I was putting on my boots just now in what the novelists call “a brown study.” There was no urgent reason for putting on my boots. I was not going out, and my slippers were much more comfortable. But something had to be done. I wanted a subject for an article. Now if you are accustomed to writing articles for a living, you will know that sometimes the difficulty is not writing the article, but choosing a subject. It is not poverty you suffer from, but an embarrassment of riches.
But what has this to do with putting on my boots? It is a reasonable question and I will tell you. For an hour I had paced my room in my slippers in search of a subject. I had looked out of the window over the sunlit valley, and watched the smoke of a distant train disappearing towards the west. I had sharpened every pencil I had on me with great care. But the more I sharpened my pencils, the more anxious I grew about the theme for an article.
It was at this moment that I remembered my boots. The act of bending my body changed the current of the blood. You saw things in a new light. So I fetched my boots and sat down to put them on.
The thing worked like a charm. For in my preoccupied condition I picked up my right boot first. Then mechanically I put it down and seized the left boot. And then the fact flashed on me that all my life I had been putting on my left boot first. If you had asked me five minutes before which boot I put on first, I should have said that there was no first about it; yet now I found I was in a habit so fixed that the attempt to put on my right boot first affected me. The thing couldn’t be done. And then came into my mind that fascinating book of Samuel Butler’s on Life and Habit. Yes, certainly, here was a subject that would “go.” I took out a pencil, seized some writing paper, and sat down to write on “The Force of Habit.”
1.By “It is not poverty you suffer from, but an embarrassment of riches.” in paragraph 1, the author means _____.
A.some subjects are too complicated or embarrassing to write on
B.poverty is no longer a problem nowadays, but embarrassment is
C.poor people don’t encounter as many embarrassments as the rich
D.there’re so many subjects that it’s hard to decide which to choose
2.Why did the author sharpen his pencils with great care?
A.To help himself promote thinking. B.To draw what he saw out of the window.
C.To write his article more smoothly. D.To relieve himself of anxiety about writing.
3.Putting on the boots helped the author _____.
A.get rid of his fixed habit B.lower his blood pressure
C.see things from a new angle D.free his preoccupied mind
4.The passage is mainly about the author’s _____.
A.personal attitude towards habits B.daily routines as a professional writer
C.writing process of a special article D.decision making on the theme for an article
One of the curious things about social networks is the way that some messages, pictures, or ideas can spread like wildfire while others that seem just as catchy or interesting barely register at all.
Before you go deep into the puzzle, consider this: If you measure the height of your male friends, for example, the average is about 170 centimeters. You are 172 and your friends are all about the same height as you are. Indeed, the mathematical concept of “average” is a good way to capture the nature of this data set.
But imagine that one of your friends was much taller than you. This person would dramatically skew the average, which would make your friends taller than you, on average. In this case, the “average” is a poor way to capture this data set.
Exactly this situation occurs on social networks. On average, your coauthors will be cited more often than you, and the people you follow will post more frequently than you, and so on.
Now Lerman from University of Southern California has discovered a related paradox, which they call the majority illusion. They illustrate this illusion with an example. They take 14 nodes linked up to form a small network. They then color three of these nodes and count how many of the remaining nodes link to them in a single step.
In one situation, the uncolored nodes see more than half of their neighbors as colored. This is the majority illusion — the local impression that a specific feature is common when the global truth is entirely different.
So how popular is it in the real world? It’s found out that the majority illusion occurs in almost all network scenarios. “The effect is largest in the political blogs network, where 60% of nodes will have majority active neighbours, even when only 20% of the nodes are truly active,” says Lerman.
It immediately explains many interesting phenomena. For a start, it shows how some content can spread globally while other similar content does not — the key is to start with a small number of well-connected early adopters fooling the rest of the network into thinking it is common. The affected nodes then find it natural to follow the trend. A real spread finally comes into being.
But it is not yet a marketer’s charter. For that, marketers must first identify the popular nodes that can create the majority illusion for the target audience. These influencers must then be persuaded to adopt the desired behavior or product, which is essential to the prospect of the marketing plan.
5.The phrase skew the average in the passage most probably refers to the action of ________.
A.hiding the real average to be unrecognizable to others
B.producing an average against the general feature of data
C.working out the common feature suggested by the average
D.ignoring the average because of the frequency by which it is reviewed
6.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Majority illusion rarely has impacts except in political blogs field.
B.The majority illusion on social networks relies on that people you follow post more than you.
C.The essence of successful opinion spread is to initiate the trend with well-connected sharers.
D.The spread scale of ideas on networks mainly depends on the quality of content.
7.To guarantee the success of marketing promotion, it’s vital to ________.
A.thoroughly understand the concept of majority illusion
B.accurately figure out who is the powerful person to affect others
C.definitely decide who are the target audience for the promotion
D.successfully convince the influencers to practice certain action
8.What is most probably the title of the passage?
A.The social network vision that tricks your mind.
B.Who is stealing your network identity?
C.Minority network opinion spread, curse or blessing?
D.Have you been misled during the last political voting?
I was in Chicago for a job training when I knew a nearby theatre was releasing a film about saving dogs. I love animals and this fundraising event sounded right up my alley. However, none of my co-workers could squeeze time for me. I got cold feet for anxiety about navigating the streets by myself at night alone.
But in my hotel room I felt restless and bored. The theatre was only about five blocks away from the hotel. How could I stray? Hence, I decided to brave it. I gathered my room key and set off.
I managed to find the street of the theatre but when I turned the corner I stopped in shock. The street in front of the theatre was full of bikers-lots of very big, tough-looking bikers.
Now I was a woman all alone at night. There were many large men, all wearing insignia suggesting they were in some sort of club or gang. Warning bells began to sound and my heart jumped in my throat. Was I at the right theatre? Had I misread the date of the event?
I finally decided that I would be safer inside the theatre where there was, presumably, a crowd of people. I scurried into the theatre. As I sat there, heart racing, waiting for the film to start, I muttered a prayer to contain my anxieties. A local blues-rock band was the opening act and their performance drew my attention. Enthusiasm for the band’s performance soon took away all my worries from my mind and I began to relax.
After the band, the film began and I understood the presence of the bikers after a conversation with the staff. Being part of an animal rescue group, they had escorted dogs from New Jersey to Chicago. At that moment. I was struck by the bond that had drawn so many disparate folks to the theatre. Singers, sportsmen, ordinary workers-had all been brought together by our shared love of animals. I made new friends. I discovered a new band and supported an important cause. I stayed till the very end and made it to my hotel without any incident, overjoyed that I broke out of the boundary I used to set for myself and ventured into the unknown. To my amazement, the reward was one of the best nights of my life.
9.The author didn’t go to the theatre at first because ________.
A.the theatre was far right up the alley
B.she couldn’t spare time from the training
C.she was afraid of getting lost on the way
D.she was concerned that she would catch cold at night
10.Which of the following statements about the author is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The group of bikers accompanied her into the theatre.
B.People inside the theatre rescued her from the harm of bikers.
C.She rang bells to warn people of possible dangers.
D.The opening act was successful in calming her down.
11.The underlined word disparate in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A.respectable B.diverse C.restless D.common
12.The woman returned back to the hotel very happy because ________.
A.she discovered a band she loved
B.she successfully went back to the hotel safe
C.she knew the reason for the presence of all the bikers
D.she stepped out of comfort zone and got good results
WHAT IS SCIENCE GAMES?With a focus on collaboration, connection, discovery, and fun, students in British Columbia will have an opportunity to participate in a 3-week science journey in July 2023! At Science Games, students from Grades 1–6 across BC explore science first-hand in an online group led by engineers and geoscientists.
This interactive event hosted online gives students the chance to investigate the ways science affects their everyday lives. Diving deep into the world of innovation, participants will connect with other like-minded students and work together online to create their own solutions during each Saturday activity session.
Division 1(Grades 1–3)
Division 2(Grades 4–6)
July 15, 2023
9:00 AM–11:00 AM
2:00 PM–5:00 PM
July 22, 2023
9:00 AM–11:00 AM
2:00 PM–5:00 PM
July 29, 2023
9:00 AM–11:00 AM
2:00 PM–5:00 PM
To participate in these sessions, your child must be signed up as a 2023 Science Games participant and pay a $25 + GST registration fee. If there is a financial barrier to your participation in the 2023 Science Games, you can apply for a bursary for a reduced rate. The online Science Games Bursary application form will be available when registration launches.
Parents/Guardians can register their child/children as:
Individual Participants
Group Participants
Please note:
You can group registrations with a group code. The group size maximum is 3 participants so you can only share your code with 2 other Science Games participants.
Science Games participants will also receive a package from Engineers and Geoscientists BC at the end of June. This package includes items that are necessary for participation in a particular Science Games activity.
Have any other questions about Science Games 2023? Email us at sciencegames@egbc.ca.
13.According to the information above, Science Games is most probably ________.
A.a science website B.a package of games
C.an online program D.a group competition
14.What does the underlined word “bursary” probably mean?
A.Admission. B.Reward. C.Budget. D.Scholarship.
15.Which of the following is TRUE about Science Games?
A.Each session of the virtual program will last two hours.
B.Students will conduct hands-on experiments with scientists.
C.Parents need to prepare activity materials for their children.
D.Each registration group can have no more than 3 participants.
Casting blame is natural: it is tempting to fault someone else for a mistake rather than taking responsibility yourself. But blame is also harmful. It makes it less likely that people will own up to mistakes, and thus less likely that organizations can learn from them. Research published in 2015 suggests that firms whose managers pointed to external factors to explain their failings underperformed companies that blamed themselves.
Blame culture can spread like a virus. Just as children fear mom and dad’s punishment if they admit to wrongdoing, in a blaming environment, employees are afraid of criticism and punishment if they acknowledge making a mistake at work. Blame culture asks, “who dropped the ball?” instead of “where did our systems and processes fail?” The focus is on the individuals, not the processes. It’s much easier to point fingers at a person or department instead of doing the harder, but the more beneficial, exercise of fixing the root cause, so the problem does not happen again.
The No Blame Culture was introduced to make sure errors and deficiencies (缺陷) were highlighted by employees as early as possible. It originated in organizations where tiny errors can have catastrophic (灾难性的) consequences. These are known as high reliability organizations (HROs) and include hospitals, submarines and airlines. Because errors can be so disastrous in these organizations, it’s dangerous to operate in an environment where employees don’t feel able to report errors that have been made or raise concerns about that deficiencies may turn into future errors. The No Blame Culture maximizes accountability because all contributions to the event occurring are identified and reviewed for possible change and improvement.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which supervises air traffic across the United States, makes it clear that its role is not to assign blame or liability but to find out what went wrong and to issue recommendations to avoid a repeat. The proud record of the airline industry in reducing accidents partly reflects no-blame processes for investigating crashes and close calls. The motive to learn from errors also exist when the risks are lower. That is why software engineers and developers routinely investigate what went wrong if a website crashes or a server goes down.
There is an obvious worry about embracing blamelessness. What if the website keeps crashing and the same person is at fault? Sometimes, after all, blame is deserved. The idea of the “just culture”, a framework developed in the 1990s by James Reason, a psychologist, addresses the concern that the incompetent and the malevolent (恶意的) will be let off the hook. The line that Britain’s aviation regulator draws between honest errors and the other sort is a good starting-point. It promises a culture in which people “are not punished for actions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training”. That narrows room for blame but does not remove it entirely.
16.According to the research published in 2015, companies that ________ had better performance.
A.blamed external factors B.owned up to mistakes
C.conducted investigations D.admitted failures
17.According to the passage, the No Blame Culture ________.
A.encourages the early disclosure of errors
B.only exists in high reliability organizations
C.enables people to shift the blame onto others
D.prevents organizations to learn from errors
18.What is the major concern about embracing blamelessness according to the passage?
A.Innocent people might take the blame by admitting their failure.
B.Being blamed for mistakes can destroy trust in employees.
C.The line between honest errors and the other sort is not clear.
D.People won’t learn their lessons if they aren’t blamed for failures.
19.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Why We Fail to Learn from Our Own Mistakes
B.How to Avoid Disastrous Errors in Organizations
C.Why We Should Stop the Blame Game at Work
D.How to Deal with Workplace Blame Culture
Andy smiled as he and his field day team stepped up to their last activity. They were in first place, and Andy could already feel the medal around his neck.
“How exciting!” Mrs. Emory said. “You two teams are tied with the highest score of the day.”
“Tied?” Andy said. “But we beat them at the relay race.”
“Yes, but that was their only loss,” Mrs. Emory said. “Your team also has one loss, so you are both tied for first place.”
Andy crossed his arms in front of his chest. He didn’t want to think about the balloon toss (抛). He’d been the first one to drop his balloon.
“This event is a hula hoop(呼啦圈) challenge,” Mrs. Emory said, handing everyone a hula hoop.
“Are we supposed to see how far we can roll them?” Andy asked. “No. Your challenge is to hula hoop for as long as possible. Once your hoop hits the ground, you will be disqualified. The last person hula hooping will win the event for their team.”
Andy’s eyes widened. He’d never hula hooped before. He looked at the rest of his team. Becky seemed confident and so did Cory. They only needed one person to do well in order to win.
“Can we start?” asked Rachelle, the other team’s captain. She must have done this before because she was excited about the challenge.
Mrs. Emory blew her whistle. “Begin!” Andy watched Rachelle and mimicked everything she did. But no matter how hard he tried, the hoop wouldn’t stay up. It dropped and fell to his ankles. He stepped aside and cheered for Becky and Cory who were the only ones left to battle Rachelle.
Becky sneezed and her hoop fell to the ground. Andy grumbled, but he started cheering even louder for Cory. Andy stared at Rachelle. She looked so relaxed. Her team was chanting her name, and it took Andy a moment to realize Cory had dropped his hoop.
The challenge was over, and Rachelle had won, which meant Andy’s team had lost. But Andy couldn’t help cheering for Rachelle as she continued to hula hoop. Rachelle was still hula hooping when Mrs. Emory gave out the medals. Andy wore his second-place medal with pride as he congratulated Rachelle, the true field day champion.
20.What can we learn about Andy from the first paragraph?
A.He felt the weight of the medal hanging from his neck.
B.He got the gold medal because he got the highest score.
C.He wanted to take off his medal so he could perform better.
D.He was confident about becoming the field day champion.
21.The underlined word mimicked could be replace by ________.
A.made fun of B.imitated C.criticised D.cheered for
22.How did Andy feel when he received his medal?
A.Disappointed. B.Angry. C.Proud. D.Confused.
23.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Andy’s team beat the others in the previous activities.
B.Andy is a confident player and has good sportsmanship.
C.Andy didn’t cheer for Rachelle because he lost the game.
D.Andy’s team members had never hula hooped before.
If you really want to see all that Yellowstone Park has to offer, it would take you a lifetime! However, most of us do not have a lifetime to spend in Yellowstone, but in 2-3 full days, you will be able to hit most of the highlights.
There is no such thing as racing around the park. Yellowstone has 154 miles of a main highway, known as the Grand Loop Road. The general park speed limit is 45 miles per hour but in normal traffic, you will be lucky to average 30 miles per hour. Figure at least an hour of driving time for every thirty miles of distance. If you plan to get off the bus and visit the park, it will take at least 1.2 to 2 hours at almost every stop. In addition, there will be any mumber of unscheduled stops, such as waiting for wild animals to cross the road
A suggested starting point for your tour of Yellowstone National Park is to enter through the South Gate, which is approximately sixty-two miles north of Jackson, Wyoming. Everyone comes to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful.Although,not the largest geyser (间歇泉) to erupt in the Park,it is the most reliable regarding the time of eruption. The time of the eruption,the length of the eruption and the height of the eruption vary from year to year. As you enter the Park, ask the Park Information Office if he has information on the expected times for the eruption of Old Faithful.
As you drive north on the Grand Loop Road, keep an eye out for wildlife. At Grant Village Junction, turn left (west) and head toward Old Faithful Village. Once at Old Faithful Village, take some time to walk around the boardwalks and visit some of the many other geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin. Include the 1.4-mile walk to Morning Glory Pool, one of the most colorful thermal (热能) features in all of Yellowstone.And do not forget to visit the Old Faithful Inn,which is the single most impressive human structure in Yellowstone.
Continue on north and visit the Lower Geyser Basin. The area is scattered and features regularly erupting geysers, hot springs, and a fascinating mud pool. After leaving the Lower Geyser Basin, continue north to Norris Junction and stay to the right to travel to Norris Geyser Basin. One of Yellowstone’s most popular geyser basins, Norris is home to one of the Park’s most popular geysers and Steamboat. In addition, there are several miles of boardwalks from which you can explore dozens of multi-colored thermal features.
As for more, go on a Sightseeing Tour of Yellowstone to see it all.
Yellowstone Scenic Tours - Private Day Trips
Yellowstone YearRound Adventures
Experience Montana With Front Seat Guided Bus Tour
24.What can you learn from the first paragraph?
A.Some people live in parks all their lives. B.Hardly anyone can see the whole park.
C.The park can provide you with everything. D.It’s enough to spend a few days in the park.
25.What does the underlined phrase “unscheduled stops” refer to?
A.The walking speed of wild animals being affected.
B.Travelers’ stopping and going in the park.
C.The vehicles’ being parked in the proper area.
D.The traffic’s stopping to make way for wild animals.
26.Which of the following travel maps is true according to Paragraph 4-5?
A. B.
C. D.
Mona Lisa, also called Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, Italian La Gioconda, or French La Joconde, oil painting on a wood panel by Leonardo da Vinci, is probably the world’s most famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1519, when Leonardo was living in Florence, and it now hangs in the Louvre Museum, Paris, attracting people throughout the world to see it in the 21st century. The sitter’s mysterious smile and her unproven identity have made the painting a source of ongoing investigation and fascination.
But at least a dozen excellent copies of the Mona Lisa exist, many of them by Leonardo’s students. One such copy at the Prado Museum in Madrid was thought to have been painted years after the original. However, during the restoration of the painting in the early 2010s, which included using advanced reflexology to examine the work beneath the surface, conservators discovered that the painting had changes that mirrored those of the original. The findings suggested that the artist—likely one of the master’s assistants—painted the copy as Leonardo worked on the Mona Lisa in his studio. Thus, “the Prado version” became the only known copy completed during Leonardo’s lifetime. Conservators cleaned the entire painting and removed its black background, revealing a detailed landscape resembling Leonardo’s version and vibrant colors, possibly arousing those of the original before the paint applied by early restorers darkened over time.
Other copies of the Mona Lisa include so-called Isleworth Mona Lisa, which some critics claim is da Vinci’s first edition. The claim was a controversial one, with several leading Leonardo scholars flatly denying it. Numerous interpretations, often referred to as Monna Vanna, also exist and were likely completed by Leonardo’s students with occasional input from their master.
In June, a copy of the Mona Lisa is said to have been sold for a record 2.9 million euros (22 million yuan) at Christie’s in Paris. The copy is believed to have been made by a follower of Leonardo da Vinci in the early 17th century and later was purchased by Harkin in 1953 from an art dealer in Nice, France, hence it got the name Heggin’s Mona Lisa. High imitation is also worth money! As the art investment market heats up. various art reproductions continue to emerge. Collectors have not shut out these fine copies, some of which have not only made it into the house, but also sold for high prices. Is it really worth it to pay a high price for an art reproduction? This issue is getting more and more attention from collectors.
27.What can we learn about Mona Lisa in Para. 1?
A.This painting has been sold out.
B.Her smile and identity arouse people’s curiosity.
C.The painting is said to be hanging in Florence now.
D.The painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci in France.
28.What does “the Prado version“refer to in the passage?
A.All the restored copies. B.The works of early restorers.
C.A copy from the Prado Museum. D.An excellent copy of da Vinci.
29.Why don’t collectors turn away these wonderful reproductions?
A.Because of the entertainment. B.Because of the love for painters.
C.Because of the short supply. D.Because of the high returns.
30.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Mona Lisa B.Other Mona Lisas
C.Mona Lisa’s Smile D.Mona Lisa’s Value
The world is wasting the opportunity to ”build back better“ from the Covid-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7°C if countries fail to strengthen their climate commitments, according to a report from the UN.
Tuesday’s publication warns that countries’ current commitments would reduce carbon by only about 7.5% by 2030,far less than the 45% cut, which scientists say is needed to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°℃, the aim of the Cop26summit that opens in Glasgow this Sunday.
António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, described the findings as a “thundering wake-up call“ to world leaders. while experts called for action against fossil fuel companies.
Although more than 100 countries have promised to reach net zero emissions around mid-century, this would not be enough to avoid climate disasters, according to the UN emissions report, which examines the shortfall between countries’ intentions and actions needed on the climate. Many of the net zero commitments were found to be unclear, and unless accompanied by strict cuts in emissions this decade would allow global heating of a potentially disastrous extent.
Guterres said: “The heat is on, and as the contents of the report show, the leadership we need is off. Far off. Countries are wasting a massive opportunity to invest Covid-19 finance and recovery resources in sustainable, cost-saving, planet-saving ways. As world leaders prepare for Cop26, this report is another thundering wake-up call. How many do we need?”
Inger Andersen, the director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said: “Climate change is no longer a future problem. It is a now problem. To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5℃, we have 8 years to almost halve greenhouse gas emissions: 8 years to make the plans, put in place the policies, carry them out and deliver the cuts.The clock is ticking loudly.”
Emissions fell by about 5.4% last year during Covid lockdowns, the report found, but only about one-fifth of the economic recovery spending goes towards reducing carbon emissions. This failure to ”build back better“ despite promises by governments around the world cast doubt on the world’s willingness to make the economic shift necessary to settle the climate crisis, the UN said.
In the run-up to Cop26, countries were supposed to submit national plans to cut emissions - called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) - for the next decade, a requirement under the 2015 Paris climate agreement. But the UNEP report found only half of countries had submitted new NDCs, and some governments had presented weak plans.
31.Why were the findings described as a “thundering wake-up call”in Para. 3?
A.Because the world has failed to deliver on its current promises.
B.Because the serious problems were brought about by global fossil fuels.
C.Because a global temperature rise of at least 2.7°C would be a disaster.
D.Because the opportunities presented by covid-19 have been wasted.
32.According to the author, in what circumstances is global warming avoidable?
A.New plans will be made to protect the environment.
B.Measures will be taken to reduce emissions in the coming ten years.
C.Transitions will be made in response to the global climate crisis.
D.Global sustainable environmental resources will be greatly developed.
33.What is the author’s purpose in saying ”How many do we need?“ in Para. 5?
A.To show the number of alarm clocks required.
B.To inquire the number of the countries attending the meeting.
C.To explain the reason for the world’s wasting chances.
D.To stress the need to save energy and reduce emissions.
34.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Few countries have submitted plans to reduce the emissions.
B.Most of the countries work under the Paris Climate Agreement.
C.Plans to cut emissions of many countries are far from satisfactory.
D.Much progress in reducing emissions has been made these years.
If you search the internet these days, you’ll likely run across some strange-looking, yet cheerful cartoon characters. These computer-created people have small heads and overdone bodies. They’re created in daring color with arms and legs that look like giant wet noodles. The happy figures are often moving or doing something creative.
In 2017 Facebook paid a design team to develop a positive illustration system. One of the designers took that message to heart. She worked to show human connection, motion, energy and joy in her drawings. She “wanted to picture that sense of joy people feel when they’re sharing things together … .” The name which was given to the new art form when it was completed was very appropriate. They named it Alegria, which means joy in Spanish. Before long Alegria became the go-to style for many technology and media businesses. Corporations such as Google, Airbnb and YouTube began using Alegria or art with Alegria-type similarities. Today you can find Alegria art across the internet, in print, on magazine covers and more.
Why did Alegria art become popular so quickly? There are many reasons. As websites depended on illustrations to fill space, Alegria-type art became increasingly useful. The style is flat, simple and easy to create. By comparison, more detailed art designs require extra time, skill and money to produce. Businesses also love the fact that Alegria’s characters celebrate diversity by featuring international cultural events. The illustrations convey good feelings. Those feelings help people believe they can trust the companies that feature them on their pages.
For some consumers, though, that’s a problem. These people think some companies have simply papered over their problems with positive images. They’ve failed to address their wrongdoings or make lasting changes. For many, however, Alegria is a nice visual language that represents happiness. From children hugging to couples dancing, the images are all about positive energy. All in all, it seems that Alegria is the perfect name of this playful, fun art style.
35.Which of the following features makes Alegria art style so well received quickly?
A.Its cheerful room-filling images.
B.Its trustworthy figures.
C.Its role as cultural representatives.
D.Its eye-catching details.
36.We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.Alegria images may help hide faults
B.positive images convey funny messages
C.illustrations can be audio in some way
D.small-sized cartoon characters enjoy popularity
37.Alegria is thought as the perfect name for the art style because of its ______.
A.system and creativity B.technology and impact
C.popularity and profit D.meaning and function
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D
1.句意猜测题。联系这句话的上一句“Now if you are accustomed to writing articles for a living, you will know that sometimes the difficulty is not writing the article, but choosing a subject.(现在,如果你已经习惯了以写文章为生,你就会知道,有时困难并不在于写文章,而在于选主题。)”可知,作者认为写文章远远没有选择主题困难。由此判断,这句话的意思指的是主题太多太难选择。故选D。
2.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“For an hour I had paced my room in my slippers in search of a subject. I had looked out of the window over the sunlit valley, and watched the smoke of a distant train disappearing towards the west. I had sharpened every pencil I had on me with great care.(为了找一个话题,我穿着拖鞋在房间里踱了一个小时。我望着窗外阳光普照的山谷,看着远处火车的烟雾向西消失。我小心翼翼地削好了随身携带的每一支铅笔。)”可知,作者小心翼翼地削好了随身携带的每一支铅笔是为了提升思维,找到一个话题。故选A。
3.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“You saw things in a new light. So I fetched my boots and sat down to put them on.(你从新的角度看问题。于是我把靴子拿来,坐下来穿上。)”以及第四段“The thing worked like a charm. For in my preoccupied condition I picked up my right boot first. Then mechanically I put it down and seized the left boot. And then the fact flashed on me that all my life I had been putting on my left boot first. If you had asked me five minutes before which boot I put on first, I should have said that there was no first about it; yet now I found I was in a habit so fixed that the attempt to put on my right boot first affected me.(这东西很管用。因为在我全神贯注的情况下,我先拿起了我的右靴子。然后我机械地把它放下,抓起左边的靴子。这时我突然想到,我这一辈子都是先穿左边的靴子。如果你在五分钟前问我先穿哪只靴子,我就会说没有先穿这回事;然而现在我发现我已经养成了一个固定的习惯,以至于先试着穿上右边的靴子都会影响到我。)”可知,穿靴子这件事帮助作者从其他角度看待问题,给了作者灵感。故选C。
4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“There was no urgent reason for putting on my boots. I was not going out, and my slippers were much more comfortable. But something had to be done. I wanted a subject for an article. Now if you are accustomed to writing articles for a living, you will know that sometimes the difficulty is not writing the article, but choosing a subject.(没有什么紧急的理由让我穿上靴子。我不出去,我的拖鞋舒服多了。但是必须做点什么。我想找个文章的题目。现在,如果你已经习惯了以写文章为生,你就会知道,有时困难并不在于写文章,而在于选题目。)”可知,作者苦于找不到文章的主题;以及最后一段“And then came into my mind that fascinating book of Samuel Butler’s on Life and Habit. Yes, certainly, here was a subject that would “go.” I took out a pencil, seized some writing paper, and sat down to write on “The Force of Habit.”(然后,我想起了塞缪尔·巴特勒那本关于生活和习惯的迷人的书。是的,当然,这是一个可以“走”的主题。我拿出一支铅笔,抓起几张信纸,坐下来开始写“习惯的力量”)”可知,作者穿靴子时有了灵感,从而确定了文章的主题。故选D。
5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A
5.词句猜测题。根据第二段“If you measure the height of your male friends, for example, the average is about 170 centimeters. You are 172 and your friends are all about the same height as you are.(例如,如果你测量你的男性朋友的身高,他的平均身高约为170厘米。你172厘米,你的朋友都和你差不多高)”以及画线词上文“But imagine that one of your friends was much taller than you(但是想象一下你的一个朋友比你高很多。)”和后文“which would make your friends taller than you, on average(这会让你的朋友们平均比你高。)”可知,如果你的一个朋友比你高得多,那么你的朋友们平均身高都比你高,即这种情况下得出的平均身份是根据朋友的一般特征生成的。故文章中的“倾斜平均值”一词很可能是指“根据数据的一般特征生成平均值的行为”。故选B。
6.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“For a start, it shows how some content can spread globally while other similar content does not — the key is to start with a small number of well-connected early adopters fooling the rest of the network into thinking it is common. The affected nodes then find it natural to follow the trend. A real spread finally comes into being.(首先,它展示了一些内容是如何在全球范围内传播的,而其他类似的内容却不能——关键是要从一小部分关系良好的早期采用者开始,让网络的其余部分认为这是普遍的。受影响的节点会自然而然地跟随趋势。一次真正的传播最终出现)”可知,C选项“成功的舆论传播的本质是借助人脉广泛的分享者发起潮流”正确。故选C。
7.细节理解题。根据最后一段“These influencers must then be persuaded to adopt the desired behavior or product, which is essential to the prospect of the marketing plan.(然后,必须说服这些有影响力的人采用所需的行为或产品,这对营销计划的前景至关重要)”可知,为了保证营销推广的成功,成功地说服有影响力的人采取一定的行动至关重要。故选D。
8.主旨大意题。根据第一段“One of the curious things about social networks is the way that some messages, pictures, or ideas can spread like wildfire while others that seem just as catchy or interesting barely register at all.(社交网络的一个奇妙之处在于,一些信息、图片或想法可以像野火一样传播,而另一些看起来朗朗上口或有趣的东西却几乎没有人注意到)”结合文章解释了这一现象背后的原因以及相关研究。可知,A选项“欺骗你思维的社交网络愿景”最符合文章标题。故选A。
9.C 10.D 11.B 12.D
9.细节理解题。根据第二段“But in my hotel room I felt restless and bored. The theatre was only about five blocks away from the hotel. How could I stray? (但在我的酒店房间里,我感到不安和无聊。剧院离旅馆只有五个街区。我怎么会迷路呢?)”可知,作者起初没有去剧院,因为她害怕在路上迷路。故选C。
10.细节理解题。根据第五段“A local blues-rock band was the opening act and their performance drew my attention. Enthusiasm for the band’s performance soon took away all my worries from my mind and I began to relax. (一个当地的布鲁斯摇滚乐队作为开场表演,他们的表演引起了我的注意。对乐队演出的热情很快驱散了我所有的忧虑,我开始放松下来)”可知,D选项“开场表演成功地使她平静下来”正确。故选D。
11.词句猜测题。根据画线词后文“Singers, sportsmen, ordinary workers-had all been brought together by our shared love of animals. I made new friends. (歌手、运动员、普通工人——都因我们对动物的共同热爱而走到了一起)”可知,来剧院的形形色色,有歌手、运动员、普通工人,即不同的人。故画线词意思是“不同的”。故选B。
12.细节理解题。根据最后一段“I made new friends. I discovered a new band and supported an important cause. I stayed till the very end and made it to my hotel without any incident, overjoyed that I broke out of the boundary I used to set for myself and ventured into the unknown. To my amazement, the reward was one of the best nights of my life.(我交了新朋友。我发现了一个新的乐队,并支持了一项重要的事业。我一直呆到最后,没有发生任何意外地到达我的旅馆,我很高兴我打破了我过去给自己设定的界限,冒险进入未知的领域。令我惊讶的是,这是我一生中最美好的夜晚之一)”可知,这位女士很高兴地回到了酒店,因为她走出了舒适区,得到了很好的结果。故选D。
13.C 14.D 15.D
13.推理判断题。根据第一框第二段中“This interactive event hosted online gives students the chance to investigate the ways science affects their everyday lives. (这个在线举办的互动活动让学生有机会调查科学如何影响他们的日常生活)”可知,Science Games最有可能是在线活动。故选C项。
14.词句猜测题。划线词句后文“The online Science Games Bursary application form will be available when registration launches. (网上科学游戏助学金申请表将于报名时提供)”以及本句中“for a reduced rate(以降低费率)”说明网上科学游戏可以申请助学金,这样能降低费用,从而推知划线词句“If there is a financial barrier to your participation in the 2023 Science Games, you can apply for a bursary for a reduced rate. (如果你参加2023年科学运动会有经济障碍,你可以申请bursary,以降低费率)”其中划线短语应为“助学金”的意思。故选D项。
15.细节理解题。根据第二框第一段中“The group size maximum is 3 participants so you can only share your code with 2 other Science Games participants. (小组人数最多为3人,因此你只能与其他2名科学游戏参与者分享你的代码)”可知,每个注册组的参与者不超过3人。故选D项。
16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C
16.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Research published in 2015 suggests that firms whose managers pointed to external factors to explain their failings underperformed companies that blamed themselves.”(2015年发表的一项研究表明,那些经理把失败归咎于外部因素的公司,其表现不如那些把失败归咎于自己的公司。)可知,把失败原因归咎于自身即承认自身错误的公司比把失败归咎于外部因素的公司表现得好。故选B项。
17.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The No Blame Culture was introduced to make sure errors and deficiencies (缺陷) were highlighted by employees as early as possible. ”(引入“不责怪文化”,确保员工尽早指出错误和不足。)可知,“不责怪文化”可以鼓励员工尽早揭露错误和不足。故选A项。
18.细节理解题。根据最后一段前两句“There is an obvious worry about embracing blamelessness. What if the website keeps crashing and the same person is at fault? Sometimes, after all, blame is deserved.”(对于拥护“不责怪文化”也存在明显的担忧。如果网站一直崩溃,而罪魁祸首是同一个人,该怎么办?毕竟,有时候,被责备是罪有应得。)可知,如果对于错误不再指责,有些人可能会不断地犯同样的错误,无法吸取教训。故选D项。
19.主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句“But blame is also harmful. It makes it less likely that people will own up to mistakes, and thus less likely that organizations can learn from them.”(但是责备也是有害的。这使得人们不太可能承认错误,因此组织也不太可能从中吸取教训。)及第二段第一句“Blame culture can spread like a virus.”(责备就像病毒一样传播。)可知文章前两段主要论述了职场中“责怪文化”的弊端,并结合下文对“不责怪文化”好处的论述可知,文章主要分析了职场中应该停止“责怪文化”的原因,并引进“不责怪文化”,C项“为什么我们应该停止工作中的指责文化”适合做文章标题。故选C项。
20.D 21.B 22.C 23.B
20.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Andy smiled as he and his field day team stepped up to their last activity. They were in first place, and Andy could already feel the medal around his neck.”(安迪微笑着,他和他的团队开始了最后一项活动。他们现在排名领先,安迪已经能感觉到挂在脖子上的奖牌了)可知,安迪的团队现在排名领先,他非常有信心能够成为冠军,仿佛金牌已经挂在脖子上了。故选D项。
21.词义猜测题。根据第八段第一句“Andy’s eyes widened. He’d never hula hooped before.”(安迪睁大了眼睛。他以前从来没有玩过呼啦圈)及第九段““Can we start?” asked Rachelle, the other team’s captain. She must have done this before because she was excited about the challenge.”(“我们可以开始了吗?”另一支球队的队长蕾切尔尔问。她以前一定做过这个,因为她对这个挑战很兴奋)可知,安迪之前没有玩过呼啦圈,而蕾切尔玩的非常好,所以正式比赛时,安迪会观察蕾切尔并模仿她的动作。故推测mimicked是“模仿”的意思。故选B项。
22.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Andy wore his second-place medal with pride as he congratulated Rachelle, the true field day champion.”(安迪自豪地戴着第二名的奖牌,向真正的体育比赛日冠军蕾切尔表示祝贺)可知,虽然安迪没拿到冠军奖牌,但他还是非常自豪。故选C项。
23.推理判断题。根据第一段“Andy smiled as he and his field day team stepped up to their last activity. They were in first place, and Andy could already feel the medal around his neck.”(安迪微笑着,他和他的团队开始了最后一项活动。他们现在排名领先,安迪已经能感觉到挂在脖子上的奖牌了)及第十段最后一句“He stepped aside and cheered for Becky and Cory who were the only ones left to battle Rachelle.”(他走到一边,为贝基和科里欢呼,他们是唯一剩下的与蕾切尔战斗的人)和最后一段最后一句“Andy wore his second-place medal with pride as he congratulated Rachelle, the true field day champion”(安迪自豪地戴着第二名的奖牌,向真正的体育比赛日冠军蕾切尔表示祝贺)可以,安迪是一个非常自信的人,当自己落败之后,会为自己的队员们加油打气,在输掉比赛后,也能由衷地祝贺冠军队,安迪具有良好的体育精神。故选B项。
24.B 25.D 26.C
24.推理判断题。根据第一段“If you really want to see all that Yellowstone Park has to offer, it would take you a lifetime! However, most of us do not have a lifetime to spend in Yellowstone, but in 2-3 full days, you will be able to hit most of the highlights.(如果你真的想看到黄石公园提供的一切,它将花费你一生的时间!然而,我们大多数人都没有一辈子的时间在黄石公园度过,但在2-3天内,你将能够到达大部分的亮点。)”可知,从第一段我们可以知道“几乎没有人能看到整个公园。”故选B。
25.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“If you plan to get off the bus and visit the park, it will take at least 1.2 to 2 hours at almost every stop.(如果你打算下车参观公园,几乎每一站都需要至少1.2到2个小时。)”和划线后面的内容“such as waiting for wild animals to cross the road(比如等待野生动物过马路)”,由此推测划线词的意思是“车辆停下来给野生动物让路。”故选D。
26.细节理解题。根据第四段中“As you drive north on the Grand Loop Road, keep an eye out for wildlife. At Grant Village Junction, turn left (west)and head toward Old Faithful Village.(当您沿着大环路向北行驶时,请留意野生动物。在Grant Village Junction,左转(向西),向Old Faithful Village方向前进。)”和第五段中“Continue on north and visit the Lower Geyser Basin. The area is scattered and features regularly erupting geysers, hot springs, and a fascinating mud pool. After leaving the Lower Geyser Basin, continue north to Norris Junction and stay to the right to travel to Norris Geyser Basin.(继续向北,参观下间歇泉盆地。该地区分布分散,以定期喷发的间歇泉、温泉和迷人的泥池为特色。离开下间歇泉盆地后,继续向北前往诺里斯枢纽,并停留在右侧前往诺里斯间歇泉盆地。)”可知,从the Grand Loop Road开始,然后到Old Faithful Village,再到the Lower Geyser Basin,最后到Norris。故选C。
27.B 28.C 29.D 30.B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍马德里普拉多博物馆(Prado Museum)收藏的一幅蒙娜丽莎这样的复制品。
27.细节理解题。根据第一段中“The sitter’s mysterious smile and her unproven identity have made the painting a source of ongoing investigation and fascination.(画中人神秘的微笑和她未经证实的身份使这幅画成为人们不断研究和迷恋的源泉。)”可知,从第1段我们可以了解到关于蒙娜丽莎她的微笑和身份引起人们的好奇。故选B。
28.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“One such copy at the Prado Museum in Madrid was thought to have been painted years after the original.(马德里普拉多博物馆(Prado Museum)收藏的一幅这样的复制品被认为是在原作之后多年绘制的。)”和“‘the Prado version’became the only known copy completed during Leonardo’s lifetime.(“the Prado version”成为莱昂纳多在世时唯一已知的复制品。)”可知,the Prado version是来自普拉多博物馆的复制品。故选C。
29.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Collectors have not shut out these fine copies, some of which have not only made it into the house, but also sold for high prices. Is it really worth it to pay a high price for an art reproduction? This issue is getting more and more attention from collectors.(收藏家们并没有把这些精美的复制品拒之门外,其中一些复制品不仅进了房子,而且还卖了高价。花高价买一件艺术品真的值得吗?这个问题越来越受到收藏者的关注。)”可知,收藏者不拒绝这些精美的复制品,是因为高回报。故选D。
30.主旨大意题。根据第二段中“‘the Prado version’ became the only known copy completed during Leonardo’s lifetime. Conservators cleaned the entire painting and removed its black background, revealing a detailed landscape resembling Leonardo’s version and vibrant colors, possibly arousing those of the original before the paint applied by early restorers darkened over time.(普拉多版本”成为了唯一已知的达芬奇在世时完成的复制品。修复人员清理了整幅画,去掉了黑色的背景,呈现出与达·芬奇版本相似的细节景观和鲜艳的色彩,可能唤起了早期修复者涂上的颜料随着时间的推移而变暗之前的原作。)”,可知,文章介绍了Mona Lisas的复制品,所以Other Mona Lisas为最佳标题。故选B。
31.C 32.B 33.D 34.C
31.推理判断题。根据第一段“The world is wasting the opportunity to ‘build back better’ from the Covid-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7°C if countries fail to strengthen their climate commitments, according to a report from the UN.(根据联合国的一份报告,世界正在浪费从Covid-19大流行中“更好地重建”的机会,如果各国不能加强其气候承诺,世界将面临至少2.7摄氏度的灾难性气温上升。)”可知,在第3段中,之所以这些发现被描述为“雷鸣般的警钟”,是因为全球气温上升至少2.7摄氏度将是一场灾难。故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据第四段“Although more than 100 countries have promised to reach net zero emissions around mid-century, this would not be enough to avoid climate disasters, according to the UN emissions report, which examines the shortfall between countries’ intentions and actions needed on the climate. Many of the net zero commitments were found to be unclear, and unless accompanied by strict cuts in emissions this decade would allow global heating of a potentially disastrous extent.(联合国排放报告指出,尽管100多个国家承诺在本世纪中叶左右实现净零排放,但这仍不足以避免气候灾难。该报告审视了各国在气候问题上的意图与所需行动之间的差距。人们发现,许多净零承诺并不明确,除非在这十年严格削减排放,否则全球变暖将达到潜在的灾难性程度。)”可知,根据作者的观点,在未来十年只有采取减少排放的措施,全球变暖才可以避免。故选B。
33.推理判断题。根据第五段中“Countries are wasting a massive opportunity to invest Covid-19 finance and recovery resources in sustainable, cost-saving, planet-saving ways. As world leaders prepare for Cop26, this report is another thundering wake-up call.(各国正在浪费以可持续、节约成本和保护地球的方式投入Covid-19融资和恢复资源的巨大机会。在世界各国领导人为Cop26做准备之际,这份报告再次敲响了警钟。)”和第六段中“Climate change is no longer a future problem. It is a now problem. To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5℃, we have 8 years to almost halve greenhouse gas emissions: 8 years to make the plans, put in place the policies, carry them out and deliver the cuts.(气候变化不再是未来的问题。这是一个现在的问题。为了有机会将全球变暖控制在1.5℃以内,我们有8年的时间将温室气体排放量减少近一半:8年的时间来制定计划、实施政策、执行并实现减排。)”,可知,在第5段作者说“How many do we need?”的目的是强调节能减排的必要性。故选D。
34.推理判断题。根据最后一段“In the run-up to Cop26, countries were supposed to submit national plans to cut emissions - called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) - for the next decade, a requirement under the 2015 Paris climate agreement. But the UNEP report found only half of countries had submitted new NDCs, and some governments had presented weak plans.(在Cop26的筹备阶段,各国应该提交未来十年的国家减排计划,即国家自主贡献(NDCs),这是2015年巴黎气候协议的要求。但联合国环境规划署的报告发现,只有一半的国家提交了新的国家自主贡献,一些政府提出的计划也很薄弱。)”,可知,从最后一段可以推断出“许多国家的减排计划远不能令人满意。”故选C。
35.A 36.A 37.D
35.推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“If you search the internet these days, you’ll likely run across some strange-looking, yet cheerful cartoon characters. (如果你这些天在网上搜索,你很可能会遇到一些长相奇怪但又很快乐的卡通人物)”可知,该艺术风格的作品拥有快乐的卡通人物形象;根据第三段前三句“Why did Alegria art become popular so quickly? There are many reasons. As websites depended on illustrations to fill space, Alegria-type art became increasingly useful. (为什么Alegria艺术如此迅速地流行起来?原因有很多。随着网站依赖插图来填补空间,阿莱格里亚类型的艺术变得越来越有用)”可知,该艺术风格的作品在填补空间方面很起作用,这是它流行起来的原因。基于以上内容可推断出该艺术风格被迅速接受的原因是它的作品形象很快乐,又能有效填补空间。故选A项。
36.推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“These people think some companies have simply papered over their problems with positive images. (这些人认为一些公司只是用正面形象掩盖了他们的问题)”可知,该艺术风格的形象可能能帮助掩盖问题,即掩盖错误。故选A项。
37.细节理解题。根据第二段第六句“They named it Alegria, which means joy in Spanish. (他们将它命名为Alegria,在西班牙语中意思是开心)”和最后一段后三句“For many, however, Alegria is a nice visual language that represents happiness. From children hugging to couples dancing, the images are all about positive energy. All in all, it seems that Alegria is the perfect name of this playful, fun art style. (然而,对许多人来说,阿莱格里亚语是一种很好的视觉语言,代表着幸福。从孩子们拥抱到情侣们跳舞,这些画面都是关于正能量的。总而言之,Alegria似乎是这种有趣好玩的艺术风格的完美名字)”可知,这个名字所呈现的含义和这种艺术风格的形象具有的功能是一致的。故选D项。
这是一份上海高考英语阅读理解专项训练,共53页。试卷主要包含了 Theism, Daism, Determinism, Cynicism, Platnism, Aristtelianism, Kantianism, 4 millin)等内容,欢迎下载使用。