I frequently joke that my family heirlooms (传家宝)are plastic. My parents grew up poor and over the years, as a family we were comfortable but didn’t have a lot of things which would be considered luxuries: jewelry, family vacations, china, fancy cars, etc. My father went on a trip to Italy with my aunts one year and brought my mother a ring. It was her favorite stone. She valued that ring because it was one of the nicest things she ever had and represented my dad’s love for her. Sometimes they quarreled but had a deep love for each other. He died in 1980, aged 53 after a difficult battle with cancer.
She had lost some weight and wore the ring to work on a different finger. During her shift the ring slipped off and she realized it the following day. She was sick about it after having tried to find it with no luck. At the point when I talked to her she was trying to face the fact that she would never see it again. Her voice sounded hollow and weak which I assumed was due to the nature of the conversation. She choked back some tears.
I decided to look for the ring at my mom’s work. She was working at the Burlington Coat Factory Department store at the time in the Youth Dept. The Youth Dept was huge and packed with clothes, toys and tables. It was always a mess even when someone was working in it. I started row by row crawling (爬行) on the floor to see if I could find the ring under all the clothes. As I worked my way through the Youth Dept, I tried not to panic. I was amazed that no one asked me what I was doing. At that time I encountered one of my mom’s co-workers who didn’t understand English very well and tried to explain what I was doing. She didn’t seem to understand but she didn’t try to stop me either.
When I got to the last row, I still didn’t find the ring.
That ring meant so much to my mom, so I never gave up.
Last December, Jamie McCall was on a cross-country drive as she prepared to move from Florida to Michigan before Christmas. She stopped at a hotel for the night in Cleveland, Tennessee, and while she was getting herself a bite to cat, her beloved cat Tucker escaped from her room. “My cat’s an escape artist,” explained McCall. “He sits beside the door and waits for someone to open it, then he runs out.”
It somehow happened during McCall’s quick mission, and she was shocked to return and find Tucker missing. “I could not find him. I looked everywhere, for hours.”
When Tucker still hadn’t turned up, McCall had no choice but to continue her journey to Michigan, though it broke her heart to drive on without Tucker. A friend told her to post Tucker online, which she did.
Two days later, Holly Lillard was at work at a drugstore near McCall’s hotel. She went outside to sweep and saw a cat jump out from underneath someone’s car. She called the cat over, and he came, which made Lillard realize that he belonged to someone who was missing him.
Lillard asked around and when no one claimed him, she posted a photo of Tucker to her area’s “Lost and Found Pets” online group, where she was a regular there, not just because she’s an animal lover whose own dogs are also escape artists, but because her aunt and cousin are the page administrators.
Before the day was even over, McCall had found Lillard and her post. “She sent pictures and I knew immediately it was Tucker,” said McCall. There was just one problem: By the time they connected, McCall was already in Michigan.
“I was trying to make arrangements to get him back to me, but I just couldn’t afford it,” said McCall. “I was not financially able to have him shipped back to me or anything like that.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Lillard, however, had an unexpected solution.
Lillard’s grandfather completed the 600-plus-mile journey with Tucker.
As a teenager, I couldn’t stand seeing a photo of my nose in profile. I hated how big it was and, if people praised me for my looks, I always felt it was in spite of the most noticeable feature on my face.
I was about to accept that I would never fully see my nose as beautiful when I met Nicholas Baldion, an artist, in a London pub, and asked him to paint my portrait. I regretted this the second I arrived for my sitting. I had forgotten that Baldion would have to spend hours staring at my biggest insecurity, and then painstakingly translating it onto canvas.
The first sitting was hard. I could not shake the feeling of wanting to turn my head to face the front. I hated the fact that Baldion was openly and carefully examining the one feature I had spent years trying to hide. Yet, as the two-and-a-half-hour sitting went on, I calmed down and began to accept my feelings. I had put myself in this situation, so now I just needed to sit in it. By the second sitting, I was almost excited—not just by the thought of having an afternoon when I had an excuse to do absolutely nothing, but because it had finally sunk in that I was having my portrait done.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I was nervous to see the finished portrait.
When I looked at the picture, I couldn’t help but smile back.
Zero-waste is the latest trend among eco-friendly and sustainable-living circles. Concerned individuals are taking a hard look at our wasteful habits, and finding creative and innovative ways to deal with the issue. Among them is a restaurant owner in India.
Minu Pauline owns a restaurant in Kochi, southern India. The 28-year-old restaurant owner was upset that her restaurant was throwing away a lot of food each day while many within the community were going hungry. Then she came up with an idea after watching a woman digging through the restaurant’s rubbish bags for food late one night.
“Just imagine being in the situation where you should be asleep but you feel too hungry and have to go out to find food,” she said. “It was very sad.” The experience was an eye-opener for Pauline. She realized just how much food we waste in society-including her own business, while so many people are going hungry. In response, she decided to place a refrigerator in front of her restaurant.
Once the refrigerator was in place, she encouraged customers to put whatever food they didn’t finish within. Pauline herself also put food in it. In addition, she wrote the date when the food was left in the refrigerator, so those who took it knew how long it had been there. The refrigerator was left unlocked 24 hour a day, and the food was available to anyone for free. Now the refrigerator feeds dozens of homeless people each day.
At first, some people were afraid the refrigerator would affect Pauline’s business.
Better still, some children in the community also joined Pauline.
The Impolite Boy
James Selton was one of the most insolent boys in the village where he lived. He would rarely pass people in the street without being guilty of some sort of abuse.
One afternoon, just as the school was dismissed, a stranger passed through the village. His dress was plain and somewhat old, but neat and clean. He carried a cane in his hand, on the end of which was a bundle, and he wore a broad-brimmed hat.
No sooner did James see the stranger, than he winked to his playmates, and said, “Now for some fun!” He then silently went toward the stranger from behind, and, knocking off his hat, ran away.
The man turned and saw him, but James was out of hearing before he could speak. The stranger put on his hat, and went on his way. Again did James approach; but this time, the man caught him by the arm, and held him fast.
However, he contented himself with looking James a moment in the face, and then pushed him from him. No sooner did the naughty boy find himself free again, than he began to pelt the stranger with dirt and stones.
But he was much frightened when the “rowdy”, as he foolishly called the man, was struck on the head by a brick, and badly hurt. All the boys now ran away, and James skulked across the fields to his home.
As he drew near the house, his sister Caroline came out to meet him, holding up a beautiful gold chain and some new books for him to see.
She told James that their uncle was now in the house; that he had brought beautiful presents for the whole family. She said that while he was coming through the village, some wicked boys threw stones at him, and hit him just over the eye, and that mother had bound up the wound. “But what makes you look so pale?” asked Caroline.
The guilty boy told her that nothing was the matter with him; and running into the house, he went upstairs into his chamber. Soon after, he heard his father calling him to come down. Trembling from head to foot, he obeyed. When he reached the parlor door, he stood, fearing to enter. His mother said, “James, why do you not come in? See this beautiful watch, which your uncle has brought for you.”
Paragraph 1:
What a sense of shame did James now feel!
Paragraph 2:
With surprise and grief did the good father and mother learn this.
I was moving as fast as I could, stepping carefully from rock to rock along the uneven jetty (防波堤). “Too slow, sister!” I heard my brother Sam yell as he jumped with ease.
I’ll show him and attempted a double jump. What a mistake! My left foot came down hard between the edges of two gray rocks, scraping (刮伤) my ankle. “Ouch!” I yelled.
I tried to pull my foot out, but my shoe was stuck. I bent closer to the rock, and that’s when I saw it: a shiny, square shaped stone attached to a shining gold chain. It was just lying there on the wet sand, and a few seconds later it was in my pocket.
“Why do you look strange?” my brother asked once I’d freed my foot and caught up to him. “I don’t look strange,” I said. Sam looked at the sun. Could he tell I was hiding the most perfect discovery of the summer? I kept turning the treasure around in my pocket, pushing each corner of the square stone into my finger. I was excited, but I didn’t want Sam to notice. He liked to tell everybody my business.
“Ryan kept the paper napkins (餐巾) from the Andersons’ barbecue!” he had once announced. They were stamped “R.A.” Those are my initials! “Ryan saved the mini cola bottle from the carnival!”
My family calls me their “little collector”. Some mean kids at school call me “trash (垃圾) girl”.
Sam and I walked along the main street. Through the window of the candy shop I could see tubes of colourful jelly beans. A sign on the window’s glass read LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Verry special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.
Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster. The necklace looked different from the one I clutched (抓) in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Once home, I placed the necklace into my box, attracted by it.
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting in a café across from Chrissy.
Wednesday morning came. Anne got up at sunrise because she was too excited to sleep. She planned to make a cake for Mrs Allan, the best teacher she had ever met, who was invited over for a tea party. When she finally shut the oven door, she took a long breath.
“I'm sure I haven't forgotten anything this time, Marilla . But do you think it will rise? What if that cake doesn't rise?”
“We'll have plenty without it,”was Marilla’s uninterested way of looking at the subject.
The cake did rise, however, and came out of the oven looking perfect. Anne was red-faced with delight and, in imagination, saw Mrs Allan eating it and possibly asking for another piece!
Mrs Allan arrived and they all enjoyed a lovely tea. Everything went well until Anne's cake was passed. Mrs Allan, having already been helped to a lot of desserts, declined it. But Marilla, seeing the disappointment on Anne's face, said smilingly:“Oh, you must take a piece, Mrs Allan. Anne made it specially for you, expecting that you would love it.”
“In that case I must try it,”laughed Mrs Allan. She took a mouthful and a strange expression crossed her face; not a word did she say, however, but continued eating. Marilla saw this and hastened (急忙) to taste the cake. “Anne Shirley!” she shouted, “what on earth did you put into that cake? What flavoring did you use?” “Vanilla (香草精),only vanilla.”said Anne.
“Go and bring me the bottle of vanilla you used.”
Anne returned with a small bottle and Marilla took it and smelled it.
“Mercy on us, Anne, you've flavored that cake with ANODYNE LINIMENT (镇痛剂). Why couldn't you have smelled it?”
Ashamed of her mistake, Anne burst into tears and fled to her room.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Soon a light step sounded on the stairs and Mrs Allan entered the room.
When Mrs Allan left, Anne turned to Marilla.
It was 11 p. m. when Alex Conrad saw the woman on the Main Street Bridge in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. She was standing by the railing, peering down at the rushing river. At her feet was what appeared to be a backpack; maybe she was fishing, he thought.
As he crossed the quarter-mile-long bridge again after getting something from home for his friend’s party,Conrad saw the woman standing in the same spot. Something didn’t sit right. Why would she be fishing this late at night—in December? He pulled a U-turn and parked some 20 feet away with his hazard lights (汽车危险警示灯) flashing, blocking one of the four lanes. He stepped out of his car and got a clearer picture of the scene. The woman was in her 20s, dressed in pants and a heavy coat. What he’d thought was a backpack was in fact a rope pooled by her feet. One end was tied to a bridge post. The other, around her neck.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Conrad called out. He didn’t acknowledge the rope because he didn’t want to let on that he knew exactly what was going on. She spoke a little, but he kept inquiring, eventually pulling from her that she was going through a particularly rough time. She was jobless, not doing well in school- in short, life wasn’t working out as she’d hoped.
“Not everything goes as planned,” agreed Conrad. He started talking about the ups and downs he’d faced in his life. As he talked, he inched closer.
When she mentioned that, on top of everything else, her car had broken down, Conrad chuckled. “Well, that’s better than when my friend rolled his car,” he said. “Too much power for him.” The woman laughed. He told a few more jokes about his friends, and the dumb things they’ve done, just to get her mind off stuff.
Conrad is a quiet guy, not given to gabbing (喋喋不休). But for the next hour he found enough topics of conversation to keep the woman engaged and even laughing. She grew comfortable enough to let him get within a few feet of her. Then a switch seemingly went off.
Without warning, she climbed onto the railing.
Suddenly, bright lights appeared—it was the police!
Seeing the United Parcel Truck pull into my driveway, I opened the garage door knowing that another package had arrived helping us with the Christmas in July Party we were putting together for the homeless children at a local charity.
As I stood watching the driver get the packages from the back of the truck, I saw Madison, my three-year-old granddaughter, picking weeds from the lawn. “These are for my mommy and daddy,” she replied, as she held out a hand full of worthless little weeds. I just smiled and nodded my head as I looked at her tight little closed fist.
The UPT driver walked into the garage and sat the two packages down on the wooden bench. He and I stood talking about the numerous baseball gloves, baseball bats, helmets and baseballs sitting about the room. I told him I had been raised in a Jacksonville, Florida orphanage and that during my entire childhood I never once owned anything of my own. I told him that these presents were for the children themselves and not for the orphanage.
After talking for a few minutes, the driver told me he had to leave. He waved and began walking back down the driveway. I turned around, locked garage door and began walking up onto the front porch. Just as I closed the gate, Madison came running up to where I was standing.
“My flowers, my flowers,” she screamed aloud. I soon realized that I had locked her weeds in the garage.
“We’ll get them later,” I told her,
I turned around, walked back to the end of the porch and opened the gate.
During summer vacation when I was twelve, a sawmill (锯木厂) was operating in the woods near our farm. Early each morning, I’d watch the men cut down big trees and saw them into logs. Then they were dragged by two horses named Jack and Billy to the mill. They were gentle, and I petted them every chance I got.
One day, Mr. Davis, the mill owner, said he would pay me 15 cents a day to bring fresh water to the men. I said yes!
One afternoon when Jack and Billy were pulling a log up to the mill, a stick became wedged (塞入) in Jack’s right front foot. After Mr. Davis removed the stick, the horse driver said that the foot should be doctored. But Mr. Davis said he didn’t have time for that. He said if the horse couldn’t work, he’d get one that could.
I felt sick inside. Jack and Billy were my best friends! I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack’s foot and what Mr. Davis had said. For the rest of the day the horses pulled logs from the woods. By nightfall Jack was limping (跛行) badly. Mr. Davis told his crew that the mil would be closed for three days. He offered to pay me a dollar to feed and water the horses while he was gone. I quickly agreed.
The next morning, I rode my bike to Mr. Davis’s mill. I fed the horses their grain and led them to a stream for water, I was sad to see that Jack was still limping. After I led the horses back, I wanted to look at Jack’s foot. I reached down and grabbed the hair on the back of his leg, Jack lifted up his foot so I could see. The part inside of the big iron shoe looked red and swollen. When I put the foot down, Jack let only the front of it rest lightly on the ground.
I knew if Jack couldn’t work with that injured foot, Mr. Davis would get rid of him. I just couldn’t let that happen. But what could I do? I didn’t know anything about medicine, and Mr. Davis said he wouldn’t pay for a doctor.
As I slowly rode my bike home, my mind raced. I needed to find a way to help my big friend. At my house, I saw our neighbor, Mr. Sherman. It occurred to me that he raised horses and knew how to care for them.
I told Mr. Sherman all about Jack anxiously.
The morning that Mr. Davis returned, I woke up early.
1. When I got to the last row, I still didn’t find the ring. I stood by a shallow table with some baseball caps on it. I thought that I might put an add in the newspaper although deep in my heart I didn’t feel that there was a good chance that someone would see it. But I didn’t want to give up.My hand was on the edge of the table and I cast my eyes downward in desperation.
That ring meant so much to my Mom, so I never gave up. The next thing I saw was the ring in the front part of the table. I was astonished and excited. Immediately I called my Mom and now I was choking back tears. I said: “Mom, I found the ring!” She burst into tears and said: “Oh my God, I never thought I was going to see it again. Thank you!” I gave the ring to her. For her, the real value was not about what it cost, it was about meaning in her life.
【详解】1. 段落续写
2. 续写线索
3. 词汇激活
注意到:see/notice/look at/observe
认为:think/consider/hold (the view) that/ponder on
感觉到:feel/ be aware of/perceive
失望的:in desperation/disappointed/desperately
I thought that I might put an add in the newspaper although deep in my heart I didn’t feel that there was a good chance that someone would see it.(运用了宾语从句,让步状语从句和定语从句)
For her, the real value was not about what it cost, it was about meaning in her life.(运用了宾语从句)
Lillard, however, had an unexpected solution. Her grandparents, who lived near her in Tennessee, happened to have a home in Michigan, too, and they would be coming up in December. Tucker could catch a ride with them and Lillard’s grandfather would drop him off at McCall’s new place. Thus. McCall was able to be reunited with him. “What are the odds?” Lillard asked, laughing. Excited and overjoyed. McCall of course accepted Lillard’s suggestion with gratitude.
Lillard’s grandfather completed the 600-plus-mile journey with Tucker. Getting together with Tucker. McCall said her joy was beyond description. “He returned to me right before Christmas, and I was having a re-ally hard time then,” she said. “It was a wonderful thing.” Not only did McCall get Tucker back, Lillard also sent along a handmade Christmas gift for McCall, with some money inside, which moved McCall to tears. There is no doubt that Tucker’s cross-country adventure was the start to a lasting friendship between McCall and Lillard.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了去年12月,Jamie McCall准备在圣诞节前从佛罗里达州搬到密歇根州,当时她正在进行一次越野驾驶。结果猫Tucker跑丢了,一个朋友让她把Tucker发到网上,她照做了。在药店上班的Holly Lillard发现了这只猫,最终Lillard的祖父带着Tucker回到了主人的身边。
感动:move / touch
回到:return to/ get back to
完成:complete/ accomplish
快乐:overjoyed /happy
感谢:with gratitude /gratefully
【点睛】[高分句型1] Her grandparents, who lived near her in Tennessee, happened to have a home in Michigan, too, and they would be coming up in December. (运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Not only did McCall get Tucker back, Lillard also sent along a handmade Christmas gift for McCall, with some money inside, which moved McCall to tears. (运用了部分倒装)
I was nervous to see the finished portrait. What if it was further proof that my nose was unattractive? What if it made me hate my nose even more? The more I thought about it, the more disturbed I became. But it seemed that Baldion didn’t notice my uneasiness. Instead, he smiled at me, as if mocking my unease, which clouded my mood even more.
When I looked at the picture, I couldn’t help but smile back. She looked like me, yes, but she also looked quite attractive. Her nose was powerful, strong, and almost beautiful. The process has shifted my perspective and I have learned to make up my own mind about what beauty means, whether it is a smiling, strong woman in an oil portrait, or a real-life reflection-complete with a big nose-looking back at me in the mirror.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者十几岁时,无法忍受看到自己鼻子侧面的照片。直到遇到了艺术家Nicholas Baldion,Baldion为作者画像,作者看到画像之前十分紧张。最后看到画像上的自己非常自信大方,作者改变了对美的看法。
思考:think about/consider
不喜欢:hate /dislike
决定:make up one’s mind/decide
紧张:nervous /stressed
美丽:beautiful /pretty
【点睛】[高分句型1] What if it was further proof that my nose was unattractive? (运用了that引导同位语从句)
[高分句型2] The more I thought about it, the more disturbed I became. (运用了“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型)
4. At first, some people were afraid the refrigerator would affect Pauline’s business. Fortunately, all the customers were positive about the idea, willingly putting the food left into the refrigerator. Someone even bought more food to put into it on purpose, wishing to feed more hungry people. And these hungry people were organized to take the food out of the refrigerator, and they also handed it out to other hungry people in other community.
Better still, some children in the community also joined Pauline. They even took their toys out and put them into the refrigerator, hoping that other children could get the same happiness from the toys. How cute they are! All the kind behaviors caused by Pauline’s refrigerator had a chain reaction, with the community having no hungry people and full of happy children. Pauline’s business became booming, for virtue and good deeds are the only invincible investment.
分发:hand out/distribute/dispense
Fortunately, all the customers were positive about the idea, willingly putting the food left into the refrigerator.(运用了现在分词作状语)
All the kind behaviors caused by Pauline’s refrigerator had a chain reaction, with the community having no hungry people and full of happy children. (运用了过去分词作后置定语和with的复合结构)
5.Possible version:
What a sense of shame did James now feel! Little Caroline seized his arm, and pulled him into the room. But he hung down his head, and covered his face with his hands. His uncle went up to him, and kindly taking away his hands, said, “James, will you not bid me welcome?” But quickly starting back, he cried, “Brother, this is not your son. It is the boy who so shamefully insulted me in the street!”
With surprise and grief did the good father and mother learn this. His uncle was ready to forgive him, and forget the injury. But his father would never permit James to have the gold watch, nor the beautiful books, which his uncle had brought for him. The rest of the children were loaded with presents. James was obliged to content himself with seeing them happy. He never forgot this lesson so long as he lived. It cured him entirely of his low and insolent manners.
詹姆斯遇到一个陌生人——恶作剧,打掉那个人的帽子 ——砖头击中陌生人的头——害怕地回家了——家里来的客人就是那个路上的陌生人,且给每个人都带了礼物——詹姆斯回家后发现,那个陌生人就是叔叔——不好意思见叔叔——得知真相后的爸妈不给他叔叔带来的礼物——詹姆斯得到教训。
【点睛】[高分句型1] His uncle went up to him, and kindly taking away his hands, said, “James, will you not bid me welcome?” (运用了非谓语动词作状语)
[高分句型2] But his father would never permit James to have the gold watch, nor the beautiful books, which his uncle had brought for him. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
6.One possible version:
Once home, I placed the necklace into my box, attracted by it. I stared at the stone, so clean and polished. I liked it so much. But another voice whispered, “Could it be Chrissy’s? Was it her ‘verrry special’ necklace?” I struggled a while but I called the number on the poster. “Hello?” said a girl’s voice after one ring. “Hi,” I said, nervous. “Is this Chrissy?” “Yes.” ‘‘Um, my name is Ryan. I think I have something that belongs to you.” “My necklace?”
Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting in a café across from Chrissy. We were drinking milk tea. “It was a gift from my mum,” she said, “before she got sick.” Chrissy looked down at the blue stone in her hand. “I’m really sorry,” I said. “Holding on to it somehow makes things a little better,” she said. “Do you know what I mean?” I thought about the mean kids at school and how holding on to beautiful things often makes me feel better. I nodded. “I think I do.”
①专注:stare at/look intently at
①.挣扎:struggle a while/be torn to do
②.感觉好:make sb feel better/make sb feel delighted
【点睛】[高分句型1]. I struggled a while but I called the number on the poster.(由连词but连接两个简单句)
[高分句型2]. I thought about the mean kids at school and how holding on to beautiful things often makes me feel better. (由how引导的宾语从句)
7.Soon a light step sounded on the stairs and Mrs Allan entered the room. Hearing the footstep approaching, Anne was in a panic and she buried her head into the quilt as she was seized by an overwhelming sense of guilt, therefore too ashamed to face anyone. “It’s just a funny mistake that anybody would make. I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness just as if it had turned out all right.” said Allan, as she hugged Anne gently. Something vital, motivated, leaped from Allan to Anne at the touch of her warm arms, something that comforted her so much.
When Mrs Allan left, Anne turned to Marilla. “The ultimate success depends on every detail that seems insignificant. I’ll never make the same mistake twice. ” Marilla had been worried about Anne and was regretted of her cruel words, but hearing this, she breathed a sigh of relief and apologized to Anne. “So, let’s wait for a perfect cake.”
①.接近:approach/ be close to
②.拥抱某人:hug sb./ hold in one's arms
③.担心:be worried about/be anxious about
①.羞愧:showing one’s abashment/ be ashamed
②.体贴:thoughtfulness / show consideration for
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Hearing the footstep approaching, Anne was in a panic and she buried her head into the quilt as she was seized by an overwhelming sense of guilt, therefore too ashamed to face anyone.(现在分词作状语和as连接的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]. I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness just as if it had turned out all right.” said Allan, as she hugged Anne gently.(as if从句用了虚拟语气和as连接的时间状语从句)
8.One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Without warning,she climbed onto the railing. It happened so quickly. Conrad lunged forward and reached for the woman, but she teetered. He threw his arms around her, trying to haul her down off the railing. But she grabbed the railing with no attempt to let it go. “Let go of the railing,” Conrad said, “or I’ll have to yank you off.” However, he couldn’t hear any response. The wind was howling, creating an echoing sound on the icy irons. The only sound he could hear was his heart pounding loudly in his ears... like the insistent heavy drumming of rain beating upon a window pane.
Paragraph 2:
Suddenly, bright lights appeared—it was the police ! Someone had reported Conrad’s car for being parked on the bridge—just as he’d hoped. An instant later, a loud squealing sound of brakes was heard, and two police officers stepped out of the car. Recognizing what was going on, they dashed straight towards Conrad and the woman. The two officers took hold of the woman, then handed Conrad a knife so that he could cut off the rope tethering her to the bridge. He grasped the knife, placed the tip of his flexed thumb on the railing and cut the rope knot down firmly. The woman collapsed on their shoulders. Seeing this, relief unleashed within Conrad—the shadow of death was gone.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Alex 在开车经过主街桥时,看到了一个女人凝视着奔腾的河水。因为生活中所遭遇的磨难,所以该女人想要寻死,但是最终经过Alex 的开导后,最终警察的到来,终于阻止了该女士的寻死的悲剧发生。
①由第一段首句内容“毫无征兆地,她爬上了栏杆。”可知,第一段可描写Alex 救助该女士的过程。
③.走出:step out/walk out
①.心怦怦跳:one’s heart pounds loudly /one’s heart beats wildly
②.解脱:relief unleashed /get relieved
【点睛】[高分句型1]. He threw his arms around her, trying to haul her down off the railing. (由现在分词作伴随状语)
[高分句型2]. Recognizing what was going on, they dashed straight towards Conrad and the woman. (由what引导的宾语从句)
9.One possible version:
“We’ll get them later,” I told her. I just did not want to walk back down the stairs and unlock the garage door for a bunch of worthless weeds. Putting my hand onto her small shoulder, I began directing her back into the house. She stood there with tears welling up in her eyes. “These flowers are specially for my mommy and daddy,” she sobbed. All of a sudden, I realized that those baseball gloves were like gold to those homeless children just as those weeds were beautiful flowers to my granddaughter.
I turned around, walked back to the end of the porch and opened the gate. Then I walked down the three stairs, took out my keys and opened the garage door. Wearing a shining smile on her face, Madison ran past me, grabbing the little treasures she had picked moments before. “Thank you, grandma, I love you!” she said. I knelt down, looked through the green, now lifeless weeds and smiled as I saw the beauty of a dozen beautiful red roses reflecting in her eyes. As is often the case, something valueless to adults means a lot to children.
①回去:walk back /go back
②开始:begin /start
①专门:specially / particularly
②美丽:beautiful /gorgeous
【点睛】[高分句型1] Putting my hand onto her small shoulder, I began directing her back into the house. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] All of a sudden, I realized that those baseball gloves were like gold to those homeless children just as those weeds were beautiful flowers to my granddaughter. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
I told Mr. Sherman all about Jack anxiously. I turned to him for help. When we got to the barn, Mr. Sherman told me to get a foot tub of warm water. He cleaned Jack’s hoof with a brush, then put it into the tub of water to soak. We found a large can of animal medicine, which Mr. Sherman put on the wound. He said that Jack’s foot would be well in a few days. I thanked Mr. Sherman deeply. For the next two days, I looked after Jack carefully as told.
The morning that Mr. Davis returned, I woke up early. Just as I arrived, Jack and Billy were dragging a big log from the woods. Jack pulled with all his might, and he wasn’t limping! When they stopped, I dropped my bike and ran down to the horses. I wrapped my arms around Jack’s big head and hugged him tightly. At that moment. I was filled with happiness. I knew that my friend wouldn’t have to be sent away.
①照顾:look after/take care of
③知道:know/be aware of/realize
①兴奋地:in excitement/excitedly
②快乐:be filled with happiness/be full of joy
【点睛】【高分句型1】We found a large can of animal salve, which Mr. Sherman put on the wound.(由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】When the team stopped, I dropped my bike and ran down to the horses.(由when引导时间状语从句)