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    The Smithsonian Science Education Center is collecting a group of high school students aged 14—19 to participate in a collaborative (合作的) action research program on the topic of Sustainable Communities. Through this virtual program, young people will produce an action project video that will be shared at the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit. This Summit is hosted by the Nobel Foundation and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and will be held during July 24 — 26, 2023, in Washington, DC, both virtually and in person.

    Who are we looking for?

    • Young people aged 14 — 19 who represent communities around the world.

    • Young people skilled in both written and spoken English.

    • Individuals who can commit to participating for 3 months from program start date (From March 1, 2023 —May 26, 2023), and who can devote roughly 2—3 hours per week to this project.

    How do you apply?

    • By June 22, 2023, fill out the following form: https: //forms. of fice. com

    • We will inform you of selection no later than June 24.

    What are some benefits of participating?

    • A certificate acknowledging your participation, your name listed on the Smithsonian Science Education Center website, and your videos hosted on the SSEC, Nobel Foundation, and NASEM websites.

    • The opportunity to engage and collaborate with other youth from around the world and to bring new ways of thinking and acting for a better future to your own community.

    1When will the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit start?

    AOn July 24, 2023. BOn March 1, 2023.

    COn June 22, 2023. DOn May 26, 2023.

    2Who is most likely to be accepted by the program?

    AAn English teacher who retired recently.

    BA young student representing his school.

    CA teenager having a good command of English.

    DAn individual committing 2—3 weeks to the program.

    3What can participants get from the experience?

    AA video produced by NASEM.

    BAn interaction with foreign students.

    CA creative thought about your future.

    DAn opportunity to travel all over the world.


    In 2018, Danika Whitsett was attending college when she got into a car accident that left her unable to move from the waist down. She was asleep in the SUV she was riding in when the driver lost control and the car rolled just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. At the time, Whitsett said she felt lucky to be alive after being told that only 20% of people survived during the accident.

    She learned to use a wheelchair, which she is expected to be in for the rest of her life. Whitsett has been using the same wheelchair since 2018, and sadly, it has fallen into disrepair. The wheels have curved inwards toward her body, leaving open wounds on both of her upper legs. Whitsett is in the process of getting a new wheelchair hut found out that even with her insurance, the cost would be $ 5,200, which is a cost she cannot afford.

    So Whitsett unwillingly posted a video on the social media platform TikTok, tearfully sharing her situation with the world. “I desperately need this new chair and I hate ever asking for help or for money but I know sometimes it’s our only option,” wept Whitsett.

    “All the while I am trying to save money for my new chair so that I can actually be as independent as possible and it is much needed. Anything helps — literally $ 1 would mean the world to me. Thank you guys for your continuous patronage. I’m so appreciative of you all and I love you guys, thank you.”

    Her story quickly spread and she raised the entire $5,000 in just a day! But thanks to the kindness of strangers, the donations have continued rolling in, and have now climbed to almost $ 22,000.

    Whitsett is overwhelmed by the generosity. She hopes that sharing her story will help to effect change and make critical medical necessities, like wheelchairs, more affordable and accessible to others in similar situations.

    4What was Whitsett doing when the accident happened?

    ARiding a bike. BSleeping in a car.

    CDriving a bus. DWandering around.

    5Why did Whitsett need to buy a new wheelchair?

    AThe old one was stolen.

    BThe old one was out of fashion.

    CThe old one was beyond repair.

    DThe old one was ruined in the accident.

    6What does the underlined word “patronage” mean in paragraph 4?

    ASupports. BGreetings. CPatience. DChange.

    7What’s Whitsett’s purpose of sharing her story?

    ATo get more donations for herself.

    BTo become better known in the world.

    CTo complain about her worrying situation.

    DTo make a difference to helping the disabled.


    To adapt to climate change, some flowers are darkening their color to protect themselves from the sun’s radiation, new research shows.

    The study suggests that over the past 75 years, the ultraviolet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flowers have increased in response to rising temperatures and a thinning ozone layer (臭氧层). The flowers won’t look any different to humans, but insects consider the higher levels of UV pigments as a darker color, which could be confusing when they try to find out colorful flowers to land on.

    The UV-absorbing pigments in flowers work like sunscreen and protect sensitive cells from harmful radiation, Matthew Koski, a plant ecologist at Clemson University, says. He and his team hoped to determine if changes in pigments were a result of environmental change — and if so, what are the plants responding to?

    The team collected dried, pressed plants across North America, Australia, and Europe. In total, they studied 1,238 samples from 42 different species dating back to 1941. Then, using a UV-sensitive camera, they photographed flower petals from each species to see how the pigment level changed over time. Next, they paired the photographs with historic local temperature and ozone level data from the time the plant was picked.

    The researchers found that the changes in pigments differ by species, a result of the flower’s structure. Flowers with open, exposed pollen (花粉) had more UV-absorbing pigments when ozone levels were low and radiation was high. But flowers with pollen surrounded by the petal responded to temperature, not ozone levels.

    As climate change continues to intensify, these changes in flowers’ color can affect plant-insect interactions. When the whole flowers get darker, insects might miss the flowers entirely. “This has a negative influence on plant reproduction.” Koski says.

    8What is the cause of flowers’ color changing according to the research?

    AThe impact of climate crisis. BThe loss of natural habitats.

    CThe harm of nuclear radiation. DThe thickening of ozone layer.

    9What arc Koski’s findings based on?

    APhotographs of flowers from different species.

    BAnalysis of how levels of UV pigments change over time.

    CCollection of abundant samples from various species.

    DHistoric local temperature and ozone level database.

    10What can we learn about the change in pigments?

    AIt exists in flowers with exposed pollen only.

    BIt responds to temperature and sea levels.

    CIt remains the same regardless of species.

    DIt varies depending on the flower’s structure.

    11What is Koski’s attitude towards the change in flowers’ color?

    AConcerned. BIndifferent. CUnclear. DOptimistic.


    The world’s first robotic self-portraits (自画像), painted by an robot called Ai-Da, have been displayed at a new art exhibit in London. The surprisingly accurate images question the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in human society and challenge the idea that art is totally a human trait (特征), according to her creators.

    Ai-Da is a life-size android artist powered by AI that can paint, sculpt, and talk Ai-Da is designed to look and act like a human woman with a female voice. She is named after Ada Lovelace, the pioneering English mathematician who is considered one of the first computer programmers.

    In the past, Ai-Da’s work was made up of abstract paintings based on complex mathematical models, and her first exhibition raised over $ 1 million in art sales. Now Ai-Da has created what are believed to be the first self-portraits made by a machine.

    Three of these robot selfies went on display at the Design Museum on May 18 in an exhibition titled “Ai-Di: Portrait of the Robot,” which is free to the public and will remain on display until Aug. 29.

    “These images are meant to unsettle,” said Aidan Meller, the gallery owner behind the creation of Ai-Da. “They are meant to raise questions about where we are going. What is our role as humans if so much can be copied through technology?”

    Ai-Da’s new self-portraits are a combination of constantly updated AI, inbuilt programming and advanced robotics. Her eyes are actually cameras that allow her to “look” at what she is painting or sculpting, in this case, herself, and copy it. Ai-Da did not decide to create the self-portraits; rather, her creators gave her those instructions. Ai-Da’s creators hope that her existence will make us think more about the role of technology, in particular, AI, in our everyday lives.

    12What is special about the displayed self-portraits by Ai-Da?

    AIt features surprising images.

    BIt challenges traditional crafts.

    CIt poses academic questions.

    DIt makes history in art exhibition.

    13Why are three robot selfies displayed at the Design Museum?

    ATo enhance Ai-Da’s sense of achievement.

    BTo increase the gallery’s popularity with locals.

    CTo raise money for creating abstract paintings.

    DTo arouse people s reflection on the role of technology.

    14What can be inferred about Ai-Da from the last paragraph?

    AShe helps creators make decision.

    BShe is trained in photo techniques.

    CShe has no self-awareness actually.

    DShe is programmed to auto updates.

    15What is the best title for the text?

    AThe Far reaching Impact of Art

    BThe Essential Role of High-tech

    CAn Art Exhibit: Selfies without a Self

    DAi-Da The First AI-powered Robot Artist




    Most people want to live a life that feels meaningful. ___16___, especially if you’re young. By exploring yourself and your passions, you will figure out what matters to you and make your life significant. Here are a handful of ways to make your life matter.


    If you want to have a meaningful life, the first step is to understand your own life story. When have you felt strongest and happiest? How you interpret the events of your life impacts how you see yourself. There’s a lot of power in being able to construct your own sense of meaning and purpose.

    • Living with compassion (共情)

    Compassion is key to leading a meaningful life. If you want to influence those around you in a meaningful way, try to develop a sense of compassion for others. Pay attention to the body language of those around you. ___18___.

    • Connecting with the world

    Try to build positive, meaningful relationships with people who support you and build you up, like your friends and family. ___19___. Your life will feel more meaningful if you make an effort to express yourself and your emotions.

    • Giving back

    ___20___. Try giving back to your community through service to organizations that are important to you. However, giving back does not just mean donating your time to charity. You should also work to be kind to those around you. This can help you feel your life matters as you’ll have a positive impact on friends and family members.

    AMaking lifestyle changes

    BFiguring out who you are

    CIt can be difficult to make it

    DThis can give you insight into their emotions

    EPay attention to the needs of those around you

    FVolunteering can be a great way to feel your life has meaning

    GMeanwhile, self-expression is a great way to interact with the world




    Chris Hammans and his son Lewis shared a passion for football, and Hammans took Lewis to games from an early age.

    At four years old, Lewis was diagnosed (诊断) with muscular dystrophy, a genetic disorder that causes muscles to ___21___ over time. In 2008, Hammans ___22___ an ad for powerchair football, run by Albion in the Community. They attended an ____23____ session and for Lewis, it was ___24___ at first sight.

    ___25___, the games were recreational (娱乐的), but “a core of players wanted to take it a bit ___26___”, says Hammans, and so Brighton Hove Albion Powerchair FC was born. Hammans, who had a (n)___27___ in football, became the coach, leading the team to ___28___ in the national championship. After that, they regularly travelled to ___29___ in kinds of games, during which they would stay and eat together, making the team ____30____. Sadly, Lewis passed away at age 20 after suffering heart attacks. The team played their first game without Lewis in February 2020. As ____31____ as it was, Hammans continued ____32____.

    “I genuinely love the game,” he says. “It’s a great sport and I think Lewis would have wanted me to ____33____. His story is a reminder that disability doesn’t have to ____34____ one’s love for sports and that it is this love that ____35____ them to persevere (坚持) and ultimately achieve success.”

    21Aweaken Brelax Cstretch Dgrow

    22Aignored Bposted Cspotted Dobserved

    23Aadvanced Bintroductory Cunprepared Dextraordinary

    24Alove Bconcern Cpity Dmemory

    25APartly BObviously CEventually DOriginally

    26Astraighter Bfurther Clonger Dlarger

    27Amagic Battraction Ctest Dinterest

    28Asurvival Badventure Csuccess Dchallenge

    29Acompete Breunite Cappear Dencounter

    30Agrateful Bambitious Cclose Dcasual

    31Aboring Bcomplicated Cnormal Dtough

    32Aconsulting Bcoaching Cplaying Doperating

    33Acarry on Bhold back Ctry out Dgive up

    34Adeclare Blimit Ccontrol Dfoster

    35Ainvites Brequires Cforces Dmotivates





    Recently, residents in a youth apartment building in downtown Shenzhen have planted the seed, cultivating (形成) ____36____ unique city lifestyle. They can farm their own land, which can ____37____ (access) just an elevator ride away to the top of their building. There they can grow vegetables, while ____38____ (communicate) with other renters and taking in the skyline of the city.

    Huang Suyun, the founder of the youth apartment building, ____39____ (see) positive changes in her own life since “farming” and other social activities were introduced to the rooftop of it. ____40____ (additional), the experience of tending the gardens allows her ____41____ (make) friends and get to know others who cither live in the building or visit from outside.

    The rooftop heaven covers a total area of 450 square meters and consists ____42____ a sightseeing zone, a shaded leisure area as well as the urban farming section. “There’s space to exercise, like doing yoga at the leisure zone, and then to walk over to check the vegetables,” says Xie Jing, an architect ____43____ undertook the project.

    An increasing number of urban ____44____ (resident) at home and abroad have started to seek a social life that promotes environmental _____45_____ (protect) and personal health, which is good news for sustainability and community activity development, experts say.











    Labor: Learning and Crowing Up

    During the Labor Day, one of my own experiences came into my mind.





    I sat next to my new friend Karina on the first day of the summer camp. “You like banana chips?” she said in a surprised voice. “They’re my favorite snack, but I don t know any other kids who eat them.” “My aunt brought some the last time she visited, and I’ve been craving (渴望) them ever since,” I said. It was then that I knew that Karina and I were meant to be friends forever.

    Whenever we got to pick a partner at camp, we picked each other. Whenever we had a break, we hung out together. And the more time we spent together, the more we realized how amazingly alike we were. We both had two adorable cats, we both had awesome younger siblings, we both liked baking extra-creative cookies, and we both had the same favorite song.

    But then something happened. The summer camp was next to a piece of beautiful land that had a bunch of giant old trees on it. Whenever it was nice out, we’d get to eat our lunch at picnic tables that were right by some of those trees.

    Karina surprisingly spotted zillions of holes all the way up and clown a trunk one day. The discovery attracted our interest and we were curious about how in the world they got there. Our friend LeVar explained to us that a special kind of wood keeper makes those holes to store acorns (橡子). We were astonished by the cool fact, making a decision to keep this magical forest as clean and perfect as it was when we got here.

    “Hey, have you guys heard that shopping mall rumor?” LeVar said suddenly. That’s when things got complicated.

    “Yeah,” said Karina. “They want to cut down a bunch of those trees to make room for a shopping center.”

    “That’s terrible!” I said. “We have to stop that.”

    “I disagree,” argued Karina. “My parents said the shopping center would make new jobs for people who really need work.”


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置处作答。

    It surprised me that Karina didn’t share my opinion.


    Just then, LeVar stood up and broke the silence.



    1A    2C    3B


    4B    5C    6A    7D


    8A    9B    10D    11A


    12B    13D    14C    15C


    16C    17B    18D    19G    20F



    21A    22C    23B    24A    25D    26B    27D    28C    29A    30C    31D    32B    33A    34B    35D



    36a    37be accessed    38communicating    39has seen    40Additionally    41to make    42of    43who/that    44residents    45protection



    Labor: Learning and Growing Up

    During the Labor Day, one of my own experiences came into my mind. Last summer vacation, I worked as a waiter in a restaurant. At first, it was challenging to keep up with the fast pace there. I had to remember the menu, take orders, serve dishes, and clean tables. My feet and back ached after a long day of work. But I adapted and learned to communicate with customers and manage it efficiently.

    Through this experience, I realized not only is labor a means of making a living, but a way of learning skills, growing up, and acquiring values. So we should respect and appreciate all the workers contributing to our society.


    It surprised me that Karina didn’t share my opinion. I eagerly convinced her that people should have jobs, but not if it meant cutting down trees, while Karina insisted that job opportunities counted a lot to a family and even society. After a heated discussion, Karina shook her head and said, super seriously, “You know, maybe we’re not quite as alike as we thought.” Tears welling up, I sighed and said nothing, wondering if two people with opposite points of view just aren’t meant to be friends.

    Just then, LeVar stood up and broke the silence. He asked if someone can help clean the leftover and put our trash and recyclables in the bins. Karina took the challenge, others followed, and I finally joined in. I mended fences with her afterwards. Even though I wished Karina agreed with me about saving the trees, I realized she had her reasons for believing what she did. And no matter what, the difference wasn’t worth losing a perfectly good friendship over.



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