技巧15 如何凸显个性-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
技巧15 如何凸显个性
动作描写,即对人物的动作、行为、活动的描写。这种方法对刻画人物有非常重要的作用,是表现人物性格及塑造人物形象的主要手段。黑格尔在《美学》中强调:“人的最深刻方面只有通过动作才能见诸现实。” 写人物动作,离不开动词,善于写作的同学,会从现代汉语丰富多彩的宝库中去觅取最合适的词语。不善写作的同学常常感到词语贫乏。我们要做有心人,平时注意积累,写作时善于精选。如表示“看”这一个动作,就有远眺、近察、俯瞰、顾后、窥探、端详、瞻仰、参观、瞥见、浏览、观察、注视、盯住、瞄准、青睐……细细体会,每个词语都有它不同的用处。刻画人物动作时,特别是刻画细腻动作和无声动作时,要注意精选动词,力求描写得准确,以突出主题。
1. character n.(汉)字;品格,性格;特点
2. personality n.个性,性格;人格,品格;名人
3. active adj.活跃的,积极的,主动的
4. dynamic adj.充满活力的,精力充沛的
5. energetic adj.精力旺盛的
6. caution n.谨慎,小心
vt.警告(= warn)
7. cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的
8. confident adj.有信心的,信任的
self-confident adj.自信的
9. easy-going adj.随和的
10. greedy adj.贪婪的
11. lazy adj.懒惰的
12. hardworking adj.勤奋的,兢兢业业的
13. quiet adj.安静的,不爱说话的;寂静的
14. shy adj.害羞的,腼腆的
15. modest adj.谦虚的,谦逊的;微薄的
16. patient adj.耐心的(反义词impatient )
17. proud adj.自豪的,骄傲的
1 8. ambition n.野心,雄心,抱负
19. ambitious adj.有野心的,有雄心的,有抱负的
20. honest adj.诚实的,厚道的
honesty n.诚实,厚道
frank adj.实在的,敦厚的
21.integrity n.诚实,正直;完整
22. weak adj.软弱的,虚弱的;差的;淡的;易坏的
23. weakness n.软弱;弱点
24. strong adj.坚强的,强大的:坚固的,牢固的;强烈的
25. selfish adj.自私的
selfless adj.无私的,公心的
26. boring adj.沉闷的,无聊的,乏味的
27. practical adj.实际的,实用的
practical-minded adj.讲究实际的,实用思想的
28. reliable adj.可信赖的,可依靠的
unreliable adj.不可靠的,不可信任的
29. trustworthy adj.值得信任的
30. stubborn adj.固执的,倔强的
31. talk n./v.谈话,讲话,交谈;演讲
talkative adj.健谈的,爱说的
32. straight adj. 直的,正直的;ad.一直地,直地
33. straightforward adj.坦率的,直率的;简单的
34. upright adj.正直的
35. outspoken adj.直率的,坦诚的
36. outgoing adj.爱交际的,外向的(easygoing随和的)
37. violent adj.暴力的,凶猛的
38. cruel[ adj.残忍的,残酷的,无情的(= heartless )
39. fierce adj.猛烈的,凶猛的,强烈的
40. mean adj.吝啬的,小气的
41. generous adj.慷慨大方的
42. friendly adj.友好的
43. warm adj.热情的;暖和的,温暖的
warm-hearted adj.热心的
44. kind adj.善良的,友好的
kindness n.仁慈;善良
kind-hearted adj.好心的,心地善良的
45. enthusiastic adj.热情的,热心的,积极的
46. eager adj.渴望的,热切的
47. helpful adj.乐于助人的;有帮助的,有益的
48. sincere adj.具城的,中
49. calm adj.镇静的,沉着的;v. (+ down)镇静,沉着
50. approach n./靠近,接近
approachable adj.平易近人的,可接近的
51. firm adj.坚定的,坚决的;坚固的;严厉的
52. determined adj.坚定的,果断的
determination n.决心,坚定,果断
53. considerate adj.体贴的,周到的
54. thoughtful adj.体贴的,替人着想的
55. sympathy n.同情(心)
sympathetic adj.同情的,有同情心的
56. mood n.心情,情绪
in no mood for不想做
moody adj.喜怒无常的
57. vain adj.虚荣的;徒劳的,无效的
in vain徒劳地,白费力气地
She is always a mess, curly short hair, like a boy.
She is not only very knowledgeable, but also very helpful.
I never bow my head, and now my neck is as hard as iron.
I have a dual personality. When I am quiet, I am tender like water. When I am lively, I am full of pride.
Smile, just like sunshine, can warm people's hearts and solve all difficulties.
This is my best classmate, a warm and kind little boy!
From small to large, he never gives up and never gives up.
He is really an optimistic character, worthy of our study!
Mr. Xue gives people a dignified, clean, tidy and lovely feeling.
She made me no longer feel inferior, I was infected by him, and became cheerful!
I'm a good temper, good drill, do not hit the south wall do not look back.
Although mother is sometimes strict, she has a gentle side.
She is ready to help others, rich in ideas and excellent in Mathematical Olympiad!
I know that I am introverted, blushing, and dare not speak in front of so many people.
She treats people gently, only thinks of others, never thinks of herself as a good girl.
This strange student is also a scenic spot in our class.
I am a good bull temper, good drill cattle corner, do not hit the south wall do not look back.
She, bouncing, lively and cheerful, between the eyebrows showed stubborn and strong.
Her words can be like the water of the Yellow River, rushing to the sea for recycling.
Grandma is very Pampered to me. Whenever my father criticizes me, she helps me to plead.
Grandpa loves cleaning very much. He always cleans his room spotless.
Under the sun, his eyes were as deep as the pool of water, flashing a strong self-confidence.
My mother is a hot tempered person.
He, though savage, is willing to help others.
He is straightforward and sincere. Is not a lot of "warm hearted" it!
In today’s competitive world, the emphasis in athletics is so often put on breaking records. A runner’s creed: “I will win; if I cannot win, I shall do my best.” Those inspirational words, and others like it, fuel the soul of the long distance runners. Competing not only with one another, they hope to achieve their own “personal best”.
For one teen Brandon Schutt, a student in Omaha Burke High School, had been looking forward to his final cross-country race before graduating from high school. He was determined to finish the race with a respectable enough tine to qualify for the upcoming state meet. Like him, all other runners were accumulating strength for a take-off.
One runner, Blake Cerveny, whose record was the fastest, tried to beat his own best. After a fast start, he continued to push himself to the limit. If he could hold on to his lead, there was no doubt that he would win. However, with less than 400 meters to go, Cerveny’s legs cramped up(抽筋)and failed him. Resolve to finish,Cerveny rose up from the ground, and continued on his way,only to fall again.His legs had simply given out. Seconds later, he lay curled on the ground, frustrated and disappointed. Other runners surpassed Cerveny with-out stopping. His will to go on faded from his body gradually.
A few moments later, Brandon, running at a very aggressive speed, drew near Cerveny. He had actually been in the same position three weeks prior when he wasn’t able to complete a race. He felt awful about not finishing. He had trained so hard for this final race in high school, to hopefully qualify for the state meet.So this time, he had made up his mind to prove himself under no circumstances.
However, noticing Cerveny’s struggle at arm’s length, Brandon hesitated.
Everyone in attendance recognized Brandon’s decision as true sportsmanship.
Tom was a 13-year-old boy who was very honest and hardworking. Recently, he had entered n new school, so he had no friends yet. On Monday morning, he was nearly late for school. The night before, his family attended his cousin’s wedding and reached home late, which was why he couldn’t get up from time as usual.
At school, Tom could not pay attention to anything and wanted the bell to ring so that he could buy something to eat. After a few hours, when the bell rang, Tom quickly opened his schoolbag to find his money, but just then he remembered that he had left for school in a hurry in the morning and forgotten to takes money. He looked under his books, hoping to find some money but there was nothing.
Not knowing what to do, he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front of the canteen. He saw a few of his classmates there, among them was Billy. He was one of the richest kids in his class but he was a very proud boy who thought everyone else was a loser. But as Tom was new, he didn’t know much about Billy.
When he went towards Billy and asked if he could borrow some money for his lunch, Billy laughed a lot and said. “1 knew you were a loser maybe a beggar?” Billy laughed out so loud that other kids also heard it and made fun of the situation. He didn’t answer Billy, and slowly walked back toward an empty bench.
When he reached the bench, he noticed something lying near it. It was a wallet. He picked it up and recognized it as Billy’s, as he remembered Billy showing it to his friends and telling them that his uncle had bought it for him from the UK. There was quite a lot of money inside for a kid.
At first, Tom wanted to keep it a secret and punish Billy.
Then Billy said, “Why are you giving it back?”
When my husband Randy died in late fall, deciding what to do with his garden was way down on the list of necessary tasks. During the first few months, I cried with our daughters, planned a memorial, cried with my family, celebrated a quiet Thanksgiving, and panicked over not having bought Christmas presents.
As the calendar turned to a new year, the often rainy days and long nights deepened my sorrow. I found myself exhausted at the end of February, both physically and mentally.
Then the daffodils bloomed (开花) in the garden.
Years before, Randy had planted dozens of these lemon-yellow flowers. To him, they served as a reminder of hope, a promise that light and warmth would soon replace cold and dark. Looking at those dauffodils, I thought about how Randy had considered our garden a living work of art, carefully choosing plants so we’d see new blooms every month.
Then I noticed all the weeds that had taken root and spread everywhere. The neglect (疏于打理) showed, for Randy’s illness had lasted a couple of years, a time when he didn’t have energy for yard work the way he had before.
Faced with the neglected garden, I felt overwhelmed in the beginning. My daughters suggested I hire a service to clean everything up. I didn’t respond.
Every time I sat in the garden alone, the memories of the lively garden came flooding, like the numerous scenes in an unforgettable film. Many days Randy came home from work, changed into old clothes, and headed out the door to mow or prune (修剪). Orange dragonflies followed him around the yard as he worked. Honeybees buzzed among the flowers, birds sang beautiful songs, and gentle breezes carried the sweet smell of dirt. No matter how cold or wet it was, the fresh air and physical activity made him energized and refreshed. For Randy, the work was quiet and comforting, which was a relief, as well as a pleasure.
The days grew warmer and lighter, and I started the work myself.
Weeks later, my daughters returned to visit me.
On one stormy afternoon last year, I was running home from school with my umbrella when I heard a bird start to sing. Out of curiosity, I went to have a look. Then I saw a brightly colorful bird nesting in a big tree. But the nest suddenly fell off.
With mercy and love, I decided to see if the bird had a chance to survive. Just as I went closer, I noticed a little head sticking out of the nest. I found that it had a wet broken wing, so it couldn’t fly. It looked so weak as if it were dying. So I placed it gently in my hand and covered it with my umbrella.
I carefully took it home and thought down the road how to explain this to my parents. What if they would not want it and throw it away? I could not take that chance, so I went out and put it in the back garden and gave it a warm blanket for the night.
In the following days, I went to school as usual, but somehow, I fell in love with biology class, especially when the teacher explained something about birds. I learned to feed the bird, and I hurried to care for it when the school was over. It was slowly recovering and growing. Holiday came at last. I couldn’t help telling my good friends about it. Then we secretly went to the back garden to look at my lovely bird. However, we were amazed to find that it had been missing.
Just as I thought where it had gone, a great surprise came all of a sudden. I found it staring at my cat in the distance. Catching sight of my appearance, it turned and came towards me. So I went to get it some water and birdseed. It was then that I found it grew into a big bird like a phoenix(凤凰) in the fairy tale. My friends all praised it, “What a beautiful bird it is!” Hearing their words, I felt truly proud. Fortunately, my care was not in vain but paid off.
Suddenly, my parents appeared in the back garden.
Some days later, my friends and I wondered what to do with the bird.
Into the Night
There was no one on the streets, not even a police car. When you don’t even see a police car, you know it’s bad out there. It was a Sunday night in February 1978. I was on my way to the night duty with ambulance, and the snow was really coming down.
When I got to the workplace at 6:25 P.M. my partner, Joe, arrived a few minutes later, and the other workers went home.
The call came in at 7:20 P.M. It was said that at the Children Hospital, there was a baby called Jack with a healthy heart but near death. In Hamilton was another very sick baby named Mary who was waiting for a heart transplant (移植). If we could get Mary to the Children Hospital in time, Jack’s parents were ready to stop his life support and the doctors would be able to use his heart to save Mary’s life.
The dispatcher (调度员) was looking for volunteers to pick up a nurse, a doctor and Mary from Hamilton, and took them to the Children Hospital where Jack was dying. The problem was this heavy snowstorm. All of southern region was almost shut down, and nothing was moving anywhere. So they were asking for volunteers. The driving conditions were so bad that to accept the task was a challenge. But, with our help that night, although one baby would die, the other one might live. That was the deal.
When I explained the situation to my partner, he just looked at me. And I said to the dispatcher, “Okay, we’re going. Let’s move now.”
With great efforts, we finally entered the medical centre in Hamilton. After they got on our ambulance, we headed toward the Children Hospital. Time was precious.
Faced with strong winds, we inched our way along the road, feeling like we were flying a plane in the middle of a fog—sometimes we couldn’t see anything. We slowly made our way under such driving conditions.
Suddenly, they realized how to arrive there in time became urgent (急迫的).
Joe and I both looked at each other with a broad smile.
1.Possible version:
However, noticing Cerveny’s struggle at arm’s length. Brandon hesitated. Regardless of the muscle strain he had suffered during his last outing, he was pushing himself hard, hoping to qualify the state meet. But Cerveny’s collapse worried him. Without much delay, he ran to Cerveny’s side whispering in his ear to encourage him to go up. He reached for Cerveny’s arm gently pulling him up. His first attempt failed, but Brandon refused to quit. With a second try, Cerveny was on his feet. The two finished the final course together.
Everyone in attendance recognized Brandon’s decision as trve sportsmanship. They rose to applaud and cheer for these two runners. No sooner had they arrived at the finishing line than they were surrounded by doctors, cameras and reporters. It was inspiring to see an athlete like Brandon, who stopped his race and worked hard to help his fellow competitor to go across the finishing line. In this race. Brandon showed compassion and selfessness which are more valuable than winning. A truly terrific act of the value of sportsmanship still had legs.
②推迟:delay/put off
[高分句型1]. Regardless of the muscle strain he had suffered during his last outing, he was pushing himself hard, hoping to qualify the state meet.(介词短语中使用定语从句;非谓语动词现在分词形式)
[高分句型2]. No sooner had they arrived at the finishing line than they were surrounded by doctors, cameras and reporters.(no sooner…than固定句型,倒转句)
At first, Tom wanted to keep it a secret and punished Billy. But it was not easy. He felt the heart in his body rising, and his cheeks blushing. Throwing a glance at Billy, who was chatting happily, cocking his head high, Tom suddenly felt a bit sorry for the embarrassment he was going to face. Just at the moment Billy gasped and cried out in alarm, “Oh hell, where is my wallet?” Some gossips began. Tom heard words of gloat. Overwhelmed by guilt, Tom quickly picked up the wallet and strode to Billy, “I found it over there, and I think it is yours.” Seeing the dumb founded face of Billy, he added, “I thought of sneaking it, of course.” Recalling what he had done to Tom, Billy suddenly hesitated to take the wallet.
Then Billy said, “Why are you giving back?” Murmuring in a low voice, he dodged Tom’s shining eyes, somehow even not daring to look into them. What replied him was a sigh, “Because it belongs to you.” After confession, the air seemed still and it became weird that no one uttered a single word. Just at this moment, Tom’s stomach seemed to be the first to break the awkwardness by growling loud. To his astonishment, the arrogant boy, Billy, reached out his hand, stammering, “W…What about having lunch together?” Before Tom could say anything, Billy quickly added, “Of course, my treat.” It was on that very day that Tom made his first friend in the new school, and he truly reckoned the value of sincerity and honesty in a relationship.
聊天:chat/ talk
倒抽起:gasp/short of breath
大喊:cry out / shout out loud
瞥见:throw a glance at / glance at
内疚:guilt / shame
令某人惊讶的是:to one’s astonishment/ to one’s surprise
[高分句型1] Throwing a glance at Billy, who was chatting happily, cocking his head high, Tom suddenly felt a bit sorry for the embarrassment he was going to face. (运用了现在分词作状语和who引导非限制性定语从句,以及省略了关系代词的定语从句)
[高分句型2] Recalling what he had done to Tom, Billy suddenly hesitated to take the wallet. (运用了现在分词作状语,what引导宾语从句)
The days grew warmer and lighter, and I started the work myself. I realized I need to take care of the garden just like what Randy did before. Randy used to treat the garden as a living work of art. If he were alive, he wouldn’t be happy to see the garden in a mess. Therefore, I needed to take care of the garden just like what Randy did. I started weeding, watering and looking after the daffodils. It seemed like to me working in the garden was a way to commemorate Randy.
Weeks later, my daughters returned to visit me. She was very surprised at what she saw. Orange dragonflies were flying around the yard. Honeybees buzzed among the flowers and birds sang beautiful songs. She used to be worried I would be in a bad mood. But now she realized everything was in a good order. Seeing this, she said it looks as if her father was always with us.
①照顾:take care of /look after/ attend to
②.纪念:commemorate/ in memory of
①.担心的:worried / concerned
②.惊讶的:surprised /astonished
[高分句型1]. She was very surprised at what she saw.(由连接词what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. If he were alive, he wouldn’t be happy to see the garden in a mess.(if引导的虚拟条件句运用了虚拟语气)
Suddenly, my parents appeared in the back garden. At first, I was a little nervous because I hid the truth about it. At that time, I had to ask them, “May I have a phoenix-like bird as a pet?” To my great relief, Mum looked at the bird and me in surprise and said, “You can keep it as long as you could take care of it.” I reacted quickly, “I promise.” But Dad added thoughtfully, “But dear, birds belong to nature. They need a wider world.”
Some days later, my friends and I wondered what to do with the bird. My best friend offered to ask for our biology teacher for help. Everyone thought it was a good idea. After learning the details of the bird’s release, we decided to set it free. It was another afternoon, we came to the woods, where the streams were flowing, and the birds were singing in the trees. We believed it was a good place for my lovely bird to live in. Watching the bird flapping its wings and flying away, we all cheered.
①照顾:take care of/look after
②找到某人求助:ask for sb for help /turn to sb for help
③决定:decide to do sth/be determined to do
②惊讶:in surprise/in astonishment
[高分句型1]. You can keep it as long as you could take care of it. (由as long as引导的条件状语从句)
[高分句型2]. It was another afternoon, we came to the woods, where the streams were flowing, and the birds were singing in the trees.(由关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句)
5.One Possible Version:
Suddenly, we realized how to reach there in time became urgent (急迫的). We were burning more fuel than usual because of our slow speed and the bad conditions. Joe and I were both watching the fuel level and not saying a word. We would likely use up fuel. We had to go for the hospital. I called the dispatcher for help. To our surprise, she told us that a police car was available and we could expect it on the way. So, we put on our full emergency lights. Under their escort (护送), we continued our way confidently. Eventually, we stopped right in front of the doors.
Joe and I both looked at each other with a broad smile. We shut off our lights, our engine—everything. It was now nearly five A.M. The whole trip took much longer than usual. We called the dispatcher to say we had successfully completed our mission. We later learned the surgery was a success, and one set of parents that day had cause to celebrate life. We were totally tired, but also happy, knowing that because of our efforts, a baby had lived. When I got home later that morning, I dropped into bed exhausted—but fell asleep feeling good about myself, and my life.
①观察:watch/look at
②关上:shut off/turn off
【高分句型1】We were totally tired, but also happy, knowing that because of our efforts, a baby had lived.(运用了现在分词短语作状语)
【高分句型2】We later learned the surgery was a success, and one set of parents that day had cause to celebrate life.(运用了宾语从句)
技巧15 如何凸显个性-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧15 如何凸显个性-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共18页。试卷主要包含了抓住人物的外貌特征,抓住人物的语言特征,抓住人物的动作特征,抓住人物的心理特征, energetic adj, cautin n, cautius adj, cnfident adj等内容,欢迎下载使用。
技巧14 如何刻画心理-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧14 如何刻画心理-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共15页。试卷主要包含了内心独白,从旁叙述,梦境幻觉,动作暗示,神态暗示,语言暗示,感官刺激,环境烘托等内容,欢迎下载使用。
技巧13 如何描述外貌-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧13 如何描述外貌-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共18页。试卷主要包含了工笔细描法,粗笔勾勒法,特征显示法,逐步显现法,虚实结合法,着色点染法,对比突现法,服饰烘衬法等内容,欢迎下载使用。