Mom and I walked side by side through town. I was twelve years old, dependent on her, yet wanting so much to be my own person. She raised me by herself. I’m her only child. We were almost always together, except when I was at school.
Before I was born she had worked as a nurse, but she stopped shortly after my birth to care for me. Recently she had returned to work at the local hospital.
I didn’t like her going back to work. She left at 5:45 am, which left me responsible for waking myself up, fixing breakfast, and walking to the 7:30 am bus.
I hated being left home alone in the mornings, but I especially hated having to take the bus. Once I had missed it, and I wasn’t only late to school, but I had caused Mom to scramble to find someone else to drive me. After that I was so worried I would miss the bus that I left for the bus stop too early every day. I stood by myself before the other kids arrived, in rain, sleet and snow, having to bear the embarrassment when crowded by adult passengers sometimes.
Mom worked the day shift so she could pick me up after school. On days she didn’t go to the hospital, she drove me both ways. Those were the best days.
As we walked that day on the sidewalk, I saw an old man approaching us. He suddenly broke into a wide smile, but I didn’t recognize him.
“Leigh! Leigh!” he said, calling my mother’s name. “Hello,” she responded, “How are you feeling?”
“Couldn’t be better! Thanks. Now who is this lovely young person?” he asked cheerfully.
“This is my daughter,” Mom replied, looking over to me. “Jenny, can you say hello?”
I looked at him and smiled, unsure of my role.
“Well, it is very nice to meet you, young lady. I hope you know how lucky you are!” he said.
I looked at him uncertainly since I had no idea what he was talking about and I didn’t feel lucky at all, especially since he was standing too close to me.
“You have the most wonderful, caring and lovely mother,” he said.
Right then it made me understand what it meant for my mom to be a nurse.
13-year old William Preston is really a generous boy and he naturally seeks to help others. For example, in 2017, the community recognized William for his work to help local seniors. At that time, he fixed broken lawnmowers (剪草机) and provided yard work and cleanup help to elderly neighbors.
William’s mom, Krystal, has been adjusting to life as a newly divorced single mom. She now lives in Fernley with her three kids and three dogs. She has lost her job and is struggling to make ends meet. She thought of looking for better paid work in a different part of town. At the time, however, she did not have any reliable means of transportation and could not afford a car.
“At my low point, here comes my son,” Krystal Preston says, “Everybody goes through rough times in their life, but there’s good that can come from any situation as long as somebody with a heart does it.”
William overheard his mother telling someone how a car would solve most of her problems. He recognized the many sacrifices she made to provide for their family, and he felt an urgent need to pay her back and help her in some way. One day, William saw a video where a child earned money to buy his mom a car; at that moment, he decided that he would do the same thing.
He secretly made a plan to save enough money to purchase a car for his mother. He started working additional odd jobs around his neighborhood, such as yard work and lawn mowing.
One day, an advertisement on Facebook Marketplace caught his attention: A woman had listed her 1999 Chevrolet Metro for an inexpensive price. He quickly reached out to the seller and asked if he could possibly trade in his Xbox for the car, in addition to some cash he had saved. To William’s delighted surprise, after negotiating with the woman, she accepted his offer.
William arranged for the seller to park the vehicle in his front yard to surprise his mother.
Krystal was shocked when the seller told her the truth.
“Is this all I got?” asked my daughter, Allison. “I asked for a new cell phone and a tablet!”
“Where are the rest of the presents?” asked my son, Blake. “I wanted a set of golf clubs and a skateboard!”
Money had been tight, and as a single parent, I was doing the best I could. My children received almost everything on their wish lists when their father was alive, but things were different now.
Blake was now thirteen years old and Allison twelve. I knew we had somewhat spoiled(宠坏)them, but I had no idea it was this bad. I looked at my children and their confused faces. My feelings were hurt, but I didn’t want to show it. I was also very disappointed in their reactions to their presents. I was on my own, and I couldn’t maintain our old lifestyle.
That was the most terrible Christmas I had ever had.
The months went by quickly.I was planning our next Christmas celebration in my head a little every day. One day, I learned a local charity was seeking for help for a family that desperately needed help. It was a family that lived on a farm. There were four children in the house ranging in age from three to eight. The father had lost his job. They were a low-income family.
Although living a quite tough life myself, I still felt an urge to reach out to this family. I told Blake and Allison we would be giving gifts to a family that truly needed them. I went on to explain my disappointment in their actions and words the previous Christmas. Blake and Allison didn’t seem happy with the situation, but I was sure I had them thinking about their attitudes last Christmas.
We went shopping that weekend and bought gifts for all the children. We purchased everything they would need for a nice dinner and then picked out somethings to help them get through the winter.
The day before Christmas Eve, we arrived at the small home of this family in need.
It was time to go home, and we said our goodbyes.
4.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was one of those sunny mornings when merely breathing seemed to be an event worth celebrating. I was in a particularly good mood as my mother had just given me RM400(马来西亚币)for my daily expenses during the week that she would be away with my father in China to visit her sick grandaunt. I was wondering if I survived on bread and butter the whole week, I would have RM300 to buy the latest computer games! It was certainly a great way to begin the day.
As I neared the classroom, I heard a loud noise coming from it and quickly rushed in. My classmates were gathered around Tommy’s table as he searched through some personal items. Tommy had always been a popular boy in class. Not only was he bright and well-mannered, but he also came from a wealthy family that provided him with all he could ask for.
My classmates told me that Tommy had lost the money that he had brought as a donation to the welfare home that we were supposed to visit that afternoon. Understanding the situation, I suggested that we organize a search around the classroom and inform the class teacher as soon as possible. In no time, Miss Soh rushed to the classroom. She decided to run a search through everyone’s bag. We quickly stood by our tables and emptied the contents of our bags onto the table. When it came to my turn, I took out all my possessions. As Miss Soh took out the RM400 from my wallet, the class fell into a shock.
Up till then, I had no idea that the amount lost was exactly RM400. Everyone stared at me in horror. Miss Soh was pleased that her efforts had borne fruit. In a loud voice, she demanded to know where the money had come from. I told her the truth, but she appeared not to have heard anything that I had said. She claimed loudly that I was the thief, because my family was poor and could not possibly afford to give me RM400.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Her cruel words cut me deeply.
A week later, when taking Miss Soh’s class, Tommy suddenly found the neatly folded RM400 slip out of his notebook.
I used to be very active in sports and games when I was in primary school. I won the B Division long jump and was a good sprinter (短跑运动员). As a result, I was chosen to represent the school in the long jump and relay events at the District Sports Meet. Before the sports meet, I had put in a lot of hard work and dedication during the training sessions. I woke up early every morning to go for runs and did countless drills to improve my technique. My teammates and I supported and encouraged each other during training, pushing ourselves to do better and achieve our goals.
The meet lasted two days, I had no events scheduled for the first day. So I kept myself busy by watching the others compete. Large tents were provided for the young competitors on one side of the track. Despite being assigned the last tent that was furthest from the track, I made the best of the situation by decorating it with our school colors and creating a supportive atmosphere.
The next day, I was getting ready for my events. The long jump was scheduled for the early afternoon, followed by the 8×50m relay later in the afternoon. I thought I was a pretty good jumper, but as the competition began, I realized I was vastly outclassed. We finished our jumps, and I came in fourth place, just missing out on a medal.
That was disappointing, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 8×50m relay, for which I was assigned to run the fifth leg. The race date arrived. We filed into our assigned spots and prepared for the race. After a tense minute or so, I heard the starter’s gun go off. When the first runners took off, I watched nervously and excitedly as my team runners kept up with the others. As they got closer, I realized we were at least in second place.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run.
As a result, I left the meet empty-handed.
The afternoon was hot and fierce as the midday sun shone with all its might. Richard had just gotten down from a truck and could barely stand on the hot road. He breathed heavily, looking around for a frozen drink. But as far as his eyes could see, there was not a drop of water. Suddenly, he noticed a little bike lying there.
Richard wondered and approached the spot, staring with shock at a water bottle and a small pink helmet lying nearby. He went closer and noticed fresh little muddy footsteps disappearing into the woods...It seemed unusual for a little kid to be all alone there. “Something was wrong,” so he cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to the child.
“Hello, anyone there? Hello?”
Just a she changed course, he heard a faint (模糊的) cry from the heart of the woods. It was a little girl’s cry for help.
“I’m coming. Hold on,” Richard rushed toward the voice. A she got nearer and nearer, Richard heard the sound of running water. The fierce current in the muddy-brown river flooded through the rocks.
“Don’t give up! I’m coming!” her an screaming after noticing a little girl and her dog holding on to a log floating on the river. The current was washing away everything on its course, and the girl was lucky the log was stuck on to something under the surface. But that would not hold on for long as the current grew faster and stronger.
Richard was running out of time. He could not think of anything immediately. His only hope was to somehow pull the two out to the shore before they were washed toward the edge of the waterfall, which was just meters away. Just then, his mind acted fast, and he ran back to get something. “Hold on...I’ll be right back,” he assured her.
Moments later, Richard returned with along jungle vine (藤蔓) tied around his waist.
Richard was glad that he had saved them in time and then asked how the girl got there.
It was Tamika’s turn to tell her class where she went this summer. She stood up proudly.
“This summer I went to Bradley,” Tamika announced. “They have a big market there. My mom bought a painting. and I got second-hand inline skates. We had a great time there.”
“That’s not a trip,” Jeremy whispered loudly to his partner. “It’s only half an hour from here. My dad and I often go to Bradley to buy tools for his repair shop.”
“Jeremy, no interrupting,” said Miss Snowden, their teacher. “And Bradley has a fine market. I'm glad that Tamika can tell us about it. Go ahead, Tamika.” Miss Snowden smiled warmly at her, encouraging her to continue.
But Tamika didn’t feel proud of her family’s trip to Bradley any more and she just felt embarrassed. Tamika dropped her head and said in a low voice that she was finished, and then hurried back to her desk. She hoped that the other kids didn’t notice her face turning red.
Tamika listened as Peter talked about his cruise to Jamaica. She heard about Mary’s trip across the Atlantic to Ireland. She heard about John’s horseback ride through the Grand Canyon. It seemed as if everyone but her had taken a big trip over the summer. “I never get to go anywhere.” Tamika thought to herself. A sense of sadness clouded her the whole day.
After school, things got worse. One of the wheels on Tamika’s skates came loose. Now she couldn’t even skate. Sitting on the sidewalk, Tamika tried to fix her wheel but did not know how. Then Miss Snowden happened to pass by. She walked up with a smile on her face, asking. “You look unhappy, Tamika. Why are you sitting here?” Tamika lowered her head, tears building up inside her eyes. “Want to talk about it?” Miss Snowden asked kindly. Tamika nodded, trying to avoid Miss Snowden’s eyes. Bending down, Miss Snowden said in a whisper: “You know, Tamika, we don’t always have to travel far to learn anything.” Tamika looked up and seemed to understand what Miss Snowden meant.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
At this moment, Jeremy was walking by and saw them.
“I can fix it,” Jeremy said with confidence.
Let me tell you a story. It is about Susannah Lung. She taught me to read and write for a single year when I was 7 years old. I’d been looking for Susannah, hoping to thank her in person, for almost twenty years.
I came to the US at one and a half years old, but I grew up in a household that only spoke Pashto &Farsi, so when I started kindergarten, I didn’t know a word of English. I don’t think my kindergarten teacher knew how to handle an ESL student because he used to punish me for not understanding his directions.
We moved a lot in those days as my father searched for better work and housing, and I went to three different schools in a year. I continued to struggle with English. Then, after first grade ended, my family went back to Afghanistan for the summer. I fell in love with Logar, but I completely forgot all the English I’d learned in school!
I remember on the morning of my first day in second grade, I could only recall 10 letters from the alphabet. I was way behind and on track to be left back. But then I had the fortune of meeting Mrs. Lung.
Mrs. Lung sat with me almost every single day after school, giving me extra lessons in reading and writing so I could catch up with the rest of the class. By the end of the year, I’d learned to read and write, and by third grade, I was winning awards for reading comprehension.
After that, my family moved a few times more and I lost track of Mrs. Lung. For years afterward, all throughout high school and college, I tried to find Mrs. Lung to thank her for everything she’d done for me. I searched google and social media. I called my old school and visited the district office. But I kept hitting dead ends.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook.
Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago.
One New Year’s morning, as we came down to breakfast, with very shiny faces and spendy aprons(围裙), we surprisingly found father alone in the dining room.
“Happy New Year. Papa! Where is Mother?” we cried.
“A little boy came begging and said they were starving at home. so your mother went to see and ah, here she is.”
As Papa spoke, in came Mamma, looking very cold, rather sad, and very much excited. Not far away from here, lies a poor woman with a little newborn baby. Six children are hud-dled(挤在一起)into one bed to keep from freezing for they have no fire. There is nothing to eat over there, and the oldest boy came here to tell me they were starving on this bitterly cold day. “My little girls, will you givc them your breakfast, as a New Year’s gift?”
We sat silent a minute and looked at the nice, hot porridge(粥), creamy milk, and good bread and butter; for we were brought up like English children, and never drank tea or coffee, or ate anything but porridge for our breakfast.
“I wish we’d eaten it up,” thought I for I was rather a selfish child, and very hungry.
“May I go and help carry it to the poor, little children?” asked Beth, who had the tende-rest heart that ever beat under a spendy apron.
“1 can carry that little pot,” said little May, proudly giving the thing she loved best.
“And I shall take all the porridge,” I burst in, heartily ashamed of my first feeling.
“You shall put on your things and help me, and when we come back, we’ll get something to eat,” said Mother, beginning to pile the bread and butter into a big basket.
We were soon ready and set out.
As we made our way back home, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart.
On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.
Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.
Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of hear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶)。
Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to show down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.
At this moment, Paul and Beeky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
The car abruptly stopped in front of him
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.
“You have the most wonderful, caring and lovely mother,” he said. “When I was in hospital last month she took the best care of me. She made everyday better. Everyday! In fact, young lady, I shall never forget her. ”He removed his attention from me and went back to addressing my mother. I watched this stranger express his gratitude to my mom. He kept thanking her again and again.
Right then it made me understand what it meant for my mom to be a nurse. I realized what it actually meant for her to go and do her job while I was at school. She was caring for, serving, and loving random strangers, often during some of the toughest times in their lives. It wasn’t the last time that I had witnessed someone thanking Mom or complimenting her on her bedside manner, but it was the first time that I had understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning. My mom was a nurse, and sometimes life was about other people. She cared for them… and me, too.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:和妈妈逛街——遇到陌生人——赞美——介绍——感谢——感悟
3. 词汇激活
①照顾:take care of/look after/watch over
①感觉到:sense /recognize/perceive
【点睛】[高分句型1]I watched this stranger express his gratitude to my mom.(省略that的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]It wasn’t the last time that I had witnessed someone thanking Mom or complimenting her on her bedside manner, but it was the first time that I had understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning.(it’s+强调部分+that的强调句)
2.One possible version:
William arranged for the seller to park the vehicle in his front yard to surprise his mother. Then he tricked his mother outside. Krystal felt confused when she first saw the car, and William explained that he had purchased the car for her. As expected, Krystal assumed her son was playing a practical joke, so she didn’t take any of his words seriously and laughed it off. “Yeah, right!” she said jokingly.
Krystal was shocked when the seller told her the truth. She nearly couldn’t believe it but tears already filled here eyes. “There’s no way.” she murmured. William hugged his mom tightly, comforting her, “You’re my mom and you have done a lot for me, so I want to help,” William assured her. Then the seller handed the car’s keys and paperwork to Krystal, who was still in a state of shock. Mother and son then excitedly got into the car and drove off together in their white 1999 Chevrolet Metro.
【详解】1. 段落续写
3. 词类激活
【点睛】【高分句型1】Krystal felt confused when she first saw the car, and William explained that he had purchased the car for her. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型1】Then the seller handed the car’s keys and paperwork to Krystal, who was still in a state of shock. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
3.One possible version:
The day before Christmas Eve, we arrived at the small home of this family in need. We were welcome inside with smiles and appreciation. They offered drinks and bread they had just baked. We accepted the treat and took out the things we brought for them. The parents let the children put the packages under their small Christmas tree. They were picking them up, shaking them, and guessing what was inside. Allison and Blake joined the children. Before long, they were laughing and playing together. I think their hearts were full of joy to be able to give happiness to this family.
It was time to go home, and we said our goodbyes. The children gave hugs and kisses, and I could tell our visit had touched Blake and Allison. The drive home was quiet. When we arrived home and went inside, Allison looked at me and said, “Thanks, Mom,” and gave me a big hug.Then, Blake said, “Thanks, Mom, Lesson learned.”“What a meaningful Christmas!”I thought to myself. I knew my children had learned a lesson that would stay with them for a long time.
②开心:be full of joy/be joyful/be happy
【点睛】【高分句型1】We accepted the treat and took out the things we brought for them.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
【高分句型2】When we arrived home and went inside, Allison looked at me and said, “Thanks, Mom,” and gave me a big hug.(本句使用了when引导的时间状语从句)
4.One possible version
Her cruel words cut me deeply. Never before in my life had I been so overwhelmed with such grievance and helplessness that I stood there motionless. All my classmates were shaking their heads at me, totally convinced of the teacher’s claims. Driven by a strong inner voice of protesting my innocence, I made the last attempt, declaring firmly, “I am not the thief!” Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. Feeling dizzy on the spot, I grabbed my bag, dashed out of the classroom and headed home with tears in my eyes. The entire week was spent in a state of confusion-I kept to myself a lot, choosing not to talk to anyone.
A week later, when taking Miss Soh’s class, Tommy suddenly found the neatly folded RM400 slip out of his notebook. Seeing the money, he froze in puzzlement. He picked it up immediately, lost in thought. After a while, Tommy put up his hand, signaling to say something urgent. Miss Soh stepped off the platform and came up to Tommy. “What’s the matter, Tommy?” she asked with concern. “Miss Soh, here is my RM400,” he murmured. On hearing that, all my classmates were shocked, exploding into whispers. I, who was wronged by the teacher, sat still in the chair, anticipating something. Then both Miss Soh and Tommy approached me to say “SORRY” to me. It was their sincere apology and Miss Soh’s tender embrace that erased the shadow enveloping me all those days.
② 由第二段首句内容“一周后,在上Soh老师的课时,汤米突然从笔记本里找到了那张叠得整整齐齐的400RM。”可知,第二段可描写真相大白,老师和同学给作者真诚地道歉的经过。
①.相信convinced of/believe in/have faith in
②.尝试:make attempt/attempt to do/try to do/have a go
③.冲出去:dash out of/rush out of
①.不知所措的:overwhelmed/all at sea/at a loss
②道歉:say sorry to/make an apology
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Never before in my life had I been so overwhelmed with such grievance and helplessness that I stood there motionless.(运用了倒装句和状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Feeling dizzy on the spot, I grabbed my bag, dashed out of the classroom and headed home with tears in my eyes.(运用了现在分词作状语和with+宾语+宾语补足语)
【高分句型3】I, who was wronged by the teacher, sat still in the chair, anticipating something. (运用了定语从句和现在分词作状语)
5.One possible version:
My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run. The air rushed past me as I moved closer to the next runner. Then disaster struck! I saw a boy run across the track into my path out of nowhere. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. We were sent somersaulting over him after colliding with a crunch. Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race. However, the collision cost us valuable time. I handed the baton to the next runner. I knew everything was lost when he ran with all his might, but it was too late. We’d blown our chance at a medal.
As a result, I left the meet empty-handed. As a result, we just assumed it was bad luck. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it. Anyway, it had been an eventful but unsatisfying day for me. And I learned about failure and success and how to deal with them, and I am grateful for the lessons.
①靠近:move closer to /approach
②摆脱:get away from /keep away from
①沮丧的:down /disappointed/upset
②感激的:grateful /thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it.(运用了what引导的主语从句)
Moments later, Richard returned with along jungle vine (藤蔓) tied around his waist. He dived into the river and swam toward them. The current was stronger than he had expected, and since the water was muddy, he could not see clearly. But he kept going, swimming through the fierce water, “Give me your hand,” he told the girl. She was terrified because the waterfall was just a few meters away from her. The girl didn’t know how to swim. She threw herself into the water and moved toward Richard with her dog, grabbing his hand. Finally, they made it to the shore.
Richard was glad that he had saved them in time and then asked how the girl got there. The girl told him that she was Sandy. She and her dog, Simba, were playing on the road when Simba got mad suddenly and ran away. She was scared he would go missing, so she followed him on her bike to eat eh him. Somehow, Simba was drowning in the river, and she jumped into save him. But she didn’t know how to swim. Just as she was struggling, Richard showed up and saved her. Sandy had nothing to give Richard to show her thanks but the bottle of water, but she didn’t know how much it meant to Richard.
③成功:make it to/succeed
①害怕:terrified /scared/frightened
【点睛】[高分句型1] The current was stronger than he had expected, and since the water was muddy, he could not see clearly. (运用了since引导原因状语从句)
[高分句型2] The girl told him that she was Sandy. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
At this moment, Jeremy was walking by and saw them. Noticing Tamika’s teary eyes, Jeremy swallowed what he’d intended to say. A sense of guilt seized him and he stood there, frozen. Miss Snowden smiled and encouraged him, “An apology never comes late.” Jeremy raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, “I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.” Tamika looked down at her skates, wiped her tears and murmured, “Actually, that’s OK. It’s my skates”, spinning the loose wheel.
“I can fix it,” Jeremy said with confidence. Grabbing her skates, Jeremy tightened the screws in no time. He looked up brightly and handed the skates to Tamika. Tamika tried her skates and surprisingly they were working well. A slight smile lifted, “Thanks”. Jeremy felt a wave of relief flooding into his heart. “I help my dad fix things all the time. You know, I didn’t go anywhere either this summer.” he said. Then they three looked at each other and burst into laughter. Truly, they did not have to travel far to learn anything new.
注意到:notice/ take notice of
小声说:said in a low voice /whispered
高兴:brightly /delightedly
惊人:surprisingly / amazingly
【点睛】[高分句型1] Noticing Tamika’s teary eyes, Jeremy swallowed what he’d intended to say. (运用了what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Grabbing her skates, Jeremy tightened the screws in no time. (运用了现在分词作状语)
8.One possible version:
But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook. It was Mrs. Lung’s husband! He asked me if I wanted to speak with her, and I said of course! My family and I all gathered together for the call. My parents had been wanting to thank Mrs. Lung for years as well. When I finally got the chance to hear Mrs. Lung’s voice, tears welled up in my eyes. I told her that I owed everything I’d accomplished to her, that I thought of her all the time, and that I’d been searching for her for years.
Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago. During the two years of my teaching, I have witnessed the big changes of several struggling students after giving them patience, time and encouragement. I know a child is like a rocket filled with fuel and that all they need is a single spark to lift off into the sky. For me, Mrs. Lung was the spark. She gave me time, understanding and encouragement. I received her care and I’m passing it on.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者一岁半时来到美国,上幼儿园一个单词都不懂。幸亏作者遇到了Susannah Lung老师,Lung老师给作者补课,作者学会了阅读和写作,还在阅读理解方面获得了奖项。后来作者和老师失去了联系,最终Lung老师的丈夫联系上了作者,二人又再次团聚了。
想要:want to/urge to
获得机会:get the chance /obtain the opportunity
想着:think of/miss
感谢:thank /show gratitude to
含泪:tears well up in my eyes /be tearful
【点睛】[高分句型1] I told her that I owed everything I’d accomplished to her, that I thought of her all the time, and that I’d been searching for her for years. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] He asked me if I wanted to speak with her, and I said of course! (运用了if引导宾语从句)
We were soon ready and set out. Mother led the way, carrying the basket of bread and butter,while we followed with our breakfast. I walked behind, feeling ashamed for my selfish thoughts earlier. Arriving at the poor woman’s home, we’re met with six children huddled together in one bed. Mother quickly set to work, warming the porridge on the stove while Beth and May helped to give away the bread and butter. I watched as they eagerly ate the food, their eyes shining with gratitude.
As we made our way back home, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart. From that day forward, I knew that I would always try hard to help those in need, no matter how small the gesture is. And as we sat down to our own breakfast that day, I felt truly grateful for all that we had, and for the opportunity to give to those who had so little. Giving was far more important than taking, which made the biggest difference in people’s lives.
①开始工作:set to work / get to work / start to work
②看:watch/ look at/ see
③抵达:arrive at / get to/ reach
①羞愧的:ashamed / humiliating
②感激的:grateful/ thankful/ appreciative
【点睛】[高分句型1] And as we sat down to our own breakfast that day, I felt truly grateful for all that we had, and for the opportunity to give to those who had so little.(as引导的时间状语从句,that引导的限制性定语从句以及who引导的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Giving was far more important than taking, which made the biggest difference in people’s lives.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
10.One possible version:
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul and Becky got out of the car immediately to give the help. With nothing in the hand, they felt nervous and didn't dare to fight against the wolf. However, they still approached to the wolf bravely. At the same time, the wolf also saw them and turned its head back, howling angrily towards Paul and Becky. Mac then jumped off the bicycle and was ready to fight against the wolf. Then came the deadlock.
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf. Mac's friends also jumped off their bicycles and joined the fight with the wolf. More and more cars stopped. Some drivers took out the sticks from the cars, and some took out the knives, even the guns towards the wolf. In the meanwhile, the wolf might feel the people's threats around, so it gave up with disappointed look and began to step back slowly. Soon, it ran away off the road and disappeared in the distance.
【导语】本文以时间发展为线索展开,讲述了小学老师Mac Hollan和朋友们在骑自行车去阿拉斯加的路上遇到了狼,被开车去阿拉斯加的保罗和比基遇上并搭救的经历。
①给:give /offer/present
②放弃:give up /abandon
③看见:see /spot/catch sight of
①感到紧张:feel nervous/feel stressed
②失望的;垂头丧气的:disappointed /frustrated
【点睛】[高分句型1]. With nothing in the hand, they felt nervous and didn't dare to fight against the wolf.(with复合结构)
[高分句型2]. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf.(where引导的定语从句)
Mom and I walked side by side through town. I was twelve years old, dependent on her, yet wanting so much to be my own person. She raised me by herself. I’m her only child. We were almost always together, except when I was at school.
Before I was born she had worked as a nurse, but she stopped shortly after my birth to care for me. Recently she had returned to work at the local hospital.
I didn’t like her going back to work. She left at 5:45 am, which left me responsible for waking myself up, fixing breakfast, and walking to the 7:30 am bus.
I hated being left home alone in the mornings, but I especially hated having to take the bus. Once I had missed it, and I wasn’t only late to school, but I had caused Mom to scramble to find someone else to drive me. After that I was so worried I would miss the bus that I left for the bus stop too early every day. I stood by myself before the other kids arrived, in rain, sleet and snow, having to bear the embarrassment when crowded by adult passengers sometimes.
Mom worked the day shift so she could pick me up after school. On days she didn’t go to the hospital, she drove me both ways. Those were the best days.
As we walked that day on the sidewalk, I saw an old man approaching us. He suddenly broke into a wide smile, but I didn’t recognize him.
“Leigh! Leigh!” he said, calling my mother’s name. “Hello,” she responded, “How are you feeling?”
“Couldn’t be better! Thanks. Now who is this lovely young person?” he asked cheerfully.
“This is my daughter,” Mom replied, looking over to me. “Jenny, can you say hello?”
I looked at him and smiled, unsure of my role.
“Well, it is very nice to meet you, young lady. I hope you know how lucky you are!” he said.
I looked at him uncertainly since I had no idea what he was talking about and I didn’t feel lucky at all, especially since he was standing too close to me.
“You have the most wonderful, caring and lovely mother,” he said.
Right then it made me understand what it meant for my mom to be a nurse.
13-year old William Preston is really a generous boy and he naturally seeks to help others. For example, in 2017, the community recognized William for his work to help local seniors. At that time, he fixed broken lawnmowers (剪草机) and provided yard work and cleanup help to elderly neighbors.
William’s mom, Krystal, has been adjusting to life as a newly divorced single mom. She now lives in Fernley with her three kids and three dogs. She has lost her job and is struggling to make ends meet. She thought of looking for better paid work in a different part of town. At the time, however, she did not have any reliable means of transportation and could not afford a car.
“At my low point, here comes my son,” Krystal Preston says, “Everybody goes through rough times in their life, but there’s good that can come from any situation as long as somebody with a heart does it.”
William overheard his mother telling someone how a car would solve most of her problems. He recognized the many sacrifices she made to provide for their family, and he felt an urgent need to pay her back and help her in some way. One day, William saw a video where a child earned money to buy his mom a car; at that moment, he decided that he would do the same thing.
He secretly made a plan to save enough money to purchase a car for his mother. He started working additional odd jobs around his neighborhood, such as yard work and lawn mowing.
One day, an advertisement on Facebook Marketplace caught his attention: A woman had listed her 1999 Chevrolet Metro for an inexpensive price. He quickly reached out to the seller and asked if he could possibly trade in his Xbox for the car, in addition to some cash he had saved. To William’s delighted surprise, after negotiating with the woman, she accepted his offer.
William arranged for the seller to park the vehicle in his front yard to surprise his mother.
Krystal was shocked when the seller told her the truth.
“Is this all I got?” asked my daughter, Allison. “I asked for a new cell phone and a tablet!”
“Where are the rest of the presents?” asked my son, Blake. “I wanted a set of golf clubs and a skateboard!”
Money had been tight, and as a single parent, I was doing the best I could. My children received almost everything on their wish lists when their father was alive, but things were different now.
Blake was now thirteen years old and Allison twelve. I knew we had somewhat spoiled(宠坏)them, but I had no idea it was this bad. I looked at my children and their confused faces. My feelings were hurt, but I didn’t want to show it. I was also very disappointed in their reactions to their presents. I was on my own, and I couldn’t maintain our old lifestyle.
That was the most terrible Christmas I had ever had.
The months went by quickly.I was planning our next Christmas celebration in my head a little every day. One day, I learned a local charity was seeking for help for a family that desperately needed help. It was a family that lived on a farm. There were four children in the house ranging in age from three to eight. The father had lost his job. They were a low-income family.
Although living a quite tough life myself, I still felt an urge to reach out to this family. I told Blake and Allison we would be giving gifts to a family that truly needed them. I went on to explain my disappointment in their actions and words the previous Christmas. Blake and Allison didn’t seem happy with the situation, but I was sure I had them thinking about their attitudes last Christmas.
We went shopping that weekend and bought gifts for all the children. We purchased everything they would need for a nice dinner and then picked out somethings to help them get through the winter.
The day before Christmas Eve, we arrived at the small home of this family in need.
It was time to go home, and we said our goodbyes.
4.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was one of those sunny mornings when merely breathing seemed to be an event worth celebrating. I was in a particularly good mood as my mother had just given me RM400(马来西亚币)for my daily expenses during the week that she would be away with my father in China to visit her sick grandaunt. I was wondering if I survived on bread and butter the whole week, I would have RM300 to buy the latest computer games! It was certainly a great way to begin the day.
As I neared the classroom, I heard a loud noise coming from it and quickly rushed in. My classmates were gathered around Tommy’s table as he searched through some personal items. Tommy had always been a popular boy in class. Not only was he bright and well-mannered, but he also came from a wealthy family that provided him with all he could ask for.
My classmates told me that Tommy had lost the money that he had brought as a donation to the welfare home that we were supposed to visit that afternoon. Understanding the situation, I suggested that we organize a search around the classroom and inform the class teacher as soon as possible. In no time, Miss Soh rushed to the classroom. She decided to run a search through everyone’s bag. We quickly stood by our tables and emptied the contents of our bags onto the table. When it came to my turn, I took out all my possessions. As Miss Soh took out the RM400 from my wallet, the class fell into a shock.
Up till then, I had no idea that the amount lost was exactly RM400. Everyone stared at me in horror. Miss Soh was pleased that her efforts had borne fruit. In a loud voice, she demanded to know where the money had come from. I told her the truth, but she appeared not to have heard anything that I had said. She claimed loudly that I was the thief, because my family was poor and could not possibly afford to give me RM400.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Her cruel words cut me deeply.
A week later, when taking Miss Soh’s class, Tommy suddenly found the neatly folded RM400 slip out of his notebook.
I used to be very active in sports and games when I was in primary school. I won the B Division long jump and was a good sprinter (短跑运动员). As a result, I was chosen to represent the school in the long jump and relay events at the District Sports Meet. Before the sports meet, I had put in a lot of hard work and dedication during the training sessions. I woke up early every morning to go for runs and did countless drills to improve my technique. My teammates and I supported and encouraged each other during training, pushing ourselves to do better and achieve our goals.
The meet lasted two days, I had no events scheduled for the first day. So I kept myself busy by watching the others compete. Large tents were provided for the young competitors on one side of the track. Despite being assigned the last tent that was furthest from the track, I made the best of the situation by decorating it with our school colors and creating a supportive atmosphere.
The next day, I was getting ready for my events. The long jump was scheduled for the early afternoon, followed by the 8×50m relay later in the afternoon. I thought I was a pretty good jumper, but as the competition began, I realized I was vastly outclassed. We finished our jumps, and I came in fourth place, just missing out on a medal.
That was disappointing, but I reminded myself that we still had a chance in the 8×50m relay, for which I was assigned to run the fifth leg. The race date arrived. We filed into our assigned spots and prepared for the race. After a tense minute or so, I heard the starter’s gun go off. When the first runners took off, I watched nervously and excitedly as my team runners kept up with the others. As they got closer, I realized we were at least in second place.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run.
As a result, I left the meet empty-handed.
The afternoon was hot and fierce as the midday sun shone with all its might. Richard had just gotten down from a truck and could barely stand on the hot road. He breathed heavily, looking around for a frozen drink. But as far as his eyes could see, there was not a drop of water. Suddenly, he noticed a little bike lying there.
Richard wondered and approached the spot, staring with shock at a water bottle and a small pink helmet lying nearby. He went closer and noticed fresh little muddy footsteps disappearing into the woods...It seemed unusual for a little kid to be all alone there. “Something was wrong,” so he cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to the child.
“Hello, anyone there? Hello?”
Just a she changed course, he heard a faint (模糊的) cry from the heart of the woods. It was a little girl’s cry for help.
“I’m coming. Hold on,” Richard rushed toward the voice. A she got nearer and nearer, Richard heard the sound of running water. The fierce current in the muddy-brown river flooded through the rocks.
“Don’t give up! I’m coming!” her an screaming after noticing a little girl and her dog holding on to a log floating on the river. The current was washing away everything on its course, and the girl was lucky the log was stuck on to something under the surface. But that would not hold on for long as the current grew faster and stronger.
Richard was running out of time. He could not think of anything immediately. His only hope was to somehow pull the two out to the shore before they were washed toward the edge of the waterfall, which was just meters away. Just then, his mind acted fast, and he ran back to get something. “Hold on...I’ll be right back,” he assured her.
Moments later, Richard returned with along jungle vine (藤蔓) tied around his waist.
Richard was glad that he had saved them in time and then asked how the girl got there.
It was Tamika’s turn to tell her class where she went this summer. She stood up proudly.
“This summer I went to Bradley,” Tamika announced. “They have a big market there. My mom bought a painting. and I got second-hand inline skates. We had a great time there.”
“That’s not a trip,” Jeremy whispered loudly to his partner. “It’s only half an hour from here. My dad and I often go to Bradley to buy tools for his repair shop.”
“Jeremy, no interrupting,” said Miss Snowden, their teacher. “And Bradley has a fine market. I'm glad that Tamika can tell us about it. Go ahead, Tamika.” Miss Snowden smiled warmly at her, encouraging her to continue.
But Tamika didn’t feel proud of her family’s trip to Bradley any more and she just felt embarrassed. Tamika dropped her head and said in a low voice that she was finished, and then hurried back to her desk. She hoped that the other kids didn’t notice her face turning red.
Tamika listened as Peter talked about his cruise to Jamaica. She heard about Mary’s trip across the Atlantic to Ireland. She heard about John’s horseback ride through the Grand Canyon. It seemed as if everyone but her had taken a big trip over the summer. “I never get to go anywhere.” Tamika thought to herself. A sense of sadness clouded her the whole day.
After school, things got worse. One of the wheels on Tamika’s skates came loose. Now she couldn’t even skate. Sitting on the sidewalk, Tamika tried to fix her wheel but did not know how. Then Miss Snowden happened to pass by. She walked up with a smile on her face, asking. “You look unhappy, Tamika. Why are you sitting here?” Tamika lowered her head, tears building up inside her eyes. “Want to talk about it?” Miss Snowden asked kindly. Tamika nodded, trying to avoid Miss Snowden’s eyes. Bending down, Miss Snowden said in a whisper: “You know, Tamika, we don’t always have to travel far to learn anything.” Tamika looked up and seemed to understand what Miss Snowden meant.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
At this moment, Jeremy was walking by and saw them.
“I can fix it,” Jeremy said with confidence.
Let me tell you a story. It is about Susannah Lung. She taught me to read and write for a single year when I was 7 years old. I’d been looking for Susannah, hoping to thank her in person, for almost twenty years.
I came to the US at one and a half years old, but I grew up in a household that only spoke Pashto &Farsi, so when I started kindergarten, I didn’t know a word of English. I don’t think my kindergarten teacher knew how to handle an ESL student because he used to punish me for not understanding his directions.
We moved a lot in those days as my father searched for better work and housing, and I went to three different schools in a year. I continued to struggle with English. Then, after first grade ended, my family went back to Afghanistan for the summer. I fell in love with Logar, but I completely forgot all the English I’d learned in school!
I remember on the morning of my first day in second grade, I could only recall 10 letters from the alphabet. I was way behind and on track to be left back. But then I had the fortune of meeting Mrs. Lung.
Mrs. Lung sat with me almost every single day after school, giving me extra lessons in reading and writing so I could catch up with the rest of the class. By the end of the year, I’d learned to read and write, and by third grade, I was winning awards for reading comprehension.
After that, my family moved a few times more and I lost track of Mrs. Lung. For years afterward, all throughout high school and college, I tried to find Mrs. Lung to thank her for everything she’d done for me. I searched google and social media. I called my old school and visited the district office. But I kept hitting dead ends.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook.
Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago.
One New Year’s morning, as we came down to breakfast, with very shiny faces and spendy aprons(围裙), we surprisingly found father alone in the dining room.
“Happy New Year. Papa! Where is Mother?” we cried.
“A little boy came begging and said they were starving at home. so your mother went to see and ah, here she is.”
As Papa spoke, in came Mamma, looking very cold, rather sad, and very much excited. Not far away from here, lies a poor woman with a little newborn baby. Six children are hud-dled(挤在一起)into one bed to keep from freezing for they have no fire. There is nothing to eat over there, and the oldest boy came here to tell me they were starving on this bitterly cold day. “My little girls, will you givc them your breakfast, as a New Year’s gift?”
We sat silent a minute and looked at the nice, hot porridge(粥), creamy milk, and good bread and butter; for we were brought up like English children, and never drank tea or coffee, or ate anything but porridge for our breakfast.
“I wish we’d eaten it up,” thought I for I was rather a selfish child, and very hungry.
“May I go and help carry it to the poor, little children?” asked Beth, who had the tende-rest heart that ever beat under a spendy apron.
“1 can carry that little pot,” said little May, proudly giving the thing she loved best.
“And I shall take all the porridge,” I burst in, heartily ashamed of my first feeling.
“You shall put on your things and help me, and when we come back, we’ll get something to eat,” said Mother, beginning to pile the bread and butter into a big basket.
We were soon ready and set out.
As we made our way back home, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart.
On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.
Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.
Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of hear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶)。
Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to show down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.
At this moment, Paul and Beeky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
The car abruptly stopped in front of him
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.
“You have the most wonderful, caring and lovely mother,” he said. “When I was in hospital last month she took the best care of me. She made everyday better. Everyday! In fact, young lady, I shall never forget her. ”He removed his attention from me and went back to addressing my mother. I watched this stranger express his gratitude to my mom. He kept thanking her again and again.
Right then it made me understand what it meant for my mom to be a nurse. I realized what it actually meant for her to go and do her job while I was at school. She was caring for, serving, and loving random strangers, often during some of the toughest times in their lives. It wasn’t the last time that I had witnessed someone thanking Mom or complimenting her on her bedside manner, but it was the first time that I had understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning. My mom was a nurse, and sometimes life was about other people. She cared for them… and me, too.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:和妈妈逛街——遇到陌生人——赞美——介绍——感谢——感悟
3. 词汇激活
①照顾:take care of/look after/watch over
①感觉到:sense /recognize/perceive
【点睛】[高分句型1]I watched this stranger express his gratitude to my mom.(省略that的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]It wasn’t the last time that I had witnessed someone thanking Mom or complimenting her on her bedside manner, but it was the first time that I had understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning.(it’s+强调部分+that的强调句)
2.One possible version:
William arranged for the seller to park the vehicle in his front yard to surprise his mother. Then he tricked his mother outside. Krystal felt confused when she first saw the car, and William explained that he had purchased the car for her. As expected, Krystal assumed her son was playing a practical joke, so she didn’t take any of his words seriously and laughed it off. “Yeah, right!” she said jokingly.
Krystal was shocked when the seller told her the truth. She nearly couldn’t believe it but tears already filled here eyes. “There’s no way.” she murmured. William hugged his mom tightly, comforting her, “You’re my mom and you have done a lot for me, so I want to help,” William assured her. Then the seller handed the car’s keys and paperwork to Krystal, who was still in a state of shock. Mother and son then excitedly got into the car and drove off together in their white 1999 Chevrolet Metro.
【详解】1. 段落续写
3. 词类激活
【点睛】【高分句型1】Krystal felt confused when she first saw the car, and William explained that he had purchased the car for her. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型1】Then the seller handed the car’s keys and paperwork to Krystal, who was still in a state of shock. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
3.One possible version:
The day before Christmas Eve, we arrived at the small home of this family in need. We were welcome inside with smiles and appreciation. They offered drinks and bread they had just baked. We accepted the treat and took out the things we brought for them. The parents let the children put the packages under their small Christmas tree. They were picking them up, shaking them, and guessing what was inside. Allison and Blake joined the children. Before long, they were laughing and playing together. I think their hearts were full of joy to be able to give happiness to this family.
It was time to go home, and we said our goodbyes. The children gave hugs and kisses, and I could tell our visit had touched Blake and Allison. The drive home was quiet. When we arrived home and went inside, Allison looked at me and said, “Thanks, Mom,” and gave me a big hug.Then, Blake said, “Thanks, Mom, Lesson learned.”“What a meaningful Christmas!”I thought to myself. I knew my children had learned a lesson that would stay with them for a long time.
②开心:be full of joy/be joyful/be happy
【点睛】【高分句型1】We accepted the treat and took out the things we brought for them.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
【高分句型2】When we arrived home and went inside, Allison looked at me and said, “Thanks, Mom,” and gave me a big hug.(本句使用了when引导的时间状语从句)
4.One possible version
Her cruel words cut me deeply. Never before in my life had I been so overwhelmed with such grievance and helplessness that I stood there motionless. All my classmates were shaking their heads at me, totally convinced of the teacher’s claims. Driven by a strong inner voice of protesting my innocence, I made the last attempt, declaring firmly, “I am not the thief!” Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. Feeling dizzy on the spot, I grabbed my bag, dashed out of the classroom and headed home with tears in my eyes. The entire week was spent in a state of confusion-I kept to myself a lot, choosing not to talk to anyone.
A week later, when taking Miss Soh’s class, Tommy suddenly found the neatly folded RM400 slip out of his notebook. Seeing the money, he froze in puzzlement. He picked it up immediately, lost in thought. After a while, Tommy put up his hand, signaling to say something urgent. Miss Soh stepped off the platform and came up to Tommy. “What’s the matter, Tommy?” she asked with concern. “Miss Soh, here is my RM400,” he murmured. On hearing that, all my classmates were shocked, exploding into whispers. I, who was wronged by the teacher, sat still in the chair, anticipating something. Then both Miss Soh and Tommy approached me to say “SORRY” to me. It was their sincere apology and Miss Soh’s tender embrace that erased the shadow enveloping me all those days.
② 由第二段首句内容“一周后,在上Soh老师的课时,汤米突然从笔记本里找到了那张叠得整整齐齐的400RM。”可知,第二段可描写真相大白,老师和同学给作者真诚地道歉的经过。
①.相信convinced of/believe in/have faith in
②.尝试:make attempt/attempt to do/try to do/have a go
③.冲出去:dash out of/rush out of
①.不知所措的:overwhelmed/all at sea/at a loss
②道歉:say sorry to/make an apology
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Never before in my life had I been so overwhelmed with such grievance and helplessness that I stood there motionless.(运用了倒装句和状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Feeling dizzy on the spot, I grabbed my bag, dashed out of the classroom and headed home with tears in my eyes.(运用了现在分词作状语和with+宾语+宾语补足语)
【高分句型3】I, who was wronged by the teacher, sat still in the chair, anticipating something. (运用了定语从句和现在分词作状语)
5.One possible version:
My turn arrived and I took the baton (接力棒) cleanly and began my run. The air rushed past me as I moved closer to the next runner. Then disaster struck! I saw a boy run across the track into my path out of nowhere. I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. We were sent somersaulting over him after colliding with a crunch. Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race. However, the collision cost us valuable time. I handed the baton to the next runner. I knew everything was lost when he ran with all his might, but it was too late. We’d blown our chance at a medal.
As a result, I left the meet empty-handed. As a result, we just assumed it was bad luck. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it. Anyway, it had been an eventful but unsatisfying day for me. And I learned about failure and success and how to deal with them, and I am grateful for the lessons.
①靠近:move closer to /approach
②摆脱:get away from /keep away from
①沮丧的:down /disappointed/upset
②感激的:grateful /thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Because I was young and agile, I was able to quickly pick myself up and continue the race.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it.(运用了what引导的主语从句)
Moments later, Richard returned with along jungle vine (藤蔓) tied around his waist. He dived into the river and swam toward them. The current was stronger than he had expected, and since the water was muddy, he could not see clearly. But he kept going, swimming through the fierce water, “Give me your hand,” he told the girl. She was terrified because the waterfall was just a few meters away from her. The girl didn’t know how to swim. She threw herself into the water and moved toward Richard with her dog, grabbing his hand. Finally, they made it to the shore.
Richard was glad that he had saved them in time and then asked how the girl got there. The girl told him that she was Sandy. She and her dog, Simba, were playing on the road when Simba got mad suddenly and ran away. She was scared he would go missing, so she followed him on her bike to eat eh him. Somehow, Simba was drowning in the river, and she jumped into save him. But she didn’t know how to swim. Just as she was struggling, Richard showed up and saved her. Sandy had nothing to give Richard to show her thanks but the bottle of water, but she didn’t know how much it meant to Richard.
③成功:make it to/succeed
①害怕:terrified /scared/frightened
【点睛】[高分句型1] The current was stronger than he had expected, and since the water was muddy, he could not see clearly. (运用了since引导原因状语从句)
[高分句型2] The girl told him that she was Sandy. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
At this moment, Jeremy was walking by and saw them. Noticing Tamika’s teary eyes, Jeremy swallowed what he’d intended to say. A sense of guilt seized him and he stood there, frozen. Miss Snowden smiled and encouraged him, “An apology never comes late.” Jeremy raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, “I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.” Tamika looked down at her skates, wiped her tears and murmured, “Actually, that’s OK. It’s my skates”, spinning the loose wheel.
“I can fix it,” Jeremy said with confidence. Grabbing her skates, Jeremy tightened the screws in no time. He looked up brightly and handed the skates to Tamika. Tamika tried her skates and surprisingly they were working well. A slight smile lifted, “Thanks”. Jeremy felt a wave of relief flooding into his heart. “I help my dad fix things all the time. You know, I didn’t go anywhere either this summer.” he said. Then they three looked at each other and burst into laughter. Truly, they did not have to travel far to learn anything new.
注意到:notice/ take notice of
小声说:said in a low voice /whispered
高兴:brightly /delightedly
惊人:surprisingly / amazingly
【点睛】[高分句型1] Noticing Tamika’s teary eyes, Jeremy swallowed what he’d intended to say. (运用了what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Grabbing her skates, Jeremy tightened the screws in no time. (运用了现在分词作状语)
8.One possible version:
But a few years earlier, someone reached out to me on Facebook. It was Mrs. Lung’s husband! He asked me if I wanted to speak with her, and I said of course! My family and I all gathered together for the call. My parents had been wanting to thank Mrs. Lung for years as well. When I finally got the chance to hear Mrs. Lung’s voice, tears welled up in my eyes. I told her that I owed everything I’d accomplished to her, that I thought of her all the time, and that I’d been searching for her for years.
Because of Mrs. Lung’s encouragement, I became a teacher two years ago. During the two years of my teaching, I have witnessed the big changes of several struggling students after giving them patience, time and encouragement. I know a child is like a rocket filled with fuel and that all they need is a single spark to lift off into the sky. For me, Mrs. Lung was the spark. She gave me time, understanding and encouragement. I received her care and I’m passing it on.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者一岁半时来到美国,上幼儿园一个单词都不懂。幸亏作者遇到了Susannah Lung老师,Lung老师给作者补课,作者学会了阅读和写作,还在阅读理解方面获得了奖项。后来作者和老师失去了联系,最终Lung老师的丈夫联系上了作者,二人又再次团聚了。
想要:want to/urge to
获得机会:get the chance /obtain the opportunity
想着:think of/miss
感谢:thank /show gratitude to
含泪:tears well up in my eyes /be tearful
【点睛】[高分句型1] I told her that I owed everything I’d accomplished to her, that I thought of her all the time, and that I’d been searching for her for years. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] He asked me if I wanted to speak with her, and I said of course! (运用了if引导宾语从句)
We were soon ready and set out. Mother led the way, carrying the basket of bread and butter,while we followed with our breakfast. I walked behind, feeling ashamed for my selfish thoughts earlier. Arriving at the poor woman’s home, we’re met with six children huddled together in one bed. Mother quickly set to work, warming the porridge on the stove while Beth and May helped to give away the bread and butter. I watched as they eagerly ate the food, their eyes shining with gratitude.
As we made our way back home, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart. From that day forward, I knew that I would always try hard to help those in need, no matter how small the gesture is. And as we sat down to our own breakfast that day, I felt truly grateful for all that we had, and for the opportunity to give to those who had so little. Giving was far more important than taking, which made the biggest difference in people’s lives.
①开始工作:set to work / get to work / start to work
②看:watch/ look at/ see
③抵达:arrive at / get to/ reach
①羞愧的:ashamed / humiliating
②感激的:grateful/ thankful/ appreciative
【点睛】[高分句型1] And as we sat down to our own breakfast that day, I felt truly grateful for all that we had, and for the opportunity to give to those who had so little.(as引导的时间状语从句,that引导的限制性定语从句以及who引导的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Giving was far more important than taking, which made the biggest difference in people’s lives.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
10.One possible version:
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul and Becky got out of the car immediately to give the help. With nothing in the hand, they felt nervous and didn't dare to fight against the wolf. However, they still approached to the wolf bravely. At the same time, the wolf also saw them and turned its head back, howling angrily towards Paul and Becky. Mac then jumped off the bicycle and was ready to fight against the wolf. Then came the deadlock.
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf. Mac's friends also jumped off their bicycles and joined the fight with the wolf. More and more cars stopped. Some drivers took out the sticks from the cars, and some took out the knives, even the guns towards the wolf. In the meanwhile, the wolf might feel the people's threats around, so it gave up with disappointed look and began to step back slowly. Soon, it ran away off the road and disappeared in the distance.
【导语】本文以时间发展为线索展开,讲述了小学老师Mac Hollan和朋友们在骑自行车去阿拉斯加的路上遇到了狼,被开车去阿拉斯加的保罗和比基遇上并搭救的经历。
①给:give /offer/present
②放弃:give up /abandon
③看见:see /spot/catch sight of
①感到紧张:feel nervous/feel stressed
②失望的;垂头丧气的:disappointed /frustrated
【点睛】[高分句型1]. With nothing in the hand, they felt nervous and didn't dare to fight against the wolf.(with复合结构)
[高分句型2]. They found the dangerous situation, where three men circled the wolf.(where引导的定语从句)
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