My teenage son, Jordan, always complained about having to be home earlier than all his friends. He would tell me that he was already seventeen, but still had a curfew(宵禁),He believed he was practically an adult. I pointed out that he was not an adult as he was still in high school.
“You don't trust me!” he yelled. Before I continued, he rolled his eyes, slammed the door and walked away. I sighed. How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted to keep him safe?
I decided to go for a walk, hoping the December air would clear my head. I opened the front door and nearly stepped on her: a small black cat, just like a meatball. “Hi, Meatball," I said, bringing her into my arms. I walked back in, touching her neck gently. Meatball seemed happy enough to come in the house, but after an hour or two, she sat by the door, meowing to go back outside.
“Why won't she just stay in with us all the time?” Nathan, my youngest son asked.
I explained to him that she was happy here but she liked being able to come and go as she pleased.
“That must be nice,” Jordan muttered from the other room, complaining why the cat, not him, could come and go. He even asked me to give Meatball a curfew.
Meatball became a regular.
One night, temperatures were unusually low. Meatball stood at the door, meowing to go outside.
I shook my head at her, afraid that she might freeze to death. She stared at me and meowed again. I patted her head, “I know you're not happy, but it's for your own good.”
“Mom's not being mean to you,” Nathan told the cat. “She's just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen meatball.” We both laughed at his joke.
The next morning, I couldn't find Meatball. I asked the kids if anyone had seen her.
Jordan nodded,“ I let her out last night.”
As I drove to the animal hospital, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat.
Jordan nodded, “I let her out last night.” My mouth dropped open. “She was outside all night?” I was so furious, “It was freezing and she could die!” Jordan choked back his words, stunned. I grabbed my coat and rushed outside. Jordan followed, fear welling up in his eyes. Several minutes later, the poor thing was found, shaking and curling into a tiny ball. I picked her up, unsure whether she was alive or dead. Jordan was scared, “We need a vet! Now!” (75 words)
As I drove to the animal hospital, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat. I could hear him talking to the cat, apologizing repeatedly. Luckily, the vet saved Meatball. Seeing her eyes open, Jordan stroked her head, all tears. Then, surprisingly, he turned to me. He apologized for what he had done. “I know you just want to keep me safe,” he murmured. I felt a lump in my throat. He rubbed Meatball’s back, “Looks like we are both going to observe the curfew. It’s for our own good.” (75 words)
I had a dream from primary school: to work in television. My parents owned a little grocery store, so we were definitely not fancy people. Thankfully, my dad had raised me to have a lot of confidence. He often said, “You can do anything you want to do.” My dad was particularly supportive. He was my steady rock — always there for me.
With his help and encouragement, I was admitted to the radio and television arts program at Ryerson in Toronto. I really loved the program and worked hard and I was named the most outstanding graduate. I felt like I was already living my dream. I began to think that maybe I could apply for an internship (实习资格) in CBC or CTV.
Luckily, Global Television had just started broadcasting in Canada that year. I thought to myself: I’m new and they’re new, so if I’m going to get to know one person at Global, it might as well be the president. I was scared, but I knew deep down inside that this was what I wanted. When I called my dad and told him my plan, he said, “Good, Faye. That’s exactly what you should do.”
With my heart just about pounding out of my body, I called up the president of Global Television. Suddenly Mr. Slaight was on the phone. “I’ve heard that your studio facilities are amazing. I could come at eleven o’clock on Monday or eleven o’clock on Sunday for a tour. What would suit you better?” I caught him totally off guard. He stuttered a bit, and then picked a day. When I hung up, I was scared but excited.
I arrived at the studio on the appointed day. When Mr. Slaight took me around, he looked at me and said, “What do you want?” He sounded furious but curious. “All I want is a chance to audition (试镜). I just want you to know my face. That’s all I’m asking.”
I didn’t know whether I’d ever hear from him again, but two weeks later, his secretary called, “Mr. Slaight wants to know if you’d like to come and audition for a new school life show.” I immediately answered, “Sure!”
When I arrived at the station, I went direct into the audition and began my short performance. With boldness, I finished my performance relatively smoothly though palms were sweating. Never in my wildest dream could I have imagined that I was indeed assigned the intern job to act on a school life show and my first public appearance on TV was in five days. After sharing the thrilling news with my dad, I received the warmest congratulations and expectations from my family. Picturing my families eagerly waiting for my performance, I worked day and night as busy as a bee for fear that I would make a fool of myself live on TV. 96
Finally came the day of my first public appearance on live TV with my parents at home watching. Wearing fancy dress and delicate makeup, I was so proud but nervous that my show would be watched by so many audience. My mind suddenly went blank as I was immersed in my thoughts and totally forgot my lines. Deep frowns gradually climbed on my partners’ face, with whose sudden vigorous pull, I was driven back to the reality. I soon came up with a little trick to make up for the embarrassing blank. As the show went on, so concentrated was I that I hardly dared to even blink my eyes. After my debut, I rang my dad with frustration and disappointment, only to reap his trust and encouragement again. It was literally dad’s love that supported me along my way to be an outstanding actor.127
As a little boy, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded by miles of winding stonewalls, the house and barn provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me. I was used to the city’s bright and neat living rooms which always seemed to whisper, “Not to be touched!”
I can still remember one afternoon when I was eight years old. Since my first visit to the farm, I’d wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stonewalls surrounding the property. My parents would never approve. The walls were old: some stones were missing, others loose and crumbling (倒塌). Still, my desire to climb across those walls grew so strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I picked up all my courage and entered the living room, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.
“I, uh, I want to climb the stonewalls,” I said hesitantly. Everyone looked up. “Can I climb the stonewalls?” Instantly a sound went up from the women in the room. “Oh, no!” they cried in shock. “Fred, you’ll hurt yourself!” I wasn’t too disappointed; the response was just as I’d expected. But before I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s booming voice. “Now hold on just a minute,” I heard him say, “Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself.”
“Scoot (快走),” he said to me with a wink (眨眨眼), “and come and see me when you get back.”
Many years have passed since then, and I am now a host of a well-known television program.
“Scoot (快走),” he said to me with a wink (眨眨眼), “and come and see me when you get back.” For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventure. I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, grinning, “you made this day a special day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.”
Many years have passed since then, and I am now a host of a well-known television program. I host the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood seen by millions of children throughout America. There have been changes over the years, but one thing remains the same: my message to children at the end of almost every visit, “There’s only one person in this whole world like you, the kids can count on hearing me say,” and people can like you exactly as you are.
After filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer. I took what I could get a teaching job in what I considered a distant wild area; western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen—teaching English.School started I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth grade class-seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love for the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs (纸团) and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seem reasonable. By the time my boss, who was also my task master (监工), known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises, hitting each otherwhile the girls filed (锉) their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn't happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of the room, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes. I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying, but at my next free period I had to face him.
After class, I walked to his of fice, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
Inspired by his advice, I walked towards the classroom, determined to make a change.
After class, I walked to his of fice, took a deep breath, and opened the door. My boss was sitting in his chair with a hardened face, gazing at me long and hard. Anxious and ashamed, I said nothing, wondering if he would fire me right away. He handed me an envelope, which definitely added more anxiety to me at that moment. However, my eyes went wide open when I opened it and read the letter. It was not an unemployment letter but a letter with several suggestions about my teaching, one of which was highlighted in red: An educator should respect students, feelings. Almost immediately, a warm glow of emotion rose inside me. As I went out of the office, I made up my mind to change my attitude.
Inspired by his advice, I walked towards the classroom, determined to make a change. As the bell rang, I stood on the platform, eyes wandering across the classroom. The students seemed to expecting another boring and dull English lesson, some dropping their eyes and some whispering in the back rows. I cleared my throat and announced, “Boys and girls, let’s begin with your voice about my literature lesson.” Suddenly, a complete silence fell over. Each lifted his heads and cast me a puzzled look. Flashing a smile, I encouraged, “Anything you’d like to say!” At this, the students got stirred up. The class soon amazingly came to life thanks to their brilliant voices, which brought me to what my strictest boss enlightened me: respecting the students instead of ignoring them will make a difference.
I was a pediatric cardiac sonographer(儿科心脏超声医师)at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a stressful job, and humor was always appreciated.
For a while, I became interested in knitting(编织). Since it was my first attempt at knitting, things didn’t go as planned. I made a mistake somewhere along the way, and the hat I’d wanted to make for myself turned out too small to fit me or anyone else. It was no bigger than the palm of my hand! Looking just like the hat of a doll, it was very funny.
I wanted to show it to the team at work, so I sewed a small flower onto the side of the hat and brought it to work the next day. We team members all had a good laugh at my mini hat and got back to our work. I put the hat in a drawer and forgot about it.
A few days later, a four-year-old girl came in for an echocardiogram(心回波图). She wore a knit cap to cover the hair loss from her cancer treatment and held a baby doll in her arms. She lay down quietly, but her look clearly showed that she was afraid of being touched by me. I had to work extra hard to gain her trust. First I offered her the sensor so she could take pictures of her doll’s heart. Then I made animals with the ultrasound gel. Neither worked. “Does your doll have a name?” I asked. She threw her doll to the floor, and I saw my chance.
I picked up the doll and straightened her dress. “I know it’s a little horrible to have this test.” I said to the doll, “But I promise it won’t hurt. What? Your head is cold? You wish you had a hat?” I took the hat from my drawer and slipped it onto the doll’s little bald head. It was a perfect fit.
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The girl sat up happily and wanted her doll back.
A few months later, I noticed a familiar little girl’s face while walking on the street.
The girl sat up happily and wanted her doll back.I handed the doll to her,telling her that I knitted it by myself and was just waiting for the right person to wear it.She put her little hand on the doll's new hat and then looked up at me in a friendly way.The rest of the appointment went well. My litte patient left with a smile on her face and a new hat for her doll.I felt relaxed and satisfied.
A few months later I noticed a familiar little girl's face while walking on the street.She seemed to have recognized me and stared at me with a bright smile on her face.Suddenly I remembered the little girl who had taken the small hat I had knitted."Are you all right?"I asked".I have completely recovered from my illness,she answered,"Thank you for your hat,which changed me a lot and I've always kept the hat you gave me."I had never felt so happy as I did that day.I decided to continue knitting hats for whoever might need one.
In the village where Charles lived, high in the French Alps, December usually brought garlands(姜花) scented with pine. Each Sunday, villagers would walk down decorated streetsto the old stoneWishing House. There,for the four weeks before New Year, theywould light candles in the house and share their storiesand pray for the next new year together. Charles loved the glow of the candles.
But this year, World War Ⅱ changed everything. Charles’s father and brother went to do their military service. Families needed ration coupons(配给券)for things like butter and sugar. Because candles were costly and hard to find, the house would not have any candles this year. Charles was thinking about all of this as he stepped slowly out of bed one morning. He put on his warmest clothes and headed out to do his chores.
He opened the big barn door,sunbeams streaming into the barn.He looked up to the loft where his treasure box hid. The box held fishing line, a dried snakeskin, a whistle and his birthday candles. Each year on his birthday, one new candle would appear on his cake.After making a wish, he’d quickly blow out the candles, clean them off, and carefully put them into the box for next year.
When his chores were done, Charles climbed the ladder and opened his treasure box. He counted 10 candles. The cool wax with already melted(被融化的) edges gave him an idea.Charles wrapped the candles in his handkerchief and put them carefully into his pocket. He hurried down the ladder and ran to the house.
“Mama! Grandpa! I know how we can have candles for the Wishing House!” he cried as he threw open the door.
“How?” his mother asked.
“I could collectpeople’s used candles and make new ones. Maybe we could melt them down.”
“It’s a wonderful idea,” said grandpa, “I’ll help you.”
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Charles and his grandpa visited every house and shop m the village.Chilly wind and snow pushed against them at every turn,but Charles's heart was consumed with happiness and warmth,imagining the new candles he could make."Madam?Sir? Could you spare a few old candles for the New Year?"said Charles,holding out a basket from door to door.When the last door had closed,they headed home with a wide variety of candles of different colours and size.Looking at the good harvest, Charles breathed a sigh of relief.Without delay,he and his grandpa set to work, dropping the villagers'candles together with all his own treasured ones into a melting pot
In the Wishing House were the four candies Charles had made.They were small, and they were not the regular New Year candles.Each was a blend of different colours,glowing in the house Charles smiled,knowing his friends would see it and believe New Year was coming after all.As it tumed out,the villagers who went to the house and witessed the candles cheered up,surprised and teary-eyed."The candles are beautiful,aren't they,Grandpa?"Charles whispered."Beautiful!"grandpa nodded. Sometimes,difficulties and adversity are unavoidable,however,we can bring sunshine and hope with a warm heart.Maybe,this is what New Year is all about.
The Gift of Kindness
Will,a nine-year-old boy,was such a kind soul that he brought home birds with broken wings.Money was very short for his family because his mother was ill.Every weekend,Will would mow his neighbours'lawns (草坪)to eam a little money.
One hot dry moming,on his way to school,Will saw a man sitting on the roadside with his head in his hands.Not far away was his truck Previously,the man spared no efforts in repairing it,but he failed,exhausted and thirsty.Will came up to him,ready to help.
Hearing Will's greeting,the man raised his head looked at Will and asked for some water.Leaming that he had even not had breakfast Will walked into a shop,fingering the money in his pocket Eventually,he picked up sandwiches and water.They cost all his money!He shrugged(耸肩),walked back and handed him the food.
The man received the supplies gratefully and they shared the brief meal while introducing themselves.Allan,a boss with a small factory who delivered goods by himself,smiled,"The delivering job is so tiring that nobody seems to want it By the way,thank you for your food.I'm sorry that I forget to take money with me today.
"It's OK.My mom always says we should be kind to the world,and the world will be kind toyou!"Will shrugged,"As for the job,don't worry.There mrst be someone warming to take it”
"Perhaps.Today,I feel kindness in the world like your mom says.Maybe she is the one the world has been kind to."Allan commented.
Will lowered his head,explaining quietly his mother's situation and his father's just being out of work because of the bankrupt (破产)of the company.Will pointed at a house."My dad says well have to sell it to pay for mom's treatment.Sometimes,I hope the world could be kind to our family soon."Tears rolled down Will's cheeks ,goodbye to Allan and rushed for school,never imagining he would see Allan ever again.
Allan stared at Will's fading figure lost in thought.
Affer school,Will saw the truck parked in font of his house
Hearing the good news,Will tured overjoyed.
After school ,Will saw the truck parked in front of his house.Puzzled and curious,he quickened his pace,wondering who would be the unexpected visitor.Hardly had he stepped into the doorway when he noticed that Allan,the man he met in the moming.was talking with his father.Astonished to see the scene,he asked curiously,"Are you old acquaintance?"His father beamed up,"No,but Mr.Allan have told me what had happened this moming and he offered to give me a job,as a deliveryman!"
Hearing the good news,Will norned overjoyed .He asked eagerly,"Dad,with this job,do we need to sell our house?"Probably not!"At least,it can help cover the medical expenses!"His father responded.Wearing a big smile on his face,Will expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Allan,offering that he would also help deliver the goods in the following summer vacation!Moved by the little boy,Allan stroked his head,"The world will be kind to the one with a kind heart!"Leaning against the door was the father,who felt relieved,not only for the precious job,but for the kind boy.(175words)
possible version2
After school,Will saw the truck parked in front of his house.Walking into the house with great curiosity,Will found the familiar figure sitting next to his father.He can't believe he should be the boss he met this moming!Realizing his surprised son standing still,Will's father gladly stood up,introducing Allan to will Allan who had told everything to Will's father,walked straight to Will,gently touched Will's hair and said,"I have found a man who would like to take my delivering job.'
Hearing the good news,Will turnedoverjoyed" .Really?"Will asked with a big smile on his innocent face.Will's father gratefully explained that it is Allan who offered him the job opportunity at this hard time,and Allan even tried to make every effort to provide necessary helps for their family.Will was deeply touched,with a choking voice he said,"Thank you.but I don't know how to pay for your kindness.""You owe me nothing.Will You are kind to the world,and the world is kind to younow."(160)
2022学年第一学期强基 联盟10月统测(2022年)
When school was over, the day was fading and it started to drizzle (毛毛雨). I stood at the school gate, with a loaded backpack on my shoulders. It was Friday again: a weekend of joy with unlimited sleeping hours and dinner courses specially made to my taste, a weekend at home. I waved goodbye to my friends as they jumped into their fathers' warm and comfortable cars. Curiously, this gave rise to a disturbing feeling in me. It was not exactly what they called jealousy, but something like dismay (沮丧). I knew all I could expect was an old bike Mom would ride along on, with the badly-oiled chain creaking (嘎吱作响) against the wheel to announce her arrival.
Every Friday when Mom came to pick me up for the weekend, it was a moment full of great expectation and great unease. I always felt my face burning as we rode our way in and out of the numerous cars and saw my friends' faces sticking out of the car windows. It was like stepping into a ballroom with beautifully dressed ladies and finding yourself in a smelly T-shirt.
To tell you the truth, Mom is quite a headache once in a while. She just looks a homely middle-aged housewife. Being a practitioner of DIY, she knits most of my sweaters, chiefly in old styles. Whenever caught by some curious classmates asking what brand my sweaters are, I’d force a smile and reply in a half joking manner: homemade.
I couldn't remember when I started to find her such an embarrassment. As a little boy, I relied on her so much. She had been working at home, cooking in the kitchen, knitting by the lamp or riding across town to buy me a book I badly needed. It had always been much fun riding with mom. But just now there seemed to be something standing between us, something that made her so strange to me and me to her.
Today she showed up in a raincoat.
Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in.
Today she showed up in a raincoat. Seeing her standing in the heavy rain with all the body wet, I finally could not control myself and shouted at her, “Why do you look so flustered? I don’t need you to take me home. I feel ashamed to have a mother like you!” Suddenly, Mom was shocked and silent. Maybe, she had never thought that I would have that feeling of her appearance and our home condition. She said nothing and just covered the raincoat on me. I pushed it away wildly.
Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in. With a smile, she said, “Dear son, I’m trying my best to earn our living, and I’m sure that if we work harder, we will get whatever we want in the future.” Hearing her words, I felt embarrassed. I thought of the time when she knitted in the deep night and cooked for me in the early morning. Yes, she had always been doing whatever she could to make me live well. But I was still unsatisfied. I had known that if I wanted to get what others had, I should spare no efforts to study hard and get it by myself.
"Wake up Mom!"Ifelt a little hand on my face and reluctantly opened my eyes.There was my son,ready to start the day.I also heard my babies awake in the next room.Ready or not,the day had began!
I loved being home with my little ones,but I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.My husband and I had just bough a house and some unexpected expenses made our budget tighter than it had ever been.I was weary of spending more pennies.We weren't foolish with our money.We worked hard We were doing all the right things,but we hadhad one financial disappomtment after another.
I was going to pick up my kids photo portraits from the studio at the local mall. Despite our small budget,it was important to me to have pictures of my children as they were growing up.The previous week I had found a coupon(优惠券)nd used some change from the car to buy a $7.99 portrait package,and today was the day I was to pick up the portraits.Since we were going to the mall,I decided to make it an outing and packed some sandwiches for us to eat at the food court What's more,there are many ride-on toy cars in the mall's food court for fun and for free.
After breakfast,we went off After we parked,we walked into the portrait studio at the mall,and I approached the counter.The young woman smiled
“May I help you?‘’
“Yes,I'm here to pick up our photos.”
The woman asked my name and opened her drawer."Ah,yes,here they aren't.Are they just adorable?"She took out the photos,ad the smiling faces of my kids warmed my heart.
“Yes,they are great Thank you,”I said.
She put the photos into an envelope.Then she spread out additional photos of my kids that I had血t ordered.I knew what that meat..The upsell pitch(推销)was coming
"Would you like to purchase these extra portraits?They are only fifteen dollars apiece!"she smiled sweetly.
My heart tumed cold."I don't have fifteen dollars."
As we were having our lunch,the young woman came up and pressed something into my hand.
My heart turned cold"I don't have fifteen dollars."I took the photo envelope and walked away,with my cheeks red after my reply.Next,we stopped at the ride-on toy cars in the mall's food court.There weren't any other kids there My kids dimbed on them enjoying themselves very much After a while,we were tired,so we unwrapped our lunches that I had brought from home Although the mall's food court was nearI didn't have extra money.It was early for lunch,but we were hungry.
As we were having our hmch,the young woman came up and pressed something mto mry hand.She said,"Here.Take your family out for ice cream after lunch."I was surprised I managed to say "thank you"as she tumed and walked away.Then I looked down at what she had given me.The bills totaled fifteen dollars.Tears rolled down my cheeks as I quietly finished my sandwich.The doubts in my heart melted away and my faith was renewed Kindness can change someone's dark moment into a bright one
I was moving as fast as I could, stepping cautiously from rock to rock along the uneven jetty(栈桥). Far ahead, I could see the back of my brother’s sandy hair and the bright orange of his shorts.
“Too slow, sister!” I heard Sam yell as he hopped with ease.
“I’ll show him,” I thought, and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! My left foot came down hard between the edges of two gray rocks, scraping my ankle.” “Ouch!” I yelled. I tried to wiggle(扭动) my foot out, but my shoe was stuck. I bent closer to the rock and that’s when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone the color of water, attached to a glittery gold chain. It was just lying there on the wet sand, and a few seconds later it was in my pocket.
Sam squinted(眯着眼睛看) in the sun. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer? I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket, pushing each corner of the square stone into my finger. I was dizzy, but I didn’t want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my business.
“Ryan saved the mini cola bottle from the carnival! It happened to be perfect for sand art!
“Ryan wasted her allowance on salt and pepper shakers from the yard sale!” They were antique little pig and cost only 50 cents.
My family calls me their “little collector”. Some mean kids at school call me “trash girl”.
Sam and I walked along the main street, the small buildings giving us a break from the sun. Through the window of the candy shop, I could see tubes of colorful jelly beans. A sign on the window’s glass read LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Very special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.
Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster. The necklace looked different from the one I clutched in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago. We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.
Paragraph 1:
Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought.
Paragraph 2:
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop.
Once home, I placed the necklace in my special spot for special things, lost in thought. So far, there were a variety of things like mini cola bottles and shakers. I stared at the stone, so clean and polished. Could it be Chrissy’s? Was it a very special necklace? Should I return it to her? I paced back and forth in the room anxiously, not knowing what to do. Having struggled for a long time, I finally decided to call the number on the poster and get in touch with Chrissy. I told her that I might have something that belonged to her and made an appointment with her.
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across from Chrissy in the candy shop. We were drinking milkshakes and sharing an order of sweet potato fries. Looking at the blue stone in her hand with her tearful eyes, she told me that the necklace was a gift from her mom before she got sick and she was grateful to me for returning the necklace to her. “Holding onto it somehow makes things a little better.” she said. I couldn’t agree more with her. It dawned on me that I became “a treasure girl” instead of “a trash girl” called by the mean kids at school.
Jimmy Gilleece owns a bar in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. He is a person who knew how to lend a hand, but what people around him did not know was that this man was also capable of going the extra mile just to help someone in need.
It was a regular day at his bar, which turned out to be a day that would change his life forever. He found out that one of his customers had lost her wallet at the bar, and inside it was a precious thing: the lady's wedding ring.
Jimmy instantly recognized the woman’s panic.She wanted to get her wedding ring back. She was crazy, really upset about it. And so, the bar owner made sure to provide whatever help he could to find the woman's ring. He even made it his mission to find the woman's wed ding ring.
Then Jimmy's mission began. In order to find out what exactly happened, Jimmy started a thorough scan of the security cameras in his establishment.He watched three hours worth of security footage from six cameras, scanning every detail and closely analyzing what happened that led to the loss of the woman's wallet.
In one of the recorded clips (片段), Jimmy finally saw that the woman lost her wallet on a bench outside the bar, with a suspicious man walking nearby. A few moments later, the man approached the bench and took the woman's wallet.
So searching for the thief was Jimmy’s next move It was not enough for Jimmy to find out what happened to the lost wallet. Now that he had an image of the thief, the bar owner made it his next mission to search for the guy and get the wallet back from him.
Jimmy figured out who the guy was and made him admit what he did to the wallet.The thief admitted that he took the cash and dropped the wallet into an ocean channel. At this point, most people would probably stop and regretfully tell the lady that the wallet couldn't be found anymore.
But Jimmy was not like most people.
And indeed, Jimmy also extended help not only to the woman but also to the thief who took the wallet.
But Jimmy was not like most people.Unbelievable as it may seem, Jimmy went to greater lengths and hired divers to search the waters thoroughly until they found the lost wallet.He was indeed serious about finding the woman's wallet and making good on his mission to find the ring. Inside it was the wedding ring that she badly wanted to recover.The woman thanked Jimmy greatly.But, the man somehow felt that he still had more to do.
And indeed, Jimmy also extended help not only to the woman but also to the thief who took the wallet. The person who took the wallet was a 17-year-old teenager. The young man was separated from his mother and was living in the woods.He was desperate to survive as a homeless person when he found the wallet that eventually led him to Jimmy, Jimmy didn’t hand him over to the police. Instead, he invited the teen to move in with his family and made him part of his family. The teen had nothing but gratitude for the kind man, which inspired him to do better in life.
Charles Rose lived in the country with his father, who taught him to read and to write. Mr. Rose told his son that, when his morning lessons were over, he might amuse himself for one hour as he pleased.
There was a river near by. On its bank stood the hut of a poor fisherman, who lived by selling fish. His careful wife kept her wheel going early and late. They both worked very hard to keep themselves above want. But they were greatly troubled for fear that their only son should never learn to read and to write. They could not teach him themselves,and they were too poor to send him to school.
Charles called at the hut of this fisherman one day, to inquire about his dog, which was missing. He found the little boy, whose name was Joe, siting by the table, on which he was making marks with a piece of chalk. Charles asked him whether he was drawing pictures.
"No. I am trying to write," said little Joe, “but I know only two words. Those I saw upon a sign, and I am trying to write them."
"If I could only learn to read and write," said he, "I should be the happiest boy in the world.".
"Then I will make you happy,” said Charles. "I am only a little boy, but I can teach you that.”
"My father gives me an hour every day for myself. Now, if you will try to learn, you shall soon know how to read and to write."
Both Joe and his mother were ready to fall on their knees to thank Charles. They told him it was what they wished above all things.
So, on the next day when the hour came, Charles put his book in his pocket, and went to teach Joe. Joe learned very fast, and Charles son began to teach him how to write.
Some time after, a gentleman called on Mr. Rose, and said,“Charles did not always amuse himself. I often see him go to the house of the fisherman. I fear he goes out in their boat.
The moment the gentleman left, Mr. Rose went in search of his son.
The next day, his father took him to town, and gave him books for himself and Joe, with writing paper, pens, and ink.
The moment the gentleman left, Mr. Rose went in search of his son. Much troubled, Mr. Rose had told Charles that he must never venture on the river, and he thought he could trust him. With anxiety, he sprinted to the river, and paced up and down, in hope of seeing the boat. Failing to catch sight of it, he grew uneasy. He thought Charles must have gone a long way off. Unwilling to leave without learning something of him, he went to the hut. When he put his head in at the open window, a pleasant sight met his eyes. Charles was at the table, ruling a copybook Joe was reading to him, while his mother was spinning in the corner. Somewhat stunned but delighted, he slid away silently, a decision made in his heart. (123w)
The next day, his father took him to town, and gave him books for himself and Joe, with writing paper, pens, and ink. Charles was the happiest boy in the world. Hardly had he come home when he ran to Joe, his hands filled with parcels, and his heart beating with joy. After informed of the whole story, Joe was overflowing with happiness, throwing his hands around Charles. With the materials bought, they found the study easier and gradually made enormous progress with their tireless efforts. (63w)