高兴----cheerful;glad;happyadv.高兴地----rejoicinglyv.使不高兴----disgruntle对..感到高兴----glad atn.高兴;心情好----good humorn.不高兴;不悦----ill humorn.欢乐,高兴----gleen.高兴,酒宴,----jollityad.高高兴兴地----cheerfully振作起来;高兴一点----cheer upn.生气,不高兴----dudgeona.高兴的,愉悦的----gladdesta.高兴的,愉悦的----gladdera.欢乐的,高兴的----jocundv.非常高兴,欢腾----exultn.令人高兴,愉快----exhilarationa.愉快的,高兴的----blithesomea.愉快的,高兴的----blithea.高兴的,开心的----chuffeda.快乐的,高兴的----joyousa.愉快的,高兴的----mirthfulad.愉快地,高兴地----merrilyadv.愿意地;高兴地----lieflyadv.喜悦地;高兴地----joyfullyadj.高兴的;兴奋的----atwittera.不高兴的,不平的----grouchyn.愉快,快乐,高兴----jocundity
二、描写情感的佳句Her eyestwinkled with merriment.她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。A ripple of laughter went through the crowd.人群中传来一阵笑声Lily'slaughter lingered in the room for a long time.丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。Her hands weretrembling with excitement as she opened the letter.当她打开信时,她的手激动得发抖。Overwhelmed withgaiety, he jumped up and ran excitedly around the tree.他欣喜若狂,跳起来并绕着那棵大树跑了几圈。In his excitement he couldn't remember her name.他兴奋得甚至把他自己的名字都给忘了。She wascarried away by pleasure.她被快乐冲昏了头脑。I nodded, with abig smile spreading across my cheek.我点点头,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。Shecouldn't conceal the excitement and rushed home to tell her mother the good news.她掩饰不住兴奋,急忙回家告诉母亲这个好消息。She is alwaysready to help others in need and always wears shining smile on her face, so many classmates are willing to make friends with her.她总是乐于助人并且脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容,因此很多同学都愿意和她交朋友。I'mover the moon. 我太开心了It is easy toinfer that he is in rapture through his big smile.从他那灿烂的笑容很容易推断出他是兴高采烈的。He woke up that morning witha feeling of excitement.他一起床就感到很兴奋。I amoverflowing with happiness.我洋溢着幸福。Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile wouldspread over Mom's face.每次我们提到旅途中的趣事,妈妈的脸上就会浮现出愉快的笑容A sudden wave of joy swept over her.一阵喜悦突然涌上她的心头。She gazed up at him,glowing with happiness.她抬头看着他,脸上洋溢着幸福的光芒。The children werefilled with excitement at the thought of visiting Disneyland.孩子们一想到要去迪斯尼乐园就兴奋不已。My heart is as sweet as honey.我的心甜的像蜜一样。Pleasure welled up inside her heart.她心中涌起喜悦。Amusementgleamed in his eyes.他眼中流露出愉快的深情.Mother'seyes flash across the surprise, open smile ripples.母亲的眼里闪过惊喜,笑容荡漾开。She come up to me, with a smileshining like a diamond.她带着灿烂的笑容走到我面前。Never get conceited(骄傲自满的) because of victory or lose heart in case of failure. 胜不骄、败不馁A unique sense of accomplishment arises. 产生了一种独特的成就感The police wrote a ticket with a tricky smile(狡黠的微笑).I feel soft and gentle and caring and my heart feels really warm.I feel like there are hundreds of butterflies dancing in my heart. (感觉到爱)The actor playing the father was too wooden.饰演父亲的演员太呆板。I’ve just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.我刚刚去看了牙医,脸上现在还没知觉呢。Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。Shepassed by with only a distant nod. 她冷漠的点了一下头就过去了。Holly smiled distantly.霍利恍惚地笑了笑。