展开高考英语读后续写素材第一部分 描写手段一、动作描写结构①:动作1+动作2 and 动作3【例】My horse got off the track and kept running, and only stopped when it reached the river.(2018年6月浙江卷)[译文]我的马脱离了跑道,继续往前跑,最后跑到河边时停了下来。[解读]三个动作一气呵成,这种结构常用来描写快速推进的动作,营造紧张气氛。结构②:非谓语动词+主句动作(+状语从句动作)【例1】Seeing their discouraged faces, Father told the twins to clean up the kitchen while he helped them make breakfast for Mother.(2021年新高考I、II卷)[译文]看到他们失望的面庞,爸爸告诉双胞胎打扫干净厨房,他帮助他们给妈妈做早饭。【例2】Startled by the sudden incident, the horse began to race like crazy. (2018年6月浙江卷)[译文]受到突然的惊吓,马开始疯狂地跑起来。【例3】Gasping with pain, David forced himself to his feet and with slow, shaky steps, began to run.(2022年新高考I、II卷)[译文](虽然)疼得直吸气,大卫还是强迫自己站起来,然后迈着缓慢、摇摇晃晃的步子开始跑起来。结构③:状语从句动作+主句动作【例】Much as I wanted to photograph the approaching bear with my camera, I, without hesitation, grabbed the bread and threw it far away. (2020年7月浙江卷)[译文]虽然我很想拿起相机给那只不断逼近的熊拍照,但我还是毫不犹豫地抓起面包,将面包扔远。结构④:with复合结构动作+主句动作【例】With the gun ringing out, David rushed as quickly as he could.(2022年新高考I、II卷)[译文]听到枪响,大卫尽可能快地跑起来。[解读]“非谓语动词/状语从句/with复合结构+主句动作”的结构可以从多维度(主人公的所见、所想、所做、所感)描绘场景,构成一个饱满的动作面。 二、心理描写1.灵光乍现结构①:It dawned on / upon sb that ... 某人开始明白【例1】It gradually dawned on me that I still had talent and ought to run again. [译文]我渐渐明白我还有能力,应该再参加一次竞选。【例2】Once I pulled up to the bank, it suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten my wallet.[译文]有一次当我把车停到银行门口时,我突然想起来我忘了带钱包。结构②:It occurred to sb that ... / Sth occurred to sb 某人突然想到【例1】The thought of giving up never occurred to me.[译文]我从来没有放弃的想法。【例2】Presently it occurred to him that he wished he was sick; then he could stay home from school. [译文]此刻,他突然有了想法,他希望自己生病了,然后他就可以呆在家里不去上学了。 2.下定决心结构:Sb makes up one’s mind to do sth / that ... / Sb’s mind is made up that ...【例1】Like many young and ambitious people, I made up my mind to study abroad. [译文]和许多雄心勃勃的年轻人一样,我决心出国留学。【例2】My mind is made up that I will study calligraphy no matter how hard it is.[译文]我已经下定决心要学习书法,不管书法多难学。 3.懊悔不已结构①:wish / if only + had done sth【例1】How I wish I had worked harder![译文]我多希望自己从前努力学习啊!【例2】If only I hadn’t said those bad words.[译文]如果我当初没说那些难听的话就好了。结构②:If + had done + would have done【例】If I had worked hard, I would have passed the exam.[译文]如果我当初努力学习,我就能通过考试了。结构③:Sb should have done sth 某人本该做某事【例】And I know I should have watched Ethan more carefully, but I really thought he was just in the bathroom.[译文]我知道我本该更小心地看着伊森的,但我当时真的认为他只是在卫生间里。 4.难忘回忆结构①:Looking back on / Reflecting on ..., sb ... 回想起 ……,某人……【例1】Looking back on his past 53 years, Jeff found himself doing all kinds of jobs from a bar tender to a landscaper. [译文]回顾过往53年岁月,杰夫发现自己几乎从事过各种工作,从酒吧服务生到园林师。【例2】Reflecting on my first year in the classroom, my motivations for becoming a successful teacher were numerous.[译文]回忆起我第一年执教的经历,当时我想成为一名成功的教师的动机是多方面的。结构②:Memories of ... began to fade / surfaced / flooded back / attacked sb again / crowded into one's mind关于……的回忆开始模糊/涌现/像潮水般袭来/再次袭来/涌上心头【例1】And then, those memories of childhood began to attack me again.[译文]那些关于童年的回忆再次袭来。【例2】The memories flooded back. / Many memories crowded into my mind.[译文]一件件往事涌上心头。三、情绪描写1.喜悦She wore a shining smile on her face. 她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。A feeling of contentment spread through him. 幸福感在他的周身蔓延开来。Contentment filled her heart. 幸福感溢满了她的心间。Had she ever been happier in her life? 她人生中还有比这幸福的时刻吗?He couldn’t think of a time he’d ever been happier. 他都想不出比这更幸福的时刻了。 2.愤怒Rage flowed through her like lava. 怒火像熔岩一样弥漫在她的周身。Anger poured through her. 她满腔怒火。Rage quickened her blood. 愤怒使她的血流速度加快了。She felt a flash of irritation. 她感到一阵恼怒。Anger rushed through her. 她怒不可遏。Anger rose in him like a tide. 怒火像潮水一样涌上他的心头。 3.恐惧紧张He paced up and down in panic. 他惊慌失措地踱来踱去。His heart was pounding faster than a galloping horse. 他的心跳比奔腾的马还快。His terror mounted with every step. 他每走一步,恐惧就增加一分。She fought a rising panic. 她克服了越来越大的恐慌。Her heart almost leaped into her throat. 她的心快要跳到嗓子眼了。His heart hammered in his chest. 他的心怦怦直跳。 4.痛苦、伤心、失落A wave of pain rolled through her. 一阵痛苦涌上她的心头。A flash of grief came upon her. 她感到一阵悲伤。She tried to focus on something other than the pain. 她试着把注意力集中在痛苦以外的事情上。She fell into deep despair and couldn’t enjoy even little pleasures. 她陷入绝望,感受不到一丝快乐。My heart sank when I heard about the accident. 听到关于那场事故的消息后,我的心情沉重。The whole family took it very hard when their pet died. 这家人很难接受他们的宠物去世的消息。 四、环境描写1.天气描写It was getting dark and the wind died away. 天渐渐黑了,风渐渐小了。The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight. 雨敲打在窗上,并向最后一缕阳光告别。The wind blew crazily and the rain began to fall like dogs and cats. 狂风呼啸,紧接着大雨倾盆而至。Rain and tears mingle on my face, salty tracks blending into the fresh sky-fallen trickles. Only the pinkness of my eyes gives any clue to my sadness. 雨水和泪水在我脸上交织到一起,只有我略略泛红的眼睛能暗示出我内心的悲伤。The boys were frightened as the wind blew several trees on their side and the light continued to come and go in the sky. 风猛刮着身侧的树木,闪电在空中持续乱舞,孩子们吓坏了。 2.景物描写It was a typical summer evening in June. The air was delicate and there was absolute silence. 这是六月一个典型的夏日傍晚。空气柔和清新,四周静悄悄的,没有一丝声响。The chirping birds welcomed our coming. 鸟儿啁啾,像在欢迎我们的到来。I closed my eyes in the speeding car. Winding rivers, lofty mountains, deep valleys and sunny beaches held me entirely in fascination. 我在飞驰的车里闭上了眼睛。蜿蜒的河流、巍峨的山脉、深邃的山谷和阳光明媚的海滩让我完全着迷。The valley seemed to grow quieter and quieter as he sat and stared at the blue sky. 他坐在那里,盯着蓝天,山谷似乎变得越来越安静。注意:环境描写在读后续写中的作用一般有如下几个方面:反衬或正衬人物心理、情绪等;推动情节发展;烘托氛围,奠定基调;深化主题等。但环境描写在续写中只能是起画龙点睛的作用,写作时环境描写不宜过多,我们始终要记得“语言要为内容而服务”,写作时千万不要本末倒置,套用一些与文章本身无关的环境描写。 第二部分 修辞手法一、比喻将抽象事物具体化,复杂情况简单化,给文字增加画面感。 1.明喻带比喻词,如like、as、seem、as if、as though等。He looks like a fish out of water. 他看起来像一条离开水的鱼。(形容他不自在)He ran like lightning. 他跑得如闪电一般飞快。Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. 就像沙漏中的沙子一样,我们生命中的每一天也如此。The teacher's instructions were of little use to the boy, as if like water off a duck's back. 老师的教导,男孩只当耳旁风,好比是水滴在了鸭子背上,丝毫不起作用。Those old favourite songs are very dear to me as though they are like long-lost friends that make me cry. 这些老歌对我来说很亲切,犹如好久不见的老友,令我潸然泪下。As happy as a lark is my daughter, whose presence makes everyone happy and relaxed. 我女儿就像百灵鸟。只要她在,家里人人都心情愉快、情绪放松。 2.暗喻喻体和本体之间多通过be联系,无比喻词。The computers at school are old dinosaurs. 这些电脑老旧得不像样。Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks. 她的泪水如河水一般,从脸颊倾泻而下。Ben's temper was a volcano, ready to explode. 本脾气不好,随时都会发脾气。My big brother is a couch potato. 我大哥成天都坐着不动。He doesn't have an idea of his own. He just parrots what others say. 他没有自己的观点,只会鹦鹉学舌。The old man's face is a map of time. 这位老人的脸就是岁月的写照。 二、夸张表达强烈思想,增强感情色彩。My Dad's car was worn out, as if one million years old. 我爸爸的汽车十分破旧,简直老掉牙了。I have told you a thousand times that “Don't speak when your mouth is full”. 我已经告诉你上千遍了,“嘴里吃东西的时候不要说话”。A million thanks to you, Mr. Brown. 布朗先生,非常非常感谢你。It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。My headache is killing me. 我的头痛死了。After hearing the bad news, my blood froze. 听到这则坏消息,我的血液都凝固了。(形容消息对我的打击太大) 三、拟人赋予物以人的特质,增强渲染力和感染力。Last year saw a lot of changes. 去年,很多事情发生了变化。The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky. 星星在月光笼罩的天空中欢快地舞动着。She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door. 她没有意识到机会已经来临。He did not realize that his last chance was walking out the door. 他不知道他的最后一次机会已经逝去。Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home. 时间过得飞快,我们还没意识到,我就该回家了。