breathes regularlyC. opens the lidsB. visualizes imagesD. gathers information39. What does the underlined word “relived” probably  mean?B. Repaired.A.Removed.C.Reviewed.D. Reduced.40. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. Why dogs dream like humans.B. What bigger dogs dream about.C. Why young puppies have more dreams.D. What causes the differences of dogs’  dreams.CWhat exactly is intelligence? There  aren’t any easy answers. Despite the progress thathas been  made  in genetics  and psychology,  human  intelligence has  remained one  of themost controversial (有争议的) areas of modern science, until now, that is, for the discoveryof a gene (基因) linked to intelligence has made the experts think again.Robert Plomin  of the Institute  of Psychiatry in  London and  his colleagues in  the UShave been  looking into genetic make-up.  From their research,  they have discovered  that aslightly different  gene  is more  common in  those with  a high  IQ.  Plomin analyzed  DNAfrom two  groups of 51  children aged between  6 and 15.  What he found  was that the  firstgroup had an IQ of 136, putting them in the top 5% of the population, while the other group高一英语第 5页共    9
    had an  average IQ of  103. An analysis  of their genes  showed that 32%  of children in  thehigher group had  the gene in question, while  only 16% in the second  group did. However,there is a  lot more research  to be done,  and Plomin himself is  cautious at this early  stage.He suggests that  there are probably many  genes that contribute  to intelligence, rather thanjust one.Several  studies have  shown a  strong  link between  IQ  and career  success,  althoughsome psychologists remain doubtful about this. Professor Michael Rowe, who has written abook called  Genius Explained,  is one  of these.  “The people with  the highest  IQs are  notusually the ones who do best in their careers.”Many  psychologists   now   believe  that   when  it   comes  to   intelligence,   IQ  isn’teverything. Many  alternative  views have  been put  forward  recently. One  example is  theidea of multiple  intelligences, which was  developed in the 1980s  by Harvard psychologistHoward Gardner. This  offers a much broader  view than the IQ theory,  including creativityand communication skills as relevant factors in intelligence.Tony Buzan,  brain  expert  and author  of  Master your  Memory,  is interested  in  thisbelief, arguing that  true geniuses do  indeed appear to combine  high levels of each  type ofintelligence. He lists  Alexander the Great, Pablo  Picasso and Albert Einstein  as examples.At the same time, Buzan  believes that everyone can develop their  intelligence, only if theytake the trouble to exercise their brain. Perhaps there’s hope for us all!41. What is the topic of the passage?A. The relationship between genes and intelligence.B. IQ benefits a lot from high intelligence.C. What makes intelligence.D. How to develop intelligence.42. Why does the author use data in Paragraph 2?A. To make a suggestion.C. To give an example.B. To draw a conclusion.D. To prove an idea.43. What can we learn from the passage?A. Robert Plomin discovers genes have something in common.B. Howard Gardner thinks intelligence includes various factors.C. Michael Rowe agrees to a strong link between IQ and career.D. Tony Buzan agrees geniuses exercise brain to improve intelligence.44. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The idea of multiple intelligences.B. The development of intelligence.C. IQ isn’t everything for intelligence.D. Alternative views have been put forward.高一英语第 6页共    9
    第二节:(共 5小题;每小题  2分,共  10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。The dinner  party is disappearing according  to an article  in The New  York Times.“How can this be?”  You might wonder. Don’t we meet with  friends to taste food in thehottest restaurants? Aren’t we  invited by friends to enjoy  home-cooked meals? And wethrow parties for friends on special occasions, don’t we?45It is more  formal and usually hosted  in one’s home. Invitations are  sentout ahead and hosts prepare food with great care. A  beautiful tablecloth is spread out onthe dinner table, which is then set with expensive cutlery (餐具). Guests dress up for theoccasion and are expected to carry on a conversation at the table.46Is it because people are too busy to cook for others and then invite them to the table?Perhaps, but  there are many  food lovers  nowadays, and TV  programs teaching peoplehow to cook are very popular.                  According to Judith Martin, a US writer, peoplehave been brought  up to express  themselves rather than  to exchange ideas. They  don’tknow how  to share  their experiences  and  feelings with  others in  a proper  way.4748In her opinion,  its influence has been  harmful to human communication. “People  don’teven respond to dinner invitation anymore,” she said. “Not only do they cancel at the lastminute, they do it by text message.”Things  have  changed  a lot  today.  Perhaps  the  dinner  party  has  just become  adifferent kind  of thing. However,  it needs only  be more than  some food, a  table and alocation.49Even if we are using ordinary plates and are not wearing party dresses,we can still enjoy food and share our ideas of life, love and culture, can’t we?A. The age of great hosts is dead with the change of people’s lifestyles.B. In fact the dinner party the writer worries about disappearing is another kind.C. The real problem is that people don’t know how to make conversation anymore.D. They know exactly which guests to invite so that they can share their favourite food.E. The culture of the dinner party is not necessarily based on money and social influence.F. Yet nowadays, people prefer to eat takeout food on sofa while playing on mobilephones.G. She also expresses dissatisfaction with electronic equipment.第三部分书面表达(共两节,23分)第一节阅读回答问题(共4小题;每小题2分,共8分)高一英语第 7页共    9
    Lillian Hanson, a college junior, expects  to graduate in about two years. Mrs. Hanson,a  rather unusual  student, plans  to go  on  to take  more courses  after  she gets  her degree.What makes Mrs. Hanson different from most of her classmates?What sets  Lillian Hanson  apart from the  college crowd  is her age-73  years. She  hasbeen going to college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.When Mrs. Hanson graduated from  high school, she went to her local  bank and askedfor a  loan for college  tuition and fees.  The banker  gave her no  encouragement. He didn’tthink  that a  country  girl  should be  borrowing  money  to go  to  college.  He thought  sheshould be home  doing work in  the house or around  the farm. So  Mrs. Hanson went homeand raised  a  family of  nine children  instead of  going to  college.  She still  lives with  herhusband on the farm that has been in the family for five generations.Mrs. Hanson never forgot her  dream of getting a higher education. When  her childrenwere grown up, she tried again.She finds the  hardest part of going  back to school  at her age to  be sitting in class  forlong periods of  time. Because she is not  able to move as  quickly and easily as  she used tobe, Mrs. Hanson often gets up and walks around between classes to keep from getting rigid.At the beginning  of a course in using  the computer, the other  students all stood up  to giveMrs. Hanson  big applause  when she introduced  herself and  explained why she  was thereand what her goals were.50. What makes Lillian Hanson different from most of her classmates? (不多于2个单词)___________________________________________________________51. Why did the banker refuse to provide a loan for Lillian Hanson? (不多于16个单词)___________________________________________________________52. What is Mrs. Hanson’s dream? (不多于 4个单词)___________________________________________________________53. What does she find the hardest part of going back to school? (不多于8个单词)___________________________________________________________第二节书面表达(15分)假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。在寒假即将到来之际,你的英国笔友Tom来信询问你的假期计划,请你给他回信,根据以下要点介绍你所规划的假期生活。form a good living habitarrange time properlydevelop interests and hobbies高一英语第 8页共    9 

    注意:1.词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,How are you? The winter holiday is coming._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Yours truly,Li Hua高一英语第 9页共    9 

    延庆区 2022-2023学年度第一学期高一年级英语期末测试试卷参考答案第一部分英语知识运用(共三节,43分)第一节选词填空(共  12小题;1-6每小题    1  7-12每小题   2分,共  18分)1. gather around2. suffer from3. tend to4. graduate from5. in case6. due to7. has taken advantage  of10. was responsible  for8. To get ahead9. will be scared  away12. caught my eye11. have been/are  fed up with第二节语法填空(共    10小题;每小题   1分,共  10分)13.  rushed14. cheering15. had won/won16. especially17. to18.  what19.biscuits20. largest21. which22. himself第三节完形填空(共    10小题;每小题   1.5分,共  15分)23-27 BACDD  28-32  DCBDB第二部分阅读理解(共二节, 34分)第一节阅读选择33-36 ADBC     37-40 ABCD45-549  BFCGE41-44 CDBA第二节 7   5第三部分书面表达(共二节, 23分)第一节阅读表达50. Her age.51. Because he didn’t think that a country girl should be borrowing money to go to college.52. Getting a higher  education53. Sitting in class  for long periods of time./Sitting  in class for a long  time.第二节应用文写作Dear Tom, How are you? The winter holiday is coming. I’d like to share my plan with you. During the holiday, I will form a good living habit, trying not to stay up late. I will also arrange time properly to improve myself. For example, I will do more reading. In addition, it is a good time for me to develop my interests and hobbies, such as singing and playing basketball. Apart from that, I plan to be a volunteer in my community. In a word , my winter holiday is bound to be rich and colorfulHow about your holiday life? Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours truly, Li hua  



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